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*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following questionA. The UK still faces challenges in[r]


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


High School

Full name: ……….……… Date: … /… / 2019 Class: 10

WRITTEN TEST NO (UNIT – 7)_SÁCH THÍ ĐIỂM Time allowance: 45 minutes

School year: 2018- 2019 (MÃ ĐỀ 01)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions

1 A bridesmaid B season C sandwich D proposal A gender B eliminate C women D equal

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions

3 A prefer B present C prepare D pretend

4 A.college B woman C mistake D housework

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

5 Unfortunately, her illness was we thought

A the seriousest B the most serious C more serious than D seriouser than After lunch, we went for walk by the sea

A  / a B a /  C  / the D the / a

7 The bride and groom are surely the people on their wedding day

A happy B happier C happily D happiest

8 I believe gender _ in education starts at home

A discriminative B discrimination C discriminator D discriminate There is a wedding for all guest after the wedding ceremony

A honeymoon B engagement C expense D reception 10 Kate is learning to play piano

A the B a C  D some

11 The bad weather couldn’t prevent us winning this competition

A of B from C with D to

12 He did the test I did

A as bad as B badder C more badly than D worse than

13 are surprisingly widespread, including a fear of Friday the 13th and a belief in good-luck charms

A Superstitions B Superstitious C Traditions D Custom 14 Hundreds of people the job in the company but only five workers were employed

A asked for B appointed C recruited D applied for 15 “It is wrong of you not to call the doctor”

A You are wrong to call the doctor B You are right to call the doctor C You should call the doctor D You shouldn’t call the doctor 16 The government will soon the problem of inequality in wages

A establish B address C sue D abolish 17 His dream of becoming a reputed lawyer finally _ true

A makes B takes C come D goes

18 I think students should be _ to choose their subjects at school


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


19 As a country with many mysteries and legends, Vietnam has kept various beliefs about daily activities

A superstition B superstitious C superstitive D superstitiously

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

20 The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony

A bridegroom B bridesmaid C broom D bride

21 Women should receive the same rights as men

A unequal B equal C different D exact

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

22 The UK still faces challenges in gender equality

A fairness B inequality C unfairness D equilibrium

23 To an American, success is the result of hard work and self-reliance

A devotion B industry C laziness D loyalty

*Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction 24 More achievements in information and technology will be make by scientists

A more B information C and D be make

25 We didn’t realize that it was the most fastest way to go to school

A to go to B it C most fastest D realize

*Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space in the following passage

Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do black cats make you (26) ? Some people care very superstitous They carry a lucky charm such as a rabbit’s foot everywhere they go Why is (27) _ rabbit lucky? Because it’s born with its eyes open, of course! Where superstitions come from? Long ago, people didn’t have the scientific knowledge we today To reduce their fear about unexplainable events, people came up with rituals They passed their (28) down from generation to generation Some superstitions are timeless Floors in buildings still go from the 12th to the 14th floor, even though nobody can agree (29) the number 13 is unlucky

Superstitous people think they can turn bad luck away They “knock on wood” to avoid jinxing themselves For example, if you say “I’ve never broken a limb” you should immediately search for a table to knock on to avoid a (30) of luck You may break your leg tomorrow if you don’t

26 A nerve B nervous C nervously D nervousness

27 A the B an C a D 

28 A beliefs B thoughts C ideas D ways

29 A when B how C what D why

30 A reverse B reversal C reversing D reversed * Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrase given in the box

35.access 31.best man 33.limitations 32.complicated 34.loneliness 31 Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his brother, best friend or father to be his 32 Wedding ceremonies are less now than they used to be in the past


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


34 Brenda Berkman and other female firefighters became were unwelcomed at meals, face and even violence

35 Internet is available everywhere in this city

*Read the passage then answer the questions

Sonita Alizadeh was born and grew up in Afghanistan until she was eight when the family fled to Iran because of war Sonita remembers her childhood of hunger, aerial bombardment and Taliban fighters In Iran, she couldn't get a formal education because of not having proper identification She had to clean bathrooms and learnt the basics of how to read and write herself

