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Vinh University Foreign languages department ********** Chu THỊ MAI SƯƠNG Strategies to improve public speaking skills in interpreting for forth-year students of english in vinh university (CHIẾN LƯỢC CẢI THIỆN KĨ NĂNG NĨI TRƯỚC CƠNG CHÚNG TRONG MƠN PHIÊN DỊCH CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ TƯ CHUYÊN NGÀNH PHIÊN DỊCH Ở TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VINH) Graduation Thesis Field: Interpreting Vinh - May, 2009 VINH UNIVERSITY FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT ********** STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS IN INTERPRETING FOR FORTH-YEAR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH IN VINH UNIVERSITY (CHIẾN LƯỢC CẢI THIỆN KĨ NĂNG NĨI TRƯỚC CƠNG CHÚNG TRONG MƠN PHIÊN DỊCH CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ TƯ CHUYÊN NGÀNH PHIÊN DỊCH Ở TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC VINH) Graduation Thesis Field: Interpreting Student: Chu Thị Mai Sương Supervisor: Nguyễn Thị Lan Phương, M.A Vinh – May, 2009 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to take this chance to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Nguyễn Thị Lan Phương, M.A for her invaluable guidance, great sympathy and enormous patience I am deeply grateful to her inspiration which has motivated me throughout the implementation of the project In addition, I wish to send my special thanks to all the teachers of the English Department whose cooperativeness not only provide me with precious information for the completion of the research but also filled me with renewed energy during my most difficult times Also, my sincere thanks would go to the forth-year students of the English Department participating in the study They play a critical role in the success of this paper Furthermore, I am especially thankful to my parents and my close friends, who have consistently encouraged and supported me in carrying out the project ABSTRACT When communication has become more and more important to people all over the world and English is the international language, it is urgent and common that there are more people who speak English fluently However, not all people can use English as their second language Interpreting was born from the necessaries of communicating between two or more languages speaking people It is not easy to be a good and skillful interpreter because interpreting is a major that needs a lot of skills and need much hard-working This research is an attempt to investigate the real situations forth-year students of English in Vinh university practice their public speaking skills in interpreting The triangulation of the questionnaires with students has revealed much useful information on the importance, self evaluation and problems in public speaking skills in interpreting of students nowadays This analysis will help students to improve their public speaking skills in interpreting as well as gives teachers insights their students’ level and method of practicing LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Responses to the question “What you think about public speaking skill in interpreting?” Figure 2: Students’ feeling when interpreting in front of many people Figure 3: Responses to the question number 11 in the survey: “Do you contact the speaker before interpreting?” Figure 4: Percentage of students who contact speaker before interpreting get prepared in knowledge and skills Figure 5: Responses to the question number “How is your voice when interpreting?” Figure 6: Responses to the question number 4: “How is the volume of your speaking when interpreting?” Figure 7: Students’ speed of speaking self-evaluation Figure 8: Responses to the question number 6: “How often you vary your tone when interpreting?” Figure 9: Responses to the question number 7: “How you use facial expression when interpreting?” Figure 10: The way students keep eye-contact when interpreting Figure 11: Data of how students use gesture when interpreting Figure 12: Data about method to improve public speaking skill in interpreting outside class Chart 1: Listening process Table 1: A summary of the students’ demographic background PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the Study The profession of an interpreter is a very old one, which came into existence when the first contacts were established between human groups speaking different languages It has been also one of the finest professions since they established a closer understanding of one another By eliminating the barrier that separates them, the interpreter directly ushers men and women into the thoughts of others, and thus performs the function of an intermediary, enabling their minds to achieve intellectual communication Indeed, interpreting plays an important role in the world today, it helps people to communicate across the language barrier, making people closer as mentioned above Nevertheless, interpreting is a challenging job, because it requires competence in both source language and target language The English learner must reach to advanced level if he wants to the interpreting job In addition to this, his mother tongue must also be skillful The reason is that interpreting is transference process The interpreter’s work is to transfer speech from one language to another It is very different from the work of listening or reading only For example, in reading, you understand it, it is good enough, but in interpreting, yourself have to understand it, then you have to convey it in the way that hearers can understand it without changing its meanings (semantics function) and better if