IELTS (International English Language Testing System) là khóa luyện thi được thiết kế đặc biệt, chuyên sâu, tập trung vào mục đích rèn luyện kỹ năng làm bài thi thông qua các bài “thi thử” liên tục, giúp họ
The IELTS test has two forms: the Academic test (or module) and the general training test (or module) The module that you take depends on the reason that you are taking it for, In general, the academic module is for those people who are trying to gain entry onto undergraduate or postgraduate education courses or for professional reasons The general training module is for those people who wish to join some kinds of vocational or training courses, secondary
schools or for immigration purposes
ead LS, pel MN LSI IBLTS hse! ge gles a SB Gs yo Al gle 4 3m g1 Js) ¢ yl ass!
Sasa sas Geb ain r rẻ vn
seal oy,
Soe Fed Gian GA se ol ele aed oad ss) UI Saad aye ở { Sư] (lá) ý Su el Both academic and general training modules reflect real life situations to test whether a candidate would survive in English speaking social and academic environments For example, part 2 of the speaking section asks candidates to talk, after | minute's preparation, for 1 10 2 minutes on a
J Ue chs fides CL i
Trang 3given general topic This would test General Training
candidates to see if they could give a “work related
presentation” to fellow work colleagues and would test
Acudemie candidates if they can give a "university style
presentation" to fellow students, It tests whether candidates
have the English language capability to perform these tasks under some kind of pressure
4A9 3L 2) 2x Mạ go)
Ae Dl) dad gilt JU pated SSL
oe gil ball GUS Tt as gles y gel Hye gl 7 `Y SS oy aay CEs og) his ye Soy dy os oe pe ce
Sealy als gps Gane GE pd AES a
2 gee Gane as 5) LBS pated ify 1Ð) gui ais A yl Gals ad LS DU ADL chà (sees Ca plead Sp had
The IELTS test (both Academic and General Training modules) is divided into four parts: reading, writing, listening and speaking The listening and speaking tests are exactly the same for the academic and general training
modules but the reading and writing tests are different
seh s all Rag) oo alally pels) Ge sự TE
Dy PLANT CH LG) Baby Cae PLEA ALAN y el Sel Dy AK Cd 18) Gl (cally als) ou Lea XS a Ls ties S USS! put THE ACADEMIC READING TEST s®zaLS[J|se|l|iL‡3|
This is a 1 hour test in 3 sections with 40 questions based on I reading text per section The length of the Academic reading test will be between 2000 and 2500 words Candidates are given a question paper and an answer paper They may write on the question paper but they may not Temove it from the test room after the test All answers must be put onto the reading answer sheet before the end of the hour - there is no extra time afler the | hour set for the academic reading test for the transfer of answers to the answer paper
cuẾ NEY pte sad yeu lái a Gael
Ose cp 5; 239 sel Cle pa Je Ye 40 le BASU pS easy lS 2500-2000 cs LY ayy Ge of Lb uy 2Q Mes JS May! yy QF LLY Us OLS sel us ca EL ca a 351" ế (453 1b
Trang 4choosing from a heading bank to identify paragraphs or
the text
parts of nl
gue tà Cw Ge Gall I pl Gants Co slie 2Ì
identification of writers opinions/ideas - yes/no/not given
Y= pe) BOE ls US + 2S y5 301 Gals lj] ates (2 ¿—
iđentification of information in the text - yes/no/not given OR true/false/not given a ek ty SS OE DE Ue vail & ` ` ắa.aa <2) J2) ch», ` lan classification
matching lists or phrases
Texts are taken from magazines, journals, books and newspapers, Texts are for an undergraduate or postgraduate readership but assume no specialist knowledge of the
subject All reading passage topics will be of general
academic interest At least one text will contain a logical argument One text may include a diagram, graph or illustration If there are any words or terms of a specialist technical nature, which candidates would not be expected to
know, then a short glossary will be provided
GÌ]; cù 22 thy Daal Ge ate oi ell a Ueeats
sell SLA ja SUS y uated! DUA! Sele Guage ty Chanel s
Bà 24 Cleg y4 „a4 caLabss le pUEY Gl cles Y Ld
Fat) GL oleae) Joe ost tel doalall le gin ye JŠ ch Z8;
VI se ga Ge Cus UA „le anh ¢ pings dey ake
CaS Ly games gh labs au J) oly ey le pH E nee?
Ligh Lik gh yes Od ese Gf ny Aeredte Gialinoe Gl alle
wee #3 9
ek ek be
The academic writing test is of 1 hour duration Candidates are required to do 2 tasks
ce Ge I pitied ye Calley del ded cals) ASS tal xế»;
The academic writing task 1 asks the candidate to describe in his or her own words factual information given to the candidate in pictorial form(s) The pictorial form(s) could be a line graph, a bar chart, a pie chart, a table or a picture
describing a process There could be a combination of these
input forms Candidates must write a minimum of 150 words, Cagle Ge Ola) yay I LER 821 0< UẬI 461 Sp Cally tuy dÍ J3 4 Á8 j ole ae
SBE) we DIS Oe Al aati
Vis oy sSdall ygeall 0á 2 2 5£ ¿345,4 (| 064; Agláe chai
đa 150 œ đụ bá cáo Gf LS pitied cys clay Le
Boek Globe gai
The IELTS academic speaking test is the same for both the
academic and general training modules The test is
conducted with I examiner and 1 candidate, The academic
speaking test is recorded The academic speaking test is
divided into 3 sections,
Section 1:
This section begins with some gencral introductory questions This is followed by some questions on personal information similar to the type of questions one would ask when meeting someone for the first time Finally the
cxaminer asks a series of questions of 2 topics of general
interest (4 - 5 minutes)
Cee AY) m— - es xế 2l 4s 4! 4, YY eee alll Lhe fay
As Fadl) bbl
ce Al ae Goteall Gly dye UY ab Leste
sala alee) 5 3) Cle gt gall
This section is @ monologue (I person speaking) by the candidate The examiner will give the candidate a card with a subject and a few guiding questions on it, The student must talk for | to 2 minutes on this subject The examiner decides on the exact length The student has an optional |
minute in order to prepare for his talk and is provided with
some paper and a pencil in order to make some brief note
After the candidate's talk the examiner will ask | or 2 by questions in order to finish off the section, (3 - 4 minutes) ic 8! 4k ll 5 sayall los ys (284: I : J sie ba aay Gf DIS ILL es ay Leg ce al Vg Gated atly cust Section 3 :
In this section the examiner will ask some more questions
generally related to the subject spoken about in section 2
These questions will be more demanding and require some
critical analysis on the part of the candidate (4 - 5 minutes)
ABle 3 op S sae a sxe CLL Gated hey pull Ibe a are I LGU sta) ys Gtk a) okay agli pull & gin ges
mm ade
Trang 6
The IELTS academic listening test is the same for the
academic and the general training modules ‘The candidates
will listen to a tape and answer a series of questions The
tape will be played once only The listening test is in four
sections with 10 questions in each (ie: a total of 40
questions) and will last for about 30 minutes with an extra
10 minutes at the end to transfer answers to the answer sheet ca tus play gals IELTS ¿1621 cL) pad Slee atid ge uses ch Dawe bod od Gitte) WH baaly 30 daytil v30 s34 25⁄3; (154 40 lla! AY! 455 oo} SUSY! dal Gus Us 8
A variety of question types is used in the listening test
Questions types that you will see will usually come from the
following list:
multiple choice
short answer
sentence completion
notes/diagram/flow chart completion
ile gas gt SLL gh Gedlall ¬U3-3L4) J6) ¬ THE GENERAL TRAINING READING TEST eel] Sel a] Lis] kkk ke do
This is a | hour test in 3 sections with 40 questions based on 1 or more reading texts per section The length of the
general training reading test will be between 2000 and 2750
words Candidates are given a question paper and an answer
paper, They may write on the question paper but they may not remove it from the test room after the test All answe:
must be put onto the reading answer sheet before the end of
the hour - there is no extra time after the 1 hour set for the general training reading test for the transfer of answers to
the answer paper o as col pany Telia pei 68 gg alt ais “LAS 3500 2000 cs Ue pal a 28 aS) ee Ys dell Gs TU By uk uy K
Ji Sal ye pla 5el all SY bora) Sela ely sey lia!
s(2SYH Bà Ga sgl pludl (8 Gass he) LLY) 4g Suey!
