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- T models the task with the whole class, using the chart (T says that: Imagine you are going from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho and points to the picture a): How long does it take to get [r]


Week: 19 Preparation date: 04/ 01 / 2015 Period: 37 Teaching date: 05 / 01 / 2015

Unit 09: OUR TEACHER’S DAY Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about the dates of Teacher’s Day in some countries and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids : - Posters, flashcards, recordings. IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: special, celebrate

 Sentence patterns: - When is Teacher’s Day in Malaysia? - It’s on May 16th. V

Procedures :s 1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink pictures from Unit Then they play the Slap the board game, using the pictures displayed.

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the characters in the pictures

- T sets the context: you are going to hear Zack, Mai, and Mei Mei talking about Teacher’s Day in some countries.

- T recalls how to say the date: November 20th, May 16th, and September 10th. - T pre-teaches the new words: special, celebrate, flowers

- Ps repeat each word a few times

- T reads the lines in each picture, pause at times to check Ps’comprehension * While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Zack, Mai and Mei Mei

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:


- T points to the words and Ps read the name of the countries in focus

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about the dates of Teacher’s Day in some countries.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to look at the rest of the pictures and read each title a few times

- T points to each row on the dates chart and asks Ps to repeat - Ps repeat the name of the countries and the dates a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Australia on the chart and asks: When is Teachers Day in Australia? - Class: It’s on the last Friday of October.)

- T calls on some pairs to go through the rest of the items - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about the date of Teacher’s Day T monitors

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments * Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and tick.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the dates provided

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to hear a passage about the dates of Teachers’ Day in some countries You should listen and circle the appropriate dates. - T teaches the key words: celebrate, special event, celebration

- Ps repeat each of them a few times * While- task:

- T plays the recording for Ps

- Ps listen as they look closely at the pictures in their books - T plays the recording again

- Ps listen, select and tick the correct pictures - T replays the recording

- Ps check their answers

- Ps correct their answers in pairs or groups

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: c c a 4.a 3 Follow – up:

- Ps continue to practice asking and answering about Teacher’s Day in some countries - T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about the dates of Teachers’ Day in some countries, using the question: “When is Teachers’ Day in (Malaysia)? And the answer: It’s on (May 16th).

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink: :

- Ps select, copy and colour a flag for the class display in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model


- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit “Our Teacher’s Day” 5

Comments :

Week: 19 Preparation date: 04/ 01 / 2015 Period: 38 Teaching date: 09 / 01 / 2015

Unit 09: OUR TEACHER’S DAY Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters rd as in card and that of the letters st as in just

- to listen and number the pictures as they listen II


- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: card just V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink work for their classmates to see Then they ask and answer questions about the flags, the country names and the date of Teachers’ Day

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters rd as in card and that of the st as in just

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T calls on some Ps to read the words T corrects mistakes necessary * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to repeat the words to reinforce the pronunciation

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to read the lines on the cards and the poem - Get Ps to predict what the poem is about

- T sets the context: You are going to hear the poem and clap the words: one clap for the words with “rd” as in “card” and two claps for the words with “st” as in “just”. - T teaches the key words: look forward, arrive, devoted, helpful

* While- task:

- T read the poem for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the poem

- Ps clap the focused words as they read the poem again

- T plays the recording twice again: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the poem - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback, provides help when necessary * Post- task:


D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box - T checks the meaning of the focused words - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments * Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:

- T tells the listening purpose: you are going to hear the children discussing their presents for the teacher on Teachers’ Day Number the pictures in the order you hear. - T pre-teaches the key words: bunch of flowers, agree, paints, brushes

- Ps repeat each item a few times

- T asks Ps to say the information that it indicates + Ps answer: Picture a: a child drawing a picrure; Picture b: a bunch of flowers and a card; Picture c: a girl singing in front of the class;

Picture d: some pupils performing a play on the stage; Picture e: a card for Teachers’ Day

* While- task:

- T does first example with Ps in order to help them to understand the task - Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

* Answers: a b c d e * Post- task:

- T asks Ps read what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- Get Ps to the read the words in Part and put an accent (‘) before stressed syllable of each word in above task Then draw Ps’ attention to the stressed syllable in each word and say the words for them to repeat

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter rd as in card and that of the letters st as in just; and to listen and number the pictures as they listen

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps make and decorate a card for Teachers’ Day to display in their classroom in the next lesson


- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit “Our Teacher’s Day”


Week: 20 Preparation date: 11/ 01 / 2015 Period: 39 Teaching date: 12 / 01 / 2015

Unit 09: OUR TEACHER’S DAY Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to - express and respond to wishes;

- read a comprehension text on the celebration of Teachers’ Day in a Vietnamese primary school and write a card for Teacher’s Day

- develop Speaking and Listening skill II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :



Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps Ask Sts to read the poem “ To Our Teacher” together on page71 - Listens and checks pronunciation

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the context sentence

- T elicits to identify the name of the characters and the location in each picture

- T sets the context: The Sts in Miss Hien’s class are celebrating Vietnamese Teacher’s Day They have a present for Miss Hien.

- T pre - teaches the new words: Happy teachers’ Day

- T writes the phrase on the board and gets Ps to repeat it a few times * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Ps and Miss Hien - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Ps and Miss Hien

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- Draw Ps’s attention to the picture on the right of the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practise expressing wishes and responding to or replying wishes Imagine you are the Sts in Miss Hien’s class.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the wishing sentence and the response on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and says: The class has got a story book for you - Class: Thank you )

- T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the items - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, express and respond to wishes T monitors - T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation


* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T points to the picture and elicits what he is thinking about

- T sets the context: You’re going to read a passage and the task that follow

- T pre-teaches the key words: head teacher, deliver a speech, honour, exciting, memorable and praise.

- T reads the passage, pausing at times to check Ps’ comprehension - T asks Ps to read the passage

- T asks Ps to scan the information in the passage that relates to the sentences in Task a * While- task:

1 Match the words that go together

- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class

- Ps report their answers in front of class c d a b - T gives feedback and corrects mistakes when necessary

* Post- task:

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Sts to open the book on page 75 Get them to read the task, look at the cards and read the lines on them

- Explain the writing purpose: You are going to write a card for your teacher on Teacher’ Day Now you should read the models and decide what to write.

- Pre- teach the new vocabulary: candle, consume, light, others, inspire and inspirer - Give Sts some more useful expressions: Happy Teacher’s Day Thank you for teaching me; Have a happy Teacher’ Day and best wishes…….

* While- task:

- Set time for Sts to work individually - Ps write a card T monitors

- Call on Sts to read their work to the class - T checks their mistakes and gives feedback 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to express and respond to wishes; and read a comprehension text on the celebration of Teachers’ Day in a Vietnamese primary school and write a card for Teacher’s Day

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps listen the song My Dear Teacher at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 10 “How I learn English


Week: 20 Preparation date: 11/ 01 / 2015 Period: 40 Teaching date: 16 / 01 / 2015 Unit 10: HOW I LEARN ENGLISH

Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about one’s favourite school subject and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids : - Posters, flashcards, recordings. IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: translator, difficult, mathematician, spoken English, pianist  Sentence patterns: - What subject you like best? - Science


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up: - Ps listen to the song My Dear Teacher from Unit on page 75.