keeping its equivalents in the another language (structural function) In interpreting process, public speaking skill plays one of the most important roles It is the step that decides whether the speech is successful or not However, public speaking is not a skill but an art which causes students of interpreting many difficulties During the process of learning English in Vinh university, the author has confronted this problem, and that is the reason the author chose the topic “Strategies to Improve Public Speaking Skill in Interpreting for Forth-year Students of English in Vinh University”, with the hope that this paper might help the learners in the following courses to overcome their difficulties in public speaking skill in interpreting Aims and Objectives of the Study The study aims to indentify the current situation of the public speaking skill in interpreting for forth year students of English at Vinh University by seeking answers to the following questions: What are the attitudes of forth-year students of English in Vinh university toward public speaking skill in interpreting? How students prepare themselves before interpreting? How students self evaluate their public speaking skills in interpreting? How students practice public speaking skill in interpreting? Such findings would provide helpful information to evaluate the effectiveness of the course Accordingly, implications would be drawn to improve the situation Finally, this project can offer useful references including reliable and updated information for further studies and interested individuals and organizations Since formal and vigilant studies on this topic are still in short; this study can be considered a valuable source to people concerned Scope of the Study Within the scope of an undergraduate thesis and the constraints of time and resources, the researcher only focused on the public speaking skill in interpreting for the forth-year students of English in Vinh university with the total of 72 The data obtained might be different when applied to a different sample Method of the Study To meet the aims and objectives of the study, quantitative approach was employed Student survey questionnaire was the research tool Survey questionnaires includes both closed-ended and open-ended questions The language of the questionnaires was simple English so that the participants could easily understand The terminologies when presented in the questionnaires were immediately followed by their definitions Besides, instructions as well as explanations of keys term were clearly given in advance, and the researcher was always ready to answer any questions Once collected, the data were collectively analyzed to address the research questions Tables, charts and diagrams were used for clearer presentation and comparison Organization of the Study The organization of the study consists of three parts: Part A: Introduction – presents the rationale, the aims, the scope, the methods and the organization of the study Part B: Development consists of chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical Background – provides the literature review of the study, including definition of key concepts and review of related studies Chapter 2: Methodology – describes the participants and instruments of the study, as well as the procedure of the research The results of the investigation which present analyzes and discuss the findings were also presented in this chapter Chapter 3: Recommendations – provides the activities to solve the students’ problems discussed in chapter Part C: Conclusion – summarizes the main issues discussed in the paper states the limitations and contributions of the research, recommendations as well as some suggested directions for further studies Summary In this part of the study, the researcher has briefly elaborated on the rationale for the study, the aims and objectives together with the scope and methods of the study Also, an overview of the other chapters was presented, making it easier to follow the rest of the paper Generally speaking, these elaborations have not only sketched out the major contents and structures of the study but will also work as the guidelines for the whole paper PART B: DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: Theoretical Background This chapter will provide a brief overview of the literature on the research topic, thus, lay the theoretical basis for the whole study Firstly, a critical explanation of key concept like interpreting, speaking skill in interpreting will be given After that, related studies internationally and nationally will be reviewed to contextualize the research paper, to discover the research gaps and hence, to justify the implementation of this study 1.1 Interpreting This part will present the definition, types of interpreting, as well as skills needed in interpreting 1.1.1 Definition of Interpreting Interpreting is a very old profession, likely to have come into being when different human groups speaking different languages felt the need to speak to each other Generally, the term “interpreting” refers to the action of transferring the spoken word from one language (also call the source language- SL) into another language (the target language- TL) (Working with Interpreter, NAATI, 1990) Another definition of interpreting provided by Pöchhacker states: “an activity consisting (mainly) in the production of utterances which are presumed to have a similar meaning and/or effect as previously existing utterances in another language and culture.” (2004 p.12) Comparing to the above definition, Pöchhacker’s one has mentioned about the qualities to asses interpreting that