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Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences1. She stayed here and enjoyed ...[r]



I Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

1 A study B much C century D button

2 A nothing B clothes C hold D told

3 A hear B heart C near D clear

4 A ache B mechanic C chemistry D approach

5 winter B win C wine D windy

II Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. She stayed here and enjoyed classical music

A listen B listening C to listening D to listen How the fire ?

A do/ make B do/ made C is/ make D is/ made

8 Is there you want me to while you’re out?

A anything B something C any things D some things

9 I was cooking dinner the phone

A then/ rang B then/ was ringing C when/ rang D when/ was ringing 10 The teacher a class at o’clock yesterday evening

A is having B was having C has D has had

11 .I was having reading newspapers, my husband was watching T.V

A While B If C Because D As

12 She said that she swimming in the sea in autumn

A has liked B likes C liked D was liking

13 On Christmas Eve, people often a tree

A are decorated B were decorated C decorating D decorate 14 Have you ever been too Phong Nha in Vietnam?

A Place B Cave C Reef D Bay

15 He asked me I liked coffee

A which B as C whether D what

16 She decided her run because it was getting darker

A to continue B to continuing C continuing D continue 17 How many are there in the competition?

A groups B contests C winners D teams

18 These houses 100 years ago

A are built B built C were built D build

19 How did Mrs Quyen to Chicago?

A went B gone C go D going

20 Thanks for inviting me to the rice-cooking

A meeting B festival C race D crowd

III Put the statements into reported speech, beginning as shown. 21 She said: “My mother is a teacher here.”

She said that her mother was a teacher there

22 “ Please bring me some food and drink,” he said to her He asked her to bring him some food and drink

23 The sister asked: “ Are you hungry, Tom?” The sister asked Tom if he was hungry

24 “I will give you a present on your birthday,” he told me He told me that he would give me a present on my birthday 25 “We are going to Hue on Sunday,” they said



I Choose the best answer

1 Jane saw her old friend while she _ the street

a crossed b is crossing c was crossing d crosses Milions of Christmas cards every year

a were sent b are sent c send d is sending They are good friends They _ each other for a long time

a know b knew c knows d have known She asked me if I a car

a have b has c had d am having Linda asked me where souvenirs

a buy b buying c bought d to buy The pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven of the world

a temples b wonders c landmarks d places II Do as directed

1 Lan said to Nga “ Is mount Everest the highest mountain in the world?” ( Use reported speech) Lan asked Nga if mount Everest was the highest mountain in the world

2 Yesterday when Tuan (arrive) home , his mother (cook) dinner (Supply the correct tense) => arrived………was cooking

3 France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876 (Use passive form) => The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States in 1879 by France

4 Viet Nam is a country which exports a lot of rice ( rewrite ,using compound word ) => Vietnam is a rice- exporting country


Read the following passage, and the tasks below: I/ Choose the correct word to complete the passage

Sydney, the _ largest city in Australia and the country’s cultural centre , is well-known for its performing arts center called the Sydney Opera _ House , one of the most famous modern Buildings _ in the world It was designed by Jorn Utzon, a Danish architect

The construction began in 1956 and was completed _ in 1973 It is located on Sydney Harbour and not very far from the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge It has an eye-catching and distinctive shape The whole house looks like a giant ship It is now known as a masterpiece of modern architecture. World-class performances are regularly given in the Opera House by Australian Artists II Question :

1 Where in Sydney is the Sydney Opera House ? _The Sydney Opera house is in Australia

2 Did a Danish architect design the Sydney Opera House? Yes, he did

3 When was it completed? It was completed in 1973

3 What does the Sydney Opera House look like? The Sydney Opera house looks like a giant ship TEST 3

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

1 A reject B collect C lecture D subject


3 A sight B sign C signature D silence

4 A sweater B heat C beat D treat

5 A nature B exchange C gravity D patient

Make the correct choice

6 Nha Trang, a beautiful city belong to Khanh Hoa Province, is a resort

A mountainous B seaside C village D countryside

7 Nha Trang is famous for the lovely beaches where tourists can swim and

A sunbathe B lie in the sun C sauna D Both A and B You can go for a tour round the city, enjoying its scenic view

A sightseeing B boating C sailing D camping

9 For excursions you can go to the Institute, where you can see many kind of marine creatures

A Ocean B Sea C Oceanic D Sea-board

10 Tourists can visit islands where they can go scuba diving or just enjoy the natural scenery

A inshore B offshore C inside D outside

11 For transport, there are flights to Ho Chi Minh city, except Monday

A weekly B monthly C daily D hourly

12 By land, there are trains and buses to northern and southern

A destinations B departures C arrivals D parting

13 To serve you stay, there are some small, good there

A flats B houses C palaces D hotels

14 A three-day tour round Nha Trang will be a(n) holiday

A forget B forgettable C unforgettable D remembering 15 My hometown is not an exciting place The night-life there is pretty

A good B interesting C noisy D quiet

16 – Could you lend me your book? –

A No, thanks B Sorry, I need it myself

C No, I couldn’t D Sorry, I don’t know

17 Ben is reading a book He really likes it The book is really

A interest B interested C interesting D to interest 18 Ben is by the characters in the book

A to fascinate B fascinate C fascinating D fascinated 19 He is also about the story

A excite B excited C excitedly D exciting

20 Mr Sawyer bores me I think he is a person

A boring B bored C bore D being bored

21 I don’t understand these directions I’m

A confuse B confusing C to confuse D confused

22 It’s stuffy in here DO you mind the window?

A open B opening C to open D being opened

23 – Do you mind if I ask you some questions? –

A Yes, go ahead B No, thanks C No, not at all D Sure, you can 24 – Let’s eat out tonight – Ok,

A let’s not B it’s a good idea C that sounds good D Both B and C 25 Most young children are by animals

A fascinated B fascinating C fascinate D to fascinate 26 The film wasn’t as good as we had expected It was


A to talk B talking C talked D talk 28 The man in the accident was taken to hospital

A injured B injuring C to injure D injure

29 Who was the man outside?

A to stand B stand C stood D standing

30 Can you hear someone ?

A sing B to sing C singing D sang


Choose the underlined part that needs correction.

