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Nội dung

Before pre- teaching the new words , T help ss to pronounce the word given in text book .T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask ss to repeat in chorus and individually. to conse[r]


Period 1: revision and introduction I.objectives:by the end of the lesson ss will be able to:

-revise the language of english book 10 -know the form of english book 11 II.materials:English book 10,11

III:anticipated problems:

Ss may forget the knowledges of english book 10 IV.procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Presentation 1


Presentation 2


Call some Ss to tell about the grammar of English 10 -Tenses

-To-infinitive -Gerund

-Reported speech -passive voice

Let Ss to give out some examples feedback and recall them


Ask Ss some question about the English book 10 to introduce the English book 11

-How many units are there….?

-How many lessons are there in a unit?







-Do you doTest your selfat home or at class? -How many topics are there in… ?

Introduce the English book 11 –new version -There are 16 units

-some units last periods -test your self :do at home -there are 16 topics

Summarise the main points Assign homework



Period 2: unit 1: friendship

A reading.

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas,skimming for general information,and guessing meaning in context

-use the information they have read to discuss the topic II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the discussion task,so T sdould be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction





Competitiongame –network

T prepare a handout with a network of the word Friendship Divides the class into groups and give each group a handout and ask them to complete

Dicussing the picture and poem

-T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions:

+ what are the girls and the boys doing? +how they feel?

+what does the picture tell you?

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the poem Pre-teaching vocabulary

-provide some new words on the board


Pair work





-Explain the meaning -Guide Ss to read Setting the scene

You are going to read the passage about the qualities of a lasting friendship.While you are reading ,do the tasks in the book Task 1.

Fill each blank with one of the words in the box -T writes these words on the board:

-Then T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings

-T asks Ss to work individually to the task -asks Ss to exchange their answers with others -asks Ss for their answers and feed back Task 2.

Decide which of the choices A,B,C or D most adequately sum up the ideas of the whole passage

-T gets Ss the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer

-T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks other to say whether they agree or disagree

-Feedback and gives correct answer Task 3.

Answer the six questions in the book -T asks Ss how to this task

-asks Ss to the task individually,then discuss the answer with

Whole class

Individual work and pair work







-Calls on some Ss to answer -Feedback

Intruction:you are required to work in pairs to discuss the question in the book

-When the time run out,calls every two pairs to share ideas -Feedback

-Summarise the main points -Assign homework

Pair work Group work

Whole class


Period 3: unit 1: friendship Lesson b: speaking I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends,using appropriate adjectives II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic,so T should be ready to provide help IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Competition game-Word search

-T divides the class into small groups.Then distributes the following puzzle handout for Ss to in their own groups.which group finishes first and has all the correct answers will be the winner
































Find out:beautiful,tall,sincere.generuos,humorous, Caring,understanding,handsome

Task 1.

Instruction:you are going to look at the picture of four people on page 15 and describe them in pairs

-Before letting Ss to the task,asks them to read Useful language on page 16

-Teaches some words

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to describe the people in the picture,and then calls on some Ss to present their answers

Whole class Pair work

Whole class







Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to discuss and number the personalities in order of important in friendship and then report the results

-Before Ss the task,T asks Ss to look at the list of adjectives provided in the book

-T can elicit or explain some adjectives quickly

-Divides the class into group fo with a group leader.They discuss and the leader will take notes of the ideas and then one represent the result to the whole class

-Feedback Task 3.

Instruction:Imagine that you have a friend who has just won the first prize in Mathematics.A journalist is going to interview you about your friend

-Before Ss perform the interview in pairs,T gets Ss have a look at their role on page 16 and the suggestions on page 17

-T may elicit the questions they may ask

-Asks them to work in pairs to perform the interview -Calls on some pairs to perform the interview


Summarise the main points Assign homework

Whole class Pair work


Period 4: unit 1: friendship c.listening I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

II.Mareials: Textbook,cassette tapes,handouts III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not be familiar with the note-taking task,so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up



Competition game-crossword

-the aim of this activity is to help Ss revise the vocabulary items Ss learnt in the previous lesson

-T divides the class into small groups.Then T distributes the following crossword handout for Ss to in their own

groups.Which group finish first and has all the correct answers will be the winner

Talking about your best friend

-T asks Ss to discuss the question on page 17 in pairs

-Call some Ss to give their answers and comments on the answers

Group work







Vocabulary Pre-teaching

-Before Pre-teaching the new words,T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book

-Elicit some new words Task 1.

Instruction:you are going to listen to Lan and Long talk about their best friends.Listen and decide whether the statements are true or false

-T plays the tape once for Ss to the task

-Asks for Ss’answers and writes them on the board

-Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answer -Feedback and give the correct answers

Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to listen to the tape again and fill the table in the book with notes

-Before Ss listen to the tape again,T may ask them to try to fill the table with the things they remember from the previous times for listening

-T play the tape again for Ss to compete their notes -Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -Call on some Ss to give the answers

-Feedback and give correct answers

-T gets Ss to work in pairs to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend

-Call on some pairs to present their answers

Individual work Group work Whole class

Individual work Pair work Whole class





-Elicit feedback from the class and give final comment

Summarise the main points


Period 5: unit 1: friendship

d writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Write about a friend,real or imaginary, using the words and expression that they have learnt in previous lesson

II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic,so T should be ready to assist them


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up



Guessing game

-T introduces the game:one student goes to the board and T gives him/her a piece of paper with the name of a student in the

class.Other Ss have to ask Yes/No questions to find out who the student is.Ss should ask about the appearance,personalities,or clothes…

-Ss may ask questions such as: +Is the person a girl?

+Is she tall?

T sets the sence:you are going to write about a friend,real or imaginary,using…

T gets Ss to read the task and guidelines silently and work out what athey are required to write about.In general,Ss’ writing should include three parts:general information abuot their friend,his/her physical characteristics and personalities,what Ss like about the

Group work








T elicits the verb tenses that may be useful when Ss want to write about when and where they met their friends

T may also elicit/revise the adjectives and expressions Ss can use to describe their friend’s appearance and personalities


-T gets Ss to write their friend in 15 minutes -T goes around to observe and offer help feedback on Ss’ writing

-T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction

-Collects some writing for quick feedback Summarise the main points

Assign homework

Individual work

Pair work Whole class

Whole class

Period 6: unit 1: friendship

E language focus

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Distinguish the sounds /d / and /t /


III.anticipated problems:

Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the two sounds,so T should prepare a lot of practice IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Presentation 1


Presentation 2


Pronouncing the two sounds seperately

-T models the two sounds/d /and /t / for afew times and explains the differences in producing them

-T plays the tape or read once for Ss to hear the words containing these sounds.Then T plays the tape or read again and this time asks Ss to repeat

Pronoucing words containing the sounds -T reads the words in each column all at once

-T reads the words once again,each time with a word in each column to help Ss distiguish the differences between the sounds in the words

-T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs

Grammar 1.To-infinitive a,presentation

-T writes some sentences on the board and underline the to-infinitive:

+I have letters to write +does he get anything to eat?

