Giao thoa văn hóa việt mỹ trên phương diện sốc văn hóa trong hôn nhân liên quốc gia Giao thoa văn hóa việt mỹ trên phương diện sốc văn hóa trong hôn nhân liên quốc gia Giao thoa văn hóa việt mỹ trên phương diện sốc văn hóa trong hôn nhân liên quốc gia luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp luận văn tốt nghiệp,luận văn thạc sĩ, luận văn cao học, luận văn đại học, luận án tiến sĩ, đồ án tốt nghiệp
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FALCULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION - - GRADUATION PAPER A VIETNAMESE- AMERICAN CROSS- CULTURAL STUDY ON CULTURE SHOCKS IN INTERMARRIAGE Supervisor: DAO THU TRANG, M.A Student’s name: LE THI THANH CAM Course: QH 2009 Ha Noi, April 2013 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH - - KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP GIAO THOA VĂN HÓA VIỆT MỸ TRÊN PHƯƠNG DIỆN SỐC VĂN HÓA TRONG HÔN NHÂN LIÊN QUỐC GIA Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Th.s Đào Thu Trang Sinh viên: Lê Thị Thanh Cầm Khóa: QH 2009 Hà Nội, 4/2013 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Le Thi Thanh Cam in group 09.1.E10, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelors Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper LE THI THANH CAM 25th i April 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, M.A Dao Thu Trang, for her useful guidance, insightful comments, and considerable encouragements to complete this thesis I wish to express my special thanks to all my lecturers in Vietnam National University, Hanoi for their precious assistance, scholarly knowledge and enthusiasm Great deals appreciated go to the contribution of all my friends for their assistances in my data collection I would also want to send my appreciation to all the research participants Without their valuable opinions and ideas on the questionnaires, the research would not have been accomplished Last but not least, I would like to express my indebtedness to my parents, my cousins and my best friends who have given me constant support and love during the completion of the thesis Le Thi Thanh Cam ii ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the culture shock problems of Vietnamese- American spouses The objectives of the present study are to investigate: (i) the common types of culture shocks in Vietnamese- American intermarriage (ii) the reasons and suggest some solutions for culture shock related problems Problems and ways of solving culture differences in mixed- marriage are analyzed with data taken from the questionnaire for the Vietnamese and the English people The first part of the questionnaire is personal information, and it was used to gather information of informants The second part is ten multiple choice questions They are designed to explore the common culture shock problems that people often argue Also, it helps to check what people in intermarriage often when they have culture difference problems relating to language, financial, points of view, custom and habits, etc The results give out significant differences and similarities in the ways of dealing with difficulties in marriage life among Vietnamese and American couples Besides, the author works out the seven common culture shock problems that people often have and also suggests some useful solutions for mixed- marriage spouses More importantly, some contributions for implications for cross- cultural communication have been made so as to give the best knowledge for afterward learners and researchers With the extremely essential role of the study, the author hopes to bring helpful findings for people concerning and give the best pleasure for readers to read it iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION Error! Bookmark not defined Rationale Error! Bookmark not defined Aims of the study .Error! Bookmark not defined Significance of the study .Error! Bookmark not defined Scope of the study .Error! Bookmark not defined Structure of the study Error! Bookmark