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Jane wanted to earn some pocket money, so she got a part time job.. ………..[r]




I/ Give the proper form of the verbs in parentheses, then make question with the underlined part 1. I (not see) ……… him since last monday


2. They had sold all the books when we (get) ………there


3. I (finish) ……… the book before my next birthday


4. Some animals ( not eat) ……… during the Winter


5. I (wait )……… for you at the hotel at midday tomorrow


6. He (like)……… listening to folk music


7. Tom was very tired because he (run) ……… for an hour


8. My father ( intend)……… to buy some furnitures for our new house


9. He (go) ……… to bed early so that he could get up tomorrow morning easily


10.John (like) ……… to goto museums


11.Most of us (listen) ……… to music for pleasure


12.Music engineers (develop) ……… a new computer programe that will change the future of music


13.Rock (begin) ……… in the USA in the early 1950s


14.We (live) ……… in Binh Phuoc for 22 years


II/ Rewrite the following sentences, using to- infinitive of purpose. 15.I wanted to clean the top of the fridge, so I stood on a chair


16.Roger wants to buy a book, so he’s gone to town


17.We moved closer to the fire because we wanted to get warm


18.If you want to open the front door, use this key


19.I wanted to tell George about the meeting, so I left a note


20.Jane wanted to earn some pocket money, so she got a part time job


21.He enrolled the English course because he wanted to learn the language


22.She took a bus because she didn’t want to be late


23.She went to the store because she needed to buy some food


24.We diconnect our phone because we didn’t want to get any phone calls


25.She didn’t tell me she was sick because shedidn’t want to worry me


26.He turned on the radio because he wanted to listen to the news


27.She bought a computer because she wanted to store information


III/ Combine the two sentences into one, using as many ways as possible. 28.I like the shirt Miss White wore it last night

……… ………

29.The chicken soup was really delicious We had it for lunch yesterday

……… ………

30.We stayed in a guest house Calisto recommended it

……… ………

31.The film was interesting I watched it on TV last night

……… ………

32.The house is very comfortable My family live in it for 20 years

……… ………

33.The one pillar pagoda is nearly 1000 years Our class visited it

……… ………

34.The train was full of passengers and good It travelled to Ho Chi Minh city

……… ………

35.The people are waitng for the bus in the rain They are getting wet

……… ………

36.We study in a school It was built in 1960

……… ………

37.The children receive a good education They attend Phuoc Binh high school


38.Peter was the first man I met him when I came to Lon Don

……… ………


I/ Multiple choice.

1 It’s cheaper if you book the tiskets ……… advance

a at b in c by d for

2 please accept this gift in ……… of all you’ve done for us

a behalf b all c respect d appreciation The company has laid off 150 workers in an ……… to save money a effort b efforts c affect d affection I did n’t really feel like going out, but I am glad I ……… the effort

a.did b made c tried d acted

5 Workers give money to charity to show their ……… with the strikers a share b combination c solidarity d strength

6 Dr Slad is a person ……… a in whom I don’t have much confidence b in that I don’t have much confidence

c whom I don’t have much confidence in him d I don’t have much confidence Florida, ……… the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year

a is b known as c is known as d that is known as

8 Laura’s marriage has been arranged by her family She is marrying a man ……… a that she hardly knows him b who she hardly knows him

c she hardly knows d she hardly knows him

9 People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than those ……… a who doesn’t b which don’t c that doesn’t d who don’t

10 Is this the address to ……… you want the package sent ?

a where b that c which d whom 11 I have always wanted to visit Paris ……… of France

a is the capital b which is the capital c that is the capital d the capital 12 Have you ever met the man ……… over there?

a stands b standing c who is standing d is standing 13 I have three brothers, ………are businessmen

a that all of them b who they all c all of who d who allof them 14 The movie ……… last night was terrible

a I went b I went to c I went to d that I went

II/ Complete the sentences.

he invented the telephone it had no effect at all they were on the wall it won the race she runs away from home it can support life they stole my car we borrowed his tent


7 It seems the earth is the only planet ……… What happened to the pictures ………?

III/ Turn the sentences into conditional sentences

1 He crashed his car, because he fell asleep while driving

If he……… We couldn’t go to the concert because we din’t have enough money

……… I lost my job because I late for work

……… The wind was so strong that the bridge collapsed

……… I couldn’t call Sally because I had lost her number

……… It didn’t snow, so we couldn’t go skiing

……… Sarah wanted to fly to Rome, but she wasn’t able to The air port was closed

……… On Sunday the guests had to have lunch inside Unfortunationly it wasnn’t warm enough to have it outside


III/ Change into passive voice.