Whole class Individual work Pair work




-T asks Ss to comment on the use of to-infinitive in these examples.T reviews the form and use of to-infinitive in the examples

b,practice. Exercise 1.

-T asks Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student

-T calls on some Ss to read out their answers -Gives correct answers

2.Infinitive without to<bare infinitive> a,presentation.

-T calls on some Ss to give out some verbs that they are followed b bare infinitives

-T may clear that:

+We can use a noun or pronoun object+bare infinitive after verbs of perception such as feel,hear,watch,see,notice,smell…The bare infinitive generally refers to complete action

+We use the bare infinitive afterletandmake:let sb sth=allow sb to sth;make sb sth=force sb to sth.

b,Practice. Exercise 2.

-T asks Ss to exercise in pairs.Ss have to rewrite the sentences by using the words given

-T asks them to compare answers with another pair

-T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers -Feedback and give correct answers




Summarise the main points of the lesson Assign homework

Whole class

Period Unit 2: personal experiences

a : reading

I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will be able to : - scan read specific information

- understand the text and express their ideas about past experiences II Materials : text book ,pictures ,charts ,hand out

III Anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the discussion task IV: Procedures:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up Game : jigsaw reading:

Devide the class in or groups

Give each groupa hand out with a phrases of explaination on

Tell ss to read the phrases and find out the words then conpine the first letter of all these words to form the key word





while reading

Check ss 'understanding of instructions have ss start the game These are the phrases on the hand out

1 the biggest land animal Elephant the short form of christmas X- mas the object we use to write with Pen part of our body that allows us to see thing Eyes the opposite of "wrong " Right another word of "sick " ill

7 part of our body that allows us to hear Ears part of our body that allows us to smell Nose the word for while ,red ,blue ,yellow … Colours 10 north ,south ,west and …… East Key word : experience

Asking : 1.what is experience ?

It means: event or activitythat affects us in some way Have you ever been in an embressing situation ? What did you then ?

Lead in new lesson :personal experience Pre- teach vocabulary:

Provide some new words on the board Explain the meaning and guide Ss to read

Activity 1:Reading and re- ordering:(task in the text book )

Ask ss to work in pair to read the story and put the pictures of the events in the order they happened in the story

Call on some ss to give the answers Check with the class




Post reading




Feedback and give correct answers

Activity2:question and answer: ( task in the text book ) Ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

Call some ss to write the answers on the board Make correct if necessary

Feedback and give correct answers Discussion :

Put ss in to or groups

Ask them to express their opinions on the following questions; a have you ever been in such a situation as the man's ? b what have you done to grow out of /over come it ?

c what you think the man should to over come his shyness ? go around to control and give help if necessary

call on some ss to report a bout their groups 'discussion give feed back and comments on what ss have

telling a gain the story about the girl in the text book

Pair work

Pair work

Group work


Period 8th Unit 2: personal experiences

b : speaking

I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will be able to :

- Talk about their personal experiences and how they affect their life II Materials : text book ,pictures ,charts ,hand out

III Anticipated problems: Ss may have problem using present perfect and past simple when talking about the past

IV Procedures:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Telling the personal experience:

The first teacher tells ss a short story which makes her fell shy.After that ask ss to tell their story Teacher should guide Ss some story in vietnamese

Go around and help Ss when they have difficulties Example :

 One morning ,I got up late It was half past six and school began at

 I quickly washed ,brushed my teeth ,dressed and jumped on my bycycle and drove to school

 I went straight in to the class and greeted the students  After or minutes ,the Ss began laughing

 I could'n understand why

 Suddenly ,I looked down and realized I had put on one brown






shoe and one yellow one

Lead in :that is one of the memorable past experience in my life.I often fell ashamed when thinking of it To day we will talk about past

experiences and how they affect your life

Task 1:Matching:

Ask ss to work in pairs to match things they might have done or

experienced in the box A and how experiences might have affected them in box B

Call on some ss to give their answers Feed back and give correct answer :

1 d e b f a c

Ask ss : - what you say to ask a bout some one' experience that might have affected them ?

Expected answer :

 Have you ever…………?  When did it happen ?

 What were you thinking and felling when it happen ?  How did the experience affect you ?

Task :ask ss to work in pairs to put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order

Go around to control and give help if necessary Call on some ss to give the answer s

Feed back : b- d -g -h -a Role- play drilling:

Pair work






- Ask ss work in pairs to practice speaking the dialogue - Put the chart a way

- Call on some ss to act out the dalogue in front of the class - Give comments

Ask ss to work in pairs

Ask them to make a similar dialogue based on the structures and information in task and task

Call on some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class Make corrections on pronunciation ,stress and intonation Asign home work

Pair work


Period 9th

Unit 2: personal experiences

c : listening

I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - listen for specific information

- understand the passage

II Materials : text book ,pictures ,CD player ,hand out

III Anticipated problems: Some ss at the back may have difficulty in listening to the CD player IV: Procedures:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

warm up


Game:guessing thing: What is it ?

- devide the class in to groups A and B and ask ss to guess what is it ?

- read aloud some facts about the thing one by one :  it destroy buidings ,houses and forests  it can kill people

 it give out a lot of smoke  you need water to put it out The group giving the correct answer first wins The answer : a fire

Lead -in :

Have you ever seen a fire ?

What will you if there is a fire ?

The lesson to day is about the fire happening to Christina 's family




while listenning:



post listening

Pre- teaching vocabulary:

1 Memorable (adj) =unforgetable Scream(v) (action )

3 Gas stove (n) ( picture)

4 Appreciate (v): to recognize the good qualities of some one or something

5 protect(v)

ask ss to check all the words by making some sentences for each situation

Task 1: tell ss they are going to listen to interview about the most unforgetable experience in Christina'life

Let 'ss to prepare in mins

Ask ss to listen and tick what is true about her Play the tape second times

Go over the answer with the class Expected answer:

1 T F F F 5.T

Task 2:gap - filling

Tell to read throught the passage and guess the word in each gap Ask ss to listen to the recordings and fill in the gaps

Go around to control and give help if needed Give feed back

Suggested answer:

1 small everything family replaced took appreciate

Whole class

Individual work




Question and answer: Ask ss to work in pairs

Tell ss to listen again and answer the questions Call on ss to give the answers

Check with the class

1 what is Christina' job ?

2 when did her most unforgettable experience happen ? what was she doing then ?

