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Unit 9. Undersea world

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-Walks around the class and offers helps if necessary, then calls on some pairs to act out the activities in front of the class and others write the answers on the board.. Post-readin[r]



Period 55: A- READING

I Aims and Objectives: - Language content:

+ To introduce the students some new words relating to undersea world + To help Ss understand the content of the text

- Language function:

+ To talk about the type of sea creatures and undersea life: size, feeding habits, offspring, life span, special features

- Educational aims:

+ To educate Ss to be aware of protecting the environment 1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: cover, challenge, mystery, investigate, sample, biodiversity, maintain, at stake divide into b.Structures: The conditional type 2

2 Skills: Intergrated skills 3 Education factor:

+ To help Ss know how to protect sea creatures II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION:

1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pairwork, gap-filling 3 Materials needed: textbook, pictures of fish.

4 Students preparation: Prepare some pictures and information about some species of fish III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1.Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting. - Checking about absence.

2.Checking up the previous knowledge: - No New lesson:



I Warm- up:

Gives a game “Grouping game” Asks Ss to look at the pictures and arrange the animals into two groups

II Pre-reading:

- Introduces the theme of the lesson

- Has Ss look at the map and give the Vietnamese names for the oceans on the map

- Then, has Ss look at the pictures in the book and name the sea animals

- Asks Ss “Do you want to understand more about undersea

- Work in group - Listen

- Work with a partner + Đại Tây Dương + Thái Bình Dương + Ấn Độ Dương + Bắc Cực + Nam Cực

- Work with a partner + Seal

+ Jellyfish + Turtle + Shark - Listen

- Take note

- Listen and guess the meaning


1 New words.

+ cover (v): che phuû

+ challenge(v): thách thức + investigate (v): điều tra, nghiên cứu

+ maintain (v): trì + divide into = fall into + mystery(n): điều thần bí, bí ẩn

+ sample (n): mẫu vật + biodiversity(n): đa dạng sinh học

+ at stake : bị đe doạ

* Conditional sentence type 2:

Main clause: would + V-inf If clause : were/ V(qk) 2 Reading the passage: * Task 1: Filling gaps: tiny






world? Now, let’s read the passage bellow.”

- Teaches some new words in the reading

- Explains the meaning of the words

- Introduces Ss the condional type

- Has Ss read the passage then the tasks

III While-reading *Task 1:

- Asks students to fill each blank with one word in the box - Tells Ss to share their answers with a partner

- Calls some students to give the answers in front of the class * Task 2:

- Has students read the passage again in order to find the answer for the questions

-Walks around the class and offers helps if necessary, then calls on some pairs to act out the activities in front of the class and others write the answers on the board IV Post-reading

- Asks the students to complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a word or phrase in the box - Helps Ss this exercise - Comments and gives correct V Consolidation

- Retells the content of the text - Retells the content of the text

- Listen and repeat - Read in silently

- Work individually - Share the answers - Answers

- Listen - Work in pairs

- Answer - Work in pairs - Answer - Listen - Listen

- Write in the notebooks

4 biodiversity samples

* Task 2: Answer the questions:

1 75% of the earth’s surface By using modern devises They investigatethe seabed and bring samples of marine life back to the surface for further stydy

4 We can know a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth and the undersea populations. They are those that live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish, those that move independently of water currents and those that are carried along by the currents. 6 Marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity were not maitained.

* Summary: three-quarters myterious modern

4 discoveries biodiversity huge

7 plants and animals closely connected

V Homework: (2ms)

+ Do all exercises in the notebook



Period 56: B - SPEAKING

I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: - Language content:

+ To provide Ss sentences and expressions for making suggestions about the health of the oceans - Language function:

+ To help students talk about how to protect oceans and talk about causes and consequences of destroying the ocean environment

- Educational aims:

+ Ss should contribute their parts to protect the natural or ocean environment 1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: sparingly, herbicide, pesticide, fertilizer, responsibly, net, endanger, dispose of, release b.Structures: should + bare-inf

shouldn’t + bare-inf 2 Skills: Intergrated skills

3 Education factor :

+ By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to learn about the function of the ocean in our life and how to protect the natural environment

II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explanation, Repetition, pairwork, giving opions, giving pictures 3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board, picture of a polluted beach.

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1. Stabilization: (3ms) - Greeting.

- Checking about absence. Checking up the previous knowledge: (7ms)

+ Asks students to write some words and some questions about the reading How scientists now overcome the challenges of the depth?

2 What would happen if the sea biodiversity were not maintained? + Suggested answers:

1 By using modern devises

2 Marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity were not maitained 3 The new lesson:


Shows a picture of a polluted beach and asks Ss

+ How is the beach? + What can you see on the beach?