1 Farmers spray the trees each week

……… The factory is producing more and more pollution

……… Millions of students read this book

……….4.A lexander Fleming discorvered penicillin in 1928

……… people are distroying forest at an alarming rate

……… People are killing wild animals for food

……… They are building a big hydropower plant in Son La

……… 8.We have learnt English since 2000

……… My father repaired the broken window

……… 10 I will make a new shirt for my sister



I / Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1 Hobbies are the things we like to in our time

A leisure B free C spare D all are correct I just collect the stamps from discarded envelopes

A thrown awy B given up C got away D done up There are also other hobbies that I _ in for a while

A interested B indulge C move D include You had better _at home until you feel better

A stay B to stay C staying D stayed The athlete would have won the gold medal not fallen over

A if he had B if not C unless he had D had he The students the highest score will be awarded a scholarship

A who receive B recieves C receiving D who is recieving Unemployment compensation is the money to supportan unemployed person while he or she is looking _

A for a work B for works C for job D for a job If I had been thinking, I that silly mistake

A didn’t make B wouldn’t make C wouldn’t be making D wouldn’t have made Please find a copy of the letter I received from the college

A.included B contained C enclosed D covered 10 Mary’s two _ in life are reading and seeing films

A movements B interests C events D.chances 11 Gravity, _ by Isaac Newton, is being widely applied in physics

A discover B to discover C discovering D discorvered 12 Unless it stops raining, _ the tennis tournament

A they cancel B they’ll cancel C The’d cancel D they’d have cancelled

II/ Rewrite the sentences , beginning as the shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

1 That girl’s mother used to work with me

That’s the girl ……… I’ve never eaten with chopsticks before

It’s ……… She forgot to add salt, so that the food was tasteless

If……… Having made all the arranements , they decided to go anyway

Since……… They’ll have to cancel the picnic

The picnic……… I haven’t been to the dentist’s for over two years

It’s _ We didn’t go on a holiday because we couldn’t afford it


8 The fire will go out if someone doesn’t put some more coal

Unless _ Then police are questioning a man in connection with the burglaries

A man _ 10 It is essential that you eat this kind of food as soon as it’s cooked

This kind of food

III/ Rewrite the following sentences , Using “ It is/ was ……… that” with the underlined part

1 The man gave her a book

It It My uncle taught me how to play the guitar

It _ It It My little brother admires my teacher very much

I bought the golden fish from the corner shop

_ _ They learn Vietnamese in Hanoi National University

6.My mother bought me a beautiful hat some days ago

_ He got married when he was 26

They often have dinner out at weekends

The police arrested the man at the railway station

_ 10 The girl gave the boy a gift on his birthday

11 The boy plays ping pong every afternoon

12 Kathy bought her husband an anniversary gift at a sports shop



I/ Fill in the gap with WHO, WHICH , WHOSE or WHERE Then reduce the completed one into a phrase if necessary.

1 I don’t like people tell jokes all time

I threw away that old tin- openner didn’t work

Can you show me the place _ the accident happened?

