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&RQWHQWV## 2YHUYLHZ#4# 2YHUYLHZ#RI#WKH#([FKDQJH#5333## $UFKLWHFWXUH#5# ([FKDQJH#5333#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH## 3URFHVV#7# ([FKDQJH#5333#,QWHUQHW#,QIRUPDWLRQ## 6HUYLFHV# 45# ([FKDQJH#5333#(YHQWV# 4<# ([FKDQJH#5333#0HVVDJH#)ORZ# 59# 5HYLHZ# 64# # Module4:Exchange2000Architecture Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. If, however, your only means of access is electronic, permission to print one copy is hereby granted. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, MS, Windows, Windows NT, Active Directory directory service, ActiveX, BackOffice, FrontPage, Hotmail, MSN, Outlook, PowerPoint, SQL Server, Visual Studios, and Win32, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. The names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned herein are fictitious and are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Project Lead: David Phillips Instructional Designers: Lance Morrison (Wasser), Janet Sheperdigian, Steve Thues Lead Program Manager: Mark Adcock Program Manager: Lyle Curry, Scott Hay, Janice Howd, Steve Schwartz (Implement.Com), Bill Wade (Wadeware LLC) Graphic Artist: Kimberly Jackson, Andrea Heuston (Artitudes Layout and Design) Editing Manager: Lynette Skinner Editor: Elizabeth Reese (Write Stuff) Copy Editor: Ed Casper (S&T Consulting), Carolyn Emory (S&T Consulting), Patricia Neff (S&T Consulting), Noelle Robertson (S&T Consulting) Online Program Manager: Debbi Conger Online Publications Manager: Arlo Emerson (Aquent Partners) Online Support: Eric Brandt Multimedia Developer : Kelly Renner (Entex) Compact Disc Testing: Data Dimensions, Inc. Production Support: Ed Casper (S&T Consulting) Manufacturing Manager: Bo Galford Manufacturing Support: Rick Terek Lead Product Manager, Development Services: Lead Product Manager: David Bramble Group Product Manager: Robert Stewart # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH##LLL# ,QVWUXFWRU#1RWHV## This module provides students with a high level overview of the component architecture of Microsoft ® Exchange2000. They will learn that Exchange2000 is designed to take advantage of Microsoft Windows ® 2000. This has led to a number of fundamental architectural changes, including a more versatile information store service, placement of protocol management in the Internet Information Services, and event support for customizing mail-enabled software. At the end of this module, students will be able to: „# Explain the architectural changes made from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange2000. „# Describe the benefits of the new information store architecture. „# Describe the advantages Exchange2000 receives from Windows 2000 Active Directory ™ directory service. „# Describe the advantages Exchange2000 receives from Internet information services (IIS). „# Describe the new options developers receive from the event support in Exchange2000. 0DWHULDOV#DQG#3UHSDUDWLRQ# This section provides you with the materials and preparation needed to teach this module. 0DWHULDOV# To teach this module, you need the following materials: • Microsoft PowerPoint ® file 1569A_04.ppt 3UHSDUDWLRQ# To prepare for this module, you should: • Read all the materials for this module. 3UHVHQWDWLRQ=## 78#0LQXWHV# # /DE=# 33#0LQXWHV# LY##0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# 0RGXOH#6WUDWHJ\# Use the following strategy to present this module: „# Overview of the Exchange2000Architecture Present a general overview of the architecture of Exchange2000. „# Exchange2000 Information Store Process This section describes the new information store in Exchange2000. Stress that Exchange2000 supports multiple stores and that each one is made up of two databases, one for messages in Rich Text Format and one for messages in their native format. „# Exchange2000 Internet Information Services Point out another major change from Exchange 5.5: IIS has been pulled into the operating system and manages all client access protocols. „# Exchange2000 Events Describe the new capability to hook an Exchange event from a program and then modify the message or event. If this section does not seem applicable to the majority of your students, take a higher-level pass through it and let interested students study it on their own. Events are not mentioned elsewhere in the