interpreter has to keep meaning and effect The effect point is a different and interesting one because from this definition of Pöchhacker, it is understood that interpreter has not only to be good at languages but has to be good at culture as well Besides, Mahmoodzadeh has also given a more detailed definition of interpreting: Interpreting consists of presenting in the target languages - the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker (1992:231) This definition gave another different point, about tone of speaker, but it is not sufficient enough in meaning compared to Pochhacker’s definition because the speaker’s tone which mentioned here is not clearly 1.1.2 General Modes of Interpreting According to the ways interpreter works, there are modes of interpreting including consecutive, simultaneous and summary interpreting Consecutive Interpreting Consecutive interpreting is the interpreting of passages or groups of a few sentences at a time At small gatherings, where there is no booth equipment available, and/or where the material is confidential, the service available is consecutive interpreting During consecutive interpreting, the interpreter listens to a delegate delivering a message in SL, for example in Vietnamese; at the same time, the consecutive interpreter is taking notes into TL (English) so that the interpreting takes place during or before the actual note-taking activities When the delegate chooses to pause, or when he has finished the entire statement, the consecutive interpreter uses his notes to deliver the interpreting of the speech presented by the delegate In addition to the basic task common to all forms of interpreting activity, consecutive interpreting is special because of the added factors of the temporal sequence of the translation and the necessity for additional visual cues such as note-taking Thus, consecutive interpreting draws on cognitive faculties of memory and attention which are not typical of other forms of interpreting Dialogue interpreting is a kind of consecutive interpreting Dialogue interpreting is basically the interpreting of conversations and interviews, one or two sentences at a time During the consecutive interpreting, the interpreter listens to the first speaker delivering his speech, and takes note (if necessary, especially the data, figure, ect.) in the TL When he pauses, the interpreter conducts his interpreting to the second speaker Then the second speaker delivers his speech, the interpreter again listens to him, takes notes in the TL; when he pauses, the interpreter conducts his interpreting to the first speaker again The interpreting is carried on with the rhyme of a conversation Simultaneous Interpreting In this kind of interpreting, the interpreter transfers the information from the SL into TL and speaks in the TL while the original speaker is still delivering the SL material There is only a slight lag between SL and TL, just long enough for the interpreter to hear and understand the original (SL) material This type of interpreting can only be performed by highly skilled and especially trained simultaneous interpreters using dedicated equipment There are two kinds of simultaneous interpreting: Whispered Interpreting and court interpreting (legal interpreting) • Whispered interpreting: Also known as chuchotage When equipment for simultaneous interpretation is not available, "one participant speaks and simultaneously an interpreter 10 Investigating in forth-year students of English in Vinh university from survey question number has showed that not all of students always used body language well It is still like a habit than a skill that needs to practice Survey question 7: How often you use facial expression when interpreting? □ Always □ Sometimes □ Never Figure 9: Responses for the question number 7: “How you use facial expression when interpreting?” When asking about the way they use facial expression when interpreting, most of students answer “sometimes”, it means that they have not practiced themselves as a professional interpreter On the other hand, 25 students (25%) evaluated themselves that they always use facial expression when interpreting and students (13%) agreed that they never 33 use facial expression Facial expression will help to keep the audience interested and involved in what is being presented Keeping eye-contact when interpreting is an important issue too, it makes the opposite person trust in us And it is not an exception in interpreting, when the interpreter keeps eyecontact to the audience, the audience will see what he is trying to say in his eyes, they will trust in him and understand what he is saying Keeping eye-contact makes the interpretation lively However, not all students understand this attitude though they have been taught this for years The data from investigation has showed that there still are 9% of the students never keep eye-contact while interpreting, 45% of the students sometimes keep eye-contact and 46% of the students always Keeping eye-contact makes the interpreter seems more real and personal and helps the audience to feel involved The data was taken from investigation from survey question number Survey question 8: How often you keep eye-contact with audience when interpreting? □ Always □ Sometimes □ Never The data was illustrated in the pie below: 34 Figure10: The way students keep eye-contact when interpreting The last issue of body language that interpreter has to be skillful is using gesture when interpreting As mentioned in chapter 1, using gesture as body movement is not easy to be natural and it must be practiced for a long time and become a natural habit of the interpreter From