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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF LINGUISTICS & CULTURES OF ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES GRADUATION PAPER AWARENESS AND ENDORSEMENT OF VIETNAMESE CHARACTER STEREOTYPES AMONG FILIPINO AND JAPANESE STUDENTS Supervisor: Nguyễn Thùy Trang, MA Student: Châu Hồng Quang Course: QH2013 HÀ NỘI - 2017 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA NGƠN NGỮ VÀ VĂN HĨA CÁC NƯỚC NĨI TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP NHẬN THỨC VÀ QUAN ĐIỂM ĐỐI VỚI CÁC ĐỊNH KIẾN VỀ TÍNH CÁCH NGƯỜI VIỆT NAM CỦA SINH VIÊN PHI-LÍP-PIN VÀ NHẬT BẢN Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thùy Trang Sinh viên: Châu Hồng Quang Khóa: QH2013 HÀ NỘI - 2017 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I, Chau Hong Quang – class QH2013.E1, as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL), accept the requirements of the College related to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor Ms Nguyen Thuy Trang for her unwavering support throughout the whole procedure of this research I am grateful for her endless encouragement, great patience and generous sharing of knowledge and expertise even during this very important turning point of her life I would like to express the deepest gratitude that I may ever feel in my life to my parents who always play a part in my important decisions, and give me hope and motivation in life Without their support and sacrifice, all my achievements today would never be possible I am also indebted to my classmates in 13E1 at the University of Languages and International Studies, who have been utterly supportive and encouraging, and who have challenged me to better myself every day There I find true meaning of education, serious hard work and sincere friendship I would like to thank India and my Indian friends for transforming me and always keeping me going Indian wisdom has helped me find peace in life and sail through many difficulties when I was so racked with selfdoubt and hopelessness Such a wise culture has significantly motivated me, and at the same time, humbled me I am also much obliged to University of the Philippines, Diliman for pushing me to work harder in my academic endeavours and for all the limitless resources that I had access to, which proved instrumental in the completion of this dissertation I cherished all the sleepless nights in the Main Library and Acacia Dormitory Lobby burying myself in the innumerable intercultural communication studies readily accessible i Last but not least, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the participants of this research at University of the Philippines, Diliman I am deeply touched and motivated by all your overwhelming interest in my project and all your extraordinary patience to answer my many detailed and lengthy questions You are the ones who give true meaning to this research project I share this dissertation with you all Thank you ABSTRACT Very little research has examined stereotypes of Vietnamese people This study attempts to fill this gap by exploring the awareness, or the lack thereof, of Vietnamese stereotypes and the endorsement or rejection of such stereotypes by Filipino and Japanese students in University of the Philippines, Diliman Questionnaires and interviews were conducted among 15 Filipino and 15 Japanese students, and in the questionnaire, the checklist method in the classic study by Katz and Braly (1933) was employed Responses showed that the Vietnamese stereotypes known by the two groups were very similar, largely based on circulating Asian and Chinese stereotypes revealed by previous studies However, the participants claimed to possess very limited knowledge of Vietnamese character Stereotype transmission was considered to have been facilitated by education, history, media and hearsay, which triggered vastly different images of Vietnamese people On the other hand, their personal beliefs about the Vietnamese revealed some characteristics that deviates from common Asian stereotypes revealed by the literature Personal contact with Vietnamese people tended to confirm and create positive beliefs among the Japanese students, while the Filipino participants, who generally had very limited contact with the Vietnamese, were strongly influenced by the media Implications are also recommended for international communication between Vietnamese people and other groups TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study Aims of the study and research questions Background a Philippine Cultural Milieu b Japanese Cultural Milieu CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Stereotypes a Definition b Stereotyping for ‘cognitive convenience’ and value defence c Consequences of stereotypes d Awareness and endorsement of stereotypes e Transmission of stereotypes 10 f Endorsement of stereotypes and personal beliefs 10 Related research 11 a Main methodological trends in stereotype content research and major studies 11 i Checklist method 11 Devine & Elliot’s (1995) study 12 ii Open-response method 13 b National character research 14 c Asian character stereotype research 15 d Vietnamese character stereotype research 16 Significance of the study 17 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 20 Research setting 20 Participant selection 20 Data collection 21 iv Data analysis 23 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 24 Research question 1: What are the primary Vietnamese character stereotypes that Filipino and Japanese students in UP Diliman are aware of and how they differ? 24 a Vietnamese character stereotypes as were aware of by Filipino students 24 b Vietnamese character stereotypes as were aware of by Japanese students 26 c Similarities and differences in knowledge of Vietnamese stereotypes between Filipino and Japanese students 28 Research question 2: What are the primary Vietnamese character stereotypes endorsed by Filipino and Japanese students in UP Diliman and how they differ from each other and from the knowledge of stereotypes in their own group? 29 a Vietnamese character stereotypes endorsed by Filipino students in comparison to their stereotype awareness 29 b Vietnamese character stereotypes endorsed by Japanese students in comparison to their stereotype awareness 31 c Difference in the endorsement of Vietnamese stereotypes between Filipino and Japanese students 33 Research question 3: What are the factors influencing the transmission of Vietnamese character stereotypes and their endorsement of such stereotypes among Filipino and Japanese students? 33 a Factors influencing the transmission of Vietnamese character stereotypes: 33 i Among the Filipino students: 33 ii Among the Japanese students: 37 b Factors influencing the endorsement of Vietnamese character stereotypes: 40 i Among the Filipino students 40 ii Among the Japanese students 43 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 46 Summary of findings 46 Implications for international communication 47 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research 48 a Limitations of the study 48 b Suggestions for further research 49 REFERENCES 50 APPENDICES 54 APPENDIX A: CONSENT FORM 54 APPENDIX B: ADJECTIVE CHECKLIST 55 APPENDIX C: QUESTIONNAIRE 56 v APPENDIX D: QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS 65 APPENDIX E: QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS AND INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS OF PARTICIPANTS 71 vi LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Table Most frequently selected traits by Filipino 25 students for knowledge of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Most frequently selected traits by Japanese 28 students for knowledge of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Most frequently selected traits by Filipino 30 students for endorsement of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Most frequently selected traits by Japanese 32 students for endorsement of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Traits selected as one of the five most important 64 by Filipino students for knowledge of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Traits selected as one of the five most important 65 by Japanese students for knowledge of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Traits selected as one of the five most important 66 by Filipino students for endorsement of Vietnamese character stereotypes Table Traits selected as one of the five most important by Japanese students for endorsement of Vietnamese character stereotypes vii 68 Section 3: Stereotype Endorsement Assessment Interview Transcript: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Thank you so much for participating and thank you so much for completing the questionnaire Okay The follow-up interview is about the construction of stereotypes, so it will be about how you came to know and/or endorse in such stereotypes First, I want to ask you about stereotype awareness Okay People believe that Vietnamese people are honest I feel like unless you ask people about the Vietnamese in particular, they will assume that you are Asian, so you are Chinese or Japanese I know the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese because of their eyes But towards the Vietnamese, I feel like you guys look like the Chinese, so that was why I assumed that you are Chinese A lot of the things people think about the Vietnamese are just stereotypical of Asians You think that Chinese people are honest? Ah… No Some of my assumptions are from the Japanese, and I think they are honest people So, it’s more like Asian stereotypes Yeah And conservative? Is that also Asian? I don’t know because I think Asians are traditional and conservative I just assume that the Vietnamese are like that also 81 Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Okay Is that also related to meditative? I don’t know I just feel that when Asians have anger or something, they just meditate (Laugh) Is it OK if I base on Asian stereotypes? It’s OK I mean if people not know enough about Vietnamese people, they often infer… Yeah… from