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Unit 6. The environment

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Nội dung

A. Titanic is really wonderful. Take your time.. You_____ pass the driving test if you follow the instructor’s advice. where is New York B. where was New York C. where New York was [r]



Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb). Tom is (slow) He works

2 Sue is a (careful) girl She climbed up the ladder The dog is (angry) It barks

4 He acted (excellent) He's an actor They learn English (easy) They think English is an language

6 Max is a (good) singer He sings

7 It's (awful) cold today The cold wind is

8 Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme / good) If that is true, why does dog food smell so (terrible) ?

9 The little boy looked (sad) I went over to comfort him and he looked at me

10 I tasted the soup (careful) but it tasted (wonderful) 11 Niagara Falls form a border between the United States and Canada (natural/naturally)

12 Tourists visit this place (frequently/ frequent) 13 The Falls are very (noisy/ noisily)

14 So you must speak or nobody can understand you (loudly/loud) 15 Many years ago, the Iroquois tribe lived here (peacefully/ peaceful) 16 He is a boy (clever)

17 He is tired because he has worked (hard) 18 He isn’t tired because he has worked (hard) 19 She is a girl (quiet)

20 She went to bed (quiet)

21 He is not a good student but he writes (good) 22 You should speak more (soft)

23 The children behaved (bad) 24 The brave men fought (brave) 25 They lived together (happy) 26 She looks (pretty)

27 That milk tastes (sour)

28 I don’t know where they live (exact) 29 She turned (pale)

30 This brown fur feels (soft)

31 These children are at English (good) 32 Your brother works at all (hard)

33 Ann had an accident last Sunday (near) 34 Have you been to the cinema (late) 35 Mary always dresses (beautiful)

36 Yes, it was raining for two hours (heavy) 37 He has painted it (nice)

38 What a vworker he is! (quick)


40 He is often (nervous)

41 Arthur rode back to the inn (quick) 42 They saw a butterfly on a rose (beautiful)

43 When the teacher heard about the missing book he said :"You should be more careful." (angry)

44 When he told him the truth, he was (quiet) 45 "This wound looks ", the doctor said (bad)

46 The boys played so that they won the tournament (good)

47 He was so busy with his new computer that he had time to help his mother (hard)

48 "Go and have a rest You shouldn’t work so ." (hard)

49 From the top of the mountain he could see across the countryside (far) 50 What a picture! (beautiful)

51 Arthur fought and they won the battle (good) 52 "I love you", Camilla said in a voice (soft) 53 The maid shut the door (quiet)

54 They could hear a cry (terrible)

55 Suddenly he woke up because the phone rang (loud) 56 Jane opened the door (careful)

57 I like driving (fast)

58 She spoke to me very (soft) 59 Paul lay in bed (quiet)

60 He tasted the various kinds of tea (careful) 61 Jane opened the box (careful)

62 Jim turned the book upside down (quick) 63 It is raining (heavy)

64 She dresses (beautiful)

65 Tom looked at my lunch (hungry) 66 Please, drive (careful)

67 He didn’t sleep (good)

68 We didn't hurry So we walked (slow) 69 New York is a city (big)

70 He won the race because he drove (good) 71 It was for me to come (impossible)

72 Mary jumped up (happy)

73 She worked all the day She feels (tired) 74 She dresses (pretty)

75 She came home (late)

76 He didn't have an accident because he's an driver (excellent) 77 Sam is good at sports He always runs (fast)

78 His father is a manager He works very (hard) 79 He won a prize He is very (happy)

80 She felt So she stayed at home (ill)


84 He always greets (friendly) 85 Today she skates (good) 86 The party was (wonderful)

87 The house seems to be so without you (empty) 88 Fish and chips taste (fantastic)

89 She drives (careful)

90 She is a nice girl She always answers (polite) 91 I am tired (terrible)

92 The man drove too (fast) 93 She sings (good)

94 Mr Jones wrote the letter (quick) 95 The film was over at o'clock (boring) 96 We ran to school yesterday (quick)

97 I have learned very to pass the exam (hard) 98 Five cars were damaged (heavy)

99 Please read the instructions (careful) 100 The bus driver was (angry)

101 His answer came (surprising) 102 Tom looked at my dinner (hungry) 103 Nobody is (perfect)

104 We played some games (exciting) 105 They talked to him (friendly) 106 She always works (careful) 107 Ann often behaves in school (bad) 108 He is often very (nervous)

109 He works very (good) 110 This steak tastes (great) 111 She looked at me (angry) 112 She looks (pretty)

113 They skate (good)

114 He was very that he won the race (happy) 115 That sounds (great)

116 The doctor felt his leg (gentle)

117 There was a storm yesterday night (heavy) 118 I like roses They smell (good)

119 Their son is (silly)

120 The cat's fur felt and (soft / warm) 121 This lady has a voice (loud)

122 Jack always speaks (loud)

123 Mary waits in the doctor's waiting room (patient) 124 Dad was quite yesterday (sleepy)

125 Jim picked up the phone and spoke (quiet) 126 Mary works (careful)

127 Jack is often (happy)


130 Susan and George work (slow) 131 Jill runs to school (fast)

132 Tom runs home (quick) 133 His story sounds (strange)

134 Paul is a policeman He has a job (dangerous) 135 The dog is always (hungry)

136 The boys play tennis (good) 137 They are tennis players (good) 138 Frank sings (good)

139 Sandra speaks French (perfect) 140 This pullover was (expensive) 141 She looked for the purse (careful) 142 Paul walked home (sad)

143 Father spoke (angry)

144 She doesn't like sports So she does any sports (hard) 145 He is never (late)

146 She phoned me once a week But she didn't (late) 147 They did their homework (bad)

148 I must work (hard)

149 I don't like her pictures She paints (terrible) 150 She likes the dress It looks (modern)

151 Lucy is shy, so she cannot make friends (easy)

152 The dog looked , so we gave him some food (hungry) 153 There was long applause because she sang (beautiful) 154 I asked her why she was but she didn’t tell me (sad) 155 They spoke because the baby was asleep (quiet) 156 My aunt is a driver (slow)

157 Was the exercise ? (easy)

158 He could swim across the river (easy) 159 You don’t look very Are you ill? (good) 160 He drives too (dangerous)

161 This is my car (new)

162 The soup tastes really (good)

163 Take an umbrella It’s raining (heavy) 164 What a day! (beautiful)

165 She is a tennis player but her brother plays (bad / good)

Fill in the gap with a suitable word:

arrogant badly beautiful beautifully boring clever


We have got a lot of pupils in our class Here are some of them: Sally is a girl because she always gets good marks and she also plays the guitar very The boys think Sandra is even and she is the most girl, too But the girls don’t like her because they think she is

and plays volleyball Everybody likes Pat because he is and at playing football And he also plays the saxophone very The most pupil is Cindy She is tall, good looking and all the boys fall in love with her She is very clever and she doesn't talk as as a lot of our other girl

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the words in parentheses This apple tastes (sour/sourly)

2 He talked to her (rude/rudely)

3 The man seems very (polite/politely) The hare ran very (fast/fastly)

5 The bank is (close/closely) to the post office Children cannot keep ( quite/quietly) all the time The weather gets (cold/coldly) in the winter

8 Mary remains (single/singly) after her first love ended A snake crawled (quite/quietly) towards the meadow 10 The ducks sounded (noisy/noisily) in the pond 11 The car screeched (terrible/terribly) in the street 12 A gecko goes (colorful/colorfully) when it is in danger

13 The guest stayed (awake/awakely) overnight because of the noise 14 He went home because the money ran (short/shortly)

15 The sea became (rough/roughly) during the storm 16 Water stays (transparent/transparently) in the autumn

17 That teacher looks (absentminded/absentmindedly) when he stays alone 18 The furniture touched (dusty/dustily) in the desert house

19 It feels (hot/hotly) in here

20 The mother ape fought (brave/bravely) to protect its child when a leopard tried to catch it Exercise 2: Choose the correct answers in brackets.

1 We were all (horrifying/horrified) when we heard about the disaster

2 It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money Are you (interesting/interested) in football?

4 I enjoyed the football match It was quite (exciting/excited)

5 It was a really (terrifying/terrified) experience Afterwards everybody was very (shocking/shocked)

6 I had never expected to be offered the job I was really (amazing/amazed) when I was offered it

7 The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages It was really (disgusting/ disgusted) Do you easily get (embarrassing/embarrassed)?


10 Playing too much computer games makes kids exhausted/ exhausting) II ADVERB CLAUSES OF REASON: BECAUSE, SINCE, AS:

1 Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE: 1 Jane was worried She stayed at home alone.


2 Tom couldn’t get the job He was not confident during the interview. ………

3 I have to work extra hours I want to help support my family. ……… 4 We adorehim He is very talented.

……… 5 She has to depend on us She is an orphan.


6 I enjoy reading books They help broaden my knowldege of the world. ………

7 Don’t believe him He is always being a liar.


8 I haven’t finished my assighnment yet I don’t have enough materials. ………

9 You must it right now It’s very urgent.

……… 10 I feel atracted to her Her voice is very sweet

……… 2 Supply either BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF :

1 It was difficult to deliver the letter ……… the wrong address. 2 We have to cut down on our driving ……….there is an oil shortage. 3 Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped ……… the bad weather. 4 They visited their friends often ……….they enjoyed their company. 5 Paul could not go to the football game ………his illness.

6 Marcella was awarded a scholarship ………her superior ability. 7 Nobody ventured outdoors ………the hurricane warnings.

8 We plan to spen our vacation in the mountains……….the air is purer there.

9 We have to drive around the bay ………the bridge was destroyed in the storm. 10 The chickens have died ……… the intense heat.

3.Join the following pairs of sentences using because and because of: 1 The student arrived late There was a traffic jam.

……… 2 We decided to leave early The party was boring.

……… 3 It was a public holiday All the shops were shut.

……… 4 I lost my job I was ill.


Exercise 1: Supply either “BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF” as appropriate.

