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Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019)

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Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019) Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019) Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019) Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019) Preview Basic Chemistry, 6th Edition by Karen C. Timberlake, William Timberlake (2019)

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More than a PDF, the Pearson eText includes embedded videos, interactive self-assessments, and more—all accessible on any device via the Pearson eText app and available even when offline • Dynamic Study Modules, a fun, interactive way for you to test your understanding of the chapter material—available on any device via the Mastering app • Numerous opportunities to practice your problem-solving skills, with feedback right when you need it Please visit us at www.pearson.com for more information To order any of our products, contact our customer service department at (800) 824-7799, or (201) 767-5021 outside of the U.S., or visit your campus bookstore www.pearson.com ISBN-13: 978-0-13-487811-9 ISBN-10: 0-13-487811-6 Timberlake in mind, offering: & Mastering ™ Chemistry is a learning platform designed with you BASIC CHEMISTRY Whenever you paint a picture or a room, or use inks or cosmetics, you use pigments A pigment is a substance that gives a color to another material Most pigments are a mixture of a powder and a colorless solvent On the front cover of this book, you can see examples of inorganic pigments that are obtained from powdered minerals of different chemical elements Cadmium in cadmium orange, chromium in chrome yellow, cobalt in cobalt violet, iron in red ocher, manganese in manganese purple However, the elements chromium and cadmium are toxic and have been replaced by nontoxic pigments Organic pigments containing chains of the element carbon are obtained from plants and animals Indigo dye from the plant Indigofera tinctoria is an organic compound with a deep, blue color used to color blue jeans and fabrics Carbon black is a powdered form of the element carbon used to color plastics, tires, inks, and paints Color is seen when a pigment absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light and reflects the remaining wavelengths as a color For example, a pigment that absorbs red and green light, and reflects the blue wavelengths, has a blue color If a substance absorbs green light but relects red and blue wavelengths, Blue Red Green Blue Red Green it appears to have a violet color A leaf with chlorophyll pigment is green because all wavelengths in sunlight are absorbed Blue Violet except green Timberlake Pigments in Our Lives Sixth Edition Sixth Edition EAN Timberlake & Timberlake CVR_TIMB8119_06_SE_IFC.indd 11/27/18 12:55 PM Period number 12 11 4B 5B Transition elements (227) Metals Ta W 26 27 8B 10 11 1B 12 2B 28 29 30 190.2 108 107 Re Os 76 Ir 109 192.2 77 102.9 45 58.93 Pt 110 195.1 78 106.4 46 58.69 111 197.0 112 200.6 80 112.4 48 65.41 Au Hg 79 107.9 47 63.55 Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd 101.1 44 55.85 186.2 75 (99) 43 Al 31 26.98 92 91 231.0 61 (265) In Tl 113 204.4 81 114.8 49 69.72 62 (268) 63 (271) 64 (272) 65 (285) 66 (286) 97 158.9 98 162.5 (237) (244) (247) (247) Cf 96 95 (251) 157.3 152.0 (243) 94 150.4 Np Pu Am Cm Bk 93 (145) Nonmetals 238.0 U 144.2 140.9 Th Pa 232.0 Metalloids †Actinides 90 140.1 Si 32 28.09 14 N P 33 30.97 15 14.01 Bi 67 (289) 68 (289) 209.0 115 83 S Se Te 69 (293) (209) 116 Xe 70 71 (294) (222) 118 Rn 86 131.3 Ts Og (294) (210) 117 85 126.9 I 54 53 Kr 83.80 Br 36 79.90 35 Ar 39.95 Cl 18 35.45 20.18 Ne 17 F 10 4.003 19.00 Po At 84 127.6 52 78.96 34 32.07 16 Fl Mc Lv Pb 207.2 114 82 121.8 51 74.92 Sn Sb 118.7 50 72.64 O 16.00 He (257) 100 167.3 (258) 101 168.9 (259) 102 173.0 (262) 103 175.0 Es Fm Md No Lr (252) 99 164.9 Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 60 59 58 Ce (264) (266) 106 183.8 74 95.94 42 54.94 (262) 105 180.9 73 92.91 41 25 13 C 12.01 Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As 52.00 24 7B B 10.81 Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh (261) *Lanthanides (226) Ra Ac 88 87 Fr 104 89† 137.3 (223) Hf 178.5 La 138.9 Cs Ba 72 57* 56 55 132.9 91.22 85.47 Y 88.91 Sr 87.62 Rb 39 V 50.94 23 6B Zr Nb Mo Tc 38 37 40 Ti 44.96 47.87 22 40.08 21 Ca Sc 20 19 K 3B 39.10 24.31 22.99 Na Mg Be 9.012 Li 13 14 15 16 17 Group Group Group Group Group 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 18 Group 8A Halogens Noble gases Group 2A 6.941 1.008 H 1 Group 1A Alkali Alkaline metals earth metals Representative elements Periodic Table of Elements Atomic Masses of the Elements Name Actinium Aluminum Americium Antimony Argon Arsenic Astatine Barium Berkelium Beryllium Bismuth Bohrium Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Californium Carbon Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Copernicium Copper Curium Darmstadtium Dubnium Dysprosium Einsteinium Erbium Europium Fermium Flerovium Fluorine Francium Gadolinium Gallium Germanium Gold Hafnium Hassium Helium Holmium Hydrogen Indium Iodine Iridium Iron Krypton Lanthanum Lawrencium Lead Lithium Livermorium Lutetium Magnesium Manganese Meitnerium Symbol Ac Al Am Sb Ar As At Ba Bk Be Bi Bh B Br Cd Ca Cf C Ce Cs Cl Cr Co Cn Cu Cm Ds Db Dy Es Er Eu Fm Fl F Fr Gd Ga Ge Au Hf Hs He Ho H In I Ir Fe Kr La Lr Pb Li Lv Lu Mg Mn Mt Atomic Number 89 13 95 51 18 33 85 56 97 83 107 35 48 20 98 58 55 17 24 27 112 29 96 110 105 66 99 68 63 100 114 87 64 31 32 79 72 108 67 49 53 77 26 36 57 103 82 116 71 12 25 109 Atomic Massa b (227) 26.98 (243) 121.8 39.95 74.92 (210) 137.3 (247) 9.012 209.0 (264) 10.81 79.90 112.4 40.08 (251) 12.01 140.1 132.9 35.45 52.00 58.93 (285) 63.55 (247) (271) (262) 162.5 (252) 167.3 152.0 (257) (289) 19.00 (223) 157.3 69.72 72.64 197.0 178.5 (265) 4.003 164.9 1.008 114.8 126.9 192.2 55.85 83.80 138.9 (262) 207.2 6.941 (293) 175.0 24.31 54.94 (268) Name Mendelevium Mercury Molybdenum Moscovium Neodymium Neon Neptunium Nickel Nihonium Niobium Nitrogen Nobelium Oganesson Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Plutonium Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Promethium Protactinium Radium Radon Rhenium Rhodium Roentgenium Rubidium Ruthenium Rutherfordium Samarium Scandium Seaborgium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Strontium Sulfur Tantalum Technetium Tellurium Tennessine Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Xenon Ytterbium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Massa Md Hg Mo Mc Nd Ne Np Ni Nh Nb N No Og Os O Pd P Pt Pu Po K Pr Pm Pa Ra Rn Re Rh Rg Rb Ru Rf Sm Sc Sg Se Si Ag Na Sr S Ta Tc Te Ts Tb Tl Th Tm Sn Ti W U V Xe Yb Y Zn Zr 101 80 42 115 60 10 93 28 113 41 102 118 76 46 15 78 94 84 19 59 61 91 88 86 75 45 111 37 44 104 62 21 106 34 14 47 11 38 16 73 43 52 117 65 81 90 69 50 22 74 92 23 54 70 39 30 40 (258) 200.6 95.94 (289) 144.2 20.18 (237) 58.69 (286) 92.91 14.01 (259) (294) 190.2 16.00 106.4 30.97 195.1 (244) (209) 39.10 140.9 (145) 231.0 (226) (222) 186.2 102.9 (272) 85.47 101.1 (261) 150.4 44.96 (266) 78.96 28.09 107.9 22.99 87.62 32.07 180.9 (99) 127.6 (294) 158.9 204.4 232.0 168.9 118.7 47.87 183.8 238.0 50.94 131.3 173.0 88.91 65.41 91.22 a Values for atomic masses are given to four significant figures Values in parentheses are the mass number of an important radioactive isotope b CVR_TIMB8119_06_SE_FEP.indd 11/27/18 12:54 PM BASIC CHEMISTRY This page intentionally