other stereotypes And good at dancing? On YouTube, about good dancing, I think of Nguyen Is that Vietnamese? Yes Vietnamese So, I think they are good at dancing Really? Yeah Humourless? I don’t know (laugh) because my humour is more like American; sometimes I am not really sure if Asians will get my jokes That’s just my assumption Okay Very religious Is it also Asian? Yes Ah And this is the food How you say it? Pho Pho I saw it from a TV show But you haven’t tried it? No You should try it (Laugh) Happy-go-lucky? I tend to think that Asians don’t get openly mad If they are mad, they still look like they’re not mad That’s just my assumptions? Okay Does that mean happy-go-lucky? (Read the definition) Oh No It should be calm So, in general, you think that Filipinos know much about Vietnamese people? No Even I myself not know much about Vietnamese people I just assumed that they are kind of like Chinese Okay So please move to stereotype endorsement Intelligent and brilliant In TV shows, it’s usually Asians who are the smart ones, and I’m pretty sure that the Vietnamese are part of those And I’ve been to America, and I think a lot of intelligent people there are Asians, and those include Vietnamese And honest? The same, right? I am not sure It’s kind of an Asian stereotype 82 Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Kim: Interviewer: Conservative Yeah, Asian stereotype Courteous? You guys are like Japanese Practical? I feel like Asians are practical That’s why they are so smart (Laugh) Are you guys heavy on traditions? To some extent But not that much Okay On stereotype awareness, you seem to know a lot I mean, you can associate them with other stereotypes But in opinions, … it’s fewer So, it seems that you know a lot, but you don’t seem to believe in such stereotypes Is it so? Yeah Because I don’t know much about Vietnamese, so most of these are from Asian stereotypes, so I just assumed, like you said, inferred And these, I saw on TV shows and my experience in the US So, you met Vietnamese people in the US? No My cousin said in her school, there are a lot of people who are, like, smart She goes to a predominantly Asian school that includes Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese Okay I think that should be enough for our interview Thank you so much! Okay No problem Have a good day! Participant 4: Yui Questionnaire Results: Section 2: Stereotype Awareness Assessment 83 Section 3: Stereotype Endorsement Assessment Interview Transcript: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Hi Yui Thank you so much for joining me and thanks so much for filling out the questionnaire So now I will have an interview with you based on your answers in this questionnaire It will mostly be about the construction of stereotypes I mean, how did you come to know such stereotypes and endorse them or otherwise Okay Okay So, I will look through your list of adjectives What you mean by gluttony? Ah This one means hungry, like eager to eat Ah… So, you think that in general, there is a stereotype that Vietnamese people are hungry? They really want to eat because tourists from Vietnam eat very much in Japan Really? Yeah! And Vietnamese people are proactive How you know such stereotype? I think Japanese people have the image of people working in companies or selling something So, they are out of their country to earn money or achieve something We think that Yeah… a lot of Vietnamese people go to Japan to work And in general, people think that Vietnamese people are industrious? Yes Because I think that Japanese employers prefer Vietnamese workers because they are industrious compared to others, I don’t know… from somewhere How you get that information? I watched it on TV, and I heard from people Somewhere in Tokyo, there is an employer and he said that Vietnamese workers are really industrious compared to people from other countries 84 Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: People think that the Vietnamese are traditional? How you know such stereotype? I think on TV programs We imagine about Vietnam’s tourism Suits, and hats… Ah… And Vietnamese people are loyal to family ties? I think this is not only about the Vietnamese But Japanese people tend to think that Southeast Asian people are very loyal to family ties? How you know such stereotype about Southeast Asian people? From others, or TV, or books Is it also from your education at school? No… So mostly from the media? Yes Media Okay I just want to summarize this part a little So, in just a few words, you know about these stereotypes from the media, and books and you heard it from other people too Right? Yes Thank you We now move to stereotype endorsement These are your personal beliefs, right? Yeah So, you believe Vietnamese people are devoted? Ah… It’s really specific, but it’s something that happened to people around that person They kind of sacrificed themselves for other people It’s just my personal experience So, it is because of your direct contact with the Vietnamese? Yeah Just based on my own experience And what about all the