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Unit 3. People's background

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Nội dung

- Give more information if students wonder or not clear - Before listening, let students read quickly some sentences they’ll listen and guess some missing w[r]



Date of designing:


Lesson 1: Reading


*Aims: By the end of the lesson, student will be able to - read better through Matching and True or False exercises

- improve background knowledge about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie

Lexical items:

Teaching aids: Some photos of famous people and some information about them Date of teaching:

Teaching procedure:


ALE (5') I.Warm-up:


Hong Nhung Marie Curie Miss Hanh

Ngo Tat To

scientist writer singers teacher *Key:


Hong Nhung Marie Curie Miss Dieu

Ngo Tat To

singers scientist teacher writer

- Give some famous persons’ names in the column A and their job in the column B

- Let students match the people with their jobs

- Recheck and introduce the new lesson: Marie Curie

to raise sts' interest and to introduce the topic.

(8') II Before you read:

1 Can you name and tell some scientists and their specializations? What are their job?

3 Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? What you know about her?

- Ask some questions about some famous people and Marie Curie - Let students write some information about Marie Curie with model given

*What you already know about her *What you want to know about her - Let each student stand and speak their opinions

- Go around and help them if

to guide sts how to and to provide them with needed vocabulary and


*New words

1 background /'bỉkgraund/ (n): lí lịch

2 specialisation [,spe∫əlai'zei∫n] (n): chuyên ngành

3 brilliant ['briljənt] (adj): tài giỏi tutor ['tju:tə] (n): gia sư

5 private ['praivit] (adj): riêng tư, cá nhân

6 interrupt [,intə'rʌpt] (v): chen vào, làm gián đoạn

7 realize ['riəlaiz] (v): nhận award [ə'wɔ:d] (v,n): khen

thưởng, giải thưởng

9 suffer ['sʌfə] (v): chịu đựng 10 humanitarian [hju:,mæni'teəriən]

(adj): nhân đạo


Before the lesson today, I provides some new words for you

- Read each word times and ask the sts to repeat it

- Leave sts minute to self-practice - Ask 4-5 sts to read all the words aloud in front of the class

- Listen and help the sts to read the words correctly

(20') III.While you read:

Task 1: Match the words or phrases in A with their meanings B


1.with flying

colours a having a fully developed mind determine b keep in the mind mature c very well, with a

very high mark/grade ease d make less wevere harbour e find out exactly by

making calculations * Key:

1.c e a d b Task : Decide whether the

statements are true (T) or false (F)

+ Key:

1 T

2 F( Her dream was to become a scientist)

3 T

4 F (She married Pierre Curie in 1895) 5 T

- Ask the students to read the

passage independently and match the words or phrases in A with their meaning in B

- Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them try to guess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading

- Ask them to compare the answers with their friends

- Call on some sts to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class

- Give feedback and correct answers:

- Ask the sts to read the passage more carefully and decide whether the statements are true(T) or false(F) Correct the false information

- Ask the sts to highlight or underline the information in the passage that helps the students to find the correct answers

- Move round to help sts if

necessary, then ask them to share their answers with their partners - Ask some sts to give answers - Listen and help the students to


Task 3: Answering questions.


1.Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7,1867

2.She was a brilliant and mature students

3 She work as a tutor to save money for a study tour abroad.

4.She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium.

5 No it wasn’t her real joy was “ easing human suffering

the exercise correctly - Let students work in pairs - Ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions

- Tell the students to compare their answers with other pairs Let them discuss and correct for one another - Call some pairs of students to read aloud the questions and answers in front of the class

- Feedback and give correct answers

IV After you read: (10')

a strong willed: harboured the dream of a scientific career, impossible for a woman at that time

b Ambitious: kept moving up in her career

c hard-working: difficult living conditions-work hard

d Intelligent: Nobel Prize

e Humane: easing humane suffering

-Ask students to close their books and practise telling something about Marie Curie

- Let students reread the passage quickly to find evidence from the passage to prove each of them

- Listen and explain some use of the words: work as; in spite of; worked together on; took up the position

to check sts'

understand ing and to summarize the text.