+ What does “friendly with oceans” mean?

- Leads to the new lesson “How to protect our oceans Let look at some actions below.”

II Pre- speaking:

Teaches some new words + sparingly

+ herbicide + pesticide + fertilizer

- Work in groups and find the words + It’s very dirty.

+ Plastic bags, rubbish, tin, bottle…

+ It means “not doing harm to the ocean environment.

- Write in the notebooks


+ sparingly (adv): tiết kiệm + herbicide (n): thuốc diệt cỏ

+ pesticide (n): thuốc trừ sâu

+ fertilizer (n): phân bón + responsibly (adv): có trách nhiệm

+ net (n): lưới






+ responsibly + net

+ endanger + dispose of + release

- Reads the world above III While- speaking: * Task 1

- Has Ss put the actions in the order of inportance and then say what we should or should not - Calls Ss to answer

* Task +3:

- Asks Ss to discuss the

consequences that might occur and offer some possible solutions - Divides the class into eight groups and has each two group discuss one threat

- Walks around the class and gives help if necessary, then selects some groups to present their

- Comments

IV Post- speaking:

- Asks Ss to think of a camping trip on the beach, make a list of some what tourists should or shouldn’t do.

- Calls on Ss to present their discussion

V Consolidation

- Summarizes the main ideas in the lesson

- Repeat

- Work in pairs

- Ss’ answers may vary - Work in groups - Discuss in groups - Present in front of the class

- Discuss in groups of four

- Answers may vary

* Task 1: + Should:

- Place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins. - Use water sparingly.

- Dispose of fishing lines and nets properly.

- Learn all about the oceans. - Keep only the that we will eat, and release the rest. - Be a smart shopper and choose our seafood responsibly.

+ Shouldn’t:

- Fish for species that are limited, threatened or endangered.

- Pollute water.

- Use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that are harm the environment.

* Task +3:

A: Whales and sharks are still hunted for food, medicine, and other products This makes they extinct

B: Governments should ban hunting them

A: Explosives are used to catch fish and other sea animals This makes a lot of them died

B: We should punish people who use explosives

A: Oil is spiled from tankers This makes water polluted B: We should clean the sea and punish captain V Homework: (2ms)

+ Write a short paragraph about how to protect our oceans + Prepare the meaning of the words in Listening



Period 57: C - LISTENNG

I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: - Language content:

+ To improve students’ listening comprehension skill + To help Ss know more information bout whales’life - Language function:

+ To enable Ss to listen to a passage and get information about whales - Educational aims:

+ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know something about the whales and know what they to conserve the whales

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: mammal, krill, blue whale, whaling, conservation, huge, migrate b.Structures: Conditional type II

2 Skills: Intergrated skills 3 Education factor :

+ To improve students’ love of the rare whales, and improve their awareness of protecting these mammals

II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, Repetition, pairwork, True-False statements, comprehension questions 3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board, tape, cassette

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting.

- Checking about absence. 2 Checking up the previous knowledge: (7mn) - Asks Ss some questions about the whales:

1 Is the blue whale the larggest and most intelligent animal? Why whales like to feed in the cold oceans?

- Answer: Yes, it is

2 Because there is a lot of krill The new lesson:




(5ms) I Warm- up:

Shows the pictures of some fish - Asks Ss to name the fish in English, then say something they know about them (Eg: home, food habit, offspring, features…) II Pre- listening:

Introduces the listening task “Now, you are going to hear a passage about whales and get some more information about them”

-Asks the students to answer the questions in the book

- Calls some students to answer - Introduces some keywords + mammal (example)

+ krill (explanation)

Look at the pictures and answer

+ shark + whale + dolphin - Work in pairs

- Listen

- Work in pairs


C LISTENING Vocabulary:

+ mammal (n): động vật có


Eg: Whales are mammals because they raise their young on milk

+ krill (n): tiny shellfish + blue whale (n): cá voi xanh + whaling (n):việc săn cá voi + conservation (n): bảo







+ conservation + huge (explanation) + migrate(example)

- Reads the words and has Ss repeat - Checks their understanding by reading sentences which contain the new words randomly

III While- listening: *Task 1:

Asks Ss to guess the statements are True or False and tell their guessing - Has Ss listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are T or F Let Ss share their answers each other (Plays the tape more than two if necessary.)