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the characters in the pictures

- T sets the context: You are going to hear Tony, Phong, Mai and Mei Mei talking about the subjects they like learning


- T reads the lines in each picture, pause at times to check Ps’comprehension * While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Tony, Phong, Mai and Mei Mei

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T draws Ps’s attention to the book cover

- T points to each cover and ask Ps to say it in English

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about the school subjects you like best.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to look at the rest of the pictures and read each title a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and asks: What subject do you like best? - Class: Vietnamese.)

- T calls on some pairs to go through the rest of the cover in the same way - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about their favourite subjects T monitors - T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language.

B Listen and tick.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ss open the book on page 77 and get them to elicit each picture - Ask Sts to guess what they are going to hear about

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to four dialogues in which children are talking about their favourite school subjects You listen and tick the correct pictures.

- T teaches the key words: mathematician, spoken English, pianist - Ps repeat each of them a few times

* While- task: - T plays the recording for Ps.

- Ps listen as they look closely at the pictures in their books - T plays the recording again


- Ps correct their answers in pairs or groups

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: a c c 4.a 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer about one’s favourite school subject

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink: :

- Ps prepare a list of their favorite school subjects and the reasons why they like them for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 10 “ How I Learn English” 5

Comments : Week: 21 Preparation date: 18/ 01 / 2015 Period: 41 Teaching date: 19 / 01 / 2015 Unit 10: HOW I LEARN ENGLISH

Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ou as in count and that of the letters ow as in how

- to listen and number the pictures as they listen - Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: count how V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link work for their classmates to read Then they ask and answer questions about the information on the lists, using their learnt language

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

B Listen and repeat



- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to talk about the information indicated by each picture - Get Ps to predict what the poems are about

- T sets the context: You are going to listen to two dialogues Clap the words in focus: one clap for the word with ou as in the words count and two claps for the word with ow

as in how.

- T teaches the key words: count down, downtown, tower, bought, towel - Get Ps to repeat each item a few times

* While- task:

- T read the poems for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the poems

- Ps clap the focused words as they read the poems again

- T plays the recording twice again: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the poems - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the poem to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box - T checks the meaning of the focused words - Ps repeat each word a few times

- T gives feedback * While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and complete.

* Pre- task:


- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to hear Alex, Tony, Linda and Lucy talking about their favourite school subjects Listen and complete the chart with the subject corresponding to each speaker.

- T pre-teaches the key words: artist, I can see - Ps repeat each item a few times

* While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class * Answers: Tony: Science

Linda: Art

Lucy: Music * Post- task:

- T asks Ps read what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters ou as in count and that of the letters ow as in how; and to listen and number the pictures as they listen

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps the crossword puzzle at home to display in their classroom in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 10 “How I Learn English”


Week: 21 Preparation date: 18/ 01 / 2015 Period: 42 Teaching date: 23 / 01 / 2015 Unit 10: HOW I LEARN ENGLISH

Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 Ask and answer questions about how one learns English

 Read a comprehension text on how someone learns English and write a description of how one learns English

 Develop speaking and listening skill II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: practice + speaking/ writing…, vocabulary, grammar, pen friend, maybe, join

 Sentence patterns: - How you learn to speak English? I practice speaking English every day. V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ss display their home- link work

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the context sentence

- T elicits to identify the name of the characters and what they are talking about

- T sets the context: You are going to hear Tony asking Mai about her way of learning English.


- T explains the phrase: practise speaking, Practice writing * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Tony and Mai - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Tony and Mai

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- Draw Ps’s attention to the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practice talking about your way of learning English

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures

- Recall and pre-teach the new words: vocabulary, grammar, pen friend.

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and says: How you learn to speak English? - Class: I watch cartoons on TV )

- T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point to the pictures and to ask and answer questions about the ways of learning English T monitors

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T points to the picture and elicits the location and what they are doing

- T sets the context: you’re going to read a passage on some way of learning English and the task that follow.

- T pre-teaches the key words: maybe, join

- T reads the passage, pausing at times to check Ps’ comprehension - T asks Ps to read the passage

- T asks Ps to scan the information in the passage that relates to the sentences in Task a * While- task:


- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class

No No No No Yes

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when necessary

E Write about how you learn English.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book on P 82 and get them read the guiding questions - T checks their comprehension

- T says the writing purpose: You are going to write about your way of learning English.

- T points to the questions and say: You should read the guiding questions and write your own answers.

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class Write the writing frame on the board and elicit Ss’ answer to complete the passage

- T sets the time and let Ss the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to complete the bubbles on the large – sized sheet of paper Others check the lines and get Ss to repeat each line in the speech bubbles

- T checks their mistakes and gives feedback 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about how one learns English; and read a comprehension text on how someone learns English and write a description of how one learns English

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps write sentences, describing how they learn English (speak, listen, read and write) for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 11 “What’s matter with you?


Week: 22 Preparation date: 25 / 01 / 2015 Period: 43

Unit 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU? Lesson – Part 1, 2,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about common health problems and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids : - Posters, flashcards, recordings. IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: arm, headache, earache, stomachache, toothache, backache, sore throat, temprature, cold and matter

 Sentence patterns: - What’s the matter with you? - I’ve got a headache V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps sing the following chant, doing actions with their fingers as follows: Open your fingers.

Close them. Open Close them.

Put them on your hair (feer, head, face).

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when Ps don’t say the chant

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the characters in the pictures

- T sets the context: Tom is late for breakfast Mrs Green is coming to his bedroom - T points to each picture and elicits Ps to answer what is happening in the picture - Ps give answers T gives feedback

- T pre-teaches the new words: matter, headache, temperature, take - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Tom, Mrs Green, Mr Green and the doctor


* Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T sets the context: We’re going to practise asking and answering questions about common health problems.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to look at the rest of the pictures and read each title a few times

- T pre-teaches the new words: earache, backache, toothache, sore throat, stomachache and cold.

- Ps repeat each word a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and asks: What‘s the matter with you? - Class: I’ve got an earache.)

- T calls on some pairs to go through the rest of picture in the same way - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about health problems T monitors - T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and tick.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ss open the book on page and get them to elicit each picture - Ask Sts to guess what they are going to hear about

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to some people talking about their illness You should listen and tick the correct pictures.

- T teaches the key words: mathematician, spoken English, pianist - Ps repeat each of them a few times

- Ps make guessing answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: c a b c - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:


- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps draw a simple picture of the body and name the body parts they have learnt - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 11 “What’s the matter with you?” 5

Comments :

Week: 22 Preparation date: 25 / 01 / 2015 Period: 44

Unit 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU? Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able


those of the letters ear as in ear

- to listen and number the pictures as they listen - Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: arm ear V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link drawings of the body parts Then they play the game Slap the board, using the words indicating the body parts.

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when Ps have not done

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters arm as in arm and those of the letters ear as in ear

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to comment the children’s actions

- T sets the context: You are going to hear a chant about parts of the body Clap the words in focus: one clap for arm and farm and two claps for ear, appear, hear, clear - T teaches the key words: appear, above, hear, loud, clear

- Get Ps to repeat each item a few times * While- task:

- T read the chant for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the chant

- Ps clap the focused words as they read the chant again

- T plays the recording twice again: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words


- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the chant to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box - T teaches the new words: alarm, charm, near - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to look at the chart on page

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to hear five dialogues The speakers are talking about some common health problems You should number the pictures in order. - T pre-teaches the key words: terrible, carry, voice, ill, stay, few

- Ps repeat each item a few times - Ps make guessing answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class * Answers: a b c d e

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters arm as in arm and those of the letters ear as in ear; and to listen and number the pictures as they listen

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps say the chant in Part at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 11 “What’s the matter with you”


Week: 23 Preparation date: 01 / 02 / 2015 Period: 45

Unit 11: WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH YOU? Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 express common health problems and give responses Pupils know how to keep fit and stay healthy

 Read tips for kids to stay healthy; and write to a friend to ask for advice on a health problem

 Develop speaking and listening skill II

Preparing methods :


- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: sore eye, should, take a rest, eye drops, carry heavy things.  Sentence patterns: - I’ve got a sore throat

You should see the doctor / You shoudn’t eat ice-cream V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- One P expresses a health problem that they have learnt in the previous lessons The others ask and answer questions, using What’s the matter with ? – He’s / She’s got

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when don’t the task

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the context sentence

- T elicits to identify the name of the characters and what they are talking about - T sets the context: You are going to hear Mai and Nam talking about Nam’s health - T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension - T explains the words: should, shouldn’t

* While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Nam and Mai - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Nam and Mai

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- Draw Ps’s attention to the example

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice expressing health problems and giving responses.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures

- Pre-teach the new words: take a rest, use some eye drops, carry heavy things.


* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and says: I’ve got a headache - Class: You should take a rest )

- T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to practice T monitors

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context: You’re going to observer the pictures and match them with the appropriate tips above

- T pre-teaches the key words: stay healthy, forget, keep, nail, regularly - T reads the passage, pausing at times to check Ps’ comprehension - T asks Ps to read the passage

- T asks Ps to scan the information in the passage that relates to the sentences in Task a * While- task:

a Number the pictures to match the right tips - Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class

a b c d e f

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book on P 12

- Draws Ps’ attention to the writing frames and gets them to read the message written by Linda and Mai

- T says the writing purpose: You are going to read the messages written by Linda and Mai and choose the appropriate words to complete messages that follow.

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class Write the writing frame on the board and elicit Ss’ answer to complete the passage

- T sets the time and let Ss the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their writing to the class Others check the lines and get Ss to repeat each line in the speech bubbles


3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to express common health problems and give responses; and read tips for kids to stay healthy; and write to a friend to ask for advice on a health problem

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps write five tips that seem most useful for themselves to keep healthy for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 12 “Our Free-time Activities


Week: 23 Preparation date: 01 / 02 / 2015 Period: 46

Unit 12: OUR FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES Lesson – Part 1, 2,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about free-time activities and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: go sightseeing, go camping, go skating, channel

 Sentence patterns: What you in your free time? - I often draw pictures V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:


- Getting Ps to “Brain Storming” the words related to free time activities that they have learnt

- T gives feedback, provides help when Ps don’t say the words

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the characters in the pictures

- T sets the context: Mr Brown’s family is an interview They are talking about their free-time activities

- T asks question to elicit: Look at the title and the pictures Do you understand the title? What are the pictures about?

- Ps give answers, T gives feedback

- T pre-teaches the new word: channel, free-time - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from characters

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to look at the rest of the pictures and read each title a few times

- T pre-teaches the new words: go sightseeing, go camping, and go skating - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and asks: What you do in your free time? - Class: I surf the Net.)

- T calls on some pairs to go through the rest of picture in the same way - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about free-time activities T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and tick.


- Have Ss open the book on page 14 and get them to elicit each picture - Ask Sts to guess what they are going to hear about

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to Mary talking about the free-time ativities of her family members You should listen, select and tick the appropriate pictures.

- T points to the pictures and elicit Ps’ comment on what each character is doing - Ps gives comment about the pictures

- Ps make guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: c a b a - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about free-time activities, using What you in your free time? – I often draw picture; and listen and tick the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps practice asking and answering the question at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 12 “Our Free-time Activities 5


Week: 24 Preparation date: 08 / 02 / 2015 Period: 47

Unit 12: OUR FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters aw as in draw and that of the letters ar as in star

- to listen and circle the correct answers

- Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: draw star V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps ask and answer about their time activities, using What you in your free-time?

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when Ps have not done



- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters aw as in draw and that of the letters ar as in star

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the dialogues

- T reads each dialogue, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the dialogues

- Ps clap the focused words as they read the dialogues again

- T plays the recording twice again: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the dialogues - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the dialogues to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box

- T checks if Ps understands the meaning of the words in focus - T recalls the meaning of the words

- Ps repeat the words a few times * While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and circle.

* Pre- task:

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to hear Kate, Susan and John talk about their free time activities You should listen, select and circle the appropriate answer. - Get Ps read the incomplete statements

- Ps make guess answers * While- task:


- T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class * Answers: b a a c - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters aw as in draw and that of the letters ar as in star; and to listen and circle the correct answers

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps sings the song “If You’re Happy and You Know It” at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 12 “Our Free-time Activities


Week: 24 Preparation date: 08 / 02 / 2015 Period: 48

Unit 12: OUR FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 ask and answer questions about free time activities in the past  read about someone’s holiday and write about their past activities  Develop speaking and listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: pagoda, cable car, palace, Vinpearl Land  Sentence patterns: What did you in Nha Trang?

- First, I went to Tri Nguyen Aquarium - Then I visited Vinpearl Land.


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps listen to the song “If You’re Happy and You Know It” - T gives feedback

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the context sentence

- T elicits to identify the name of the characters and what they are talking about - T sets the context: Tony is telling Mai about his holiday in Nha Trang

- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension - T explains the phrase: Vinpearl Land


- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Mai and Tony - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Mai and Tony

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- Draw Ps’s attention to the example

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice asking ad answering questions about free-time activities inthe past.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures - Pre-teach the new words: pagoda, cable car, palace - Ps repeat each item a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and says: What did you do in Ha - Class: First, I visit Hoan Kiem Lake Then, I saw One-Pillared Pagoda ) - T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures

- T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about the past free time activities T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context: You’re going too read the passage about Nam’s Holiday, observer the pictures and match them with the appropriate tips above

- T pre-teaches the key words: resort, famous, Common Services, Tunnel, Sentosa, Chinatown, Marina Bay, Jurong Bird Park.

- Ps repeat these words a few times

- T reads the passage, pausing at times to check Ps’ comprehension - T asks Ps to read the passage in silence

- T asks Ps to scan the information in the passage that relates to the sentences in Task a * While- task:


- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class

a b c d

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book on Page 19 and read the guiding questions - T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T show how to the task: You write your sentences, relying on the writing frame and guiding quetions

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class Write the writing frame on the board and elicit Ss’ answer to complete the passage

- T sets the time and let Ss the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their answers to the class - T checks their mistakes and gives feedback

- If there is not enough class time, Ps the task at home 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about free time activities in the past, using What did you in ? – First, I Then, I .; and read about someone’s holiday and write about their past activities.