Sonita watched music videos on TV to kill her free time and learnt the styles of Iranian rapper Yas and US rapper Eminem She started to write songs about her life as a refugee, child worker and especially a female Other songs are about her girl friends with broken spirits after arguing and begging their parents not to sell them Her songs have empowered her friends to protest against forced marriages which account for 60-80 per cent of Afghan marriages

Things were all right until they weren't Sonita's mother asked her to come back to Afghanistan as she needed 7,000 dowry to prepare for Sonita's brother's wedding Her mother thought she could sell Sonita for a man with 9,000 dowry Devastated by her mother's wish, Sonita fought by making a music video "Daughters for Sale" with the help of an Iranian filmmaker Thanks to the video, the Strongheart Group contacted her and gave her a scholarship in the US where she now can go to school and remain single 36 What did Sonita to earn money in Iran?

A She wrote songs and rapped B She cleaned bathrooms C She made music videos 37 What is TRUE about Sonita's songs?

A They were banned in Iran

B They have given girls strength to protest against arranged marriages C They're about her love of her homeland Afghanistan

38 How did Sonita feel when her mother wanted to sell her?

A Extremely upset and shocked B Calm and indifferent C Angry and hateful 39 Where does Sonita live now?

A Afghanistan B Iran C The USA

*Rewrite the sentences

40 No one is taller than Linh in my class (TALLEST)


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


High School

Full name: ……….……… Date: … /… / 2019 Class: 10

WRITTEN TEST UNIT – Time allowance: 45 minutes School year: 2018- 2019 (MÃ ĐỀ 02) * Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrase given in the box

access best man limitations complicated loneliness Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his brother, best friend or father to be his Wedding ceremonies are less now than they used to be in the past

3 There weren’t any _ on women’s service at FDNY The women firefighters had to exactly the same jobs as their male workers

4 Brenda Berkman and other female firefighters became were unwelcomed at meals, face and even violence

5 Internet is available everywhere in this city

*Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction More achievements in information and technology will be make by scientists

A more B information C and D be make

7 We didn’t realize that it was the most fastest way to go to school

A to go to B it C most fastest D realize

*Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space in the following passage

Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do black cats make you (8) ? Some people care very superstitous They carry a lucky charm such as a rabbit’s foot everywhere they go Why is (9) _ rabbit lucky? Because it’s born with its eyes open, of course! Where superstitions come from? Long ago, people didn’t have the scientific knowledge we today To reduce their fear about unexplainable events, people came up with rituals They passed their (10) down from generation to generation Some superstitions are timeless Floors in buildings still go from the 12th to the 14th floor, even though nobody can agree (11) the number 13 is unlucky

Superstitous people think they can turn bad luck away They “knock on wood” to avoid jinxing themselves For example, if you say “I’ve never broken a limb” you should immediately search for a table to knock on to avoid a (12) of luck You may break your leg tomorrow if you don’t

8 A nerve B nervous C nervously D nervousness

9 A the B an C a D 

10 A beliefs B thoughts C ideas D ways

11 A when B how C what D why

12 A reverse B reversal C reversing D reverse

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

13 Unfortunately, her illness was we thought

A the seriousest B the most serious C more serious than D seriouser than 14 After lunch, we went for walk by the sea

A  / a B a /  C  / the D the / a


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


A happy B happier C happily D happiest

16 I believe gender _ in education starts at home

A discriminative B discrimination C discriminator D discriminate 17 There is a wedding for all guest after the wedding ceremony

A honeymoon B engagement C expense D reception 18 Kate is learning to play piano

A the B a C  D some

19 The bad weather couldn’t prevent us winning this competition

A of B from C with D to

20 He did the test I did

A as bad as B badder C more badly than D worse than

21 are surprisingly widespread, including a fear of Friday the 13th and a belief in good-luck charms

A Superstitions B Superstitious C Traditions D Custom 22 Hundreds of people the job in the company but only five workers were employed

A asked for B appointed C recruited D applied for 23 “It is wrong of you not to call the doctor”

A You are wrong to call the doctor B You are right to call the doctor C You should call the doctor D You shouldn’t call the doctor 24 The government will soon the problem of inequality in wages

A establish B address C sue D abolish 25 His dream of becoming a reputed lawyer finally _ true

A makes B takes C come D goes

26 I think students should be _ to choose their subjects at school

A allowed B allow C to allow D allowing

27 As a country with many mysteries and legends, Vietnam has kept various beliefs about daily activities

A superstition B superstitious C superstitive D superstitiously

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

28 The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony

A bridegroom B bridesmaid C broom D bride

29 Women should receive the same rights as men

A unequal B equal C different D exact

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

30 The UK still faces challenges in gender equality

A fairness B inequality C unfairness D equilibrium

31 To an American, success is the result of hard work and self-reliance

A devotion B industry C laziness D loyalty

*Read the passage then answer the questions


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


Sonita watched music videos on TV to kill her free time and learnt the styles of Iranian rapper Yas and US rapper Eminem She started to write songs about her life as a refugee, child worker and especially a female Other songs are about her girl friends with broken spirits after arguing and begging their parents not to sell them Her songs have empowered her friends to protest against forced marriages which account for 60-80 per cent of Afghan marriages

Things were all right until they weren't Sonita's mother asked her to come back to Afghanistan as she needed 7,000 dowry to prepare for Sonita's brother's wedding Her mother thought she could sell Sonita for a man with 9,000 dowry Devastated by her mother's wish, Sonita fought by making a music video "Daughters for Sale" with the help of an Iranian filmmaker Thanks to the video, the Strongheart Group contacted her and gave her a scholarship in the US where she now can go to school and remain single 32 What did Sonita to earn money in Iran?

A She wrote songs and rapped B She cleaned bathrooms C She made music videos 33 What is TRUE about Sonita's songs?

A They were banned in Iran

B They have given girls strength to protest against arranged marriages C They're about her love of her homeland Afghanistan

34 How did Sonita feel when her mother wanted to sell her?

A Extremely upset and shocked B Calm and indifferent C Angry and hateful 35 Where does Sonita live now?

A Afghanistan B Iran C The USA

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions

36 A bridesmaid B season C sandwich D proposal

37 A gender B eliminate C women D equal

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions

38 A prefer B present C prepare D pretend

39 A.college B woman C mistake D housework

*Rewrite the sentences

40 Dave is the tallest in the class (taller)


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


High School

Full name: ……….……… Date: … /… / 2019 Class: 10

WRITTEN TEST UNIT – Time allowance: 45 minutes School year: 2018- 2019 (MÃ ĐỀ 03) *Read the passage then answer the questions

Sonita Alizadeh was born and grew up in Afghanistan until she was eight when the family fled to Iran because of war Sonita remembers her childhood of hunger, aerial bombardment and Taliban fighters In Iran, she couldn't get a formal education because of not having proper identification She had to clean bathrooms and learnt the basics of how to read and write herself

Sonita watched music videos on TV to kill her free time and learnt the styles of Iranian rapper Yas and US rapper Eminem She started to write songs about her life as a refugee, child worker and especially a female Other songs are about her girl friends with broken spirits after arguing and begging their parents not to sell them Her songs have empowered her friends to protest against forced marriages which account for 60-80 per cent of Afghan marriages

Things were all right until they weren't Sonita's mother asked her to come back to Afghanistan as she needed 7,000 dowry to prepare for Sonita's brother's wedding Her mother thought she could sell Sonita for a man with 9,000 dowry Devastated by her mother's wish, Sonita fought by making a music video "Daughters for Sale" with the help of an Iranian filmmaker Thanks to the video, the Strongheart Group contacted her and gave her a scholarship in the US where she now can go to school and remain single What did Sonita to earn money in Iran?

A She wrote songs and rapped B She cleaned bathrooms C She made music videos

2 What is TRUE about Sonita's songs? A They were banned in Iran

B They have given girls strength to protest against arranged marriages C They're about her love of her homeland Afghanistan

3 How did Sonita feel when her mother wanted to sell her?

A Extremely upset and shocked B Calm and indifferent C Angry and hateful Where does Sonita live now?

A Afghanistan B Iran C The USA

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

5 The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony

A bridegroom B bridesmaid C broom D bride

6 Women should receive the same rights as men

A unequal B equal C different D exact

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in the following question

7 The UK still faces challenges in gender equality

A fairness B inequality C unfairness D equilibrium

8 To an American, success is the result of hard work and self-reliance


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


*Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction More achievements in information and technology will be make by scientists

A more B information C and D be make

10 We didn’t realize that it was the most fastest way to go to school

A to go to B it C most fastest D realize

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions

11 A bridesmaid B season C sandwich D proposal

12 A gender B eliminate C women D equal

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions

13 A prefer B present C prepare D pretend

14 A.college B woman C mistake D housework

*Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

15 Unfortunately, her illness was we thought

A the seriousest B the most serious C more serious than D seriouser than 16 After lunch, we went for walk by the sea

A  / a B a /  C  / the D the / a

17 The bride and groom are surely the people on their wedding day

A happy B happier C happily D happiest

18 I believe gender _ in education starts at home

A discriminative B discrimination C discriminator D discriminate 19 There is a wedding for all guest after the wedding ceremony

A honeymoon B engagement C expense D reception 20 Kate is learning to play piano

A the B a C  D some

21 The bad weather couldn’t prevent us winning this competition

A of B from C with D to

22 He did the test I did

A as bad as B badder C more badly than D worse than

23 are surprisingly widespread, including a fear of Friday the 13th and a belief in good-luck charms

A Superstitions B Superstitious C Traditions D Custom 24 Hundreds of people the job in the company but only five workers were employed

A asked for B appointed C recruited D applied for 25 “It is wrong of you not to call the doctor”

A You are wrong to call the doctor B You are right to call the doctor C You should call the doctor D You shouldn’t call the doctor 26 The government will soon the problem of inequality in wages

A establish B address C sue D abolish 27 His dream of becoming a reputed lawyer finally _ true

A makes B takes C come D goes

28 I think students should be _ to choose their subjects at school

A allowed B allow C to allow D allowing

29 As a country with many mysteries and legends, Vietnam has kept various beliefs about daily activities


Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: nguyenthithuanbg@gmail.com

Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: http://english4all.edu.vn


*Choose the word or phrase ( A, B , C or D) that best fits each space in the following passage

Do you avoid walking under ladders ? Do black cats make you (30) ? Some people care very superstitous They carry a lucky charm such as a rabbit’s foot everywhere they go Why is (31) _ rabbit lucky? Because it’s born with its eyes open, of course! Where superstitions come from? Long ago, people didn’t have the scientific knowledge we today To reduce their fear about unexplainable events, people came up with rituals They passed their (32) down from generation to generation Some superstitions are timeless Floors in buildings still go from the 12th to the 14th floor, even though nobody can agree (33) the number 13 is unlucky

Superstitous people think they can turn bad luck away They “knock on wood” to avoid jinxing themselves For example, if you say “I’ve never broken a limb” you should immediately search for a table to knock on to avoid a (34) of luck You may break your leg tomorrow if you don’t

30 A nerve B nervous C nervously D nervousness

31 A the B an C a D 

32 A beliefs B thoughts C ideas D ways

33 A when B how C what D why

34 A reverse B reversal C reversing D reversed

* Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrase given in the box

access best man limitations complicated loneliness 35 Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his brother, best friend or father to be his 36 Wedding ceremonies are less now than they used to be in the past

37 There weren’t any _ on women’s service at FDNY The women firefighters had to exactly the same jobs as their male workers

38 Brenda Berkman and other female firefighters became were unwelcomed at meals, face and even violence

39 Internet is available everywhere in this city *Rewrite the sentences

40 This wedding ceremony is more expensive than that one (LESS)

That wedding ………

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 22:30

