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Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems and symmetry philip holmes et al

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  • Cover

  • Front

  • Title

  • Untitled

  • Contents

  • Preface to the first edition

  • Preface to the second edition

  • Acknowledgments

  • Part I Turbulence

    • Chapter 1 Introduction

    • Chapter 2 Coherent structures

    • Chapter 3 Proper orthogonal decomposition

    • Chapter 4 Galerkin projection

    • Chapter 5 Balanced proper orthogonal decomposition

  • Part II Dynamical systems

    • Chapter 6 Qualitative theory

    • Chapter 7 Symmetry

    • Chapter 8 One-dimensional “turbulence”

    • Chapter 9 Randomly perturbed systems

  • Part III The boundary layer

    • Chapter 10 Low-dimensional models

    • Chapter 11 Behavior of the models

  • Part IV Other applications and related work

    • Chapter 12 Some other fluid problems

    • Chapter 13 Review: prospects for rigor

  • References

  • Index

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Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry Turbulence pervades our world, from weather patterns to the air entering our lungs This book describes methods that reveal its structures and dynamics Building on the existence of coherent structures – recurrent patterns – in turbulent flows, it describes mathematical methods that reduce the governing (Navier–Stokes) equations to simpler forms that can be understood more easily This Second Edition contains a new chapter on the balanced proper orthogonal decomposition: a method derived from control theory that is especially useful for flows equipped with sensors and actuators It also reviews relevant work carried out since 1995 The book is ideal for engineering, physical science, and mathematics researchers working in fluid dynamics and other areas in which coherent patterns emerge P H I L I P H O L M E S is Eugene Higgins Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University He works on nonlinear dynamics and differential equations J O H N L L U M L E Y is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University He has authored or co-authored over two hundred scientific papers and several books G A H L B E R K O O Z leads the area of Information Management for Ford Motor Company, covering all aspects of Business Information Standards and Integration C L A R E N C E W R O W L E Y is an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University His research interests lie at the intersection of dynamical systems, control theory, and fluid mechanics Established in 1952, this series has maintained a reputation for the publication of outstanding monographs covering such areas as wave propagation, fluid dynamics, theoretical geophysics, combustion, and the mechanics of solids The books are written for a wide audience and balance mathematical analysis with physical interpretation and experimental data where appropriate RECENT TITLES IN THIS SERIES Elastic Waves at High Frequencies: Techniques for Radiation and Diffraction of Elastic and Surface Waves JOHN G HARRIS Gravity–Capillary Free-Surface Flows JEAN-MARC VANDEN-BROECK Waves and Mean Flows OLIVER BÜHLER Plasticity: A Treatise on Finite Deformation of Heterogeneous Inelastic Materials S NEMAT-NASSER Lagrangian Fluid Dynamics ANDREW F BENNETT Reciprocity in Elastodynamics J D ACHENBACH Theory and Computation of Hydrodynamic Stability W O CRIMINALE, T L JACKSON & R D JOSLIN The Physics and Mathematics of Adiabatic Shear Bands T W WRIGHT Theory of Solidification STEPHEN H DAVIS Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry SECOND EDITION PHILIP HOLMES Princeton University JOHN L LUMLEY Cornell University GAHL BERKOOZ Information Technology Division, Ford Motor Company CLARENCE W ROWLEY Princeton University CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107008250 c P Holmes, J L Lumley, G Berkooz, C W Rowley 2012 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 1996 First paperback edition 1998 Second edition published 2012 