- Work in group, two table is a group - Choose the stars and answer follow the question.. 6) After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training [r]
(1)LESSON PLAN Prepared date:
Teaching date: Period: 45’
Unit 15 – SPACE CONQUEST Lesson: Reading (pp 166 – 169) Learner’s aspects:
- Characteristic: Active, talkative…
- Background knowledge: Ss have learnt some vocabulary about space (ex: moon, stars, planet….)
- Language level: Grade 11 a 11 - Number of Ss in class: 45 Ss
Objective: at the end of the lesson Ss will be able to
- Know and remember well some vocabulary about the lesson - Read the text to scan and skim information about the text - The students will know more about wonders of the world Aim:
- Vocabulary: Ss know some words related to the party - Skill: skills; main skill: reading
Teaching aids: textbook, laptop, speaker, gifts, book Procedure:
Time Content Teacher’s activities Student’s activities
13’ I Pre-Reading
* Activity 1: Look at the picture Ask and answer the following questions? Who is he?
2 Who is the first human to fly into space?
3 Who is the first Vietnamese to fly into space?
4 Who is the first humans to set foot
- Aks Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions in
- Calls some Ss to answer the questions - correct and give suggested answers - lead in the new lesson
(2)on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Buzz Aldrin
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
Pham Tuan
- Suggested answers: 1) picture 1: Neil Armstrong Picture 2: Buzz Aldrin
- Play CD of the text - Introduces new words
- Read the new words, let Ss repeat after - Calls some Ss read all the word
(3)Picture 3: Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
Picture 4: Pham Tuan 2) Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 3) Pham Tuan
4) Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong New Words:
- (to) lift off:
- Orbit (n): /ˈɔːrbɪt/
- Cosmonaut(n): /ˈkɒzmənɔːt/
= Gravity (n): /ˈɡrævəti/
- Weightlessness (n): /ˈweɪtləsnəs/
- Enormous (a) /ɪˈnɔːməs/ = huge/big - Certain (a) = sure (a)
Uncertain (a) = not sure (a)
- Precisely (adv) /prɪˈsaɪsli/ = clearly/ exactly
(4)- Feat (n) /fiːt/ = success - Conquest (n):
* While – reading:
Activity 2: read again the text about Alekseyevich Gagarin, the first human to fly into space and then, work in group to task
- Paragraph A: The tragic accident
- Paragraph B: The lift-off - Paragraph C: Congratulation - Paragraph D: A view on Earth
- Paragraph E: Uncertainties Suggest answers:
1-B; 2-D; 3-E; 4-C; 5-A
- Aks Ss to read silent and task
- Calls some Ss write down the answer on the board
- Check the answer
- Work in group, one table is a group And the task - Go to the board and write the answer -Listen and take note
15’ * Activity : Mini game “lucky stars”. Work in group Each group will choose star and answer the question
1) When did Yuri Gagarin lift off into space aboard the Vostok?
2) How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space?
3) How long was Gagarin in space? 4) What was the speed of his
spacecraft in orbit around the Earth? 5) Why couldn’t Gagarin make a new space flight?
6) What was done after Gagarin’s death to honour this national hero? Suggest anwers;
1) On 12th Aprill, 1961 2) He was 27 years old
- Divides class into groups
- Calls group choose the stars then answer the questions
(5)3) He was in spaces for 108 minutes 4) It was mors than 17,000 miles per hour
5) Because he dies in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968 6) After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russia, was given the name of this national hero
* Post- Listening
Activity 4: work in group Complete the summary of the reading passage by putting the words/ phrases in the box into the blanks
On 12th April, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Russian (1) became the first human being(2) Although his flight (3) only 108 minutes, its (4) _made him a national hero He also became the first person to eat and drink in zero (5) , and he was able to (6) the Earth in a way that no one had done before Unfortunately, a plane crash in March 1968 made Gagarin’s desire of revisiting space(7) After his death, his hometown and the Cosmonaut Training Centre at Star City, Russia were (8) him
- Aks Ss to work in group
- Asks Ss fill in the blanks that use the words in the box - Let Ss think in minutes
- calls some Ss wirte the answers on the board
- check the answer
- work in group and the task
- write the answer on the board - take note
(6) Suggest answer: 1) Cosmonaut
2) in space 3) Lasted 4) Success 5) Gravity 6) View 7) Impossible 8) Named after Consolidation: