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Tuần 08_Tiết 01_Anh_K7_Bài 12 Let's eat ! B2 ,3 bài viết

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Eating sugar in moderate amounts can give us energy and make you feel less hungry.. No, because we all need exerciseb[r]


Week 8


Let’s eat !

Lesson: ( B2.3) viết

New words

(to) affect ảnh hưởng (to) forget # (to) remember

moderate amount (n) lượng vừa phải

guidelines(n)lời khuyên fatty(a) có nhiều mỡ

energy(n) lượng lifestyle(n) lối sống

a balanced diet (n) chế độ ăn cân

cereal(n) ngũ cốc body-building(n) chất cấu

tạo thể

2.Listen and read Then answer the questions

a Eating sugar in moderate amounts can give us energy and make you feel less


b No, because we all need exercise Doing exercise regularly helps us stay fit

and healthy.

c Yes, I think I have a balanced diet because I eat variety of food in moderate


3 .Write a menu for yourself and your family, including details of breakfast, lunch and dinner Make each meal healthy and balanced Use this pie chart to help you

Write your menu

a Breakfast - eggs

- toast or bread

- harm or cheese sandwiches - beef soya noodles

- milk, orange juice b Lunch

❖ Food - rice

- cooked or fried fish / meat - vegetables, soya or salad

- beans / vegetables with stir-fried pork / beef

❖ Drinks and desserts

- Tea, mineral water, fruit juice

- Bananas, oranges, pineapples, cakes c Dinner

❖ Food - Rice

- Cooked / fried fish / meat - Vegetables soup / salad


Ngày đăng: 19/02/2021, 18:54