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems and symmetry / Philip Holmes [et al.] – 2nd ed p cm – (Cambridge monographs on mechanics) Rev ed of : Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems, and symmetry / Philip Holmes, John L Lumley, and Gal Berkooz ISBN 978-1-107-00825-0 (hardback) Turbulence Differentiable dynamical systems I Holmes, Philip, 1945– II Holmes, Philip, 1945– Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems, and symmetry QA913.H65 2012 532 0527–dc23 2011041743 ISBN 978-1-107-00825-0 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Contents Preface to the first edition Preface to the second edition Acknowledgements PART ONE page ix xiii xv TURBULENCE 1 Introduction 1.1 Turbulence 1.2 Low-dimensional models 1.3 The contents of this book 1.4 Notation and mathematical jargon 3 11 Coherent structures 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Flows with coherent structures 2.3 Detection of coherent structures 2.4 The mixing layer 2.5 The turbulent boundary layer 2.6 A preview of things to come 17 17 21 32 35 50 65 Proper orthogonal decomposition 3.1 Introduction 3.2 On domains and averaging 3.3 Properties of the POD 3.4 Further results 3.5 Stochastic estimation 3.6 Coherent structures and homogeneity 3.7 Some applications 3.8 Appendix: some foundations 68 69 73 74 86 91 93 96 100 Galerkin projection 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Some simple PDEs revisited 106 106 110 v vi Contents 4.3 4.4 The Navier–Stokes equations Towards low-dimensional models 116 121 Balanced proper orthogonal decomposition 5.1 Balanced truncation 5.2 Balanced POD 5.3 Output projection 5.4 Connections with standard POD 5.5 Extensions of balanced POD 5.6 Some examples 130 131 133 136 137 139 143 PART TWO DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 153 Qualitative theory 6.1 Linearization and invariant manifolds 6.2 Periodic orbits and Poincaré maps 6.3 Structural stability and genericity 6.4 Bifurcations local and global 6.5 Attractors simple and strange 155 156 162 165 168 179 Symmetry 7.1 Equivariant vector fields 7.2 Local bifurcation with symmetry 7.3 Global behavior with symmetry 7.4 An O(2)-equivariant ODE 7.5 Traveling modes 190 190 194 195 202 211 One-dimensional “turbulence” 8.1 Projection onto Fourier modes 8.2 Local bifurcations from u = 8.3 The second bifurcation point 8.4 Spatio-temporal chaos 214 215 217 220 226 Randomly perturbed systems 9.1 An Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process 9.2 Noisy heteroclinic cycles 9.3 Power spectra of homoclinic attractors 9.4 Symmetry breaking 236 237 240 247 249 PART THREE 253 10 THE BOUNDARY LAYER Low-dimensional models 10.1 Equations for coherent structures 10.2 The eigenfunction expansion 10.3 Symmetries 10.4 Galerkin projection 10.5 Geometrical structure of the model 255 256 259 260 262 269 Contents 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11 Choosing subspaces and domains The energy budget Nonlinear feedback Interaction with unresolved modes vii 272 275 281 285 Behavior of the models 11.1 Backbones for the models 11.2 Heteroclinic cycles 11.3 Bursts and sweeps 11.4 The pressure term 11.5 More modes and instabilities 11.6 A tentative summary 11.7 Appendix: coefficients 289 290 293 297 299 303 307 312 PART FOUR 315 OTHER APPLICATIONS AND RELATED WORK 12 Some other fluid problems 12.1 The circular jet 12.2 The transitional boundary layer 12.3 A forced transitional mixing layer 12.4 Flows in complex geometries 12.5 “Full channel” wall layer models 12.6 Flows in internal combustion engines 12.7 A miscellany of results: 1995–2011 12.8 Discussion 317 317 321 326 328 331 335 341 342 13 Review: prospects for rigor 13.1 The quality of models 13.2 A short-time tracking estimate 13.3 Stability, simulations, and statistics 13.4 Spatial localization 13.5 The utility of models 345 345 349 352 356 360 References Index 364 382 Preface to the first edition On physical grounds there is no doubt that the Navier–Stokes equations provide an excellent model for fluid flow as long as shock waves are relatively thick (in terms of mean free paths), and in such conditions of temperature and pressure that we can regard the fluid as a continuum The incompressible version is restricted, of course, to lower speeds and more moderate temperatures and pressures There are some mathematical difficulties – indeed, we still lack a satisfactory existence-uniqueness theory in three dimensions – but these not appear to compromise the equations’ validity Why then is the “problem of turbulence” so difficult? We can, of course, solve these nonlinear partial differential equations numerically for given boundary and initial conditions, to generate apparently unique turbulent solutions, but this is the only useful sense in which they are soluble, save for certain non-turbulent flows having strong symmetries and other simplifications Unfortunately, numerical solutions not bring much understanding However, three fairly recent developments offer some hope for improved understanding: (1) the discovery, by experimental fluid mechanicians, of coherent structures in certain fully developed turbulent flows; (2) the suggestion that strange attractors and other ideas from finite-dimensional dynamical systems theory might play a rôle in the analysis of the governing equations; and (3) the introduction of the statistical technique of Karhunen– Loève or proper orthogonal decomposition This book introduces these developments and describes how the three threads can be drawn together to weave low-dimensional models that address the rôle of coherent structures in turbulence generation We have uppermost in our minds an audience of engineers and applied scientists wishing to learn about some new methods and ways in which they might contribute to an understanding of turbulent flows Additionally, applied mathematicians and dynamical systems theorists might learn a little fluid mechanics here, and find in it a suitable playground for their expertise The fact that we are writing for a mixed audience will probably make parts of this book irritating to almost all our readers We have tried to strike a reasonable balance, but experts in turbulence and dynamical systems may find our treatments of their respective fields superficial Our approach will be somewhat schizophrenic On the one hand we hope to suggest a broad strategy for modeling turbulent flows (and, more generally, other spatio-temporally complex systems) by extracting coherent structures and deriving, from the governing ix 372 References 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almost-parallel flow, 36, 39, 44, 282 asymptotic stability, 161, 199–200, 207 attractor, 5, 9, 65, 67, 83–86, 157, 179, 179–189 heteroclinic, 9, 67, 207–209, 242, 247, 343 homoclinic, 65, 247–249, 311–312 Lorenz, 6, 9, 181–189, 356 quasiperiodic, 5, strange, 5, 6, 9, 66, 180, 180, 347, 350 autocorrelation function, 18, 72, 75 tensor, 360 average, 14 conditional, 35 ensemble, 14, 15, 23–24, 38, 70 space, 14, 23–24, 256 time, 14, 23–24, 256 averaging, 18, 38–48, 70, 73–74, 100–102, 256, 282, 350–352 backscatter, 46 balanced POD, 133, 133–135 adjoint-free, 141–142 nonlinear systems, 141 output projection, 136–137 relation to standard POD, 137–139 unstable systems, 140 balanced truncation, 131–133 error bound, 133 optimality, 132–133 balancing modes, 134, 138, 145 balancing transformation, 132 bifurcation, 6, 8–10, 26, 168–179 codimension-one, 177 diagram, 168, 175, 231, 291–292 flip, 177 global, 177–179 Hopf, 127, 176, 176, 208 Hopf (map), 177 local, 169–177, 194–195, 217–219 Neimark–Sacker, 177 O(2)-equivariant pitchfork, 194–195 period-doubling, 177 pitchfork, 172, 175 saddle–node, 168, 175 sequence, 5, theory, 6, 9, 168 transcritical, 175 value, 169 bi-orthogonal set, 91, 134, 137, 139 bluff body, 27 wake, 27–28 boundary condition(s), 17, 107–108, 110, 116–117, 127–128, 257, 275, 332, 357–360 inhomogeneous, 111 boundary layer, 7–9, 20, 36, 50–65, 96–98, 255–313, 321–325, 331–335 thickness, 53 braids (mixing layer), 27, 49–50 buffer layer, 56, 274 Burgers equation, 90, 99, 100, 113–115 burst–sweep cycle, 60–61, 97, 289, 297–299, 307–309, 343 center