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps their writing task at home for the class display in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 13 “Accident Prevention


Week: 25 Preparation date: 01 / 03 / 2015 Period: 49

Unit 13: ACCIDENT PREVENTION Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about possible accidents and give response and develop Speaking and Listening skill II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: accident, burn, fall off, fall down, scratch, break, climb, lighter, bite, glide, swing.

 Sentence patterns: - Don’t ride too fast You may fall off your bike - Ok Thanks


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Getting Ps to play the game of Simon Says Expression to be used: Simon says touch you head (nose/eyes/ears/arms/legs/feet)

- T gives feedback, provides help when Ps don’t perform the game

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the characters in the pictures and read the title and the texts - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: You are going to hear conversations talking about Jim- a restless and careless boy

- T pre-teaches the new words: fall off, fall down, branch, lighter, burn, kitten, scratch - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Mai, Linda, Jim, Tony and Jim’s mother.


- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to look at the rest of the pictures and read each title a few times

- T pre-teaches the new words: swing, fall off, glide, bite - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and says: Don’t swing too fast You may fall of the swing - Class: Ok, thanks.)

- T calls on some pairs to go through the rest of picture in the same way - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about possible accidents T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and tick.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ss open the book on page 21 and get them to observe each picture - Elicits Ps to gives their comments on possible accidents in the pictures - T gives feedback

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen and tick the appropriate pictures - Ps make guessing answers

* While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: c c b c - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions questions about possible accidents and give response, using Don’t (ride too fast) You may (fall off the bike) – Ok, thanks; and listen and tick the pictures.

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps select a picture of accident in their Student’s Book, copy and colour for the class display in the next lesson


- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 13 “Accident Prevention 5

Comments :

Week: 25 Preparation date: 01 / 03 / 2015 Period: 50



Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ide as in ride and that of the letters im as in Jim

- to listen and number the pictures

- Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: draw star V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink pictures: some types of common accidents Then thay use pictures to ask and answer questions about possible accidents

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes when Ps have not done

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters ide as in ride and that of the letters im as in Jim

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the chant - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures - T gives feedback

- T reads each chant, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the chant

- Ps clap the focused words in focus: once clap for bike and two claps for Jim, him, Tim as they read the chant again


- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the chant - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the chant to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box

- T checks if Ps understands the meaning of the words in focus - T teaches the words: side, slide, decide

- Ps repeat the words a few times * While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 23

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to hear a woman and a boy talking about possible accidents You should listen and number the correct pictures.

- Elicits Ps to gives their comments on the pictures - T gives feedback

- Ps make guessing answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class * Answers: a b c d

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ide as in ride and that of the letters im as in Jim; and to listen and number the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:


- Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 13 “Accident Prevention


Week: 26 Preparation date: 08 / 03 / 2015 Period: 51

Unit 13: ACCIDENT PREVENTION Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 ask and answer questions about accident prevetion

 read an informative text on fall prevention for young children and write a message

 Develop speaking and listening skill II


- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: barefoot, knife, drown

 Sentence patterns: - Why shouldn’t they jump into the river? - Because they may drown


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display the word cards and use these cards to play a game of matching - T gives feedback and provides help when Ps don’t perform the game

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the context sentence

- T elicits to Ps to give their comments on pictures

- T sets the context: The pupils in Mr Loc’s class are having a lesson on “Accident Prevention for Children”.

- T teaches the word: drown

- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Mr Loc and pupils

- Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Mr Loc and pupils - T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- Draw Ps’s attention to the example

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice asking and answering questions about free-time activities in the past.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times


- Ps repeat each item a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class (T points to Picture a) and asks: Why shouldn’t he go barefoot? – Class answers: Because he may get a bad cut.)

- T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about the reasons T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context: You’re going to read the passage about comment accidents which may happen to young children.

- T pre-teaches the key words: roll off, a cradle, a car seat carrier, crawl up or down - Ps repeat these words a few times

- T asks Ps to read the passage in silence * While- task:

a Tick the best title for the passage

- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class: B

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task b Find the words in the passage which mean

- Ps read the word in focus and Task b) independently - T monitors the activity and offers help

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

crawl serious most common make sure

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book on Page 26 and read the guiding questions - T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T show how to the task: You finish the writing frame, relying on the dialogues in Lesson


* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class Write the writing frame on the board and elicit Ss’ answer to complete the passage

- T sets the time and let Ss the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their answers to the class - T checks their mistakes and gives feedback

- If there is not enough class time, Ps the task at home 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer ask and answer questions about accident prevetion, using Why shouldn’t ? – Because they may ; and read an informative text on fall prevention for young children and write a message

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps their writing task at home for the class display in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 14 “My Favourite Stories”


Week: 26 Preparation date: 08 / 03 / 2015 Period: 52

Unit 14: MY FAVOURITE STORIES Lesson – Part 1, 2,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about the main events in a story and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: fox, crow, cowshed, shake, yummy, beak, dropp, pick up  Sentence patterns: - What happened first?


- What happened finally?

+ The fox said, “Yummy, yummy!” V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Getting Ps to play the game Flap that word, using words for the animals they have learnt such as: dog, cat, mouse, tiger and lion

- T gives feedback, provides help when some Ps don’t perform the game

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to identify the character animals in the pictures and discuss what is happening in each picture

- Ps answer and tell content of the pictures - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: You are going to read a story between a clever fox and a crow - T pre-teaches the new words: fox, crow, piece of meat, cowshed, shake, yummy, beak, dropp, pick up.

- Ps repeat each word a few times * While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from fox and crow

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to read the chart and the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples (T asks: What happened first? – Class answers: The fox asked, “Will you give me some meat?”)

- T calls on some open pairs to continue with the prompts from the chart in the same way

- T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about sequence of events in the story T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class


* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and tick.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ss open the book on page 28 and get them to observe each picture - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to four dialogues in which two pupils are talking about an animal story, and then tick the appropriate pictures.

- Ps make guessing answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: b c a b - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about the main events in a story, using What happened (first/next/then/finally?); and listen and tick the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps select the cover of their favoutite story, copy and colour it for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 14 “My Favourite Stories”



Week: 27 Preparation date: 15 / 03 / 2015 Period: 53

Unit 14: MY FAVOURITE STORIES Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ow as in crow and that of the letters ow as in cowshed

- to listen and number the pictures

- Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: crow cowshed V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:


- Ps display their favourite story covers Then they use pictures to ask and answer questions about the stories of which the covers are displayed

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if some Ps can not ask and answer questions about the stories

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters ow as in crow and that of the letters ow as in cowshed

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the dialogues - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T reads the dialogues, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the dialogues

- Ps clap the focused words in focus: once clap for snowy, know, slow, crow and two claps for cowshed as they read the dialogues again

- T plays the recording twice: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the dialogues - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the dialogues to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box

- T checks if Ps understands the meaning of the words in focus - Ps repeat the words a few times

* While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:


E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 30 and observe the characters and the squence of the pictures

- T elicits Ps to give comments on the details of the pictures - Ps give comments about the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to the story of a cat and a mouse You should listen and number the correct pictures.

