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Unit 6 The first university in Vietnam

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Nội dung

Ví dụ 1b là thể bị động của ví dụ 1a, chủ ngữ I trở thành tân ngữ trong câu bị động, đi với giới từ by, tân ngữ a question trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị... Cấu trúc của hai câu này khá[r]



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Unit The first university in Vietnam


Trường đại học Việt Nam)


VOCABULARY Historic places and things Things to take on a trip PRONUNCIATION Sounds: /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ GRAMMAR Passive voice


Giving advice about going on trips Writing about a historic place




the Temple of


/ðə/ˈtempl/əv/ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/ nphr Văn Miếu

2 the Imperial Academy

/ðə/ɪmˈpɪəriəl/əˈkỉdəmi/ nphr Học viện Hồng gia

3 - Historic - Historical - Historian

/hɪˈstɒrɪk/ /hɪˈstɒrɪkl/ /hɪˈstɔːriən/

Adj Adj n

mang tính lịch sử; Lịch sử;

Nhà sử học definitely /ˈdefɪnətli/ adv chắn

5 found /faʊnd/ v thành lập

6 locate /ləʊˈkeɪt/ v định vị; nằm compass /ˈkʌmpəs/ n la bàn


Thien Quang

Tinh Well



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

2 Doctors’ stone


/ˈdɒktə(r)s/stəʊn/ˈtæblət/ n Bia tiến sĩ

3 Van Mieu Gate /ɡeɪt/ n Cổng Văn Miếu Khue Van


/pəˈvɪliən/ n Khuê Văn Các (Khuê Văn Các (nghĩa "gác vẻ đẹp Khuê") lầu vuông tám mái, bao gồm bốn mái thượng bốn mái hạ, cao gần chín thước)

5 at the back of prep mặt /phía sau in the middle of prep

7 heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n Di sản; gia tài architectural /ˌɑːkɪˈtektʃərəl/ adj kiến trúc Cherry jam /ˈtʃeri//dʒæm/ n mứt

10 Chicken chop /ˈtʃɪkɪn/tʃɒp/ gà cắt/ chặt 11 pork chop /pɔːk/ /tʃɒp/ n thịt heo/lợn sườn 12 courtyard /ˈkɔːtjɑːd/ n sân nhỏ; sân 13 Great Middle


/ɡreɪt/ˈmɪdl/ɡeɪt/ n Đại Trung Môn (Từ cổng chính Văn Miếu mơn, vào khơng gian thứ gọi khu Nhập đạo, theo đường thẳng tới cổng thứ hai là Đại Trung môn)

14 Gate of Great Success

/ɡeɪt/əv/ɡreɪt/səkˈses/ n Đại Thành Môn (cửa Đại Thành kiến trúc gian với hai hàng cột hiên trước sau hàng cột Qua cửa Đại Thành là vào không gian thứ ba, khu vực chính di tích Quốc Tử Giám - Văn Miếu)

15 lawn /lɔːn/ n bãi cỏ


1 precious relics /ˈpreʃəs//ˈrelɪk/ n di tích quý giá

2 landmark /ˈlændmɑːk/ n mốc ranh giới, giới hạn; bước ngoặc; địa danh historic site /hɪˈstɒrɪk//saɪt/ n di tích lịch sử



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

3 brick wall /brɪk//wɔːl/ n tường gạch

6 The One Pillar Pagoda

/ðə/wʌn/ˈpɪlə(r)/ /pəˈɡəʊdə/

n Chùa Một Cột

7 rename /ˌriːˈneɪm/ v đổi tên construct /kənˈstrʌkt/ v xây dựng

9 regard /rɪˈɡɑːd/ v coi như, xem 10 Emperor /ˈempərə(r)/ n Hoàng đế

11 erect /ɪˈrekt/ v dựng lên, kiến tạo 12 brilliant /ˈbrɪliənt/ adj tài giỏi, lỗi lạc 13 doctorate /ˈdɒktərət/ n tiến sĩ

14 very famous scholars

/ˈveri/ˈfeɪməs/ˈskɒlə(r)/ phr học giả tiếng

15 Hue Imperial City /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ˈsɪti/ n Thành phố Hồng gia Huế; cố Huế 16 Hoi An Ancient


/ˈeɪnʃənt/taʊn/ n Phố cổ Hội An


1 in advance /ɪn//ədˈvɑːns/ phr trước

2 at random /æt//ˈrændəm/ phr ngẫu nhiên, ca ch ti nh



1 (to) pay a visit /peɪ/ə/ˈvɪzɪt/ v đến thăm

2 scholar /ˈskɒlə(r)/ n người có học thức, nhà thơng thái; nhà học giả; học sinh cấp học bổng

3 graduated from /ˈɡrædʒueɪtɪd/frəm/ adj tốt nghiệp từ



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

4 statue /ˈstætʃuː/ n tượng


1 builder /ˈbɪldə(r)/ n người xây dựng



1 doctoral examination

/ˈdɒktərəl/ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ nphr kỳ thi tiến sĩ

2 royal


/ˈrɔɪəl/ɪɡˌzỉmɪˈneɪʃn/ nphr kỳ thi hồng gia

3 regional examination

/ˈriːdʒənl//ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ nphr kỳ thi khu vực

4 pass /pɑːs/ v qua, vượt qua

5 career /kəˈrɪə(r)/ n nghề nghiệp remarkable


/rɪˈmɑːkəbl/ˈedʒukeɪtə(r)/ np nhà giáo dục đáng xuất sắc; nhà giáo dục đáng ý; nhà giáo dục đặc biệt an honest man /æn /ˈɒnɪst//mæn/ np người đàn ông trung

thực; người đàn ông lương thiện

8 talented /ˈtỉləntɪd/ adj có tài

9 nation /ˈneɪʃn/ n quốc gia

10 resign /rɪˈzaɪn/ v từ chức; xin việc


1 world heritage /wɜːld/ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n di sản giới the historic and

cultural site

/ðə/ /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ /ænd/ˈkʌltʃərəl/saɪt/

n di tích lịch sử văn hóa

3 Hà Nội People’s Committee



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

5 founder and


/ˈfaʊndə(r)/ænd/dɪˈveləpə(r)/ np người sáng lập nhà phát triển

5 Chu Van An Lower Secondary School

/ˈləʊə(r)/ˈsekəndri/ /skuːl/

n Trường THCS Chu Văn An

6 Thong Nhat Palace

/ˈpæləs/ n Dinh Thống Nhất

7 a World Heritage Site

/wɜːld//ˈherɪtɪdʒ//saɪt/ n di sản giới


(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

/juːˈneskəʊ/(/juˈnaɪtɪd//ˈneɪʃnz/ /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/ /ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk/ /ænd//ˈkʌltʃərəl//ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/

n Tổ chức Giáo dục, Khoa học Văn hóa Liên Hiệp Quốc

9 erection /ɪˈrekʃn/ n kiê n tru c 10 Tu Duc Tomb /tuːm/ n lăng Tự Đức

11 tourist guide /ˈtʊərɪst//ɡaɪd/ n hướng dẫn viên du lịch



A CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG (Passive sentences):

Câu bị động câu chủ ngữ người hay vật nhận chịu tác động

của hành động

Ví dụ 1a: I asked a question



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


động Cấu trúc hai câu khác ý nghĩa hoàn toàn giống


Lưu ý:

- Chỉ động từ có tân ngữ theo sau (tức ngoại động từ)

mới chuyển sang câu bị động

- Tân ngữ (Object) câu chủ động trở thành chủ ngữ câu bị động


* Thể khẳng định (Affirmative form)

S + be + P.P (Past Participle) + (by + O)

Ex: A picture was painted by Tom (Bức tranh vẽ Tom)

S + be + p.p O

* Thể phủ định (Negative form)

S + be not + p.p + (by + O)

Ex: A picture was not painted by Tom.( Bức tranh không vẽ Tom)

S + be + p.p O

* Thể nghỉ vấn (Interrogative form)

Be + S + p.p + (by + O)?

Ex: Was a picture painted by Tom?

(Có phải tranh vẽ Tom không?)

Be S p.p O

Động từ be phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ phải thể

câu Khi dịch nghĩa câu bị động, ta dịch “bị, được” tùy vào câu, ngữ cảnh

mà ta chọn nghĩa cho phù hợp


Câu bị động thường dùng trường hợp sau:

1 Chúng ta người gây hành động, khơng cần thiết phải

nói Trường hợp khơng cần cụm từ với by

Ex.Her legs were broken in the accident yesterday Chân cô bị gãy

trong vụ tai nạn hôm qua



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Tơi nói bạn gặp nhà sách

2 Để nhấn mạnh người bị tác động hành động Nếu muốn đồng thời

người gây hành động thêm cụm từ by

Ex: This letter must be written by his sister

Lá thư phải viết chị gái anh

The house next door has been bought by Mr Tung

Nhà kế bên ơng Tùng mua

3 Khi người nói đưa phép lịch sự, kế hoạch, sách, khơng cần

phải nói tránh nói hành động

Eg1: It is generally considered impolite to interrupt others' conversation

Ngắt quãng nói chuyện người khác bị xem bất lịch

Eg2: It's hoped that such things would not happen again

Hi vọng việc không xảy lần

Eg3: Your proposal is generally considered impractical

Đề xuất bạn nhìn chung bị coi/ đánh giả thiếu thực tế

4 Thông báo, bố cáo trang trọng mô tả việc khách quan thường dùng

thể bị động

Eg1: The applicant is required to fill in this form first

Người xin việc yêu cầu điền vào mẫu đơn

Eg2: Passengers are requested to remain seated until the train comes to a

complete stop Hành khách yêu cầu ngồi nguyên vị trí tàu

lửa dừng lại hoàn toàn

Eg3: Four engineers were killed in England Bốn kĩ sư bị giết Anh

5 Để hành văn lưu lốt theo tình cụ thể để tránh lặp lại chủ


Eg1: The famous star appeared and was warmly welcomed by the people

Diễn viên tiếng xuất chào đón người

Eg2: The film won the prize and was directed by Trung Du Dan

Bộ phim giành giải viết Trung Du Dân



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Cấu trúc biến đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động

Chủ động: S + V + O

Bị động: S + be + VpII + (by + O)


- TÂN NGỮ (O) câu chủ động làm CHỦ NGỮ câu bị động

- ĐỘNG TỪ (V) câu chủ động chuyển thành “be + VpII” Trong

“be” chia theo chia theo chủ ngữ

- CHỦ NGỮ (S) câu chủ động biến đổi thành tân ngữ có giới từ

―by‖ đằng trước (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- Chủ động: They will sell their house next year


-> Bị động: Their house will be sold by them next year

S be + VpII by + O

2 Cấu trúc câu bị động với tiếng anh



Chủ động

Bị động

1 Hiện

tại đơn S + V(s/es) + O Ví dụ:

- Mary studies English every day

S+ is/am/are + VpII + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- English is studied by Mary everyday

2 Hiện tiếp diễn

S + is/am/are + V-ing + O

Ví dụ:

- He is planting some trees now

S + is/am/are + being + VpII+ (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- Some trees are being planted (by him) now

3 Quá

khứ đơn S + V-ed + O Ví dụ:

- She wrote a letter yesterday

S + was/were + VpII + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- A letter was written (by her) yesterday

4 Quá



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

9 tiếp


Ví dụ:

- They were buying a car at am yesterday

+ O)

Ví dụ:

- A car was being bought at am yesterday

5 Hiện hoàn thành

S + have/ has + VpII + O

Ví dụ:

- My parents have given me a new bike on my birthday

S + have/ has + been + VpII + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- A new bike has been given to me by my parents on my birthday

6 Hiện hoàn thành tiếp diễn

S + have/ has + been + V-ing + O

Ví dụ:

- John has been repairing this car for hours

S + have/ has + been + being +VpII+(by + O)

Ví dụ:

- This car has been being repaired by John for hours

7 Quá khứ hoàn thành

S + had + VpII + O

Ví dụ:

- He had finished his report before 10 p.m yesterday

S + had + been + VpII + (by O)

Ví dụ:

- His report had been finished before 10 p.m yesterday Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn

S + had + been + V-ing + O

Ví dụ:

- I had been typing the essay for hours before you came


S + had + been + being + VpII + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- The essay had been being typed for hours before you came yesterday

9 Tương lai đơn

S + will + V(nguyên thể) + O

Ví dụ:

- She will a lot of things tomorrow

S + will + be + VpII + (by O)

Ví dụ:

- A lot of things will be done tomorrow

10 Tương lai tiếp diễn

S + will + be +V-ing + O

Ví dụ:

- She will be taking care of her

S + will + be + being + VpII + (by O)

Ví dụ:



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

10 children at this time tomorrow of at this time tomorrow

11 Tương lai hoàn thành

S + will + have + VpII + O

Ví dụ:

- She will have finished her studying by the end of this year

S + will + have+been+ VpII+(by O)

Ví dụ:

- Her studying will have been finished by the end of this year

12 Tương lai hoàn thành tiếp diễn

S + will + have + been + V-ing + O

Ví dụ:

- I will have been teaching

English for years by next week

S + will + have +been + being + VpII + (by O)

Ví dụ:

- English will have been being taught by me for years by next week

* Lưu ý:

1) Bảng chủ ngữ tân ngữ tương ứng

Chủ ngữ (S)

Tân ngữ (O)






















2) Nếu chủ ngữ câu chủ động They someone, somebody,

people, chuyển sang câu bị động, bỏ by you, by

them, by someone, by somebody, by people,



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



(Special cases of passive voice)

I- Bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu

Các động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verb)O: Can, could, would, should, may,

might, need, must, ought to

Chủ động : S + Modal V + V(nguyên thể) + O

Bị động: S + modal V + be + VpII + (+ by + O)

Ví dụ:

- Chủ động: She can speak English fluently

- Bị động: English can be spoken fluently

II- Bị động với “be going to”

Chủ động: S + be + going to + V + O

Bị động: S + be + going to + be + VpII + (by + O)

Ví dụ:

- My father is going to the gardening

-> The gardening is going to be done by my father

III- Bị động với câu mệnh lệnh thức

Ta thường gặp câu mệnh lệnh thức như:

- Close the door! (Đóng cửa vào)


- Open the book! (Mở sách ra)


Ta thấy cấu trúc của câu mệnh lệnh thức là:

Dạng chủ động: V + O

Bị động: S + should/must + be + V-pII

Ví dụ:

- Chủ động: Clean the floor! (Hãy lau sàn nhà đi!)

- Bị động: The floor should be cleaned! (Sàn nhà nên lau đi)

IV- Cấu trúc bị động với chủ ngữ giả “it”



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Ví dụ:

- It is easy to make this cake

-> It is easy for this exercise to be made

V- Cấu trúc câu bị động với “make”, “let”, “have”, “get”

Ta có:

* Make sb st -> Make st done (by sb): bắt làm

Ví dụ:

- I made my son clean the floor

-> I made the floor cleaned by my son

* Let sb st -> let st done (by sb): cho phép, làm

Ví dụ:

My father let me cook the dinner yesterday

-> My father let the dinner cooked by me yesterday

* Have to st -> St have to be done: phải làm

Ví dụ:

- My mother has to wash the clothes every day

-> The clothes have to be washed by my mother every day

* Have sb st -> have st done (by sb): Nhờ làm

- I have the hairdresser cut my hair every month

-> I have my hair cut by the hairdresser every month

* Get sb to st -> get st done (by sb): Nhờ làm

- She got her father turn on the TV

-> She got the TV turned on by her father

VI- Bị động kép

1 Khi V1 chia tại đơn, tiếp diễn,

hiện hoàn thành

S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V + …

* TH1: It is + V1-pII that + S2 + V + …

* TH2: Khi V2 chia đơn tương lai đơn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


S2 + is/am/are + V1-pII + to have + V2-PII + …

Ví dụ:

They think that she works very hard

-> It is thought that she works very hard

-> She is thought to work very hard

They think that she worked very hard last year

-> It is thought that she worked very hard last year

-> She is thought to have worked very hard last year

2 Khi V1 chia khứ (quá khứ đơn, khứ tiếp diễn,

khứ hoàn thành)

S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V + …

* TH1: It was + V1-pII + that + S2 + V + …

* TH2: Khi V2 chia khứ đơn:

S2 + was/were + V1-pII + to + V2 (nguyên thể) + …

* TH3: Khi V2 chia q khứ hồn thành:

S2 + was/ were + V1-pII + to + have + V2-pII + …

Ví dụ:

People said that she was very kind

-> It was said that she was very kind

-> She was said to be very kind

People said that she had been very kind

-> It was said that she had been very kind

-> She was said to have been very kind




Bài Listen to the recording and circle the appropriate answer A, B, or , C

1.Chu Van An was born in

A.In 1292 B.In 1392 C.In 1922 2.Chu Van An was born in



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

14 A He was a fat man B.He an honest man C He was dishonest man

4.He passed the

A doctoral examination B.royal examination C regional examination 5.He began his career as a

A.worker B doctor C teacher 6.He died in

A.1370 B.1373 C.1337 Key: A C 3.B 4.B 5.B A

Audio script:

Hi, class Come into the next building of the Temple of Literature and let me tell you about Chu Van An Chu Van An was considered the most famous teacher at the Imperial Academy and one of the most remarkable educators in Vietnamese history

He was born in 1292, in Thanh Tri District, Ha Noi He was an honest man He passed the royal examination First he opened a school in his home village Then, he became a teacher at the Imperial Academy He taught many talented and successful students for the nation

Later, he resigned and returned to his home village For the rest of his life, Chu Van An continued his teaching career and wrote books He died in 1370

Bài Listen to the dialogue Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) (Unit Getting started, page )

1.Elena’s room is on the first floor

2.There are a lot of dolls in Elena’s room

3.Mi has the same hobby as Elena

4.Elena’s grandparents usually give her dolls

5.Nick thinks mountain climbing is more challenging than collecting things


1 F T 3.F 4.F T


Bài Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

15 A culture B chapter C feature D literature A chair B architect C cheese D child A advance B imperial C academy D around A emperor B recognition C tablet D Temple A chemistry B speech C chocolate D marching A geography B germ C gift D region A literature B suggestion C natural D national A message B garage C storage D advantage

10 A gradual B soldier C educate D graduate

Bài Put the words into two groups (/dʒ / and / tʃ /)

passenger beach stranger Japan question

coach lecture literature January journey

feature juice arrange culture choose

heritage junk sandwich sausage statue

children chair architectural cultural watch

teach chop cherry chip cheap

which lunch job jeans engineer

village orange jam Jill John



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

16 Key: /tʃ/: children, chair, architectural, cultural, watch, teach, question, chop, cherry, chip, cheap, cheaper, which, lunch

/dʒ /: job, jeans, engineer, heritage, village, orange, jam, juice, Jill, John


Bài Find which word does not belong to each group

1 A pagoda tutor B temple C pavilion D pagoda A in B behind C between D for A lecturer B teacher C professor D locate A located B visited C surrounded D Grown A teach B locate C learn D study A centre B cultural C architectural D historical A form B establish C found D find A juice B cheap C chop D jam

9 A college B village C university D high school 10 A culture B pagoda C tomb D temple

Bài Match the words with the pictures

1 The Temple of Literature 2 Thien Quang Tinh Well 3 Doctors’ stone tablets 4 Van Mieu Gate 5 The One Pillar Pagoda 6 Khue Van Pavilion






Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

17 Key: D 2 C 3 F 4 B E 6 A

Bài Complete the passage using the past participle of the verbs in the box

display consider locate take surround

The Temple of Literature is (1) _ in the centre of Ha Noi about kilometres west of Hoan Kiem Lake It is (2) _ by four busy streets: Quoc Tu Giam, Van Mieu, Ton Duc Thang, and Nguyen Thai Hoc Many precious relics are (3) _ there Many trees and flowers are (4) _ care of by the gardeners at the landmark It is (5) one of the most important cultural and historic sites of Viet Nam


1 located 2 surrounded 3 displayed 4 taken 5 considered

Bài Using the verbs in brackets, write sentences in the present simple passive.


The Temple/by Vietnamese people and foreign tourists (visit)

→ The Temple is visited by Vietnamese people and foreign tourists 1 Many precious relics/in the Temple of Literature (display)

2 Many old trees and beautiful flowers/by the gardeners (take care of )

3 Lots of souvenirs/inside the Temple of Literature (sell)

4 Khue Van Pavilion/the symbol of Ha Noi (regard)

5 The Temple of Literature/one of the most important cultural and historic places/in Viet Nam (consider)


1 Many precious relics are displayed in the Temple of Literature

2 Many old trees and beautiful flowers are taken care of by the gardeners 3 Lots of souvenirs are sold inside the Temple of Literature

4 Khue Van Pavilion is regarded as the symbol of Ha Noi



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

18 Bài Complete the sentences with the words from the box

was were regarded renamed constructed 1 The Temple of Literature founded in 1070

2 The Imperial Academy was under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong 3 The Doctors’ stone tablets _ first erected by King Le Thanh Tong

4 The Imperial Academy was as the first university in Viet Nam 5 In 1483 the Imperial Academy was Thai Hoc Vien

Key: was 2 constructed 3 were 4 regarded 5 Renamed

Bài Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D)

1 Many beautiful Cham Towers in Ninh Thuan Province and now many domestic and foreign tourists

A restored – were attracted B were restored – attract C was restored – attracted D restored – attracted

2 Minh Mang Tomb construction in 1841, and three years later

A started – completed B started – was completed C was started – was completed D was started – completed A lot of flowers in Da Lat throughout the year

A grow B grew C growing D Are grown Papers at the Royal examinations in the past were by the King A passed B correct C check D graded

5 The Temple of Literature by old trees and many interesting things

A is

surrounded – contains


surrounds – is


C is surrounded - is

contained D

surrounds – contains



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

19 The first Doctors’ stone tablets in 1484

A are

erected B erected C was erected D were erected In 2010, the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets as a Memory of the World

A were

recognised B are

regconised C recognising D recognised Many precious relics in the Temple of Literature

A are kept B is kept C kept D keep 10 The Temple of Literature in 1070

A find B found C was found D was founded 11 Many kinds of fruits and vegetables at the floating market in Can Tho A sell B will sell C are sold D are selling

12 Oxford University the oldest university in the English speaking world

A is regarded B is regarded

as C considered to be D is considered being 13 Tan Ky House in Hoi An over two hundred years ago

A build B is built C is to built D was built 14 Bach Mai National Park close to the sea

A locates B located C is located D is being located 15 Student at Oxford University by famous lecturers and tutors in many departments

A teach and

support B

taught and supported C

are taught to

support D

are taught and supported 16 The Imperial Academy was young men for the country

A used to

educating B

use to

educate C used to educate D used of educating 17 The students at the Imperial Academy were carefully for the

National examinations first, then the Royal examinations

A taken B learned C prepared D studied 18 The Imperial Academy was in _ 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong A construct B constructed C build D constructing



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

20 A selected B selecting C was selected D were selected 20 The Imperial Academy was regarded the first university in Viet Nam A to B as C for D of


Complete the following sentences with ONE suitable word

Ha Long Bay is as a spectacular natural wonder Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist

3 Hoan Kiem Lake is the centre of Ha Noi

4 One stone tablet was erected on the of the tortoise after each Royal examination

5 Tourist can see many beautiful Cham in Ninh Thuan Province The why we visit the Imperial Academy is that is the first university in Viet Nam

7 Khleang Pagoda in Soc Trang was made wood in 1533 The student of the Imperial Academy were

9 When you come to Ha Noi, don’t forget to buy in local markets 10 The first Doctors’ stone tablets were in 1484

11 Ha Noi’s Old which has 36 old streets is a tourist attraction 12 The of Minh Mang Tomb was completed in 1843

13 The Imperial Academy, the first university in Viet Nam, was used to young men for nation

14 Many famous schools are after Chu Van An – one of the most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy

15 The Dai La Citadel was Thang Long (and now Ha Noi) by Emperor Ly Thai To

Bài Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb forms A new high school (build) _ in our town next year

2 Tickets for the football match (sell) _ at the ticket booth Harvard (consider) _ the oldest university in the USA

4 My Son Sanctuary (locate) _ in Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

21 The students in that university (teach) _ by famous professors and lecturers

7 The first Doctors’ stone tablets (erect) _ by King Le Thanh Tong The students of the Imperial Academy (select) _ carefully from local examinations all over the country

9 Huong Pagoda Festival (visit) _ by thousands of tourist during the first three months of the Lunar New Year

10.Our school _ after a great scholar of our country – Le Quy Don (name)

Bài Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets Sydney Opera House in Australia (finish) in 1973 One-Pillar Pagoda in Ha Noi (complete) in 1049

3 The Imperial Academy (consider) the first university in Viet Nam

4 The Great Wall in China (build) many centuries ago The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (complete) _ in 1937 Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world,

(open in 2010

7 A painting by Picasso (sell) for million dollars last year America (discover) by Christopher Columbus

9 The Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An (build) in the 16th century

10.The site for Huong Pagoda (discover) about 2000 years ago

Bài 10: Cho dạng động từ ngoặc:

1 The broken table (repair)


2 A new mobile phone (buy)

next month

3 Flowers (water)

in the garden now

4 English (learn)

for months by this weekend

5 This movie (watch)




Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


8 My watch (break)

last night

Bài 11: Chuyển câu sau sang câu bị động

1 My sister cooks meals every day


2 My mother cleaned the floor yesterday


3 My friend has written ten emails for hours


4 My father is painting our house


5 My sister was buying some food at 11 a.m yesterday


6 My brother uses a pencil to draw beautiful pictures


7 They had finished their work before you came yesterday


8 I will call you If there is any important information



Bài 10:

1 The broken table (repair) yesterday

- was repaired

2 A new mobile phone (buy) next month

- will be bought

3 Flowers (water) in the garden now

- are being watered

4 English (learn) for months by this weekend

- will have been learnt



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


6 This book (read) three times

- has been read

7 My motorbike (steal) yesterday

- was stolen

8 My watch (break) last night

- was broken

Bài 11:

1 My sister cooks meals every day

- Meals are cooked by my sister every day

2 My mother cleaned the floor yesterday

- The floor was cleaned by my mother yesterday

3 My friend has written ten emails for hours

- Ten emails have been written for two hours by my friend

4 My father is painting our house

- Our house is being painted by my father

5 My sister was buying some food at 11 a.m yesterday

- Some food was being bought by my sister at 11 a.m yesterday

6 My brother uses a pencil to draw beautiful pictures

- A pencil is used to draw beautiful pictures by my brother

7 They had finished their work before you came yesterday

- Their work had been finished before you came yesterday

8 I will call you If there is any important information

- You will be called if there is any important information


1.My father waters this flower every morning

=>……… 2.John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night

=>……… 3.Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

24 =>……… 5.Our teachers have explained the English grammar

=>……… 6.Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city

=>……… 7.Tom will visit his parents next month

=>……… 8.The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning

=>……… 9.Did Mary this beautiful dress?

=>……… 10.I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room

=>……… 11.The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War

=>……… 12.The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day


13.Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema


14.The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week


15.Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?


16.Some people will interview the new president on TV


17.How many languages they speak in Canada?


18.Are you going to repair those shoes?


19.He has broken his nose in a football match



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn




1 The waiter brings me this dish


2 Our friends send these postcards to us


3.Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week


4.Tim ordered this train ticket for his mother


5.You didn’t show me the special cameras


6.She showed her ticket to the airline agent


7.He lends his friend his new shoes


8.She left her relatives five million pounds


9.The shop assistant handed these boxes to the customer


10.The board awarded the first prize to the reporter


11.Have you sent the Christmas cards to your family?


12.The committee appointed Alice secretary for the meeting


13.He hides the broken cup in the drawer


14.They keep this room tidy all the time



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


15.They all voted the party a great success


16.We gave Ann some bananas and some flowers


17.They moved the fridge into the living room


18.She bought some cups of tea to the visitors in the next room


19.They find the new project worthless


20.The secretary didn’t take the note to the manager



1.They told me that you were the best architect in this city


2.She reported that the flowers were killed by frost


3.Some people inform me that the director is going to take a business trip to



4.That officer announced that the meeting was delayed until next week


5.He discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt


6.They promise that the performance will start on time


7.He recommends that we should stay at the city center


8.We believed that Alice would pass the driving test



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


9.The director notifies all the workers that they will have to work extra hard

this month


10.They have persuaded me that they will go with me to the stadium


11.They have decided that the company will go to the beach together at the



12.People think that Maradona is the best football player in the 20th century


13 They find that the job is not suitable for a girl like her


14 The teacher explained that this powerful engine pulled the train


15.He told me that his football team had played well last season


Bài 15:



1.I had my nephew paint the gate last week


2.She will have Peter wash her car tomorrow


3.They have her tell the story again


4.John gets his sister to clean his shirt


5.Anne had had a friend type her composition


6.Rick will have a barber cut his hair



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



8.He had a mechanic repair his car


9.She often gets the technician to maintain the heater


10.They had the police arrest the shoplifter


11.Are you going to have the shoemaker repair your shoes?


12.I must have the dentist check my teeth


13.She will have a veterinary surgeon examine her dog


14.We had a man take this photograph when we were on holiday last



15.The Greens had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet



Bài 12

1.This flower is watered (by my father) every morning

2.Fiona was invented to John’s birthday party last month

3.The dinner is being prepared (by her mother) in the kitchen

4.Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day

5.The English grammar has been explained (by our teacher)

6.The accident was caused in this city (by some drunk drivers)

7.Tom’s parents will be visited (by him) next month



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


10.These old pictures won’t be in the living room(by me)

11.This factory wasn’t built (by the Greens) during the Second World War

12.This house and these cars are going to be painted for Christmas day by

the Greens

13.The cats had been fed (by Ann) before she went to the cinema

14.The pollution problems have been discussed (by the students) since last


15.Has the most valuable painting in the national museum been stolen (by

the thieves)

16.The new president will be interviewed on TV (by some people)

17.How many languages are spoken in Canada(by them)?

18.Are those shoes going to be repaired ?

19.His nose has been broken in a football match(by him)

20.Have above sentences been finished ?

Bài 13

1.This dish is brought to me (by the waiter)

2.These postcards are sent to us(by our friend)

3.This story was told to them(by their grandmother) when they visited her

last week

4.This train ticket was ordered for Tim’s mother

5 The special cameras weren’t showed to me

6 Her ticket was showed to the airline agent(by her)

7.His new shoes are lent to his friends(by him)

8.Five million pounds was left to her relatives (by her)

9.These boxes were handed to the customer (by the shop assistant)

10.The first prize was awarded to the reporter (by the board)

11.Have the Christmas cards been sent to your family?

12.Alice was appointed secretary for the meeting(by the committee)

13.The broken cup is hidden in the drawer (by him)

14.This room is kept tidy (by them) all the time

15.The party was voted a great success(by them)



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


17.The fridge was moved into the living room(by them)

18.Some cups of tea were brought to the visitors in the next room (by her)

19.The new project is found worthless

20.The note wasn’t taken to the manager(by the secretary)

Bài 14

1.I was told that you were the architect in this city

2.It was reported that the flowers were killed by frost./ The flowers were reported to be killed by frost

3.I am informed that the director is going to take a business trip to England 4.4.It was announced that the meeting was delayed until next week

5.It was discovered that this cotton was grown in Egypt 6.It is promised that the performance will start on time 7.It is recommended that we should stay at the city center

8.It was believed that Alice would pass the driving test./ Alice was believed to pass the driving test

9.All the workers are notified that they will have to work extra hard this month 10.I have been persuaded that they will go with me to the stadium

11.It has been decided that the company will go to the beach together at the weekend

12.It is thought that Maradona is the best football player in the 20th century./ Maradona is thought to be the best football player in the 20th century

13.It is found that the job is not suitable for a girl like her./ The job is found to be not suitable for a girl like her 14.It was explained that this powerful engine pulled the train

15.I was told that his football team had played well last season

Bài 15

1.I had the gate painted last week

2.She will have her car washed tomorrow 3.They have the story told again

4.John gets his shirt cleaned

5.Anne has had her composition typed 6.Rick will have his hair cut



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

31 9.She often gets the heater maintained

10.They had the shoplifter arrested

11.Are you going to have your shoes repaired? 12.I must have my teeth checked

13.She will have her dog examined

14.We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last summer 15.The Greens had their carpet cleaned

Bài 16: Chuyển câu với động từ tường thuật sau sang câu bị động

They think that he has died a natural death

=>……… Some people believe that 13 is an unlucky number

=>……… They say that John is the brightest student in class

=>……… They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack

=>……… I knew that they had told him of the meeting

=>……… They declared that she won the competition

=>……… They rumored the man was still living

=>……… People think that Jack London’s life and writing’s represent the American love of adventure

=>……… They reported that the troops were coming

=>……… 10 People believed that the earth stood still



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Bài 17: Chuyển câu với động từ nhận thức sau sang câu bị


1 I have heard her sing this song several times

=>……… People saw him steal your car

=>……… The teacher is watching the work

=>……… He won’t let you that silly thing again

=>……… People don’t make the children work hard

=>……… They made him work all day

=>……… The detective saw the woman putting the jewelry in her bag

=>……… The terrorists made the hostages lie down

=>……… Police advise drivers to use an alternative route

=>……… 10 She helps me to all these difficult exercises

=>……… Key

Bài 16:

1 He is thought to have died a natural death 13 is believed to be an unlucky number

3 John is said to be the brightest student in class

4 The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack They were known to have told him of the meeting



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

33 Jack London’s life and writing is thought to represent the American love of adventure

9 The troops were reported to be coming 10 The earth was believed to stand still

Bài 17:

1 She has been heard to sing this song several times He was seen to steal your car

3 The work is being watched by the teacher You won’t be let to that silly thing again The children are made to work hard

6 He was made to work all day

7 The woman was seen putting the jewelry in her bag by the detective The hostages were made to lie down by the terrorists

9 Drivers are advised to use an alternative route by police 10 I am helped to all these difficult exercises

Bài 18: Imagine some overseas friends are planning a trip to Ha Noi

Advise them what they should and shouldn’t Write





each box


Do book a hotel in advance


……….learn some Vietnamese before your trip to Ha Noi


……….stay in a mini hotel


……….eat in small restaurants


……….rent a bike or a motorbike if you want to travel around


……….walk around the Old Quarter at night


Don’t take summer clothes if you go between November and January


……….shop in local markets for souvenirs


……….swim in the lakes


……….pay a visit to the Temple of Literature




Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

34 Almost all people have a fear of examinations Examinations, (1) …………, are a part of our lives and all schools in Vietnam have examinations

Examinations were first (2) …………in China about three thousand years ago Scholars had to memorize long passages taken from several books Those who did well in the examination (3) …………to enter the government service

Nowadays, the main (4) …………of examination is to test how well a person

understands the subjects which have been taught They are also used to find how well the students perform (5) …………pressure

1 A however B although C therefore D also

2 A played B made C held D gained

3 A allowed B were allowed C have allowed D allowing

4 A part B idea C content D purpose

5 A under B above C within D inside

Bài Put the parts of the passage below in the correct order Then circle the examples of the past simple passive in the text

A The students of The Imperial Academy were brilliant They were selected from local examinations from all over the country

B They had to study many subjects for three years Then they were carefully prepared for first, the National, and then, the Royal exams before receiving their doctorates

C It consisted of many classrooms and libraries for students The teachers of the Imperial Academy were very famous scholars

D The Imperial Academy – the first university in Viet Nam – was built in 1076 under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong It was used to educate young men for the nation

Key: D-C-A-B

was built, was used, were selected, were carefully prepared



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

35 Long ago, in the year 1070, there were no universities in Viet Nam So, in 1076, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong decided to build one - the Imperial Academy It is considered the frst university in Viet Nam The university was a great success and thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated from this university

The Imperial Academy has a long and interesting history Many kings, emperors and scholars worked to develop the university Chu Van An was regarded as one of the most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy

In modern time, the Imperial Academy continues to grow and receive recognition Many old buildings were reconstructed in 1999 In 2003, four statues (Ly Thanh Tong, Ly Nhan Tong, Le Thanh Tong, and Chu Van An) were built In 2010, the 82 Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised by UNESCO

1 When was the Imperial Academy founded?

=>……… 2 Why was it successful?

=>……… 3 Who was one of the most famous teachers at the Imperial Academy?

=>……… 4 What is another special thing about it?

=>……… Key:

1 In 1076

2 Because thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated from it 3 Chu Van An was

4 It is considered the frst university in Viet Nam

Bài 4:

Read the passage again and match the time in A with the events in B


1 In 1076 2 In 1999

A Many old buildings were reconstructed B Four statues were built



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

36 3 In 2003

4 In 2010

C The 82 Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised by UNESCO D The Imperial Academy was founded



Bài Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence

1 They have offered Quang the opportunity to study abroad


2 Was Tom given a lot of presents on his birthday?

Did ?

3 I advise you to revise the lesson carefully for the next exam


4 Is Professor Cook teaching that course this semester?

Is that course ?

5 The construction of the lecture hall cannot be completed until next month?

We cannot ?

Bài Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice Ms Linh teaches our English lessons

Our English lessons People make many famous films in Hollywood

Many famous films I all my homework on my computer

All my homework They keep many ancient things in museums

Many ancient things People use computers all over the world



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

37 My father drives all of us to school every day

All of us King Ly Nhan Tong built the Imperial Academy as the first university in Viet

Nam in 1076

The Imperial Academy Hundreds of tourist visit my town every year

My town People use Khue Van Pavilion symbol on all street signs of Ha Noi

Khue Van Pavilion symbol 10 A lot of people use cell phones

Cell phones Bài Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice

1 We usually lock the safe carefully

The safe We keep the safe in the bedroom on the second floor

The safe Yesterday the thieves stole everything in it

Yesterday everything in it We told the police about it

The police The police checked everything in the house

Everything in the house The police questioned everybody in the house

Everybody in the house The police surrounded the house

The house The police did not think that they caught the thieves

The police did not think that the thieves Bài Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stay the same

1 People choose Khue Van Pavilion as the symbol of Ha Noi

Khue Van Pavilion People have restored many old houses in Hoi An



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

38 They have sold out the tickets for the football match between Viet Nam and Thailand

The tickets King Le Thanh Tong ordered to erect the first Doctors’ stone tablets

The erection of People will plant more trees and plants in the park


Bài Discuss the table in groups Complete the table about the history of the Temple of Literature - the Imperial Academy.

Time Event Construction Attraction

_ The Temple of Literature

_ _

one of the historic and cultural sites of Viet Nam

_ The Imperial Academy

Emperor Ly Nhan Tong

_ _ _ Doctors’ stone tablets _

_ World Heritage _ The four statues Ha Noi People’s


_ _ *Key

Bài Write the past participle of the following verbs



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


form participle

consider considered

name visit locate recognise start Base form

Past participle

sell sold

grow _

speak _

buy _

build _

see _

Key: First column: named, visited, located, recognised, started Second column: grown, spoken, bought, built, seen

Bài Using the words in the box below, can you make sentences in the present simple passive to talk about the Temple of Literature?

brick walls trees and flowers courtyards food and drink tickets Example:

The Temple of Literature is surrounded by brick walls

→ → → →

Suggested answers:

Trees and flowers in the Temple of Literature are watered every day



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

40 Food and drink are not sold in the Temple of Literature

Tickets are sold outside the Temple of Literature


Change the sentences from the present simple active into the

present simple passive

1 They sell tickets at the gate of the tourist site

Tickets 2 People grow a lot of flowers in Da Lat

A lot of flowers 3 Thousands of people visit the Hung Kings’ Temple every day

The Hung Kings’ Temple 4 Tourists can see many beautiful Cham Towers in Binh Dinh Province

Many beautiful Cham Towers _ 5 Tourists can buy many kinds of goods in Ben Thanh Market