manifold, 9, 159, 159, 162, 169, 169–174, 218–221, 346 theorem, 169 center subspace, 159 channel flow, 90, 122, 127, 273, 279, 283–284, 311, 331–335 chaos, 5, 6, 180, 305, 325, 350, 353 chaotic invariant set, 180 closed set, 12 382 Index coherent structures, 5, 7, 9, 21, 17–68, 228, 256–257, 259, 272, 278, 348–349 compact set, 13 compactness, 102–105 complement (of sets), 13 conditional average, see average, conditional control, 10, 342, 344, 350 controllability, 131, 135 controllability Gramian, 131, 133, 140 controllable modes, 133 correlation, 47, 318 function, 31 correlation matrix, 72 cost function, 136 Couette flow, 63, 117, 127, 341, 342 cross section, 163, 163–164 cylinder wake, 27, 28, 33, 126 data matrix, 87 dense orbit, see orbit, dense Dirac delta, 15 direct modes, see balancing modes direct numerical simulation (DNS), 20, 37, 122, 311, 322, 332, 354, 360–361 displacement thickness, 53–54 dissipation, 18, 19, 21, 44–45, 47, 48, 57, 354 domain (basin) of attraction, 157 dot product, 12, see also inner product drag coefficient, 55–56 Duffing equation, 243–245 dye tracers, 33 dynamical importance, 132, 145–147 dynamical systems, 11, 155–189 eddy viscosity, 7, 125, 173, 258, 285–288, 290, 304, 361 eigensystem realization algorithm, 142 Einstein notation, 16 empirical eigenfunctions, 71, see also proper orthogonal decomposition, modes energy and L norm, 143 budget, 28, 275–280, 324 internal, 89 kinetic, 7, 13, 18 stagnation, 89 transfer, 7, 18, 45–46, 259, 288, 311, 324, 327, 343 turbulent, 18, 44 energy-based inner product, 139 enthalpy, stagnation, 89 entrainment, 36, 42–43, 48 entropy production, 45 equilibrium point, 157 equivariant normal form, 9, 10, 203, 222 ODE, 9, 82, 190–194 vector field, 190–194, 203 383 ergodic measure, 188 ergodic theory, 188 ergodicity, 75, 180, 188, 348, 354 error bounds, 132, 133, 145, 149 Euclidean space, 11, 12 Eulerian viewpoint, 23 exact solutions, 19 first-return map, see Poincaré map fixed (equilibrium) point, 157 hyperbolic, 161 stable, 161 unstable, 161 flip bifurcation, see bifurcation, flip flow map (dynamical system), 158, 158, 165 flow visualization, 32–35 flow, ergodic, 188 Fourier decomposition (representation), 69, 80 mode, 75, 80, 81, 202–203, 210–211, 216–217, 272, 323 series, 69, 215 transform, 75, 260, 262 wavenumber, 81 fractal, xi freezing (reference frame), 212 frequency response, 145, 149 friction velocity, 18, 50, 58, 310 fundamental solution matrix, 158 Galerkin method (projection), 7, 9, 10, 107, 106–129, 137, 139, 152, 215–217, 262–269 for quadratic equations, 115–116 Gaussian (normal) distribution, 238 generalized Hankel matrix, 142 generic properties, 167–168 geometric Lorenz attractor, 181 geometric thickness, 18, 57 Ginzburg–Landau equation, 90, 99, 150, 317, 331 linearized, 147, 147 Gramian, see controllability Gramian, observability Gramian greatest lower bound, 12 Gronwall’s inequality, 121–122, 350–351 Hankel singular values, 132, 138, 145 Hartman–Grobman theorem, 158, 161, 165 heteroclinic cycle, 10, 198–201, 206–209, 222–225, 240–247, 293–297, 305, 307, 311–312, 334, 342 orbit, 167, 179, 196–199, 206, 294 Hilbert space (L ), 12–13, 69–78, 107–108 homoclinic bifurcation, 179, 188–189 orbit, 65, 167, 177, 177–179, 199–200 homogeneity, 23, 80–81, 93–95, 124, 318, 326 Hopf bifurcation, 176, see also bifurcation, Hopf 384 Index Hopf, E., hot film, 35 hot wire, 35 hydrodynamic stability, hydrogen bubble technique, 32–33 hyperbolicity, 161, 167, 180, 250 impulse response, 133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 143, 145, 146, 149 indicator function, 15 induced norm, see norm, induced inertial manifold, see manifold, inertial inertial sublayer, 55 infimum (greatest lower bound), 12 infinity norm, see norm, infinity inner product, 12, 69, 72 compressible flow, 88–89 energy-based, 139 finite-dimensional, 12 L , 12, 13 observability Gramian, 138 on matrices, 136 input–output systems, 130, 131 inputs, 15, 130 instabilities, 25–28, 60–61 integral scale, 18 intermittency, 38 internal combustion engines, 335–341 intersection (of sets), 13 invariant function, 191–192, 