1 It was difficult to deliver the letter ……….…the sender had written the wrong address on the envelope

2 We decided to leave early ………… ……….the party was boring Rescue attempts were temporarily……… …the bad weather

4 They visited their friends often ………they enjoyed their company Paul can’t go to the football game ………his grades

6 Marcella was awarded a scholarship……….her superiors scholastic ability Nobody ventured outdoor ……… the hurricane warning

8 We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains ………… the air is purer there

9 We have to drive around the bay ……… the bridge was destroyed in the storm 10 The chickens have died ……….the intense heat

ADVERB CLAUSE OF REASON , RESULT AND CONCESSION I/ Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentence

1 Mai worked hard , she passed her exam a so b although c because d though

2 _ she was very tired , she helped her brother with his homework a Because b whether c Although c so

3 It’s raining hard , _ we can’t go to the beach a or b but c so d though Nam was absent from class yesterday he felt sick a so b because c although d but

5 Tom has a computer , _ he doesn’t use it a or b as because d but

6 The boy can’t reach the shelf he’s not tall enough a because b although c even though d and The film was boring we went home

a so b when c but c if

8 The girl bought the shoes _ they are very expensive a but b if c so d although

9 He used to smoke a lot now he doesn’t smoke any more a still b therefore c but d as

10 She couldn’t unlock it she had the wrong key a while b but c though d because 11 it rained , the boys played football

a Even b Even though c However d In spite of 12 It was still painful , I went to see a doctor


a and b or c if d since 16 Jim can speak English _ French fluently a also b but also c and d so 17 _ the traffic , I arrived on time

a Though b Although b Even though d In spite of 18 they live near us , we can see them very often a So b As c Though d Even

19 I was really tired , I couldn’t sleep

a If b Although c While D However

20 We watched TV the whole evening we had nothing better to a because b though c so d but

21 It’s cheap _ I don’t like it

a and b because c so d however 22 it was late , I decided to phone Brian a Despite b However c In spite of d Though 23 The little boy was hungry he ate nothing a although b so c but d and 24 the car was cheap , it was in good condition a Although b Because c As d If

25 tomorow is a public holiday , all the shops will be shut a As b Just as c Although d When

26 She came in _ turned on the radio

a so b and c or d but 27 We didn’t go for a walk _ it was very cold a though b because c but d so 28 I tried to persuade her , I didn’t succeed a Because b So c Although d However 29 Lan woke up late _ she didn’t have time for breakfast a so b since c as d though

30 I like fish I don’t like catching them myself a or b but c so d and 31 He had an accident he was careful

a even though b because c so d since 32 _ it was raining , I went swimming

a So b Because c However d Although 33 Ann felt ill , she insisted on going to work a though b so c and d but 34 _ I felt tired , I went to bed early

a Although b So c As d However 35 _ he’s got an English name , he is German a Although b However c Because d Since


37 We were the better team we lost the match a so b and c but d because

38 Keith decided to give up his job I advised him not to a because b however c although d since

39 we were in town , we often met him a For b Although C So d When

40 She didn’t get the job she had all the necessary qualifications a because b although c so d but

41 I could not eat I was very hungry a even though b in spite

c despite d in spite the fact that 42 In pite _ , the baseball game was not cancelled a the rain b of the rain

c it was raining d there was a rain

43 he had enough money , he refused to buy a new car a In spite b In spite of c Despite d Although

44 , he walked to the station

a Despite being tired b Although to be tired c In spite being tired d Despite tired

45 The children slept well , despite _

a it was noise b the noise c of the noise d noisy 46 She left him she still loved him

a even if b even though c in spite of d despite 47 _ her lack of hard work , she was promoted a In spite b Even though c in spite of d despite of 48 _ they are brothers, they not look like a Although b Even c Despite d In spite of

49 We are concerned with the problem of energy resouces we must also think of our environment

a despite b though c as though d but

50 some Japanese women are successful in business , the majority of Japanese companies are run by men

a But Even if c If d As though 51 The team played on in spite of the rain

a even if b if c in case d despite

52 ………… the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time A In case of B In spite of

C Because of D But for

52 He was offered the job ……… he had no experience

A even though B despite C while D



A because it is raining heavily B because of the raining heavily

C because the heavily rain it was D because it was raining heavily 54 ……… her severe pain, she tried to walk to the auditorium to attend the lecture

A Although B Despite C though D In spite 55 She went to bed early ……… she felt tired

A although B despite C because D because of 56 I couldn’t read the letter ……… the darkness A despite B in spite of C because of D because

57 The boys were punished - he made many mistakes A in spite of B because

C even though D as if

58 - the liberation of women, women can take part in social activities A Because B Thanks to C While D As

59 Despite feeling cold, we kept walking

A Although we felt cold, but we kept walking B Although we felt cold, we kept walking C However cold we felt, but we kept walking D However we felt cold, we kept walking

60 She decided to leave her job in the company - she could earn a lot of money there A because B although

C despite D since

61 The children laughed a lot because of the funny story A The children laughed because the story is funny B The children laughed because of the story funny C The children laughed because it was funny D The children laughed because the story was funny 62 Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert A Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi B Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi C In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert

D Although Bill took a taxi he can’t come to the concert on time 63 The flight was delayed - the fog

A in spite of B because of C though D since

64 Hong didn’t participate in the contest - her lack of confidence A because B because of C since D despite

65 He hid that letter in a draw - no one could read it A so that B because C although D in spite of

66 - Tom was unable to see anything, he knew some one was in his room A Because B In case C If D Even though


68 The mother got angry because -

A her son behaved badly B her son's bad behavior C her son will behave badly D her son bad behaving 69 He lost his job - his laziness

A due to B in spite of C despite D because

70 She is looking for a new job - she is tired of doing a routine job day after day A since B as C because D all are correct

A Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it:

1 Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick Because of

……… Mary went to bed early because she felt tired

à Because of

……… She didn’t go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold

à Because of

……… …

4 John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard Because of

……… She stayed at home because her mother was sick

à Because of

……… I like him because his father is kind to me

à Because of

……… I couldn’t the test because it was difficult

à Because of


1 We arrived late because of the bad traffic

à ………

2 She didn’t buy the house because the price was very high

à ………

3 She only accepted the job because of the high salary

à ………

4 We couldn’t sleep because the weather was hot

à ………

5 Because of the World War II, women took over business for their absent husbands

à ………

6 We didn’t go fishing because the water was rough


7 She was very angry because he behaved very badly

à ………

8 He couldn’t sleep because of his worries

à ………

9 Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident

à ………

10 I lost my way because the fog was thick

à ………

11 He is tired because of staying up late last night

à ………

12 We couldn’t read the sign on the building because the distance was so great

à ………

13 She’ll never get success because she is impatient

à ………

14 He’ll be sacked because he is often late for work

à ………

15 Governments advise giving up smoking because of its harm for health

à ………

16 They haven’t bought the house because its rooms are small

à ………

17 He got bad marks because his answers were incomplete

à ………

18 Maria couldn’t return home because of losing all her money

à ………

19 Because of my friend’s absence, I have to copy the lesson for him

à ………

20 A lot of people learn English because it is very important

à ………

21 Tom is often punished because he is very lazy

à ………

22 I was late because it rained heavily

à ………

23 They turned the heating on because the weather was very cold

à ………

24 She has to stay at home because of her sick mother

à ………


1 When studying abroad, Mary was very happy to get a phone call _ her parents A to B for C of D from

2 Why don’t we stay home _ a change? A from/ as B at / withC at / for D at/ on

3 A horse is always mounted the left side A on B to C from D at

4 What would you like to have _ lunch/ A at B in C for D of


A for B as C of D with The Medical Center is close the school

A to B at C next D from

7 Once scientists fully understand the cause a disease, it becomes easier for them to find a cure _ it

A of / of B of / from C from / in D of / for There is a shop _ front _ my house

A at / in B out / next C in / of D of / in He stamped until the stinging return to his feet

A on and off B out and in C down and up D up and down 10 The only way cross the river is swim

A to / to B of / by C on / to D in / by

11 The summer is over Pupils and students have to go to school on Monday A back B on C through D into

12 He threw stones _ his attackers, trying to drive them _ A to / out B for / up C at / away D at / up

13 The medical center is closed campus A to B up C for D with 14 I haven’t gone there _ ages

A with B in C for D of

15 Most college football games are played Saturdays A at B in C with D on

16 Leaves turn color _ the autumn A for B on C at D in 17 _ the whole, I enjoy the movie

A On B In C At D Up 18 She’ll come home April

A on B in C at D for

19 The art museum is located next _ the museum of natural history on State Street A to B for C on D with

20 Minh was born _ Ho Chi Minh city A on B.at C.in D up

21 Mai graduated _ the University of Education A from B at C in D for

22 English is spoken in many countries all _ the world A in B over C at D from

23 _ many areas of the world, wars have made lives more miserable A on B from C in D at

24 When we arrived _ the station, the last train had just gone A in B at C for D from

25 Approaching the village, we saw the village common in the distance A at B in C to D x

26 Fortunately, the company offered _ me the job I had applied A to B for C with D x


A of B from C to D on

28 She was very surprise _ the grade she received A on B of C at D about

29 I was disappointed the grade I received on my last essay A for B about C to D A and B

30 Blue grass music is somewhat different other types of country music A.to B from C with D upon

31 I’m not familiar _that song

A to B with C of D on

32 We are here to provide you _ the best service possible A of B with C to D for

33 Lan doesn’t spend much money clothes A over B at C on D with

34 His computer is not capable _ running this software A to B.on C of D about

35 The property was divided equally _ his son and daughter A from B between C in D over

36 They are talking one another their last trip A with/ about B with/ onC to/ about D A and B 37 Peter, together _ his wife, paid us a visit last week

A of B with C along D in

38 Nowadays, most of young people are involved learnirng English A of B with C along D in

39 Are you interested _ learning English? A of B with C along D in

40 I’m so happy to hear from Mary because I haven’t seen her last year A for B on C since D A and B

41 He is very sucesssful _ his job A for B with C in D of

42 You are old enough to live _ yourself, you should not depend _ parents so much A in/ in B on / on C by / with D of/ to

