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Unit 3. People's background

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-Helps students to revise how to use past perfect and past simple tense & helps students know the differences between these two tenses. Lead-in:[r]




I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Language Content:

- To help Students understand the back ground of Marie Curie and to provide Students with new words relating to school talks

- To help Students improve their reading skill by doing True or False exercise and Answering questions Language Function:

- To enable students to grasp some new words through skimming, questioning and answering - To help them review some structures they learnt in secondary course

3 Educational Aim:

- To educate students the realization of trying to surpass the difficulties in order to follow their dream Language :

- Vocabulary ( v ) harbour , take up , obtain ( a ) tragic , atomic , humanitarian

(exp) with flying colours Educational factor

- To educate the Students to try their best to study hard and get good grade II TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION

1 Method Communicative Approach

2 Skills Integrated skills (reading-speaking)

3 Techniques pairwork,groupwork,guessing,ask and answer,synonym,using picture, matching, repetition, True/false statement,…

4 Materials blackboard, chart,chalk, handouts, flash cards, picture, textbook Students’ preparation prepare the lesson at home


1- Stabilization (1’) Warm up: Greeting 2- Checking up the previous knowledge : (5ms)

Asks one student to go to the board and: - Say some words with vowels /ʌ / from /a: / & gives two examples using gerunds

3- Presentation of the new materials: Teaching

steps &Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 4’ 1 Warm-up:

- Give students handouts and introduce how to the task

Match the people with their job:

- Check the answers in front of class

- Shows the picture & asks them who she was

Leads to the new lesson

1 Lead-in -Work in groups

- Answer themselves &discuss the answers with the next student (Suggested answers: 1.a, 2.e, 3.b, 4.c, 5.d)



7’ 2 Pre- Reading

-Asks the students to work in pairs asking and answering the following questions

-Has three pairs practise in front of the class

- Pre-teaches some key words & phrases to help the students master the reading passage more easily

+ harbour (v) (example)

+take up (v) (translation)


+ With flying colours(exp)

2 Pre- Reading -Work in pairs

-Practise in front of the class

1.Can you name some scientistudents and their specializations ?

2.Have you ever heard of Marie Curie?

3.What you know about her ?

-Listen and guess the meaning of the words

I Vocabulary

+ harbour (v)

Ex: I harboured the dream of an English teacher

+take up (v) +humanitarian(adj)

Ex: Her humanitarian wish come true.



+ mature (adj) (example)

- Reads the new words and asks Students to repeat in chorus - Calls on some Students to read again and corrects their


- Asks Ss to check the information, read the passage

-Take notes

- Read the new words in chorus

- Read the new words individually

- Open books, read the passage

with flying colours

+ mature (adj)

20’ 3.While-Reading a/ Task 1:

- Lets the Students skim the text in three minutes and get some information about Marie Curie - Controls the class and helps the students

- Gets students to the Task and then compare with your partners

- Calls on some Students to answer and corrects

b/ Task 2:

- Asks Students to scan the text and work in pairs to decide whether the statements are true or false

- Goes around the class and help Students if necessary

- Calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class and some pairs to repeat the correct answer - Gets some Students to write on the board

- Corrects mistakes

3.While-Reading a/ Task 1:

-Read the text in three minutes and write some information about Marie Curie

- Exchange their information each other *Suggested answers : 1c,

2e, 3a, 4d, 5b.

b/ Task 2: - Scan the text

-Work in pairs to practice asking and answering -Practise in pairs in front of the class

- Listen to the teacher’s feedback

II.Reading comprehension 1/ TASK 1:

(Match the words and phrases inA with their meanings in B)

1 with flying colours

=very well, with a very high mark /grade


= find out exactly by making calculations

3 mature

= having a fully developed mind

4 ease

= make less severe

5 harbour

= keep in the mind

2.TASK 2: (True/ False statements)

Statements T

F 1.Marie went to school in Warsaw  2.Her dream was to become a private

tutor 

3.At the Sorbornne, she studied very

well 

4.She married Pierre Curie in 1894  She was the first woman professor at

the Sorbonne 

* Correct the false information : a private tutor  a scientist

in 1894  1895 c/Task 3:

- Asks Students to scan the text and work in pairs to ask and answer

- Goes around the class and help Students if necessary

- Gets some pairs to practise in front of their friends

- Checks and corrects mistakes

c/Task 3:

- Read again and get details to complete the table - Work in pairs

-Listen to the teacher’s feedback

-Discuss in groups

3.TASK 3:

(Answer the following questions)

1.When and where was Marie Curie born ?

