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T.Anh 7 Revision (Unit 9 - Unit 11)

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By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy.. Knowledge2[r]


Date of planning:


REVISION A Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy

1 Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy

2 Skills

- Speaking skill

- Practise asking and answering using past simple tense 3 Attitude

- Love learning the subject B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, posters, colored chalk Students: Do homework, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 4/5/2020

7B2 4/5/2020

II Warm up (2’) III New lesson (39’)

Teacher’s & Students’activities


-Ask Ss to Exercise I in pairs ( one ask- one answer)

=> Answer key: 1,B 2A, 3,C 4,A 5, D 6A, 7,A 8,B

I Choose the best anwswer.

1.Don’t forget to wash your before meals.

A feet B hands C teeth D legs

2.It’s to brush your teeth every day.

A very important B not important C unimportant D less important

3.What you yourself clean and tidy?

A keep B keeping C to keep D B & C

4.The dentist a cavity in my tooth.


-Ask Ss to Exercise II, III

- SS work individual to complete the sentences - SS compare with eachother

- T gets students’ answers

- T gives feed back

B : I have a toothache.

A some B a C an D the

6.Most children feel when they come to see the dentist.

A scared B sad C happy D tired

7.Don’t eat too candy.

A much B many C lots of D few

8.Remember your teeth after meals.

A brush B to brush C brushing D B &C II Use the correct form of the verb in the bracket.

1.We (eat) a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last Wednesday

2.Yesterday, I called Jason on the phone He (not be) at home so I (speak) to his sister

3.Her grandmother (work) in a local hospital in 1992

4.This morning I (get) up at 6.30 and didn’t have enough time for breakfast so now I (be) very hungry

5.Two years ago when she (live) in Rome, she (meet) the man who now is her husband

III Arrange in order:

1.Tan / mine / good / of / friend / a / is

2.always / me / she / stamps / she / letters / received / gives / the / from 3.my / they / rented / to / apartment / house / an / next

IV Summary (2’)

- simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy


Date of planning:

2/ /2020

REVISION A Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy

1 Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy

2 Skills

- Speaking skill

- Practise asking and answering using past simple tense, 3 Attitude

- Love learning the subject B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, posters, colored chalk Students: Do homework, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 7/5/2020

7B2 6/5/2020

II Warm up (2’) III New lesson (39’)

Teacher’s & Students’activities


-Ask Ss to Exercise I in pairs ( one ask- one answer)

=> Answer key: 1,C 2,B 3,A 4, C 5,B 6,B 7, A 8,D

I Choose the correct answer to fill in each blank

1,They had to fill their medical records A down B at C in D on

2,What was wrong you ? A to B with C about D for


9,A 10,A

-Ask Ss to Exercise II, III, IV

- SS work individually to complete the


- SS compare with eachother

- T gets students’ answers

- T gives feed back

4, is a shop where you can buy medicines and a lot of other things A Bakery B Toy store C Drugstore D Bookstore

5,What’s your ? 40 kilos

A weigh B weight C heavy D kilos

6,You should eat well, exercises fit and healthy A keep B to keep C keeps D keeping 7,Would you please your mouth?

A to open B opens C open D opening What’s wrong you?- You look ill

A to B for C about D with

9 Hoa’s parents are very busy at

A harvest time B harvesting time C time of harvest D harvest’s time 10 The sound of the drill was so that I felt very scared A loud B aloud C loudly D louder

II Make questions for underlined words:

1.Simon has a lot of pain now because she has a toothache 2.I felt sick after eating that food

3.It took Dr Phong ten minutes to fill Van’s tooth III Use the correct form of the words in the brackets

1.You should wash the fruits before eating them (care) 2.Having a nose is a symptom of a cold (run) 3.Finally, he decided down (seat)

IV Write complete sentences using the given words

1,Nga / mother/ write / sick note / her / yesterday

2.Linh / not go / school / last Wednesday / she / have / bad cold

IV Summary (2’)

- past simple tense with topics: At home and away, health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy

V Homework (1’) - Redo exercises above E Evaluation:

Date of planning:


REVISION A Objectives :

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice either, neither, do, does, make

1 Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice either, neither, do, does, make

2 Skills

- Speaking skill

- Practise asking and answering using past simple tense 3 Attitude

- Love learning the subject B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher: Lesson plan,textbook, posters, colored chalk Students: Do homework, books & notebooks

C.Methord: T-WC, Individual work, pair work D Content:

I Organization: 1’

Class Date of teaching Absent students

7B1 9/4/2020

7B2 7/4/2020

II Warm up (2’) III New lesson (39’)

Teacher’s & Students’activities


-Ask Ss to

Exercise I in pairs

- T gets students’


- T gives feed back.

I,Complete the following sentences using either / neither and

add the necessary words (no more than words for a blank).

1,I don’t play basketball after school and … my brother.

2,They won’t be here next month and…I.

3,She didn’t often watch horror movies I …

4,My house isn’t far from here and her house …

5,She can’t open that door and … he.

6,It wasn’t rainy yesterday and today ….

7,My mother isn’t at home and …my father.

8,She isn’t going to Canada and we …


-Ask Ss to

Exercise II

- SS work in groups

of ss to complete

the sentences

- T gets students’


- T gives feed back.


Ask Ss to

Exercise III

- SS work

individually to

complete the


- SS compare with


- T gets students’


- T gives feed back.

1o,She doesn’t like apples and her brother …

II, Each of the following sentences contains an error Please

find and write that mistake and correct it

1,I like listening to music, but my sister don’t.

2,My brother goes to work by motorbike, but I doesn’t.

3,I didn’t think she was telling lies, but my friends was.

4,My mother often gets up at a.m, but my sister didn’t.

5,I don’t my homework in the evening, but my friends does.

6,I watched that film two days ago, but she doesn’t.

7,I didn’t cook dinner last night My mother does.

8,Doing exercise regularly can make you health.

9,That shirt makes you to look nice.

10,Watching this film make me very happy.

11,No one can make he change his mind.

12,I will try my best to make my parents feeling proud of me.

III,Fill in the correct form of the auxiliary verb "do" in the


1,My sister bought a new car but my brother …

2,She loves going shopping, but her husband ….

3,Long didn’t go to the party last weekend, but I….

4,I don’t need a new computer, but she …

5,My brother didn’t come home last night, but I ….

6,My uncle doesn’t smoke, but my father …

7,My family ate bread for breakfast, but her family …

8,She enjoys that film, but I …

9,His friends didn’t remember his birthday, but his family …

10,I exercise every morning, but my sister …

IV Summary (2’)


- Redo exercises above

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 09:49
