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ĐIều tra việc sử dụng phép lặp biện pháp tu từ trong quảng cáo truyền hình tiếng việt ĐIều tra việc sử dụng phép lặp biện pháp tu từ trong quảng cáo truyền hình tiếng việt ĐIều tra việc sử dụng phép lặp biện pháp tu từ trong quảng cáo truyền hình tiếng việt luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp

Vietnam National University Hanoi University of Foreign Languages and International Studies English Department Graduation Paper An Investigation into the Use of Repetition (Rhetorical Figure) in Vietnamese TV Commercials Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Mai Huu, MA Student: Le Tuan Anh Class: 08.1.E20 Hanoi, nd May 2012 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA TIENG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP ĐIỀU TRA VIỆC SỬ DỤNG PHÉP LẶP (BIỆN PHÁP TU TỪ) TRONG QUẢNG CÁO TRUYỀN HÌNH TIẾNG VIỆT GVHD: Nguyễn Thị Mai Hữu,TS Sinh viên: Lê Tuấn Anh Khoá: 08.1.E20 HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2012 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Lê Tuấn Anh in group 08.1.E20, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor‟s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Date ACKNOWLEGEMENTS During the course of fulfilling my graduation paper, I was deeply indebted to many people for their enthusiastic support and precious advice First and foremost, I would very much like to send my most sincere thanks to my supervisor, Ms Nguyen Thi Mai Huu, for her helpful advice, constructive guidance, and considerable encouragements, without which the thesis cannot be completed Additionally, I would love to express my special thanks to the teachers of English Department, especially those of ESP subjects, who have provided me with golden comments and experience I also owe a great debt of gratitude to my family and my friends, especially my classmates in group 08.1.E20 and my roommates, who always gave both spiritual and material encouragements to me during the time of conducting the thesis Last but not least, I am deeply grateful to librarians of English Department of University of Foreign Languages and International Studies for creating favorable conditions for me to access to materials relating to my thesis ABSTRACT Repetition is one of the most popular rhetorical figures used in language of advertising in general and TV advertisement in particular Thanks to the use of this figure, the language of commercials becomes more attractive, listenable, memorable and persuasive However, there is a fact that not many researchers have investigated this issue, especially in Vietnam The research focuses on the use of repetition patterns of rhetorical figure in Vietnamese TV commercials From that point, the effectiveness of each is also drawn and elaborated, which, to a certain degree, helps advertising agencies construct more effective advertising strategies To investigate the use of repetition just in Vietnamese commercials, 40 commercials in Vietnamese was collected randomly from major TV channels such as VTV1, VTV2, HTV7, etc After completing the data collection, all commercials were observed carefully and transcribed on the basis of transcription conventions After that, they were analyzed and discussed thoroughly, basing mainly on the personal observation in combination with the descriptive statistics The research pointed out the patterns of repetition of rhetoric device employed in Vietnamese TV commercials as well as the effectiveness of each reflected through findings and data analysis Table of Contents ACCEPTANCE PAGE Error! Bookmark not defined ACKNOWLEGEMENTS Error! Bookmark not defined ABSTRACT Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .Error! Bookmark not defined 1.1 Rationale Error! Bookmark not defined 1.2 Aim of the research Error! Bookmark not defined 1.3 Scope of the research Error! Bookmark not defined 1.4 Significance of the research Error! Bookmark not defined 1.5 Organization of the research Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1 Overview of advertising, advertisements and TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.1 Definition of advertising Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.2 Types of advertising Error! Bookmark not defined Print media Error! Bookmark not defined Electronic Media Error! Bookmark not defined Other media Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.3 Aims of advertisements Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.4 The criteria to access the effectiveness of using language in advertisements Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1.5 TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined History of TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined Elements of TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined Language of TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined 2.2 Overview of rhetorical figure and repetition Error! Bookmark not defined 