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Tải Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh trường THPT Hồng Ngự 1, Đồng Tháp năm 2015 - Đề thi thử Đại học môn Tiếng Anh có đáp án

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the questions from 6 to 15.. According to the best ev[r]



Đơn vị: THPT Hồng Ngự 1 Đề thi cấu trúc 3


Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is PRONOUNCED differently from the other three in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A conceal B creature C deal D healthy

Question 2: A open B obtain C observe D opinion

Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the PRIMARY STRESS in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A electronic B expedition C insurance D understand

Question 4: A enjoyable B comparison C magical D successful

Question 5: A official B mechanic C preference D convenience

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer for each of the questions from to 15

According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an inhospitable planet, more similar to Earth's Moon than to Earth itself - a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world Mars' air pressure is equal to Earth's at an altitude of 100,000 feet The air there is 95 percent carbon dioxide

Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the sun's lethal radiation Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space Even at the equator, the temperature drops to -50C (-60F) at night Today there is no liquid water, although valleys and channels on the surface show evidence of having been carved by running water The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost

Despite the difficult conditions, certain scientists believe that there is a possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth-like planet Nuclear reactors may be used to melt frozen gases and eventually build up the atmosphere This in turn could create a "greenhouse effect" that would stop heat from radiating back into space Liquid water could be thawed to form a polar ocean Once enough ice has melted, suitable plants could be introduced to build up the level of oxyzen in the atmosphere so that, in time, the planet would support animal life from Earth and even permanent human colonies "This was once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant," said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at NASA "But now it's starting to look practical We could begin work in four or five decades."

The idea of "terra-forming" Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction But as researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth's ecology supports life, they have begun to see how it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars Don't plan on homesteading on Mars any time soon, though The process could take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete and the cost would be staggering

Question 6: What does the passage mainly discuss? A The possibility of changing the Martian environment. B The challenge of interplanetary travel.


Question 7: The word “ stark” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _. A harsh B unknown C dark D distant Question 8: The word "there" in paragraph refers to . A a point 100 miles above the Earth B the Earth's Moon

C Mars D outer space

Question 9: Which of the following does the author NOT list as a characteristic of the planet Mars that would make colonization difficult ?

A There is little liquid water B Daytime temperature are dangerously high C The sun's rays are deadly D Night time temperatures are extremely low. Question 10: According to the passage, the Martian atmosphere today consists mainly of A carbon dioxide B oxygen C ozone D water vapour

Question 11: It can be inferred from the passage that the "greenhouse effect" mentioned in the paragraph is _

A the direct result of nuclear reactions B the cause of low temperatures on Mars C caused by the introduction of green plants. D a possible meams of warming Mars.

Question 12: The word " suitable" in paragraph is closest in meaning to _. A resistant B altered C appropriate D native

Question 13: According to Christopher McKay, the possibility of transforming Mars _ A could only occur in science fiction stories

B will not begin for hundreds, even thousands of year

C is completely impractical. D could be started in forty to fifty years. Question 14: The phrase " more profound" in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A deeper B more practical C more up - to - date D brighter

Question 15: According to the article, the basic knowledge needed to transform Mars comes from.

A the science of astronomy B the knowlege of Earth's ecology C date from space probes D sciencefiction stories

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 16: The doctor advised him and to take up some sports.

A to stop smoke B to stop smoking C stop smoking D to stop to smoke

Question 17: Thousand of antibiotics , but only about thirty are in common use today. A have developed B have been developed

C are developing D have been developing

Question 18: They were totally opposed the changes made in the plans.

A of B to C against D with

Question 19: I _ a large pet unless I had had time to exercise it properly. A would never have kept B would have kept

C would never keep D would keep

Question 20: I can't that noise any longer.

A put up with B stand in for C sit out D carry on Question 21: The facilities of the old health centre _.

A are as good or better than the new centre B are as good or better than the new centre C are as good as or better than the new centre

D are as good as or better than those of the new centre

Question 22: No longer _do all the housework with their hands.

A have women to B women have C women have toD women have to


A satisfy B pleasant C contented D concerned

Question 24: You are not allowed to drive your car in the city centre at rush hour there is too much traffic then

A because of B because C although D in spite of Question 25: Mary by phone, John decided to email her.

A Having failed to contact B Having failed contacting C He failed to contact D That he fail contacting

Question 26: Is that the man has been stolen?

A the car of whom B the car of his C whose car D the car of who Question 27: No sooner at the bus stop the bus came.

A he had arrived / when B had he arrived / when C had he arrived / than D he had arrived / than Question 28: He took golf when he retired from work.

A up B over C on D after

Question 29: It seems he has no of winning.

A chance B occasion C opportunity D luck

Question 30: He shows a very _ attitude to his work, which makes his boss upset. A responsible B responsibility C irresponsible D irresponsibility Question 31: Ellen: " ?" - Tom: He is tall and thin with blue eyes.

A How is John doing? B What does John like? C What does John look kike? D Who does John look like?

Question 32: The government has _ measures to promote the development of the economy

A achieved B made C carried D taken

Question 33: Jenny: "You look nice today I like your new hairstyle."- Linda: _. A It's nice of you to say so B Shall I? Thanks!

C Oh, well done! D I feel interesting to hear that. Question 34: The salesman left a good on his customers

A impression B expression C idea D belief

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 44.

Although noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is a widely recognised form of pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the discomfort experienced by different individuals is highly subjective and, therefore, variable Exposure to lower levels of noise may be sightly irritating, whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause hearing loss Particularly in congested urban areas, the noise produced as a by-product of our advancing technology causes physical and psychological harm, and detracts from the quality of life for those who are exposed to it.