course. „# Exchange2000 Message Flow Use the diagrams in this section to trace the path of messages through Exchange2000. # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH##4# 2YHUYLHZ# „ 2YHUYLHZ#RI#WKH#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH „ ([FKDQJH#5333#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH#3URFHVV „ ([FKDQJH#5333#,QWHUQHW#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6HUYLFHV „ ([FKDQJH#5333#(YHQWV „ ([FKDQJH#5333#0HVVDJH#)ORZ Microsoft ® Exchange2000 is designed to take full advantage of Microsoft Windows ® 2000 as its foundation. Using Windows 2000 has led to a number of fundamental changes; these include replacing the dedicated directory with Windows 2000 Active Directory ™ , creating a more versatile information store, placing protocol management in the Internet Information Services (IIS), and adding event support for customizing mail-enabled software. At the end of this module, you will be able to: „# Explain the architectural changes made from Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 to Microsoft Exchange2000. „# Describe the benefits of the new information store architecture. „# Describe the advantages Exchange2000 receives from Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory directory service. „# Describe the advantages Exchange2000 receives from IIS. „# Describe the new options developers receive from the event support in Exchange2000. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#SURYLGH#DQ#RYHUYLHZ#RI# WKH#PRGXOH#WRSLFV#DQG# REMHFWLYHV1# /HDG0LQ# ,Q#WKLV#PRGXOH/#\RX#ZLOO#OHDUQ# DERXW#WKH#IXQGDPHQWDO# DUFKLWHFWXUDO#FKDQJHV# EHWZHHQ#SUHYLRXV#YHUVLRQV# RI#([FKDQJH#DQG# ([FKDQJH#53331# 5# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# 2YHUYLHZ#RI#WKH#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# Store.exe Information Store Information Store MAPI Folder Replication XAPI MTA MTA ESE Logs Logs Database Database EXIPC inetinfo.exe SMTP SMTP POP3 POP3 IMAP IMAP NNTP NNTP HTTP- DAV HTTP- DAV IIS IIS Protocol Stubs The major architectural changes introduced in Exchange2000 involve switching to Active Directory from the dedicated directory used in previous versions of Exchange, extending the functions of the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) database, and moving protocol management to the Windows 2000 IIS process. ([FKDQJH#5333#,QWHJUDWLRQ#ZLWK#$FWLYH#'LUHFWRU\# Unlike previous versions of Exchange Server, Exchange2000 no longer has a dedicated directory. Instead, Exchange2000 integrates with Windows 2000 Active Directory. Exchange2000 uses Active Directory to store all directory information. This includes: „# Exchange2000 configuration (stored in the Active Directory configuration partition). „# Mailboxes. „# Server and site information. „# Mail recipients (stored in the Active Directory domain partition as Active Directory objects). „# Custom recipients. „# Distribution lists (based on Active Directory groups). 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#LQWURGXFH#WKH#PDMRU# VHFWLRQV#RI#WKH# ([FKDQJH#5333# DUFKLWHFWXUH1# /HDG0LQ# ([FKDQJH#5333¶V# DUFKLWHFWXUH#KDV#FKDQJHG# FRQVLGHUDEO\#IURP#SUHYLRXV# YHUVLRQV#RI#([FKDQJH1# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH##6# ,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH#3URFHVV# The information store in Exchange2000 is a service that stores data in an ESE database. The Exchange2000 information store includes new features that make access to data easier and faster. The information store brings the Web, the file system, and the collaboration server together into a single place for storing information and deploying applications. It takes the best features of the information store in previous versions of Exchange Server (transaction logging, single-instance storage, rollback recovery, and online maintenance) and melds them with Web technology to provide customers with more integrated information management options. Components of the information store include XAPI, which provides X.400 messaging services to previous version of Exchange Public Folder replication, which manages the instances of public folders replicated to the local store. MAPI support is also provided by the information store for Outlook and other MAPI clients. ,QWHUQHW#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6HUYLFHV# In Exchange 2000, the client access protocols are part of the IIS process, which has become the protocol engine. Incorporating the protocols into the IIS process enables system architects to host Exchange2000 subsystems (protocol, storage, and directory) on virtual servers on either the same computer or on different computers. This makes Exchange2000 more scalable than previous versions of Exchange. ([FKDQJH#,QWHUSURFHVV#&RPPXQLFDWLRQV#/D\HU# The Exchange Interprocess Communications Layer (EXIPC) provides a queuing layer that enables the IIS and store processes (Inetinfo.exe and Store.exe) to shuttle data back and forth very quickly. This is required to achieve the best possible performance between the protocols and database services on an Exchange2000 server. Conventional applications require the processor to switch contexts when transferring data between two processes. 7# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# ‹‹ #([FKDQJH#5333#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH#3URFHVV# „ 2YHUYLHZ#RI#WKH#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH „ 6XSSRUW#IRU#0XOWLSOH#'DWDEDVHV#LQ#([FKDQJH#5333 „ ([FKDQJH#5333#1DWLYH#&RQWHQW#6WRUH „ ([FKDQJH#5333#,QVWDOODEOH#)LOH#6\VWHP The information store can become the single place where you store and manage documents, collaborate as a team, and run powerful business applications. The information store combines the features and functionality of the file system, the Web, and a collaboration server through a single location for storing, accessing, and managing information, as well as building and running applications. The information store integrates knowledge sources by providing a single repository for managing e-mail messages, documents, Web pages, and other resources within one infrastructure. The information store supports offline access, remote client access, and support for a range of application programming interfaces (APIs). In addition, the information store serves as a platform for unified messaging, where knowledge workers can access personal information, such as their calendars and contacts, as well as e-mail and voice mail messages. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#LQWURGXFH#DQG#GHVFULEH# WKH#FDSDELOLWLHV#RI#WKH# ([FKDQJH#5333#LQIRUPDWLRQ# VWRUH1# /HDG0LQ# 7KH#LQIRUPDWLRQ#VWRUH# FRPELQHV#WKH#IHDWXUHV#DQG# IXQFWLRQDOLW\#RI#WKH#ILOH# V\VWHP/#WKH#:HE/#DQG#D# FROODERUDWLRQ#VHUYHU1# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH##8# 2YHUYLHZ#RI#WKH#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH## Store.exe ESE Logs Logs Database Database Information Store Information Store MAPI Folder Replication XAPI MTA MTA (;,3& LQHWLQIR1H[H 6073 3236 ,0$3 1173 +7730 '$9 ,,6 3URWRFRO#6WXEV You can configure Exchange2000 to create multiple information stores on a single Exchange2000 server. Each information store is made up of two databases, one for storing Rich Text Format (RTF) messages and another for storing messages in their native form. %HQHILWV#RI#WKH#1HZ#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH#$UFKLWHFWXUH# Support for multiple information stores provides Exchange2000 with the best of two worlds: the ability to create very large databases for large-scale enterprises and the option of splitting a single logical database into separate physical databases to increase overall system reliability, enable much faster backup, and speed up the recovery process in the event of hardware failure. For example, if the hardware running a part of the overall e-mail database fails, only that database is affected during repair, while the others continue to serve their e-mail users, even though the database is administered as a single unit. By storing messages in their native formats, Exchange2000 server avoids the overhead required to convert each arriving message into RTF, as it had to do in earlier versions. Storing messages in their native formats enables Exchange2000 to support non-MAPI clients effectively without sacrificing performance. 