2.2.1 Overview of rhetorical device Error! Bookmark not defined 2.2.2 Definition of repetition Error! Bookmark not defined 2.2.3 Classification of repetition Error! Bookmark not defined Sound level Error! Bookmark not defined Word level Error! Bookmark not defined Structure Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOG Y Error! Bookmark not defined 3.1 Selection of Subject Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2 Research Instruments Error! Bookmark not defined 3.3 Procedures of Data Collection Error! Bookmark not defined 3.4 Procedures of Data Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS Error! Bookmark not defined 4.1 Repetitions in Vietnamese commercials Error! Bookmark not defined 4.1.1 The use of repetition in studied Vietnamese TV commercials Error! Bookmark not defined 4.1.2 The frequency of the use of each type of repetition in studied Vietnamese commercials Error! Bookmark not defined 4.2 The Effectiveness of TV Ads Reflected through the Application of Repetition Error! Bookmark not defined 4.2.1 Repetition of Sound Error! Bookmark not defined 4.2.2 Repetition of Word Error! Bookmark not defined 4.2.3 Structure Error! Bookmark not defined 4.3 Implications Error! Bookmark not defined 4.3.1 The implication for the study of advertising strategies Error! Bookmark not defined 4.3.2 The use of television commercials in Language classroom Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined 5.1 Summary of the study Error! Bookmark not defined 5.2 Limitations Error! Bookmark not defined 5.3 Suggestions for further research Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER REFERENCES Error! Bookmark not defined APPENDICES .Error! Bookmark not defined APPENDIX 1: VIETNAMESE COMMERCIALS Error! Bookmark not defined APPENDIX 2: TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS Error! Bookmark not defined LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, FIGURES AND TABLES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ads: Advertisements TV: Television LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: The use of repetition in Vietnamese commercials …………………… 23 Figure 2: The Frequency of Use of Each Type of Repetition in Vietnamese Commercials at Levels of Sound, Word and Structure ……………………………………… 24 Figure 3: The Frequency of Use of Each Type of Repetition in Vietnamese Commercials……………………………………………………………………….24 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The Classification of Repetition Patterns by Edward and David (1996) Error! Bookmark not defined Table 2: The Code of Repetition Patterns Error! Bookmark not defined Table 3: The Examples of Each Repetition Pattern Error! Bookmark not defined Table 4: The Use of repetition in studied Vietnamese commercials Error! Bookmark not defined Table 5: The Frequency of Use of Each Type of Repetition in studied Vietnamese Commercials Error! Bookmark not defined LIST OF DIAGRAM Diagram 1: Types of advertising media Error! Bookmark not defined Diagram 2: Creating Broadcast Advertising Error! Bookmark not defined APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: VIETNAMESE COMMERCIALS Products Speech of Commercials & Types of Repetition C1 Zinzin [Cái tay] tay tay (1) bắt ::↑ lấy tay (0.5) Túm [cái chân] (1) vớ ::↑ [cái đầu] (0.5) đầu to (0.5) chân dài = R6,7,8 = [bay cao nào, nhảy cao nào, bay cao nào, nhảy cao nào, nhảy zinzin] bay cao nào, nhảy cao nào, bay cao nào, nhảy cao nào, nhảy zinzin Zin↓::zin::: ↑ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clcC7yUbHjU C2 Knor G1: Mình ơn lại câu [chúc] tết nha:: X _B1 B1: = Chúc ông bà….X _G1 R4 B1: Chúc ông bà câu ý = Chúc cô chén an khang = Chúc anh chị [một dĩa], dĩa tài lộc @@Đây quà tết knor đến nhà http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKIq4Se0er0 C3 Nước uống Vui xuân xé nhãn trà xanh độ:: [trúng vàng]= dr Thanh, =Năng lực number 1:: trúng vàng= Không độ, =Number soya:: trúng vàng= =trà doctor Thanh:: trúng vàng= Với 50 lượng vàng, 500 vàng, hàng triệu sản phẩm miễn phí R5 Vui xuân xé nhãn trúng↑vàng http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAEQd3vZg1w 10 C4 Vina Cafe (¶) Lạm phát cao mà Ơi:: ngất ngây đây= = dù giá quay cuồng, tưng bừng ta::::say↑:::: C28: B1: Đừng lo↑ [Sunlight khử mùi t[anh]] với chiết xuất trà xanh chanh khử mùi đánh bay vết dầu mỡ CẢ môi nhựa (1.5) In the C5, the sound “ai” was repeated three times at different words, namely “xài”, “tài” and “dài” In the C28, it was very interesting when the sound “anh” was used at the end of words “tanh”, “xanh”, and “chanh” It can be seen that they are the key words which help viewers look back on the core massage of commercial In C5, the core massage can be taken out that Hoa Phat chair can help the consumers grow richer In C28, Sunlight is extracted from green tea and lemon and can eliminate fishy smell On the whole, these patterns are employed in Vietnam commercials in order to mainly improve the readability, listenability and memorability Whereas, these