left blank A01_THOM6233_05_SE_WALK.indd 1/13/17 6:50 PM BASIC CHEMISTRY Sixth Edition Karen Timberlake William Timberlake Courseware Portfolio Manager: Jessica Moro Director of Portfolio Management: Jeanne Zalesky Content Producer: Melanie Field Managing Producer: Kristen Flathman Courseware Director, Content Development: Barbara Yien Courseware Portfolio Management Analyst: Coleen Morrison Courseware Editorial Assistant: Harry Misthos Rich Media Content Producer: Ziki Dekel Full-Service Vendor: Pearson CSC Full-Service Project Manager: Rose Kernan Copyeditor: Karen Slaght Courseware Portfolio Analyst, Content Development, Art: Jay McElroy Design Manager: Mark Ong Cover and Interior Designer: Tamara Newnam Photo and Illustration Project Manager: Stephanie Marquez  and Alicia Elliott/Imagineering Art Rights & Permissions Project Manager: Matt Perry Rights & Permissions Management: Ben Ferrini Photo Researcher: Namrata Aggarwal Manufacturing Buyer: Stacey Weinberger Director of Field Marketing: Tim Galligan Director of Product Marketing: Allison Rona Field Marketing Manager: Christopher Barker Product Marketing 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ISBN 13: 978-0-13498699-9 (Looseleaf Edition) ISBN 10:   0-135-24461-7; ISBN 13: 978-0-13524461-6 (NASTA) www.pearson.com Brief Contents Chemistry in Our Lives  Chemistry and Measurements  27 Matter and Energy  68 Atoms and Elements  100 Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends  Ionic and Molecular Compounds  156 Chemical Quantities  183 Chemical Reactions  213 Chemical Quantities in Reactions  239 10 Bonding and Properties of Solids and Liquids  269 11 Gases  311 12 Solutions  350 13 Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium  398 14 Acids and Bases  431 15 Oxidation and Reduction  476 16 Nuclear Chemistry  508 17 Organic Chemistry  540 18 Biochemistry  592 125  v This page intentionally left blank A01_THOM6233_05_SE_WALK.indd 1/13/17 6:50 PM Contents 2.7 Density  UPDATE  Greg’s Visit with His Doctor  59 Chemistry in Our Lives Concept Map  59 Chapter Review  60 Key Terms  61 Key Math Skills  61 Core Chemistry Skills  61 Understanding the Concepts  62  Additional Practice Problems  64 Challenge Problems  65 Answers to Engage Questions  65  Answers to Selected Problems  65   CAREER Forensic Scientist 1 1.1 Chemistry and Chemicals 2 1.2 Scientific Method: Thinking Like a Scientist  CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH  Early Chemist: Paracelsus  1.3 Studying and Learning Chemistry  1.4 Key Math Skills for Chemistry  1.5 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation  17 UPDATE Forensic Evidence Helps Solve the Crime  21 Matter and Energy Concept Map 21 Chapter Review  22 Key Terms  22 Key Math Skills  22 Understanding the Concepts  24 Additional Practice Problems  24 Challenge Problems  25 Answers to Engage Questions  25 Answers to Selected Problems  26   68 CAREER Dietitian  68 3.1 Classification of Matter  69 CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH Breathing Mixtures  70 3.2 States and Properties of Matter  3.3 Temperature  75 72 CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH  Variation in Body Temperature 79 3.4 Energy  79 3.5 Specific Heat  82 3.6 Energy and Nutrition  Chemistry and Measurements UPDATE  A Diet and Exercise Program  90 CAREER Registered Nurse  27 Units of Measurement  28 Measured Numbers and Significant Figures  Significant Figures in Calculations  34 Prefixes and Equalities  39 Writing Conversion Factors  42 Problem Solving Using Unit Conversion  47 CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH  Toxicology and Risk–Benefit Assessment  52 87 CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH  Losing and Gaining Weight  89   27 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 53 CHEMISTRY LINK TO HEALTH  Bone Density  56 31 Concept Map  91 Chapter Review  91 Key Terms  92 Core Chemistry Skills  92 Understanding the Concepts  93 Additional Practice Problems  94 Challenge Problems  95 Answers to Engage Questions  96 Answers to Selected Problems  96 Combining Ideas from Chapters to 3  98  vii 5.5  Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table  141 SELF TEST 5.6 Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration for each of the following: a argon b cobalt ANSWER a 1s22s22p63s23p6 b 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d Electron Configurations for Period and Above Up to Period 4, the filling of the sublevels has progressed in order However, if we look at the sublevel blocks in Period 4, we see that the 4s sublevel fills before the 3d sublevel This occurs because the electrons in the 4s sublevel have slightly lower energy than the electrons in the 3d sublevel This order occurs again in Period when the 5s sublevel fills before the 4d sublevel, in Period when the 6s fills before the 5d, and in Period when the 7s fills before the 6d At the beginning of Period 4, the electrons in potassium (19) and calcium (20) go into the 4s sublevel In scandium, the next electron added after the 4s sublevel is filled goes into the 3d block The 3d block continues to fill until it is complete with 10 electrons at zinc (30) Once the 3d block is complete, the next six electrons, gallium to krypton, go into the 4p block Atomic Element Number Electron Configuration Abbreviated Electron Configuration 4s Block K 19 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 [Ar]4s1 Ca 20 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 [Ar]4s2 Sc 21 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Ti 22 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d V 23 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Cr* 24 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d [Ar]4s13d Mn 25 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Fe 26 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Co 27 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Ni 28 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d [Ar]4s23d Cu* 29 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d 10 [Ar]4s13d 10 3d Block Zn 2 6 10 [Ar]4s 3d 10 30 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d Ga 31 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p1 [Ar]4s23d 104p1 Ge 32 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p2 [Ar]4s23d 104p2 As 33 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p3 [Ar]4s23d 104p3 Se 34 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p4 [Ar]4s23d 104p4 Br 35 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p5 [Ar]4s23d 104p5 Kr 36 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p6 [Ar]4s23d 104p6 4p Block Exceptions to the order of filling * half-filled d sublevel is stable filled d sublevel is stable ENGAGE 5.13 What sublevel blocks are used to add electrons to the elements from K to Zn? 142  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends In Sample Problem 5.7, we use sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the ­electron configuration for selenium (atomic number 34) SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.7 Using Sublevel Blocks to Write Electron Configurations TRY IT FIRST Selenium is used in making glass and in pigments Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration for selenium SOLUTION ANALYZE THE PROBLEM Given Need Connect selenium electron configuration sublevel blocks STEP   Locate the element on the periodic table Selenium is in Period and Group 6A (16) STEP   Write the filled sublevels in order, going across each period Period Sublevel Block Filling Sublevel Block Notation (filled) 1s (H S He) 1s2 2s (Li S Be) and 2p (B S Ne) 2s22p6 3s (Na S Mg) and 3p (Al S Ar) 3s23p6 4s (K S Ca) and 3d (Sc S Zn) 4s23d 10 STEP   Complete the configuration by counting the electrons in the last occupied sublevel block Because selenium is the fourth element in the 4p block, there are four electrons in the 4p sublevel Period Sublevel Block Filling Sublevel Block Notation 4p (Ga S Se) 4p4 The electron configuration for selenium (Se) is: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p4 SELF TEST 5.7 a Iodine is a micromineral needed for thyroid function Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration for iodine b Manganese is a micromineral needed for metabolic function Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration for manganese Some dietary sources of iodine include seafood, eggs, and milk ANSWER a 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p65s24d 105p5 b 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d Some Exceptions in Sublevel Block Order Within the filling of the 3d sublevel, exceptions occur for chromium and copper In Cr and Cu, the 3d sublevel is close to being a half-filled or filled sublevel, which is particularly stable Thus, the electron configuration for chromium has only one electron in the 4s and five electrons in the 3d sublevel to give the added stability of a half-filled d sublevel This is shown in the abbreviated orbital diagram for chromium: 4s [Ar] 3d (half-filled) 4p Abbreviated orbital diagram for chromium 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties  143 A similar exception occurs when copper achieves a stable, filled 3d sublevel with 10 electrons and only one electron in the 4s orbital This is shown in the abbreviated orbital diagram for copper: 4s 3d (filled) [Ar] 4p Abbreviated orbital diagram for copper After the 4s and 3d sublevels are completed, the 4p sublevel fills as expected from gallium to krypton, the noble gas that completes Period There are also exceptions in filling for the higher d and f electron sublevels, some caused by the added stability of half-filled shells and others where the cause is not known PRACTICE PROBLEMS Try Practice Problems 5.41 to 5.50 PRACTICE PROBLEMS 5.5  Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table 5.41 Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write a complete electron configuration for an atom of each of the following: a arsenic b iron c tin d krypton 5.46 Use the periodic table to give the symbol of the element with each of the following electron configurations: a 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 8 b [Kr]5s24d 105p4 2 6 10 c 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p d [Ar]4s23d 104p5 5.42 Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write a complete electron configuration for an atom of each of the following: a calcium b nickel c gallium d cadmium 5.47 Use the periodic table to give the symbol of the element that meets the following conditions: a has three electrons in the n = energy level b has three 2p electrons c completes the 5p sublevel d has two electrons in the 4d sublevel 5.43 Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write an abbreviated electron configuration for an atom of each of the following: a titanium b bromine c barium d lead 5.44 Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write an abbreviated electron configuration for an atom of each of the following: a vanadium b palladium c zinc d cesium 5.45 Use the periodic table to give the symbol of the element with each of the following electron configurations: a 1s22s22p63s23p3 b 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d c [Ar]4s23d 10 d [Xe]6s24f 145d 106p3 5.48 Use the periodic table to give the symbol of the element that meets the following conditions: a has five electrons in the n = energy level b has one electron in the 6p sublevel c completes the 7s sublevel d has four 5p electrons 5.49 Use the periodic table to give the number of electrons in the indicated sublevels for the following: a 3d in zinc b 2p in sodium c 4p in arsenic d 5s in rubidium 5.50 Use the periodic table to give the number of electrons in the indicated sublevels for the following: a 3d in manganese b 5p in antimony c 6p in lead d 3s in magnesium 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties LEARNING GOAL  Use the electron configurations of elements to explain the trends in periodic properties The electron configurations of atoms are an important factor in the physical and chemical properties of the elements and in the properties of the compounds that they form In this section, we will look at the valence electrons in atoms, the trends in atomic size, ionization energy, and metallic character Going across a period, there is a pattern of regular change in these properties from one group to the next Known as periodic properties, each property increases or decreases across a period, and then the trend is repeated in each successive period We can use the seasonal changes in temperatures as an analogy for periodic properties In the winter, temperatures are cold and become warmer in the spring By summer, the outdoor temperatures are hot but begin to cool in the fall By winter, we expect cold temperatures again as the pattern of decreasing and increasing temperatures repeats for another year SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER The change in temperature with the seasons is a periodic property 144  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends Group Number and Valence Electrons CORE CHEMISTRY SKILL Identifying Trends in Periodic Properties The chemical properties of representative elements are mostly due to the valence electrons, which are the electrons in the outermost energy level These valence electrons occupy the s and p sublevels with the highest principal quantum number n The group numbers indicate the number of valence (outer) electrons for the elements in each vertical column For example, the elements in Group 1A (1), such as lithium, sodium, and potassium, all have one electron in an s orbital Looking at the sublevel block, we can represent the valence electron in the alkali metals of Group 1A (1) as ns1 All the elements in Group 2A (2), the alkaline earth metals, have two valence electrons, ns2 The halogens in Group 7A (17) have seven valence electrons, ns2np5 We can see the repetition of the outermost s and p electrons for the representative elements for Periods to in TABLE 5.3 Helium is included in Group 8A (18) because it is a noble gas, but it has only two electrons in its complete energy level TABLE 5.3 Valence Electron Configuration for Representative Elements in Periods to ENGAGE 5.14 What the group numbers indicate about the electron configurations of the elements in Groups 1A (1) to 8A (18)? 