- Calls on some Ss to present their answers in fromt of the class - Feedbacks and gives correct answers

* Task 2:

- Tells Ss to listen to the tape again and then answer the questions - Has them compare their answers with others

- Asks the students to give the answers in front of the class - Comments and gives correct answers

IV Post- listening:

- Has Ss talk about whales using the cues + their length and weight + their feeding grounds and food. + the reasons for protecting whales. - Walks around the class and offers - Walks around the class and offers help, then selects some groups to help, then selects some groups to present their plan

present their plan

- Calls on Ss to present in front of the class

V Consolidation

- Summarizes the main features of the whales

- Answer

+ I don’t think so Because they are mammals.

+ Because they kill whales for food. - Take note

- Listen and repeat and pay attention to the stress syllable

- Listen and write down the words they hear in order 1,2,3,4,…

- Work individually to guess and answer - Listen and share the answers


- Listen and check - Work in pairs and answer the questions - Compare the answers - Give the answer - Listen and check - Work in groups of four and talk about whales - Present

- Listen - Take note

Eg: In winter some kinds of birds migrate to North Africa * Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True or False

1.F T 3.T 4.F 5.T

* Task 2: Answer the questions.

1 The blue whale grows to 30 metres in length and over 200 tons in weight

2 Because there is a lot of krill- their favourite food in cold waters

3 Cold waters in the North and South Alantic Ocean and the North and South Pacific are their favorite feeding grounds

4 Heavy hunting is the main reason for the decrease in whale population

5 They have asked the International Whaling Commission to srop most whaling

6 If we didn’t take any measures to protect whales, they would disppear forever



Period 58: D - WRITING

I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: - Language content:

+ To help the Ss describe information from a table - Language function:

+ To help the Ss know more information about the sperm whale’s life - Educational aims:

+ To improve their love of the rare animals, and their awareness of protecting these mammal 1 Language:

a Vocabulary: carnivore, squid, give birth, life span, entrapment, gestation b Structure: The Present simple tense

2 Skills: Intergrated skills 3 Education factor :

+ By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write desctibing information from a table II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION:

1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, groupwork, pairwork, using a picture 3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board, picture

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1. Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting.

- Checking about absence. Checking up the previous knowledge: (7mn)

+ Asks students to answer the questions:

1 What is the length and weight of the blue whale? Why whale like to feed in the cold oceans? + Suggested answers:

1 It is 30 metres in length and 200 tons in weight. 2 Because there is a lot of krill.

3 The new lesson:


- Asks Ss to play a game “Hidden picture”

- Hangs a sperm whale which is hidden by cards There is a question for each card If Ss answer correctly, the card will be opened

+ Card1: What you call an annimal that raises its young by milk?

+ Card 2: What food whales like to eat?

+ Card 3: What should we to protect our oceans?

+ Card 4: Are Whales the most intelligent animals in the ocean? - Shows the picture of a sperm whale and asks Ss to name it

- Whole class play a game

- Chooses cards, then answer the questions 1 Mammal.

2 Krill.

3 Place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins.

4 Yes, they are.

- Answer : Sperm Whale


Period 58: D - WRITING * Describing information from a table.

* Task 1: Complete the table about the sperm whale. + Range and habitat: - All oceans.

- prefer waters with high squid population.

+ Size:

- Male: 18m in length; 54.000kg in weight. - Female: 12m in length; 17.000kg in weight. + Feeding Habits:






- Leads to the lesson II Pre- writing:

Teaches Ss some words

+ carnivore (n) + squid (n) + life span (n) + entrapment (n)

+ gestation (n) + give birth (n)

- Explains the meaning of the words, and read

- Revises the simple present tense III While- writing:

* Task 1:

- Asks students to read the description of the sperm whale and complete the table

- Guides Ss to fill in the table - Walks around the class and offers help

- Calls on students to write their answers on the board

- Gives feedback * Task 2:

- Asks students to read the table of the dolphin and based on the description of the sperm whale in task

- Has Ss exchange their writing and correct

- Picks up some writing to check in front of the class

IV Post- writing:

- Has students look at the groups of given words carefully and say what animal the teacher want to mention

+ about 450 kilos. + about metres long. + have a very wide feet.

+ can swim 120 kilometres out in the water.

+ live in the snow and ice. + can’t be found at the South Pole

V Consolidation

- Summarizes some information about the sperm whale and the dolphin

- Listen

- Listen and write in the notebook

- Retell

- Work individually

- Listen carefully - Listen carefully - Give the answers - Write in the notebook - Work in groups in order to write a

paragraph that describes the facts and figures of the dolphin

- Exchange the writings - Listen

- Work in groups

- Answer:


- Listen

- Copy homework in the notebook

+ Offspring:

- Give birth to one calf every 5-7 years.

- Gestation period: 14-19 months.