(2') V Homework - Reread the passage and write about



Date of designing:


Lesson :Speaking Objective:

*Aims: By the end of the lesson, student will be able to talk about their own background and know how to ask for other people’s background

Lexical items:

Teaching aids: Textbook, photos of some famous persons or some real information about someone to speak

Date of teaching: Teaching procedure:

Time Contents T’s and Ss’ activities Rationale




- Give some words and let students complete the full sentences:

1 Marie Curie/ born/ 7th/ November/ Warsaw/ 1867

-Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7the 1867

2 Marie Curie/ harbour/ dream/ scientific career/ impossible/ woman/ time

-Marie Curie harboured the dream of a scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that time II.Pre-speaking:


A: What is your father’s job? B: He’s a doctor

A: How old is he? B: He’s 40 years old

A: What does he like doing in his free time?

B: He likes playing badminton

- Ask students to close the book

- Ask students to practise speaking about their parents, brothers, sisters…

- Go around and listen to them

to guide sts how to and to provide them with needed vocabulary and

grammar III.While-speaking: (22')

Task 1

1.What are they doing?

- Let students open the books and observe the picture and describe what they are doing


-They are interviewing 2.Where are they?

-They’re in the classroom

3.How you know they are conducting an interview?

-One speaks and one writes down in the notebook

*What are three students holding in their hands?

- They’re holding the pens and notebooks

- Read these words and work in groups

- Some students can show off these words: family; dislike; hobby; education

Task 2

(Greeting, date of birth, home, parents…)

1 Conversation

A: Hi! When were you born? B: I was born on August 18th 1991 A: Where you live?

B: I live in

2 Conversation A: Hello! I’m Huong

B: Hello! I’m Lan Nice to meet you

A: Could you tell me something about yourself and your parents? B: Oh, yes! Please

Task 3 Model

A: Where was he born?

B: He was born in Missouri in 1835 A: Which name did he adopted? B: It was “Mark Twain”

A: When did he die? B: He died in 1910

- Ask students to read some words given and then let them choose which words used for someone’s back ground

- Listen and correct

- Ask students to look at the pictures again

- Let students imagine they are journalists and interview each other in groups and pairs

- Ask one group to the task as a model

- Go around listening to some groups and help them if needed - Let some groups play in role as journalists and other answer the questions

- Ask some pairs to stand in front of the class and practise speaking

- Ask students to tell about others they’ve heard by interviewing their friends

- Some groups go on speaking each other

interwiew and then talking about the person they have


(10') IV.Post-speaking:

1 He/ born/ Missouri/ 1835

2 He/ adopt/ pen name/ “Mark Twain”

3 He/ write/ his famous novels/ “Tom sawyer, Huckleberry”… He/ died/ 1910

- Give some information about Mark Twain:

- Listen to each group and correct or give mark if they it well

Sts present what they have


(2') V Homework: - Asks students to prepare for the next lesson


Date of designing:


Lesson : Writing


*Aims:By the end of the lesson, student will be able to - Students can write a simple C V( curriculum vitae)

- They can write about a person's background basing on a C V Lexical items:

Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk Date of teaching:

Teaching procedure:

Time Contents Teacher’s & Students’ activity Rationale

(4') I Warm-up:

- Ask students to close the books - Give the papers with some words given in the column A and B

1 Name

2 Date of birth Place of birth 4.School attended Exam passed Previous jobs Interests a Boston b Kensington High School

c English, French, Maths d tourist guide

e David Brown j 12/11/1969

g Music and dancing

- Ask students if they often see some information of someone - Work in pairs and match the words in A with the words in B - Some students matching on the board

to focus sts on the topic of the lesson and to raise their



1.e- 2.f- 3.a- 4.b- 5.c-6.d- 7g

Ask: what does these information call?