43 When mr Pike was young, he was keen playing football A of B on C at D in

44 Mary is the most beautiful girl _ the three sisters A in B of C with D on

45 I have no interest playing chess A at B from C of D in

46 When he was young, he was very keen _ playing sport to keep himself fit A at B on C in D of

47 If you earn a good salary, you can be independent _ your parents A of B for C from D away

48 We are sure that they are all in favour the plan A to B for C of D at


A with B for C from D on 50 You cannot well two jobs _ same time

A in B at C on D for

51 Before you decide to choose a job, you ought to take all the factor A into B at C of D among

52 I have ever dreamt of becoming a teacher The thought was first put my head when I started school at the age six

A in / at B into/ of C on/ at D on / of 53 Those students major _ English

A at B in C up D for

54 If you don’t want to get trouble again, please get _ early and go to work _ time

A into/ up/ in B in/ up / on C on/ away/ by D on/ up/ with 55 The assignment must be submitted the end the week

A from / of B at/ of C from/ toD in/ of 56 The city authority bans cars to wipe _ smoke

A in B out C with D at

57 Don’t concern yourself other people’s affairs A at B on C about D within

58 Many people believe that natural resources will never be used A out B up C of D away

59 Pupils and students enrich the mind knowledge they get from class A without B for C with D from

60 Farmers get rid weeds by spraying A off B of C out D away

61 The government invested a great deal of money in irrigation to protect fields drought A out B about C from D off

62 Drivers should slow _ on this road because it is slippery after rains A on B down C up D to

63 pollution has bad effect our life A of B to C with D on

64 Before you light a cigarette, remember to ask for permission A up B down C on D off

65 It’s very kind you to offer us a lovely dinner A of B from C for D to

66 The woman was pale and weak because the lack fresh air A for / on B on / for C of / of D of / for

67 I’m not good _ English I think I should spend more time _ it A in / at B at / on C at / in D on / at

68 How is thing getting ?

A up B on C in D over

69 An umbrella I what I need now, it’s raining I’ll give it _ tomorrow A up B away C back D over


A on B off C through D of 71 I couldn’t find any place to go holiday

A at B for C up D on 72 I’m fed doing the same work everyday

A out of B forward to C on to D up with 73 Have you ever thought giving up smoking?

A over B of C on D at

74 If you don’t know the meaning of the word, you should look it in the dictionary A out B in C up D on

75 She has tried several shoes but she can’t find suitable ones A at B in C out D on

76 Most countries have brought malaria _ control with the help of the World Health Organization

A under B out of C below D in

77 The party begin at o’clock and I’ll pick you _ at 6: 30 A on B up C away D of

78 I come _ an ancient city, sometimes referred as the Athens of the North A on / as B up / to C over / to D from / to

79 The house is fire Please call for help! A at / to B for / at C on / for D up / for

80 An apple stand _ the New York State A for B on C up D at

81 She keeps complaining the weather A in / of B on / about C out / about D on / in

82 Some pessimistic persons think that the world’s resources will run in some day A off B of C out D on

83 Let’s get acquainted _ the newcomer A to B of C with D about 84 We don’t have time to think it

A on B up C out D over

85 I object being kept waiting Why can’t you be _ time? A at / in B for / in C to / on D at / on

86 You aren’t aware _ the time, are you ? You are always late work A of / for B for / of C on / at D on / for

87 We were confused the cross word puzzles A on B with C of D for

88 If someone knocks _ the door night, don’t open it A on / at B at / at C up / in D at / on

89 Everything is available _ the operation A of B on C from D for

90 He is very keen _ English, but he is not good listening A at / on B on / at C at / at D to / of

91 Your hairstyle is quite similar _ me A from B with C of D to


A for B to C in D from

93 I bought a coat my mother _ the supermarket A from / for B for / at C for / from D for / in 94 She was very surprised the grade she received

A at B on C of D about

95 We might need more food, depending how many people turn up A for B on C at D with

96 Jane doesn’t spend much money clothes A over B about C at D on

97 A sign warned motorists dangers A of B for C about D A and C 98 They translated the letter French

A for B with C into D about

99 I was disappointed the grade I received on my last essay A for B about C to D A and B

100 Since she graduated, Anne has no longer been dependent _ her parents for financial support

A to B on C upon D B and C

101 Catherine became accustomed _ spicy foods when she was traveling A to B on C for D about

102 Table salt is composed _ two elements, sodium and chlorine A to B around C of D for

103 Is there enough that salad _ everyone A of/ for B with / for C to / to D on / with 104 His computer is not capable _ running this software

A to B on C for D about 105 Washington state is famous its apples

A in B for C of D with

106 Was your choice of research topic acceptable your instructor? A for B to C on D upon

107 People who are afraid heights are called acrophobias A of B on C in D to

108 Water is essential all life

A on B for C in D with

109 Were you aware the regulations against smoking in this area? A in B with C of D about

110 Tepees are characteristic _ the Indian tribes of the Great Plants A of B upon C from D about

111 Will this office be adequate _ your company’s need? A on B for C to D with

112 I’m not familiar that song

A to B of C with D about 113 This movie is based a true story

A about B on C to D with


A on B about C to D for

115 What he said is contrary common sense A for B about C of D to

116 Many vegetables, including tomatoes, and corn, are native the New World A for B to C about D.upon

117 This style of architecture is typical _ the Colonial period A of B to C about D with

118 Oxygen, fuel, and heat are all necessary combustion A with B for C about D in

119 This variety of seed inferior _ the type I planted last year A with B upon C up D to

120 Thank you very much what you have done for me A of B up C for D about

121 The opposite “old fashion” is “modern” A at B of C to D in

122 House cats are distantly related lions and tigers A in B to C of D about

123 Is this type of soil suitable growing tomatoes? A for B about C in D at

124 The point that Murphy brought up was not relevant _ the discussion A on B of C up D to

125 Organically raised crops are free chemical pesticides and herbicides A in B of C with D up

126 This book is preferable that one A on B to C up D of

127 If you are not satisfied your essay, then I suggest that you rewrite it A to B on C with D about

128 Do you belong any clubs or organisations? A on B to C for D up

129 Cytology is one branch of biology that deal the structure, form, and life of cells A on B with C about D at

130 We should concentrate solving this problem before we discuss the other ones A on B in C to D at

131 Most essays consist an introduction, a body and a conclusion A in B of C about D with

132 People want friends they can rely _ A up B of C in D on 133 We did not plan _ such a long delay

A on B in C of D to

134 If you have engaged any extracurricular activity, you should mention the fact on your resume

A in B of C up D with 135 Iron combines oxygen to form rust


A about B on C in D for

137 The accident resulted several minor injuries A on B in C of D at

138 Congratulations your success! A to B on C in D up

139 Is it possible me to get the appointment some time next week? A to B up C for D with

140 My brother was married _ one of the most famous actresses A to B up C with D about

141 The police said that the lawyer had interfered _ their investigation A for B on C to D with

142 By the late 1940s, television had begun to seriously compete _ radio for audience and advertisers

A with B to C for D on

143 Jame didn’t have any trouble adjusting the climate here A about B to C on D up

144 William insists getting up early,even on weekens A on B to C toward D for

145 What does this symbol refer _?

A on B to C for D forward

146 Many companies participated the trade fair A for B in C to D up

147 Did you hear the news TV or read it the newspaper? A at / on B on / in C in / in D for / on

148 The members of a jury are chosen _random, from a list of voters A at B on C in D with

149 Videophones are not practical present, but they may be in the near future A in B up C on D at

150 Ms Loan is charge of the marketing department A on B at C in D up

151 Please come here _ once

A on B in C at D for

152 I am sure he didn’t break the plate _ purpose A in B at C for D on

153 We can’t access _ the Internet where we live A to B on C at D with

154 There must be at least on vowel in every English word A at B up C in D upon

155 This book is based _ part on fact A in B upon C at D on

156 _ general, I found zoology to be the easier subject than botany A On B In C At D With

157 We are all fascinated the things we saw A on B in C by D for


A from B of C at D for

159 The police blamed the mother neglecting her child A to B for C with D of

160 She returned China after spending much time abroad A in B from C to D at

161 I always take careful notes what my professor say during lectures A in B for C of D with

162 Tom has tried hard hard to keep pace _ his classmates A to B with C at D for

163 Don’t make fun _ that disabled boy A upon B in C to D of

164 The rule hadn’t been put _ force until the King died A in B at C for D towards

165 She stood there, saying nothing until she lost sight plane A to B of C inside D about

166 This custom dated back _ the period when many Londoners traveled to and fro on horseback

A about B over C with D to

167 Be calm and don’t make a fuss such trifles A for B over C about D A and B 168 I have lost touch Huong for years

A with B of C from D to

169 Pay attention all the traffic sign when you are travelling in the street A of B to C for D with

170 Have you taken notice the “Stop” sign? A at B to C from D of

171 Teacher, are we expected to learn all the new words heart? A in B at C by D to

172 She always takes good care _ her children A for B in C of D with

III ADJECTIVE + THAT CLAUSE : S + BE + ADJ + THAT CLAUSE (S + V) - I / am/ disappointed / that you failed the exam.

1 Combine these sentences using Adj + that clause : 0 He is worried His business is not going well -> He is worried that his business is not going well. 1 We were disappointed She didn’t keep her promise.

……… 2 I’m sorry I came late.

……… 3 The boss was angry I misplaced all the documents.

……… 4 I am happy The article has been very well received.


……… 6 His parents are pleased He won the best prize.

……… 7 It is important She should accept the offer.

……… 8 We are afraid The goods won’t be delevered on time.

……… 9 I’m sure They will never give him a refund.

……… 10 It is necessary You are prudent.

……… 2 Make sentences with the words suggested:

0 I / pleased / work hard -> I am pleased that you are working hard. 1 We / grateful / you / take / interest / us.

……… 2 You / sure / her child / disappeared ?

……… 3 No one / sorry / our manager / resigned.

……… 4 Everybody / not surprised / they / divorce.

……… 5 I / disappointed / you / not / see / me / yesterday.