A variety of question types are used in the General ‘Training
Reading Test Questions types that you will use will come
from the following list:
Trang 7sentence completion notes/summary/diagram/flow chart completion —— nh
choosing from a heading bank to identify par:
parts of the text
Geshe 326 By Ge gail SI
identification of writers opinions/ideas
Yo pt) BNE ye aly shes) ba es ihe gue identification of information in the text - yes/no/not given OR true/false/not given
SYS pdt As AGS BE CĐ om ell a Ca gles el jst
valle ua ible eee J Se classification "11
matching lists or phrases Sobel al ye Sue gil
Texts are taken from notices, advertisements, official
documents, booklets, newspapers, instruction manuals, leaflets, timetables, books and magazines,
Aen BE ly SEY, GHD on Lisi, QUAY là 2 2i; = nh n tee oy SUS 5 Gaal Glace, Daal y
The first section is concerned with social survival in an
English speaking country The second section is concerned
with survival in an education, (raining or welfare context
The third section tests the candidates’ abilities with a longer
more complex text
Eastall Syl 68 Lebee Yl slaty sel all DS! J Fale J ta shal cyt, 3 o Salles Ly na ati we Soe ge 14 THE GENERAL TRAINING WRITING TEST @lsl|3tiSJ| 0Li2| XE eb a
The general taining writing test is of 1 hour duration,
Candidates are required to do 2 tasks
ob GY! gute
Hela sad sal LES as) yoy Call gue
The general training writing test task 1 requires the candidate to write a letter in Tesponse to a given situation Candidates must write a minimum of 150 words
Ny Ally C283 of stil Gye lal Sel a last 8 A is.) iy mm of ett slo yee ys te
The general training writing test task 2 asks the candidate to
Trang 8_—
misunderstandings in some situations He/She generally
HOW THE IELTS IS GRADED handles complex language well and understands detailed
IELTS ji] 98 citayal] paai dias reasoning
Gk RK akaOK 5“ pall cpus Ua) pce ols! aanna.nan an in Aula) all ap ase ee,
poe AR yl Sle dive: saied) alll pads 48) ail gall Ges gỶ
The results IELTS candidates are graded/banded using a 9 band scale The candidate will be given a test report form on which they will find a full or half band for each part of the test and a final full or half band along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language and date of birth The
9 bands correspond to a series of descriptions that relates to
the candidate's English ability at that level These band descriptors for the IELTS results are as follows:
ont Bd tla et os S 245 pital Jaws er “Modest user has partial command of the
oD Ss Ail Aisin 44 Sy ee ve + language, coping with overall meaning in most situations
AS gh 90 Oe oF Alea Fa oe 2 though is likely to make many mistakes He/She should be
5 git 4 ja A plane 3 Ls able to handle basic communication in own field sles AU Y ybe Laie ins Sila 93 S 2Á J2 Je
: 5 8g: Shy (nan an
Ap) AA lak le SF GS) els) Oe 265 và ch SS Oe
ee Quan và
BAND 4:Limiled userba s limited to
familiar situations He/She has fiequenL problems in understanding and expression He/She is not able to use complex language
= Seat oh
BAND 6 : Competent user has generally effective command ¥ of the language despite some inaccuracies and
misunderstandings He/She can use and understand fairly
complex language, particularly in familiar situations Lg es Ea ge LS Lessee Gl 2 6 le Uae Oe Se AiSagy sped ¢ gues Abel pac Sie Lead a oil ol ha Ge ab tu ¿342 cÍ c/
Se BAND 9: Expert user has fully operational command of the
language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete sates,
CS Can Wala 2 9 gle Gheay Bley) Rall aad!) pasted
Lax al pgdll g ADLUally AEM mm jas alll ys
eS BAND 8: Very good user has fully operational command of
the language with only occasional — unsystematic inaccuracies Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations handles detailed argumentation well
5 ` x
sưa SỈ say "x1
vue 36 Jà; Juat01 Gils aS ade jal Gall gall Gans el
BAND 7: Good user has operational command of the language, though 6ccasional inaccuracies, and 16 Ase ya J dine al Ls sina N pladiad le al xé ki LS | shan en akg Sl
only several meaning in very familiar situations frequent breakdowns in communication occur
Trang 9
afl ped gists dee Slag 3 ge Lal
Geel sll 3 12S dâu of US Ei te tfc
sola Balle Gast! a
BAND 2; Intermittent userno real communication 1s
possible except for the most basic information using isolated
words or short sentences in familiar situations and to meet
immediate necds, He/She has great difficulty understanding
spoken and written English
Sey Rall Losdtnes LG8Y) Ihe G4 (2) Gin dle dee oe
cata ABT SY) pepe Sy pee Ley can na san
eee Jaap de GLK: bye ot gy Gy ie Lg peal) Gesell
Loge) Call gd SL Ape Ge giles Ud LS a dhe As fSally 4d shill 9 peel
BAND 1: Non user essentially has no ability to use the
language beyond possibly a few isolated words
all) glade gle pal yb (1) Sas! s Ao oa ce hens is te “b8 šà vá CS 5á 3225 2 YY Ayla!
BAND 0: Did not attempt the test - No assessable information,
m: +) 28 gl) LY) Jaa al oe 8 (0) she ce es
vAagiil Ale Sila glee chang Y cls py! peas week eR bee 18 IMPORTANT HINTS dola cilaigli ees
1- Become familiar with the test as carly as possible
oH Se Sos A Lele sty SUSY) He Lbs scUz el 2- The skills being tested in the IELTS take a period of time to build up GS cy I TELTS s8) tele a) Gilad pte -2 -]
3- Cramming is not an effective study technique
Aad yall all Ji hl) os Sued lá], pte 3
4- Use your study time efficiently Study when you are fresh and, after you have planned a timetable, make sure
that you keep to it
Sh ceay Unk C2 Le Gia Sas All nÌ cá; ¿3424| =4
Ay cia Fils Vga Cang Sỗ ý
‘ou have adequate breaks,
AIS dal 8 Í Ga oS, atlas] soa -5
6-In the IELTS test, each of the four band
modules listening reading, writing and speaking carries the same weight Study cach skill carefully and spend
more time on the skills in which you feel you are weak
ASU gles Stall plug oye aud US y2 IELTS 2124!
——— _ nan
“` ` Ga
J“ “1
7- Be aware of the exact procedure for the test
+ GS Rael) BL wt pes Gee 8-7
Trang 10SA
8- Be very clear on the order of each section, its length and the specific question types There are many resources, available to help you practice these skills -
NT | sxsaauwaeene s
` ` 3l dilay áy XcalAf ABu3|
(Oi a3 js) iS) 5 jig) ols 4
9- Having a study partner or a study group is an excellent idea Other students may raise issues that you may not
have considered l
Sih clip dae dag Sad Ge Cle oe di lap sả ce “9
wally Ge gad of le pa yal Vie alld coh (Ác mạ 4 -8 ya 10- Seck help from teachers, friends and native English speakers
2o | Hall facies olde y 225235) 32L ik! -10
Ll- It is important to exercise, eat, rest and sleep well during the week in which you will take the test
jase pls Gs Ss sty Gy of lap peal we wh NI all eal g sel pa “HI
12 Leave nothing to chance If you do not know how to
get to the test center, try gong there at a similar time one
or two weeks before the real test
ob od Gos ays Yas 158 Ala aS gil => 3 ge Oe eel 3 EH ` i j 3 #E set
You must have a good dinner and go to bed at your normal
time not too carly and not too late, as you do not want to disrupt your sleep pattern if possible
Have everything ready that you need to take with you to the
test so you can simply pick it up in the morning, for example, the test registration form, passport, test number,
pens, pencils, erasers etc ‘A pen that runs dry or a pencil
that breaks can take several minutes to replace Check
before the exam exactly what articles you need Set your alarm clock the night before or arrange a wake-up call :
GaN Mad doe gles gti det se clea vá
GERM yy ye ý ded Jey JEU Get ally tee 5s as n.n vs”
Trang 11
Have a good breakfast You will have several hours of
concentration ahead of you and you will need food and
drink in the morning You may even want to bring more
food or a snack with you, especially if your speaking test is
at a later time that day You cannot, however, take food or
drink into the exam room If possible wear a watch in case
you cannot sec the clock in the exam room It 1s essential that you keep track of time
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the test center You will be required to complete a registration form and to show your passport before you enter the examination room so you must arrive at the time specified by your test center If you
are carly, you could go for a walk If you are late, you will
not be allowed to enter Avoid the added tension of having to rush DURING THE TEST
Most students at the test will feel nervous This is quite
normal In fact, it can actually be quite helpful in terms of
motivation It may make you alert and help you to focus
The aim is for you to try to perform at your optimum level,
In contrast, high levels of anxiety can affect a student's
5 gape od [as Jey! ell Sb soe Duh
cee lacing Weise leg 3 lủa cIẢN Guin ele Sle
di HE Gh OSs se Ge lit eld de By: da) ge 31 681 las of sue
‘The examination room should be suitable for testing, that is,
the lighting, ventilation and temperature should be appropriate If you are uncomfortable because of any of
these factors or if there is some other problem, such as not
being able to hear the recording of the Listening Module,
make sure you ask the person in charge to do something about it For example, you may ask to change seats
baal 4 séilly Seley) Ge ye dns Ju!
1 Be os
Ee gl Gee CLAY py Get 1
DU ál gi, 2e 5 all pe he Ae Auld 3) all
las Cals YF al gal
Psa Ted) dee le yp SU Ae gt Usha 22M ca cửa!