+ Life Span: - Up to 60-70 years. + Special features:

- Biggest animals that have teeth on Earth.

- Have the laggest brain of all mammals.

+ Conservation concerns: - At risk due to hunting and accidental fishing net entrapment.

* Task 2: Write a paragraph that describes the facts and figures provided in the table: (See bellow)

V Homework: (2ms)




I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: - Language content:

+ To help the students pronounce the sounds / ia / and / ea /, / ua / in words and sentences + To provide the students the second condional

- Language function:

+ To help the students pronounce the sounds in English correctly + To help the students use the language in communication correctly - Educational aims:

+ To help the students be aware of using language in sentences 1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: review the previous vocabulary b.Structures: the second conditional sentence

2 Skills: Integrated skills. 3 Education factor:

+ By the end of the lesson, the students practice using The second condional in a fun and memorale way in a context that Ss can relate to

II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, pairwork, transformation 3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS:

1. Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting.

- Checking about absence. Checking up the previous knowledge: (5mn)

+ Asks students to present some information about the sperm whale 3 The new lesson:







- Has Ss play “pronunciation Game”

- Gives 12 flash cards with 12 words on each one to 12 groups (here, chair, note, mouse, poor, square, cheers, radio, height, destroy, usual, upstairs)

- Calls on each of member of each group to pronounce one word If one pronounces wrongly, he will stand up If one pronounce correctly, he will sit down The group having the last person sitting is winner

- Introduces the lesson II Pre- practice:

- Introduces the sounds and reads the words

- Calls some students to read the words again

- Corrects students’ pronunciation

- Play a game

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Read the words - Correct

- Work in pairs - Answer


E LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 Pronunciation:

/ ia / / ea / / ua / here pair poor

dear chair sure clear square tour

idea where usual 2 Grammar:

* Should + bare-inf: khuyên nên làm

Eg: You should study hard * Shouldn’t + bare- inf: khuyên không nên làm

Eg: You shouldn’t smoke * Exercise 1:

2 You should look for another job

3 He shouldn’t go to bed so late







- Asks students to work in pairs and practice the sentences III While- practice: Has them to tell the words pronounced the sounds / ia /,/ea / and / ua /

- Calls some students to present - Corrects mistakes

IV Free- practice:

- Asks them to close the book and listen to the teacher to tell the sounds of the words

- Gives remarks B GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 1 Should, Shouldn’t

- Gives a situation and has Ss offer a possible solution

+ Beaches are filled with plastic bags

- Asks them to say the usage of should and shouldn’t

- Helps students the execises + Exercise 1:

- Asks students to write a sentence with should or shouldn’t and the phrase in the box

- Has them compare the answers with a partner

- Calls some students to answer in front of the class

- Gives feedback * Exercise 2:

- Has students read the situations and write sentences with I think / I don’t think… should…

- Calls students to write the answers on the board - Gives the correct answers 2 Conditional sentence type 2: - Has Ss play “Chain game” - Divides the class into four groups

- Says If clause Eg: If I study well,…

- Each group makes following the teacher’s and others’ The group having many sentences will win - Introduces the lesson

- Gives a solution

Eg: Nam isn’t intelligent, so he

- Present Listen

- Listen and answer (without books)

- Offer a solution + We should clean beaches We shouldn’t litter rubbish.

- Answer

- Work individually - Share the answers - Answer

- Work in pairs

- Write the answers on the board

- Listen - Play a game - Make sentences following the teacher’s Eg: If I study well, I will get good marks.

If I get good marks, I will pass the exam.


5 She shouldn’t use her car so much

6 He should put some pictures on the wall * Exercise 2:

2 I think smoking should be banned, especially in


3 I don’t think you should go out this evening

4 I think the boos should re sign

* Coditional setence type2 cannot be fulfilled in the present or the future

+ If clause: S + were / Vqk +

+ Main clause: S + would/could + bare-inf * Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the correct form.

3 would take refused wouldn’t get closed down pressed would be didn’t come 10 borrowed 11 walked




 If Nam were intelligent, he could answer the question.

- Has Ss give remark the example - Teaches Ss the usage and the form of the second conditional - Asks Ss to give the correct form of the verbs

- Has Ss give their answers - Corrects mistakes

- Gives some situations and has - Gives some situations and has Ss make the second conditional Ss make the second conditional V Consolidation

-Asks them to retell the language they’ve learnt

- Asks them to write homework in the notebook

- Look at the board - Give remark - Take note

- Work individually - Answer

- Listen and correct mistakes

- Work in groups - Retell

- Take note

V Homework: (2ms) - Do the exrcises again

- Write sentences using conditional type - Learn the structures

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 17:37