criteria are drawn from AIDA theory Thus, it is possible to say that repetition types, to some extent, help ads able to draw the public‟s attention and sustain their interest 4.2.2 Repetition of Word It is certain that this kind of repetition is the most common with the percentage of nearly 45 % of total of commercials using repetition patterns Apart from the effects of readability and memorability, it is able to attract the attention of the viewers At the level of word, there are patterns of repetition, respectively anaphora, epistrophe, apanalepsis and anadiplosis Regarding the Anaphora, it can have a strong effect on emotion of the viewers Moreover, it can make a great impression which helps to increase the rhythm and memorability in the line C2: B1: Chúc ông bà câu ý = Chúc cô chén an khang = Chúc anh chị [một dĩa], dĩa tài lộc 51 In the C2, the word “Chúc” was repeated a lot of times, more exactly, appeared at the beginning of each turn of speaking, which made a strong emphasis on the massage of commercial Moreover, the verb “Chúc” meaning “wish” in Enlish also stimulated the viewers‟ thoughts to buy knor as a gift on Tet festival C27: Sau 50↑ 70↑ hay 100↑ lần chải, tóc [KHƠNG CỊN] gãy rụng, KHƠNG CỊN phải lo lắng For this example, “khơng cịn” meaning “not” in English was repeated at the beginning of lines By using this negative meaning, the advertiser stressed more on the prominent feature of this shampoo “Pantene”, which is that shampoo Pantene can protect and bring up the hair well Thus, the persuasion of features of advertised product is much higher, which makes consumers take actions to buy it Besides, the second word “not” affects the consumers‟ feelings It gives a massage to the consumers that if they use shampoo Pantene, they must not worry about the problems of hair On the whole, the repetition pattern of C2 and C27 makes speeches smoothly, attracts the attention of the consumers and more importantly, increases their selling power on the televised products The second pattern of repeating words is epistrophe, which means the repetition of a word or many words at the end of successive phrases Through the study, it can be seen that this kind is used less than anaphora but more than the two remaining ones, namely epanalepsis and anadiplosis To this kind, the last words of phrases are emphasized in order to express noteworthy concepts or features of advertised products In the C3, the phrasal verb “trúng vàng” meaning “gain gold” in English was spoken out many times By putting stress on “trúng vàng”, the advertiser expected to stimulate the consumers to pay their more attention to and buy these products thanks to 52 the given benefit Besides, the repetition of “trúng vàng” generates the memorability and smoothness in the speakers‟s words C3: Vui xuân xé nhãn trà xanh độ:: [trúng vàng]= =Năng lực number 1:: trúng vàng= =Number soya:: trúng vàng= =trà doctor Thanh:: trúng vàng= Another typical example of this kind is the C16 with the repetition of the word “Cocacola”, which is also the brand of the product To help the viewers remember the brand much more, the name of itself was repeated many times at the end of the sentences C16: Dùng suốt ngày hè [coca co.la]= =Cảm giác sảng khối lực tràn trề cocacola đích thực cola= =Đừng chọn thứ khác COCACOLA The next pattern is epanalepsis, which is used quite unobtrusively in Vietnam commercials, but presents a lot of effectiveness The C5 is considered a typical mode of this kind C5: Phát tài hòa phát In the phrase “phát tài hòa phát”, “phát” meaning “prosper” in English occurred at both the beginning and the end of the same phrase, which are two positions of stronger stress The word “phát” generates two effects at the same time Firstly, it makes an emphasis on the name of products which can help the viewers bear in mind longer Secondly, the “phát” or “prosper” means to be successful, especially in terms of finances according to the Oxford Dictionary Thus, the repetition makes the viewers interested more in the usefulness of the product Finally, in terms of anadiplosis, the C1 and C6 are the noticeable examples 53 C1: Túm [cái chân] (1) vớ ::↑ [cái đầu] (0.5) đầu to (0.5) chân dài = The word “cái đầu” occurred at the end of the first sentence and at the beginning of the successive one It can be seen that this pattern makes speeches smoother and more fluent Besides, it help the viewers retain the massage of advertisement in their mind longer C6: Uống:: trà dr [thanh] thanh↓ lọc thể::: khơng lo bị NĨNG:: In this example, the word “thanh” means both “green” and “cleanse” in English This repetition not only sticks the massage of the product deeper in the viewers‟ mind but also convey the advertising massage in more creative way Like the C5, the word “thanh”, apart from showing the name of product, expresses the usefulness of adverted product In general, the repetition of word contributes a great number of benefits to the success of a televised product It not only can