Trang 12
Final 5
IELTS has been accepted as the standard international test
system for English language proficiency by a whole range
of institutions These include the majority of all education establishments operating in English in Australia, Canada,
the UK and New Zealand US educational institutions are
also now starting to use it Many international immigration
services also use the TELTS as well as various professional
organizations including the British and Australian Medical
Councils and the UK Ministry of Defense „cà ta An NEN del oes Saati) Sled) ake kee de 24
Trang 13CHAPTER &
3U! 2uiõi Jẹp gi; Ea ` GENERAL HINTS se|yallii>| dạ¬ dole Lalo
‘The academic reading module takes 60 minutes
60 badd pets Sel gall Lah pete
Answer the questions quickly and accurately If you can't do a question quickly, leave it and come back to it later s46 01 d2 J12~ 0e ẢIaY Qi pl lay Ady Ze pues ALLY sales Syed You have roughly one and a half minutes for each question 2012 d5 2E 2a (Ly gt) Gea
The questions do not test you knowledge of English
your ability to use your English, The exam is te
whether you can use your English to find your way around a
written English text
C81 JQk si sk GS, dy play aan Mek
PY Ag ladies) qld 2S 13! Le JUG) anny 2 jos) dal NM pl Sigh 0 gual ped
Trang 14
The reading test is considered by many to be the most
difficult part of IELTS You have to read 3 long sections, each with multiple paragraphs, and answer 40 questions (13
to 14 per section) Unlike the listening test, no extra time is given at the end to transfer your answers to the answer shect Time can be a major constraint since you only have
finish the test
Ca Bel jill puedo) cael ycies
AB scl pH See ye debs IS 9 SH ALG Qhi ADU Self lt Gilly Cae
Ă) z2 (e5 ƯS Ủy» Vữn 14-13) Ve 0 Ge Alay! lle Gay
The key to doing well in this part is practice Read
newspapers, magazines and books Try and improve your
reading skills and speed Practice answering many similar
reading tests
VS yell go LS Go aul I 2š cGỐI 2= 2e aÌ 3g 2b Ji Ne peng Bel pA ELSI lạc Gunes Jl SI ODL pally daa
ABbadl Sel
The most important thing to understand is that the test docs
not assess your comprehension of the paragraphs, It does
not test how well you have understood the passage It tests
specific skills called scanning and skimming
SSL eo BL ag sake Ga) LS GG pt Gi Lan aga Ge
hell" ON Lge peut Se Gl Lge Seb) —- dab slags hae Vy
TA, —=
Scanning is what one does, for example, when looking for a phone number in a directory You know the specific
information you are looking for and you go down the page
quickly to find it This technique is used when answering
questions such as multiple-choice and matching You scan
the passage to quickly find the information mentioned in the
question Once you find it, you get the answer from the
passage and write it against the question - eb He oll a sil il lane ie as pg Lg te hee of Cally “= = s= “a <8 aT a Sapdecpe JURY) liad te UY) aie sy LI hay Lal as
Aahi) pe poe ley —.—.—= `
deaths paes Spell AF) Std Mal oy) Qs TE xo dài
Ue 8 GESTS TAL Sa Ua gle Glen i 965 Skimming refers to reading a paragraph quickly to get an idea of what it is about, without trying to understand its
details This technique is part of the initial reading (see
below) It can be modified (reading a little slower) to answer
"provide headings for the paragraphs", "In which paragraph
does this information appear in the text?" and "Author's
views" type of questions
ASS all 5 Si Ai as gd i 5 pel 8 "clea polled pacts
› te Se gt Ab hell obey Leh a3 O2: lee Uh ciel 3b Saad ofS) Lge CD sat eons ol yal Sar (igh Le el)
La cụ gì! cèc, spect: ALG HAY) ye Ge SI (LE
Z2 1 ố we IEC jl
The sections get progressively more difficult Aim to spend
about 15 to17 minutes on Section 1, 20 minutes on Section
2 and 23 to 25 minutes on Section 3 If possible, keep some
Trang 15
to get an idea of what type of information is required and
whether scanning or skimming (or a combination of the two) is called for As you read the questions, use a pencil to
underline important information such as dates, places and names,
Che slaall gl pclae
cha gleadl Bo) Spc
Ua yhd qa ALY! Sef ell joke sl lil sais) (ives al Can)
wlan OSLYL, eh sll ie Legal Sols gle! cans
Once you are through with reading all the questions, skim
over the text and underline / mark important parts If you see any information relating to the questions, mark it straight away You may even be able to answer some
questions as you read
——= —= pall nie ALLY)
Gel ee ALLY He GIS OL glee ơi ăn nứa g Bel sill ott ALLY Ga lal ye 225 6
du ác» Answer the questions one by one with the help of the
underlined parts of the text Having read the text once, you will find it easy to reach specific information by scanning
Leta Sees SI le dell GY a) aes
ol Spas Genel Ge aif apt 5
usually appear in the text in the same order as
the questions That is, the answer to question 4 will be
earlier in the text than the answer to question 5 This need not always be true
Sad ye el gl ALY) a dls uel) MAY olla! AG Wade, Sete CA ad iy a J2 -Zaj The answc: 30
As soon as you find an answer, write it against the questi ‘on the question paper It is not always a good idea to tf
answering questions in the order in which they are asked,
Read the instructions for each question very carefully If th
question specifies that you must not use more than thr
words in your answer, stick to three words
Mi dig le Gb là AQUe: GLAS Y) pludl 5 aud Us Slag lA
i HS ash Alay! pele Kis =8 2S 2d
The toughest questions are the True/False/Not given an Yes/No/Not given ones Practice doing these questions ti you are confident Make sure you do not answer True/Fall
for a Yes/No question and vice versa, Such an answer wi
be considered wrong and fetch no marks
ROE ye ila! yas lie Is a ALLY) got ALLY) Gaal
GÌ đi ably Sie ys fen) (Mab) Sha xế,
NE Se aly Boley Letts ened ois ALY) all a cea OY owas LY Nand Glial San (Y/ pa) Clg! cary Dao — na an s5 số Do not get stuck on any one question, If you can't get th
answer, move on You can always come back later,
Az) Sa gall Lala thie Cas ALLY yee yt Ge Gal
Trang 16
i] =
| [f you are asked to complete with up to three words, try to
| HOW TO APPROACH THE DIFFERENT think ofa general word Mead HAMS G2 SG cael gl Et all GB OLIS 3 pass of ake Gib 13)
\ Liu] yo äai¬.l| eloill| eo oLeil] auay con the text and match your words with words in the
ee Bek ee ae ¬ l
| ye Ba gp pall GLU y LS ps SS Le as 9 By Gel) gt} pl
How to appreach summary completion questions ? Be careful with any grammatical changes
qc alabaeti tia) ga ales ES Ball) 0 gi và a5 gl ae ae: Ley ya 8 Useful hints : sO When you put the answers in the answer sheet check the
Check the instructions to find the word limit It is usually spelling is correct
| one / two or three words — always keep this in mind t clog of Ga 83 ALAY) day gle SHLLg) east Lisi
Boley hs Le Sale VgelaSil SiS as I CLASH ase Ca yet Lal (sh tile bail tia 635 wolls Read the list and insert the words/phrases one at a time, is id inser vords/phras e at a time,
isolating the relevant grammar This helps you to see if the
| Also check if you can use a word / phrase more than once items are correct and fill the other blanks
Boe Gs SIE she FAAS plas 2852 + 2 l3Ị Lea Leg 6 Baal ye ged he Bye J Ads Ld LSU x4 gà 2 (2461 22218 8) Work out the grammar needed to fill in each space Yel Rane Dis) Gus |] Le ka ee ole hela
AMA cle) a) ALS LS ;
EL a Lp NS a all le 5b Gl a ll sell 23 Ki
Use collocation of words and ideas where possible to predict The following is a suitable technique :
| the answer and then check the text 1 YSkS! Say Sagbe Uy je oh Lads
| Bday sợi „ đ2eL-il -K»¿ 2H WIS NL ISiiy GUS are pail †- Read the instructions carefully Remember that every
|| | ca) Gai zs IELTS test is different Make sure that you read the instructions carefully even if you have practiced the
lÌ Try to predict the answer by giving your own word It is easier to match your own word than an empty space type of question before is Ậ
| ce Sea oh Del yak Antal LAS lsk1xb SLY coll ee gill Jl
Oh Seg Lae Sa oh Ga Vg SS ye ll tla Lái dad pha HLS
lil 3+
The more aware you are of the general idea of the text, the
closer your answer will be
ANY) 2 Ga CUS LS pill Cabal 3 SIL) ey gle cS LS
Trang 17
Crepe a Se halide oath es Lái
Decide which section of the text the summary covers
+ 2l „all yo saslall al Li Gale jal! cos
Read the summary, referring to the list of words each
time you reach a gap Select one or more possible
words from the list to fill each gap Reject any words that do not fit grammatically even if the meaning
seems correct Confirm your choice by referring to the
Teleyant sections of the text,
| <! a2 4, == esl | si
lÈ24 6 2Í gi esssl s44 ea) e158 J5 2l du gi
na St os YAS ol igs
29 221 2 gà 2U đối LikI 4s.< d2 S5, 2.2 call
Read your completed summary quickly to check that it makes sense AUS te de joes 5 pS) 8 ps yeaa jal lbuyiz
~damage, ete It can be organized around countable singular How to handle matching headings to paragraphs ?
3 GAIAM lle ata 41⁄xÍ we ales Ais
Technique 1: analyze the grammar and vocabulary in
the headings :
2 Cl piall ob Sage gall ls hall 9 Ait) so số
Distinguish between the two types of words used: information specific to the paragraph and organizing words
bess ool 9! Ay att
aA ở
Organizing words like plural countable words are common, @g causes, reason, advantages, drawbacks, difficulties, responses, problems, effects solutions, factors, dangers, etc
Learn to recognize how these are expressed in a text Be
aware of similar words, 9 ARGS ll AS at as 23 Lat) | gall — Ul jal — = ~seyoe sol By Jes YN — al al — J gt ey Zc guy T4 yo Uglies La hy oc) fall JN 2á LAI 2t Ge 2 —— ae A paragraph can be organized around uncountable words:
HOUNS where the paragraph is describing one item: a
Comparison, impact, development, etc, si
Ủ 24x” 4K 25a c2xll4 Lá ib AS pal Dye lly gst ol GS ga?