the first lesson of interpreting class, all the students were taught to use gesture when interpreting Over semesters studying and practicing interpreting most the students get used to using gesture, 24% of the students agreed that they always use gesture when interpreting, 54% of the students sometimes and 18% of the students never Data was taken from investigation from survey question number Survey question 9: How often fo you use gesture when interpreting? □ Always □ Sometimes □ Never Data was illustrated in the pie below: 35 Figure11: Data of how students use gesture when interpreting In conclusion, using body language when interpreting is a sub-skill that every interpreter must gain from practicing, it will help them to be professional It is an necessary part of communicating and must not be forgotten or given little thought Question 3: How students prepare themselves before interpreting? An interpreting cannot be successful if the interpreter does not get prepared before the interpreting There are many problems which might happen during the interpreting, so the interpreter should always prepare themselves some time before Interpreters are not always good at all fields, and that is the reason why they should spend some time to get ready for the interpreting in terms of knowledge and skills They should be announced about the subjects that they will interpret and they should have time to search for the necessary information in advance This probably keeps away from getting into trouble with terminologies According survey question 11: Do you contact the speaker before the interpreting? □ Yes □ No If your answer is yes: 36 What you get prepared before interpreting? (You can choose more than one answer): □ In terms of knowledge □ In terms of skills (Please give further information about how you get prepared in terms of skills at the end of the paper) Investigation in the forth-year students of English who have a lot of chances to practice their interpreting during the course and have many other opportunities to practice their interpreting skill outside class has showed that not all students know the importance of preparations for the interpreting day The survey result show that just 55% of the students (34 students) contact the speaker before interpreting, and the others (45%) not And of all the 34 students there, 25 students (71%) get prepared in terms of knowledge, and 12 students (34%) get prepared in terms of skills The data was illustrated in the pie and chart below: Figure 3: Responses for the question number 11 in the survey: “Do you contact the speaker before interpreting?” It is clear that those who contact the speaker will the interpreting better than those who not Why is it different? Obviously because they prepare themselves better Of all 34 students who usually contact the speaker before interpreting, they try to get ready in terms of 37 knowledge and skills, 71% of them (25 students) get prepared in knowledge always and 34% (12 students) of them get ready in skills The data was illustrated in the chart below: Figure 4: Percentage of students who contact speaker before interpreting get prepared in knowledge and skills In fact, from the practicing interpreting periods inside and outside class, students are still dependent on what teacher told them They seem not to look for documents, sources and opportunities to have a better interpretation They can contact the speaker (in practice periods is teacher) to know the subject and prepare before their turns The problem here is, getting prepared before interpreting is an important part to have a successful interpreting day, but not all students realize and try to get prepared then It might because they are too subjective and they did not understand the importance of being well-prepared yet They not realize that although it may be more time-consuming to contact the speaker and be well-prepared, it will pay off at the end because they will be less nervous and feel more comfortable Question 4: How students practice public speaking skill in interpreting? To improve public speaking skill in interpreting, students must practice as much as possible Since the first lesson, all the students were reminded how important practicing was 38 It would change the level of each student However, method of practicing is an important factor, too Being hard working without the suitable method will not give you any improvement Investigation in students has revealed that most students have their own method of practicing in order to improve their weakness Some of students think about practice from the first level of speaking skill as learn pronunciation, practice conversation, however, for forth-year students of interpreting major, they have to practice at higher level Firstly, students must self evaluate exactly their English level, and try to figure out their strength and weakness They must know method to enhance their strength and reduce weakness until they disappear absolutely This is not an easy work, it needs patience and suitable practice Data from investigation in survey question number 13 about method to improve public speaking in interpreting was illustrated by the chart below: Figure12: Data about methods to improve public speaking skill in interpreting outside class In the chart: - Method 1: Speaking in front of mirror Method 2: Speaking with foreigners Method 3: Creating an interpreting club Method 4: Watching /listening to speeches regularly Method 5: Recording voice to listen again 39 As we can see from the chart, speaking with foreigners was agreed by most of students (87%) It is clear that speaking with foreigners always helps students to