4 did the fire take many things from her ? what did she realize after the fire ? Suggested answer:

1 she is a bussiness woman it happen years a go it started in the kitchen yes, it is

5 she realize that the family was more important than things ask ss to retell the story

Pair work


Period 10 Unit 2: personal experiences

d: writing

I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will be able to : - write the personal letter

- tell their memorable past experience II Materials : text book ,pictures , hand out

III Anticipated problems: Some ss may be too shy to express themshelves even in writing IV: Procedures:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Game : guess what?

- Show a picture of a person sitting in a restaurant with a bowl of soup in front ,and a waiter at his side

- Ask ss to read the exchange between the man and the waiter and guess what the man 's response is /what the reason is ?

- Suggested answer : Because I haven't got a spoon

- Elicit experiences from ss " this is some thing happening in a restaurant Have you ever had an embarrassing experiences in the rastaurant "?

- Note down Ss' ideas -Transition:

The man had an embarrassing experiences at a restaurant and he wrote to tell his friend about it Do you want to share your experiences with your friend ?To day we will learn how to write a personal letter telling friend about a past experiences

Eliciting: elicit the steps of a personal letter from ss

Whole class





1 greeting

2 Date (when it happen ) The story ( the experience ) Closing

5.Signature Speaking :

Ask ss to work in pair to talk about their past experiences or the most embarassing moment of their based on the main points:

 when it happened : two years a go /when I was in grade 10/when

I was 10………

 where it happened :in my house /at school / in the street …

 how was the experience affected you :it changed my out look in life / it made me more careful a bout / it made me

appreciate more /I fetl ashame at a mere thought of it /it gave me more confidence in …/it taught me a lesson …

Call on some ss to tell their story Give comments

Write a letter:

Ask ss to write a letter to a friend of theirs ,telling him or her about one of their most memorable experiences

Go a round to control and give help with vocabulary

When ss have finished , collect ss' writings to mark at home

Peer correction :

Choose ne writing and ask a student to write on the board






Give feed back and comments

Complete these sentences: it /a hot day

2 the man /stop / a small deserted beach he /not have / swimming trunk s there be /no /people /in sight

5 the man /take off /all closes /swim out


Period 11 Unit 2:personal experiences e:language focus

I Objective : By the end of the lesson ss will be able to : - distinguish the sound /m/ ,/n/, and /

- revise simple past,past perfect , past continuous tenses and talk about the past II Materials : text book ,chart

III Anticipated problems: ss forget all knowledges that they have learnt IV: Procedures:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

TEST 15’ Presentation1


Test 15’

Pronunciation :

Listen and repeat :

- Read the words and ask ss to listen - Read the words and ask ss to repeat - Call some ss to read the words - Make correction where needed

Recognizing the sound

- write the phonetic sounds on the board /m / / n / 3./ ŋ/

- Ask ss to cose their book

- read the words and ask ss to say the number 1,2 or corresponding to the sound

Individual work

Whole class


presentation 2




Ask ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentences Call on some ss to read aloud

Grammar. Exercise 1. a.Presentation.

-T reviews the forms,meaning and uses of the present simple,present perfect and present continuous


-T gets Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

-t checks with the whole class and gives the answer Exercise 2.


-T reviews the forms,meanings and the uses of the past simple and past continuous


- T gets Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

-t checks with the whole class and gives the answer Exercise 3.


-T reviews the forms,meanings and the uses of the past perfect and compares it with other past tenses

b.practice. DoExercise 3




Summarise the main points

Assign homework DoExercise 3at home

TEST 15 minutes Cho dạng động từ ngoặc.

1 After a brief interruption, the professor continued (lecture)………… We mustn’t risk (be)………… late for the concert

3 I couldn’t help (overhear)……… what you said

4 I postponed (make)……… a decision till it was too late (do)…… anything I regret (inform)……….you that your application has been refused They have invited us (visit)……… their house

7 It’s no worth (live)………… without meat It’s no good (cry)………

9 They have a lot of trouble (set)……… down 10 She tried (put)………….some salt into the lemonade 11 Stop (talk)………… nonsense

12 She postponed (write)…………a reply

13 He spent his whose life (study)……… sea animals 14 He couldn’t help (see)………….that it was bargain 15 He denied (make)……… false money

16 I shall always remember (meet)………… you for the first time in England


Period 12

Unit 3: A party

A. Reading

I.Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Guess meaning in context

- Scan for specific information

- Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic II.Materials:Textbook, pictures, handout

III.Anticipated problems:

- Ss can need to be provided vocab related to celebrations so that they can complete various learning tasks


Stages/ Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up



-T gives some gifts & cards and asks Ss : What are they? - They are gifts and cards When they usuallu use them?

Or: What people usually use them for?

- People usually use them to give their relative on birthday or anniversary etc.

T asks some questions:

1 Have you ever taken part a birthday or an anniversary party?




While reading


2 What did they on birthday or anniversary? What did people prepare for the party?

Lead in: To day you will “ take part” a birthday and an anniversary by reading the passage

T gives two pictures in the text and guides Ss to guess : Which picture is a birthday and Which one is an anniversary?

Before teaching T gives out some key words T helps Ss to pronounce them correctly

T may want to model first and then ask Ss to repeat

T presents or elicits the meanings of these words from the class

Set the scene: You are going to read about how American people celebrate birthday and wedding anniversary Then you the tasks that follow Task 1:

T gets Ss to read the passage silently and then task

Devide Ss into two groups to discuss Then call two Ss to write their group answer on the board and compare ( May be devide Ss in to small groups, each group one statement)

T give feedback Task 2:

T checks if Ss can identify and correct the wrong information after their first reading of the passage If they can’t, T can simply the sentences using multiple choice


Whole class



Post reading



2 Everyone makes cake and ice cream at the birthday party


3 Lisa opens birthday cards and food from her family & friends


4 Many American over the age of 30 don’t like to talk about their

anniversaries A B C


5 Fifty months ago , Rosa and Luis got maried


6 People call the 5thwedding anniversary the “golden anniversary.”


7 Rosa and Luis are h appy to be together for their silver anniversary


Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in the book Feedback

Summarise the main points Assign homework

Group work or Individual

Pair work


Period 13

Unit 3: A party

B. Speaking

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Use appropriare language to talk about party and negotiate how to plan them - Use appropriate language to invite people tocome to party

II.Materials:Textbook, , handout III.Anticipated problems:

- Ss may have little experience negotiating in English , so T should be ready to provide them with appropriate language to so


Stages Procedure Interaction

Warm up


T asks the Ss if they like parties and have they ever been to a party ? If Ss say yes ,T asks follow- up questions like:

Whose party was it ? What was the occasion? Where was it?

Was it fun? etc

T helps Ss to answer the questions by providing them appropriate vocab and expresstions ( if no Ss have been to a party ,T may get them to ask him/ her about a party he/she has been to










Then T sets the scene : “ Supposed you have been to a party and now you want to tell your friends about it What you want to tell them” Task 1

T introduces the task and goes over the questions with the class T explains new words if necessary

T gets Ss to the task individual or group Ss needs to choose the details they want to talk about and plan their stories T encourages ss to take notes while doing so

T goes aroud the class to check and offer help Task 2

T puts ss in pairs and get them to tell each other about the parties they have been to, based on the outlines they have made for task

In the meantime, T goes to check and offer help

T calls on some pairs to perform their conversations in front of the class Task 3.

Asks Ss to work in groups to the task:you are going to take part in a competition to organize the best party.decide on the

following :budget,date and time,who to invite… Feedback and gives suggested answers

Task 4.

Asks Ss to tell the rest of the class about your party Try to convince them to talk as much as possible Correct the mistakes if necessary

Individual/ Group work

Pairs work

Group work



T summaries the main points of the lesson

T asks ss to write a paragraph about a party they have been to

Whole class


Period 14 Unit 3: A party

C: Listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

-Develop such listening micro-skills as intentive listening for specific information and take notes while listening

II.Materials:Textbook, , handout, cassette tapes III.Anticipated problems:

- Ss may not have sufficient vocab to talk about the topic , so T should be ready to assist them IV.Procedure:

Stages/ Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Pre - listening


T devide the class into groups of and introduces the game: the groups should generate as many words related to birthday and birthday parties as possible in five minutes

Suggested words: cake, candle, cards, candy, flowers

T gets Ss to close their books and shows them the pictures which in thebook, then asks them to guess what they are going to listen about T gives feedback and gets them to open their books

T gets ss to work in pairs to answer the questions on page 36 T calls some Ss to answer the questions and explain their reasons T checks with the class

Pre- teaching vocabulary:

Group work & whole class


While -listening


T guige ss to pronouce the words on page 36 correctly T play the tape or model first and then asks Ss to repeat after the tape or after the teacher in chorus and individually

T presents or elicits the meanings of these words from the class Task 1:

Instruction: You are going to listen to a girl telling about a birthday party that she has been to Listen and put a tick True or False in the appropriate box

Before Ss listen and the task, T gets them to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words For example, the keywords in the first statement are “ at home”, and “ evening”

T checks with the whole class and asks them to guess what the party might have been like (there was a birthday cake,the party lasted some hours .)

T plays the tape ( or read the tapecript) once for Ss to listen and the task

Then T gets Ss to find a partner to check their answers with

T checks the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more time s and pauses at the answers for them to catch

Task 2.

Instruction: You are going to listen to the story again and answer comprehension questions



Post -listening

7 Wrappin


again If they cannot, T play the tape for them to listen again but before doing this,

Then T plays the tape again for Ss to listen to and answer the questions T gets Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with the whole class

Asks Ss to work in groups to take turns to talk about Mai’s birthday party

Goes around the class to give help if necessary T summaries the main points of the lesson

For homework, Ss write a paragraph about their own birthday parties

Individual, pairs work & whole class

Group work & whole class


Period15 Unit 3: A party

D: Writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation - Write an informal letter of invitation

II.Materials:Textbook, handout III.Anticipated problems:

Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write a detailed letter of invitation, so T should be ready to help them


Stages/ Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Competition game

- T prepares handdouts of a jumbled letter in advance and divides the class into groups of Then T distributes the handouts & introduces the task: Ss are going to re-order the sentences into a letter of invitation

- In their groups Ss discuss to complete the task The winner will be the group which has the quickest and correct answer

- After the game, T might want to get Ss to read the complete letter again & elicits the features of an informal invitation letter T might want to tell Ss that an invitationletter normally includes:

+ The event( what you invite your friends to): a wedding party, a birthday party, etc


+ The time & date:

+ The invitation itself (Would you like to come?How about etc) *The jumbled letter

1 This is my address: 142A Nguyen Du Road.

2 It’s a beautiful house and it is near Ho Chi Minh square. 3 Dear Lan,

4 Guess what! I’ve just moved to a new house in Vinh city. 5 Would you like to come?

6 Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. 7 See you!

8 My parents are givinga house - warming party this Sunday everning, around 6.30 p m.

9 Mai

10 I think Nam and Lien are coming , too.

11 We’ll have “Pho” and some other special dishes. T gives feedback

Key:3- - - - 11 - - 10 - - - - * Preparing Ss to write

Task 1

- T sets the scene: you are going to write a friend letter to invite your classmate to aparty that you hold

- T gets Ss to work out the content of their letters by answering the question in the Task

- T calls on some Ss to answer the questions and elicitsmore ideas from the class T writes them on the board





+ Occasions for giving the party: birthday, moving to a new house,family

gathering, Chrimas .etc

+ Dressing codes: - Formal: dresses , high- heel shoes for women, suits & ties for men

- Informal: anything can do: jeans , T- shirt, skirts…

+ Presents to give: anything can as flowers, books, CDs, hats etc

Task 2

- T gets Ss to the task individually & then compare their answer with a peer

- T calls on Ss to give the answers & write them on the board - T helps Ss to revise the format of a personal / informal letter by

analyzing the letter that they have just completed for Task T might also want to get Ss to analyze the letter further by asking questions about its organization and languege

Eg: What is the purpose of the first sentence? What about the second sentence? Etc Task 3

-T gets to read Task and work out the questions.Ss should note down the answers in their notebooks In the mean time, T goes around to check & offer help

- Then T gets Ss to write their letters in 10 minutes , based on the outlines they have produced

- Next,T asks Ss toget in pairs, exchange their letters & correct each other -T goes around to offer help

- T chooses one letter & read it to the class Then T correct the mistakes &

Individual & whole class

Individual, pairs work & whole class





Wrapping 2

of the letter, the organisation of ideas & language use

- T summaries main point of the lesson & prepare next lesson


Period16: A party

E: Language Focus

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the sound / l /, / r /, and / h/

- Pronounce the words and sentences containing these the sounds correcttly - Distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices - Use these structures to solve communicative tasks

II.Materials:Textbook, handout III.Anticipated problems:

- Ss might have difficulty distinguishing and using infinitives and gerunds Therefore, T should be ready to assist them


Stages/ Tme Procedure Interaction

Presentation 1


I.Pronounciation. Distinguishing sounds

- T models the three sounds / l/, / r/ and / h/ for a few times - T plays the tape ( or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these three sounds Then T plays the tape (or read) a gain & this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T )

* Practising sentences containing the target sounds

- T asks to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences(p.39, practise these sentences)


Presentation 2


-T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors T calls some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback

II.Grammar 1.Exercise 1 a Presentation:

T asks S to repeat the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund,and both If Ss can’t remember, T shouldreview some

verbs Eg:

+ Infinitive only: agree, arrange, ask, choose, decide, hope, plan,intend etc

+ Gerund only: admit, avoid, enjoy, keep, deny … ,verbs that are followed by preposition: succeed (in), think ( about), dream ( of), look forwards( to) .etc

+ Both: begin, start, continue, stop, love, remember

- T should point out which verbs have different meanings when are used with an infinitive or a gerund Eg:stop, hate,

remember etc b Practice:

- T gets Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

-T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback

Exercise 2 a Presentation:






- If necessary, T reviews the forms of passive infinitive and gerund and emphasises their uses

+ Form:

* Passive infinitive: to be + Past Participle * Passive gerund: being + Past Participle

+ Use: to emphasise the action / event than the agent b Practice

- T gets Ss to Exercise in groups of and asks Ss to mark A,B,C or D in piece of paper When the time up T asks groups raise their key

- feedback and T gives the correct answers Exercise 3

-T guides Ss the way to exercise the same Exercies - Feedback and gives the correct answers

-T summaries the main point of the lesson

- For homework, Ss review the uses of different verb tenses that have been covered in the lesson

Group work/ whole class

Whole class


Period 17: test yourself a

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know how to a test II.Mareials: tape,cassette,book

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the exercises,so T should be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

I.Listening:-T play the tape twice

- Let Ss to the exercise in the book - Check their answers

- Feedback and give the correct answer II.Reading:

-T maybe give out some new words of the passage

-Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the questions in the book -Check their answers

-Feedback and give the correct answers III.Pronunciation and grammar:


-play the tape and ask Ss to tick in the right box -check the answers

-Feedback and give the correct answer B.Grammar

-Complete the sentences,using the right form of the infinitive -Let Ss the exercise

-Check their answers


IV.Writing: Ask Ss to write about their birthday party following the questions Below

-whose birthday party was it? -Where and when was it held? -what did you there? -How did you enjoy it?



FULL NAME:……… English test: 45 minutes mã đề:301

CLASS:……… Grade : 11

Vocabulary and Grammar

1 One boy …………the guitar, and the other girls and boys are singing

A is playing B playing C play D played The first quality for the true friendship is………

A selfish B unselfish C selfishness D unselfishness After all, she can get new clothes anytime, but a family can never ………

A be replaced B replaced C being replaced D replace 4.It is too cold …… out

A go B went C to go D going

5.My most …… experience happened a few years ago

A embarrass B embarrassment C embarrassing D embarrasses 6.I decided to take my money back without……a word

A say B to say C says D saying

7.The children seem to be incapable……working quietly by themselves

A in B on C of D with

8.He is a(n) … man.He always help people without thinking of his own benefit

A selfish B selfishness C unselfish D unselfishness 9.Does he get anything ………?

A eat B eating C to eat D eats


11 He often ……… to school late

A go B goes C is going D went

12 She……….in the sitting-room now

A read B reads C is reading D to read 13 What were you doing when I……you?

A phone B phoned C have phoned D had phoned 14 He drives very… ……

A care B careful C carefully D carelessness 15 She has a sense of …………She often makes us laugh

A humour B humourous C honest D friendly 16 We ………to some coutries in Asia recently

A are B were C had been D have been

17 They……… an interesting film last night

A watch B watched C have watched D were watching 18 I ……….on the computer when the fire broke out

A was working B worked C have worked D work 19 Before I went to school, I ……….my house

A swept B have swept C was sweeping D had swept 20 Our parents are going to celebrate their 25th………in Dalat.

A golden anniversary B special anniversary C silvel anniversary D memorable anniversary

Reading comprehension


from the place,so in order to arrive on time at o’clock, we had to leave at 7:20 The sun was shining, flowers were blooming and bird were singing It was a beautiful day!

Everything seemed so nice (24)……… I noticed that i forgot to wear my nylons The (25)…… at the camp were such that ladies needed to wear nylons So I asked Denise to drive me to a (26)……….store She parked her car in front of the store and I ran in to buy a pair of nylons When I got out of the store, I ran toward the car parked in front and got inside Suddenly, I found it was not Denise’s car and the driver was (27)……….by me

I felt so embarrassed at that time I kept apologizing and ran with (28)……….and blush on my face to Denise’s car And you know what? My friends had seen th whole (29)……….came to pass from the rear view mirror and they were laughing all the energy of their (30)………

21 A Someone B Everyone C One D No one 22 A inferred B proved C thought D agreed

23 A came B happened C brought D attracted 24 A when B as soon as C before D until

25 A rules B laws C instructions D requirements 26 A book B food C newspaper D convennience 27 A shocked B threatened C terrified D hit

28 A surprise B regret C shame D fear 29 A thing B ordeal C story D problem 30 A eyes B mouths C lips D hearts


31 A many B open C money D ink


34 A education B graduate C produce D procedure

35 A duty B adult C candle D individual

Sentence building.[to infinitive]

36 Our teacher tell / us / practise English


37 His uncle advise / him / study hard

……… ………

38 Their parents allow /them / stay out late

……… ………

39 His friend persuade / him study chemistry

……… ………

40 The local Youth Volunteer troop invite / us / attend / meeting


Period:19th Correcting the test

1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

a d a c C D c C c d b C b B a D B a d C

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Everyone Thought Happened Until Rules Convennience Shocke d

Sham e

Story Heart s

36 Our teacher told us to practise English 37 His uncle advised him to study hard 38 Their parents allowed them to stay out late 39 His friend persuaded him to study chemistry

40 The local Youth Volunteer troop invited us to attend the meeting

31 32 33 34 35


Period20: unit 4: volunteer work

A reading.

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas,skimming for general information

-use the information they have read to discuss the topic II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the discussion task,so T sdould be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction





Competition game–crossword.

T prepare a big paper that contain a crossword

Ask Ss to work in groups to complete and find out the key word volunteer

Teacher lead in

Dicussing the picture and saying.

-T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 46 and asks them some questions:

+ what is the old woman doing in the picture?

+What does this mean by”Little Moment Big Magic? +what does the picture tell you?

Pre-teaching vocabulary

-provide some new words on the board -Explain the meaning


Pair work






-Guide Ss to read Setting the scene

You are going to read a passage about volunteer work.While you are reading,do the tasks in the book

Task 1.

Fill each blank with one part of speech of the word “volunteer”

-T elicits different parts of speech of the word “volunteer” and writes these words on the board

-Then T instructs Ss to read through the sentences provided in the task to identify the part of speech of the word to fill in each blank

-T asks Ss to work individually to the task -asks Ss to exchange their answers with others -asks Ss for their answers and feed back Task 2.