Trang 18
Technique 2: search for connections between headings:
peste Cy Aide slayy (areal — Autti aly
Headings are usually connected with cach other
waa "`
A heading that looks specific could be a heading for
paragraph describing just one detail
U18 „3 5 y8 (A1 aoa aah ets 231 01 ell GS — .J,201 s ca ¬› GÌ Sed Ge ESS
Check for headings with adjectives, which qualify nouns she eet e cbal cle ag sind gl Gusti Ue Ss) Make sure the heading covers all aspects of the paragraph
3 ill A 55 La IS ats) gill ol ge Si Headings can have two pieces of information where one is
referring back to the previous paragraph cls il Lan 4082 endelvo)clces sol gill Ba Advan technique : Expand the heading into a sentence This might make the meaning clearer
cele AN Backs aii) ALIS Lee 23 Gl pill oS yl
(Agta 9 al ot) ue ill ab Gay 2280
When you check, avoid looking at the detail, as it can make
you change your mind
ies 25 LEY cpl 4 Qua die Ái vai ill op ca» xe
If a paragraph is difficult, use the various skimming techniques focusing on text development Always look for change of direction in a text
¬1 bi ple 5S yy Aiea! peal
Byes cele Gs tc LF) Gail als paki! he 6 pill Cts 15) J 4B co balla Haass all
M asne Gl sie Ane De gue
Skim each paragraph in tum and then decide very quickly
what is it about Make your own heading in a couple of words Then look at the list of headings and match A & ae —_ 2 ma a iat SN yy gla ANE ae CS Le ld ab yal joa Ed i Ẻ —— simple Technique : Tớ je
Read the instructions carefully Note that the heading
you choose should sum up the main idea of the
paragraph Also note which paragraphs you need to look at, as you are often not required to do them all
3 pS! eat go Md Gil Ol pial Gh bays duly Gs gil (il
HO ma y Gag laall an
Tea ISL sie in alte ins
Familiarize yourself with the list of paragraph headings
by skimming through them quickly
tác hoc Cpa te lal a ll Cab le xổ “—
Ae pat
Read the first paragraph for which you have to find a
heading Remember that you are reading to find out the Main idea of the paragraph Concentrate on the main idea or focus of the paragraph and try not to be
distracted by details or by unfamiliar vocabulary
Trang 19Some Advice :
the main point of the paragraph you have just read If
you can’t choose between two heai go on to the
next paragraph You can come back to that question later But don’t forget to make a choice before the end of the test because if you leave a blank or you have
marked two answers on your answer sheet, you will be
graded as incorrect for that question
Me Ane 5 ySill Ge 2g gall gy 5 sill DAI 2Ï 3] #4)
col SHEL; a I Gall pie go LY fs te YS sepa ad J0 ol bs gall
aby aay gt pases Cá | Sai Ls Sl gall GUS of Gat X2 mựi pe Chae Sal fla) Cues gi Ul El cS 3 5!
Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions,
ABUL Agdltball ALLY! JS ae Cal hash Gui 98
1 Gibell Gax
Look always for the most general heading This may be
the first paragraph or the conclusion
"="“— Aaya PSY cl piall ge Lette Sa _ KỦ eres 41
Always do exercises with headings first, as the headings summarize the text They help you to scan the answers to the other questions ty ala AY ye Gal - AE Ual Ge Gall If the list of headings is long, reveal them one at a time to stop panicking sa ge AY! Bal LA, gh cosa tt 38 How to approach (Yes — No — Not given) questions ? MS Ga am Jala ids
Useful - 1 Baga cyl
The principles are the same as for true, false, not given This
type of question is used to analyze the claims or opinions of
a writer : : |
+ Mal „1e Gad Gobi (2612 Tế TY z3) AE „<2 bù La du» pS UNI Og 5 Vb 5 (5384 pt — bi
soa AS Wal gb cl 681
Questions can contain statements which pass a judgment on or evaluate a situation which is described in the text
atl gall yay gle Llbal pret cu he gle ALY) og gin ol [Seal oe = sổ si ýadl lgi-¬; 2í
Check always for adverbs in the question like never always, frequently, carefully, ete
never, always, frequent
The following is a suitable technique - ng Chey bade Abb Sl let y
1- Read the instructions carefully, Note that you are asked
to identify the writer’s opinion, which may not
necessarily be the same as the facts Note also the
difference between the three categories you have to
use: -
eae phased 0Ì đa cà + xi Ba ; Ag=¿ Slab |
Trang 20
point Aleit 038 J ya 4 does al cic
Skim through all of the statemenis to get an idea of the
topics you will be searching for in your reading of the
——-Ắ ` Saal Js i'l
wveill 56 oli ade Gas,
Read the first statement again more carefully Note the
main point or opinion given in the statement,
3 Sill ye cau GAB lee Sod) Gls abe Ji ial
ri ‘ef Bo Nl At
Skim the text for the section which refers to that idea If
you come across information relating to other
statements, put a mark beside the section so that you
can find it quickly again later
Le oe Se wey Ae yup Sal oLa Gg gh! Gail! Bt
PSY pte Seas) og SiC le cht yy LST as
cả BH li Em Degas GU Lad ay
Once you have found the appropriate section of the text, read more carefully Decide if the statement agrees with the view of the author (mark Yes on your answer
sheet) or disagrees with the author (mark No on your
answer sheet) If the author doesn’t give an opinion which agrees or disagrees with the statement then mark Not Given on your answer sheet,
(0122 231406) Set ye aati 6 jal 2l dua cj ng
na an S58 Si Cats 1) ng
#5 SẾN sàa Qựa 4Í aay al ASN yf yf 28 Ges
(os yt 28!) Goal 4a yall
Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions aU) Agee AY) Us Qe SN pha Gui ; Deen am 4X ek ee 40 tr
How to approach true, false, not given questions ?
Uae sm anal ial aa Jala ác
Technique | - analyzing the statements :
=—= 19) day dy
If you read the statements in sequence, you can sometimes see where the information moves from relating to one
paragraph to the next paragraph Practice reading this type
of statement without the text to see the development
es yt ss) ll
Fel 8 9 deal
Turn the statement into a question You then have to answer
yes/no if you can't, the answer is not given
` .'ẽ ae vua ‘ \
tebe al OMY J aa Ly ke Ly cạ»¿ j Use
(CSie 38) ete BYE
Find the central or focal point of the statement Imagine you
are reading the statement aloud —where is the likely stress in
the sentence?
Ds oes sla It A det, bell Luss No hag
—= ” `” 2 sal 3 Sis
Trang 21Technique 2 — predicting and checking :
2 Ade slaty eb git) Guue — Agta dy ht)
‘When you are thinking about the statement, u common sense to predict the answer Check your prediction in the text layl abss „3 các 234.) (All và Si Late sa và 3i ky
When you find the information, analyze the text without
thinking about the statement This will stop you getting confused Then read the statement carefully, look at the text and decide
S04 Xe gà 2681 cài (a0 J dan
Si con of obs lus dba! Lalo
When you are making your decision, follow the process of
reading the statement, then the text
sa el 8 YS Alea el oe atl a) Wad we
If you read the statement, the text and then the statement
again, you may get the wrong answer
JSS a eal ALAS pase atl dg cl gy AMWAY! ”m—== sok lok dee 42 tions ? ow to approach multiple choice ques
5 3 0tAssảs C4 22A (Loa we Jaleill is
i ada alas
Useful hints : - = we
jn some cases, there may be five alternatives rather than
four If there are five alternatives, you may have to choose
one or More answers
os he
Multiple-choice questions test specific detail where you are asked to analyze one part of a text, c.g a fact
A multiple-choice question can test
the whole text, c.g a question at the end about the purpose
of the passage or with possible titles or summari
Dosh eee oo LES Sea s dÏ 0e 5+ Ủl-ll đL4< 0¬ y3 2Ì ———- Skim read all the uesiions fa for the passage to get the general picture
Igic Ante 564 Salad LY! Js} ái
Focus on content words like nouns, names, verbs, ete and
also words that qualify the part of the sentence Distinguish
Trang 22
ot Lege sl 955 ol Saal Gye ual
Keeping in mind the general picture of the passage, read the
alternatives and predict the answer Scan the Passage to
locate the answer and check your prediction
eB Os eel Loti oti ee gl lg Li data ito i
ai s=e-s TT 6h lf
Ad) Le sil asl
When you are checking your prediction with the text, read the relevant part of the text and look away from the page when you are thinking
Ce SS RENN Se pall pat aL 2x35 (s4 ul) Cal gf Le ate 2l el SRB Ys «Gaull
When you predict the answer by matching the stem with an altemative, think about which information logically fits together Keep in mind the logic of the other questions and
the passage
F77 ï js yh Je! Ad yas Jas Late,
lên gd ata y gle abil gusty và
(Cilaie Xx bã les Que plait I ell cya at) Reba wis BAY!
Read the answers to the multiple-choice questions you have done Check that they form a logical picture
$2 0261 ca LÍ 2x 362 sux 0x JU2XVI All „le dDU AS ta Ge nas cla US Ge
The following is a suitable technique :
¡ le bãi Say Sade dab GL Lad
1 Read the instructions carefully Abbe Sloss sil Lal
2- Skim all the questions briefly to get an idea of the
topics for which you will be searching when reading the text 44
Ne pe pall Ge BSE le Jeet S de pas HLL US | st sail) 5e ẩ se lực chan de ca,
Read the first question again more carefully Decide what you will need to read to answer the question Is
the question asking you for a particular detail that you
need to find in the text? Or is the question a ‘ing you
for an answer which requires a global understanding of
the whole text?