catch the attention of the viewers, increase the listenability and memorability but also enhance the selling power from the consumers 4.2.3 Structure First of all, through the findings, it can be seen that this kind of repetition has been applied the most in Vietnamese commercials Considering this kind alone, it occupied more than 28 % out of 36 TV selected commercials To mention the parallelism is to mention the similarity of structures or the repetition of a sentence or clause C6: [Vui chơi hoạt động ngồi trời, NĨNG↑:: người::: ↑ (3)] [Vui chơi hoạt động ngồi trời, NĨNG↑:: người::: ↑(3)] 54 Uống:: trà dr [thanh] thanh↓ lọc thể::: khơng lo bị NĨNG:: Uống:: trà dr tận↓ hưởng sống::: khơng lo bị NĨNG↓::: NGON TUYỆT C13: G: [100 %, 100 %, sữa tươi nguyên chất 100 %]= = 100 %, 100 %, sữa tươi nguyên chất 100 % # G: # Chúng bị vui nhộn, chúng tơi bị hạnh phúc:::::(1) For the above commercials, each pair of sentence contains the features of this repetition The repetition is not merely the repeated words, but the repetition of the whole sentence It is possible to understand easily that it first can help increase the memorability of the viewers Thus, all features of an advertised product like the name, usefulness or usages, etc can be kept in the viewers‟ mind longer Moreover, once the whole sentence which contains the key massage is underlined, it will help advertisements more persuasive 4.3 Implications 4.3.1 The implication for the study of advertising strategies First of all, the findings from the study indicated that up to 36 of 40 Vietnamese commercials employed the rhetorical operation of repetition as an effective tool of creating a successful TV advertisement As a result, it is obvious that repetition cannot be ignored when any marketer or multinational company wants to create a persuasive commercial To apply this rhetorical device most effectively, however, they have to achieve a thorough knowledge on them The findings from my study are expected to 55 bring the useful knowledge when it comes to making advertising strategy for domestic markets Basing on the AIDA concept, criteria to assess the ads, as well as the effectiveness of repetition patterns referred in Chapter and Chapter 4, it could be recognized easily that most of repetition types undertook all of functions of advertisements, namely attention, listenability, memorability and selling power However, looking deeply at each kind, it also could be seen that they had their own prominent functions Specifically, R6 and R7 were much prone to the attention function Meanwhile, R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 concentrated much more on functions of both memorability and listenability Lastly, R8 was supposed to embrace all functions, but mainly increase selling power Another noteworthy point is that AIDA concept connects closely to the product life cycle regarding the advertising strategies Therefore, if can understand deeply effectiveness of repetition patterns, it is possible to apply them into each stage of product life Seemingly, each product experiences major stages, namely introduction, growth, maturity, and decline For the introduction stage, the product is advertised to create attention and the immediate profit is not very necessary The product is launched with its requirements for getting it launched in such a way so that it will have maximum impact at the moment of sale A good example of such a launch is the launch of “Window XP” by Microsoft Corporation The second phase is the growth one, which mainly focuses on calling interest of the consumers Therefore, the cost of advertising in this phase is very high It can be seen that the two first stages of product life-cycle relate much to the “attention” and “interest” in AIDA concept In other words, ads for these phases must attract the public‟s attention as well as must be readability and memorability 56 Thus, to these stages, the application of repetition R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, and R7 into advertising language is totally possible The maturity stage is defined by the reduction in the rate of sales growth and a further reduction in unit costs This stage, brands are a key to this New brands are introduced even when they compete with the company‟s existing products A successful product maturity stage is extended beyond anyone‟s timely expectations A good example of this is “Tide” washing powder, which has grown old, and it is still growing The last stage is the decline one For this phase, there is an intense pricecutting and many more products are withdrawn from the market During this stage both revenues and profits decline New products are introduced into the marketplace and replace the old products For the last stages, advertisements focus more on the “desire” of the consumers and stimulate them to buy products instead of arousing their attention and interest In other words, these phases see the great importance of selling power All types of repetition, especially