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Tải Đề thi học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12 trường THPT Ngọc Tảo, Hà Nội năm học 2015 - 2016 - Đề kiểm tra học kỳ 1 môn tiếng Anh lớp 12

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Question 15: You should concentrate _________what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks.. I don't want to Find the underlin[r]



-Code: 121


Time allowance – 45 minutes

Full Name: ……… ………… … Class: 12A …… SBD: … ………… SECTION A (6 points)

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently with the others

Question1: A typist B. typical C. typing D. stylish

Question2: A student B. future C. construct D. security Choose the word that has the stressed pattern different from that of the other words.

Question3: A impression B. interview C company D. formally

Question4: A. university B. sociology C. mathematics D. accompany

Question5: A.


B. remember C. vacancy D experience

Choose the best answer from the four choices (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence Question6: My Tam, who is famous _ the beautiful face and sweet voice, comes from Da Nang

A. with B. by C. for D. about

Question7: We should try to teach our children to behave

A. responsibly B. responsible C. respond D. responsibility

Question8: Mary: "Thanks for the nice present." David: " _."

A. Yes, it's really great B. No, it's not good C. Oh, that's right D. I'm glad you enjoyed it Question9: You should _ a good impression _ the interviewer

A. make/ in B. do/ in C. make/ on D. do/ on

Question10: _ that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the speech

A. If we had had B. Unless we had had C. If had we had D. Provided that we had had Question11: They will introduce you to a lot of people, most of are businessmen

A. which B. that C. who D. whom

Question12: “How long are you going to stay?” Susan asked George _

A. how long was he going to stay B. that how long he has gone to stay C. how long he is going to stay D. how long he was going to stay Question13: Hurry up! We have only _ little time

A an B a C the D. any

Question14: The people who are hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular are

A. optimists B. optimistic C. pessimists D. pessimistic

Question15: You should concentrate _what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks

A. at B. in C. for D. on

Question16: David: "Could you bring me some water?" Waiter: " _."

A No, I can't B. Certainly, sir C Yes, I can D. I don't want to Find the underlined part (A, B, C or D) in the following sentences needs correcting.

Question17: Davis learned how to playa piano at the age of six so now he can play almost pieces of music

A to play B. a C at D. pieces

Question18: On Saturday night, I followed my roommate to a party I felt very lonely because no one noticed my existed at the party

A. On B. followed C. existed D. the

Question19: Next month, I am going to get married with John and we're going to go on our honeymoon in Pleiku

A. am going to get B. with C. on D. in

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


relaxed So, practice your answers to common questions Make a list of questions to ask, too Almost all interviewers will ask if you have questions This is a great opportunity for you to show your keenness, enthusiasm, and knowledge

Make a great impression The interview is your chance to show that you are the best person for the job Your application or résumé has already exhibited that you are qualified Now it is up to you to show how your skills and experience match this position and this company The employer will be looking and listening to determine if you are a good fit He/she will be looking for a number of different qualities, in addition to the skills that you possess To make the best impression, dress appropriately; express your strengths; arrive early, by about 10-15 minutes; be enthusiastic; shake hands firmly; be an active listener; sit up straight and maintain eye contact; and ask questions

After the interview, follow up with a thank-you note This is a chance for you to restate your interest and how you can benefit the company Your best bet is to try to time it so that the note gets there before the hiring: decision is made You should also follow up with a phone call if you not hear back from the employer within the specified time

Question20: The pronoun it refers to

A. the job B. the interview C. the interviewer D. the preparation Question21: What does the writer advise you to practice?

A. Asking and answering questions related to the job B. Making products that the company produces C. Providing services that the company serves D. Meeting some customers and competitors Question22: Which should not be shown during your interview?

A. Punctuality B. A firm hand shaking C. Being properly-dressed D. Weaknesses Question23: You can show your qualifications in the

A. dressing style and punctuality B. competing with the competitors C. résumé and letter of application D. eye contact with the interview Question24: Which is not included in the writer's advice?

A. You should not communicate with the interviewer after the interview B. You should make the best impression in the interview

C. You should write a note to say thanks to the interviewer after the interview, D. You should telephone the interviewer for any information after the interview

SECTION B (4 points)

Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.

Question 1:

Do you remember the name of the man? He told us to get to the stadium

(Reduction of Relative


Question 2:

They are talking about the man His film was awarded for the most impressive one of the month

(Relative clause)

Question 3:

"I am going to have a birthday party at my house with my family next week"

(Reported speech)

Tom said

Question 4:

He didn’t phone me because he didn’t know my phone number


Question 5:

The window was broken in last night’s storm It has now been repaired

(Relative clause)

Question 6:

The girl saw her old friends She looked happy

(Relative clause)

Question 7:

In Vietnam, they divide a school year into two terms

(Passive voice)

Give the correct forms of the words


Question 8:



the change of the destination but he didn't remember so he lost the way.

Question 9:

There is a wide range of


in the education system of the USA.

Question 10:

If we

(not have)

_ that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the meeting.

Question 11:

The girl


_ next to me on the bus yesterday is my teacher's daughter.

Question 12:

Before I went to bed, I


all my homework.

Question 13: You should have a job to live (depend) _ of your parents

Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence.