Upestiol pt ol Gayle saa | 28g (2 15 ~á J3! pall |
“Ălálf 0a; la Bases Joel ge Sly da cll gull I ole
8 USS yall! apd Ab A! oy
Once you have decided the best strategy for dealing
with the question (as above), you will need to proceed to read the text in the appropriate manner, for example reading for gist, reading for detail etc las olde (a Ge 3h & pe pal
(USA Japa gle) ela
Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions
Ags apLeal AY) JS ae
Answer the questions beginning by the easiest ones
SGU cl Le gh ae dt Geet lai a Ấ LÀN te Can
Trang 23How to approach table completion tasks 2 + d3l3à1):14S0442„| ca Jabxill Ấ;4,< [ Usetul hints :
Make sure you skim the whole table/flowchart/diag
get the overall meanin; N sh atl pill gf Waist J;a all 42x + s5 Al plall inal! Check the grammar of the table/diagram, i.e is it in note from? Rese be all ea gl Uysal Basal Net Z9 vai; hs Mall AUS 3 The chart is usually in columns with headings Check the types of words of the other items in each column
Sal & 95 pe ASE yy) ld Bae ye BLE all pill ysSILs bale
gst US 22832 yell
If you have a wordlist, follow the same procedure as for summaries With diagrams find a reference point and work
slowly round the diagram
k4 XE < c pat AS al poh ath OLAS LS yal ONS BỊ
shoe Sas; Gadus shall age alls Uh png
Bais ge Saal globes
The following is a suitable technique :
TƯ Sey Sade Abb ot Lady
1- Read the instructions carefully Note that in some tasks you may use your own words if you wish, based on the
information in the reading text, In other cases you will
be instructed to use the words from the reading text
only Note also that here you may write only three words or fewer
7¬ |
Soolill clita de sis Go) esa atl Bay July Ghee ill [at
061; 22 cà ;; ca xc 0e jut AY yeas gle Ất Với 3á xà | À3 Bx yer cass
Look at the table and especially any headings Decide
which is the most useful way to read the table
Bol pS gS] 3S 48 BÍ vs 4g) sà2g Ủ all ol) pla
Look at the first row under the headings, Decide what
key ideas you will need to search for as you skim the
reading text Decide also what information you will
need to complete the first gap
yest sl LSE ce Le aay cya gltell JAD Gg eet 2i ài
tel She gla! Ceay| ote yell Sel pd elit gic Gea pha tl
5M) El ill SUSY alin cảm Skim the text for the appropriate paragraph or section
Bola} SSS) Aelia si nnn Gt Sa)
Read that section more carefully and decide on the best word or words to fill the gap, Remember that you will need to use the appropriate form of any verbs
` ƠƠƠƠƠƠƠƠỒ 0Ơ © jal Hae Si
Trang 24
How to approach questions which ask you to match causes and effects ?
Che man
I- Read the instructions carefully Abs se gil | á
2- Look at the table and decide which list you should
work from In most cases it would be most efficient to
work from the shorter list (usually the causes)
MLA Me 8 el ght Nasi a ait lt gl aes Jyaall Nb
(oe) peed Rata ae ia ol Laid) Se 5S
3- Read the first cause
4- Briefly familiarise yourself with the effects list Which
effects seem possible at this stage?
(2Ÿ) gi A216 2e Ấc }é cả xố
5- Skim the reading text to find the section which
discusses the first cause
Steed ge S35 oll pall sp oui pede pa „a3 Lái 6- Read that section of the reading text carefully to find
the effect
day Q9 Lái
Han ma
7- When you have found the effeet in the reading passage,
refer back to the effects list and select the one which
best paraphrases the information in the reading text If none of the effects listed seem to match, then keep reading the text, as it is not unusual for causes to have
more than one effect
) J4 48 l2 2a vác lleall SYN 2M) i Liste
và + sai 21B ÁÍ CS 2€; eal Gadi gg Ls aly G28!
9 Aa se BS GS Gf albnall a Cus) Gall Bel
8- Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions
ABU Apa ALLY J Ol shi (uti ) sok Re eo 48 How to approach sentence completion questio Pag Aisles Useful hints :
Skim all the questions in the section
Work out what information is being tested
see Leese of is GUY ay Al late ss
Read the stem of the sentence for completion and try to
understand the meaning
c2] neti Gf gla y ILS) Gs gltae!) deal) af (a Note any words that help you scan the text for the answer
Alay! Ce all gà Ca gle dhels Lis Gi kay
Decide the grammar that you need to finish the sentence
US il leat) a Ly al IY! dhe Cag al sacl] ss
Try to look for more than one answer at same time
sual i led C5 po US Ale! ye BSI ye Ges of Uy
Check what the question word at the beginning is What!
which / who! where necd nouns as answers The word how
may need: by + -ing, etc or an adverb,
What :J + -L < gf ale! y gall JJ Adiga gall LSI) an 5
PU sll a Gly Way Ga Sy wal ost which / who/ where
Ake I Jby +-ing 1 gts 3 How
The following is a suitable technique :
2 ELE OS Sade 4b ol Lady
1 Read the instructions carefully Ad Glas oil! Lal Note that in some questions you must only use words from the reading passage, and that you may use no
More than three words to complete each sentence | cell Fall) ye Gus ars of alte a SU Ga dul Ss
SEES 3 oe ASI oll has ones Aas aly chad Yl les JS ALS
2 Briefly read all the incomplete sentences to get an idea
of what information you will have to find in the text
Fe uu ALLY! US | a
Trang 25
GHẾ Sai Ye 526122 SALISH 52 Jaail J€ Lái
Na a man
Read the first sentence more carefully Decide what
information you will need
gl) ia BH cike all sa Abe IY! deal | al
Once you have found the relevant section of the
reading text, look back at the incomplete sentence and
decide what specific information you need to complete
TH ng gl) pb spell 98 A all 421 oll alle $i apa
SSSA Lgl] Lins pil a gle anes
Read that part of the text more carefully to find the answer Remember that the correct answer you find in the text should fit the incomplete sentence
grammatically If not, you may need to look for another
answer In some IELTS tests the instructions will not say ‘using words taken from the text’, in which case
you can use your own words or change the form of the words in the reading text
MSY! ol) ee 8 ots Nae El pill eel ll clad gill e jal Lal
OS ol ay etl pi Led he gt A Rael Yl ol SS
ANS yae Y gLS SS Zalll ach gd Sage ye neil 4L Qualia
(SU QUIELTS O18! Ga hy Lae pe Coady dle
i62; 41s oka ody "Geil ye CLA plus 6 gle Cilgen gill
“coaill 3 ayy Le pd as gh LA til phe ls
Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions,
ASL Ag tall ALY) IS pa csi gall Gadd S sek RE cb
How to approach short answer questions ?
2 Spatial obiayyalin) es Jalal) ais
Read the instructions carefully Abbe: Sle sal (8!
Read all of the questions bricfly to get an idea of what
information you will have to find in the text
Sp (gill Ske geal Ge 354 le ema Ze pay IS ALY {a coal ye Weel ul alle
Read the first question more carefully Decide what
information you will skim for
aps tl Le gle) aan, SY) gual Lat
Once you have found the relevant section of the reading text, look back at the question and decide what specific information you need to answer the question
230x020) 8 Tyee; ABTA IS Le geal (1) es gs ys
le XI Led) clin pall da gle oon y Sigel (oll ig 2Á +
Read that part of the text more carefully to find the answer di d0 0641 th lies ell Gat pelle ell Lat Say!
Your answer does not need to be a complete sentence
but it needs to make sense grammatically
Ca Thờ + 236 Oo) ay LESS ALIS Han Sti! OS J GY
alll os
Repeat the same steps with the other similar questions
ASN Agila! ALLY! JS as 1.1 S
Trang 26
How to approach matching sentences /phrases to paragraphs ? -
Poel) G1 oats SL he shew erb st) U4) es Dalal 2g
As there are usually more paragraphs than sentences, you
need to scan quickly - -
*el y3 42 ¿ElCl LRls Ji 2x „KỈ 4 y8 gU thin Gf Ley
Ae py alll fies ol die
Plural words are likely to indicate that the phrase / sentence
covers a whole paragraph, so it is like a heading A singular
noun can also cover a whole or a part of a paragraph,
Sar gl Lg 8 yl aks and 18 lại 2Í ol sà wee If the phrases look like headings or lists, then look for a series of points Neg BB Bae Ge ON] Coal ail a i a glals gad ut all Cus tal, Ht cc ướp b TECHNIQUES TO
INCREASE YOUR SPEED sib] cliil elie nu saÙj võ
ee KR eee
Skimming: Skim the text to obtain general information
Think about the general information and not the detail,
Don't underline
Sasha) 8 9S Aisle Chades cle Gyan ail ciel
SUMS os Ub pas getty aol 8 Say UL)
Seanning: Scan for specific detail only; don't concentrate
on the meaning of the text, If you start to read, or even to
skim, you will find it more difficult to locate your words,
Bly vail ine 63 5S 8 Y hid Sonal Sulit be Bal) Os cơn "Thy nh Cat xi cá Si a F501 dll Sly OLS Go aie Skim and read: Skim a text, and stop at particular points to
Took at the meaning Use the questions to guide you around the text
==-_ ` MES y alll iad sel all = BS)
seal a ose HH Ss La shay ISS A eal
_ Sean and skim: When you scan a texts for a specific word,
Your eye touches the other information li ightly Because your
focus is on the Scanning, your eye skims the text naturally
4nd does not slow you down You need to practice to build ‘Your confidence
Sie i Gs Lg OF yet pitiat bate : piety cad
; Be ae ly Ny de yay gyal Cage
Trang 27
\ | Basie skimming techniques +
kim the title and the questions They give you a summary of the pa:
Ả» bã dạ» Lakka đa ld ALLY! 3} pial ches
2- Skim the content words only, i.e the nouns, main verbs,
adjectives and adverbs Do not look at words like the a, in a few in, is, etc underline the content words
paragraphs Then read them again
Food gH OLY Lu): gi bd Gaull che
ee.the, a, in, is te SUS ge Gad Y Jpop lealls ALB yo tal tS ill aes ob A laa) GUSH ant Os ghd
3- Skim only the basic structure of the sentences’ clauses:
the subject, verb, and the object (if there is one) Don't
look at adverbs and BdIcctiNes
cad) «Seta 2a tat) ALeal! — ——— .—
~.x ' `
4- Without rcađing the text, mark the connecting words,
e.g moreover, in addition, however, etc Practice until
you can see the connecting words automatically when
you look at a paragraph Then you do not need to mark
moreover, in addition, :Jhs ty l <L<K le late ews
= Jy) J ls ole a ail! loi | 433 however
Sos yt vu Dh SiGe A
: `“ aẽ an
Skim so that you recognize common types of paragraph
wil y al) ae is gle le Gell Ge OS gis Gal (ibe see deat gh
6- Skim only the nouns in the text to give you a general
picture Be clear about the differences between: a noun, s4 Lai
verb, adjective and adverb Lear to recognize them and know what their function is in the sentence
“` es
2030224221 JaÐ; 2Ý Cai 6 á) Ba dic ile by ga le
Han an Han na am 7- Read the first sentence of a paragraph and then skim the beginning of each sentence in the paragraph This will
show you the general theme of the paragraph
Vay 5 dil! Jala dls US
eh 5 sill ye hgh Alea! [al
428 <1 £ ce pall
§- Ignore and do not underline words you do not know
Focusing on words you do not know will slow you
OY Lge Ub pis ae Vy Lali GY all LS aig
Eales lena 18 a Yt) ISI le 3S
9- Skim the verbs in each sentence This shows you if the
content of the text is changing
coed) 5 gine GS HI La a ei gee ay Fee IS 8
gall ll ade goa
vai 10- Start at the verb in cach sentence and look at
everything after that The verb usually marks the
beginning of new information in the sentence
Sey Gale (ki se al Le IS ol Ny Ale US 3 Dell Ga
Adel 852s) sl) Sagal Gils gla day 11- Skima text to understand a theme ‘This can be factual
or ideas, For example, skim a text line by line without looking at the meaning and pick out words that form a Pattern’ picture or that have something in common As you skim, remember that writers have to avoid repetition
Trang 28
LS 2E; eae a ws dal 5 gh peel Sl
Ÿlas1~4 col! slab (OLASN 1482) 1 Sat gy guint: GUSH Gl nivel!