1A (1) 2A (2) 3A (13) 4A (14) 5A (15) 6A (16) 7A (17) H 1s1 8A (18) He 1s2 Li 2s1 Be 2s2 B 2s22p1 C 2s22p2 N 2s22p3 O 2s22p4 F 2s22p5 10 Ne 2s22p6 11 Na 3s1 12 Mg 3s2 13 Al 3s23p1 14 Si 3s23p2 15 P 3s23p3 16 S 3s23p4 17 Cl 3s23p5 18 Ar 3s23p6 19 K 4s1 20 Ca 4s2 31 Ga 4s24p1 32 Ge 4s24p2 33 As 4s24p3 34 Se 4s24p4 35 Br 4s24p5 36 Kr 4s24p6 SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.8  Using Group Numbers TRY IT FIRST Using the periodic table, write the period, the group number, the number of valence ­electrons, and the valence electron configuration for each of the following: a calcium b iodine c lead SOLUTION The valence electrons are the outermost s and p electrons Although there may be electrons in the d or f sublevels, they are not valence electrons a Calcium is in Period 4, Group 2A (2), has two valence electrons, and has a valence ­electron configuration of 4s2 b Iodine is in Period 5, Group 7A (17), has seven valence electrons, and has a valence electron configuration of 5s25p5 c Lead is in Period 6, Group 4A (14), has four valence electrons, and has a valence electron configuration of 6s26p2 SELF TEST 5.8 Using the periodic table, write the period, the group number, the number of valence ­electrons, and the valence electron configuration for each of the following: a sulfur b strontium ANSWER PRACTICE PROBLEMS Try Practice Problems 5.51 to 5.58 a Sulfur is in Period 3, Group 6A (16), has six valence electrons, and a 3s23p4 valence electron configuration b Strontium is in Period 5, Group 2A (2), has two valence electrons, and a 5s2 valence electron configuration 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties  145 Atomic Size The atomic size of an atom is determined by the distance of the valence electrons from the nucleus For each group of representative elements, the atomic size increases going from the top to the bottom because the outermost electrons in each energy level are farther from the nucleus For example, in Group 1A (1), Li has a valence electron in energy level 2; Na has a valence electron in energy level 3; and K has a valence electron in energy level This means that a K atom is larger than a Na atom and a Na atom is larger than a Li atom (see FIGURE 5.12) Atomic Size Decreases Group 1A (1) 2A (2) 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) He Period Atomic Size Increases H Li Be Na 3B Mg (3) 4B (4) 5B (5) 6B (6) 7B (7) (8) K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag 8B (9) B C N O F Ne Al Si P S Cl Ar Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 1B 2B (10) (11) (12) FIGURE 5.12  The atomic size increases going down a group but decreases going from left to right across a period The atomic size of representative elements is affected by the attractive forces of the protons in the nucleus on the electrons in the outermost level For the elements going across a period, the increase in the number of protons in the nucleus increases the positive charge of the nucleus As a result, the electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus, which means that the atomic size of representative elements decreases going from left to right across a period The size of atoms of transition elements within the same period changes only slightly because electrons are filling d orbitals rather than the outermost energy level Because the increase in nuclear charge is canceled by an increase in d electrons, the attraction of the valence electrons by the nucleus remains about the same Because there is little change in the nuclear attraction for the valence electrons, the atomic size remains relatively constant for the transition elements SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.9  Sizes of Atoms TRY IT FIRST Identify the smaller atom in each of the following pairs: a N or F b K or Kr c Ca or Sr SOLUTION a The F atom has a greater positive charge on the nucleus, which pulls electrons closer, and makes the F atom smaller than the N atom Atomic size decreases going from left to right across a period b The Kr atom has a greater positive charge on the nucleus, which pulls electrons closer, and makes the Kr atom smaller than the K atom Atomic size decreases going from left to right across a period c The outer electrons in the Ca atom are closer to the nucleus than in the Sr atom, which makes the Ca atom smaller than the Sr atom Atomic size increases going down a group ENGAGE 5.15 Why is a phosphorus atom larger than a nitrogen atom but smaller than a silicon atom? 146  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends SELF TEST 5.9 Identify the largest atom in each of the following: a P, As, or Se b Mg, Si, or S PRACTICE PROBLEMS Try Practice Problems 5.59 to 5.62 ENGAGE 5.16 Ionization Energy Decreases When a magnesium atom ionizes to form a magnesium ion Mg2+, which electrons are lost? Li atom a As b Mg Ionization Energy In an atom, negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positive charge of the protons in the nucleus Therefore, energy is required to remove an electron from an atom The ionization energy is the energy needed to remove one electron from an atom in the gaseous (g) state When an electron is removed from a neutral atom, a cation with a 1+ charge is formed Na atom Distance between the nucleus and valence electron K atom ENGAGE 5.17 Why would Cs have a lower ­ionization energy than K? Ionization Energy Increases Na+(g) + e- Na(g) + energy (ionization) 1s FIGURE 5.13  As the distance from the nucleus to the valence electron in Li, Na, and K atoms increases in Group 1A (1), the ionization energy decreases and less energy is required to remove the valence electron Ionization Energy Decreases ANSWER 2s 2p 3s 1s 2s 2p 3s + The attraction of a nucleus for the outermost electrons decreases as those electrons are farther from the nucleus Thus the ionization energy decreases going down a group (see FIGURE 5.13) However, going across a period from left to right, the positive charge of the nucleus increases because there is an increase in the number of protons Thus the ionization energy increases going from left to right across the periodic table In summary, the ionization energy is low for the metals and high for the nonmetals The high ionization energies of the noble gases indicate that their electron configurations are especially stable SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.10  Ionization Energy TRY IT FIRST Indicate the element in each set that has the higher ionization energy and explain your choice a S or Se b Mg or Cl c F, N, or C SOLUTION a S In S, an electron is removed from a sublevel closer to the nucleus, which requires a higher ionization energy for S compared with Se b Cl The increased nuclear charge of Cl increases the attraction for the valence electrons, which requires a higher ionization energy for Cl compared to Mg c F The increased nuclear charge of F increases the attraction for the valence electrons, which requires a higher ionization energy for F compared to C or N Ionization energy decreases going down a group and increases going from left to right across a period SELF TEST 5.10 a Arrange Sr, I, and Sn in order of increasing ionization energy b Arrange Ba, Mg, and Ca in order of decreasing ionization energy ANSWER PRACTICE PROBLEMS Try Practice Problems 5.63 to 5.66 a Sr, Sn, I Ionization energy increases going from left to right across a period b Ionization energy decreases going down a group: Mg, Ca, Ba Metallic Character An element that has metallic character is an element that loses valence electrons easily Metallic character is more prevalent in the elements on the left side of the periodic table (metals) and decreases going from left to right across a period The elements on the right side of the periodic table (nonmetals) not easily lose electrons, which means they are less metallic Most of the metalloids between the metals and nonmetals tend to lose electrons, but not as easily as the metals Thus, in Period 3, sodium, which loses electrons most easily, would be the most metallic Going across from left to right in Period 3, metallic character decreases to argon, which has the least metallic character For elements in the same group of representative elements, metallic character increases going from top to bottom Atoms at the bottom of any group have more electron levels, which makes it easier to lose