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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES -*** - NGUYỄN HOÀNG THU NGA AN APPLICATION OF THE LEXICAL APPROACH TO TEACHING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES: AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT AT FOOD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Áp dụng đường hướng từ vựng để dạy tiếng Anh phục vụ mục đích nghề nghiệp: Một nghiên cứu cải tiến dạy học Trường Cao đẳng Công nghiệp Thực phẩm M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 8140231.01 Hanoi, June 2018 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES -*** - NGUYỄN HOÀNG THU NGA AN APPLICATION OF THE LEXICAL APPROACH TO TEACHING ENGLISH FOR VOCATIONAL PURPOSES: AN ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT AT FOOD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Áp dụng đường hướng từ vựng để dạy tiếng Anh phục vụ mục đích nghề nghiệp: Một nghiên cứu cải tiến dạy học Trường Cao đẳng Công nghiệp Thực phẩm M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 8140231.01 Supervisor : Assoc Prof Lê Văn Canh Hanoi, June 2018 DECLARATION An application of the Lexical approach to teaching English for vocational purposes: An action research project at Food Industrial College -*** I certify that no part of the thesis has been copied or reproduced by me from any other person‟s work without acknowledgement and that the thesis is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor - Assoc Prof Le Van Canh for his help, willingness, patience and valuable advice through the whole work on my master thesis I would also like to thank all the students who were willing to patiently cooperate and participate in my research project Nguyen Hoang Thu Nga ii ABSTRACT This master thesis examines the application of the Lexical Approach and its implications in teaching English at Food Industrial College (FIC) The aim of the study is to explore the effect of the use of the Lexical Approach (as defined by M Lewis) on vocational students‟ English proficiency for their future use of English in the workplace The theoretical part mentioned above is expected to bring a general view for English learners to know more about the Lexical Approach in studying English The implications of the Lexical Approach in teaching English plays an important role in linguistic studies in general and in English teaching method in particular It enriches the knowledge of Vietnamese learners in language as well as the experiences for learning vocabulary Keywords: activities, Lexical Approach, vocabulary, vocational English iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS EFL English as a Foreign Language ESP English for specific purposes EVP English for vocational purposes FIC Food Industrial College L1 First Language L2 Second Language VE Vocational English VOLL Vocationally-oriented language learning iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v INTRODUCTION .1 1.1 Rationale .1 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Scope of the study .2 1.5 Structure of the thesis 2 THE THEORETICAL PART .3 2.1 English for Vocational Purposes 2.1.1 What is English for Vocational Purposes? 2.2 The Lexical Approach 2.2.1 What is the Lexical Approach? 2.2.2 Features of the Lexical Approach 2.2.3 Research on the benefits of lexical approach to students’ proficiency 2.2.4 Implications for Teaching 2.3 Implementing lexis in the class of FIC .10 2.4 Activities and Exercises 14 2.5 Materials 16 THE PRACTICAL PART 17 3.1 The learners 17 3.1.1 Characterization of the learners 17 3.1.2 The students as English language learners 18 3.2 Testing the progress 18 3.3 Teaching plan 19 3.4 Evaluation of the sources 33 v 3.4.1 Pedagogical journal 33 3.4.2 Output of the learners 35 3.4.3 Pre-test and post-test 36 CONCLUSION 41 REFERENCES 43 APPENDICES .45 vi INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Our society is changing day by day Exchange and learning each other languages are important needs of human beings In order to satisfy this demand we have to study foreign language There are thousands of different languages for us to choose, but the most popular language nowadays is English As it appears every corner all over the world from urban to rural; from power countries to poor countries… English helps to bring together people from many different cultures Being aware of the importance of English, Food Industrial College (FIC) focuses on teaching English for students However, many students find it very difficult to study and communicate in English due to insufficient vocabulary As we know, vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or express their own ideas In second language acquisition, over the past few years, the Lexical Approach has generated great interest as an alternative to traditional grammar-based teaching methods to teach vocabulary, but has never been used in the teaching of English for vocational purposes Since then, this study tries to explore how the Lexical Approach could be implemented in the English lessons The hypothesis is that students who are taught English applying the Lexical Approach are able to acquire lexical items more easily and remember them for a longer time Therefore, applying the Lexical Approach to teaching English, especially English for vocational purposes is a useful way to help students to enlarge vocabulary, improve their English proficiency for their future use of English at work 1.2 Aims of the study This study aims at exploring the effect of the use of the Lexical Approach on vocational