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Nội dung

parts moving → moving parts 25. magazine was → magazine which was/magazine 27[r]



http://luyenthianhvan.blogspot.com/ 16 establish→ been established

17 refer→ referring 18 for→ to

19 was enabled→ enabled 20 physically→ physical 21 of functions→ of function 22 earliest→ early

23 percentage→ percent

24 parts moving→ moving parts 25 grow→ growth

26 magazine was→ magazine which was/magazine 27 hot→ heat

28 which→ who 29 to→ with

30 library→ libraries

31 it normally→ it is normally 32 mass→ masses

33 simply→ simple

34 began campaign→ began a campaign 35 neighborhood→ neighborhoods 36 every→ all/each of

37 entered→ enter 38 features→ feature 39 but→ add

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 12:00