other adjectives? Are they also based on your personal experience? Hm… Yes Industrious Ah, so you think they are more industrious than Japanese people? Yeah I think so My Vietnamese friends in Japan are very industrious The Japanese are really lazy Really? We always have the image that the Japanese are very hardworking Ah… Then I think that we are forced to be hardworking, but Vietnamese people are willing to work hard And Vietnamese people are thoughtful This is similar to what you said about Vietnamese people being devoted, right? Yes, exactly And Vietnamese people are ambitious? I think so For example, compared to Japanese people, they have kind of something to achieve or want to something, but Japanese, we don’t know where we want to go I don’t know what we will 85 Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: So simply, you have to work, but you don’t have a sense of direction Does this belief come from your Vietnamese friends? Yes And Vietnamese people are brilliant? Really? Yeah But the Vietnamese I know are college students, and they are really from top university So, it may not be very typical If I go to Vietnam, it can be not Haha So, they only are typical good students in Vietnam Yes Typical good students! So now you still have such belief about Vietnamese students? And they are quite positive? Yes But I think compared to students in top universities in Japan, they are not that brilliant But compared to the average students, they are good, but to the top students, no? Yeah And rich Vietnamese people are rich? I found it very hard to write this idea into an adjective Generally, in Southeast Asian countries, there is a big gap between rich and poor Yeah So why you believe that Vietnamese people are rich? I mean rich in many ways For example? Does it mean having a lot of money and good living conditions? Not all people, but how can I say? Rich, not only financially, but also… hmm… human resource! Ah, human resource! Okay So, in general, you believe that Vietnamese people are rich? What I mean is that people in Japan tend to believe that Vietnamese people are still victims of Vietnam War, or something like many people are disabled…How can I say? There are many children without parents… Many people are interested in helping people in Vietnam That image is really strong in Japan But through the communication with Vietnamese, it is very progressive in that country Ah, progressive! Ah, so you mean progressive So, we will change it to progressive Yes Progressive Okay And why you think that Vietnamese people are stubborn? Yeah This one is really, how can I say? When I meet the Vietnamese in Japan and in the Philippines, and in this dormitory, the Vietnamese, compared to people from other countries, are a little bit stubborn Compared to others! They are stubborn in what sense? Does it mean that they are unwilling to change their idea? Yes… Yes… Yes… Sometimes I feel that they don’t want to change their opinion “Ah…okay…” things like that 86 Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: Interviewer: Yui: So, in summary, these beliefs come from your interaction with the Vietnamese in Japan and in the Philippines? Yes And you think that people in Japan know much about Vietnam? No Not really But also me And to speak honestly, people are not so interested in Vietnamese cultures and people Ah Okay That makes sense because Vietnam is a small country, right? Oh… Not so Because there is no strong relationship between Vietnam and Japan, like other Asian countries, like the Philippines Ah So, you mean the relationship is not strong But I think these days, the relationship is becoming stronger because many Vietnamese are working in Japan But you think that we still don’t know each other enough Yeah And you say that you yourself don’t know much about Vietnamese people Are they more interested in other countries? Yeah People in Japan are more interested in Europe, America Vietnam is becoming more popular these days, but Thailand is more popular Also, Malaysia and Singapore You mentioned Vietnam War Do you think people know much about the Vietnam War? I think yes For example, college student generation Their parents are in their forties, fifties They are really generations of the Vietnam War, or World War Two They think that if somebody goes to Vietnam War, it is very dangerous Do people in Japan think that in Vietnam, there is still a war? No… No… But there are some people who are afraid of security in Vietnam I think Japanese people don’t know much about Socialist countries Ah… socialist countries So, we don’t know what Vietnam really is I think in Japan, only Vietnamese foods and tourist sites like Hoi An, or attractions, are popular That’s it… Maybe that’s it Thank you so much for joining me and thank you so much for the interview It has been very interesting Have a good day! Thank you Have a good day, too! Participant 5: Yuka Questionnaire Results: Section 2: Stereotype Awareness Assessment 87 Section 3: Stereotype Endorsement Assessment 88 Interview Transcript: Interviewer: Yuka: Hello, Yuka! Thank