not defined PART II DEVELOPMENT Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW Error! Bookmark not defined 1.1 Culture Error! Bookmark not defined 1.2 Communication .Error! Bookmark not defined 1.2.1 Definition Error! Bookmark not defined 1.2.2 Elements of communication Error! Bookmark not defined 1.2.3 Types of communication Error! Bookmark not defined 1.3 Cross- cultural communication .Error! Bookmark not defined 1.4 Culture shock Error! Bookmark not defined 1.4.1 Definition Error! Bookmark not defined 1.4.2 Types of culture shocks .Error! Bookmark not defined 1.5 Intermarriage Error! Bookmark not defined 1.5.1 Definition Error! Bookmark not defined 1.5.2 Culture shock in intermarriage Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER METHODOLOGY Error! Bookmark not defined 2.1 Research questions Error! Bookmark not defined 2.2 Data collection instruments Error! Bookmark not defined 2.3 Contents of the questionnaires Error! Bookmark not defined 2.4 Selection of subjects .Error! Bookmark not defined 2.5 Data analysis Error! Bookmark not defined CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS .Error! Bookmark not defined iv 3.1 3.1.1 Common types of culture shock in Vietnamese- American intermarriage Error! Bookmark not defined Frequency of common culture shock problems of Vietnamese- American spouse………………………………………………………………………… 16 3.1.2 Influence degree of seven suggested problems to Vietnamese- American spouses’ life……………………………………………………………………….Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2 Conflicts in problem solving Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.1 Conflict in solving language difference of Vietnamese- American spouses Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.2 Conflict in solving financial problem of Vietnamese- American spouses… Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.3 Conflict in family role distributions in Vietnamese- American mixed culture families Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.4 Conflict in wife/ husband’s family relation Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.5 Conflict in food taste difference Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.6 Frequency of agreement when Vietnamese- American spouses have culture difference conflicts .Error! Bookmark not defined 3.2.7 Satisfaction about mixed marriage life of Vietnamese- American spouses… Error! Bookmark not defined 3.3 Satisfaction levels of Vietnamese- American spouses Error! Bookmark not defined 3.4 Other types of culture shocks and their causes Error! Bookmark not defined 3.5 Suggested ways of solving some culture shock problems in VietnameseAmerican intermarriage Error! Bookmark not defined PART III CONCLUSION Error! Bookmark not defined Summary of the finding .Error! Bookmark not defined Implications for cross- cultural communication Error! Bookmark not defined Recommendations for further study Error! Bookmark not defined v APPENDIX A SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES Error! Bookmark not defined APPENDIX B ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR VIETNAMESE- AMERICAN SPOUSES Error! Bookmark not defined LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 3.1 Frequency of common culture shock problems of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 16 Figure 3.1 Frequency of common culture shock problems of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 17 Table 3.2 Influence degree of seven suggested problems to Vietnamese- American spouses’ life…………………………………………………………………………… 18 Figure 3.2.a Influence degree of seven suggested problems to Vietnamese partners… 19 Figure 3.2.b Influence degree of seven suggested problems to American partners……………………………………………………………………………… 20 Table 3.3 Ways for solving language difference problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 21 Figure 3.3 Ways for solving language difference problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 22 