Instruction:choose the best answer from A,B,C or D for each of the following sentences

-T asks SS how to this task

-Asks Ss to work individually to the task,then discuss their answers with their peers

-Feedback Task

Intruction:you are required to answer the three question in the book

-T asks Ss to work individually to the task,then discuss their

Whole class

Individual work and pair work

Whole class

Individual work and pair work

Whole class






answers with their peers

-Feedback and give the correct answers

Instruction:you are required to work in pairs to discuss the question in the book

-Asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question -T goes aroundto help if necessary

-Calls some pairs to report their ideas to the class -Gives feedback

-Summarise the main points -Assign homework

Pair work


Period 21: unit 4: volunteer work

b speaking

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Talk bout different kinds of activities related to volunteer work II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts,pictures

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic,so T should be ready to provide help IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up





Competition game-Describing the pictures.

-T divides the class into small groups.Then give each group a set of pictures.Ss are requires to describe the activity in each picture in one sentence only.Which group finishes first and has the most correct and meaningful sentences will be the winner Task 1.

Instruction:you are required to decide which of following activities are volunteer work

-Ss also explain why a certain activity is not volunteer work -Calls some Ss to give their answers and asks for comments from other Ss

-T elicits other volunteer activities from Ss Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to make conversations based on the given suggestions

-Before Ss the task,T asks Ss to read the model conversation

Group work





on page 50.Then Ss read the list of volunteer activities and the exact things related to them

-T can elicit or explain some words quickly

-T gets across to Ss that one activity in the first column can go with several activities in the second column

-After Ss have finished T calls on some pairs to act out their conversation

-T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments Task 3.

Instruction:Now you work in groups to talk about a kind of volunteer work your partner in the previous task to help other people

-Before Ss the task,T may ask Ss to read through the example in the book.T encourages Ss to use transition signals such as also,besides,moreover,etc…

To make their talk more coherent

- Now Ss work in groups to talk about one activity their partner takes part in

-T goes around to observe and collect typical errors

-Calls on some Ss to talk about the activity they take part in -Feedback

Summarise the main points Assign homework

Whole class Pair work

Whole class



Whole class


Period 22: unit 4: volunteer work

c listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

II.Mareials: Textbook,cassette tapes,handouts III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not be familiar with the note-taking task,so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up


Competition game-slap the board

-the aim of this activity is to help Ss revise the vocabulary items Ss learnt in the previous lesson

-T puts the vocabulary items on the board in any order

-Calls on some Ss to form teams and one person from the team runs to the board as a representative.T gives a vietnamese translation for one of the words on the board.The first team to hit the correct word gets the point.The representative changes,ready for the next word…

-After minutes ,the team with more points will be the winner Discussing the questions

-T asks Ss to read through the questions and choices on page 51 and makes sure Ss understand all them

-T asks Ss to discuss the questions in pairs







-Call on some Ss to report on their partner’s answers Vocabulary Pre-teaching

-Before Pre-teaching the new words,T helps Ss to pronounce the words given in the book

-Elicit some new words Task 1.

Instruction:you are going to listen to the passage and fill in the missing information in each sentence

-T plays the tape once for Ss to the task

-Asks for Ss’answers and writes them on the board

-Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answer -Feedback and give the correct answers

Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions

-Before Ss listen to the tape again,T may ask them to try to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening

-T play the tape again for Ss to the task -Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -Call on some Ss to give the answers

-Feedback and give correct answers

-T gets Ss to work in groups to summerise the story about Spring school,using the suggestions.Each group member has to take notes of the discussion

Pair work

Whole class

Individual work Whole class





-T goes around to offer help and collect the mistakes -Call on some pairs to present their summary

-Elicit feedback from the class and give final comment Summarise the main points

Assign homework

Whole class Group work

Whole class


Period 23: unit 4: volunteer work

d writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Write a thank-you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’s contribution II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic,so T should be ready to assist them


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up



Quiz-A formal letter

(To remind Ss of some rules of writing formal letters in English) -T prepare a handout with a quiz about writing formal letters in English.The quiz consists of several incomplete statements.Ss work in groups to complete these statements as quickly as possible.The group with the quickest and most correct answers will be the winner

Preparing to write

-T asks Ss to read the sample letter on page 52 and discuss the purpose of the letter in pairs

-T calls on some Ss to give the answer.T gets across to Ss that(1) the sample letter is written to thank a donor for donating

money;(2)thank-you letters nto donors

-T asks Ss to read the letter again and the TASK1 individually.When they finish,Ss exchange their answers with other Ss

-T checks Ss’answers by asking some Ss to read their answers out

Group work








-Feedback and give the correct answer Writing

-Before Ss write the letter ,T asks them to read the instruction carefully

-T gets Ss to write the letter in 15 minutes -T goes around to observe and offer help feedback on Ss’writing

-T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction

-Collects some writing for quick feedback

-Finally,T provides general comments on the letter Summarise the main points

Assign homework

Individual work

Pair work Whole class

Whole class


Period 24: unit 4: volunteer work

E language focus

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Distinguish the sounds /w / and /j /

-Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly

-Use gerund,present participles,perfect gerund and perfect participles appropriately II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may find it difficult to differentiate between gerunds and present participles,so T should be ready to explain


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Presentation 1



Pronouncing the two sounds seperately

-T models the two sounds/w /and /j / for afew times and explains the differences in producing them

-T plays the tape or read once for Ss to hear the words containing these sounds.Then T plays the tape or read again and this time asks Ss to repeat

Pronoucing words containing the sounds -T reads the words in each column all at once

-T reads the words once again,each time with a word in each column to help Ss distiguish the differences between the sounds in the words

-T asks Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs


Presentation 2



Grammar 1.Gerund a,presentation

-If necessary T reviews the form and uses of gerund

To save time T may give Ss the handout that contain the form and the uses of gerund

b,practice. Exercise 1.

-T asks Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student

-T calls on some Ss to read out their answers -Gives correct answers

2.present participles a,presentation.

-If necessary T reviews the form and uses of present participles.To save time T may give Ss the handout that contain the form and the uses of present participles

b,Practice. Exercise 2.

-T asks Ss to exercise in pairs

-T asks them to compare answers with another pairs

-T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers -Feedback and give correct answers

3.perfect gerund and perfect participles. a.presentation.

Whole class Individual work Pair work






perfect participles.To save time T may give Ss the handout that contains the form and the uses of perfect gerund and perfect participles


-T asks Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student

-T calls on some Ss to read out their answers -Gives correct answers

Summarise the main points of the lesson Assign homework

Whole class Individual work Pair work


Period 25th: Unit 5: ILLITERACY

A: Reading

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Identify the main idea of the reading passage

- Extract detailed information through reading comprehension

II Materials:


III Anticipated problems:

- Students may not know some phrases relating to illiteracy such as Universalisation of Primary

Education ; The Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion; illiteracy eradication

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interaction

I Lead-in - Teacher holds the book upside down and ask these question?