- the C.V of Mr Brown

(8') II Pre-writing: - Ask students to open their books - Introduce the form of the curriculum vitae (shortening V.C.):

+ Mr Brown’s C.V to apply for a job

+ It consists of: name, date of birth ect

(18') III While-writing:

+ Task 1: Read Mr Brown’s C.V( curriculum vitae- a form with details about somebody’s past education and jobs)

+ C.V( curriculum vitae) : a form with details about somebody's past education and jobs

+ tourist guide (n): a person who goes with tourists to point out interesting sights on a journey:h ướng dẫn viên du lịch

+ hotel telephonist (n): a person who answers the phone in a hotel + travel agency ( n) : a business of organising travelling for people: văn phòng du lịch

Some questions about Mr Brown

1: What is his full name?

- His full name is David Brown

2: When and where was he born?

- He was born on November 12th, 1969 in Boston

3: What school did he attend? - He attended Kensington High School

4: What exams did he pass?

- He passed exams in English, French and Mathematics

5: What did he before?

- He was a tourist guide and a hotel telephonist

- Ask sts to look at the C.V in the textbook and introduce some new words:

- Read these words aloud and ask sts to listen and repeat

- Ask some sts to read again and check

- Ask sts to read the model C.V in the textbook about Mr Brown and then answer the questions:

- Ask sts to discuss this question in pairs then ask one st to answer - Ask sts to read the incomplete form in the book


- Ask sts another question:

" What kind of information you find in the C.V?"

- We can find some information such as his name, his date of birth and his place of birth, his education and his previous jobs, etc

- Introduce the elements of a C.V:

+Personal information: name, sex, date of birth, place of birth.

+ Education : name of a high school/ a university

+ Previous jobs: teacher/ tourist guide/ etc ( time)

+ Interest: dancing/ swimming/ etc. Write a paragraph about Mr Brown, using the cues below Be born like go to…school From….to pass exams in work as

Travel agency Key:

" Mr Brown was born on November 12th, 1969 in Boston He went to Kensington High School and passed examed in English, French and Mathematics He worked as a tourist guide in a travel agency from June 1991 to December 1998 And from 1999 to 2002 , he worked as a hotel telephonist He likes music and dancing."

+ Task 2: Work in pairs Ask your partner for the information about his/her parent and

complete the form - Ask them to work in pairs in minutes to ask and answer about their partner's father/ mother then complete the form with suitable information


activity and to help if necessary - Ask some sts to read aloud the information they have collected and ask some other sts to give remarks

- Check



Date of designing:


Lesson 3: Listening


*Aims: By the end of the lesson, student will be able to talk about one of the Olympic champions by using the information regarding her background and career

Lexical items:

Teaching aids: Some pictures of persons or some real information about them Date of teaching:

Teaching procedure:

Time Contents T’s and Ss’ activities Rationale




1 Who is this in the photo?

2 Which sport does he play/ take up?

3 Did he win any Olympic champions?


1 champion ['t∫ỉmpjən] (n): nhà vơ địch

championship['t∫ỉmpjən∫ip] (n): chức vơ địch

2 diploma [di'ploumə] (n): chứng

3 romantic [rou'mæntik] (adj): lãng mạn

- Let students open the books and ask who is in the picture

1 What’s her name? -She’s Nellie Kim

2 Where does she come from? -She comes from Russia

Give some photos of athletes in Viet Nam and in the world

- Give more some information about Olympic: The first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus in 776 BC to honor the Greek; s chief God


3 How many time Olympic Champions did she win?

-She won five-time Olympic Champion

4 Which sports does she play? -She is Olympic gymnast

Zenus and once for every four years

- Let students read some words they’ll listen then

- Listen and check


- Read or let students listen first

Have you got anything from the conversation between Bob and Sally?


1 T (born 1980- joined when she was 15)

2 T (father, mother, brothers) F (not much free time)

4 T (like different sports reading) F (be a sports teacher)

Task 2

- Let students listen the second time Which words in the 1st sentence? Which words in the 2nd sentence? Answer:

1 a general education lives, family

3 different, swimming love stories

5 teacher’s diploma

- Let students read some sentences given and explain some new words if necessary

- Let students listen the second time

- Check their listening

- Let students listen the third time and let them choose and decide whether the statements are True or False

- Observe the class and listen to each group’s feedbacks

- Give more information if students wonder or not clear - Before listening, let students read quickly some sentences they’ll listen and guess some missing words that will be in the conversation