(Epes) AUS sie Gilda sill
ek cee dee
Choosing scanning words in the questions :
: gail và Yic cat nai 2 l2d5/2L2AI;
Choose your scanning words carefully For example, with
true, false, not given, read all the statements and look for words that occur frequently These are likely to be the general subject of the passage, so they will not help you
Zee) Adal f8 all dee gles Alies Yuie oats I OLS sat
Bale 2 S8 21 SLIM ye Casa) y deal US Fal (yyShe ot — pela —
seal gb LS Ol ged a bey Gall pale penal OS Gl Se get Look for words that relate to the general subject They can
be nouns, names dates, etc
5h elas! 385 Boy abil lal g pe pall: He I GLAS oy
wel, dal gt gl pel clad gi VbaÍ
Look for words and ideas that help you navigate the text This is a very efficient tool Look at the questions together and not in isolation The questions can often be subdivided:
two relating to one area of text; three to another, etc
Connect the questions, group them and use this to help you to jump around the text
V2 Khi 0g s3 và yell yal ped xà aca NSH, ALIS Ge Gas
BULLY peti Saal Spay So phe A gly aly Ce ALLY gees ol) bs ng can nan na 2n slo gems Sige MAY Ge hs! N88 5 - (ey! wie ook eae SỐ _ Use a pencil so you can rub out mistakes — F
How to mark the text when you skim or sean ?
diol! sf caaill pil yaya eae
soln! Gadd gills gee ye Sati 1 02-2 2E s40) Underline as little as possible Too much underlining makes “it difficult to find essential information Remember: more is less
ass 5 ASN de gall Sey Le Ul Vai cay kg 212 224) deal
Tnhh peal Le geal!) kh a
weil ob
‘Develop a simple underlining code as follows :
© Use a box for important words |
© Underline the main ideas in the passage
© Use a dotty line for details ton
1G CL Qo) Une ib ail ee
Trang 29
2 Alay) Aba ele
Fill in the answer shect carefully Use a pencil
wale gl af pasta! A Da; 4 Lay| 45 2; sả C121 all SL!
Mark the end of the first two passages on the sheet with a
short linc Aim to complete one stage at a time
Completing the answer sheet :
YAR ys gle Labi US igs wie (| ued Ud) bye ade ee Bgl US gi Ula ya ye i Gg lan eal Write clearly, Give only one answer unless the instructions require more bBsrelsb! cal ppeye es sl —
Write in the correct spaces and keep within them
AAS Sonali Aaah 2 fil y wn meall SLY) 8 CaS
Do not copy words from the question stem or paraphrases
from the text The answer will be marked incorrect
Aas ot Aly! eke alll ene S28 gi I gull ie JY
Skim/ check your answers when you finish Choose answers at random to check, or check them backwards Also check your answers against the questions to make sure the grammar is correct
nan an nan nan man Sl Ata! ao Se A gle SUEY! ao i Gaal ye A2 Số phy sell! ` ww # CHAPTER 3
LSI] Lis] Jom aileaig cilarli GENERAL HINTS 4Uisl| Lid] Jom dole allo The academic writing module takes approximately 60 minutes
‘There are two tasks age ly
The first question takes about 20 minutes You write a report about a graph, table, bar chart or diagram, using a minimum of 150 words
ple ees ce Lop ES Sue bE 20 Ni gs U8) Spal Gt wee AS 150 p25 Cues gang ay gf acl pay J
You are marked on task completion and use of a range of vocabulary and grammar, organization and development
Sha yall lass lly pull gle Ula) Qiáa cen ace Jess
sbalall ssi Gun y asbaitll » 20! silly
Trang 30aspects of a topic: causes, effects, solutions, factors,
problems, measures, steps, proposals, tecommendations, suggestions, argi of other people for/against, reasons dangers, advantages and or disadvantages, etc
ike Leg page oils Ge ISI Poly ye cá of ule th
Nosy — se al — Gil all — 1, ta ah +
You may be asked to give your opinion and suggestions for causes and solutions
Clee all go Atal 98g AI) Si | Dell hae Cle Gf ke
Jalal; You are marked on use of a range of vocabulary and grammar, organization and development and how you
respond to the task Specialist knowledge of the subject is
not being tested
Sele AES y pp lly sel gly la yal shasta Ge aa gat
Pema td este ally Ý J VD là Sy glad 6 gut gall
The basic pattern of an English sentence is:
subject /verb/object
saber had elds yt ky] Leal pa M CaS lo ale!
‘The connecting and reference words generally come at the beginning of the sentences and / or clauses: words like moreover / they / such / this / these / another measure is, etc
“AM sài | A1 1x v3 mạ pall LIC y Lay) Olas sls Le sale
moreover / they ý sụch / this / these etc : j2
Always check your work as you write Look backwards as well as forwards ABS hp La ES I Gu La gl pl GST ell Lala aller a5 60 ere _ Make use of your information in the exam Your mind is not blank shect ! coed allied LY Be Gol) Mee ka) aL) La ee ye at ; `
Checking your writing efficiently?
Leave yourself’ 3-5 minutes to check your writing
Be aware of the mistakes you usually make and look out for
these It can make a difference of a score band!
ad pic Gly clad ye Sale 48 ai Les Gey le US
Scan quickly the beginning of each sentence and the
beginning of cach paragraph
Ae 45 88 CS lay; Alsa JS Ayla: gal
If you tend to make other mistakes, like misusing the
articles study them and look for them in particular
LÊN ¿—=; JL CA] J1 Lai gã a4 cL bài +! cá S DỊ
"` (ge Gad ( a —an — the : 52)
Bek be ee
Trang 31
Do task 1 first There is a reason why it is task 1! From the
psychological point of view, it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished it
Ds SS I OY ay la Ga SY lll ge caÍ Asi Ql) oo Slay Lala! bbe le UY ye allel
A common feature of the writing process is the concept of
getting oneself going With the shorter task you can get
yourself into your stride in writing By the time you start
task 2, you will then be much more alert and perform task 2
much more efficiently
sy Saeed col) gees 4/56] 4 lác fl go Cl pall Ligh sadall Lal gall al ace Spend 20 minutes on this task A common mistake which
candidates make is to spend longer on task 2 and leave
themselves 15 minutes or less to complete task |
ce ALE LLY pad gel Ls 8 ABs 20 ga) ha S$ sy gl SU Quacttal s2 bell a 9 DU Ge Sl ed
Take task | seriously, even though task 2 carries double the marks ẨM J3 Geek ly in Gane LN) Ul pall ge ales
va pl!
