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Memory allocation problems in embedded systems optimization methods by maría soto et al

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  • Cover

  • Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems

  • Copyright

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1. Context

    • 1.1. Embedded systems

      • 1.1.1. Main components of embedded systems

    • 1.2. Memory management for decreasing power consumption, performance and area in embedded systems

    • 1.3. State of the art in optimization techniques forme mory management and data assignment

      • 1.3.1. Software optimization

      • 1.3.2. Hardware optimization

      • 1.3.3. Data binding

        • Memory partitioning problem for low energy

        • Constraints on memory bank capacities and number of accesses to variables

        • Using external memory

    • 1.4. Operations research and electronics

      • 1.4.1. Main challenges in applying operation sresearch to electronics

  • Chapter 2. Unconstrained Memory Allocation Problem

    • 2.1. Introduction

    • 2.2. An ILP formulation for the unconstrained memory allocation problem

    • 2.3. Memory allocation and the chromatic number

      • 2.3.1. Bounds on the chromatic number

    • 2.4. An illustrative example

    • 2.5. Three new upper bounds on the chromatic number

    • 2.6. Theoretical assessment of three upper bounds

    • 2.7. Computational assessment of threeupper bounds

    • 2.8. Conclusion

  • Chapter 3. Memory Allocation Problem With Constraint on the Number of Memory Banks

    • 3.1. Introduction

    • 3.2. An ILP formulation for the memory allocation problem with constraint on the number of memory banks

    • 3.3. An illustrative example

    • 3.4. Proposed metaheuristics

      • 3.4.1. A tabu search procedure

      • 3.4.2. A memetic algorithm

    • 3.5. Computational results and discussion

      • 3.5.1. Instances

      • 3.5.2. Implementation

      • 3.5.3. Results

      • 3.5.4. Discussion

    • 3.6. Conclusion

  • Chapter 4. General Memory Allocation Problem

    • 4.1. Introduction

    • 4.2. ILP formulation for the general memory allocation problem

    • 4.3. An illustrative example

    • 4.4. Proposed metaheuristics

      • 4.4.1. Generating initial solutions

        • Random initial solutions

        • Greedy initial solutions

      • 4.4.2. A tabu search procedure

      • 4.4.3. Exploration of neighborhoods

      • 4.4.4. A variable neighborhood search hybridized with a tabu search

    • 4.5. Computational results and discussion

      • 4.5.1. Instances used

      • 4.5.2. Implementation

      • 4.5.3. Results

      • 4.5.4. Discussion

      • 4.5.5. Assessing TabuMemex

    • 4.6. Statistical analysis

      • 4.6.1. Post hoc paired comparisons

    • 4.7. Conclusion

  • Chapter 5. Dynamic Memory Allocation Problem

    • 5.1. Introduction

    • 5.2. ILP formulation for dynamic memory allocation problem

    • 5.3. An illustrative example

    • 5.4. Iterative metaheuristic approaches

      • 5.4.1. Long-term approach

      • 5.4.2. Short-term approach

    • 5.5. Computational results and discussion

      • 5.5.1. Results

      • 5.5.2. Discussion

    • 5.6. Statistical analysis

      • 5.6.1. Post hoc paired comparisons

    • 5.7. Conclusion

  • Chapter 6. MemExplorer: Cases Studies

    • 6.1. The design flow

      • 6.1.1. Architecture used

      • 6.1.2. MemExplorer design flow

      • 6.1.3. Memory conflict graph

    • 6.2. Example of MemExplorer utilization

  • Chapter 7. General Conclusions and Future Work

    • 7.1. Summary of the memory allocation problem versions

    • 7.2. Intensification and diversification

      • 7.2.1. Metaheuristics for memory allocation problem with constraint on the number of memory banks