electrons Thus, the elements at the bottom of a group on the periodic table have lower ionization energy and are more metallic compared to the elements at the top A summary of the trends in periodic properties we have discussed is given in TABLE 5.4 Metallic Character Increases 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties  147 Metallic Character Decreases Metallic character increases going down a group and decreases going from left to right across a period ENGAGE 5.18 TABLE 5.4 Summary of Trends in Periodic Properties of Representative Elements Periodic Property Top to Bottom Within a Group Left to Right Across a Period Valence Electrons Remains the same Increases Atomic Size Increases because there is an increase in the number of energy levels Decreases as the number of protons increases, which strengthens the ­attraction of the nucleus for the valence electrons, and pulls them closer to the nucleus Ionization Energy Decreases because the valence Increases as the number of protons increases, which strengthens the electrons are easier to ­attraction of the nucleus for the valence remove when they are farther electrons, and more energy is needed from the nucleus to remove a valence electron Metallic Character Decreases as the number of protons Increases because the valence increases, which strengthens the electrons are easier to ­attraction of the nucleus for the valence remove when they are farther electrons, and makes it more difficult from the nucleus to remove a valence electron Why is magnesium more metallic than aluminum? PRACTICE PROBLEMS Try Practice Problems 5.67 to 5.74 PRACTICE PROBLEMS 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties 5.51 What the group numbers from 1A (1) to 8A (18) for the ­elements indicate about electron configurations of those elements? 5.52 What is similar and what is different about the valence electrons of the elements in a group? 5.53 Write the group number using both A/B and to 18 notations for elements that have the following outer electron configuration: a.  2s2 b 3s23p3 c 4s23d 5 d 5s24d 105p4 5.54 Write the group number using both A/B and to 18 notations for elements that have the following outer electron configuration: a 4s23d 104p5 b 4s1 c 4s23d 8 d 5s24d 105p2 5.55 Write the valence electron configuration for each of the following: a alkali metals b Group 4A (14) c Group 7A (17) d Group 5A (15) 5.56 Write the valence electron configuration for each of the following: a halogens b Group 6A (16) c Group 13 d alkaline earth metals 5.57 Indicate the number of valence electrons in each of the following: a aluminum b Group 5A (15) c barium d F, Cl, Br, and I 5.58 Indicate the number of valence electrons in each of the following: a Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs b Se c C, Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb d Group 8A (18) 5.59 Select the larger atom in each pair a Na or Cl b Na or Rb c Na or Mg d Rb or I 5.60 Select the larger atom in each pair a S or Ar b S or O c S or K d S or Mg 148  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends 5.61 Place the elements in each set in order of decreasing atomic size a Al, Si, Mg b Cl, I, Br c Sb, Sr, I d P, Si, Na 5.70 Fill in each of the following blanks using higher or lower, more or less: N has a _ ionization energy and is _ metallic than As 5.62 Place the elements in each set in order of decreasing atomic size a Cl, S, P b Ge, Si, C c Ba, Ca, Sr d S, O, Se 5.71 Complete each of the following statements a to d using 1, 2, or 3: decreases increases remains the same 5.63 Select the element in each pair with the higher ionization energy a Br or I b Mg or Sr c Si or P d I or Xe 5.64 Select the element in each pair with the higher ionization energy a O or Ne b K or Br c Ca or Ba d N or Ne 5.65 Arrange each set of elements in order of increasing ionization energy a F, Cl, Br b Na, Cl, Al c Na, K, Cs d As, Ca, Br 5.66 Arrange each set of elements in order of increasing ionization energy a O, N, C b S, P, Cl c P, As, N d Al, Si, P 5.67 Place the following in order of decreasing metallic character: Br, Ge, Ca, Ga 5.68 Place the following in order of increasing metallic character: Na, P, Al, Ar 5.69 Fill in each of the following blanks using higher or lower, more or less: Sr has a ionization energy and is metallic than Sb Going down Group 6A (16), a the ionization energy b the atomic size c the metallic character _ d the number of valence electrons _ 5.72 Complete each of the following statements a to d using 1, 2, or 3: decreases increases remains the same Going from left to right across Period 3, a the ionization energy b the atomic size c the metallic character d the number of valence electrons 5.73 Which statements completed with a to e will be true and which will be false? An atom of N compared to an atom of Li has a larger (greater) a atomic size b ionization energy c number of protons d metallic character e number of valence electrons 5.74 Which statements completed with a to e will be true and which will be false? An atom of C compared to an atom of Sn has a larger (greater) a atomic size b ionization energy c number of protons d metallic character e number of valence electrons UPDATE  Developing New Materials for Computer Chips As part of a new research project, ­Jennifer and ­Robert are assigned to ­investigate the ­properties of indium (In) and tellurium (Te) Both these elements are used to make computer chips As a result of their research, Jennifer and Robert hope to develop new computer chips that will be faster and less expensive to manufacture 5.75 a What is the atomic number of In? b How many electrons are in an atom of In? c Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration and abbreviated electron ­configuration for In d Which is larger, an atom of indium or an atom of iodine? e Which has a higher ionization energy, an atom of indium or an atom of iodine? 5.76 a What is the atomic number of Te? b How many electrons are in an atom of Te? c Use the sublevel blocks on the periodic table to write the electron configuration and abbreviated electron ­configuration for Te d Which is smaller, an atom of selenium or an atom of tellurium? e Which has a lower ionization energy, an atom of ­selenium or an atom of tellurium? Chapter Review  149 CONCEPT MAP ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF ATOMS AND PERIODIC TRENDS make up have have Elements Protons Electrons that have that determine in Chemical Symbols Atomic Number Energy Levels containing have arranged in the Periodic Table Valence Electrons Periods Orbitals shown as that determine by Groups Sublevels Group Number Periodic Trends Electron Configurations Orbital Diagrams such as Atomic Size Ionization Energy Metallic Character CHAPTER REVIEW 5.1  Electromagnetic Radiation 5.2  Atomic Spectra and Energy Levels LEARNING GOAL Compare LEARNING GOAL Explain how the wavelength, frequency, and energy of electromagnetic radiation atomic spectra correlate with the energy levels in atoms • Electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves and visible light is energy that travels at the speed of light • Each particular type of radiation has a specific wavelength and frequency • A wavelength (symbol l, lambda) is the distance between a crest or trough in a wave and the next crest or trough on that wave • The frequency (symbol n, nu) is the number of waves that pass a certain point in s • All electromagnetic radiation travels at the speed of light (c), which is 3.00 * 108 m/s • Mathematically, the relationship of the speed of light, wavelength, and