Unlike the eyes, which can be covered by the eyelids against strong light, the ear has no lid, and is, therefore, always open and vulnerable; noise penetrates without protection

Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to which the body never becomes accustomed Loud noises instintively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings In response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict, the skin pales, and muscles tense In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of the responses persist even longer than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased


problem, but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well Fetuses exposed to noise tend to be overactive, they cry easily, and they are more sensitive to gastrointestinal problems after birth In addition, the psychic effect of noise is very important Nervousness, irritability, tension, and anxiety increase, affecting the quality of test during sleep, and the efficiency of activities during walking hours, as well as the way that we interact with each other

Question 35: Which of the following is the writer's main point?

A Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health. B Loud noise signal danger

C Hearing loss is America's number one nonfatal health problem. D The ear is not like the eye

Question 36: According to the passage, what is noise?

A Unwanted sound B A by-product of technology

C Physical and psychological harm D Congestion Question 37: Why is noise difficult to measure?

A It causes hearing loss

B All people not respond to it in the same way. C It is unwanted

D People become accustomed to it.

Question 38: The word congested in paragraph could best be replaced by _.

A hazardous B polluted C crowded D rushed

Question 39: It can be inferred from the passage that the eye . A responds to fear

B enjoys greater protection than the ear C increases functions

D is damaged by noise

Question 40: According to the passage, people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to _

A annoyance B disease C damage D danger

Question 41: The word accelerate in paragraph is closest meaning to _. A decrease B alter C increase D release

Question 42: The word it in the first paragraph refers to _.

A the noise B the quality of life C advancing technology D a by-product Question 43: With which of the following statements would the writer most probably agree? A Noise is not a serious problem today.

B Noise is America's number one problem.

C Noise is unavoidable problem in an industrial society. D Noise is a complex problem.

Question 44: The phrase as well in paragraph is closest in meaning to . A after all B also C instead D regardless

Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 45: It would be both noticed and appreciating if you could finish the work before you leave

A B C D Question 46: Most country music songs are deeply personal and deal with themes of loves, lonely,

A B C D and seperation

Question 47: There is no limit to the diversity to be finding in the cultures of people throughout A B C D

the world


A B C D Question 49: Alike all other mammals, dolphins have lungs. A B C D

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

Question 50: During the recession, many small companies were eradicated. A run on B taken over C wiped out D set up Question 51: It is really quite incredible that he is unaware of such basic facts. A unbelievable B difficult C disappointed D imaginable

Question 52: The SEA Games is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia

A happening once a year B happening twice a year C happening once every two years D happening once every four years

Question 53: Help and supports are rapidly sent to wherever there are victims of catastrophe. A epidemic B destruction C misfortune D disaster

Question 54: During the 1970s, the U.S forged trade links with China.

A provided B broke C developed D maintained

Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 55 to 64 Do you want to (55) _ part in the battle to save the world's wildlife? Animal

Watch is a book which will involve you in the fight for survival that (56) _ many of our

endangered animals and show how they struggle on the edge of extinction As you enjoy the book's 250 pages and over 150 colour photograph, you will have the (57) _ of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to help animals (58) From the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the world's animals close-up and explore their habitats You will also discover the terrible results of human greed for land, flesh and skins

Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts Did you know that polar bears cover their

black noses (59) their paws so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example? Or that (60) each orangutan which is captured, one has to die?

This superb publication has so (61) _Britain's leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen as Book of the Year, a (62) _awarded to books which are considered to have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation You will find Animal Watch at a special low (63) _at all good bookshops, but hurry while (64) _ last

Question 55: A play B be C take D have

Question 56: A meets B opposes C forces D faces

Question 57: A satisfaction B enjoyment C virtue D value

Question 58: A preserve B conserve C revive D survive

Question 59: A with B by C for D from

Question 60: A with B by C for D from

Question 61: A imposed B impressed C persuaded D admired

Question 62: A symbol B title C trademark D nickname

Question 63: A beginning B preparatory C original D introductory

Question 64: A stores B stocks C goods D funds


PART I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that the rewritten sentence has the same meaning to the original one.

Question 65: She advised me not to apply for the job.

If I Question 66: "Why didn't you apply for the job, Mary?"


Question 67: They didn't buy anything from the supermarket.

Nothing Question 68: This is the most pleasant holiday I have ever had.

I have never Question 69: He doesn't want the other people to see him.

He hates being PART II: "Married woman should or shouldn't go out to work"

In about 140 words, write a paragraph to express your opinions





1 A B 17 B 25 A 33 A 41 C 49 A 57 A

2 D 10 A 18 B 26 C 34 A 42 A 50 C 58 D

3 C 11 D 19 A 27 C 35 A 43 C 51 A 59 A

4 B 12 C 20 A 28 A 36 A 44 B 52 C 60 C

5 C 13 D 21 D 29 A 37 B 45 B 53 D 61 B

6 A 14 A 22 C 30 C 38 C 46 D 54 C 62 B

7 A 15 B 23 C 31 C 39 B 47 B 55 C 63 D

8 C 16 B 24 B 32 D 40 D 48 C 56 D 64 B


Question 65: She advised me not to apply for the job. If I were you, I wouldn't apply for the job

Question 66: "Why didn't you apply for the job, Mary?" I wanted to know why Mary hadn't applied for the job Question 67: They didn't buy anything from the supermarket. Nothing was bought from the supermarket

Question 68: This is the most pleasant holiday I have ever had.

I have never had more a pleasant holiday than this before Question 69: He doesn't want the other people to see him.

He hates being seen by the other people

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2021, 10:45