        • Tabu-Allocation

        • Evo-Allocation

      • 7.2.2. Metaheuristic for general memory allocation problem

      • 7.2.3. Approaches for dynamic memory allocation problem

    • 7.3. Conclusions

    • 7.4. Future work

      • 7.4.1. Theoretical perspectives

      • 7.4.2. Practical perspectives

  • Bibliography

  • Index

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Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems Optimization Methods María Soto André Rossi Marc Sevaux Johann Laurent Series Editor Narendra Jussien First published 2013 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licenses issued by the CLA Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: ISTE Ltd 27-37 St George’s Road London SW19 4EU UK John Wiley & Sons, Inc 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA www.iste.co.uk www.wiley.com © ISTE Ltd 2013 The rights of María Soto, André Rossi, Marc Sevaux and Johann Laurent to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Library of Congress Control Number: 2012951962 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-84821-428-6 Printed and bound in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd., Croydon, Surrey CR0 4YY Table of Contents Introduction ix Chapter Context 1.1 Embedded systems 1.1.1 Main components of embedded systems 1.2 Memory management for decreasing power consumption, performance and area in embedded systems 1.3 State of the art in optimization techniques for memory management and data assignment 1.3.1 Software optimization 1.3.2 Hardware optimization 1.3.3 Data binding Memory partitioning problem for low energy Constraints on memory bank capacities and number of accesses to variables Using external memory 1.4 Operations research and electronics 1.4.1 Main challenges in applying operations research to electronics 11 16 17 18 19 21 23 vi Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems Chapter Unconstrained Memory Allocation Problem 2.1 Introduction 2.2 An ILP formulation for the unconstrained memory allocation problem 2.3 Memory allocation and the chromatic number 2.3.1 Bounds on the chromatic number 2.4 An illustrative example 2.5 Three new upper bounds on the chromatic number 2.6 Theoretical assessment of three upper bounds 2.7 Computational assessment of three upper bounds 2.8 Conclusion Chapter Memory Allocation Problem With Constraint on the Number of Memory Banks 27 28 31 32 33 35 38 45 49 53 57 3.1 Introduction 3.2 An ILP formulation for the memory allocation problem with constraint on the number of memory banks 3.3 An illustrative example 3.4 Proposed metaheuristics 3.4.1 A tabu search procedure 3.4.2 A memetic algorithm 3.5 Computational results and discussion 3.5.1 Instances 3.5.2 Implementation 3.5.3 Results 3.5.4 Discussion 3.6 Conclusion 58 61 64 65 66 69 71 72 72 73 75 75 Table of Contents Chapter General Memory Allocation Problem 4.1 Introduction 4.2 ILP formulation for the general memory allocation problem 4.3 An illustrative example 4.4 Proposed metaheuristics 4.4.1 Generating initial solutions Random initial solutions Greedy initial solutions 4.4.2 A tabu search procedure 4.4.3 Exploration of neighborhoods 4.4.4 A variable neighborhood search hybridized with a tabu search 4.5 Computational results and discussion 4.5.1 Instances used 4.5.2 Implementation 4.5.3 Results 4.5.4 Discussion 4.5.5 Assessing TabuMemex 4.6 Statistical analysis 4.6.1 Post hoc paired comparisons 4.7 Conclusion vii 77 78 80 84 85 86 86 86 89 91 93 94 95 95 96 97 101 105 106 107 Chapter Dynamic Memory Allocation Problem 109 5.1 Introduction 5.2 ILP formulation for dynamic memory allocation problem 5.3 An illustrative example 5.4 Iterative metaheuristic approaches 5.4.1 Long-term approach 5.4.2 Short-term approach 5.5 Computational results and discussion 5.5.1 Results 110 113 116 119 119 122 123 124 viii Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems 5.5.2 Discussion 5.6 Statistical analysis 5.6.1 Post hoc paired comparisons 5.7 Conclusion 125 128 129 130 Chapter MemExplorer: Cases Studies 131 6.1 The design flow 6.1.1 Architecture used 6.1.2 MemExplorer design flow 6.1.3 Memory conflict graph 6.2 Example of MemExplorer utilization 131 131 132 134 139 Chapter General Conclusions and Future Work 147 7.1 Summary of the memory allocation problem versions 7.2 Intensification and diversification 7.2.1 Metaheuristics for memory allocation problem with constraint on the number of memory banks Tabu-Allocation Evo-Allocation 7.2.2 Metaheuristic for general memory allocation problem 7.2.3 Approaches for dynamic memory allocation problem 7.3 Conclusions 7.4 Future work 7.4.1 Theoretical perspectives 7.4.2 Practical perspectives 147 149 149 149 151 151 152 152 154 154 156 Bibliography 159 Index 181 Introduction