1 What am I doing? ( reading)

2 Can I read ? Why not? (No, because they are holding the book upside down)

Lead-in sentence: Some people can not read because they don’t know how to read and they have not learnt how to read They are illiterate The topic of the unit: ILLITERACY



Pre –reading

- Ask students to work in pairs looking at the picture and talking about the cues on page 56

- When feedback to their work, pre teach the following words and phrases: remote; mountainous area; ethnic minority; eradication






- Ask students to look at Task and it while reading the passage Option 1: If students are good enough, keep Task as in the textbook Option 2: If students are not very good, design a matching exercise – Teacher writes down phrases in Vietnamese on BB and ask students to match with English expressions in Task 1, page 57

1 Universalisation of Primary Education

2 The Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion

3 illiteracy eradication farming techniques family planning

A.Xoá mù chữ B Kü thuËt canh t¸c

C Hội khuyến học Việt Nam C Kế hoạc hố gia đình E Phổ cập giáo dục tiểu học

Keys: E C A B C


- Ask students to Task on page 58 Key: D


Option 1: If students are good enough, get them to ask and answer the questions in Task in pairs

- After feedback, ask students to work in pairs ask and answer bout questions in Task






Post –reading

- Ask students to work in groups to brainstorm around the following question:

What you think we should to help illiterate people read and write?

Organise evening classes

Provide free books

- Feedback to plenary

- Ask students to use the cues above to talk


T-S Individual



- Ask students to write a paragraph about how to help illiteracy people using the cues in post –reading

Teacher - led


Period 26th Unit 5: ILLITERACY

B: Speaking I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Talk about illiteracy problems and school or class problems - Offer solutions to overcome the above mentioned problems

II Materials:

Textbook, a word puzzle

III Anticipated problems:

Students might not have enough vocabulary to talk about school or education problems They may not also be confident enough to discuss the ways of offering solutions to the given problems

IV Procedure

Stages Procedure Interaction

I Warm up

- Ask students to the word puzzle in groups Ask them to find meaningful words













Keys:school; problem; regulation; cheat; tutoring

(If students are not very good, give them the initial letters of these words)

2 Pre – speaking


- Ask students to Task on page 59 (matching)

If teachers have time and energy, they can prepare pictures relating to problems in column A and ask students to match pictures with

problems When they finish, ask them to use solutions in column B to match with problems in column A

Keys:in Teachers’ book

- Pre-teach vocab: regulation; low-income


3 While-speaking


- Ask students to read the example in Task and teacher elicit the structures used for asking advice and offering solutions

Asking advice:What you think we should …… or What should we do to help…?

Offering solutions:I think we should …….or they should ….

- Divide the class into groups Each group will be given one problem from column A Ask them to use the above structures to offer solutions


- Feedback to plenary


- Ask students to work in groups to brainstorm problems relating to their class

talkative students class size

old desks leaking roof

- Ask each group to choose two or three problems and discuss solutions they can offer to overcome these problems

- Feedback to plenary


3. Post – speaking

- Ask students to write a letter to their friends talking about problems of their class




Period 27th: Unit 5: ILLITERACY

C: Listening

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Extract detailed information about the listening text of school survey in Perth, Australia

II Materials:

-Textbook, tape, cassette player

III Anticipated problems:

Students may not know how a survey is!

IV Procedure

Stages Procedure Interaction

1.Warm up

- Ask students to a survey or the task called “Find someone who…………” then help students know the notion of a survey and tell them they are going to study about “survey” today


2Pre -listening

-Set the scene: You are going to listen about the results of a school survey carried out in Perth, Western Australia The school asked its students what makes an effective school.

Pre-teaching vocabulary

-Help students to pronounce the words in their book correctly T may want

to play the tape or model first and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape or after him/ her in chorus and individually

- Elicit the meanings of these words from the class - Check the meaning with a gap-filled exercise



While-Task 1


listening information they need to concentrate on while listening Then T checks with the whole class

- Get students to read the options in each question carefully and underline the words that make them different T checks with the whole class (e.g in question these are “express attitudes”, “deliver speech”, “exchange ideas”, “give opinions”; in question they are “develop styles”, “set goals”, “develop strategies”, “consult teachers”, etc.)

-Ask students to guess the answer to each question and then tells them they need to listen attentively to check if their guesses are confirmed

- Play the tape (or reads the tapescript) once for Ss to listen and the task -Then get them to find a partner to check their answers with

-Check the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch

Keys: 1 D 2 B 3.B 4.C Task 2

- Ask students whether they can answer the questions in Task without listening again If they cannot, T plays the tape for them to listen again but before doing this, T should encourage Ss to read through all the questions, identify the information they need to look for in each question (by finding the key words and the question word, e.g “what’, “where’, “when”, “how”, etc.) and if possible, predict the answers

-Then play the tape again for students to listen and answer the questions -Get students to check their answers with a partner Then check with the whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if





many Ss cannot complete the task


1 In Perth, Western Australia 2 80%

3 They felt that they should be allowed to have a say in the school decision making

3. Post – listening

- Before getting students to discuss, remind them of some useful expressions for asking for and giving opinions

- Divide the class into small groups of or and gets them to discuss the question in the textbook T might want to appoint a group leader for each group This person will monitor the discussion, note down friends’ ideas and appoint a representative to present the outcome of their discussion to the class

- Go around to check and offer help

-After checking that all the groups have finished, T calls on the representative of each group to report their peers’ ideas T checks if other groups would have the same or different ideas

- Listen and take notes of their errors T provides corrective feedback after that




Period 28th: Unit 5: ILLITERACY

D: Writing

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Describe information from table/ transfer information from table into text

II Materials:

- Textbook, tickets

III Anticipated problems:

- Students might not know how to transfer information from a table into a text They also may not know phrases used to describe information from a table

IV Procedure

Stages Procedure Interaction



- Prepare a set of tickets:

- Draw this table on the board

- Divide the class into two teams Ask students from each team to go to the board and pick up the tickets and put them into correct column with given symbols

- Feedback to the whole


go up

go down



(If teachers are good at mining, you can you your arms to express

This is much more funny and you also can teach adverbs: sharly, slightly, gradually………… )

2 Pre – writing


- Ask students to have a look at the words from the box on page 61 and ask them whether there are any new words If yes, explain the meanings Suggested words: dramatically; varied

- Tell them that they are going to read a text about literacy rate in Fancy and ask them to use them to use the words from the box to fill in the spaces in the text

- Ask them then to work in pairs to exchange their works - Feedback to plenary

- Then ask them to look at the text a gain and answer the following questions in pairs

Remind students the ways to use on the contrary, while, dramatically, steadily, sharply


- Get students to look at the table of Literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998 – 2007




1 What does the table describe?

2 How did the rate increase from 1998 -2004 in the Lowlands? How did it increase from 2004 – 2007 in the Lowlands? How did the rate increase from 1998 – 2007 in the Midlands?