……… 6 We / thankful / she / nit tell / truth.

……… 7 Children / excited / go / zoo / last Sunday.

……… 8 We amuse / you / love / him.

……… 9 I / glad / they / come / here

……… 10 I / proud / my team / win / the first award of the competion.


Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in to the correct forms: If he (eat) all that, he will be ill

2 She could give us some advice if she (be) here now What (happen) if my parachute does not open? The baby (wake) up if you spoke louder

5 If he had gotten one more mark, he (pass)………the exam If she (not get) married young, she wouldn’t have had many


7 If I (know) the answer, I would tell you

8 You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more carefully

9 If Peter (ask) me, I’ll help him with all my ability 10 If she studied harder, she (get) better grades 11 If I (be) you, I (tell) them the truth 12 If you (do) as I told you, you (succeed) 13 I (not go) to his house unless you go with me

14 We could have a drink if it (not be) so late 15 Please don’t disturb him if he (be) busy 16 If ice (be) heavier than water, it (not


17 They would be glad if the rain (stop)………soon

18 If Jack (come) ……….to my party, I would have danced with him 19 It’s too bad Helen isn’t here If she (be) ……… here, she (know)

……… what to

20 Lee will go to a Disneyland if he (save) ……… enough money

Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

1. They don’t understand the problem They won’t find a solution

 ……… 2. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train

 ……… 3. Because you speak English unnaturally, they not understand you

 ……… 4. We didn’t know your phone number, so we could not contact you.

……… ………

5. Because Simon doesn’t live near his mother, he can’t visit her often.

 ……… 6. She didn’t hurry, so she missed the train.

 ……… 7. John is fat because he eats so many chips

……… 8. Bill never does anything if you don’t tell him what to

 Unless………

9. They don’t have enough time so they cannot me a favour

 ……… 10.I must leave now, or I’ll miss the flight

 ……… 11.Hurry up, or we will be late for the exam


 ……… 13.He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications

 ……… 14.We can’t buy this car because it is very expensive

 ……… 15.Unless he phones her immediately, he won’t get any information

 If

……… 16.They don’t find out the remedy The patient will die

 ……… 17.Susan felt sick because she ate cream cakes

 ……… 18.If he hadn’t wasted too much time, he wouldn’t have failed in his examination

 Unless……… 19.Rita is exhausted today because she didn’t get any sleep last night

 ……… 20.The flats are not clearly numbered, so it is very difficult to find anyone

 ………

I Conditional sentences – type 1: (câu điều kiện – loại 1)

*TYPE 1:If (s+V/Vs/Ves/don’t+V/Doesn’t+V), S+will/won’t+V (ngịai will, ta có thề dùng can May Must,…)

1. I (buy) ……….a car if you lend me some money 2. If the book (not be) ……….expensive, I'll buy it 3. I'll go out if it (not rain) ………

4. If that hat costs much, I (buy) ………a small one

5. If she (make) ……….that mistake again, her teacher will get angry with me 6. I will lend them some money if they (ask) ……….me

7. My dog will bark if it (hear) ………any strange sound 8. They (let) ……….you in if you come late

9. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago If his mother (come) ……… home, he will have a lot of presents

10. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ……….red curtains

11. If we (keep on )……… using more and more motor vehicles, we ( run out) ……….of oil 12. If we ( run out) ……… of oil, we (need) ……… other kind of energy 13. If we (use) ………more oil and coal, pollution (increase)……… 14. If pollution (increase)………, more and more trees (die)……… 15. If more and more trees (die)……… , the climate (change)……… 16. If the climate (change)……….we ( meet)……… with natural disasters 17. If we( try) ……….to control pollution, it (be)……… very expensive 18. If you ……… (not see) me tomorrow, I ………( call) you up


24. If he ( not/ ask)……… me , I will not tell him anything 25. Father will surely get wet if he ( not/ take)……… his umbrella 26. If I ( be)……… in your place, I will accept his offer

27. If it ………(rain) we will stay at home

28. We ………(ruin) our eyes if we read in bad light

29. My family will go to Dalat if we ……….(have) more money 30. I ……….(tell) him this news if I see him

31. If you ……….(not hurry), you will be late for school

32. We ……….(be) tired if we ……… (walk) to the market 33. If you play games too much, you ………(not pass) the exam 34. We ………(not go) out if the weather is not nice tomorrow

35. If my sister ……… (have) enough money, she will buy a new house 36. You ( have) ……….enough time to eat lunch if you get here early II Conditional sentences – type 2: (câu điều kiện – loại 2)

Type 2: If (S + were/ were not/ V- ed/ V- cột 2/ didn’t + V), main clause (s + would/ could/ …(not) + V )

1. Would you like if I ……… (close) the windows? 2. What would happen if I ………(not do) that?

3. He couldn’t understand if we ……… (not explain) more 4. If we didn’t visit her, she ………(be) very sad 5. We ………(not be) tired if we didn’t try to that 6. If I refused, he ……….(be) very disappointed 7. I ………(take) this job if I were out of work now 8. You would be very upset if you ………(lose) it 9. He would feel better if he ………(exercise) more 10. I (tell)……… the answer if I knew it 11. If we ………(not come) she would feel lonely

12. If we didn’t take this job, we……… (not earn) a lot of money 13. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come)……… 14. If you (see) ……… someone drowning, what would you do?

15. If you slept under a mosquito net, you (not be)……… bitten so often 16. I could get a job easily if I (have) ………a degree

17. If we had more rain, our crops (grow)……….faster 18. We could save his life if we ………(find) him earlier 19. He could be a medical student if he ……… (try) more 20. Would you like if I ……… (open) the door?

21. What would happen if I ………(press) that botton? 22. He might get fat if he (stop)………smoking

23. If he knew that it was good for his health, he (do)……… 24. If I knew that you were ill, I (go)……… to see you

25. You would be very surprised if he (return) ………

26. They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) ………them 27. 10 What would you if you (be) ……… him?

28. If I spoke English, my job (be) ……….a lot easier


31. If I knew his address, I (go) ……… round and see him

32. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here If she (be) ……….here, she could know what to III. Conditional sentences – type 3: (câu điều kiện – loại 3)

Type 3:If (S+ had (not) +V- ed/ V- cột 3), main clause (s + would/ could/ …(not) +have + V –ed/ V- cột3)

1. If I had gone by car, I ………(have) a car sick

2. I ……….(have) money for lunch now if I hadn’t left my wallet at home this morning

3. We could have had a fine if we ………(throw) wastes in the park 4. If I hadn’t traveled by plane, I ……….(not go) there on time

5. If we ……… (not bring) enough food, we would have spent a lot of money in expensive restaurants

6. If we had been hungry, I ………(eat) something there

7. If we had not been wearing a seat belt, I ………(be) seriously injured 8. The accident wouldn’t have happened if the driver in front ………(not stop)


9. If I had known the news, I ……… (tell) him about it 10. I would have got a taxi if I ……… (have) money

11. If Hoa ………(not lend) me the money, I couldn’t have been able to buy the car 12. If I had had more time, I ……….(help) her in English

13. If you (drive) ………more carefully, you wouldn’t have had so many accidents 14. I would have seen him if I (go) ………to the party last night

15. We could have gone out if the weather (not be) ……… so bad 16. If he had gone to London yesterday, he (meet) ……… his old friend

17. If we had known who he was, we (invite) ……… him to speak at our meeting 18. He didn’t listen to the teacher If he (listen) ……… carefully, he could have

performed well in the examination

19. If she'd had enough money, she (buy) ………a car

20. If you (not be) ………so busy, I would have shown you how to play 21. He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t If he had afforded to buy, his

children (be) ……….very happy to greet a new year

22. I was busy If I (have) ………free time I could have gone to the cinema with you

23. I could have understood him if he (speak) ……….more slowly IV. Conditional sentences – type 4: (câu điều kiện – loại 4)

Type 4:If (S+ had (not)+V- ed/ V- cột 3), main clause (S + would/ could/ …(not) + V )- mệnh đề thường có NOW

1. If I hadn’t stayed up late lastnight, I ………(not feel) asleep now 2. I could tell you about it now if I ……… (go) there last night

3. He would not be tired now if he ………(not drink) too much yesterday evening 4. If I had bought the car yesterday, I ……… (have) money to buy this now 5. If he had gone to the class more regularly, he ……… (be) in grade 11 now 6. If I had caught that flight, I ……… (be) dead now

7. If I had had breakfast, I ……….(not be) hungry now


10. If he did not play games online too much, he (be) ……… a good student now 11. If he had not received the red card, his team ………(get) the cup now 12. If I had known the news, I ……… (tell) him about it now

V Exercises: Conditional sentences - type 1, 2, 3, 4:

1. Would you like if I ……… (close) the windows? 2. What would happen if I ………(not do) that?

3. He couldn’t understand if we ……… (not explain) more 4. If we didn’t visit her, she ………(be) very sad 5. We ………(not be) tired if we didn’t try to that 6. If I had gone by car, I ………(have) a car sick

7. I ……….(have) money for lunch now if I hadn’t left my wallet at home this morning

8. We could have had a fine if we ………(throw) wastes in the park 9. If I hadn’t traveled by plane, I ……….(not go) there on time

10. If we ……… (not bring) enough food, we would have spent a lot of money in expensive restaurants

11. I (buy) ……….a car if you lend me some money 12. If the book (not be) ……….expensive, I'll buy it 13. I'll go out if it (not rain) ………

14. If that hat costs much, I (buy) ………a small one

15. If she (make) ……….that mistake again, her teacher will get angry with me 16. If I hadn’t stayed up late lastnight, I ………(not feel) asleep now

17. I could tell you about it now if I ……… (go) there last night

18. He would not be tired now if he ………(not drink) too much yesterday evening 19. If I had bought the car yesterday, I ……… (have) money to buy this now 20. If he had gone to the class more regularly, he ……… (be) in grade 11 now 21. I will lend them some money if they (ask) ……….me

22. My dog will bark if it (hear) ………any strange sound 23. They (let) ……….you in if you come late

24. He’s waiting for his mother to come back from Chicago If his mother (come) ………home, he will have a lot of presents

25. The kitchen will look better if we (have) ……….red curtains 26. If I refused, he ……….(be) very disappointed

27. I ………(take) this job if I were out of work now 28. You would be very upset if you ………(lose) it 29. He would feel better if he ………(exercise) more 30. I (tell)……… the answer if I knew it

31. If we had been hungry, I ………(eat) something there

32. If we had not been wearing a seat belt, I ………(be) seriously injured 33. The accident wouldn’t have happened if the driver in front …………(not stop) suddenly 34. If I had known the news, I ……… (tell) him about it

35. I would have got a taxi if I ……… (have) money

36. If Hoa ………(not lend) me the money, I couldn’t have been able to buy the car 37. If I had had more time, I ……….(help) her in English


40. We could have gone out if the weather (not be) ……… so bad 41. I (tell)……… the answer if I knew it

42. If we ………(not come) she would feel lonely

43. If we didn’t take this job, we……… (not earn) a lot of money 44. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come)……… 45. If you (see) ……… someone drowning, what would you do?