R 8, as mentioned, can increase the selling power, so it can be employed into advertisements of these phases In general, each phase of product cycle-life associates with each part of AIDA concept For this reason, each suitable pattern of repetition can be employed in commercials for each phase of product cycle-life 4.3.2 The use of television commercials in Language classroom There is no doubt that a great number of sources of authentic materials are used for teaching and learning languages such as articles, movies, songs, etc However, there are still very few attentions paid to the usefulness of TV commercials Therefore, in this section, some reasons are presented to prove that the use of commercials in the classroom has become ideal for teaching and learning languages 57 First of all, with the explosion of high technology, especially the internet, it is just a piece of cake to catch commercials from the websites In fact, commercials are always available on dozens of major websites such as http://www.youtube.com/, http://clip.vn/, http://truyenhinhtv.com/, etc Secondly, through an investigation into the use of repetition in Vietnamese TV commercials, the researcher sees that commercial messages are short and catchy, with key words and phrases repeated Actually, most of TV advertisements are at the high level of brevity which helps make the language used accessible to the language learners and teachers Finally, TV commercials are especially replete with authentic and current spoken language Thanks to this reliable source, language learners can easily imitate the dialects of native speakers With such aforementioned reasons, TV commercials are also considered a good source of materials To be able to use this source in classroom, a lesson plan should be built In order to make a good lesson plan, selecting a suitable commercial is extremely important Whether a commercial is fit or not depends so much on the factors, including the elements of language that the teacher wants to concentrate on and the interests of the students On the background knowledge of Alfred Smith, the professor of French, Linguistics and Foreign Language Education at Utah State University, and Lee Ann Rawley, the Assistant Director of the Intensive English Language Institute, Utah State University mentioned in “the Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning and Teaching (1997)”, it is possible to divide the lesson plan into three stages as followings: 58 Stage 1: Previewing This stage is a preparation period for students to know much more about the information of the commercial Some activities are designed so as to appeal to the students‟ attention, activate their background knowledge, and arouse their interest in the following activities Stage 2: Viewing After catching the information of the commercial and paying much attention to it, the students will watch collected TV commercial The activities for the viewing stage require students to watch the commercial with a purpose and a task The students will have to concentrate on some aspects of the commercial relating to the lesson such as the vocabulary, the grammar, pronunciation, or the content Stage 3: Post-viewing It is possible to say that this is the stage which helps students have a lot of chances to practice Designing activities in this phase also varies with different lessons For listening or speaking lessons, after seeing and hearing the commercial many times, students have had opportunities to discuss and have a deeper understanding of issues such as vocabulary, pronunciation, or structures However, to a critical thinking lesson, activities focus much more on evaluating what students have seen and heard in the commercial On the whole, it can be seen that TV commercials are really good materials for learning language, even the mother one The above steps of a lesson are the foundation to be able to build more detailed lesson, suiting for each subject such speaking, listening, critical thinking, etc 59 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION In spite of the high popularity of repetition (rhetorical figure) in most of advertising languages, even in Vietnamese, its patterns have hardly been defined thoroughly To this research paper, it performs as a fairly comprehensive study of repetition patterns, and to some extent, also reflects effectiveness of each pattern in Vietnamese TV commercials As can be seen in the previous chapters, general introduction, the theoretical background, the methods and the results of the research have been worked out fully This chapter, serving as the conclusion part of the whole research, firstly, some noticeable research findings will be briefly reviewed Subsequently, it will specify some limitations of the study, based on which suggestions for further studies will be offered 5.1 Summary of the study Firstly, in terms of the overall look at the use of repetition, the study has indicated that out of 40 commercials collected from