1 The only thing I am interesting in is why he did it.=>interested He felt worrying about what they told him.=>worried

3 I can’t lift this box myself May you help me carry it?=>Can

4 Young children shouldn’t see horror films They would become too frightening.=>frighted Jack has a sister studies at university of Glasgow.=>studying

6 Would you mind if I turn on the television?=>turned

7 The paintings stole from the museum haven’t been found yet.=>stolen It is very cold in here Should I turn up the heat?=> turn on

9 – Why did you leave the party early? – It was boring and I felt boring, too.=> bored 10.It is still dark outside right now Let’s wait and going for a walk tomorrow.=>go Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank.

A friendly letter from Hoi An Dear Mary,

We are having a wonderful time in Hoi An The street here are so (11) that cars are not allowed to enter the center of the (12) Therefore we have to (13) The houses are very (14) but beautiful However, I don’t like the way they (15) business It seems that every house has (16) to sell souvenirs and other stuffs The people are very (17) and helpful The food looks funny but it (18) quite nice I haven’t (19) anything yet But I will buy you some little (20) lanterns

See you soon, Love,


11.A narrow B long C big D large

12.A village B town C city D capital

13.A run B travel C walk D move

14.A modern B new C big D old

15.A doB make C try D get

16.A a shop B a store C a mall D Both A and B

17.A friend B friendly C friendlily D friendship

18.A smells B tries C tastes D seems

19.A seen B changed C sold D bought

20.A colorful B colorless C colorfully D color



1 A Ha long Bay is locate in Quang Ninh B Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh A The Bay is always rough B The Bay is always calm

3 A The sea is as blue as the sky in winter in summer B the sea is different from seasons

4 A Dau Go cave is not as beautiful as the others

B The most beautiful cave in Ha Long Bay is Dau Go cave

5 A Foreigners must visit Ha Long Bay B Foreigners may visit Ha Long Bay II Choose the word that has the underline part pronounced differently from the others A paddy B sand C travel D tribal

2.A buffalo B photo C limestone D botanical 3.A jungle B luggage C sunbathe D sugar

4.A around B various C famous D mountainous 5.A heritage B giant C garden D village

III Choose the word or phrase that best complete each unfinished sentence below (1,5M) The animal in the forest fire was a wild pig

A hurt B hurted C hurts D hurting Accommodation in London very expensive

.A is B are C has D have The road down to the sea is very rough

A goes B going C to go D gone is a large hole in the side of a mountain or under the ground A waterfall B cave C Bay D Lake Beer for breakfast in England years ago

A used be drunk B used to be drunk C used to drunk D used to be drank is a stream or river that falls from a height

A lake B waterfall C Bay D Island Donna work in a shop that sells flowers and plants She is a A baker B farmer C gardener D florist Your money is going to be If you ‘re not careful A steal B stealing C stole D stolen Milk bottles can be after being cleaned

A collect B thrown away C broken D reused 10 Is the rubbish everyday?

A collect B collecting C collected D be collected 11 Would you mind If I -the phone ?

A use B will you C am going to use D used 12 The old lamp -in chine is five dollars

A make B made C, making D mading 13 Ha long Bay is recognized -UNESCO as a world Heritage Site A of B by C toward D for 14 This is the first time she _ rice paddies

a will see b sees c has seen d saw

IV Rewrite th following sentences ,unchanged meaning (1,5M) Somebody cleans the room everyday

=>The room is cleaned everyday

2 To help orphans and poor people is good =>.It is good to help orphans and poor people The boy is smart He was bitten by a dog => The boy britten by dog is smart


5 They built this house in 2000 =>This house was built in 2000

6 They have to your homework before going to class => Your home work has to be done before going to class

V Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English and correct the mistake(1,5M)

1 You will be gave a present when you go to the party next Sunday =>given A B C D

2 Miss Blake is one of the represents from Friends of the Earth => representatives A B C D

3 They are planting trees by the roadside so that reduce the traffic noise => so as to A B C D

5 Do you mind take the book back to the library for me?=>taking A B C D

VI Read the following passage and choose the item (A,B,C,D) that best answer each of the questions about it (2M)

Da lat is the capital of Lam Dong province in Viet Nam Its name derives from the language of the local ethnic group Lat and its meaning is ‘ Stream of the Lat” In Viet Nam,Da lat is a popular tourist destination It is famous for its temperate climate ,beautiful sights such as waterfalls and lakes It is also famous for vegetables and flowers such as orchids and roses There is a wine- making industry ,too

The average temperature is 17 oC, and does not rise above 19oC in the hottest season Its temperate climate is ideal for agricultural Production

1 Where is Dalat?

A In Lam Dong B In Viet Nam C In Asia D All are correct

2 What does the word “its” in line refer to ?

A capital B province C name D local ethnic group

3 What does the word “popular” in line mean?

A liked by a lot of people B not special or unusual C very old D of the present time

4 Da Lat is famous for

A Its temperate climate B beautiful sights C vegetables and flowers D All are correct

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:28