46. If you slept under a mosquito net, you (not be)……… bitten so often 47. If we (keep on )……… using more and more motor vehicles, we ( run out)

……….of oil

48. If we ( run out) ……… of oil, we (need) ……… other kind of energy 49. If we (use) ………more oil and coal, pollution (increase)……… 50. If pollution (increase)………, more and more trees (die)……… 51. If more and more trees (die)……… , the climate (change)……… 52. If the climate (change)……… , we( meet)……… with natural disasters 53. If we( try) ………… to control pollution, it (be)……… very expensive

54. If you ……… (not see) me tomorrow, I ………( call) you up 55. We’re going to leave tomorrow if the weather ( be)……… nice 56. If he ( speak) ……….more slowly, we will understand him 57. If I had caught that flight, I ……… (be) dead now

58. If I had had breakfast, I ……….(not be) hungry now

59. If my uncle………(not miss) the train, he would be here now 60. We would be in Hanoi now if the weather (not be) ……… so bad

61. If he did not play games online too much, he (be) ……… a good student now 62. If he had not received the red card, his team ………(get) the cup now 63. If I had known the news, I ……… (tell) him about it now

64. If he had gone to London yesterday, he (meet) ……… his old friend

65. If we had known who he was, we (invite) ……… him to speak at our meeting 66. He didn’t listen to the teacher If he (listen) ……… carefully, he could have

performed well in the examination

67. If she'd had enough money, she (buy) ………a car

68. If you (not be) ………so busy, I would have shown you how to play 69. He wanted to buy some Christmas presents but he couldn’t If he had afforded to buy, his

children (be) ……….very happy to greet a new year

70. I was busy If I (have) ………free time I could have gone to the cinema with you 71. I could have understood him if he (speak) ……….more slowly

72. They wouldn't come to the party if you (not invite) ………them 73. 10 What would you if you (be) ……… him?

74. If I spoke English, my job (be) ……….a lot easier

75. If he (have) ………enough money, he would buy a house 76. If I (be) ……….you, I would tell the truth

77. If I knew his address, I (go) ……… round and see him

78. It’s too bad Helen isn’t here If she (be) ……….here, she could know what to 79. If Betty ( not / like)……… the sweater, she will exchange it


83. Father will surely get wet if he ( not/ take)……… his umbrella 84. If I ( be)……… in your place, I will accept his offer

85. If it ………(rain) we will stay at home VI. Finish the second sentences

 Mệnh đề có Because mệnh đề IF  Mệnh đề có SO mệnh đề  Mệnh đề viết câu điều kiện loại

Mệnh đề thể khẳng định viết lại thể phủ định ngược lại 1. Peter is fat because he eats a lot of chips

àIf 2. She hates school so she doesn’t study hard

If _ 3. I don’t visit you because you live so far way

à If 4. She can’t go to the party because I don’t invite her

àIf 5. Today is not Sunday, so we can’t go swimming

àIf 6. we take this job, so we earn a lot of money

à if _-7. he doesn’t know that it is dangerous, so he comes

à _ 8. you don’t sleep under a mosquito net, so you are bitten so often

9. I can’t get a job easily because I don’t have a degree

à 10. we don’t have much rain, so our crops don’t grow fast

à 11. We can’t save his life because we don’t find him early

à _ 12. He can’t be a medical student because he doesn’t try

à 13. He can’t get fat because he doesn’t stop smoking


14. he dosen’t know that it is good for his health, so he dosen’t

15. I don’t speak English, so my job isn’t easy

à _ 16. he doesn’t have enough money, so he doesn’t buy a house

à 17. I am not you, so I don’t tell the truth

à _ 18. He understands because we explain more

à 19. We are tired because we try to that


20. I don’t take this job because I am not out of work now _ 21. He don’t feel better because he doesn’t exercise more

_ 22. I don’t tell the answer because I don’t know it

_ VII. Finish the second sentences

 Mệnh đề có Because mệnh đề IF  Mệnh đề có SO mệnh đề  Mệnh đề khứ viết câu điều kiện loại

Mệnh đề thể khẳng định viết lại thể phủ định ngược lại I didn’t talk to him because I didn’t know him

à If _ We didn’t have enough rain, so we could not grow rice If ………

3 The newspaper didn’t print the story because it wasn’t true If _

4 John didn’t have money so he couldn’t lend you some If _ We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad

à If -6 Mary didn’t wear the raincoat, so she got a cold

à If -7 I couldn’t the test because it was too difficult


8 Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes If _

9 I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anithing

à If

10 The accident happened because the driver infront stopped suddenly If

11 I didn’t know that Lan had to get up early, so I didn’t wake her up If

12 I was able to buy the car because Hoa lent me the money If _

13 Marry was not injured in the crash because she was wearing the seat belt If

14 I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have any money on me If

15 A bull was blocking the road, so we didn’t arrive on time If _

16 I was working at the restaurant last night, so I didn’t wait on your table If

17 Carol didn’t answer the phone because he was studying If _ 18 The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday


VIII Finish the second sentences

 Mệnh đề có Because mệnh đề IF  Mệnh đề có SO mệnh đề  Mệnh đề q khứ viết câu điều kiện loại 3, loại 2(loại 4) Mệnh đề thể khẳng định viết lại thể phủ định ngược lại

19 You didn’t eat breakfast, so you are hungry now

à If 20 I stayed up late last night, so I feel asleep now

if 21 I can’t tell you about it now because I didn’t go there last night

à _

22 He is tired now because he drank too much yesterday evening If _

23 I bought the car yesterday, so I don’t have money to buy this now _

24 he didn’t go to the class regularly, so he is not in grade 11 now

25 We are not in Hanoi now because the weather was so bad 26 my uncle missed the train, so he is not here now

à _ IX. Finish the second sentences

 Mệnh đề có Because mệnh đề IF  Mệnh đề có SO mệnh đề

 Mệnh đề viết câu điều kiện loại  Mệnh đề khứ viết câu điều kiện loại

Mệnh đề thể khẳng định viết lại thể phủ định ngược lại I didn’t talk to him because I didn’t know him

à If _ We didn’t have enough rain, so we could not grow rice

 If ………

3 The newspaper didn’t print the story because it wasn’t true  If John didn’t have money so he couldn’t lend you some

If We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad

 If -6 Mary didn’t wear the raincoat, so she got a cold

 If -7 I couldn’t the test because it was too difficult

à If _ She hates school so she doesn’t study hard

à If I don’t visit you because you live so far way


11 Today is not Sunday, so we can’t go swimming  If

12 I was absent from the class yesterday, so I couldn’t understand the lesson  If

13 He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train

à If

14 My brother didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station  If

15 We didn’t go because it rained


16 We didn’t go on a vacation because we didn’t have enough money  If

17 Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes  If 18 We got lost because we didn’t have a map

à If 19 He lost his job because he was late every day

If 20 Peter is fat because he eats a lot of chips

à If 21 Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes If

22 I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anithing

à If

23 The accident happened because the driver infront stopped suddenly If

24 I didn’t know that Lan had to get up early, so I didn’t wake her up If

25 I was able to buy the car because Hoa lent me the money If

26 Marry was not injured in the crash because she was wearing the seat belt If

27 You didn’t eat breakfast, so you are hungry now

à If 28 I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have any money on me If

29 A bull was blocking the road, so we didn’t arrive on time If

30 I was working at the restaurant last night, so I didn’t wait on your table If

31 Carol didn’t answer the phone because he was studying If The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday If _ X EXERCISES :


à If -2. I couldn’t the test because it was too difficult

à If

3. Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes If

4. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anithing

à If

5. The accident happened because the driver infront stopped suddenly If

6. You didn’t eat breakfast, so you are hungry now

à If 7. I stayed up late last night, so I feel asleep now

à if 8. I can’t tell you about it now because I didn’t go there last night


9. He is tired now because he drank too much yesterday evening If _

10. Peter is fat because he eats a lot of chips

àIf 11. She hates school so she doesn’t study hard

à If _ 12. I don’t visit you because you live so far way

If 13. She can’t go to the party because I don’t invite her

àIf 14. Today is not Sunday, so we can’t go swimming

àIf 15. I didn’t talk to him because I didn’t know him

à If _ 16. We didn’t have enough rain, so we could not grow rice

If ……… 17. The newspaper didn’t print the story because it wasn’t true àIf 18. John didn’t have money so he couldn’t lend you some

à If _ 19. We couldn’t go out because the weather was so bad

à If -20. We can’t save his life because we don’t find him early

_ 21. He can’t be a medical student because he doesn’t try

22. He can’t get fat because he doesn’t stop smoking


23. he dosen’t know that it is good for his health, so he dosen’t


_ 25. he doesn’t have enough money, so he doesn’t buy a house

à _ 26. I am not you, so I don’t tell the truth

à _ 27. He understands because we explain more

28. We are tired because we try to that

à 29. I don’t take this job because I am not out of work now

_ 30. He don’t feel better because he doesn’t exercise more

à _ 31. I don’t tell the answer because I don’t know it

à _

32. The accident happened because the driver infront stopped suddenly If

33. I didn’t know that Lan had to get up early, so I didn’t wake her up If

34. I was able to buy the car because Hoa lent me the money If

35. Marry was not injured in the crash because she was wearing the seat belt If

36. I didn’t get a taxi because I didn’t have any money on me If 37. A bull was blocking the road, so we didn’t arrive on time