you so much for participating in this research project, and thank you so much for completing the questionnaire Okay 89 Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Now, I will have a follow-up interview with you about the construction of stereotypes I will refer first to your section on stereotype awareness You chose alert Why? I think it’s because of historical events The Vietnam War Still, for the Japanese, including me, the Vietnam image is Vietnam War How did you know about the Vietnam War? In my history class Did your teacher say that Vietnamese people are very alert? Not really But after taking the class, I think most students felt that Vietnamese people are alert The teacher didn’t mention directly that Vietnamese people are alert but we can feel that And loyal to family ties? Who said that? Ah no… no… it’s the image of Southeast Asian people Many Japanese people have that image So specifically, from what source? It’s also an image from the Vietnam War Very few resources, very few foods, and everything because of the war And they had to share everything So, you kind of inferred it from the image of the war? Yes And conservative? Yes But just what I guess I only have the image of the Vietnam War Why shy? They are both conservative and shy? Not only Vietnam But Asia in general Ah I see But Chinese people are not shy, and many people think so They are very aggressive So why are Chinese and Vietnamese people different? Yeah… All Asia But for the Japanese, China and Korea are neighbouring countries, so we know more about China than about Vietnam And we think the Vietnamese are quite shy? How did you get that impression? Mass media TV shows Which show? It is a documentary about Vietnamese life, and the Vietnam War I think the image of the Vietnamese on the media is not very positive because everything is related to the Vietnam War, and the war is not positive And sensitive? It’s also related to royal to family, but not only family, but every human relationship Thank you That’s the first part about your awareness of Vietnamese stereotypes, but we now move to your personal belief about Vietnamese character 90 Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Interviewer: Yuka: Yes Why you think that the Vietnamese are intelligent? It’s based on my experience here in UP Diliman I have two Vietnamese friends (Laugh) And both of them are intelligent So, it’s about your personal contact Yes It’s about my experience From now on, you think that Vietnamese people are intelligent, or it depends? Of course, it depends, but at least, at the moment, I have that image Generous? Yes! Can you give me one example? It’s just general conversation But it’s about history we have Each country has a political issue or something, and they want to argue as citizens But in that case, Vietnamese, my friends, argue for their own opinions, but still try to understand and not fight And they are talkative? They are very talkative They want to communicate, and add many opinions, and also talk very fast Does that mean that they are noisy or aggressive? No, not noisy or aggressive They just want to talk It’s positive, I mean You can say it’s negative if it is No no no Honestly Still very comfortable And these personal beliefs are quite different from the stereotypes in the first part Yes Actually, this is the first time I’ve met Vietnamese people, so… completely changed my image in reality Are you aware that there are other Vietnamese people here, not only the two of us? Yes, I know How are they? Did you talk to them? I talked only with one guy who always calls me Sakura What you think about him? Actually, he is a little different from Anh and Quang He likes to argue more He just wants to say his opinions, doesn’t want to listen But why don’t you include that in the questionnaire? Because that’s only one person So, you think he is just a minority? Yes Yes So that should be enough for the interview Thank you so much for participating Arigato Thank you so much 91 Participant 6: Hiro Questionnaire Results: Section 2: Stereotype Awareness Assessment Section 3: Stereotype Endorsement Assessment Interview Transcript: Interviewer: In the first part of the questionnaire, why did you not choose any word? Is it that you have no idea about cultural stereotypes of Vietnamese people? Hm, basically, I haven’t ever talked with my friends and my Hiro: parents about Vietnam, so I could not come up with any basic or general ideas from the Japanese perspective Interviewer: Have you ever heard about Vietnamese people from other sources? From your teachers, for example? Yeah, surprisingly, when I was in high school or elementary school Hiro: or junior high school, I learned a very small part about Vietnam War It was a part of World War II World War II, right? Interviewer: Yeah, it happened during World War II But I am afraid we didn’t really know about it Hiro: Interviewer: What about newspaper and TV? I haven’t watched TV for such a long time, and also the newspaper Hiro: But that’s my personal problem But I can say that Japanese people don’t have