have ability of speaking fluently and have more natural English Moreover, speaking with foreigners also helps students to gain their confidence by getting comfortable communicating and talking with them Another method that many students agreed is speaking in front of mirror Since the first semester of speaking and interpreting, the lecturer has mentioned this method This is an effective method to practice either speaking or interpreting Standing in front of a mirror helps students to see their face, mouth and gesture They will know their mistakes in pronunciation from their mouth opening Besides, they can see and try facial expressions and gestures and find which is the most suitable for them They will find their own style Creating an interpreting club is a good idea which was voted by 13% of the students This is a very good and effective method if students can manage and lead the group well They can choose topic to speak and speech to interpret every week and take turn to present or interpret in front of the whole club Students can give each other positive and negative feedbacks which can help to improve public speaking skills in interpreting Besides, they can hold an interpreting day or interpreting contest very month to help students to get used to speaking skill in interpreting This is a good chance for students to practice their either interpreting or speaking skill in reality Another method which was mentioned in the survey results by 44 % of the students is watching and listening to real speeches This is a good way for students who have ability of self studying Listening to real speeches will help them to see the way a professional speaker varies their tone Watching real speeches will help students to see the gesture, facial expression of the professional speakers thereby imitating them They will become more familiar, and therefore more comfortable with public speaking skills in interpreting One suggested method which seems to be effective (voted by 17% of the students) is to record our interpreting and listen to it afterward This method helps students to know their weak points in the field of voice, for example if it is too loud or too soft, clear or not, etc After listening to their own voice they will figure out their strategies to improve it 2.4.2 Major findings of the Research 40 Data from questionnaire survey results has revealed the implementation of practicing public speaking skill in interpreting classes for forth-year students of English in Vinh university Major findings can be summarized as follows Firstly, it was found out that when public speaking skill was taught in interpreting classes, most of the teachers spent about one third of time of the lesson to practice public speaking skill That is a suitable and worth time, however, students’ practicing in the public speaking skill period was not very effective due to the awareness of students in classes Secondly, it was found out that students’ level of awareness of the importance of public speaking skill in interpreting was relatively high However, not many students spend time practicing outside classes but they still have a passive style of studying Their public speaking skill in interpreting is just nature and habitual than hard-practicing like they should be They should be better at this skill than they are now Thirdly, although students have known all steps to have a good interpretation, it was found out that students not prepare themselves well before interpreting Students should contact the speakers at least one day before the interpretation to get prepared in terms of knowledge and skills in order to have a good interpretation Moreover, from the investigation, students’ self-evaluations of public speaking skills in interpreting revealed the facts that students’ skillfulness in public speaking skills in interpreting is not very good compared to the time they have studied and practiced interpreting Finally, from the survey results, it was found out that the methods which students usually used to practice public speaking skills in interpreting have been analyzed the advantages and disadvantages in order to help students to find out which one is suitable for their level and facts of public speaking skills in interpreting Summary In brief, the chapter has presented the methodology used in the study Firstly, the main demographic features of the participants involved in the project were described The reasons for choosing them as the subjects were also explained The next section justified the use of questionnaire as the main research instrument Different phases of the data collection and analysis procedures were depicted in the third part The procedure of the data analysis was briefly described Finally, results and discussion of the data obtained were presented In 41 the next chapter, recommendations for the improvement of public speaking skill in interpreting will be proposed, with a hope to orient interested students in enhancing their public speaking skill in interpreting CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction In the previous chapter, some weaknesses in students’ public speaking skills have been identified In this chapter, some recommendations will be presented in order to help the students of English especially in interpreting field to find the ways and method to be better at public speaking skill in interpreting 3.1 Recommendations for Public Speaking Skill in Interpreting There are many ways to improve public speaking skill in interpreting, however, students must know what their level of English is, what their weakness and strength are Students are often not very confident in front of crowed, they