- Ps make guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

* Answers: a b c d e f g - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ow as in crow and that of the letters ow as in cowshed; and to listen and number the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps select one of the pictures in the listening section, copy and colour it for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 14 “My Favourite Stories”


Week: 27 Preparation date: 15 / 03 / 2015 Period: 54

Unit 14: MY FAVOURITE STORIES Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 ask and answer questions about the favourite character in a story

 read an animal story and complete the speech bubbles for a comic strip  Develop speaking and listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: tricky, fast, race, “Ready, steady, go”, pass, rest, fall asleep, win  Sentence patterns: - What character you like?

- I like the fox It’s very clever V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link work and tell stories, using their pictures displayed - T gives feedback and provides help when Ps don’t perform the task

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to read the texts and observe


What are they doing? (They are talking about the story The clever Fox and the Crow)

- T sets the context: Nga and Phong are talking about the story “The Clever Fox and the Crow”.

- T teaches the word: tricky - Ps repeat the word a few times

- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Nga and Phong - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Nga and Phong

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks Ps to give the model sentences: Nga: What character you like? Phong: I like the fox It’s very clever  What character you like? I like _

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice asking and answering questions the favourite character

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures - Pre-teach the new word: talented

- Ps repeat the word a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples - T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about the favourite character T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.


- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context: You’re going to read the story of the Tortoise and the Hare and the task that follow

- T pre-teaches the key words: fast, race, “Ready, steady, go”, pass, rest, fall asleep, win.

- Ps repeat these words a few times - T asks Ps to read the passage in silence * While- task:

a Tick the best title for the passage

- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class

- Ps report their answers in front of class: d c a b

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task b Find the words in the passage which mean

- Ps read the word in focus and Task b) independently - T monitors the activity and offers help

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class: Picture a

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book on Page 33 and draw their attention to the pictures - T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T tells Ps the writting purpose: You are going to observer the pictures from the story The Tortoise and The Hare to complete the speech bubbles

- T asks Ps to guess what each animal character says

- Ps scan the story to find the appropriate words for their complete * While- task:

- T sets the time and let Ps the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their answers to the class - T checks their mistakes and gives feedback 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about the favourite character in a story; and read an animal story and complete the speech bubbles for a comic strip

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:


- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 15 “My Dream House”


Week: 28 Preparation date: 22 / 03 / 2015 Period: 55

Unit 15: MY DREAM HOUSE Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about a dream house and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: modern, comfartable, facilities, view, mountain  Sentence patterns: - What will your dream house be like?

- It’ll be a large house in the countryside It’s got a yard in the front V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Getting Ps to play the game Slap that word, using words for the animals they have learnt from Unit such as: house, cottage, flat, block of flats, garden, floor and balcony.

- T gives feedback, provides help when some Ps don’t perform the game

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures and read the texts

- T asks Ps to some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Nam and Mai)

What are they talking about? (their dream houses) - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: It is Mr Loc’s Art class Mai and Nam are drawing and talking about their dream houses.


* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Nam and Mai.

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language - T asks Ps to give the model sentences:

Nam: What will your dream house be like?

Mai: It’ll be a large house in the countryside It’s got a yard in the front.

What will your dream house be like? It’ll be It’s got a

- Ask pls to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to read the chart and the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about your dream house Imagine these will be your dream house.

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T teaches the new words: modern, comfartable, facilities, view and mountain - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples (T asks: What will your dream house like? – Class answers: It’ll be a large house in the countryside It’s got a yard in the front.)

- T calls on some open pairs to continue with the prompts from the chart in the same way

- T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about their dream houses, using the pictures in this section or the true facts of their houses T monitors and offers help - T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and circle.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ps open the book on page 35 and get them to observe each picture - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures


- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to four dialogues in which chidren are talking about their dream houses You should listen and circle the letter indicating the appropriate picture.

- Ps guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: c b a b - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about their dream houses, using What will your dream house be like?- It will (a large house), in the (countryside) It’s got (a yard in the front); and listen and circle the pictures. - T gives feedback for the learning period

4 Homelink:

- Ps draw their dream houses and colour them for the class display in the next lesson They also prepare the answers to possible questions about their drawing

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 15 “My Dream House”



Week: 28 Preparation date: 22 / 03 / 2015 Period: 56

Unit 15: MY DREAM HOUSE Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ge as in village and that of the letters ble as in comfortable

- to listen and number the pictures

- Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: village comfortable V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink work Then they ask and answer questions about the houses in the pictures

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if some Ps can not ask and answer questions about the houses

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters ge as in village and that of the letters ble as in comfortable.

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the dialogues - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures


- T reads the dialogues, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the dialogues

- Ps clap the focused words in focus: once clap for cottage, village and two claps for stable, comfortable as they read the dialogues again.

- T plays the recording twice: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say and clap the dialogues - T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class

- T gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the dialogues to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box

- T checks if Ps understands the meaning of the words in focus - T teaches the new words: age, stable, cable, and able

- Ps repeat the words a few times * While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 37 and observe the pictures - T elicits Ps to give comments on the details of the pictures

- Ps give comments about the pictures - T gives feedback

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to Quan’s talking about his dream house You should listen and number the correct pictures in order.

- Ps guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class


* Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ge as in village and that of the letters ble as in comfortable; and to listen and number the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps make some word cards on which they write names of the facilities or pieces of furniture in their dream houses for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 15 “My Dream House”


Week: 29 Preparation date: 29 / 03 / 2015 Period: 57



Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

 ask and answer questions about facilities in a dream house  read and write about dream house

 Develop speaking and listening skill II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: hi-fi stereo, cable TV, fridge

 Sentence patterns: - What will there be in your dream house?

- There will be a robot I’ll use it to the housework. V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link work Then they ask and answer about the facilities or pieces of furniture in their dream houses

- T gives feedback and provides help when Ps don’t perform the task

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to observe pictures and read the texts

- T asks Ps some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Nga - Tom)

What are they doing? (They are talking about things in their dream houses) - T sets the context: Tom and Nga are talking about things in their dream houses - T teaches the new vocab: the house work

- Ps repeat the word a few times

- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Tom and Nga - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Tom and Nga

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles - T asks Ps to give the model sentences:

Tom: What will there be in your dream house?


There will be _ I’ll use it to

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice asking and answering questions about facilities in dream houses.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures

- Pre-teach the new word: cable TV, hi-fi stereo, fridge, fresh - Ps repeat the word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples - T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about the things in their dream houses T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context: You’re going to read the passage about the facilities in Quan’s dream house and the tasks that follow.

- T pre-teaches the key words: the cooking or cleaning, relax, ideal - Ps repeat these words a few times

- T asks Ps to read the passage in silence * While- task:

a Draw a line to match the words that make a meaningful phrase - Ps read the passage and Task a) independently

- T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class

- Ps report their answers in front of class: c a d b

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task b Complete the table

- Get Ps to read the information in the left column of the chart - Ps scan the reading passage and Task b) independently - T monitors the activity and offers help


- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

In front of the house / in the study / in the bedroom/ in the bedroom.

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book and read the information in the guide

- T tells Ps the writting purpose: You are going to write about your dream house You should read the guide and complete sentences about your dream house.