203 invariant manifolds, 158 invariant measure, 15, 100–103, 187, 187–188, 349–352, 354–356 invariant set, 5, 157, 179 chaotic, 180 invariant subspace, 82, 158, 193–194, 205–206, 292, 294, 307 inviscid flows, 20 Jacobian matrix, 157 jet, 25–27, 29, 34, 36, 99, 317–321 Kalman filter, 58 Karhunen–Loève decomposition, see proper orthogonal decomposition Kármán constant, 55 vortex street, 32, 329 Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, 26, 27, 48, 49 kinetic energy, 13, see energy, kinetic Kline, S J., 58 Kolmogorov (Fokker–Planck) equation, 238 Kolmogorov microscale, 19, 21, 35, 38, 123 Kronecker delta, 15 Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation, 10, 100, 214–235, 270, 311, 317 L , 12, see also norm, L ; inner product, L Lagrangian viewpoint, 22–23 Landau, L D., Langmuir cell, 29, 49, 62 circulation, 30, 65 instability, 64, 65 large eddy simulation (LES), 123, 124, 300, 354, 360–361 Laser–Doppler velocimeter, 35 least upper bound, 12 Lebesgue measure, 15, 187 left singular vectors, 88 Leonard stresses, 258, 285 Liapunov equation, 132 Liapunov function, 139, 206, 293 lifting (boundary forcing), 112 limit cycle, 127, 162, 163 linearization, 9, 156–162 Lipschitz constant, 14 function, 14 logarithmic layer, 58, 274 Lorenz equation, 181–189, 356 low-dimensional models, 5–8 low-energy structures, importance of, 143, 145–147 low-speed streak, 60, 63, 306 manifold inertial, 10, 123, 173, 332, 346, 346–347, 357–360 invariant, 5, 6, 9, 156–162, 164 Markov parameters, 142 mean field model, 278–280 mean profile, 41 mean values, 23 mean velocity, 18 measure ergodic, 188 invariant, 187 Lebesgue, 187 Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen, 188 method of snapshots, see snapshots (method of) minimal flow unit, 63, 83, 280, 308, 341 mixing (dynamical system), 188 mixing (property of map), 188 mixing layer, 9, 24–26, 29, 35–50, 99, 318, 321, 326–328 model reduction, 131–133 modeling (of neglected modes, etc.), 7, 124–129, 258–259, 278–288 modulated traveling wave, 204, 222–223, 251, 296, 321 momentum thickness, 18, 19 Navier–Stokes equations, 6, 7, 9, 16–17, 19, 66, 116–121, 215, 256–259, 357–360 averaged, 9, 38, 117, 257, 361 exact solutions, 19 Index linearized, 150–152 non-dimensionalization, 20, 259 numerical solution, 37 no-slip (boundary) condition, 20 non-normal systems, 143, 143–152 non-wandering set, 157, 157 nonlinearity, norm, 12 Euclidean, 12 Frobenius, 136 induced, 15, 70, 89 infinity, 15 L , 13, 143 operator, 15, 130, 133, 136, 143 supremum, 12 normal form, 9, 175, 174–176 normal operator, 143 observability, 131, 135, 145 observability Gramian, 131, 134, 136, 138, 140 as Liapunov function, 139 observer, 58 open set, 12 operator norm, see norm, operator orbit, dense, 180, 179–180, 186 Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, 237–239, 241 Orr–Sommerfeld eigenfunction, 322, 323 orthogonal projection, 107 orthogonality, 14, 88, 91, 104, 115, 126, 127, 137–139, 143, 159, 212, 349, see also bi-orthogonal set outer product, 14 output projection, 136–137 outputs, 15, 130 full-state, 136 Parseval’s theorem, 136 pattern recognition, 95–96 period-doubling bifurcation, 177, see also bifurcation, period doubling periodic flows, 335, 341 phase (state) space, 5, 8, 15, 23, 65–66, 157, 157 phase portrait, 157 phase-averaged POD, 335, 341 phase-invariant POD, 335, 341 pitchfork bifurcation, see bifurcation, pitchfork POD, see proper orthogonal decomposition Poincaré (return) map, 163, 162–165, 176, 182 Poincaré section, 163 Poincaré–Bendixson theorem, 162 power spectrum, 75, 94–95, 226, 247–249 pressure gradient, 39, 40 pressure terms, 118, 120, 269, 275 probability density, 15 projection, 136, 146, see also Galerkin method; output projection non-orthogonal, 137–138, 145–146 385 onto stable subspace, 140 proper orthogonal decomposition, 7, 31, 68–105, 350 balanced, see balanced POD eigenvalues, 73, 88, 138 exponential decay of eigenvalues, 84–86 for output projection, 136–137 modes, 59–60, 71, 124–125, 138, 259–260, 274, 277–278 optimality, 70, 78–80 relation with SVD, 87–88 span of modes, 75–78 