must find methods to get used to standing in front of people and talk/interpret Their shortage of confidence is from their worries to interpret incorrectly, or their appearance When understanding the reasons for being nervous, they can have strategies to cope with it With the worry when interpreting, such as making mistakes, speaking incorrectly, they can improve by preparing carefully to be better in languages and interpreting They can practice interpret outside class and talk to foreigners to gain their confidence On the other hand, they can join in the speaking or interpreting club, the activities in these clubs will help them to be more dynamic and gain their confidence These ways to improve public speaking skills in interpreting are matched with the methods that students proposed in the survey Being worried about appearance, students should spend time to prepare their clothing, making ups before joining in an interpreting activity Students can help each other to check whether their appearances are suitable to their practicing or not With the problem of being afraid of making mistakes in speaking or pronunciation, students can improve by speaking with foreigners, which makes their speaking more influent and flexible Besides, they can practice by speaking in front of mirror which helps them to see their mistakes in pronunciation and correct them 42 One important issue for interpreter is how to sound when interpreting Students should pay attention to varying their voice in order to be suitable and make the audience hear better and feel more comfortable An effective method to practice varying voice is recording practical interpreting and listening to them afterwards It helps students to realize their real voice whether too loud or too soft, clear or not, etc After that, they can have their own strategies to adjust their voice This is also a method that students mentioned in the survey On the other hand, students should spend time outside class to practice their gesture, eye-contact and voice when interpreting as much as possible To have a natural gesture and eye-contact when interpreting, students must get used to speaking in front of crowd It is a good idea to join speaking or interpreting clubs where they can take turns to speak in front of the club members Only by practicing they can improve their skills without stress or nervousness Once again, the idea of holding speaking or interpreting clubs is very helpful Students will gain experienced and that is the way to help them to reduce weakness and increase strength in public speaking skill in interpreting 3.2 Some strategies for students when interpreting on stage: Through the process of doing this research together with years of studying English, and interpreting in Vinh university, the author has gained some experience in public speaking skill in interpreting With the hope that all students who are interested in English in general and interpreting in particular will have chances to practice public speaking skill in interpreting, the author would like to propose the following strategies for students when interpreting on stage, cited from http://accurapid.com/journal/34interpret.htm, by Morin: - The interpreter should keep eye contact with the audience or with an individual when sitting or standing in front of them - The interpreter should speak up to ensure that the message is clearly heard and understood by the audience - The interpreter should ask the speaker to raise the volume of his voice when he speaks too softly This is to avoid asking for repetition of unclear words or missing the points when the environment is disturbed by external noises 43 The interpreter should listen to the speaker with full concentration while performing the job He must not bring any psychological burden with him that might interfere with his work He must refuse to the job if he has a psychological problem or a bad mood on that day - The interpreter should ask the speaker to repeat an important point if the interpreter has missed it He does not have to feel that the speaker or the audience may think he is stupid if he asks for clarification or repetition The final aim of either speaker or interpreter is to make the conference successful - The interpreter should sit or stand closed to the speaker so as to interpret what the first speaker say if it is an event (e.g opening ceremony of a new project) where several speakers are invited to deliver their speeches, or comments may be made or questions asked by individuals from the audience - The interpreter should not look at the written version of the speech if the speaker provides him with one, because this will interfere with his concentration He has to put it aside right away and concentrate on the verbal message, because the process of listening to and interpreting incoming messages in the STM is faster than reading In addition, some good speakers usually some improvisation and adaptations while delivering their speeches because of new information received from previous speakers or new ideas occurring to them spontaneously - The interpreter should put down some particular points during a discussion, especially if the speaker is flooded with comments and questions from different people attending the meeting - The interpreter should select the appropriate language and acceptable forms of addressing when talking to the audience or a particular individual - Apart from a hand phone on a teleconference or a telephone meeting, the speakerphone button on an office telephone must be pressed when interpreting so both the speaker and the interpreter can clearly hear the comments, questions, and answers from