Table 3.4 Ways for solving financial problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 23 Figure 3.4 Ways for solving financial problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 24 vi Table 3.5 Family role distributions in Vietnamese- American mixed culture families……………………………………………………………………………… 25 Figure 3.5 Family role distributions in Vietnamese- American mixed culture families……………………………………………………………………………… 26 Table 3.6 American and Vietnamese partners’ reactions toward each other when Vietnamese relatives stay too long in their house………………………………………………………………………………… 27 Figure 3.6 American and Vietnamese partners’ reactions toward each other when Vietnamese relatives stay too long in their house………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Table 3.7 Ways of solving food taste difference problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 29 Figure 3.7 Ways of solving food taste difference problem of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 29 Table 3.8 Frequency of agreement when Vietnamese- American spouses have culture difference conflicts……………………………………………………………………30 Figure 3.8 Frequency of agreement when Vietnamese- American spouses have culture difference conflicts……………………………………………………………………31 Table 3.9 Satisfaction about mixed marriage life of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 32 Figure 3.9 Satisfaction about mixed marriage life of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 32 Table 3.10 Satisfaction levels of Vietnamese- American spouses…………………… 33 Figure 3.10 Satisfaction levels of Vietnamese- American spouses……………………………………………………………………………… 34 vii viii c Habits, hobbies, needs difference 4 4 d Roles, responsibilities distribution e Finance f Husband/ wife’s family relation g Perception and knowledge gap 48 What would you in the following situation? You and your life partner speak in different language and this leads to one speak but the other cannot understand A Insist on asking your wife/ husband change her/ his language B Use language in where you are living C Do not care about your partner’s language, speak your own language and try to make your wife/ husband understand by your ways D Follow the partner’s language, and try to be a translator of each other when going out E Others:…………………………………………………………………… How you solve finance problem in your family? A The husband always gives almost all money for the wife B Keep money personally C Save money together, but each person still has private account D Others:…………………………………………………………………… How you distribute family role with your life partner? A Following to Vietnamese tradition, women the housework, men go out and earn money B Both wife and husband go out to earn money and divide the housework equally C Hire servants D Others:…………………………………………………………………… When your Vietnamese wife/ husband’s cousins visit your house and stay for a long time, how you react to them? A Show indisposed attitude but say nothing 49 B Talk to your life partner that you not agree so C Feel free and happy, no problem D Others:…………………………………………………………………… What you when you have different taste of food from your life partner? A Follow to the taste of the cook B Force your wife/ husband to follow you C Try to eat the way Vietnamese wife/ husband eats D Others:…………………………………………………………………… How often you and your life partner reach an agreement when you have culture difference problems? A Always B Sometimes C Rarely D Never Until now, you feel satisfied with your life with foreign wife/ husband? A Yes B No C Others:…………………………………………………………………… 10 How you feel satisfy with your marriage life up to now? Choose the suitable level 1-Extremely satisfy; 2- Satisfy; 3- Satisfy a little bit; 4- Not satisfy at all Thank you very much for your help! 50 PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA Phi u i u tra n y ược lập nh m m c ch ph c v cho t i “Nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa Việt Mỹ phương diện sốc vă hóc nhân liên