Family Nurse Practitioner Booklist X = Required Rec = Recommended Typhon Group (2008) Nurse Practitioner Student Tracking System (NPST): Student Data Entry Student Subscription information will be given during nurse practitioner orientation The cost is $80.00 for the duration of the program with access to files for three years after graduation Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy (44th ed.) Authors: Gilbert, D., Moellering, R., Eliopoulos, G., Chambers, H., & Saag, M (2014) Publisher: Antimicrobial Therapy, Incorporated ISBN: 13: 9781930808843 Bates Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (11th Ed.) Authors: Bickley L (2013) Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN 13: 978-1-60913-762-5 (Paper) ISBN 13: 978-1-451-18723-6 (eBook) OR Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination (8th ed.) Authors: Seidel, H., Ball, J., Dains, J & Benedict, G W (2015) Publisher: Elsevier ISBN 13: 978-0-323-11240-6 (Paper) ISBN 13:978-0-323-17209-7 (eBook) The Primary Care Provider’s Guide to Compensation and Quality (2nd ed.) Authors: Buppert, C (2005) Publisher: Jones & Bartlett ISBN 13: 978-1449646585 Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology (20th ed.) Authors: Decherney, A H., Nathan, L., Goodwin, T M., & Laufer, N (2012) Publisher: Lange McGraw-Hill ISBN 13: 978-0071638562 There will be one other product that you will be required to purchase The cost will be around $250.00 We will provide more information CMN 568 CMN 569 X CMN 571 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CMN 572 X CMN 573 X X CMN 574 CMN 575 X CMN 576 X CMN 577 Family Nurse Practitioner Booklist X = Required Rec = Recommended Prescriber’s Letter Subscription Therapeutic Research Center okieSupport=1 Advanced Practice Procedures for Nurse Practitioners (1st ed.) Authors: Colyar, M R (2015) Publisher: F A Davis ISBN 13: 978-0803642065 Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests (6th ed.) Authors: Nicoll, D., Lu, C., Pignone, M & McPhee, S J (2012) Publisher: McGraw-Hill ISBN: 13: 978-0071766258 CURRENT Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics (22nd ed.) Authors: Hay, W.W., Levin, M.J., Deterding, R.R., Abzug, M.J & Sondheimer, J.M (2014) Publisher: McGraw Hill ISBN 13: 978-0071827348 Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2016 (55th ed.) Authors: Papadakis, M., McPhee, S & Rabow, M (2015) Publisher: McGraw Hill ISBN 13: 978-0071845090 Family Medicine Ambulatory Care and Prevention (6th ed.) Authors: Authors: Smith, M.A & Shimp, L (2014) Publisher: Lange McGraw Hill ISBN: 13: 978-0071820738 The Harriet Lane Handbook: A Manual for Pediatric House Officers Text with Internet Access for Expert Consult (20th ed.) Authors: John Hopkins Hospital, Engorn, B., & Flerlage, J (2015) Publisher: Mosby Saunders ISBN 13: 978-0323096447 CMN 568 X CMN 569 CMN 571 CMN 572 X X CMN 573 CMN 574 X CMN 575 CMN 576 X X CMN 577 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Family Nurse Practitioner Booklist X = Required Rec = Recommended Pediatric Dosage Handbook (19th ed.) Authors: Taketomo, C.K., Hodding, J.H & Kraus, D.M Publisher: Lexi-Comp ISBN 13: 978-1591953494 (free in Biomedical Library) The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need (8th ed.) Authors: Thaler, M (2015) Publishers: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN 13: 978-145119394-7 Fitzgerald NP Review (Current Year as applicable) Authors: Fitzgerald, M Publisher: Davis ISBN-13: 978-0803640740 Essentials of Radiology: Expert Consult (3rd ed.) Authors: Mettler, F A (2013) Publisher: Elsevier ISBN 13: 978-1455742257 Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis (6th ed.) Authors: Zitelli, B.J.& Davis, H.W (2012) Publisher: Mosby Wolfe ISBN 13: 978-0323079327 (Free in Biomedical Library) Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology (7th ed.) Authors: Wolff, K & Johnson, R.A (2013) Publisher: McGraw-Hill ISBN: 13: 978-0071793025 Oski’s Solution Includes Oski’s Pediatric Text and Integrated Content Website (4th ed.) Authors: McMillan, J A (2006) Publishers: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ISBN 13: 978-0781738941 (Free in Biomedical Library) CMN 568 CMN 569 CMN 571 CMN 572 X CMN 573 X CMN 574 X CMN 575 CMN 576 CMN 577 X X Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec Rec .. .Family Nurse Practitioner Booklist X = Required Rec = Recommended Prescriber’s Letter Subscription... Authors: Papadakis, M., McPhee, S & Rabow, M (2015) Publisher: McGraw Hill ISBN 13: 978-0071845090 Family Medicine Ambulatory Care and Prevention (6th ed.) Authors: Authors: Smith, M.A & Shimp, L... 575 CMN 576 X X CMN 577 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Family Nurse Practitioner Booklist X = Required Rec = Recommended Pediatric Dosage Handbook (19th