any negative impressions of Vietnamese people 92 Interviewer: How you know? Because I haven’t seen anyone talking anything negative about Hiro: Vietnamese people Interviewer: Also not about positive aspects? Not really Hiro: Interviewer: So, people know very little about Vietnamese people in Vietnam? It’s true somehow But people, especially the adults, the workers Hiro: in Japan definitely think about Vietnam when it comes to the trading because your country, Vietnam, is a very important partner Interviewer: But they talk about Vietnamese characteristics from that? Not really Hiro: Interviewer: Okay So, in section 3, stereotype endorsement assessment, why you think Vietnamese people are generous? Actually, these stars that I selected are based on my experience Hiro: in Vietnam, backpack travel Interviewer: Can you tell me when you visited Vietnam and how long? Almost a year ago September last year I was in Vietnam for one Hiro: and a half week One week in a Japanese travel company in an internship program in Hochiminh City And before the internship program, I travelled backpack Interviewer: How long? days in Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi 3-4 days after going back Hiro: from Laos Interviewer: So, you said that these ideas come from that time? Uh… Yes… Yes… Hiro: Interviewer: When you interacted with them, you talked with them, right? Yes When I talked with them, and asked them questions Hiro: Interviewer: Why you think Vietnamese people are generous? For example, when I was in my internship program in the travel Hiro: company, we Japanese didn’t ask for wearing the traditional clothes that you have You have a variety of colours for that I forgot the name of the clothes Anyway Interviewer: Ao dai… Ah, yes Ao dai Yes We didn’t ask for their support to wear the Hiro: ao dai And one of the employees asked us to wear the ao dai, from their hospitality We feel like… Oh, the Vietnamese people are so welcoming, so open-minded to visitors They welcomed us Interviewer: And traditional? I think the people in Vietnam still respect the history that they have Hiro: experienced For example, the war I went to the tunnel, and just 93 Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: like in Hiroshima, people are trying to preserve the history and try to tell the stories that happened at that time to visitors I feel like it’s like us, Hiroshima people They’re trying to explain what has happened to foreigners So, it’s about your experience in Vietnam You felt it and you saw it Yeah Do you think that Vietnamese people are traditional in any other ways? You said that they respect the past, right? And any other? Traditional way of thinking and living, for example? I didn’t stay at a Vietnamese house, so I don’t know if they have a traditional way of living I didn’t stay long enough Artistic and Imaginative? Why? Ah… at the entrance of the tunnel, because the Vietnamese are generally small, smaller than American That’s how the Vietnamese escaped from the American Army That’s why I say they are imaginative And Vietnamese people are kind? Yeah… They are kind They are actually kind For example, when I lost the way, I was asking for the direction, it was very interesting because the Vietnamese tried to explain how I could get there If the person I asked for the direction didn’t know the way to go, they asked other people for their help I was totally surprised by that Yeah Very interesting So, just to summarize, your impressions, your personal beliefs are positive, negative or neutral? Totally positive There may be some negative points? I can’t actually find any negative aspect right now Okay I like that (Laugh) I can say that the Vietnamese have strong English accent Really? Because you know, my girlfriend, a Filipina, an English instructor in a language centre, has many international students including Vietnamese students And the students from Vietnam have very strong accents Is this because the tongue is made differently from other nationalities? I think it’s because of the influence of the Vietnamese language Ah That’s why! Our tongues are similar (Laugh) (Laugh) Vividly So, quite positive in general? 94 Hiro: Interviewer: Hiro: Interviewer: Yeah totally positive I want to visit again Oh, you want to visit again! Thank you so much for joining me Yeah Thank you so much Maraming salamat po Maraming salamat din and have a good day! 95 ... KHOA NGƠN NGỮ VÀ VĂN HĨA CÁC NƯỚC NĨI TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP NHẬN THỨC VÀ QUAN ĐIỂM ĐỐI VỚI CÁC ĐỊNH KIẾN VỀ TÍNH CÁCH NGƯỜI VIỆT NAM CỦA SINH VIÊN PHI- LÍP -PIN VÀ NHẬT BẢN Giáo viên hướng... study a Philippine Cultural Milieu The Philippines has been well-known for its cultural mix of both Eastern and Western cultural heritage The Westernization experienced by the Philippines is... about Vietnam Vietnam War The image of Vietnam War appeared quite often as a major source of Vietnamese stereotypes The interviews revealed that Vietnam War triggered the image of the Vietnamese

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 07:36