quốc gia” M c ch c a c u h i l th n o Ch ng t i t m hi u xem b n nh gi cao s gi p nh gi c c t nh hu ng sau c a qu v vi c tr l i c c c u h i phi u i u tra Qu v c th y n t m r ng ch ng t i s kh ng n u danh t nh c a qu v b t c trư ng hợp n o Ch ng t i xin ch n th nh c m n qu v A Thông tin chung: u v h ch n c a iền thông tin ho c ánh dấu tích (√) vào l c nh Tên c a anh/ ch : Qu c t ch c a anh/ ch : Vi t Nam Mỹ Qu c t ch c a b n i c a anh/ ch : Vi t Nam Mỹ N i cư tr hi n t i c a vợ chồng: Tu i c a anh/ ch : Gi i t nh: Nam Nữ Th i gian k t hôn: B nh Trong ng y ầu ti n bư c vào hôn nhân v i ngư i b n khác qu c t ch, b n gặp kh khăn n o sau y? Hãy nh d u l a chọn c a vào thích hợp (có th chọn nhi u h n v n Các v n V n B t ồng ngôn ngữ B t ồng quan i m, văn h a Khác bi t v thói quen, sở thích, nhu cầu 51 ) b n gặp ph i i Phân chia vai trò, trách nhi m gia nh Tài M i quan h v i gia nh vợ/ chồng Chênh l ch v tr nh ộ, nhận th c Kh c:……………………………………… Trong s ng hôn nhân, y u t nh hưởng n b n th nào? Hãy chọn m c ộ phù hợp v i m c kh khăn m b n gặp ph i v n b ng c ch nh d u x vào m c sau 4- Kh ng ng k - Ảnh hưởng chút - Ảnh hưởng ng k 1- Ảnh hưởng r t l n a B t ồng ngôn ngữ 4 b B t ồng quan i m, văn h a c Khác bi t v thói quen, sở thích, nhu cầu 52 d Phân chia vai trò, trách nhi m gia 3 nh e Tài f M i quan h v i gia nh vợ/ chồng 4 g Chênh l ch v tr nh ộ, nhận th c Trong trư ng hợp sau, quý v ph n ng th nào? Hai vợ chồng ngư i nói th ti ng v kh ng mu n thay ngôn ngữ riêng c a mình, dẫn t i ngư i n y n i ngư i không th hi u c A Khăn khăn y u cầu b n B S ng i ph i theo ngôn ngữ c a u th theo ng n ngữ 53 i C Thích nói th ti ng g ược, n u nói khơng hi u dùng ngơn ngữ hình th , miễn l m cho ngư i hi u l D Theo ngôn ngữ c a b n ược i làm phiên d ch cho E Kh c:………………………………………………………………… Khi b n ngư i Viêt Nam, l y ngư i có qu c t ch nư c Mỹ, b n gi i quy t v n t i ch nh gia nh th nào? A Ngư i chồng ưa hầu h t ti n lư ng cho vợ vợ chăm lo gia B Ti n ngư i n y giữ, mu n mua sắm gia nh nh th s chia ti n sau C Góp quỹ chung ngư i có ti n riêng D Kh c:………………………………………………………………… B n phân chia công vi c gia nh th nào? A Theo truy n th ng c a Vi t Nam, chồng i l m ki m ti n, vợ chăm lo công vi c gia nh v c i B Theo phong cách c a Mỹ, c hai gi p v chia i c ng vi c gánh nặng C Ai thích làm làm, n u kh ng l m ược thuê giúp vi c D Kh c:………………………………………………………………… Khi họ h ng b ngư i Vi t Nam c a b n n nhà b n ch i m y ngày li n, chồng/ vợ ngư i Mỹ c a b n t th i ộ kh ng ồng ý, b n ã ph n ng l i th nào? A Nhắc khéo ngư i bà v s m B Đợi ngư i b v gi i thích cho b n khơng ch u hi u mặc k C Vui vẻ b nh thư ng D Khác 54 i hi u N u Khi b n ngư i Vi t Nam có v ăn u ng khác v i b n i ngư i Mỹ c a mình, b n ã gi i quy t th nào? A Ai n u theo v c a ngư i B Bắt vợ/ chồng ngư i Mỹ ph i ăn u ng theo C C gắng ăn u ng theo v c a vợ/ chồng ngư i Mỹ D Khác: B n b n ph i v n i c a b n c thư ng xuyên th ng nh t ược v i gặp v khác bi t văn h a kh ng? A Luôn th ng nh t ược B Thỉnh tho ng th ng nh t ược C Hi m th ng nh t ược D Không bao gi th ng nh t ược Đ n th i i m bây gi , b n c b n ang h i lòng v th a mãn v i vi c k t hôn i ngư i Mỹ c a hay khơng? A Có B Không C Khác: 10 Đ n th i i m bây gi , anh/ ch c m th y th a mãn th v s ng hôn nhân cu Chọn m c ộ phù hợp dư i y th hi n m c ộ th a mãn c a 1- Vơ th a mãn 2- Th a mãn 3- H i th a mãn 4- Không th a mãn Xin ch n th nh c m n s gi p 55 c a quý v ! APPENDIX B ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR VIETNAMESE- AMERICAN SPOUSES Table B1 Frequency of common culture shock problems of VietnameseAmerican spouses Problems Americans partners Problems Number Percentage a 70 b 10 c Vietnamese partners Number Percentage a 80 100 b 10 100 60 c 50 d 70 d 80 e 80 e 80 f 10 100 f 90 g 40 g 30 Note: (a) Language difference, (b) Viewpoint, culture difference, (c) Habit, hobby, need difference, (d) Role, responsibility distribution, (e) Finance, (f) Husband/ wife’s family relation, (g) Perception and knowledge gap 56 Table B2 Influence degree