Skim the instructions and study the diagram Use the general statement about the data to help you interpret the
holy ies eal) Ol see allel peal sly Silent
veel bly a te
Spend the recommended 20 minutes as follow
IS Ley laa FSS oy pet
2-3 minutes analyzing and Planning ise! Just gs 3-9 14-15 minutes writing
AGS 48s 15-14 2-3 mimutes checking Anal pall Gils 3-2
Check the values and numbers on the vertical and horizontal axes Work out how many lines 150 words are in your sees AN) Syd wsl Sogn sall EY 5 al &M› handwriting, e.g if you write about 10 words per line, then
you will nced to produce at least 15 lines Aim to write no
more than 170/ 180 words
NS ogl (ql sha ¥) Q4) A41 dh6S si 446 150 aie asa TS 23S of oi} os Lau gall SUIS 10 Shu ob Gass cus I Ge SB Leste: yn) 4S 180-17 Cosi GJ ya iss ealy i
"ƠƠỊƠ- Check that you have written at least 150 words If you write less, it will affect your score
Ge Ll Stet) oe ols 18 vs) le ads 150 cass at! ye
vei 53 le Gib gue ull Compare general trends, differences, etc and support this
with information from the diagram, Avoid focusing too Closely on the details,
4 Bliss Se glee ULL SUDERY) 5 Lala!) GUL ga 3 lQ2Hl pe 35 fl sy pul If you have more than one graph or chart or mixture, link the information, =“ hố ốc
Nghe Sli Gila geal! Gy
Make sure you write in paragraphs: an introduction , one or
Trang 32changed
Pip peal chal oats J A ake ca gb a td Oe
How to write the introduction =
One sentence is enough for the introduction
La an ll “` ˆ`Ưẻama
Replace words in the general statement with synonyms or paraphrases where you can
A 5 WES LS ag SLT ae al fied) paki (1S) G38)
Use one of the following four prompts to help you write an introduction +
2 Aaskdl 40S le dhe Lal
The graph shows
illustrates the trends in between and
" -
‘The graph gives / provides reveals / presents information
about (the differences / changes .)
UV li anni sa] eee el
the graph shows that (there is a number of differences
‘between ) — lis) o) awl ave
the graph shows / illustrates how the sales have differed /
Ags = Gilead Syst ES Gos [mee el
Use general words for the introduction: information, data
differences, similarities, changes, trends, results, numbers, ` vas quay oie 64
How to write the main part ofthe text!
sail gat se Sal)
Divide your teat imto 3-4 paragraphs, including the
Aasiadll Weis Ge IB 4-3 Ca Le pall pad
‘Describe the main or most striking / significant / noticeable /
‘outstanding / remarkable features / characteristics differences / trends/ changes
NT TC — daccl gl — 3 ma oi et) We
hae — Salas! — alias yl — Gull
Avoid writing lists of detail Write about general trends and
‘support what you say with specific data KT ul 6 la naaan ‘ow to compare and contrast: """” ` GS NT Laiy | whilst ereas Site cml but ¡4 S422" 332)
owever dla gi te | in contrast lial 8
while 33) Quis 3] on the other hand ws! Aes
Use the present perfect to describe the recent past
suy Q2] go Gone Le gull lll ¢ glazed Ge) pat
r Chart! wel Lily ay
¢ survey took place in the past not the present, but you can use either the past simple or the present simple to
Trang 33BI Cà See IG 210) „ el os ast ủi X2) ai." see Ly pas Gi ales os) olan ed ot uals
“lal Os put gl asia Lal lin y a al eho
Try to classify the items and divide them into groups rather
than writing about each one in turn
S58 ee i
a Yas se pene ol patey jualiall ses Sle
vos le "6
Pie Charts : 2 Bgl daly a gan
Pie charts can be like bar charts except that various sections
add up to 100% There can also be a series of charts where
the data show trends
ele itis Ugly ad Sane! Go Be of Say Aha) AoLall op
jae slits oS CÍ Sell 2x; 7 100 Oss tle! & gene of a
—= Make sure you show the connection between the pie and the
graph or bar chart rather than just listing the data from the pie chart
Vs coped hotel) ys
BH Oe te pe dE GUL ae ESS
Ifyou have a graph and a pie chart, describe the graph, if it
is the most important, Then link the information in the pie
chart to the graph
Leda) Scand ye ols 1 aa th 632 oily pany thal ls 14)
= ơƠơƠƠỊ pla Ly aS
eel es oth ye ask:
Tables : 2 glad)
A table can contain data like pie charts, graphs and bar
charts that are not related to a specific time in the past
Follow the steps described for these charts
KH hố h6 Ă= di gi»,
ma SI shes uid re
Because the numbers are given for cach year, do not be
tempted to include each individual piece of information,
deaily Ghul JS {Si «J saath ole USI Ce ye Sie ge Y ES Lag
Processes : —==
Follow the same initial steps for writing about a graph,
votes ay CE | eH ES Lede Nga SN I gh Gus a)
Find a starting point and write the process as a series of
vi Bà Na A-š 4 LkÏ Qc
Useful connecting words you can use are :
+ Sea a types of oSy all Abs ye Cas Adverbs : first 4 firstly Vị
firstofall e448 US, ¥4) subsequently lily
subsequent to that finally isi
Prepositions : ráp aÌ\
at the beginning of Ja: 3 at the end of Ales Ga
Tenses and voice : (a3 áÍ Jag‡U (22) A121; 4: BI
Use the present simple to describe processes
wShleall Gey gf baal jhe) ast
The agent is not usually mentioned unless a task is
performed by a particular person
se Gat hp lá cha 4 Y) Sle Jeli SY
Use the passive voice if the process is describing something being made, like a book, e.g the book is printed and then collated, after which it is bound
Fela is ce cĩ dele aes Alea!) CoS 13) Jgganall sll a2)
soddle g inal xá; ¡256
Use the active voice when you describe something which is
Trang 34pS gM sat Te as op ky ae plea Gaull sc cư: ea
Maps: 2 bala
Follow the initial steps for analyzing graphs and processes
stale s Shel a peo ae ARS ll Raa NS gla Galt a)
Familiarize yourself with words showing location of the
points of the compass
+ he gM Glen gle US al) Lael hd poe a ss
north Jes | northwest at Jas
cast (454 | northeast G4 Tes
south “se southeast GS osn west = southwest wt Ue
Be careful with time phrases and tenses With in, use the
past simple passive: with by, use the past perfect passive:
cert pein! Alay Cag gle Aa sla! plasial we (yaya!
¡Ba by ax alll gecaally im 44K xa b2
The stadium was constructed in the year 2000
-2000 ple 53 GAY unl 3
The stadium had been constructed jpy the year 2000
P2000 ple a oliy Ga eles ¿2
‘Try to vary the structure of your sentences by putting the
time phrase at the beginning and the end of the sentence The same applies to the locations
Ra oS cl yb aay peaked I all ols gt Ul
else cll ge pall ui Gelany sử 3Á 5x Qui sa 2 ye lea
Maps where you have to chovse between proposed
locations : Piadlgs ques Qubs Ch lai 2à)
You are asked to choose which is the best location for a
sports complex, ete s2 An AAB Cát] vã y4l 3x5 0| d3 cÍ 2X»; Describe where: It is proposed that the new ., Will be built 62 / "==_ -XIANG woos a
Explain why this site is more suitable than one or the other +s SY) ail gall ge Sst mm
Use comparison and contrast words
ALLA! 5 4s Jb Gale gs! Checking your writing efficiently + gill) elds deal poy
Check that you use formal words duds Guus + -
Cheek your spelling velall asl
Check the tenses are correct ca AL YI of ask:
Check singular ~ plural agreement, especially in processes
Trang 35TASK 2 AULI Si gual
Use the question to help you organize your answer
wile) ais gle dhe Lad J gall pret
Check the general topic of the question, usual! problem,
a point of view or a statement with two opposing views
"`" oF petal na
Check how many parts there are in the question
Jal Labs oS ail el Jal gals
Make a brief plan Use the focus points in the question
gall 55; Stalls 8 yall bla gsi 3 aed Ahad eae
Plan to write about five paragraphs
Make very brief notes about what you are going to write for
cach paragraph — one idea for cach paragraph is enough
bral 5388 GB US 8 842 GÌ af Lec l Đ 2342 C22 3Lô 2-56)
Aim to write around 270 words 4x8 270 gigs 2S cÍ Ji»
Spend no more than five minutes analyzing the question and
“` ` ` sẽ
Analyzing the essay questions :
Prepare for understanding the questions in task 2 by looking
at the various books available
sai ade 461 JS gle GARE (Sia S15) atl Spall aed ate!
wall dale YL «l
The essay question usually contains a statement which describes a general situation followed by specific points to
write about
JL ae Ligh Lele ge Get dy pt Alem gle dole Sibel 3< os Fs
Your answer should then be organized around the main
causes and then the suggested solutions In each case you
need to give reasons and support with examples Remember
that you also need to give your opinion
co chy Mag peed Set lal! dye thle! ost ol ae
de, alla US 85.) shall alld ans OSs ABA 2 Andel qc LS
How to write the introduction :
Keep the introduction short sẽ xi A62 YS | AY
“4 Write no more than two or three sentences — about 3
(45 30 Men) Jap 3-2 ge AS) Resell
Write a general statement relating to the topic Then write a sentence which contains the parts of the questions you are asked about: Factors contributing to Ete sell pees ce ye he 8) Cross out any notes in the plan you made edldall 4 (elas! Ignore what other people are doing in the examination room Si dae fe ie Jalat 4 Shs — Remember that quality is better than quantity «pS AS Ge - arg J SB
Do not panic if other peopl
How to write a paragraph? :
Write in stages wdale se "
Trang 36
or changes, as this wastes a lot of time You also stop the
thread of your writing Cross out any changes with one line
Write above if you have space Only rub out the text you
want to change if you don't have space to write above
SUS Se AS Gea — OSI abst lt) Galiay pấ „335.4 ial ge Lots que alls GY abs
8 ES) coals lady yh Y Le gle Gobet ULSI eth la cf it Wasa ap Aslia 959 RE aa a Ls
Improve your organization and you will make fewer
mistakes You then have more time to concentrate on the
grammar, vocabulary and spelling
GUS by Al GS hy walls! UB Abate SHS GS Liste
veleells Gla yaall 5 dal! 218 3 5.5 all
Have an aim of how much you want to write for each paragraph
How to organize a paragraph :
BUS ES of eG Le Jake Jpe Ulae oas
Make sure each paragraph is connected with the previous
one, as you are marked according to how you organize cach
ee heats LY alld chy! SLY
You only need to use a limited range of sentence-clause
types to write effectively
deal els ge la sane tase pasta of al oY sige chs OS ie l sles! oludl y As you write a paragraph, it will tend to move from general to specific sot Mabel Ge SY) Ct ad ball US Gi) ass cul, [Sis 72
How to speed up your writing and make it more flexible: 1 Diggs Asi Uplands de yer aS Jaa GS
Start your paragraph with a general statement and then support and explain it
len pil (ARAL) lash 2 dale 4:5 Aden 5 pail ba!