38. I was working at the restaurant last night, so I didn’t wait on your table If

39. Carol didn’t answer the phone because he was studying If 40. The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday

à If

41. I bought the car yesterday, so I don’t have money to buy this now _

42. he didn’t go to the class regularly, so he is not in grade 11 now

43. We are not in Hanoi now because the weather was so bad

44. my uncle missed the train, so he is not here now

_ English Test

I / adj => avd


II/ choose :

1 last year mr Hoang drove very ………( carefully / careful ) lan always cycles ……… to school ( quickly / quick ) my brother plays badminton ………… ( bad / badly )

4 Mrs nga ‘s son always gets up ……… ( ear / early ) Nhung’s brother often comes home ………… ( quiet / quietly ) this is very ……… foolball macht ( boring / boringly ) Ts is very ………… to swim there ( safe / safely )

8 it’s……… for trang to lean how to cycle ( easy / easily ) III/

1 Long is a bad swimmer => long swims ……… my brother cycles slowly => my brother is ……… Mr Cuowng plays table tennis well => Mr Cuowng is ……… Mrs Chi is a quick typist => Mrs Chi types ……… Thoa sings smoothly => Thoa is……… Miss Lan is a fast runner => Miss Lan runs ……… Mr Hung is a safe driver => Mr Hung drives ……… Minh’s sister dances marveously => Minh’s sister is ……… Mrs Oanh cooks well => Mrs Oanh is ……… 10 Khanh is a fluent English speaker => Khanh speaks ………

IV/ Exercise - Adjective or Adverb

Write down the correct form of the word in brackets (adjective or adverb). 166 Tom is (slow) He works

167 Sue is a (careful) _girl She climbed up the ladder _ 168 The dog is (angry) It barks

169 He acted (excellent) He's an actor 170 They learn English (easy) They think English is an _ _language 171 Max is a (good) _singer He sings

172 It's (awful) _cold today The cold wind is

173 Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme / good) _ If that is true, why does dog food smell so (terrible) ?

174 The little boy looked (sad) I went over to comfort him and he looked at me 175 I tasted the soup (careful) but it tasted (wonderful) _ 176 Niagara Falls form a _ border between the United States and Canada (natural/naturally)

177 Tourists visit this place (frequently/ frequent) 178 The Falls are very (noisy/ noisily)

179 So you must speak _ or nobody can understand you (loudly/loud) 180 Many years ago, the Iroquois tribe lived here (peacefully/ peaceful) 181 He is a boy (clever)

182 He is tired because he has worked (hard) 183 He isn’t tired because he has worked (hard) I- Supply the correct verb form: ( pts)

1 I (buy) a lot of souvernirs if I (go) to Sapa We (be) amazed that he failed the written examination last week Solar panels (install) on the roof of my house tomorrow If he go on ( behave) like that, he'll meet a lot of troubles in his life

II- Circle the best answer among A, B, C or D: ( pts) His hobbies are playing soccer collecting stamps

A and B but C however D therefore Remember to turn the lights before going to school


3 Scientists are looking for an way to reduce energy consumption A effect B effection C effectively D effective

4 If you don't understand, I explain it again to you

A am B was C would D will He shouted and looked at me when I broke the vase

A angry B angrier C angrily D happily

2 It's dangerous to use to catch fish People may die from electric shock waves A electrical B electricity C fish net D fish rods

3 Daisy didn't like to swim, she played on the beach with her sister A However B When C After D Since

4 taking a rest for a while ?

A Why don't we B Why not C Shall we D Let's III- Rewrite the following sentences as directed: ( pts)

1 It is very cold She goes out without a coat ( however ) I suggest giving her a surprise party

Let's His family was very poor, so he had to work at an early age.( therefore ) Solar energy is cheap and clean; therefore, we should use it

Because IV- Fill a suitable preposition in the blank: ( pts)

1 Are you worried the coming test ?

2 Shall I turn the air-conditioner ? I'm very hot

3 The amount rice exported to foreign countries of Viet nam is increasing I have to look my house as my parents go away now

V- Read the text and then answer the questions below : ( pts)

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today Air, water and soil are neccessary to the survival of all living things Badly polluted air can cause illness and even death Polluted water kills many kinds of wild animals and other marine life Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land for growing food


What is the most important problem of mankind nowadays ?

2 Which kinds of pollution are mentioned in this passage ?

Why many kinds of wild animals and other marine life die ?

4 Does the pollution of soil reduce the amount of land for growing food ? UNIT : THE ENVIRONMENT.


I From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1 A happy B hour C high D hotel

2 A so B coat C note D bottom


4 A bare B car C card D farm

5 A come B love C women D some

6 A many B make C fate D pain

7 A heat B sweat C threat D thread A climb B dictionary C economic D six

9 A beg B age C gather D guess

10 A children B choose C child D mechanic

II From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable. A garbage B junkyard C protect D treasure

2 A collected B published C protected D provided A recycle B refreshment C creatures D reuse

4 A limitation B intermediate C desforestation D disappointed A garbage B problem C solution D sewage

III Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished

sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase

1 _ air is one of the many problems we have to solve

A Pure B Polluted C Dust D Pleasant I’ll be in trouble if I _my passport

A lose will lose C lost D would lose We can eat at home or, you prefer, we can go to a restaurant

A when B whether C if D which

4 If it is raining this evening, I _

A will go out B don’t go out C go out D won’t go out Minh’s English is excellent He speaks

A perfectly English B English perfectly C perfect English D.English perfect

6 I’m disappointed _ people have spoiled this area

A that B when C if D how

7 He to find a job but he had no luck


A however B but C because D so If he hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow?

A works B will work C worked D would work 10 we were tired, we sat down beside the stream

A Because of B If C As D And

11 He _to find a job, but he had no luck

A tried hard B hardly tried C tried hardly D try hardly 12 Solar energy doesn’t cause

A pollution B polluted C pollute D pollutant 13 Are you lookingh forward _ my letter ?

A to see B to seeing C saw D seeing 14 “ _” means a piece of land full of rubbish

A junkyard B treasure C hedge D stream 15 Dynamite _ many years ago

A has invented B invented C was invented D were invented 16 Mary said to me “ can you speak English ?”

In reported speech the sentence will be She asked me _

A if I can speak English B if I could speak English C If can I speak English D If I could speak English ? 17.I live very far from school I wish

A I lived far from school B I lived close to school

C I live near the school now D I don’t live very far from school 18 If he hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow?

A works B will work C worked D would worked 19 Because there _ no buses, we had to take a taxi

A are B is C was D were

20 We plan to this Saturday


A if B because C when D because of 22 It is recommended that he this course

A took B take C take D taking

23 He’s running so fast I catch up with him

A cannot hardly B can hardly C not hardly D could hardly 24 It is important that he _ take the final examination

A has to B have to C had to D having to 25 I will be if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price

A surprised B surprise C surprising D to surprise 26 Unless you understand I .explain it again to you

A am B was C will D would 27 If you know where she lives, please let me

A know B knew C known D to know' 28 If he a student, he will get a discount

A were B was C were D will be 29 you are interested in this film, don't go to see it at any cost

A Unless B If C Because D So 30 If you like that book l will give it you as my present

A to B from C at D for 31 If you are busy, we this by ourselves

A will B did C would D doing 32.How about dinner with us on Sunday ?

A.to have B.have C have had D having 33.My brother is very fond of to pop and rock music

A.listen B.to listen C listening D listens 34.Life today is very different life 50 years ago


A.science B.scientist C scientific D scientists 36.My father arrives in Singapore Monday evening

A.in B.at C from D on 37.John goes to his office every day except Sunday Sundays he stays at home

A.On B.At C In D From 38.I hope the weather will be nice the weekend

A.in B.to C at D between 39.Would you like to a party on Saturday ?

A.come B.coming C to come D will come 40.Helen is always in the kitchen She enjoys

A.cook B.to cook C cooks D cooking

41.People wanted to see the opening of the ceremony, _they started leaving very early in the morning

A because B so C but D and 42.Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing work

A at B in C to D with 43.He with friends in an apartment in HCMC since last week

A living B has lived C lived D live 44.My mother said she busy then

A was B is C is being D being 45.My village lies near the of the mountain and by the river

A leg B.foot C.feet D legs 46.If you don’t study hard , you the exam

A failed B.will fail C.fail D have failed 47.It is Saturday , ?

A is it B it isn’t C isn’t it D.wasn’t it 48.She said that she learning English with you


A.visit B.visited C.was visiting D were visiting 50.He was born March 25 , 1992

A.at B.on C.in D.for II Match a line in column A with a line in column B to make a meaningful


1.If people use public transport, a I can’t sleep

2.You’ll learn English more easily b will you give her flowers? 3.If they don’t give him the job, c if he does exercise regularly 4.If I drink coffee at night, d I don’t know what he will 5.You will speak English well e there will be less pollution 6.If you see her f if someone enters the building 7.The alarm goes off g if you have more practice Henry may lose weight h if you study a little every day

1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. ; 6. ; 7. ; 8. III Complete the sentences with because/ as/ since/ if/ when, or so.

1 We decided to go out to eat _ we had no food at home He has a very important job _ he is particularly well-paid Can I borrow that book _ you’ve finished it?

4 No one was watching the television _ I switched it off _ she changed a lot, we didn’t recognize her

6 _ you’ve ready, we can start now

7 I’m going away for a few days, I’ll phone you _ I get back You should inform the police _ your bicycle is stolen Mathew went to bed _ it was too late to go out

10 _ you drive without driving license, you’re breaking the law 11 the weather was bad, they delayed their trip

12 He will buy a new car _ he saves up

13 I can’t drive fast _ the street is very crowded

Fill in the blanks with proper words, then answer the following questions. scientists/ pollution/ serious/ factories

exhaust/ reduce/ require/ percentage


Thus, to end or greatly (6) _ pollutions immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them Most people not want to that, of course But pollution can be gradually reduces in several ways, (7) _ and engineers can work to find ways t lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause Government can pass and enforce laws that (8) _ businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on certain polluting activities


1) Do things that benefit people bring about pollution?