Many kinds of goods _ Key: Tickets are sold at the gate of the tourist site

2 A lot of flowers are grown in Da Lat

3 The Hung Kings’ Temple is visited (by thousands of people) every day 4 Many beautiful Cham Towers can be seen (by tourists) in Binh Dinh Province 5 Many kinds of goods can be bought (by tourists) in Ben Thanh Market


Change the sentences from the past simple passive into the past

simple active

1 One Pillar Pagoda was built under Emperor Ly Thai Tong in 1049

They _ 2 The Imperial Academy was constructed under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong in 1076 They _ 3 The erection of the frst Doctors’ stone tablet was ordered by King Le Thanh Tong They _ 4 Tan Ky House in Hoi An was built two centuries ago

They _ 5 The construction of Tu Duc Tomb was completed in 1876



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Key: They built One Pillar Pagoda under Emperor Ly Thai Tong in 1049

2 They constructed the Imperial Academy under Emperor Ly Nhan Tong in 1076 3 They ordered the erection of the frst Doctors’ stone tablet under King Le Thanh Tong 4 They built Tan Ky House in Hoi An two centuries ago

5 They completed the construction of Tu Duc Tomb in 1876

Bài 10

Write about the history of the Temple of Literature – the Imperial Academy You can use the information in the following table to help you

……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….……… ……….………


Topic 6: The first University in Vietnam



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

42 ……….………

2 Where you live?

……….……… Have you ever visited the first University in Vietnam?

……….……… What is its name?


5. Do you think the Temple of Literature – the Imperial Academy is a good English name for Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam?


6. Why many students pay a visit to the Temple of Literature – the Imperial Academy before their exams?


7. What you think will happen to this historic place in the future?




1 a, looked b, watched c, stopped d, carried a, bath b, father c, theater d, health a, study b, success c, surprise d, sugar a, children b, charity c, charm d, champagne a, danger b, angry c, language d, passage



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



1 Chau Doc, Vinh Long Province Soc Son Province, Ha Noi City Ninh Binh Province

4 Sa Pa

5 Phu Tho Province

a Porcelain Princess Temple b Giong Temple

c Bai Dinh Temple d Hung King Temple e Terraces

III Read the following passage choose the best answer.

Long time ago, there were no universities in Viet Nam Until 1076, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong decided to build one – the Imperial Academy It is considered the first university in Viet Nam The university was a great success and thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated from this university

In modern time, the Imperial Academy continues to grow and receive recognition Many old buildings were reconstructed in 1999 In 2003, four sates (Ly Thanh Tong, Ly Nhan Tong, Le Thanh Tong, and Chu Van An) were built In 2010, the 82 Doctors’ stone stables were recognized by UNESCO

1 Unitl 1076, Emperor Ly Nhan Tong……….a university – the Imperial Academy

a, decided build b, decided to build c, was decided to build

2 The Imperial Academy ……… the first university in Viet Nam

a, is considered b, was considered c, considered

3 The university was ……… and thousands of Vietnamese scholars graduated from this university

a, great success b, a great successful c, a great success

4 Many old buildings of the Imperial Academy ………in 1999

a, were reconstructed b, are reconstructed c, reconstructed

5 In 2010, the 82 Doctors’ stone stables ……… by UNESCO

a, recognized b, were recognized c, are recognized



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

44 On the 7th May every year, thousands of people visit Dien Bien Phu in Dien Bien

Phu Province

=>……….……… Tourists can buy many kinds of goods in Dong Xuan Market

=>……….……… Last week, my class visited the Hung Kings’ Temple

=>……….……… King Le Thanh Tong ordered the erection of the first Doctor’s stone tablet

=>……….……… They built Tan Ky House in Hoi An two hundred years ago

=>……….……… V Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.

1 you/ know/ that/ did/ the/ Temple of Literature/ and/ the/ Imperial Academy/ is/ a/ place/ famous/ historic/ and/ cultural/ in/ Viet Nam/?

=>……….……… … ……….……… the/ Temple of Literature/ founded/ was/ 1070/ in/

=>……….……… the/ Temple of Literature/ a very/ beautiful/ place/ is/ in/ Ha Noi/

=>……….……… the/ Temple of Literature/ surrounded/ is/ many/ by/ tall/ trees/

=>……….……… 5/ the/ Doctors’ stone tablets/ were/ first/ erected/ by/ King Le Thanh Tong/



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


I Odd one out 1d 2b 3d 4d 5a

II Do you know these famous places Match the correct places and name of places

1a 2b 3c 4e 5d

III Read the following passage choose the best answer.

1b 2a 3c 4a 5b

IV Turn these sentences into passive voice

1 On the 7th May every year, Dien Bien Phu is visited in Dien Bien Phu Province

2 Many kinds of goods can be bought in Dong Xuan Market by tourists Last week, the Hung King’s temple was visited by my class

4 The erection of the first Doctor’s stone tablet was ordered by King Le Thanh Tong

5 Tan ky House in Hoi An was built two hundred years ago

V Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences

1 Do you know that the Temple of Literature and the Imperial Academy is a famous historic and cultural place in Viet Nam?

2 The Temple of Literature was founded in 1070

The Temple of Literature is a very beautiful place in Ha Noi

4 The Temple of Literature is surrounded by many tall trees



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Giải tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp chương trình

Unit 6: The First University In Vietnam

Phonetics - trang 43 - Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Make words with the sounds / t


/ and /d


/ Then read them aloud

Tạo thành từ có âm / t


/ /d


/ Đọc to từ

Key - Đáp án:



1 chair

6 jeans

2 chicken

7 jam

3 teach

8 village

4 which

9 heritage

5 cultural

10 engineer

2 Practise reading the dialogues, paying attention to the words with the sounds /t


/ and




Thực hành đọc đoạn hội thoại, ý đến âm /t


/ /d



Vocabulary & Grammar – trang 43 – Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Circle one odd word A, B, C, or D Then read them aloud

Khoanh vào từ khác biệt A, B, C, D Đọc to từ

1 A temple

B tomb

C pagoda

D culture

2 A for

B in

C behind

D between

3 A located

B visited

C grown

D surrounded

4 A teach

B education C learn

D study

5 A center

B culture

C historical

D architectural

6 A juice

B cheap

C jam

D chop

7 A kept

B taken

C educated

D done

8 A recognize

B regard

C consider

D founder

Key - Đáp án:

1 D; A; C; B;

5 A; B; C; D

2 Complete each of the sentences with one appropriate word You can use the words in


Hoàn thành câu sau với từ thích hợp Có thể sử dụng từ

1 Universities should be in the centre of.

2 The Imperial Academy was built _ Emperor Ly Nhan Tong

3 Many kinds of flowers are in Da Lat

4 Children usually receive their early _ at home

5 Their house is located in the _ of the city

6 It is to buy fruit juice in the rural areas

7 Students in our universities are very well



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Key - Đáp án:

1 culture; by; grown; education

5 centre; cheap; educated; considered

3 Do the crossword puzzle and complete the sentences

Giải chữ tìm câu hồn chỉnh

Key - Đáp án:

1 bought; kept; done; taught;

5 grown; built; spoken; sold

3 Complete the passive sentences, using the past participle of the verbs given

Hồn thành câu sau, sử dụng q khứ động từ cho

1 Bach Ma National Park in Hue _close to the sea (situate)

2 Khleang Pagoda in SocTrang wood in 1533 (make of)

3 Da Nhim Lake _in 1962 (build)

4 Many kinds of fruits _at the floating market in Can Tho (sell)

5 Tan Ky House in Quang Nam _very well (preserve)

6 Oxford University as the oldest university in the English

speaking world (regard)

7 Many flowers and trees in my school _ every year (grow)

8 Cambridge University _second after Harvard in the USA (rank)

Key - Đáp án:

1 is situated; was made of; was built; are sold

5 has been preserved; is regarded; are grown; is ranked

4 Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence

1 All the tickets for the trip to the Temple of Literature

A sold B sold C were sold D is sold

2 Look! The trees and flowers _ care of by the gardeners of the

Temple of Literature

A are being taken B is taken C taken D were taken

3 My father the headmaster of Chu Van An Lower Secondary


A choose B is chosen C are chosen D chose

4 My sister _ a scholarship to Cambridge University

A may offer B will offer C is offered D offered

5 The souvenirs and postcards inside the Temple of Literature to you at

a higher price by the shopkeeper

A sold B sell C was sold D were sold

6 The students in the university by famous lecturers and


A are taught B are learned C are studied D are played

7 A new university _ in my town in the near future

A is built B will be built C was built D has been built

8 The government _ these people the right to settle near the


A is given B will be given C was given D has give

Key - Đáp án:

1.C; A; B; C; D; A; B; D

4 Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


The safe _

2 We keep the safe in the bedroom on the second floor

The safe _

3 Yesterday the theives stole everything in it

Yesterday everything in it

4 We told the police about it

The police _

5 The police checked everything in the house

Everything in the house _

6 The police questioned everybody in the house

Everybody _

7 The police surrounded the house

The house

8 The police did not think that they caught the thieves

The police did not think that the thieves _

Key - Đáp án:

1 The safe is usually locked carefully

2 The safe is kept in the bedroom on the second floor

3 Yesterday everything in it was stolen

4 The police were told about it

5 Everything in the house was checked (by the police)

6 Everybody in the house was questioned

Speaking – trang 46 – Unit – Sách tập(SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Match the questions (1-6) with the answers (A-F) Then practise them with your


Nối câu hỏi từ 1-6 với đáp án A-F Thực hành với bạn bè

1 Where would you like to go for a picnic?

A Next month

2 When would you like to go?

B By coach

3 How would you like to travel?

C Ha Long Bay

4 Who would you like to go with?

D With my parents

5 What would you like to take?

E Food and drink

6 What would you like to play?

F Football

Key - Đáp án:

1.C; A; B; D; E; F

2 Make conversations with your partners, using the following suggestions

Nói chuyện với bạn bè, sử dụng gợi ý sau

Reading - trang 47 – Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Complete the blanks (1-7) of the dialogue with the appropriate phrases (A-G)

Hoàn thành chỗ trống từ (1-7)của đoạn hội thoại với cụm từ (A-G)

Key - Đáp án:

1 F; A; B; D; E; F

2 Read the passage and tick statements with T for true and F for false

Đọc đoạn văn đánh dấu tick vào cột T với câu đúng, vào cột F câu sai

The University of Cambridge is a public university It is located in Can the United



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


The University of Cambridge was formed in 1209 Over the years, it i considered to be

one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the United Kingdom and the

world In 2012, the university was ranked second after Harvard in the United States of


Today, Cambridge is a collegiate university with a student popul about 18,000 Its

faculties, departments and 31 colleges occupy different locations in Cambridge

Graduates of the university have won a total of 65 Nobel Prizes, the most of any

university in the world



1 The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209

2 It is regarded as the second oldest surviving university in the world

3 The university was ranked second after Harvard in 2012

4 It is the most prestigious institution of higher education in the world

5 There are eighteen thousand students studying at the university

6 The university consists of 31 faculties, departments, and colleges

7 The university has won a total of 65 Nobel Prizes

Key - Đáp án:

1 T; F; T; F; T; F; F

Writing – trang 48 – Unit – Sách tập (SBT) tiếng Anh

1 Write the answers to the questions about your school

Viết câu trả lời trường bạn

1 What is the school named/ called?

2 Where is it situated/ located?

3 When was it founded/ built?

4 What can be seen in the schoolyard?

5 What is grown in the school garden?

6 How are the classrooms decorated?

7 Where are the teachers' motorbikes and students' bikes kept?

8 What is your school surrounded by?

2 Write a paragraph about your school, using the information in


I Read the passage and choose the correct option for each blank



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

57 Pizza is (7) …………international food A baker probably (8) …………the pizza in Naples, Italy It was about the same time (9) ………… the first sandwich ―Pizza‖ means ―pie‖ in Italian People (10) ………… the name ―pizza pie‖ for a long time Now it is just ―pizza‖

1 A what B when C where D how

2 A play B played C plays D playing

3 A So B Moreover C But D Because

4 A for B between C on D among

5 A while B until C after D before

6 A to B for C from D with

7 A other B another C others D the other

8 A did B discovered C invented D found

9 A than B as C like D from

10.A was used B have used C use D used

II Choose the best option A, B, C or D to finish the sentences

1 We must be quick There’s …………time left

A little B few C much D more He made the soup by mixing ………… meat with some rice

A little B few C a little D a few Luckily, I …………few mistakes in my last exam

A make B made C have made D am making You look very ………… I’m sure you play sports regularly

A thin B fat C fit D well Hamlet is an example of a ………… It has an unhappy ending



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

58 I …………such nice and enthusiastic volunteers before

A never meet B have never met C never met D will never meet I want to pass the test, …………I’m studying hard

A but B because C so D although Paul is similar to his brother in their interest …………horse riding

A to B with C for D in I am not ready yet and …………

A she is too B she is not C so is she D she isn’t either 10 They play was very long, but there were two…………

A intervals B rests C interruptions D gaps


I Choose the word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the others’ in each line

1 A leisure B decision C ensure D closure

2 A sauce B caught C author D aunty

3 A congestion B literature C action D architecture

4 A fragile B fragrant C originate D vegetarian

5 A essential B dependent C shelter D heritage

II Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence

1 You’re the best guitarist in the school

No one



Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn

59 He forgot

3 School uniforms don’t have to be worn at all times


4 Don’t fry food which can be grilled

Avoid _

5 With luck, she will win the cookery competition

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 22:35