major Vietnamese TV channels, it is up to 36 ones that employ the repetition operation of rhetorical devices, accounting for 90 % Thus, it can be concluded that repetition is one of the most popular rhetorical devices used in advertising languages, even in Vietnamese Second, regarding the frequency of each repetition pattern at levels of sound, word and sentences, the research has discovered that the repeated words are applied the most and the two remaining ones are nearly the same However, when considering the frequency of using each type out of total of 8, the pattern of parallelism is seen to be employed most, making up more than 28 % Thirdly, in the view of effectiveness of repetition in commercials, the findings, although can not reflect all, to some extent, certainly indicate theoritically 60 effectiveness of using repetition patterns such as enhancing attention, memorability, listenability and selling power From these findings, the researcher suggests the establishment of the suitable and persuasive advertising strategies in TV channels by advertising agencies 5.2 Limitations Although the study has been completed with the greatest researcher‟s efforts, there still exist a number of limitations due to the time constraints, and the researcher‟s limited ability and experience First of all, the rather limited number of samples with only 40 Vietnamese TV commercials collected could not best and exactly represent for the whole commercials on TV channels in Vietnam Thus, this, to a certain degree, had an effect on the generalization of the findings of the research The second thing is that most of selected commercials were merely involved in the ads for just some domestic products such as food, drinks, beauty care, household appliance, consequently, it is difficult for the researcher to make a valid generalization about the effectiveness of the use of repetition in Vietnamese commercials Last but not least, only findings analyzed and discussed in the study were not persuasive enough to reflect clearly and exactly the effectiveness of repetition patterns Thus, the study would be much better if some related figures or the ideas of advertising experts were involved in It is certain that the shortcomings are unavoidable in any study However, for further related studies in the future, they will be noteworthy lessons 61 5.3 Suggestions for further research As introduced in the theoretical background, there have been so few studies on the application of repetition (rhetorical device) into creating advertisements up to now, especially in Vietnam Therefore, it still offers other researchers large room to carry out further studies Regarding the restriction on the number of samples, the larger number of them should be involved in further related studies so as to certify the validity and reliability of them Besides, if possible, the target subject of these studies also should be broader, aiming to increase the generalizability of the findings Apart from broadening the target subject, the scope of these studies can be widened to not only Vietnamese commercials but ones of other languages as well like English From then, there is a good comparison of the use of repetition in commercials among different languages or pairs of languages Finally, in terms of the limited evidence for concluding the effectiveness of repetition types reflected through their application into Vietnamese TV commercials, it is recommended that the future studies should carry out much more thorough experiments on the targeted subjects as well as refer to many more ideas of advertising experts 62 REFERENCES Book Cooper, L 1960, The rhetoric of Aristotle, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc, New York Corbett, EP 1990, Classical rhetoric for modern student, 3rd edn, Oxford University Press, New York Crowther, J 1995, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, th edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford Dao, HD 2006, „Chương 2: Quảng cáo truyền hình, đặc tính mục đích‟, Quảng cáo truyền hình kinh tế thị trường, NXB Đại học quốc gia Thành Phố HCM, HCM City, pp 23-26 Gagnon, E 2003, „The keys to sales and marketing success‟, The marketing manager’s 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TIENG ANH KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP ĐIỀU TRA VIỆC SỬ DỤNG PHÉP LẶP (BIỆN PHÁP TU TỪ) TRONG QUẢNG CÁO TRUYỀN HÌNH TIẾNG VIỆT GVHD: Nguyễn Thị Mai Hữu,TS Sinh viên: Lê Tu? ??n Anh Khoá: 08.1.E20 HÀ NỘI... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT42NWN69_0 C40 Kem đánh B1: Từ nguồn [thảo dược] quý giá làm nên kem đánh răng Twin [TWIN LOTUS] Lotus Với màu nâu đặc trưng cho trắng bóng chăm sóc lưỡi↓ R7 B2: Twin lotus... History of TV commercials Regarding the history of TV commercials, Dao Huu Dung, in his book ? ?Quảng cáo truyền hình kinh tế thị trường” (2006), considered that television commercial was broadcasted

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2021, 15:28