- T does the first example with the class: My dream house will be a large cottage * While- task:

- T sets the time and let Ps the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their work to the class - T checks their mistakes and gives feedback 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about facilities in a dream house; and read and write about dream house

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps listen to the song “There’s a car in the Garage” at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model - Ps prepare Review


Week: 29 Preparation date: 29 / 03 / 2015 Period: 58



Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to the tasks related to vocabulary and spelling, listening, reading and writing to consolidate the language knowledge and skills they have learnt in the focused units (from Unit 11-15)


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method


- Student’s Book Tieng Anh (book 2), Review - Pp 41 - 46 - Recording, stickers, flash cards

IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: The words from Unit 11 to Unit 15

 Sentence patterns: The sentence pattern from Unit 11 to Unit 15  Phonics: The words from Unit 11 to Unit 15


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

B REVIEW (The second period)


1 Choose the letters that complete the words below Use ow for two words Then read the words aloud.

- T draws Ps’ attention to the letters in the letter chart in this section

- T tells Ps: You are going to complete each word under the picture, using the letters given.

- Get Ps to look at each picture and predict the letters to complete the word under it - T elicits and writes the word prompted by Ps on the board (Repeat the step with the rest of the picture)

- T plays the recording for Ps to listen and check with their prompts on the board - Ps complete the words individually, using the pictures and the word cues T monitors - T calls on some Ps to read aloud and spell the words to the class

- T gives feedback, corrects and gives answers if Ps make mistakes:

a alarm b glide c slim d car e tear f draw g table h stage i cow j show 2 Complete the sentences.

- Draw Ps’ attention to the pictures in this section

- T asks Ps to predict the word to complete the sentence under each picture - T points to Picture a) and asks: What shouldn’t he do?

- Ps answer: He shouldn’t glide down the staircase

- T writes the word on the board and gets pupils to repeat it a few times - T goes through the rest of the pictures in the same way

- Ps the task individually T monitors

- T calls on some Ps to read their sentences to the class

- T gives feedback, corrects and gives answers if Ps make mistakes:

a slide b earache c drown d throat e draws f fishing g crow h fox i will j robots 3 Draw a line to match the words that go together.

- T explains how to the task - Ps look at the chart of the words - T recalls the meaning of the words - Ps repeat each word a few times

- Ps the task independently T monitors - Ps check their answers in pairs


- T gives feedback

* Answer: b e c f a d


1 Listen and tick.

- T tells the listening purpose: you’re going to listen to five different dialogues You listen to each dialogue and tick the appropriate picture corresponding to the information.

- T points to each picture and ask Ps to say what each one indicates - Ps look at the picture and answer

- Ps make guessing

- T plays the recording for Ps

- Ps listen as they look closely at the pictures in their books - T plays the recording again

- Ps listen, select and tick the correct pictures - T replays the recording

- Ps check their answers

- Ps trade their answers on pairs or groups for correction

- T asks Ps to give answers: a c c b b - T gives feedback

2 Listen and number.

- T tells the listening purpose: You’re going to listen to a passage about a holiday Listen and number the pictures in the order you hear.

- T asks Ps to guess what the picture is about - Ps answer, T gives feedback

- T recalls the key words to understand the text and writes them on the board for Ps to repeat a few times

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class: a b c d e - T gives feedback


1 Draw a line to match each question to the answer.

- T sets the context: You are going to review all the sentence patterns from Unit 11 to Unit 15 by matching each question in the left column with the appropriate answer in the right column.

- T gets Ps to read the sentences in silence in a few times - T does the first example to help Ps to understand the task - Ps the task independently in silence T monitors

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

* Answers: d e f h b a g c - T gives feedback


- T sets the context: You’re going to read a passage and the task that follow Read the title of the passage and look at the picture Can you guess what you are going to read about?

- Ps read the title and look at the picture for a few seconds - T makes questions to help Ps to understand the passage: + What is the passage about?

- T teaches the phrases: three-storey house, a fireplace, keep the house warm - Ps read and the task independently T monitors

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class * Answers:

Task a: T F F T T Task b: the dream house

Task c: By the sea.

It will be in the front of the house. Three

- T gives feedback, corrects and gives answers if Ps make mistakes 3 Homelink:

- Ps practise Speaking on Page 46 at home - Ps are ready for Period of Teacher’s comment


Week: 30 Preparation date: 05 / 04 / 2015 Period: 59



Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to get teacher’s comment about the language knowledge (phonics, vocabulary, sentence patterns) and the language skills they have learnt from Unit 11 to Unit 15


Procedures :

1 Class organization.

2 Teacher gives feedback and comments about the language knowledge (phonics, vocabulary, sentence patterns) and the language skills:

- Most of pupils master the skills, knowledge

- Pupils can ask and answer model sentences very well

- Some pupils are good at learning by heart and writing vocabulary - Many pupils play dialogues fluently


- Some pupils not understand model sentence and dialogues

- Some pupils are still slow in acquiring the knowledge of vocabulary and sentence patterns

3 Teacher provides measures to help students who have not completed or mastered vocabulary and model sentences.

- Teacher spends more time on helping pupils to review vocab and model sentences - Teacher designs many kinds of easy exercises appropriate to the level of student 4 Homelink:

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 16 “The Weather and Seasons”


Week: 30 Preparation date: 05 / 04 / 2015 Period: 60

Unit 16: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS Lesson – Part 1, 2,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about the weather and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: forecast, foggy, cool, stormy, snowy, season, north, south, central  Sentence patterns: - What will the weather be like tomorrow?

- It’ll be cold and stormy. V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:


B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures and read the title and the texts - T asks Ps to some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who is she? (Mai)

What is she watching? (the weather forecast on TV) - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: Mai is watching the weather forecast on TV

- T uses a weather map of Viet Nam to show the places: the north, Central and the south of VN.

- T teaches the vocabulary: forecast, foggy, cool, stormy, snowy, season, north, south, central.

- Ps repeat each word a few times * While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Mai and the weather woman.

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language - T asks Ps to give the model sentences: - What will the weather be like tomorrow? → It’ll be cold and windy

What will the weather be like tomorrow? * It’ll be .

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to read the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about the weather

- Ps complete the sentences in the speech bubbles with teacher’s eliciting

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to gives comments on the pictures

- Ps gives comments, T gives feedback

- Ps repeat the words under the pictures a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples (T asks: What will the weather be like tomorow? – Class answers: It’ll be a colde and sormy.)

- T calls on some open pairs to continue in the same way with all the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs


- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and complete.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ps open the book on page 48 and get them to observe and get the information from the chart

- T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen and complete the chart ewith the information from the weather forecast of Viet Nam

- Ps guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class - Some Ps report theirs answers to the class:

Today Tomorrow

The north: windy cold Central: cool foggy The south: rainy cool - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about the weather, using What will the weather be like tomorrow?- It will (cold) and (foggy); and listen and complete an informative chart of weather forecast

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps copy the weather map of Viet Nam and four weather icons and colour them for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 16“The Weather and Seasons”



Week: 31 Preparation date: 12 / 04 / 2015 Period: 61

Unit 16: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters or as in stormy and the sounds of the letters ol as in cold

- to listen and number the weather pictures - Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: stormy cold V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink work: the weather map of Viet Nam and the weather icons Then they use the pictures displayed to ask and answer questions about the weather - T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if some Ps can not ask and answer questions about the weather

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters or as in stormy and the sound of the letters ol as in cold

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the dialogues - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T reads the dialogues, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the dialogues

- Ps clap the focused words in focus: once clap for stormy, storms, popcorn and two claps for cold as they read the dialogues again

- T plays the recording twice: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to repeat the lines from Linda and Mai and clap the dialogues

- T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the dialogues to reinforce the pronunciation

D Group and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at the chart and the word box

- T checks if Ps understands the meaning of the words in focus - T teaches the new words: told and fold

- Ps repeat the words a few times * While- task:

- T does the first example with the class

- Ps group the words in the right columns and the task independently - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and number.