In Warsaw on Nov 7, 1867 2.What kind of student was she ?

A brilliant and mature student

3.Why did she work as a private tutor ?

To save money for a study tour abroad 4 For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry ?

For determining the atomic weight of radium

5 Was the prize her real joy ? Why/ Why not ?




- Asks the Ss to find the evidence from the passage to prove each of these following adjectives can be used to describe Marie Curie

o Strong – willed

o Ambitious o Hard – working

o Intelligent o humane

- Calls on some Students to speak - Feedback


-Get out the evidence from the passage to prove adjectives provided which can be used to describe Marie Curie

1.Strong – willed : haboured the dream of a scientific career – impossible for a woman at that time

2.Ambitious :

keep moving up in her career

3.Hard – working : difficult living conditions – worked hard

4.Intelligent :

won the Nobel Prize 5 Humane :

easing human suffering - Representatives of each group demonstrate

human suffering” *Post-Reading

“ Find the evidence from the passage to prove each of these following adjectives can be used to describe Marie Curie”

o Strong – willed o Ambitious o Hard – working o Intelligent o humane

Homewo rk (3’)

-Asks the students to write a short summary about Marie Curie & prepare for the next part




I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Language Content:

- To help students tell about somebody’s background Language Function

- To motivate the students to discuss what questions they can ask when they want to know about somebody’s background

- To help students review and use some structures they learnt in secondary course Educational Aim

-To educate the students to take care of and respect their classmates Language

- Vocabulary : education , appearance , experience , hobby - Structure : kinds of the questions

5 Educational factor

- To help the students to have a good & serious attitude to their studies II TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION

1 Method Communicative Approach

2 Skills Speaking

3 Techniques question-answer ,interview, substitution, pair work, group work Materials textbooks, cassette player, chalks, board

5 Students’ preparation prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS

1- Stabilization (1’) Warm up: Greeting 2- Checking up the previous knowledge : (5’)

- Calls on one student to the blackboard and asks them to say something about Marie Curie * Questions: (1) When and where was Marie Curie born ?

(2) What kind of student was she ? (3) Why did she work as a private tutor ?

(4) For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry ? (5) Was the prize her real joy ? Why/ Why not ?

* Suggested answers:

1. In Warsaw on Nov 7, 1867.

2. A brilliant and mature student

3. To save money for a study tour abroad

4. For determining the atomic weight of radium.

5. No, it wasn’t Her real joy was “easing human suffering”

- Listen and gives remarks, marks 3- Presentation of the new materials:

Teaching steps &Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 4’ 1 Lead-in

-Asks the students some questions about Marie Curie , about her husband , …

_ Asks them how they can know about the information

Leads to the new lesson

1 Lead-in

- Listen and answer the questions



7’ 2 Pre- speaking :

- Helps the students revise how to make personal questions

- Ask the students some personal questions

- Asks the Students to read the items in their books in three minutes and to decide which of them can represent somebody’s background

- Controls the class and helps the Ss

2 Pre- speaking : -Listen and answer -Listen & give answers - Read in three minutes and decide which of them can represent somebody’s background

1 Task1 : a Notes :

+When and where were you born? +How long have you been living here? +Can you tell me about your parents? +What does your father/mother do? +How many brothers and sisters have you got? How old are they? What they do?


- Asks the Students to exchange their ideas with their classmates

- Corrects & help the students have suitable answers : family,

hobby,education, dislikes.

- Exchange their ideas each other

- Listen

+Which primary school and junior high school did you go to?