the speaker at the other end The interpreter should stop the speaker at the other end when he speaks too fast This usually happens when the speaker at the other end does not realize that interpreting is in progress The interpreter should remind the remote speaker to adapt to the pace of the speaker on his side 44 - When interpreting a speech outdoors, e.g at the project site, the interpreter should raise his voice to reach the audience standing far from the speaker if there is no a battery-operated loudspeaker - At a contentious demonstration event the interpreter should make quick decisions on omitting a particular offensive statement or taboo expression or irrelevant message and/or paraphrasing them using acceptable equivalent words (emotional demonstrators often yell and speak using foul language or make statements that are irrelevant to the purpose of the demonstration) In such a situation the interpreter only interprets the louder and repeated statements because they are the main reasons for the demonstration The interpreter should speak in a louder voice because some demonstrators will not stop at the time of the speaker begins to respond With a louder voice he can attract their attention and make them stop speaking and listen carefully to the speaker and the interpreting Summary This chapter has provided recommendations that can solve the problems in public speaking skill in interpreting which were identified in the findings with the hope that students of English in general and interpreting in particular can find their own ways to improve their public speaking skill in interpreting 45 PART C: CONCLUSION Limitations of the Research Despite tremendous effort in the part of the researcher, there pitifully exist some limitations In the first place, due to the constraints of time, the scope of an undergraduate paper, the data obtained were not fully exploited Another limitation lies in the sampling of participants The target participants could have been expanded to involve the course administrators Then, the data obtained would be more valid and suggestions put forward could be more feasible Besides, this is to help provide audience diverse views and opinions of the same topic Contributions of the Research On the whole, the research could be considerably helpful for course administrators, teachers, students as well as researchers working on related fields Firstly, the study has provides a critical and comprehensive review and examination of basic concepts in the domain of interpreting Besides, by using appropriate methodology, the research could reveal much useful information As for course administrators, especially the supervisors of the interpreting course at the English Department, Vinh University, the findings from this study can provide helpful information for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum From this basis, decisions can be made to address the existing problems Regarding the teachers and students, the study has revealed a picture in which each of them can find a part of themselves This is a chance for them to look back, learn from the experience and make the right decisions for future actions The study also provides important guidance that could be very helpful for them Finally, this project can, hopefully, offer useful references including reliable and updated information for further studies and interested individuals and organizations Since formal and vigilant studies on this field in Vietnam are still in short; this study can be considered a valuable source to people concerned 46 Suggestion for further studies The concepts of public speaking skills in interpreting is not a new field, however, its implementation still need further studies to ensure maximized effectiveness and minimized drawbacks Firstly, since the present study mainly analyzed the issue in breath, it can act as the foundation and basis for other studies investigation more in depth issues For examples, the effects of students’ feedback or the kinds of information obtained from public speaking skills can be an interesting field to discover Moreover, it was revealed from the current research that there exist a number of mismatches in the perceptions in terms of practicing public speaking skill in interpreting between students and teachers Serious and systematic studies are needed to fully address such an interesting phenomenon Another direction for research is more varied and enlarged sampling of participants Specifically, the course administrators can be involved in the data collection process and the number of teacher participants can be increased Last but not least, those who are interested in interpreting and public speaking skills in interpreting in general may also consider other issues of public speaking skills or interpreting skills other than public speaking skills in interpreting in particular Summary In this thesis, the author has stated the introduction, reviewed the theoretical background on the research topic, justified the methodology used in the study, and presented the results of the research In conclusion, public speaking skill is very important for students of English in the field of interpreting In this paper, apart from the theoretical background which has presented the general knowledge, the findings from survey questionnaires results has provided current problems in public speaking skill in interpreting of forth-year students of English From the results of the surveys, recommendations to improve public speaking skill in interpreting have been proposed as well as suggestions for further study have been presented 47

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