Make sure tHat you do not write a series of general
wcigllan pe Ved Gy pl) eal) ye Gb gb ALL as ¥ ad ye 38
Mark out the end of each paragraph before you write an essay and aim for that point It helps you to focus your ideas and stops you from rambling
h6 Ẻẽ Y ' ẽ.aa
Cee rap ˆ ` le shelly Ned na s
jy ge oxi as
How to express your opinion :
There are many ways to express your opinion
giỏi ge pels IS Gb Sos
Practice writing your own statements of opinion Then practice supporting them Use reasons, results, explanation,
contrast, effect, condition, etc
dae ple Gt Beek al 0c oat dee UES le at
ye WA pak g CN SN y SN g call y cpl! s ltt» —
Each time you write a sentence, qualify what you have said
was Le pit UJ hie Glee et Se SS How to link your sentences : : da) lạ 2 ch
Below are common words and phrases you know, but which
you often forget to use when linking your writing Check how they are used
Trang 37ce Le Le Sy ll Rally By pee ag ll pang Calas gl Lat rigdadiel 88 le 55 Less al eat) Ga dae lela
as as soon as afler before
since until when whenever so so that to in order to
so as to generally speaking | overall on the whole in general |3 and large hence thus
therefore | consequently which this
Before you write and before the exam, read through the
expressions again
wes! JS cÍ dá; 8S Gf do Lele dati GI atl sis
‘Avoid overusing connection words, especially too many addition words PALEY! LAS Qual y Bị 2l cyl ols 3 bi ay! ted Gist seek eR cea 74 THE STRUCTURE OF AN ESSAY dt2al| =b Seek eke de
An essay consists of three main parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion Each part can contain more than a paragraph In an IELTS essay, it is better for you to write an introduction, which has one paragraph, and the conchusion is
the same The body can be consisted of three paragraphs or
epee ee By AGEs fing Lethe pty ol bal 205 Ge Mall Se
Sa) Sis Gig 2 Ge BSI Ge Se Gt Se BDU el jal oda Lod (cls A06; 255125 j8 24 4262 Sete LOG J Jus IELTS
LIS) SL CDE oe OS oh CS Cl
1 Introducfioi
You should use the introduction to provide background information about the main subject of the essay Identify the relevant problems or issues, and take the reader step by step
to an understanding of why the specific focus of this essay is
relevant to that subject
rẽ na na ele! 3 Und! pd dđ«<
TaD ay Ugeady SIE gang
".' ' ' ` anh
Trang 382 Body s
In the body, you are providing information and arguments
that should follow logically from the point expressed in your
focal statement and should support it consistently throughout the essay
2s Lkc Lá k6 CAN; Cù yx« paki ((G22l) £ xe xế ca ả;
ead ft gd Sle plead) sa an sanh nan 3
ene yel hey told
The body is made up of some paragraphs Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence This topic sentence also provides a link not only to the previous paragraph but also
to the focal statement of the essay, identifying how this information contributes to the stand you've taken, The topic
sentence of each paragraph is then developed with sentences
that may provide examples details, or evidence
- —
wha a kas Met Ls) an Lig: Say) Lin edt LL I gas Hag ode peut gy coed ` oul ot ALBRYL peasy (6) al dos As) be te Pin ALY ; Lai) ;
A concluding sentence for each paragraph may also be
provided to tie the information together and remind the
reader of how it relates to the focus of the essay
— nan ue Lae Aelia Glens 5 US ett
veal ct Ig pel Le is ll Se
3+ Conclusion ; ˆ
The conclusion often begins with a restatement of the focal
statement It summarizes the main points of the supporting
paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion about how the topic
relates to the general issue described in the introduction 76
sh vats
Duc leas ce y AL Ol fall 8 5 Saal Anas bla cts)
Aashall 45 ysShall Rua 5 SL USS gaa gall De ye
The general rule is that no new information should be brought into the conclusion: everything in the conclusion should logically follow from the information provided to the
reader in the ess:
aale Ldlat! jag
ap Aagles gh pa YI staal ye
dpa se cei US Juba 4
"“ ẽ a) shag ga bikin aay) 2a
In an essay, a reader doesn't want to be introduced in the conclusion to a major piece of information, which wasn't even discussed in the body of the essay
cB SL geal ye ate AS fale ch Gt Gay Y lel el od ated
_ CN Cha và 262) cá xed wi 9s By ld Lola
wk took XI
Trang 39Writing The Essay
Week thee shee
Remember that you have a limited time (40 minutes) to write your essay Use your time wisely
est ol dle 5 (448) 40) Jlaall GSC fan diaLÍ dị oS
„Lãi 41 s2] cá Ì ¿ nà)
You will only be given one topic to write in, you have no
choice of topics
sol sus of alas Gal a SG bid al gg gee ge bald Sa
You cannot also take a dictionary, papers or anything into
the test room
XH# | 3 I aos dap es ab of) Le sy
TELTS essay should be around 200-300 words It means that your essay may range from 3 to 5 paragraphs In general, the essay contains 5 paragraphs
s8 5-3 Chê làn y 4< 300-200 2= 8 Ul gS of os
SH gine Gully SB Yaak 0x Ue Mba 98s Gf 352] 2x 060;
a Ss SLi bagel gyal pauls Wags OLAS see ateadll oJ đI se fag ba đá Gai da
You needn’t write a title to your essay
HELTS 18! (3 ulti Ui ge 2S GY dale ake Gal
Scoring has nothing to do with how many paragraphs you write You will be scored on how you address your topic Sell Lede GS espe Les Slits al 78 A sail) ase ca All test takers must write an essay It is not a matter of choice
La) gal „44c Vide
Read the statement carefully and make sure you understand it Always decide on what you are going to write before you
start Make a list of your main points
LAN s6 Qe US 2Y
La W sa A6 đi ye EU 2 Ví geese! tel gi Las Gl ble Fao ANG 2d AS) USI toed Us chs
It should be casy to identify the introduction, development
and conclusion Each section should have at least one
separate paragraph
Kia ple a pall Se
HDG Nga 2e xa SS og sins J cau Alga S441 j£ r†»els
,ƯẾI gle taal 5 38 „le ( 3 pads Meal)
Write in a clear, large script ui s5 3S bis alles oy & J) AY
Address the entire question or statement, not just part of it
°ˆ ` san
pghtll mals Mee os of a
Learn the rules of English punctuation and use them Each
sentence should start with a capital letter and end with a
period, question mark or exclamation point
Trang 40Make sure that cach sentence has a clearly identifiable main
subject and main verb and that they agree in number and
“ở J4 Lai ; ais Jeli ly des US uF ye $6 sca iT yaad Use specific examples or reasons to support your ideas
Stories or examples from your personal life are best
Le 83) fi panne Abad asst
when Se Le eed ye des) tls Ge Ask yourself the follow ing questions about your essay
AYES cay allée Ge A LY) ata OL
A»-al sa 1S y lise plas wll a
Does it really answer the question that is asked ? Is it well organized ? Km a— đị) gle Sed as Cay da tra a„l
Does it have effective support for the ideas it puts forward 2
$ ISG ae xung cà ve d2] og gins a
Is there a clear relationship between the parts of your essay?
Ÿ Si Mee al af alltel aaa al) else cu as Le lia a
Does the essay show your mastery of the language ? tá Does your essay show a variety of vocabulary ? SE Ảo ai dài, 2= kh sế G22 g8 Ủá SY ARM 22 214 ĩ2 g UHAI Jš XE XE ee 80 4 WRITING TOPICS FOR THE IELTS | /-/
| IELTS 99 alist) Lil) cileggo | 2
~ + 7 HZ ~
G AS (Hl The following are writing topies for the IELTS + U2x%Ys 36
a ay La a) se Cle peas YL
C26 2C Á 2 SD stents jest Shan
> Soon people who éannot work with computers will be disadvantaged To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this idea?
be sing Gala Le Uebel ae Y ye of
5 chess FSS abe ee 5 EM a Cot) Lt) ay về
\, 24 Nowadays, radio is being replaced by TV and the
Nà internet To what extent do you agree or disagree with
ZX this idea?
PS 9 oe BH se sl Det ae all Cu), Gl Ul
Bic ca Ji si 5 Sal) ode
v 3 ⁄Eđucation is a lifelong “A-,DNoung people are encouraged to travel or work for one Gu O2 A44 jÏ lS le đi 2 đà xe Ug 4x2 4.42 gt pill task Do you agree or disagree? oa
year after high school and before university studies at rite the advantages and disadvantages of this matter
als) ae ole any ale Saad Gand Falls GLA cae
A? Vw ey ee GS) el 4| va
+E sua gell