+What you like and dislike? +What’s your hobby?

b Suggested answers :

(Items can be use to tell about somebody’s background ) Family hobby Education dislikes 20’


3 While - speaking

- Guides the students how to this task, gives them some special expressions to help them speak more naturally

-Asks students to practise in pairs - Goes around and helps students if necessary

4 Post- speaking:

- Asks the class to work in groups, and to talk about the person they have learnt from the interview

- Listen to them and correct their mistakes

3 While - speaking - Listen carefully

- Work in pair – one plays the role of journalist, the other will answer all the questions related

- Practise in front of class

4 Post- speaking: - Work in groups Talk about the person they have learnt from their interview

- Listen

2 Task 2: ( INTERVIEW) * Use the cue given :

o Greeting

o Date of birth

o Home

o Parents

o Brother(s)

o sister(s)

o Primary school

o Secondary school

o Schoolwork

o Favourite subjects

o Experience

o Thanking

* Suggested questions : oWhat’s your birthday ? oWhere were you born ? oWhere you live ?

oCould you tell me about your parents ?

3 Task3:

“Talk about the person they have learnt from the interview”


3’ - Asks each of the Ss to write a short passage about individual resume prepare the next part


- write a short passage




I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Language Content:

- To help students get information about Sally , an Olympic champion

-To help the students to listen to short conversations for general or specific information Language Function:

- To motivate students to prove their ideas after listening the conversations from the tape – record Educational Aim:

- To educate students to interest sport and to keep fit Language :

- Vocabulary champion (n) , romantic (adj), participate(v) , diploma (n) Educational factor

- To teach the students the love for sports & keeping fit II TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION

1 Method Communicative Approach

2 Skills Integrated skills (Listening-speaking)

3 Techniques pair work,True-false statements, filling gap, using pictures Materials textbooks, cassette player, chalks, board

5 Students’ preparation prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS

1- Stabilization (1’) Warm up: Greeting 2- Checking up the previous knowledge : (5’)

-Calls on two students to the blackboard and asks them to make a conversation using the cues given : o Greeting

o Date of birth o Home o Parents o Brother(s) o sister(s)

o Primary school o Secondary school o Schoolwork o Favourite subjects o Experience o Thanking -Listens and gives remarks & marks

3- Presentation of the new materials: Teaching

steps &Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 4’ 1 Lead-in

-Shows the pictures of some famous people and asks the students to tell about their names & something they know about them

Leads to the lesson

1 Lead-in

Work in groups & give the answer to the teacher



I Before you read: * Work in pairs

(1) Do you know any Olympic Champion?

(2).What you want to know about an Olympic Champion?

*Listen & repeat : + Olympic Champion + sports teacher + teacher’s diploma +love story

+ romantic 7’ 2.Pre- Listening

-Gets the students to discuss in pairs

-Explains these new words to the students & helps them pronounce exactly

+ Olympic Champion + sports teacher + teacher’s diploma +love story

+ romantic

2.Pre- Listening - Work in pairs

(1) Do you know any Olympic Champion? (2).What you want to




3 While- listening a/ Task 1:

- Sets situation: “Bob and Sally are in the conversation, they are talking about their family, career , and some things they like or dislike

- Plays the tape three times & asks the Students to listen what they are talking and give out their ideas about the statements

- Asks the Students to exchange their information with their classmates -Plays the tape one more & helps the students check their listening b/ Task 2:

- Gives the requirement and guides the Ss to Task

- Asks the class to work in groups, and to discuss about what they heard from the conversation - Lets the Ss listen to the tape and fill in the gaps

- Plays the tape again and asks them to check their works

4.Post- listening

- Asks the Ss to work in groups : question and answer about Sally -Helps the students if necessary

3 While- listening a/ Task 1:

- Listen to the teacher’s situation

- Listen what they are talking and say : T / F for the statements in Task - pair-work then say their ideas

-Listen to the tape & check their guessing

-Listen to the tape again b/ Task 2:

- Listen

- Work in groups

- Listen and fill in the gaps

- Listen to the tape again and check their works 4.Post- listening

-Work in pairs basing on the guidelines

II Listening : a/ Task 1:

1 T T F

“I don’t have much time” T

5 F

“I want to be a sport teacher”

b/ Task 2:

(Listen & fill in the blanks)

1. general education

2. lives / family

3. different/ swimming

4. love stories

5. teacher’s diploma

c/ Task 3:

(Ask and answer about Sally)





I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Language Content:

- To help students write a passage to represent somebody’ curriculum - vitae Language Function

- To help the students review some structures and vocabulary learnt - To motivate students to improve their writing skills

3 Educational Aim

-To educate the students to take care of and respect their classmates Language

- Vocabulary: curriculum – vitae (n) , previous (a) , attend (v) Educational factor

- To educate students to interest the friends around them II TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION

1 Method Communicative Approach

2 Skills writing & speaking

3 Techniques Explanation, pairwork, groupwork Materials textbooks , chalks, sub-board Students’ preparation prepare the lesson at home III PROCEDURE IN CLASS

1- Stabilization (1’) Warm up: Greeting

Checking absence: Who’s absent today? 2- Checking up the previous knowledge : (5’)

- Calls on one student to the blackboard & asks the some questions about Marie Curie 3- Presentation of the new materials:

Teaching steps &Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 4’ 1 Lead-in

Gives some jumbled sentences and asks Students to reorder the words to make meaningful sentences

1 was born, Sir Isaac Newton, 1642, December 25, on, England, in, Lincolnshire.

2 home from school, was, he, brought,run the farm,1656,to, in.

-Asks students where they get these information of famous persons

Leads to the lesson

1 Lead-in

Work in groups trying to make meaningful sentences

* Suggested answers :

1 He was born on December 25, 1642, in Lincolnshire, England.

2 He was brought home from school to run the farm in 1656.

- Answer the teacher’s questions ( in books,

magazines,newspapers, from an interview…)



7’ 2.Pre- Writing

- Introduces Mr Brown’s curriculum–vitae, and explains what details Ss can read in a individual resume

- Explains some difficult words & phrases :


(a form with details about somebody’s past education and job).

+ previous = former (adj)

+ attend (v)

+ travel agency (n) -Asks students to give some

2.Pre- Writing

-Listens and takes notes - Answer the questions if possible

Work in pairs & answer the questions

-Give further information about C.V

I SOME NOTES : +Curriculum-vitae

(a form with details about somebody’s past education and job).

+ previous = former (adj)

+ attend (v)


further information about C.V 15’ 3 While- Writing

Task 2:

- Introduces how to practise task & gives them some special expressions to help them speak more naturally

- Asks students to work in pairs asking and answering for the information about the partner’s parent

- Help students if necessary -Asks students to tick their answer’s on the blackboard & gives feedback

3 While- Writing Task 2:

- Pay attention to the requirement of Task - Work in pairs

- Ask for help

- Show their form before class

II TASKS: Task 2:

(Complete the blanks)

5’ 4 Post- writing

- Asks the Ss to write a short paragraph about their partner’s parent (task 3)

- Asks the Ss to read their writings and check whether the information is correct

-Tells students to look at the board and comment on their answer

-Corrects the mistakes

If time allowed , call some pairs to act out the interview in the front of class

4 Post- writing

- Work in their groups and write down on the paper-board -Work in groups

- Base on their friends ‘forms, tell some things about them such as: place of birth, occupation, etc…

3 Task3:

(Write a paragraph about your partner’s parent)










-Asks the students to practise asking and answering about themselves in front of the class

-Work in pairs







- Asks the students to write a paragraph about their parents -Asks the students to prepare the next part ( Language Focus)

-Listen to the teacher’s instruction & it at home




I AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Language Content:

- To help students distinguish and pronounce the two vowel sounds / e / and / æ / in single words and meaningful expressions

- To help the students review how to use and past perfect tenses Language Function

- To help the students practise pronounce the two vowel sounds /e/ and /æ/ in some words and sentences - To enable the students to distinguish the use of the past perfect and simple past tense

- To motivate students to exercises , using simple past and past perfect tenses Educational Aim

- To educate students to interest the language focus through their lesson Language

- Pronunciation: Vowel sounds : / e / and / æ / - Structures : + the past perfect tense

+ the past perfect tense vs the past simple Educational factor

- By the end of the lesson, the students can distinguish the use of the past perfect and simple past tense II TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION

1 Method Communicative Approach

2 Skills Speaking, writing

3 Techniques Explanation, Listening and repeating, pair-work, group-work,… Materials textbooks , chalks, sub-board

5 Students’ preparation Review the grammar points and consult the grammar books III PROCEDURE IN CLASS

1- Stabilization (1’) Warm up: Greeting 2- Checking up the previous knowledge : (4’)

- Asks two students to go to the board and make a small conversation using the cues given : - Listens & gives remarks , marks

3- Presentation of the new materials



steps &Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 4’ * A PRONOUNCIATION:

1 Lead-in

- Gives some words and asks the sts to rearrange them into different columns:“ end, ever, enlarge, mean, break, bread, check, pen, expensive”

-Asks students to say the reason for their arrangement

Leads to the new lesson 2 Pre-practice:

- Reads the words in textbook once and tells Sts the differences between two sounds / e / and / æ / and how to pronounce them - Reads one by one and has Sts repeat

- Corrects mistakes 3 Controlled- practice:

- Has Sts read the sentences in the book after listening to the teacher read once

- Goes around the class to help Sts if necessary

1 Lead-in

-Work in groups & try to rearrange the words into different columns - Say the reason -Listen to the teacher 2 Pre-practice:

- Listen and repeat First in chorus, then individually

3.Controlled- practice: - Pair-work



/ e / / æ / men

bed said

pen met send man bad

sad pan mat


* Practise these sentences : 1.The fat man has a red pen


4 Free- practice:

- Has Sts list some more words with these sounds

* B GRAMMAR: 1 Lead-in:

-Asks students what they did at 8p.m yesterday evening , What they had done before that time,…

Says sth & leads in the lesson 2 Pre- practice:

-Gives some examples and asks students to remind about the past perfect tense

-Helps students to revise how to use past perfect and past simple tense & helps students know the differences between these two tenses

4 Free- practice: - Practise in groups * B GRAMMAR: 1 Lead-in:

-Listen and answer the teacher’s questions

2 Pre- practice:

-Pay attention to examples & revise how to use the past perfect tense

expensive then

4.There’re ten pans on the shelf 5.Ben sat on a bench with a yellow


6.Ann never gets bad marks in French

II GRAMMAR : 1 Past perfect tense : * Form:


*Ex: I had finished my homework before 11o’clock last night Past perfect vs past simple:

Ex: I had had dinner before you came to see me yesterday afternoon

3 Controlled – practice: (1) Exercise 1:

-Asks sts to work in pairs to make questions One asks and the other answers and vice versa - Calls on some pairs to practice

- Corrects mistakes

(2)Exercise 2:

-Asks the sts put the verbs in the correct forms using the simple past and past perfect tense -Calls on some sts to write the answers on the board

-Corrects the mistakes (3)Exercise 3:

-Divides the class into four groups & asks them to practise finding the mistakes in the passage given The quickest groups will be the winner

- Calls on the representative of the winning group to demonstrate their answers

- Corrects the mistakes 4 Free- practice:

-Asks students to give some more examples using the past perfect tense

3.Controlled – practice : (1) Exercise 1:

Work in pairs Practice Listen

(2)Exercise 2: Work in groups

-Write their answer on the bb -Listen to the teacher

(3)Exercise 3: Work in groups

-The representative of the winner demonstrate their answers


4 Free- practice: -Work in groups

III EXERCISES : 1 Exercise 1:

(The past perfect tense) *Suggested answers:

1 had broken had done had met

4 hadn’t turned off had ever seen had been had left had moved hadn’t seen 10 had broken in (2)Exercise 2:

(Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past perfect tense) *Suggested answers:

1 had just finished , came had seldom travelled , went went , had already taken Did…manage,had…gone , got

5 had just got , phoned,had been (3)Exercise 3:

*Suggested answers:

1 (sentence 1)

had climbed  climbed

2 (sentence 3)

had turned  turned

3 (sentence 5)

had called out  called out

4 (sentence 7)

had heard  heard

5 (sentence 9)


-Asks students to rewritten all the exercises into their exercise notebooks

-Guides the sts to prepare TEST YOURSELF A

-Listen to the teacher’s instruction & it at home

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 16:54