The girl photo was in the newspaper lives in our street

She met him at the cafeù _ he was working as a waiter

The dog _ had been very quiet , sudently started barking

Wild animals and the wild places _ they live are serioursly threatened almost evrywhere They’re the people _ shop burnt down last week

The policeman _ told me the way was very helpful

10 I’ll never forget the house was built by my granfather many years ago

11 I’ll never forget the house our family used to live

12 This school is only for children _ first language is not English

II/ Multiple choice

1 We should be able to sell the house _ a profit

A of B at C with D in

2 Seldom _ allowed to that

A I am B am I C I have been D I can be Never before such a demonstration

A they witness B they have witnessed C had they witnessed D they had witnessed Smoking the health of smokers

A damaging B damage C did damage D does damage These proposals are perfectly _ tune our own thought on the subject

A in- of B in- with C of- of D of- with The singer was _ on the piano by her sister

A served B accompanied C assisted D sounded She is an reader of science fiction


A of B on C for D with The room was littered with _ newspapers

A waste B discarded C throw away D A & B 10 All of us have the need to adapt to new and _ changing circumstances

A continuously B continual C continually D All are correct 11 _ yesterday _ she came here, I am sure of that

A It is – that B It is – when C It is – which D It was – when 12 We can hardly tell you _

A nothing B something C anything D None is correct 13 Wasn’t her family _ emigrated to Australia?

A whom B who C which D it

14 The results can be divided _ three main categories

A for B into C on D at

III/ Rearrange the following words to make a complete sentence.

1 It / a / by/ rode/ on / who/ bike/ a / small

_ English/ it /taught / was / teacher / who / the / us

book / they / it / was/ the/ me / yesterday / that / gave

_ the / cat / that / boy / hit / it/ was / the

_ bought / that / present / the / she / us / a / it / shop / was

_ the / who / gave / her / a / book / man / it / was


IV/ Combine the following sentences , Using relative pronoun ; and then reduce into a phrase.


I would like to meet Mr Ba He teaches us history

_ _ In Paris , Hemingway met some friends They encouraged him in writing career

_ _ The shop- assistant was very rude She served us yesterday

_ _ The letter is full of mistakes It was typed by that secretary

_ _ The books are popular all over the world They were written by Tolstoi

_ _ The factory has more than two hundred workers My brother works there


7 The road is very narrow It connects the two towns

_ _


I/ Put the emphasis on the bold words or phrases using “It”

1 I’ve lost my book

I saw him in the street only last week

She bought a new dress to go the party

You are wrong, not me

He was angry because you have lost all his papers.

I dicovered my mistakes years later

We punished in order to teach him a lesson

We ordered wine We didn’t order beer

Mastering a second language takes time and practice

10 Peter lent us money Paul did not

11 You will succeed only by hard work.

12 The smoke from the factory chimneys pollutes the air

II/ Rewrite the following sentences , beginning as shown.

1 John began playing tennis ten years ago

John has We started cooking for the party four hours ago

We have _ They last visited me five years ago

They haven’t _ The last time it snowed here was six years ago

It The last time he played football for Manchester United was in 1975

He hasn’t I haven’t been to a cricket match for years

It’s _ They’ve been living here for six years now


It’s He learned to drive when he was eighteen

He has _ 10 I started work for the company a year ago

I’ve been 11 How long have you met him?

W hen _ 12 Peter hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan

Peter last _

III/ Choose the correct answer:

1 An activity that for pleasurein your free time

A entertainment B interest C hobby D All are correct To succeed in doing or completing something

A to accomplish B to finish C to end D to stop

3 A series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music

A note B tune C clef D voice

4 To play a musical instrument, especially a piano while someone else sings or plays the main tune a harmony B concert C accompany D.agree with

5 To respect someone for what they are or for what they have done

A congratulate B praise C compliment D admire A large container for holding liquid or gas

A.tank B reservoir C bag D barrel

7 Very enthusiastic about something

A vivid B avid C live D animate

8 To get rid of something that you no longer want or need

A throw B distribute C discard D share A book where you keep photographs, stamps, etc

A.souvenir B gift C collection D album 10 To give something as a gift

A give away B give in C give off D give up 11 To allow yourself to have or something you like

A be ready B indulge in C be available D self-coscious 12 Only a half her time is _ with politics

A occupation B occupating C occupied D occupy 13 It was a question that had him since he was a boy

A fascinate B fascination C fascinating D fasinated 14 Extremly large

A giganstic B big C wide D giant 15 Lacking knowledge or information about something

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 21:11



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