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Khó khăn giáo sinh gặp phảI trong việc xây dựng khung chương trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành Khó khăn giáo sinh gặp phảI trong việc xây dựng khung chương trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành Khó khăn giáo sinh gặp phảI trong việc xây dựng khung chương trình tiếng anh chuyên ngành luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER CHALLENGES FACED BY STUDENT TEACHERS OF FELTE, ULIS, VNU IN DESIGNING AN ESP COURSE SYLLABUS Supervisor: Cấn Thị Chang Duyên, M.A Student: Giang Thanh Trà Course: QH2015.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2019 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP KHÓ KHĂN GIÁO SINH GẶP PHẢI TRONG VIỆC XÂY DỰNG KHUNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Cấn Thị Chang Duyên, M.A Sinh viên: Giang Thanh Trà Khóa: QH2015.F1.E1 HÀ NỘI – 2019 Signature of Approval: Supervisor’s Comments & Suggestions _ _ _ Date: ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Giang Thanh Trà, QH2015.F1.E1, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts – English Teacher Education program accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Giang Thanh Trà Date: 06/06/2019 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Throughout the whole time, I owed the accomplishment of my graduation paper to incredible individuals First and foremost, I would like to express the heartfelt gratitude to my amazing supervisor Can Thi Chang Duyen for the wholehearted support that I received during the development of my bachelor thesis Without her divine guidance, detailed comment, constructive advice, and considerable encouragement, I would never have completed this study My deepest appreciation also goes to my family and friends for their substantial assistance and constant care Thank you so much for showing remarkable tolerance and patience towards me, especially during the time I carry out this paper Finally, it is vitally important to send my sincere thanks to all ESP lecturers and student teachers who agreed to participate in the study Not only they constitute an indispensable role as to providing profound insights into the problem under investigation, but they also offer worthy criticisms to improve the research ii ABSTRACT Given the explosive growth of globalization, technology advancement, and international job opportunities, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has gained a vital place in the language teaching world Despite its popularity, little research has been conducted to perceive the status quo of ESP teachers and their difficulties in a new working environment, and even less for pre-service teachers With such inadequate understanding of pre-service teachers’ situation in ESP practice, especially in Vietnam context, this study is carried out to shed light on the challenges that student teachers of University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS) encounter while designing an ESP syllabus as a project of their ESP Methodology course From the perspectives of approximately one hundred student teachers and four ESP lecturers, the research also takes into account the root of the problems, and suggests possible solutions to overcome these challenges Questionnaires, semi-interviews, and document analysis are employed to achieve the aim The results revealed that student teachers were more likely to confront with intrinsic challenges such as dealing with pedagogical knowledge or keeping motivation for the project, and the main cause of these difficulties lay behind the lack of experience in ESP teaching As suggested by both groups of participants, consultation with the instructor and self-study might assist student teachers to cope better in those situations Apart from major findings, several recommendations for the projects, ESP Methodology course, and English Teacher Education program were also given iii ABBREVIATIONS EAP: English for Academic Purposes EBE: English for Business and Economics ELT: English Language Teaching EOP: English for Occupational Purposes ESE: English for Social Science ESP: English for Specific Purposes EST: English for Science and Technology FELTE: Faculty of English Language Teacher Education GE: General English PBL: Project-based Learning ULIS: University of Languages and International Studies VNU: Vietnam National University, Hanoi iv LIST OF TABLES Table 3.3.1 Number of student teachers of FELTE, ULIS 25 Table Challenges student teachers encountered in syllabus design process 35 Table Causes of the challenges encountered by student teachers 40 Table Solutions to challenges encountered by student teachers 46 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1.1 ELT Tree (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987, p 17) Figure 2.6.1 Framework of the study 22 Figure 5.2.1 Major challenges student teachers encountered in the project 59 LIST OF PIE CHARTS Pie Chart Student teachers’ experience with ESP 32 Pie Chart Assumed class size 32 Pie Chart Target students’ level 33 Pie Chart Target students’ majors 33 LIST OF BAR GRAPH Bar Graph Challenges as perceived by student and lecturer interviewees 38 v TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE PAGE i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .ii ABSTRACT iii ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF PIE CHARTS v LIST OF BAR GRAPH v TABLE OF CONTENT vi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2 STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM 1.3 RESEARCH AIMS & RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 SCOPE OF RESEARCH 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSE (ESP) 2.1.1 Definition of ESP 2.1.2 Categories of ESP 2.1.3 Differences between ESP and GE 2.2 ESP SYLLABUS DESIGN 10 2.2.1 Definition of ESP syllabus 10 vi 2.2.2 Definition of ESP syllabus design 11 2.2.3 Components of ESP syllabus 12 2.3 SYLLABUS DESIGN AS A PROJECT IN ESP METHODOLOGY COURSE …………………………………………………………………………………… 13 2.3.1 Definition of project-based learning 13 2.3.2 The overview of the implementation of PBL in teacher education 14 2.4 CHALLENGES IN ESP TEACHING 15 2.4.1 Challenges faced by teachers in teaching ESP 15 2.4.2 Challenges faced by teachers in designing an ESP course 17 2.5 CHALLENGES OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS IN ESP 18 2.5.1 Challenges faced by pre-service teachers in ESP practice 18 2.5.2 Challenges of pre-service teachers in course