of seven suggested problems to Vietnamese- American spouses’ life Levels (Vietnamese) Problems Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per a 20 50 30 0 b 20 80 0 0 c 0 30 50 20 d 0 20 60 20 e 10 50 30 10 f 10 70 20 0 g 0 0 80 20 Levels (American) Problems Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per a 20 50 30 0 b 0 80 20 0 c 0 30 60 10 d 0 30 50 20 e 0 60 20 20 f 20 70 10 0 57 g 0 0 40 60 Note: (a) Language difference, (b) Viewpoint, culture difference, (c) Habit, hobby, need difference, (d) Role, responsibility distribution, (e) Finance, (f) Husband/ wife’s family relation, (g) Perception and knowledge gap Table B3 Ways for solving language difference problem of Vietnamese- American spouses Options Vietnamese A Insist on asking your life American Number Percentage 0 20 40 30 0 0 60 0 0 50 partner to change his/ her language B.Use the language in where you and your life partner are living C.Do not care about your partner’s language, speak your own one and try to make your wife/ husband understands by your ways D.Follow the partner’s language and try to be a translator of each other when going out E.Others 58 Table B4 Ways for solving financial problem of Vietnamese- American spouses Options Vietnamese American Number Percentage Number Percentage 70 0 money 10 80 C.Save money together, 20 20 0 0 A.The husband gives almost all money to the wife B.Keep personally but each person still has private account D.Others Table B5 Family role distributions in Vietnamese- American mixed culture marriage Options Vietnamese (%) American(%) A.Follow Vietnamese tradition, women 40 20 60 40 40 0 the housework and men go out to earn money B.Both wife and husband go out to earn money and divide the housework equally C.Both wife and husband go out to earn money and hire servants to the housework D.Other 59 Table B6 American and Vietnamese partners’ reactions toward each other when Vietnamese relatives stay too long in their house Options American Num Options Vietnamese Per A.Show Num Per 30 70 A.Ask cleverly your indisposed 20 relatives to leave attitude but say nothing B.Talk to your life partner that 80 you not agree B.Wait for your relatives to leave house then for your your explain American partner to understand If he/ she cannot accept, let them be C.Feel free and cheerful, no C.Feel free and have 0 nothing to say 0 0 D.Others 0 problem D.Others 60 Table B7 Ways of solving food taste difference problem of VietnameseAmerican spouses Options Vietnamese American (%) Number Percentage Number Percentage 30 20 wife/ 0 0 C.Try to eat the ways your 40 0 30 80 A.Follow the taste of the cook B.Force your husband to follow you life partner eats Others Table B8 Frequency of agreement when Vietnamese- American spouses have culture difference conflicts Frequency Vietnamese American Number Percentage Number Percentage Always 0 0 Sometimes 40 50 Rarely 60 50 Never 0 0 61 Table 3.9 Satisfaction about mixed marriage life of Vietnamese- American spouses Satisfaction Vietnamese American Number Percentage Number Percentage Yes 40 60 No 20 10 Neutral 40 30 Table B10 Satisfaction levels of Vietnamese- American spouses Satisfaction levels Vietnamese American Number Percentage Number Percentage 0 0 2- Satisfy 40 40 3- Satisfy a little 40 50 20 10 1- Extremely satisfy bit 4- Not satisfy at all 62 ...ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH - - KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP GIAO THOA VĂN HÓA VIỆT MỸ TRÊN PHƯƠNG DIỆN SỐC VĂN HĨA TRONG HƠN NHÂN LIÊN QUỐC GIA Giáo... TRONG HƠN NHÂN LIÊN QUỐC GIA Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Th.s Đào Thu Trang Sinh viên: Lê Thị Thanh Cầm Khóa: QH 2009 Hà Nội, 4/2013 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: Le Thi Thanh Cam in group 09.1.E10,... an extremely important part in our life and is typical of each culture It, therefore, creates a strong gap between American and Vietnamese people when they live with each other in a family It seems