Question 15:

university/ / a/ under/ He/ study/ pressure/ win/ at/ is/ a lot of/ to/ place/

Question 16:

their /the/ They/ where/ booked/ stayed/ honeymoon/./ hotel/ they/ on/



-Code: 122


Time allowance – 45 minutes

Full Name: ……… ……… … … Class: 12A …… SBD…… ……… SECTION A (6 points)

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently with the others

Question 1: A secondary B. apply C. rely D. supply

Question 2: A.chemical B.character C. technical D.charming

Choose the word that has the stressed pattern different from that of the other words.

Question3: A. depression B. informal C interview D.


Question4: A. linguistics B. education C. economy D. requirement

Question5:A. occupation B. technology C.


D. accompany Choose the best answer from the four choices (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence Question6: You should _ a good impression _ the interviewer

A. create/ in B. do/ in C. create/ on D. do/ on

Question7: The girl dress you admire has worked for this company since she left school

A. who B. whose C. what D. whom

Question8: We should try to teach our children a sense of

A. respond B. responsible C responsibly D responsibility

Question9: Maria: "Thanks for the lovely evening." David: " _."

A Yes, it's really great B. Oh, that's right C I'm glad you enjoyed it D. No, it's not good Question10: If I you, I that car

A. were/ bought B. were/ would buy C. was/ bought D. were/ would buy Question11: “How long are you going to stay?” Susan asked George _

A. how long he was going to stay B. that how long he has gone to stay C. how long he is going to stay D. how long was he going to stay Question12: She said that she had bought her car only _ few weeks before

A. the B. an C. a D. any

Question13: The people who are not hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular are

A. pessimists B. optimistic C. optimists D. pessimistic

Question14: The flood was responsible damaging the crop

A. of B. with C. about D. for

Question15: Music is clearly different _ language

A. with B. in C. from D. of

Question16: David: "Could you bring me some water?" Waiter: " _."

A No, I can't B. I don't want to C Yes, I can D. Certainly, sir Find the underlined part (A, B, C or D) in the following sentences needs correcting.

Question17: During the interview, the interviewee is the person who usually gives the questions and the interviewee gives the answers

A During B. interviewee C the D. gives

Question18: Next month, I am going to get married with John and we are going to go on our honeymoon in Pleiku

A. am going to get B. with C. on D. in

Question19: Beck learned how to playthe football at the age of six so now he can play very well

A to play B. the C at D. well

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.


Almost all interviewers will ask if you have questions This is a great opportunity for you to show your keenness, enthusiasm, and knowledge

Make a great impression The interview is your chance to show that you are the best person for the job Your application or résumé has already exhibited that you are qualified Now it is up to you to show how your skills and experience match this position and this company The employer will be looking and listening to determine if you are a good fit He/she will be looking for a number of different qualities, in addition to the skills that you possess To make the best impression, dress appropriately; express your strengths; arrive early, by about 10-15 minutes; be enthusiastic; shake hands firmly; be an active listener; sit up straight and maintain eye contact; and ask questions

After the interview, follow up with a thank-you note This is a chance for you to restate your interest and how you can benefit the company Your best bet is to try to time it so that the note gets there before the hiring: decision is made You should also follow up with a phone call if you not hear back from the employer within the specified time Question20: The pronoun it refers to

A. the job B. the interviewer C. the interview D. the preparation Question21: What does the writer advise you to practice?

A. Meeting some customers and competitors B. Making products that the company produces C. Providing services that the company serves D. Asking and answering questions related to the job Question22: Which should not be shown during your interview?

A. Weaknesses B. Punctuality C. A firm hand shaking D. Being properly-dressed Question23 You can show your qualifications in the

A. dressing style and punctuality B. competing with the competitors C. eye contact with the interview D. résumé and letter of application Question24: Which is not included in the writer's advice?

A. You should not communicate with the interviewer after the interview B. You should telephone the interviewer for any information after the interview C. You should make the best impression in the interview

D. You should write a note to say thanks to the interviewer after the interview, SECTION B (4 points)

Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. Question 1: We are talking about the writer His latest book is one of the best-sellers this year (Relative clause)

……… ……… …… ……… ….……… Question 2: In Vietnam, they divide a school year into two terms (Passive voice)

Question 3: The girl answered the phone She told me you were out (Relative clause)

……… ………… ………… ……… ….……… Question 4: "I am going to have a birthday party at my house with my family next week" (Reported speech)

Mary said Question 5: The windows were broken in last night’s storm They have now been repaired (Relative clause)

……… ……… ………….………… ……… Question 6: He didn’t apply for that job He didn’t have chance to go to the interview

If ……… ……….

Question 7: Do you remember the name of the man? He drove us to the stadium (Reduction of Relative clause)

……… ……… …… ……… ….……… Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence.

Question 8: interview/ a/ recommendation/ is/ A/ really/ of/ necessary/ you/in/ job/./ sometimes/letter/ for/


Question 9: first/ when/ the/ remember/ We/ day/ met/ / always/ we/


Question 10: of/ large/ comes/ a/ ,/ all/ now/ Canada/ /family/ in/ He/ from/ whom/ live/


Give the correct forms of the words.

Question 11: During the interview, you should concentrate on what the (interview) _ is saying Question 12: You should have a job to live (depend) _ of your parents

Question 13: Unless we (have) that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the meeting Question 14: He (tell) _ the change of the destination but he didn't remember so he lost the way Question 15: The film (show) _ on TV last night is very interesting

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 20:47