vector-valued, 72 proper subset, 13 quasiperiodic solution (flow), 5, 6, 204, 209–210, 325 Rayleigh–Bénard problem, 6, 99, 181, 197 reconstruction equation, 213 reduced system, 170 reflection invariance, 8, 9, 202, 215, 261, 311, 319, 322 Reynolds number, 18–19, 21 Reynolds stresses, 30, 40, 41, 60, 61, 64, 276–278, 298–299, 311, 320, 328, 348 ringi, 58 rollers (mixing layer), 49–50 rotation invariance, 8, 311 Ruelle, D., saddle, 161 saddle–node bifurcation, 168, 175, see also bifurcation, saddle–node scalar product, 12, see also inner product scaling arguments, 20, 52 Schlieren technique, 32 self-similarity, 40, 318 sensitive dependence on initial conditions, 156, 180, 186 separatrix, 157 set closed, 12, 12, 14 compact, 13 dense, 168 open, 12, 12, 168 shadowgraph technique, 32 shear flow, 29, 31, 45, 49, 60, 99 homogeneous, 29 shear layer, 26, 321 shear stress, 18, 50, 61 shift mode, 126, 126, 127, 280, 331, 349 shift operator, 212 shot noise, 65, 93–96 Sinai–Ruelle–Bowen measures, 188 singular value decomposition, 87, 87–88, 134, 138 sink, 161 smoke wire technique, 32–33 snapshots (method of), 86, 86–87, 133, 134, 138, 326, 329 386 Index Sobolev space, 108 source, 161 span, 14 spatially localized models, 233, 235 spectral pipeline, 46 speed of sound, 89 splitter plate, 33, 37 Squire’s coordinates, 127, 342 stability, 139–140 stable foliation, 183 stable manifold, 159–161 global, 160 local, 159, 159 theorem, 159 stable subspace, 140, 159 stagnation energy, 89 stagnation enthalpy, 89 state space, 157, see also phase (state) space state, of a dynamical system, 15, 131, 156 stochastic estimation, 91–93, 321 strain rate, 18, 18, 44, 45, 47 strange attractor, 180, see also attractor, strange structural stability, 5, 9, 165–168, 188–189, 196, 294–295, 353–354 linear system, 165 nonlinear system, 167 subgrid scale (Heisenberg) model, 258, 285–288 subset, 13 supremum (least upper bound), 12 norm, 12 SVD, see singular value decomposition symbolic dynamics, 185, 185–187 symmetry, 6, 7, 9, 19, 60, 80–83, 103–104, 190–213, 260–262, 342 breaking, 10, 249–251 group, 6, 8, 103–104, 190–191 reduction, 211 system norm, see norm, operator Takens, F., Taylor–Couette flow, 6, 312 template fitting, 212 template function, 212 tensor, 16 product, 14 tensor product, 14 Tollmien–Schlichting instability, 26, 98, 322, 324 topological equivalence, 158, 165, 167 total energy, 89 transcritical bifurcation, 175, see also bifurcation, transcritical transfer function, 15 transient growth, 143–146, see also non-normal systems translation invariance, 8, 9, 202, 211, 215, 261, 311, 323 trapping region, 129, 162, 162, 180, 180–181, 206, 293 traveling modes, 10, 211, 211 traveling wave, 204–205, 210, 211, 222–225, 251, 291, 296 turbulence, 3–5 turbulent fluctuating velocity, 18 unfolding, 6, 175, 175–177 union (of sets), 13 unstable manifold, 159–161 global, 160 local, 159, 159 unstable subspace, 159 van der Pol equation, 162 vector field, 156 viscosity, dynamic, 18, 50 kinematic, 17, 50 viscous stress, 18, 39, 45 viscous sublayer, 56, 58 vortex core, 62 line, 49, 62, 63 necklace, 64 ring, 33 shedding, 27 stretching, 288, 327 vortices, 321 counter-rotating, 21 hairpin, 29, 63 lambda, 62, 64, 98, 322, 325 streamwise, 29, 63, 292, 297 vorticity, wake, 29, 36, 329–331 wake (outer) region, 51 wall region, 7, 51, 59, 62, 66, 257, 272–275, 331–335 wall units, 51, 55, 60, 257 wavelets, 231, 235, 343, 362 weak solutions, 109 ... Philip Holmes [et al. ] – 2nd ed p cm – (Cambridge monographs on mechanics) Rev ed of : Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems, and symmetry / Philip Holmes, John L Lumley, and Gal... (hardback) Turbulence Differentiable dynamical systems I Holmes, Philip, 1945– II Holmes, Philip, 1945– Turbulence, coherent structures, dynamical systems, and symmetry QA913.H65 2012 532 0527–dc23... experimentally (e.g Andereck et al [6], Tagg et al [364]) Again, the symmetries of the experimental apparatus were crucial in this It is probably fair to say that the tools and viewpoint of dynamical systems

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