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#H[SODLQ#WKDW#WKH# LQIRUPDWLRQ#VWRUH#LV# FRPSRVHG#RI#WZR# GDWDEDVHV1# /HDG0LQ# $Q#LQIRUPDWLRQ#VWRUH#LV# PDGH#XS#RI#WZR#GDWDEDVHV/# RQH#IRU#VWRULQJ#5LFK#7H[W# )RUPDW#PHVVDJHV#DQG# DQRWKHU#IRU#VWRULQJ# PHVVDJHV#LQ#WKHLU#QDWLYH# IRUP1# 9# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# )HDWXUHV#RI#WKH#,QIRUPDWLRQ#6WRUH# The information store includes: „# A database managed as a hierarchical file system of folders and items. „# Support for various types of native Web content. „# Accessibility to all information by using common URLs. „# Consistent access to the information store through Outlook, other e-mail clients, Windows Explorer, and any Internet browser. „# Built-in content indexing and search. „# Several protocols and APIs for remote client access. [...]... YLUWXDO#VHUYHUV1# In Exchange 2000, all client access protocols, except MAPI, run as part of the IIS, which has become the Windows 2000 protocol engine Incorporating the protocols into IIS enables system architects to host Exchange2000 subsystems (protocol, storage, and directory) on different servers for scalability up to millions of users For example, you can design your Exchange2000 topology to consist... enhancements made by Exchange2000 to the Windows 2000 SMTP stack include: • Commands that support fault-tolerant routing • An advanced queuing engine • An enhanced message categorization agent 1RWH# The X.400 message transfer agent (MTA) is used to connect to foreign X.400 messaging systems rather than native message transfer between computers running Exchange2000 „# NNTP The Exchange2000 implementation... scalability of Exchange2000 However, a very fast method for the protocols to exchange data with the information store is required To facilitate the rapid transfer of information between the IIS process and the information store, Exchange2000 has a queuing layer called the Exchange Interprocess Communication (EXIPC) layer that allows the IIS and information store processes to quickly exchange data... per Exchange 2000 server Each storage group can host up to six information stores 1RWH# There can actually be up to 16 storage groups per Exchange 2000 server However, one storage group is reserved for system use 'HSOR\PHQW#6FHQDULRV#IRU#0XOWLSOH#'DWDEDVHV# You need to consider many performance and resource implications when deciding how to configure multiple databases on a computer running Exchange2000. .. event sinks Exchange2000 adds the following extensions to SMTP: „# Command verbs to provide fault-tolerant routing Exchange2000 maintains a link state in which all servers know if a connection has failed This information is transferred between routing groups by using SMTP „# An advanced queuing engine „# An enhanced message categorization agent The specific enhancements that Exchange 2000 makes to... and Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (Web-DAV) Exchange2000 installs and manages the POP3 and IMAP4 client access protocols, but uses the SMTP and NNTP protocol stacks provided by Windows 2000 47# # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# When you install Exchange 2000 it extends (not replaces) the SMTP and NNTP protocol stacks in Windows 2000 with additional command verbs and advanced routing... consumed processor bandwidth and slowed server performance To reduce this overhead, the information store in Exchange2000 is split into the following two types of storage files: „# Native content store (.stm file) When Exchange2000 receives a message from a client other than Outlook (MAPI), Exchange stores the message in its native format, either Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) or non-MIME... clients, such as Outlook 2000 This is the traditional method of placing data in public folders and private folders, but it does not offer much interoperability with applications such as Microsoft Office ([FKDQJH#,QVWDOODEOH#)LOH#6\VWHP#2YHUYLHZ# Another method for users and applications to access data stored in Exchange2000 is through the Exchange Installable File System The Exchange Installable File... recovery with your hardware and software will help to determine the conditions of the SLA 1RWH# It is important to define what corporate data is stored in Exchange2000 Through the Exchange Installable File System, it is possible to host file shares on Exchange2000 You will need to define under what SLA these shares fall # 0RGXOH#7=#([FKDQJH#5333#$UFKLWHFWXUH# # . present this module: „# Overview of the Exchange 2000 Architecture Present a general overview of the architecture of Exchange 2000. „# Exchange 2000 Information. This module provides students with a high level overview of the component architecture of Microsoft ® Exchange 2000. They will learn that Exchange 2000