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Unit 13: Where is my book?

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- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the students can read and use fluent new words, new structure.. Lesson time: 35 minutes.[r]


Teacher’s name: Dương Thị Ngọc Hải Date:

Grade: 3


Unit 13: Where’s my book

I Class description: There are 30 students in the class, all students are at the grade 3, they have had over two years learning English at school

II Objectives:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the students can read and use fluent new words, new structure - Skills: Develop speaking and listening skills

- Language focus: + Vocabulary: poster, bed, chair, picture, coat, ball + Structure: Where is the …… ? -It’s here/there III Lesson time: 35 minutes


VI Procedure

Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’s activities Purposes

1 Warm – up

(2 minutes)

Good afternoon class! How are you today?

Good afternoon teacher!

I’m fine

+ Ss learn new lesson


Presentation of new language (10 minutes)

* Set context

+ T asks Ss to open their book, T says “Open your book to page 18 and look at the board”

+ T uses gestures to help Ss to remember + T shows a poster and asks Ss some questions:

Who’s this? Who’s this? Where are they?

-Let’s listen “what are they talking?” a

Tom: Where’s my book, Mum? I can’t see it in my room! Mum: It’s here, dear On the chair. b

Mum: Is the pen there too, Mum?

It’s Tom

It’s Tom ‘s Mother They are in the living room

- Ss listen

+ Ss can see how the new language is used


Tom: No, it’s not on the chair It’s there, on the table

Now, read after me (teacher lead students read times)

+ T writes some words on the board to know place of something, we ask “Where is the ….?”

To help somebody find we answer: “It’s here/ there”

+ T requires Ss note down on their notebook

Listen and repeat

+ Ss write down on the notebook

+ To help Ss remember more + Explain the use of new language


Deliberate practice (10 minutes)

+ T shows flashcards about things on the board

+ T requires Ss listen and repeat times + T call some Ss read the new words and check the pronunciation for all class + T asks and point at the flash cards on the board, and asks SS answer:

T: Where’s the … poster…? Where’s the … bed….? Where’s the … chair…? Where’s the …picture…? Where’s the …coat …? Where’s the …ball…?

* T lead Ss the exercise in part 4: Listen and tick

- In this exercise, there are dialogues, listen and tick “where’s the table/chair” (It’s here or it’s there)

- T plays the CD times for students to

+ Ss listen and repeat

S: It’s here It’s there

+ Listen carefully and the task

+ Provide new words for Ss + To help Ss improve the pronunciation

+ To drill the new language



- T checks the answer 4

Production (8 minutes)

+ T calls a SS to make the model together (ask and answer using the structure and new words)

+ T gives Ss small flashcards and ask them to work in pair (in minutes)

+ Check by calling some pairs to present

+ Ss: listen

+ Ss: practice ask and answer

+ To help Ss practice pronunciation, get repeat chances to say new words 5 Noticing

(5 minutes)

- T points the pictures on the board and call some Ss to practice ask and answer - T reminds Ss learn new words, practice structure and the exercise in part

- Ss listen, practice ask and answer

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 11:05