students‟ English proficiency for their future use of English in the workplace Appendix Discuss the questions: a Can you name the different parts of plants used as vegetables? b Which country is the leading cultivator of vegetables? b How can we store the vegetables so that they can stay fresh and nutritious? Answer the questions below the reading a What is the purpose of preservation of vegetables at home and in industry? b Can you tell some methods for preservation of vegetables? c What is the action of solid salt? d When did people start to use solid salt? e What are the advantages of salted vegetable products? f What are the disadvantages of salted vegetable products? g Can you describe the method for preparation of vegetable pickles? h What must you before using salted vegetable? i What preservative is often used for preserving vegetable? j What is the difference between dry salting method and brining method? Appendix - Cool and refrigerate - Wait at least 48 hours before opening Appendix What is the purpose of preservation of vegetables at home and in industry? Can you tell some methods for preservation of vegetables? What are the advantages of salted vegetable products? What are the disadvantages of salted vegetable products? What will happen when lactic acid bacteria ferment the sugar in the vegetable? Give some examples of common fermented vegetable products? Can you describe the method for preparation of vegetable pickles? What kinds of microorganisms are used in the formation of fermented vegetable product? 48 What is indirect dry method? 10 Do we need to apply air-drying method? Appendix - Fermentation of vegetables will take place when lactic acid bacteria ferment the sugars present in the vegetables - Common fermented vegetables include German Sauerkraut or Korean Kim chi - Cucumbers, eggplants, beets, onions, and olives cannot be fermented in this way - Brining and lactic acid fermentation are useful methods of processing and preserving vegetables - Fermentation and brining are expensive methods for both processing and preparing foods - Acid fermentations modify the flavor of the original ingredients and often improve nutritive value Appendix Kimchi – Korea Miso – Japan/Kore a 49 Nem chua – Vietnam Sauerkraut – Germany Crème fraiche – France Appendix 10 FERMENTATION Any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish LACTIC ACID The distinctive taste of a food or drink PRESERVATION Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural NUTRIENT A colorless syrupy organic acid formed in sour milk, and produced in the muscle tissues during strenuous exercise PROCESS The action of preserving something 50 FLAVOR INGREDIENT BLANCHING Drain away from soil, ash, or similar material by the action of percolating liquid, especially rainwater A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth Perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, LEACHING yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat A must for almost all vegetables to be frozen It stops ARTIFICIAL enzyme actions which can cause loss of flavor, color and texture Appendix 11 51 Appendix 12 52 53 Appendix 13 Text A: Tea and coffee are ……… that are used popularly in the world These are …………… beverages in many countries People like ……… them in the ……………because they help us awake all day There are many ………… of tea and coffee and they are planted mainly in …………….areas, for example Africa, Americas In Vietnam, tea is ………….the most in northern mountainous midland and ………… tree is planted the most in the Central ……………… Vietnamese tea and coffee are …………… to many countries and they become ……… all over the world, for example Tan Cuong tea, Thai Nguyen tea, …… tea, Buon Me Thuat coffee, Trung Nguyen …………etc Text B: Tea and coffee are drinks that are ………… popularly in the ………… These are traditional …………… in many countries People ………… drinking them in the morning because they help us ………… all day There are many kinds of tea and ………… and they are planted …………… in tropical areas, for example Africa, Americas… In Vietnam, tea is planted the most in …………… mountainous midland and coffee tree is …………… the most in the Central Highlands Vietnamese tea and coffee are exported to many …………… and they become famous all over the world, for ………… Tan Cuong tea, Thai Nguyen tea, Lotus tea, Buon Me Thuat …………., Trung Nguyen coffee etc Appendix 14 For herb and black teas, In some cultures, If a man has no tea in him, Brew green or black tea to minutes heat the water just to the boiling point Brew herbal teas to make tea is an art form 54 to minutes For green teas, He is incapable of understanding truth and beauty boil the water Appendix 15 Appendix 16 Types of Tea White tea is planted in China; it is naturally sweet The black tea or red tea is also from China; it is strong, bold and can be bitter or sweet Green tea is the most popular tea; it has less caffeine than black tea Herbal tea doesn't come from tea leaves; it's made from dried herbs, fruits, and flowers… Matcha tea is made by grinding up green tea leaves into a powder; it's very popular in Japan Appendix 17 Liquid: brown, clear, bloody, dark Fish: small, sharp, whole, large Flavor: good, salty, tasty, sharp Jar: earthenware, glass, tin, porcelain Sauce: fish, tomato, chili, potato Product: new, end, intermediate, middle Mixtures: fermented, baked, roasted, brined 55 Appendix 18 What is fish sauce in Vietnam? What kinds of it are usually consumed in Vietnam? How long has the fermentation times of fish been used for production of fish sauce in Vietnam? What are the main constituents of fish sauce in Vietnam? What is the difference between the high – quality products and the lower ones? What does the fish sauce made of? How long is the period of fermentation for the small fish? How people catch the fish? How people knead the fish? 10 How people seal the jars after filling them? Appendix 19 ALTHOUGHFISHSAUCECANBEPREPAREDFROMSHRIMPITISGENERALL YMANUFACTUREDUSINGSPECIESOFSMALLFISHWHICHDONOTFINDSU CHAREADYMARKETASWHOLEFISHTHEFISHARECAUGHTBYSEINENET TINGTHEYAREKNEADEDANDPRESSEDBYHANDTHEYARETHENPLACE DINLAYERSWITHSALTINEARTHENWAREJARS Appendix 20 The sauce is a clear brown liquid with a The taste is predominantly … After filling, the jars are tightly sealed and … The period of fermentation can be about months for … After fermentation the pots are … The nitrogen content varied with the … Appendix 21 Pasteurization is a process of heating a food, usually liquid, to a specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately This process slows microbial growth in food The process of heating wine to preserve it 56 longer was known in China since AD.1117 but the modern version was created by the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, after whom it is named The first pasteurization test was completed by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard in April 1864 Products that are commonly pasteurized: - Canned food - Dairy Products - Fruit Juices - Low Alcoholic Beverages - Syrups - Vinegar - Water - Wines Appendix 22 Process – Food – Product – Liquid – Version Appendix 23 Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822 in America Louis Pasteur was interested in fishing and drawing during his elementary years He didn‟t complete his Doctorate of Science He also provided logical grounds for fermentation and brewing Louis Pasteur was also a biologist and microbiologist) The first pasteurization test was completed by Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard in August 1864 Pasteurization aims to reduce the number of viable pathogens so they are unlikely to cause disease 57 Dairy products can be superheated to ensure pathogenic microbes are eliminated Water and wine are commonly pasteurized 10 Pasteurized food can be preserved in normal storage condition Appendix 24 What is pasteurization? What is the difference between sterilization and pasteurization? What is the main purpose of pasteurization? Can pasteurized food be preserved in normal storage condition? Name some products that are commonly pasteurized? Appendix 25 58 59 Appendix 26 One day of Jenny I often get up at 5.30 o‟clock in the morning I love it because it is so early and because I have to go to school Afterwards, I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth, wash my face and then get dressed I try to have breakfast but I am sometimes short of time so I eat on the way to school After that I go to the bus station Fortunately, I‟m never late! At the bus station I meet my friend Sarah She lives in the same street Our school starts at o‟clock We have subjects like Mathematics, History, English, Geography, Physical education, etc My favorite subjects are English and Mathematics Sarah‟s favorite subject is English, too 1) Chunk the text above as you think it could be (e.g phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) Make vertical lines between the chunks 2) Finish the following sentences: a Sorry, but I cannot be there because… ……………………………………………………………………………………… b The movie was great but… …………………………………………………………………………………… 3) Complete this dialogue: Hi, Ann! -…………………………………….! …………………………………………………………………………………? - I‟m sorry, but I won‟t be at home tomorrow But what about Saturday? ………………………………………………………………… - OK, see you on Saturday! Bye! ………………………………………! 4) Match start with a suitable end of each sentence: a) In most soap operas there love with Stuart b) I don‟t want to catch a cold so is a love triangle 60 c) Kate is deeply in accepted among people d) This fact is widely I will rather get dressed Appendix 27 Task Pupil Pretest Potest Pretest Potest 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pretest Potest 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pre-test Suma Potest Suma Final results 3 5 4 5 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Pre/Post-test: = better result in comparison with the second result = worse result in comparison with the second result Pre/Post-test Suma: - The numbers in the first column demonstrate count of the Pre-test 61 - The numbers in the second column demonstrate count of the Post-test - The difference between the count of the Pre-test and Post-test demonstrates extent of the change Final results - The number in the last column demonstrates the change of the results from the Pre-test and Post-test = no change = improvement = deterioration 62 ... PROJECT AT FOOD INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Áp dụng đường hướng từ vựng để dạy tiếng Anh phục vụ mục đích nghề nghiệp: Một nghiên cứu cải tiến dạy học Trường Cao đẳng Công nghiệp Thực phẩm M.A MINOR PROGRAMME... PROGRAMME THESIS Field : English Teaching Methodology Code : 8140231.01 Supervisor : Assoc Prof Lê Văn Canh Hanoi, June 2018 DECLARATION An application of the Lexical approach to teaching English for... guidance of my supervisor i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor - Assoc Prof Le Van Canh for his help, willingness, patience and valuable advice through the whole work on my master

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:03

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