This book addresses four memory allocation problems The following sections present the motivations, the main contributions and the outline of this book Motivations Embedded systems are ever present in contemporary society and they are supposed to make our lives more comfortable In industry, embedded systems are used to manage and control complex systems (e.g nuclear power plants, telecommunication, and flight control; they are also playing an important role in our daily activities (e.g smartphones, security alarms and traffic lights) The significant development in embedded systems is mainly due to advances in nano technology These continuous advances have made possible the design of miniaturized electronic chips, leading to drastically extend the features supported by embedded systems Smartphones that can surf the Web and process HD images are a typical example In addition to market pressure, this context has favored the development of computer-aided design (CAD) software, which brings a greater change to the designer’s line of work While x Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems technology offers more and more opportunities, the design of embedded systems becomes more and more complex Indeed, the design of an integrated circuit, whose size is calculated in billions of transistors, thousands of memories, etc., requires the use of competitive computer tools These tools have to solve optimization problems to ensure a low cost in terms of area and time, and they must meet some standards in electronics Currently, in the electronics industry, the problems are often addressed using either ad hoc methods based on the designer expertise or general methods (typically genetic algorithms) But both methods not work well in solving large-scale industrial problems On the other hand, computer-aided design software such as Gaut [GAU 93, COU 06] has been developed to generate the architecture of a chip (circuit) from its specifications While the design process is significantly faster with these types of software, the generated layouts are considered to be poor on power consumption and surface compared to man-made expertly-designed circuits This is a major drawback as embedded products have to feature low-power consumption In the design of embedded systems, memory allocation and data assignment are among the main challenges that electronic designers have to face Indeed, they deeply impact on the main cost metrics (power consumption, performance and area) in electronic devices [WUY 96] Thus, designers of embedded system have to carefully pay attention to minimize memory requirements, improving memory throughput and limiting the power consumption by the system’s memory Electronic designers attempt to minimize memory requirements with the aim of lowering the overall system costs Moreover, the need for optimization of the allocation of data structures is expected to become even more stringent in the 168 Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems 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97, 105-108, 124, 128, 153 D data assignment-data structure-data storagedata transfer, 8-21 data binding, 16-21 E electronic chip design process, 54 electronic design, 11-25 embedded system, 2-4 external memory, 19-21 F, H Friedman test, 105, 106, 128 hardware, 11-16 I ILP formulation, 31-32, 61-63, 80-84, 113-116 in-place mapping optimization, 13 initial solution, 86-89 iterative metaheuristic approach, 119-123 K, L k-weighted graph coloring problem, 57, 63, 65, 73, 75, 83, 96, 148 localsolver, 73, 96, 124, 125, 128 182 Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded System M mapping, 13, 14 MemExplorer, 131-144 memory conflict graph (MCG), 131, 143-139 memory managementmemory allocation problem-memory bank, memory architecturememory partitioning, 1-25 N, O neighborhood, 91-93 on-chip memory bank capacity, 132 optimization technique, 8-21 P parsing yield, 133 power consumption, 4-8 power performance, 4-8 proposal metaheuristic, 65-71, 85-94 R, S , T register allocation, 15 scratchpad memory (SPM), 14 software, 9-11 tabu search procedure, 66-69, 89-91 V variable neighborhood search (VNS), 19, 77, 3-94 vertex coloring problem, 12 .. .Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems Optimization Methods María Soto André Rossi Marc Sevaux Johann... taken into consideration for examining the mutual benefits of both disciplines and the main challenges exploiting operations research methods to electronic problems 2 Memory Allocation Problems in. .. data in the memory bank Hence, the first step to build the initial solution is to identify and place all the critical data in the internal memory and the remaining data in the external memory In

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