……….… 2) Is it complicated to reduce pollution? Why or Why not?

……….… 3) Who can find ways to lessen the amount of pollution?

……….… 4) What can the Government to reduce pollution?

……….… V Complete each sentence of the following letter

Dear Mr Smith,

1 I write/ complain/ dirt/ smoke/ come/ your factory chimneys

……….… Two days ago/ I decide/ / my washing

……….… I wash/ sheets/ put/ out/ dry/ it/ be/ nice sunny day/ there/ be/ breeze

……….… When I take washing in/ I be/ horrified/ discovered/ it/ cover/ dirty marks

……….… I/ assume/ breeze/ I/ mention/ carry/ dirt/ chimneys

……….… This be/ not only/ because/ sheets/ but because/ we/ two small children/ who be make/

breathe/ same air

……….… ……….… Until this incident/ I think/ chimneys/ be safe/ clean

……….… I already/ write/ local Member of Parliament/ this matter

……….… Furthermore/ I must warn you/ I/ write/ local newspaper/ tomorrow

……….… 10 I/ look forward/ receive/ reply

……….… Yours sincerely

Mrs Jennifer Hunter

Exercises for grade – Unit 6 I Complete these sentences

1 A: I heard Daniel isn’t very _ (good/ well)


2 A: There was a _ (terrible/ terribly) accident on this road two days ago, wasn’t there? B: Yes Two people were killed and the driver of the car was _ (serious/seriously) injured

3 A: The weather was so _ (awful/ awfully) yesterday

B: Yes, it was raining quite _ (heavy/ heavily) so we stayed at home all day

4 A: You haven’t cleaned the floor _ (proper/ properly It’s still _ (dirty/ dirtily) A: Can you remember what happened?

B: I can’t remember _ (clear/ clearly) It all happened so _ (sudden/ suddenly) A: You didn’t look very _ (happy/ happily) last night

Well, I was disappointed that I did so _ (bad/ badly) in the exam A: Don’t go up that ladder It doesn’t look _ (safe/ safely) B: Don’t worry I’ll climb _ (careful/ carefully)

8 A: Did you go to Sally’s birthday party?

B: Yes It was really a _(cheerful/ cheerfully) party Everybody at the party was (colorful/ colorfully) dressed

9 A: Why you look so _ (nervous/ nervously)?

B: Oh, my! I’ve just got a mistake I interrupted my boss while he was on the phone, and he looked at me _ (angry/ angrily) when I interrupted him

10 A: Have you seen Richard _ (recent/ recently)?

B: Yes, I just met him at Rose's party two days ago He seemed very _ (unhappy/ unhappily) He smiled _ (sad/ sadly) at me when he saw me

11 This newspaper is (publishing/ published/ to publish/ publish) every day It’s a daily newspaper

12 He shouted and looked (angry/ angrily/ angrier/ angrily) at me when I broke the vase 13 He is tired (so/ because/ but/ and) he stayed up late watching TV

14 We are talking about the preservation of ( natural/ naturally/ nature/ naturalize) resources 15 Is he really (disappoint/ disappointed/ disappointing/ to disappoint) that you can’t come there?

16 I think most children are creative enough to write (beauty/ beautiful/ beautifully/ beautify) poems


19 Everyone must take part in (prevent/ preventing/ to prevent/ prevented) deforestation 20 I suggest (go/ to go/ going/ went) to the movies

21 They made their living by (catch/ catching/ to catch/ caught) fish in the ocean every day 22 Her family is aware of saving (energy/ energize/ energetic/ energetically)

23 The hotel has been built on the (border/ boundary/ edge/ front) of the lake

24 (Pure/ Polluted/ Dust/ Pleasant) air is one of the many problems we have to solve 25 I’ll be in trouble if I (lose/ will lose/ lost/ would lose) my passport

26 We can eat at home or, (when/ whether/ if/ which) you prefer, we can go to a restaurant 27 If it is raining this evening, I (will go out/ don’t go out/ go out/ won’t go out)

28 Minh’s English is excellent He speaks (perfectly English/ English perfectly/ perfect English/ English perfect)

29 I’m disappointed (that/ when/ if/ how) people have spoiled this area

30 He (hardly tried/ hard tried/ tried hardly/ tried hard) to find a job but he had no luck 31 We couldn’t go on a picnic as planned (however/ but/ because/ so) it was raining

32 If he (works/ will work/ worked/ would work) hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow? 33 (Because of/ If/ As/ And) we were tired, we sat down beside the stream

34 He (tried hard/ hardly tried/ tried hardly/ try hardly) to find a job, but he had no luck 35 Solar energy doesn’t cause (pollution/ polluted / pollute/ pollutant)

36.I will be (surprise/ surprised/ surprising/ to surprise) if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price

37 Unless you understand, I (am/ was/ will/ would) explain it again to you 38 If you know where she lives, please let me (know/ knew/ known/ to know) 39 If he (is/ was/ were/ will be) a student, he will get a discount

40 (If/ Unless/ Because/ So) you are interested in this film, don’t go to see it 41 If you like that book, I will give it (for/ at/ from/ to) you as my present

42 If you live in this small town, you (aren’t/ couldn’t/ can’t/ didn’t) earn much money 43 If you have (a lot of/ many/ lot of/ a lots) money, you can travel abroad this summer 44 I won’t go unless you (to pay/ paid/ paying/ pay) me the money back


46 It is a great (pity/ sorrow/ complaint/ sadness) that you weren’t concerned much about the environment around us

47.(For/ So/ As) he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home II Combine these sentences using BECAUSE/ AS/ SINCE.

1 Jane was worried She stayed at home alone

……… Tom couldn’t get the job He was not confident during the interview

……… I have to work extra hours I want to help support my family

……… We adore him He is very talented


She has to depend on us She is an orphan

……… I enjoy reading books They help broaden my knowledge of the world

……… Don’t believe him He is always being a liar

……… I haven’t finished my assignment yet I don’t have enough materials

……… You must it right now It’s very urgent

……… I feel attracted to her Her voice is very sweet

……… III Rewrite these sentences by using BECAUSE.

1 He couldn’t meet you because of being busy

……… She went to bed early because of her sickness

……… Nobody can this test because of its difficulty

……… Two cars can’t pass each other because of the narrow road

……… We spent the whole day in the garden because of lovely weather


6 He can’t go to school today because of his toothache

……… I can’t play basketball because of my height

……… She must stay in bed because of her illness

……… We can’t swim in this part of the river because of highly polluted water

……… 10 They couldn’t keep on clearing the beach because of heavy rain

……… V Supply either BECAUSE or BECAUSE OF as appropriate.

1 It was difficult to deliver the letter ………… the wrong address We have to cut down on our driving ………… there is an oil shortage Rescue attempts were temporarily stopped ……….…… the bad weather They visited their friends often ……… …… they enjoyed their company Paul could not go to the football game ……….……… his illness

6 Marcella was awarded a scholarship ……… her superior ability Nobody ventured outdoors ……….… the hurricane warnings

8 We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains ………….………… the air is purer there We have to drive around the bay ……… the bridge was destroyed in the


10 The chickens have died ……… the intense heat VI Complete the sentences with because/ as/ since/ if/ when, or so. 14 We decided to go out to eat _ we had no food at home 15 He has a very important job _ he is particularly well-paid 16 Can I borrow that book _ you’ve finished it?

17 No one was watching the television _ I switched it off 18 _ she changed a lot, we didn’t recognize her

19 _ you’ve ready, we can start now

20 I’m going away for a few days, I’ll phone you _ I get back 21 You should inform the police _ your bicycle is stolen 22 Mathew went to bed _ it was too late to go out

23 _ you drive without driving license, you’re breaking the law 24 the weather was bad, they delayed their trip

25 He will buy a new car _ he saves up

26 I can’t drive fast _ the street is very crowded

VII Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words. The air in the city is very _ (pollute)

2 Please listen to the lecture _ (care)


5 She has provided a picnic lunch for us (kind) We’ll make this beach clean and _ again (beauty) If the _ continues, what will happen? (pollute) He was _ that they were not coming (disappoint) Air and water _ can make people fall ill (pollute) 10


I From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1 A walked B filled C died D played

2 A wrap B mass C area D sand

3 A ocean B flow C post D conservation A refreshment B environment C reduce D deforestation A treasure B sewage C save D campus

6 A spoil B folk C float D violent

7 A aspect B trash C sand D junkyard A polluted B shore C protect D provide A persudge B prevent C impressive D secondhand 10 A hedge B hike C harvest D prohibition

II Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted

1 I wish you _.leave now Can’t you stay a bit longer?

A don’t have to B didn’t have to C won’t have to D hadn’t to _ to have a lunch at 12 o’clock every day?

A Did she used B Did she use C Is she used D Was she used If you worked more slowly, he _ so many mistakes

A wouldn’t make B won’t make C didn’t make D doesn’t make She never let you cook the meals, _?

A didn’t she B doesn’t she C did she D was she Stop now; you’ve done _ work for one day


6 Whenever you meet, we stop _

A talk B to take C talking D talked Give her a telephone to ring _ she gets lost

A whether B unless C until D in case If only I _ play the guitar as well as you!