design as a project 19 2.6 Challenges of pre-service teachers in PBL 19 Challenges of pre-service teachers in course design as a project 20 FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY 21 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH 23 3.2 CONTEXT OF THE STUDY 24 3.2.1 Description of the ESP Methodology Course 24 3.2.2 Description of the Project 24 3.3 PARTICIPANTS 24 3.3.1 Student teachers of FELTE, ULIS, VNU 25 3.3.2 ESP lecturers of FELTE, ULIS, VNU 26 3.4 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE 26 3.5 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT 27 3.5.1 Questionnaire 27 vii I did not know how to arrange the order/sequence of tasks and activities Others (please specify): _ 3.8 Assessment for the course I could not determine which assessment task/test to include in the syllabus I could not decide the criteria to assess my students’ performance I was confused at how to divide grades to each task I did not know what to assess in this syllabus Others (please specify): _ 3.9 Selection of materials There were no available materials for the assumed field I had limited access to necessary materials I did not know about the books that had good quality Others (please specify): _ Student teacher’s skill (time management) I did not have an efficient time division plan for the project I procrastinated/postponed doing the project Others (please specify): _ Student teacher’s demotivation The project took too much time and effort The project is not interesting The project is not meaningful Others (please specify): _ Teamwork I could not arrange meeting with other teammates I had conflict with other team members I had no contribution to team workload One/some team members refused to their job Others (please specify): _ Lecturer/Instructor’s support There were no/few instructions, guidance and clarifications There were no/little feedback from the lecturer Others (please specify): _ 73 Subject’s requirement The time allotted for the project was not enough The requirements of the project were demanding The assessment rubrics were demanding I was unaware of the project’s assessment rubrics/requirements Others (please specify): _ What solutions did you use to address the challenges that you encountered while designing an ESP course syllabus?  Please choose the solutions accordingly to your chosen challenges above No Solutions to the challenges SD D A SA To solve the challenges I encountered during the syllabus design process/this project, I chose to… English proficiency/Subject knowledge base Ask friends/classmates Ask lecturer/instructor Ask friends/teachers from that specific knowledge Self-study (read research, relevant journal, references) Observe other peer's work and share experience (other peer's work) Others (please specify): _ Pedagogy knowledge base 2.1 Syllabus Content Ask for lecturer/instructor's help Discuss with groupmates Observe other peer's work and share experience (other peer's work) Refer back to target situation Self-study (read research, relevant journal, references) Use a relevant syllabus as references Others (please specify): 2.2 Material selection Add extra materials (journals, authentic texts) to supplement for main books Ask lecturer/instructor’s help Ask for other groups’ help Tailor the materials to fit the content 74 Use variety of resources from online (videos, audios) Use the real-life situation activities Others (please specify): _ Student teacher’s soft skill (Time management) Plan better time division with other group members Ask for groupmates’ help Others (please specify): _ Student teacher’s demotivation Choose the topic assignment you are interested in Others (please specify): _ Teamwork Ask for teacher’s help Provide each other with help Give feedback to each other Negotiate among group member Others (please specify): _ Teacher’s support Ask for conferences to check for progression Ask for clarification of the assignment requirements Ask for extra materials from teacher Others (please specify): _ Subject’s requirement Ask for time extension Ask teacher’s for clarity of marking criteria Check the marking criteria Others (please specify): _ This research is genuinely in need of another part – interview to get a more profound insight into your answer I am looking forward to your acceptance to take part in the interview If you agree to this, please leave your information below: NAME: MOBILE PHONE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION! 75 APPENDIX 5: STUDENT TEACHERS SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW I INTRODUCTION The name of the research and its purpose The interviewees’ rights and responsibilities II INTERVIEW QUESTIONS According to your questionnaire, you have listed X challenges while doing this project Besides them, you want to add any information? I have your product, can you tell me some challenges you encountered while designing the syllabus? How did your teacher suggest fixing the problem? What are the causes of the challenges you faced while planning the ESP course syllabus? Please specify each of your answer with examples What are the solutions that you have taken to address the challenges you faced? Please specify each of your answer with examples III CONCLUSION Do you want to add further information for this interview? Can I contact you later if I need to clarify some information? 76 APPENDIX 6: ESP LECTURERS SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW I INTRODUCTION The name of the research and its purpose The interviewees’ rights and responsibilities II INTERVIEW QUESTIONS In your opinion, along with experience throughout different ESP methodology courses and this year’s product, what are the challenges that students face when planning an ESP syllabus? 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PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP KHÓ KHĂN GIÁO SINH GẶP PHẢI TRONG VIỆC XÂY DỰNG KHUNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Cấn Thị Chang Duyên, M.A Sinh viên: Giang Thanh... Gass, 2005, p 73) Each question was reflected based on Likert scale ranging from – Strongly disagree to – Strong agree, omitting Neutral option This option was discarded on account of its confusing... of their significance It can be seen that, with a – point Likert Scale ranging from – Strong Disagree to – Strongly Agree (omitting Neutral option), student teachers were more likely to confront

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2021, 13:53