* Pre- task:


- T elicits Ps to give comments on the details of the pictures - Ps give comments about the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to five dialogues about the weather You should listen and number the correct pictures in order.

- Ps make guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

* Answers: a b c d e - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks Ps to tell what they hear in the listening text 3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters or as in stormy and the sounds of the letters ol as in cold; and to listen and number the pictures

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 16 “The Weather and Seasons”


Week: 31 Preparation date: 12 / 04 / 2015 Period: 62

Unit 16: THE WEATHER AND SEASONS Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to  ask and answer questions about the seasons

 read an informative text on the weather ans seasons in different parts of Viet Nam

 Write about the weather and seasons in their localities  Develop speaking and listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: spring, warm, summer, autumn, winter  Sentence patterns: - What’s summer like in your country?

- It’s often hot There is much rain. V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link work Then they ask and answer about the weather - T gives feedback and provides help when Ps don’t perform the task

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to observe pictures and read the texts

- T asks Ps some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Mai - Akio)

What are they doing? (They are talking about the different the weather)


- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Mai and Akio - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Mai and Akio

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles - T asks Ps to give the model sentences: What’s the summer like in your country? It’s often hot There is much rain

What’s _ like in your country? It’s often _ There is/are

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T sets the context: We’re going to practice asking and answering questions about the weather and the seasons.

- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures

- Pre-teach the new vocabulary: spring, warm, summer, autumn, winter - Ps repeat the word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples - T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about the weather and the seasons T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps read the title and look at the picture

- T asks Ps to guess what they are going to read about

- T sets the context, using the weather map of Viet Nam and some weather icons - T teaches the key words: major, province, dry


a Complete the table

- Ps read the passage and Task a) independently - T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

City Seasons Weather Month

Da Nang, Hue two Hot, dry, cooler November to April May to November Ho Chi Minh City two Hot, dry, cooler November to April

May to November - T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task b Answer the question

- Get Ps to read the questions

- Ps scan the reading passage and Task b) independently - T monitors the activity and offers help

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. They are the dry season and the rainy season.

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to open the book and read the guiding questions

- T tells Ps about activity: You are to complete the writing frame with the information of your local weather ans seasons, relying your writing on the guiding question

* While- task:

- T sets the time and let Ps the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their work to the class

- T checks their mistakes and gives feedback (If there is not enough class time, turn it into a homelink activity)

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about the seasons; and read an informative text on the weather ans seasons in different parts of Viet Nam and write about the weather and seasons in their localities

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps their writing task at home for the class display in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model - Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 17 “My Hometown”


Week: 32 Preparation date: 19 / 04 / 2015 Period: 63

Unit 17: MY HOMETOWN Lesson – Part 1, 2, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about means of transport and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: hometown, taxi, coach, motorbike,

 Sentence patterns: - How did you get to your hometown? - By coach


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Getting Ps to listen to the weather Song - T gives feedback

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures and read the title and the texts - T asks Ps to some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Tony and Nam)

What are they talking about? (means of transport) - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: Tony is meeting Nam at school after Tet You are going to listen to their dialogues about the trips to their hometown.

- T pre-teaches the vocabulary: hometown, province, coach and far - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Tony and Nam.


* Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language - T asks Ps to give the model sentences:

Tony: How did you get to your hometown? Nam: By coach

=> How did you get to your hometown? By

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures and read the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about means of transport

- T pre-teaches the vocabulary: taxi, motorbike - Ps repeat each word a few times

- Ps complete the sentences in the speech bubbles with teacher’s eliciting

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to gives comments on the pictures

- Ps gives comments, T gives feedback

- Ps repeat the words under the pictures a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples (T asks: How did you get to your hometown? – Class answers: By taxi.)

- T calls on some open pairs to continue in the same way with all the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about means of transport, using the pictures T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and circle.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ps open the book on page 55 and get them to read the sentences provides - T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to some pupils talking about their trips to their hometowns or villages You should circle the letters indicating the appropriate answers as you hear.

- Ps guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task


- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps report theirs answers to the class: b a c c - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about means of transport, using How did you get to your hometown?- By (coach); and listen and circle the letters indicating the missing information in the sentences

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps copy a simple picture of means of transport in Student’s Book and colour it for the class display in the next lesson

- Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model - Ps practice to write vocabulary and model - Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 17“My Hometown”


Comments :

Week: 32 Preparation date: 19 / 04 / 2015 Period: 64



Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able

- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ch as in coach and the sounds of the letters th as in north

- to listen and complete the chart

- Develop listening, speaking and reading skills II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary:

 Phonics: stormy cold V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their homelink work Then they use the pictures displayed to ask and answer questions about the means of transport

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if some Ps can not ask and answer questions about the means of transport

B Listen and repeat


- T draws P’s attention to the sound of the letters ch as in coach and the sounds of the letters th as in north

- T tells Ps to listen and pronounce these sounds correctly - Ps pronounce the focused sounds a few times as a model * While- task:

- Ps listen and repeat the focused sounds with the recording - Ps read the words a few times

- T gives feedback and provide help if Ps don’t read the phonics

C Listen and read together.

* Pre-task:

- T gets Ps to observe the pictures and read the dialogues - Elicits Ps to gives their comments in the pictures

- T gives feedback

- T reads the dialogues, stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehension * While- task:

- T plays the recoding for Ps to listen

- Ps listen and repeat each line of the dialogues


- T plays the recording twice: once for Ps listen all the way through and once for them to clap the focused words

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to repeat the lines from Ruth and Beth and clap the dialogues

- T calls on some groups to perform the task in front of the class - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T asks the whole class to recite the dialogues to reinforce the pronunciation

D Listen, complete and say aloud.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to look at and read the texts - T checks if Ps understands the task

- T tells Ps the activity: You are to listen and complete the words provide with ch or th - T does the first example with the class

* While- task:

- T plays the recording, Ps listen all the way through

- T replays the recording (pause after each word for Ps complete the word), Ps listen and the task

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

- Some Ps perform The rest of the class listen and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The whole class repeats all the words in each column in chorus

E Listen and complete.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 57 and observe the chart

- T tells the listening purpose: You are going to listen to four dialogues The speaker talk about the trips to their hometowns or villages and the means of transport to get there You should listen and complete the chart with the missing information as you hear.