A would B shall C could D might The party, at _ was the guest honor, was extremely enjoyable

A which B that C who D where 10 Trung swims very well and _ does his brother

A also B even C so D neither 11 _ people go to soccer matches now than twenty years ago

A Less B Lesser C Fewer D Few 12 It’s _ long time since he last saw his grandparents

A such a B so C very D too

13 By _ it is enjoyable for many Americans to buy a Christmas tree and decorate it A celebration B tradition C priority D memory 14 They went on walking it started to rain

A despite B but C and D although 15 The Ao Dai of a long silk tunic that is slit on the sides

A consists B has C includes D involves 16 Learning a foreign language also includes learning the of that country

A.reputation B rules C culture D.education 17 Pay the bill within weeks or the electricity will be

A cut in B cut up C cut down D cut off 18 There is a shrine _ the mountains near Ba’s village

A out B in C under D from 19 He suggested that we _ early tomorrow morning


20 Do you know the woman you met at the party yesterday?

A who B whom C which D whose 21 I used to visit my grandparents I them every weekend

A visit B will visit C have visited D visisted 22 The school year usually begins _ September 5th every year

A in B since C on D during 23 You never play computer games after school, ?

A you B don’t you C never you D not you 24 On the twelveth of the May 2008, there was a _ in China

A celebration B festival C earthquake D thunderstorm 25 Tony was a hard – working boy, he got the job easily

A so B when C because D but 26 He _ for the same company when he left school

A works B has worked C worked D was working 27 There are a lot of people here, ?

A.are they B didm’t they C aren’t they D.aren’t there 28 Young people like to wear jeans because they don’t easily _

A wear in B wear up C wear down D wear out 29 There was a big old banyan tree the entrance to the Ba’s village

A of B in C at D on

30 _ is in late March or early April It’s celebrated in Israel by all Jewish people A Christmas B Valentine C Passover D Easter 31 John, stop _ at those magazines and pay attention what I am saying

A to look B looking C to looking D looked 32 Titanic is really wonderful I have never seen film

A such good a B a such good C so good a D so a good 34 “ We ‘re going on a trip to Ha Long Bay next week.” “Really? _!”


35 The printer _ is repaired looks OK

A which B who C where D what 36 You _ pass the driving test if you follow the instructor’s advice

A must B can C could D shall 37 If you want to lose weight, you _ go on a strict diet

A can B should C could D may 38 Tomy asks his teacher _

A where is New York B where was New York C where New York was D where New York is 40 “What’s on TV tonight?” she asked She asked me _

A what was on TV that night B what on TV that night was C what is on TV tonight D what is on TV that night 41 That man can tell us where _

A does Tony live B Tony lives C Tony living D is Tony living 42 She asked me _

A if I am thirsty B if I were thirsty C if I was thirsty D if was thirsty 43 The boy asked his mother _

A if he can eat the cake B if he could eat the cake C can he eat the cake D could he eat the cake 44 She said “ I have lived here for ten years” She told me _

A that she has lived there for ten years B she had lived here for ten years C that she had lived there for ten years D that she had lived here for ten years 45 If Mary doesn’t improve in maths, we _ have to find a tutor for her

A will B can C should D would 46 I want to know why _ to the meeting

A didn’t he come B he didn’t come C he didn’t arrive D.he not come 47 “Put your books away”, said the teacher


B The teacher told us to put our books away C The teacher told to us to put our books away D The teacher said us to put our books away 48 “Don’t stay up too late, my son”, he said

A He told his son not to stay up too late B He said to his son not to stay up too late C He told to his son not to stay up too late D He said his son not to stay up too late 49 “ Do you have a camera?” she asked

A She wanted to know if I have a camera B She wanted to know if I had a camera C She asked me if I have a camera D she asked me whether I have a camera 50 “What’s your trouble?” my mother asked

A My mother wanted to know what my trouble was B My mother asked what my trouble is

C My mother wanted to know what trouble is D My mother asked me what was my trouble III Read the text then choose the best answer

b) We are all destroying the earth The sea and the rivers are too dirty to swim There is so (1) _ smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities In one well- known city, for example , gases from cars (2) the air so much that the police men have to wear oxygen masks

We have cut down so many (3) that there are now vast areas of wasteland

(4) over the world As a result, farmers in parts of Afria can’t (5) _ enough to eat In certain countries in Asia, there is so little rice Moreover, we not take enough (6) of the countryside Wild (7) in India now because we have killed too many for them to surrvive


4 A throught B out C on D of all A grow B work C take D supply A careless B care C worry D tired A tigers B animals C animals D cattle A rare B ever C rarely D sometime IV Each sentence has a mistake find and correct it

1 The sun is so bright for us to look at directly

2 A dog should be checked regular by a veterinarian to ensure that it remains in good health My sister had a baby son yesterday , and he is my first niece

4 Unless you better work than this , you will pass the exam

5 You should take a map because you might get lost in that mountains My aunt Maria will be a millionaire by the time she will have been forty One ways of keeping fit is playing games like football and tennis It wasn’t very nice of you not to inviting me to your party

9 I looked all over the house for her , but I couldn’t find her nowhere 10 I gave to Dick the address so that he could contact me

11 My teacher has a oval face with curly hair 12 The test isn't enough easy for us to finish 13 Most of farmers go to the market by foot

14 Although we live far from each other, both of us is close friends 15 Our Dad is interest in watching film

V Use connectives to combine each pair of the sentences. He is very tired He has to finish his home work.( but)

……….……… The room is very small.It is quite comfortable.( although)

……….……… I like watching TV I like going to the cinema.(and)


4, He got wet He forgot his umbrella.(therefore)

……….……… She wears glasses She want to see better.(because)

……….……… We are saving money We want to buy a new house.(so)

……….……… VI Rewrite the sentences with the provided words keep meaning as the root one. Peter is too young to see the horror film

-> Peter is not……….……… Remember to turn off the light before going out

-> don’t……….……… That girl is very intelliigent

-> What……….……… I intend to come over to pick you up

-> I am……….……… Hoa is older than Nien

-> Nien is……….……… VII Conditional Sentences rewrite the sentences with if

You got into so much trouble because you didn’t listen to me

→ If ……….……… There are so many bugs in the room because there isn’t a screen on the window → If ……….……… He is busy right now So, he can’t help them

→ If ……….……… I can’t make all of my own meals because I am not good at cooking

→ If ……….……… I’m not you, so I can’t tell him the truth


→ If ……….……… He is not a good student He didn’t study for the test yesterday

→ If ……….……… I didn’t eat breakfast several hours ago, so I am hungry now

→ If ……….……… Mai is sick because she didn’t follow the doctor’s orders

→ If ……….……… He is tired this morning because he didn’t go to bed early last night

→ If ……….………

IX-Choose the word or phrase (a,b,c,d)that best fits the blank space in the passage: Our oceans are becoming (1) _ polluted Most of this (2) _ comes from the lands, which means it comes (3) people First, there is raw sewage, which is

(4) directly into the sea Many countires, both developed and developing, are guilty of (5) _ this Secondly, ships drop about six million tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel

This is not (6) pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life Next, there are (7) materials from factories Without proper regulations, factory owners let the watse run directly into the rivers, which leads to the sea And finally, oil is washed from the land This can be the result of (8) or a deliberate dumping of watse

1 A extremely B extreme C extreming D extremed A.pollute B pollution C polluted D polluting

3 A.in B on C to D from A pumped B pumping C pump D pumps

5 A.do B did C done D doing A.also B only C because D Although A.waste B wasteful C wasting D wasted A.carelessness B carefulness C carefully D carelessly Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences 1. They shouted and looked at me when I broke the vase

A angry B angrier C angrily D anger


A so B because C but D and 3. We are talking about the preservation of resources

A natural B naturally C nature D


4. Is he really that you can’t come there?

A disappoint B disappointed C disappointing D to disappointing

5. It is our policy to forest and increase forestation

A protect B protecting C to protect D protected

6. I suggest to the movies

A go B to go C going D went

7. They made their living by fish in the ocean every day

A catch B catching C to catch D


8. I will be if she manages to sell that motorbike at a high price

A surprise B surprised C suprising D to surprise

9. If you know where she lives, please let me

A know B knew C known D to


10.If you live in this small town, you earn much money

A aren’t B couldn’t C can’t D didn’t

11.Unless you understand, I explain it again to you

A am B was C will D would

12.If he a student, he will get a discount

A is B was C were D will


13.Because plastic bags are very hard to , they will cause pollution

A dissolve B wrap C tear D


14.These materials can be into other packaging products

A reused B reduced C removed D


15.If people public transport, there will be less pollution

A use B will use C can use D used


A perfectly English B English perfectly C in perfect English D English perfect

17.If you go doing that, you’ll end in serious trouble

A up/ with B on/ up C off/ with D out/ up

18.Crops are sprayed with to kill insects

A fertilizer B manune C dung D


19.What about used paper, bottles, and cans every day?

A collect B collecting C to collect D to collecting

20.If the sea water continue to be polluted, many fish species extinct

A became B will become C would become D become

Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition. 21.The teacher divided class four groups 22.He provide us a lot of useful information

23.The ground is covered trash You should clear all the trash 24.Raw sewage is pumped directly the sea

25.They are trying to save the animals extinction 26.The world will end like a second-hand junk-yard 27.I am looking forward hearing from you

28.Don’t throw trash the water Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

29. If the rice padddies are polluted, the rice plants (die) 30. If we on littering, the environment will become seriously polluted (go) 31. What _they if they work hard today? (achieve) 32. If you a chance to study in a foreign country, just take it (get) 33. Plants if they don’t get the sun and water (die) 34. I am looking forword to from you (hear) 35. I suggest by bus (travel) 36. If you don’t study harder, you the final exam (not pass) 37. She terribly sorry if he dies (feel) 38. Go with me and I you my new car (show) Supply the correct word form of the words in brackets.


Rewrite the following sentences as directed. 45.Why don’t we go for a picnic on the weekend?

 Let’s _ 46.Let’s go to work by bus

 What about 47.Nga is a good English speaker

 Nga speaks 48.Unless you get a visa You can’t visit the United States

 If you 49.If you don’t suceed, you’ll have to try it again

 Unless 50.I suggest collecting unused clothes

 Let’s 51.She failed in the exam because she was lazy (because of + noun phrase)

52.Ba is tired He stayed up late watching TV (because)

 _ 53.Hoa broke the cup She was careless (since)

54.We were disappointed She didn’t keep her promise (Adj + that)

 _ Fill in each gaf with a suitable word.

countries – polluted – land – water – rivers – people – garbage – sea


Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 18:07