- Let students listen the first time: Who can guess some words? - Let student listen the last time and let them work in groups to speak out

- Listen and correct their listening

Practice listening for specific information by deciding whether the given

statements are true or false

sts listen for specific information to fill in the blanks

(10') III AFTER YOU LISTEN: Some questions

1 Where did she go last week? What did she like best? Who did she go with? Was it interesting? Suggested ideas:

Sally is an Olympic champion, she was born in 1980 She lives in Manchester She likes love story books She wants to be a sport teacher

-Ask students to retell something about Sally

- Ask students to write a short passage to tell their outdoor activities they’ve taken part in recently

- Listen to each group and correct mistakes if they’ve done

Ts check sts'comprehe nsion in the previous stage.

2’ IV Homework: -Ask students to write a short


they like

-Asks students to prepare for the next lesson


Date of designing:


Lesson 5: Language Focus


*Aims:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds / e / & /æ/ in words and in sentences

- Use the past perfect tense, make a distinction between the simple past and past perfect tense

* Language: A paragraph and past perfect Lexical items:

Teaching aids: book, poster,chalk,…… Date of teaching:

Teaching procedure: Some words related to /e/ and /æ/; give more exercises of tenses

Time Contents T’s and Ss’ activities Rationale

5’ I.Warm-up

Making full sentences

- Give some words and ask students to make full sentences

1 Marry/ her bag/ left/ school/ at/ yesterday

2 Mrs Black/ has/ from/ a/ message/ Jen

- Let students read aloud the sentences

a Introduce two syllables /e/ and /æ/

- Do the exercises

1 Marry left her bag at school yesterday

2 Mrs Black has a message from Jen

- Read these sentences

15’ II Pronunciation

- Let students practise pronunciating these words:

end; and; left; bag; laughed; bed;

- Listen and repead following the teacher


bad; ten; tan; sand; send; let; lad - Listen and correct the syllables students read

-Let students open the books and read aloud the words given and try to pronunciate syllable /e/ or /æ/ correctly

man – pan sad – bad mat – sand men – pen said – send met – bed

- Listen and check for pronunciation

- Ask students to listen and read after these sentences

words have sound /e/ and which have sound /æ/

+ /e/: end; left; bed; ten; send; let + /æ/: and; bag; bad; laughed; tan; sand; lad

- Read in silent first

- Some of each groups read aloud - Read after teacher and work in groups to find the syllable /e/ or / æ/ in the word in these sentences: The fat man has a red pen This handbag will be sent to Helen

- Read silently and give the opinions:

+ Her husband had obtained which happened before

+ She took up the position which happened after

* had obtained: past perfect * took up: past simple

20’ III Grammar: Presentation

a Ask students to read an example given and give which action happened before and which happened after in the past

- Ask students to determine which verb in Past Simple or Past Perfect - Listen and remark

b Let students practise doing exercises


- Ask students to exercise themselves then discuss in groups

Practise Exercise 2

- Ask students to remind of the use of Past simple and Past perfect - Listen and remark

Students work in pairs and give the use and form of past simple and past perfect

- Some students repead aloud - Do the exercise themselves - Each student of each group gives correct form of verbs

1 had broken had done had met

4 hadn’t turned off

- Work in groups and give the correct tense of verb and explain why they did it

Ex: had just finished- went Because: had just finished happened firstly and went happened secondly


Exercise 3

- Let students read the passage and find mistakes and correct them Explain why they did like that: -some actions happened following in the past we should give the verbs in the Past simple (1-4)

+ We use: Before and After in a sentence to express which action happened after or before in the past After he had done all exercise, he went out for a walk

2 Before she called her children, she had made some cakes for breakfast

- Find mistakes and correct them

- Read silently and discuss in pairs, groups

1.climbed turned called heard

5 had already gone - Listen and copy

- Give more other sentences - Listen and copy in notebooks - Practise give more situations in the past use past simple and past perfect

- Listen and write down

5’ IV Homework:

- Ask students to revise the use of Past simple and Past Perfect

- Practise doing exercise in the Workbook

Asks students to prepare for the next lesson

Tổ trưởng



Ngày đăng: 09/03/2021, 10:40