- Ps make guess answers * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class

* Answers: coach train plane motorbike - T gives feedback

* Post- task:


- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ch as in coach and the sounds of the letters th as in north; and to listen and complete a chart

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps listen to the song “To-My-Home-Town Song” at home - Ps learn by heart vocabulary

- Ps practice to write the vocabulary

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 17 “My Hometown”


Week: 33 Preparation date: 26 / 04 / 2015 Period: 65

Unit 17: MY HOMETOWN Lesson – Part 1, 2, 3, I

Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to


 Develop speaking and listening skill II

Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings, two puppets IV Languages focus :

 Vocabulary: Underground, scenery, hour, minute

 Sentence patterns: - How long does it take to get there by train? - Five hours.


Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Ps display their home link work Then they ask and answer about the means of transport

- T gives feedback and provides help when Ps don’t perform the task

B Look, Listen and repeat

* Pre-task:

- Get Ps to observe pictures and read the texts

- T asks Ps some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Nga - Linda)

What are they doing? (They are talking about their trip duration)

- T sets the context: Nga is meeting Linda after the weekend You are going to listen to their dialogues.

- T reads the line in each picture, pausing at times to check students’ comprehension * While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- T divides the class into two groups to take turns to say the line from Nga and Linda - Ps work in pairs, take turns to say the line from Mai and Akio

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks a few questions to ensure Ps’ comprehension of the text in the speech bubbles - T asks Ps to give the model sentences:

Linda: How long does it take to get there by train? Nga: Five hours

How long does it take to get there by _ ?

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:


- T asks Ps to read the example

- Ps complete the speech bubbles with teacher’s help - T writes the question and the answer on the board - Ps repeat them a few times

- Gets Ps to repeat the prompts under the pictures - Pre-teach the new vocabulary: hour, minute - Ps repeat the word a few times

* While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the chart (T says that: Imagine you are going from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho and points to the picture a): How long does it take to get there by car? – Class answers: Three hours.)

- T calls on some open pairs to go through the rest of the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps take turns to point, ask and answer questions about questions about the duration of trips T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- The class repeats the questions and answers in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

D Read the passage and the task.

* Pre- task:

- Ps observe the pictures, read the title and the tasks

- T says: You are going to read the passage and find the words that “They” and “there” refer to in Task a; and answer the questions in Task b.

- T teaches the key words: London King’s Cross railway station, Underground, scenery, on the way, local.

- Ps repeat these words a few times - T asks Ps to read the passage in silence * While- task:

a What words They and there refer to in the passage

- T explains that they and there can replace a noun or a noun phrase

- Ps scan Lines and of the passage quickly for the words that they and there replace - Ps the task independently

- T monitors the activity

- Ps check their answers in pairs

- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

they (line 3): Lisa’s grandparents there (line 7): Lisa’s hometown

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task b Answer the questions

- Get Ps to read the questions

- Ps scan the reading passage and Task b) independently - T monitors the activity and offers help


- T asks a few Ps to report their answers to the class - Ps report their answers in front of class:

In the north of England By Underground. By train Four hours.

Because she can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way.

- T gives feedback, provides help and corrects mistakes if Ps don’t finish the task

E Write.

* Pre- task:

- Ask Ss to observe the picture and read the guiding questions

- T tells Ps how to the task: You are to think about the means of transport they might use to get to their (imaginary) home town and the trip duration to get there You should base your writing on the guiding question

* While- task:

- T sets the time and let Ps the task individually - Ps the task T monitors the activity

- Get a few Ss to read their work to the class

- T checks their mistakes and gives feedback (If there is not enough class time, turn it into a homelink activity)

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about a trip duration from one place to another; and read and write passage about their hometown

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps their writing task at home for the class display in the next lesson - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 18 “Life in the Village and City”

5 Comments: Week: 33 Preparation date: 26 / 04 / 2015 Period: 66

Unit 18: LIFE IN THE VILLAGE AND CITY Lesson – Part 1, 2,


Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about what a village/ town/ city is like and develop Speaking and Listening skill


Preparing methods :

- Communicative method

- Techniques: + Work in pairs + Work in groups, discuss + Ask and answer

III Teac hing aids :

- Posters, flashcards, recordings IV Languages focus :


 Sentence patterns: - What’s London like?

- It’s beautiful It’s got a lot of parks and public gardens. V

Procedures :

1 Class organization. 2 New lesson:

A Warm – up:

- Getting Ps to brainstorm what they know about life in the countryside and in the city, using pictures related to people and things in these places

- T gives feedback

B Look, Listen and repeat.

* Pre-task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures, read the title and the texts

- T asks Ps to some questions to identify the characters in the picture: Who are they? (Linda and Thu)

What are they talking about? (their houses) - T gives feedback

- T sets the context: Linda is showing Thu a photo of her house in London You are going to hear them talk about their hometowns.

- T pre-teaches the vocabulary: life, quiet - Ps repeat each word a few times

* While- task:

- T reads each line in the pictures and pauses at times to check pupil’s comprehension - T plays the recording

- Ps listen and read the line with recording

- T plays the recording again for Ps repeat each line of the text a few times

- Practise the dialogue in groups Get the groups to take turns to say the lines from Linda and Thu.

- T corrects typical pronunciation errors and gives feedback * Post- task:

- T asks questions to ensure that Ps can understand the situations and the language - T asks Ps to give the model sentences:

Thu: What’s London like?

Linda: It’s beautiful It’s got a lot of parks and public gardens => What’s _like?

It .

- T asks Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning, intonation

C Point, ask and answer.

* Pre- task:

- T asks Ps to observe the pictures and read the example

- T sets the context: You are going to practice asking and answering questions about what a city/ a town/ a village is like

- Ps complete the sentences in the speech bubbles with teacher’s eliciting

- T writes the question and answer on the board Ps repeat them a few times in turns - T asks Ps to gives comments on the pictures


- Ps repeat the words under the pictures a few times * While- task:

- T models the task with the whole class, using the examples

- T calls on some open pairs to continue in the same way with all the pictures - T lets Ps work in pairs

- Ps work in pairs, ask and answer questions about the village, town or city in the pictures T monitors and offers help

- T calls on some pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Some pairs perform The rest of the class observe and give comments - T gives feedback

* Post- task:

- T makes a few questions to check Ps’ comprehension of the language

B Listen and complete.

* Pre- task:

- Have Ps open the book on page 62, observe the pictures and read the texts - T checks Ps’ comprehension

- T tells the listening purpose: Mai is meeting Anna from Australia You are going to listen to the dialogues between two girls You should read the sentences and complete the sentences provided.

- Ps read the semtences in a few minutes - Ps guess answers

* While- task:

- Ps listen all the way through with recording - T plays the recording again Ps the task

- T replays the recording for Ps to check their answers - Ps check their answers in pairs

- T calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class - Some Ps report theirs answers to the class:

south 500 farms nice and friendly - T gives feedback

3 Follow – up:

- T says consolidation: In this lesson, you have learnt to ask and answer questions about what a village/ a town / a city is like, using What’s your (village/town/city) like?- It’s (beautiful) It (has got a lot of parks and public gardens); and listen and complete the sentences

- T gives feedback for the learning period 4 Homelink:

- Ps prepare a photo or picture of their hometown for the class display in the next lesson They also prepare answers to possible questions about their photo of picture - Ps learn by heart vocabulary and model

- Ps practice to write vocabulary and model

- Ps prepare Lesson – Unit 18“Life in the Village and City”



Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 11:54