frequency is expressed as c = ln • Long-wavelength radiation has low frequencies, while short-­ wavelength radiation has high frequencies • Radiation with a high frequency has high energy • The atomic spectra of elements are related to the specific energy levels occupied by electrons • Light consists of photons, which are particles of a specific energy • When an electron absorbs a photon of a particular energy, it attains a higher energy level When an electron drops to a lower energy level, a photon of a particular energy is emitted • Each element has its own unique atomic spectrum z 5.3  Sublevels and Orbitals LEARNING GOAL Describe the s­ ublevels and orbitals for the ­electrons in an atom • An orbital is a region around the nucleus where an electron with a specific energy is most likely to be found y x 150  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends • Each orbital holds a maximum of two electrons, which must have opposite spins • In each energy level (n), electrons occupy orbitals of identical energy within sublevels • An s sublevel contains one s orbital, a p sublevel contains three p orbitals, a d sublevel contains five d orbitals, and an f sublevel contains seven f orbitals • Each type of orbital has a unique shape 5.4  Orbital Diagrams and Electron Configurations LEARNING GOAL Draw the orbital diagram and write 1s the electron configuration for an element • Within a sublevel, electrons enter orbitals in the same energy level one at a time until all the orbitals are half-filled • Additional electrons enter with opposite spins until the orbitals in that sublevel are filled with two electrons each • The orbital diagram for an element such as silicon shows the ­orbitals that are occupied by paired and unpaired electrons: 1s 2s 2p 3s • Beginning with 1s, an electron configuration is obtained by ­writing the sublevel blocks in order going across each period on the ­periodic table until the element is reached Period s Block Number 1s p Block 2p 2s 3s d Block 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 5d 6p 7s 6d 7p f Block 4f 5f 1s1 1s2 3p • The electron configuration for an element such as silicon shows the number of electrons in each sublevel: 1s22s22p63s23p2 • An abbreviated electron configuration for an element such as ­silicon places the symbol of a noble gas in brackets to represent the filled sublevels: [Ne]3s23p2 5.5  Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table LEARNING GOAL Write the electron configuration for an atom using the sublevel blocks on the periodic table • The periodic table consists of s, p, d, and f sublevel blocks • An electron configuration can be written following the order of the sublevel blocks on the periodic table 5.6  Trends in Periodic Properties LEARNING GOAL Use the ­ lectron configurations of e ­elements to explain the trends in periodic properties Li atom • The properties of elements are related to the valence electrons of the atoms • With only a few exceptions, Na atom each group of elements has the same arrangement of valence Distance between electrons differing only in the the nucleus and energy level valence electron • The size of an atom increases going down a group and decreases going from left to K atom right across a period • The energy required to remove a valence electron is the ionization energy, which decreases going down a group, and increases going from left to right across a period • The metallic character of an element increases going down a group and decreases going from left to right across a period KEY TERMS atomic size  The distance between the outermost electrons and the nucleus atomic spectrum  A series of lines specific for each element produced by photons emitted by electrons dropping to lower energy levels d block  The 10 elements in Groups 3B (3) to 2B (12) in which ­electrons fill the five d orbitals electromagnetic radiation  Forms of energy such as visible light, microwaves, radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet light, and X-rays that travel as waves at the speed of light electromagnetic spectrum  The arrangement of types of radiation from long wavelengths to short wavelengths electron configuration  A list of the number of electrons in each ­sublevel within an atom, arranged by increasing energy energy level  A group of electrons with similar energy f block  The 14 elements in the rows at the bottom of the periodic table in which electrons fill the seven 4f and 5f orbitals frequency  The number of times the crests of a wave pass a point in s ionization energy  The energy needed to remove the least tightly bound electron from the outermost energy level of an atom metallic character  A measure of how easily an element loses a valence electron orbital  The region around the nucleus of an atom where electrons of certain energy are most likely to be found: s orbitals are ­spherical; p orbitals have two lobes orbital diagram  A diagram that shows the distribution of electrons in the orbitals of the energy levels p block  The elements in Groups 3A (13) to 8A (18) in which ­electrons fill the p orbitals photon  A packet of energy that has both particle and wave ­characteristics and travels at the speed of light principal quantum number (n)  The number (n = 1, n = 2, c) assigned to an energy level s block  The elements in Groups 1A (1) and 2A (2) in which electrons fill the s orbitals sublevel  A group of orbitals of equal energy within energy levels The number of sublevels in each energy level is the same as the principal quantum number (n) valence electrons  The electrons in the highest energy level of an atom wavelength  The distance between adjacent crests or troughs in a wave Understanding the Concepts  151 CORE CHEMISTRY SKILLS The chapter section containing each Core Chemistry Skill is shown in parentheses at the end of each heading Writing Electron Configurations (5.4) • The electron configuration for an atom specifies the energy levels and sublevels occupied by the electrons of an atom • An electron configuration is written starting with the lowest energy sublevel, followed by the next lowest energy sublevel • The number of electrons in each sublevel is shown as a superscript Example: Write the electron configuration for palladium Answer:  Palladium has atomic number 46, which means it has 46 protons and 46 electrons 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p65s24d Identifying Trends in Periodic Properties (5.6) • The size of an atom increases going down a group and decreases going from left to right across a period • The ionization energy decreases going down a group and increases going from left to right across a period • The metallic character of an element increases going down a group and decreases going from left to right across a period Example: For Mg, P, and Cl, identify which has the a largest atomic size b highest ionization energy c greatest metallic character Answer: a Mg Using the Periodic Table to Write Electron Configurations (5.5) b Cl c Mg • An electron configuration corresponds to the location of an element on the periodic table, where different blocks within the periodic table are identified as the s, p, d, and f sublevels Example: Use the periodic table to write the electron configuration for sulfur Answer: Sulfur (atomic number 16) is in Group 6A (16) and Period Period Sublevel Block Filling Sublevel Block Notation 1s (H S He) 1s2 2s (Li S Be) and 2p (B S Ne) 2s22p6 3s (Na S Mg) 3p (Al S S) 3s2 3p4 The electron configuration for sulfur (S) is: 1s22s22p63s23p4 UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPTS The chapter sections to review are shown in parentheses at the end of each problem Use the following diagram for problems 5.77 and 5.78: A 5.78 Select diagram A, B, or C that (5.1) a has the highest energy b has the lowest energy c would represent blue light d would represent red light 5.79 Match the following with an s or p orbital: (5.3) B a b c C 5.77 Select diagram A, B, or C that (5.1) a has the longest wavelength b has the shortest wavelength c has the highest frequency d has the lowest frequency 5.80 Match the following with s or p orbitals: (5.3) a two lobes b spherical shape c found in n = d found in n = 152  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends 5.81 Indicate whether or not each of the following orbital diagrams is ­possible and explain When possible, indicate the element it represents (5.4) 2s 2p 3s a 1s b 1s 2s 2p 5.83 Match the spheres A through D with atoms of Li, Na, K, and Rb (5.6) 3s 5.82 Indicate whether or not each of the following abbreviated orbital diagrams is possible and explain When possible, indicate the element it represents (5.4) 2s 2p a A B C D 5.84 Match the spheres A through D with atoms of K, Ge, Ca, and Kr (5.6) [He] 4s b 3d A B C D [Ar] ADDITIONAL PRACTICE PROBLEMS 5.85 What is the difference between a continuous spectrum and an atomic spectrum? (5.1) 5.86 Why does a neon sign give off red light? (5.1) 5.87 What is the Pauli exclusion principle? (5.3) 5.88 Why would there be five unpaired electrons in a d sublevel but no paired electrons? (5.3) 5.89 Which of the following orbitals are possible in an atom: 4p, 2d, 3f, and 5f ? (5.3) 5.90 Which of the following orbitals are possible in an atom: 1p, 4f, 6s, and 4d ? (5.3) 5.91 a W  hat electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 3s sublevel? (5.4) b What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 4p sublevel? c What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 3d sublevel? d What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 3p sublevel? 5.92 a W  hat electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 5s sublevel? (5.4) b What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 4d sublevel? c What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 4f sublevel? d What electron sublevel starts to fill after completion of the 5p sublevel? 5.93 a How many 3d electrons are in Fe? (5.4) b How many 5p electrons are in Ba? c How many 4d electrons are in I? d How many 7s electrons are in Ra? 5.94 a How many 4d electrons are in Cd? (5.4) b How many 4p electrons are in Br? c How many 6p electrons are in Bi? d How many 4s electrons are in Zn? 5.95 Write the abbreviated electron configuration and group number for each of the following elements: (5.4) a Si b Se c Mn d Sb 5.96 Write the abbreviated electron configuration and group number for each of the following elements: (5.4) a Br b Rh c Tc d Ra 5.97 What the elements Ca, Sr, and Ba have in common in terms of their electron configuration? Where are they located on the periodic table? (5.4, 5.5) 5.98 What the elements O, S, and Se have in common in terms of their electron configuration? Where are they located on the periodic table? (5.4, 5.5) 5.99 Name the element that corresponds to each of the following: (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) a 1s22s22p63s23p3 b alkali metal with the smallest atomic size c [Kr]5s24d 10 d Group 5A (15) element with the highest ionization energy e Period element with the largest atomic size 5.100 Name the element that corresponds to each of the following: (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) a 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d b [Xe]6s24f 145d 106p5 c halogen with the highest ionization energy d Group 2A (2) element with the lowest ionization energy e Period element with the smallest atomic size 5.101 Why is the ionization energy of Ca higher than that of K but lower than that of Mg? (5.6) 5.102 Why is the ionization energy of Br lower than that of Cl but higher than that of Se? (5.6) 5.103 Select the more metallic element in each pair (5.6) a As or Sb b Sn or Sb c Cl or P d O or P Answers to Engage Questions  5.104 Select the more metallic element in each pair (5.6) a Sn or As b Cl or I c Ca or Ba d Ba or Hg 5.105 Of the elements Na, P, Cl, and F, which (5.6) a is a metal? b is in Group 5A (15)? c has the highest ionization energy? d loses an electron most easily? e is found in Group 7A (17), Period 3? 5.106 Of the elements K, Ca, Br, and Kr, which (5.6) a is a halogen? b has the smallest atomic size? c has the lowest ionization energy? d requires the most energy to remove an electron? e is found in Group 2A (2), Period 4? 153 5.107 Consider three elements with the following abbreviated electron configurations: (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) X = [Ar]4s2 Y = [Ne]3s23p4 Z = [Ar]4s23d 104p4 a Identify each element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid b Which element has the largest atomic size? c Which element has the highest ionization energy? d Which element has the smallest atomic size? 5.108 Consider three elements with the following abbreviated ­electron configurations: (5.4, 5.5, 5.6) X = [Ar]4s23d Y = [Ar]4s23d 104p1 Z = [Ar]4s23d 104p6 a Identify each element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid b Which element has the smallest atomic size? c Which element has the highest ionization energy? d Which element has a half-filled sublevel? CHALLENGE PROBLEMS The following problems are related to the topics in this chapter However, they not all follow the chapter order, and they require you to combine concepts and skills from several sections These problems will help you increase your critical thinking skills and prepare for your next exam 5.109 How scientists explain the colored lines observed in the spectra of heated atoms? (5.2) 5.110 Even though H has only one electron, there are many lines in the atomic spectrum of H Explain (5.2) 5.111 What is meant by an energy level, a sublevel, and an orbital? (5.3) 5.112 In some periodic tables, H is placed in Group 1A (1) In other periodic tables, H is also placed in Group 7A (17) Why? (5.4, 5.5) 5.114 Compare K, Mg, and Ca in terms of atomic size and ionization energy (5.6) 5.115 Give the symbol of the element that has the (5.6) a smallest atomic size in Group 6A (16) b smallest atomic size in Period c highest ionization energy in Group 3A (13) d lowest ionization energy in Period e abbreviated electron configuration [Kr]5s24d 5.116 Give the symbol of the element that has the (5.6) a largest atomic size in Period b largest atomic size in Group 2A (2) c highest ionization energy in Group 8A (18) d lowest ionization energy in Period e abbreviated electron configuration [Kr]5s24d 105p2 5.113 Compare F, S, and Cl in terms of atomic size and ionization energy (5.6) ANSWERS TO ENGAGE QUESTIONS 5.1 The wavelength (distance from crest to crest) of red light is longer than that of blue light 5.2 10 200 km * 1000 m/1 km * s/3.00 * 108 m = 0.034 s 5.3 Infrared radiation has a lower frequency than ultraviolet light 5.4 When electrons in a heated element absorb energy, they move to higher energy levels, then emit that energy by falling to lower energy levels Only specific energies are emitted, not continuous energies 5.11 In neon, the 1s block and the 2s block each have two electrons Neon is located at the end of Period 2; thus, neon has six ­electrons in the 2p sublevel 5.12 The s block contains elements with group numbers (1A) and (2A), the p block contains elements with group numbers 13 (3A) through 18 (8A), and the d block contains elements with group numbers (3B) through 12 (2B) 5.13 For elements K to Zn, the sublevel blocks used are 4s and 3d 5.5 Electrons absorb a specific amount of energy to move between their current energy level and a higher energy level 5.14 The groups 1A to 8A indicate the number of s and p valence electrons for the elements in those groups 5.6 Energy level n = has five sublevels 5.7 The p orbitals in the n = energy level have the same shape and energy However, they are oriented in different directions along the x, y, and z axes 5.15 Atomic size increases going from the top to the bottom of each group, which makes a phosphorus atom larger than a nitrogen atom Atomic size also decreases going from left to right across a period as the number of protons in the nucleus increases Thus, a phosphorus atom with more protons is smaller than a silicon atom 5.8 There are orbitals in the 5d sublevel 5.9 Because the 4s sublevel has a lower energy than the 3d sublevel, the 4s energy level fills before the 3d sublevel 5.10 Hund’s rule states there is less repulsion between electrons when they occupy orbitals of equal energy singly with the same spin Thus, in an electron configuration, electrons are added singly to the orbitals in a sublevel, and then additional electrons for the same sublevel double up 5.16 In Cs, the outermost electron is farther from the nucleus, which means less energy is required to remove that electron 5.17 The ionization of Mg to Mg 2+ occurs with the loss of the two outermost electrons in the 3s sublevel 5.18 The metallic character decreases going from left to right within a period Thus, magnesium is more metallic than aluminum 154  CHAPTER 5  Electronic Structure of Atoms and Periodic Trends ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 5.1 The wavelength of UV light is the distance between crests of the wave 5.3 White light has all the colors of the spectrum, including red and blue light 5.5 Ultraviolet radiation has a higher frequency and higher energy -7 5.39 a Al b C c Ar d Be b 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 5.41 a 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p3 2 6 10 10 c 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p d 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p6 5.43 a [Ar]4s23d 2 b [Ar]4s23d 104p5 c [Xe]6s d [Xe]6s24f 145d 106p2 5.7 6.3 * 10 5.9 AM radio has a longer wavelength than cell phones or infrared 5.45 a P b Co c Zn d Bi 5.11 Order of increasing wavelengths: X-rays, blue light, microwaves 5.47 a Ga b N c Xe d Zr 5.13 Order of increasing frequencies: TV, microwaves, X-rays 5.49 a 10 b 6 c 3 d 5.15 Atomic spectra consist of a series of lines separated by dark sections, indicating that the energy emitted by the elements is not continuous 5.51 The group numbers 1A to 8A indicate the number of valence electrons from to 5.17 absorb ns2np2 c ns2np5 d ns2np3 5.55 a ns1 b m; 630 nm 5.19 a green light b blue light 5.53 a 2A (2) b 5A (15) c 7B (7) d 6A (16) 5.57 a 3 b 5 c 2 d 5.21 a spherical b two lobes c spherical 5.59 a Na b Rb c Na d Rb 5.23 a and 2 b c and 2 d 1, 2, and 5.61 a Mg, Al, Si b I, Br, Cl c Sr, Sb, I d Na, Si, P 5.25 a There are five orbitals in the 3d sublevel b There is one sublevel in the n = energy level c There is one orbital in the 6s sublevel d There are nine orbitals in the n = energy level 5.63 a Br b Mg c P d Xe 5.27 a There is a maximum of two electrons in a 2p orbital b There is a maximum of six electrons in the 3p sublevel c There is a maximum of 32 electrons in the n = energy level d There is a maximum of 10 electrons in the 5d sublevel 5.29 The electron configuration shows the number of electrons in each sublevel of an atom The abbreviated electron ­configuration uses the symbol of the preceding noble gas to show c­ ompleted sublevels 2s 2p b 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p c 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 5.31 a 1s d 1s 5.33 a b c d 2s 2p 3s 1s22s22p63p64s23d 1s22s22p63s1 1s22s1 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 5.35 a [Kr]5s24d 105p2 b [Kr]5s24d 10 c [Ar]4s23d 104p4 d [He]2s22p5 5.37 a Li b Ti c Ge d Al 3p 5.65 a Br, Cl, F b Na, Al, Cl c Cs, K, Na d Ca, As, Br 5.67 Ca, Ga, Ge, Br 5.69 lower, more 5.71 a decreases b increases c increases d remains the same 5.73 a false b true c true d false e true 5.75 a 49 b 49 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 104p65s24d 105p1; [Kr]5s24d 105p1 c d indium e iodine 5.77 a C has the longest wavelength b A has the shortest wavelength c A has the highest frequency d C has the lowest frequency 5.79 a p b s c p 5.81 a This is possible This element is magnesium b Not possible The 2p sublevel would fill before the 3s, and only two electrons are allowed in an s orbital 5.83 Li is D, Na is A, K is C, and Rb is B 5.85 A continuous spectrum from white light contains wavelengths of all energies Atomic spectra are line spectra in which a series of lines corresponds to energy emitted when electrons drop from a higher energy level to a lower level 5.87 The Pauli exclusion principle states that two electrons in the same orbital must have opposite spins 5.89 A 4p orbital is possible because the n = energy level has four sublevels, including a p sublevel A 2d orbital is not p­ ossible because the n = energy level has only s and p sublevels There are no 3f orbitals because only s, p, and d sublevels are allowed for the n = energy level A 5f sublevel is possible in the n = energy level because five sublevels are allowed, including an f sublevel Answers to Selected Problems  155 5.91 a 3p b 5s c 4p d 4s 5.105 a Na b P c F d Na e Cl 5.93  a 6 b 6 c 10 d 5.107 a X is a metal; Y and Z are nonmetals b X has the largest atomic size c Y has the highest ionization energy d Y has the smallest atomic size 5.95 a [Ne]3s23p2; Group 4A (14) b [Ar]4s23d 104p4; Group 6A (16) c [Ar]4s23d 5; Group 7B (7) d [Kr]5s24d 105p3; Group 5A (15) 5.97 C  a, Sr, and Ba all have two valence electrons, ns2, which place them in Group 2A (2) 5.99 a phosphorus b lithium (H is a nonmetal) c cadmium d nitrogen e sodium 5.109 T  he series of lines separated by dark sections in atomic ­spectra indicate that the energy emitted by the elements is not continuous and that electrons are moving between discrete energy levels 5.111 T  he energy level contains all the electrons with similar energy A sublevel contains electrons with the same energy, while an orbital is the region around the nucleus where electrons of a certain energy are most likely to be found 5.101 C  alcium has a greater number of protons than K The least tightly bound electron in Ca is farther from the nucleus than in Mg and needs less energy to remove 5.113  S has a larger atomic size than Cl; Cl is larger than F: S Cl F F has a higher ionization energy than Cl; Cl has a higher ionization energy than S: F Cl S 5.103 a Sb b Sn c P d P 5.115 a O b Ar c B d Na e Ru ... Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Timberlake, Karen, author | Timberlake, William, author   Title: Basic chemistry / Karen Timberlake, William Timberlake   Description: Sixth edition | New York, NY :... CVR_TIMB8119_06_SE_FEP.indd 11/27/18 12:54 PM BASIC CHEMISTRY This page intentionally left blank A01_THOM6233_05_SE_WALK.indd 1/13/17 6:50 PM BASIC CHEMISTRY Sixth Edition Karen Timberlake William Timberlake Courseware... guides written by Karen Timberlake In addition to Basic Chemistry, sixth edition, she is also the author of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, sixth edition, with

Ngày đăng: 11/03/2021, 15:13