5 Did the rate increase or decline in the Highlands from 1998-2004? How?




3 While-writing


- Tell them that they are going to describe the trends of literacy rates in Sunshine from 1998 to 2007 But before writing a paragraph, ask them to complete the following sentences by matching two parts from column A and B

- Now ask them to look at the table again and in groups write a paragraph beginning like this

The table describes the trends of literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998 to 2007………

3. Post – writing

- Ask groups to read their paragraphs and ask other groups to provide comments During the presentation, T should take notes of good things and errors for feedback afterwards


Wrap –up

- Consolidate the ways we use to describe information from a table into a text


Period 29th: Unit 5: ILLITERACY E: Language Focus I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Distinguish the clusters /pl/, /bl/, /pr/, /br/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Understand reported speech with infinitive(s) and use these structures to communicative tasks

II Materials:

Textbook, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

- Students might have some difficulties in pronouncing the clusters

IV Procedure Stages

Procedure Interaction 1 Warm

up Jumbled words

- Ask Ss to arrange the words into a meaningful sentence prepare/bring/please/to/blue pens/the/ posters / small/to/class

Key: Please bring blue pens to the class to prepare posters

- Ask Ss to read aloud the sentence and pay attention to the underlined words to lead into the lesson


1.Pronunci ation

Distinguishing sounds

- Model the three clusters /pl/, /bl/, /pr/, /br/ for a few times and explains how to produce them


- Play the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T)

- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the target words incorrectly If many Ss not pronounce the words correctly, T may want to get them to repeat after the tape (or himself) again in chorus and then individually

Practising sentences containing the target sounds

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences (p 63, Practise these sentences)

- Go around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback



a- Presentation:

- Asks Ss ( A & B ) to come to the board T says to A: “Close the window, please” and to B: “Sing a short song” After A & B performed the actions, T asks the whole class: Why did A close the window? Why did B sing a song?

- Write the model sentences on the board:

“Close the window, please” the teacher said to A The teacher asked A to close the window.

- Then continue

“Sing a short song”, the teacher said to B.

T and Ss


The teacher told B to sing a short song.

- Ask Ss to look at the examples to elicit the structures

b Practice: Exercise 1:

- Ask Ss exercise in pairs - Provide feedback


1 They promised to come back again

2 The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore John asked Peter to close the window

4 The teacher encouraged Eric to join the football team John promised to give it to him tomorrow

6 My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor

7 My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school

8 His boss advised him to go home and have a rest for a while

(If students are good enough, ask them to look at the model sentence

- “ Keep quite.” The teacher said to us - The teacher told us to keep quite.

Then work with them the question as demonstration After that ask them to the same with the rest

When they finish, ask them to have a look at sentences they have written and ask them whether they work out the grammatical structure hidden behind this exercise They may come with your expected answer)



- Give each group direct sentences and reported verbs (taken from the text book)

- Ask them to match the sentences with the verbs - Feedback to the whole

- Ask them to write reported sentences - Feedback

- Groups swap the direct sentences

- Each group reads out their direct sentences, other groups have to read out the corresponding reported sentences

Communicative practice (production stage)

- Divide the class into groups

- Give each group a different picture of people talking(their speech is written out on the pictures)-Ss have to report what the people in the

pictures are talking-Feedback


3.Wrap- up -T summarises the main points of the lesson

-For homework T asks Ss to revise reported speech with infinitives and exercises in the workbook



Period 30th Unit 6: Competition

A: Reading

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic

II Materials:


III Anticipated problems:

Ss may need to be provided appropriate linguistic resources so that they can complete various learning tasks

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interaction


- Get Ss to work in pairs, matching the given competitions with the correct pictures on page 66

- Check the answer with the whole class

-T might want to get Ss to tell which of these competitions they like most and why T gets Ss to name some other competitions that they know or have ever participated in and elicits their comments on the events

Pair work & whole class

2.Pre-reading - Introduce the topic of the lesson and get Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions on page 67

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions T should ask Ss to give


reasons for their answers T helps Ss to express their ideas

- Elicit comments from the class and asks Ss to guess what they are going to read about

3 .While-reading

Set the scene: You are going to read about a school’s competition Then you the tasks that follow.

Task 1

- Get Ss to read the passage silently and then Task T may want to remind Ss of the strategies for guessing the meaning of new words For example, Ss should look for the instances of the new words in the text and read around them Ss use the context in which the words occur and their knowledge of word formation to understand the meanings E.g the word “representative” found in line may refer to “someone who represents a group” Ss can understand this meaning thanks to the phrase “the representatives of three classes” and their knowledge that ‘representative’ derives from “represent”

- Check the answers with the whole class

- T might want to check that Ss understand all these words correctly by calling on some Ss to tell the meaning of the words in Vietnamese

Task 2

- Check if Ss can answer the comprehension questions in Task without having to read the passage again If Ss cannot, T gets them to read the questions carefully

Individual work & whole class


- Get Ss to check their answers with a peer

-Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers and ask them to explain their choices

- Provide the correct answers:

Task 3

- Check if Ss can answer the comprehension questions in Task without having to read the passage again If Ss cannot, T gets them to read the questions carefully

- Get Ss to check their answers with a peer

-Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices

- Give the correct answers:

Individual, pair work & whole class



-Read the poem aloud once or twice and gets Ss to repeat each line after him/ her T should draw Ss’ attention to the rhythm and intonation when reciting the poem

- Let Ss practise reciting the poem in their own groups T goes around and offers help

-Call on different groups to read the poem and asks the class to decide who the best performers are

- Call on different groups to read their translations to the class

Group work & whole class

5.Wrap up -T summarises the main points of the lesson

-For homework, Ss write a paragraph to explain whether and why


they would agree or disagree with the statement that “It is not


Period 31st Unit 6: Competitions

B: Speaking

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Ask for and give information about types of competitions Talk about a competition or contest

II Materials:

Textbook, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

Ss may have limited linguistic resources for discussion, so T should be ready to assist them

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedures Interaction

1.Warm up - Prepare pictures of the famous TV game shows “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, “1 vs 100” and talent show “Pop Idol”

- Show the pictures to Ss and gets them to say the names of the games in Vietnamese

- Elicit what Ss know about these games and if there are similar ones in Vietnam

- Introduce the topic of the lesson: Talking about competitions and contests

Whole class


Task 1

- Introduce the task and gets Ss to it individually and then compare their answers with a peer T should encourage Ss to guess the meanings of the new words, if any


want to get Ss to name some contests under each category E.g General knowledge quiz includes “Hành trình văn hoá”, “Ai triệu phú?”, etc Singing contests include “Sao Mai”, “Sao Mai điểm hẹn”, etc

- Call on different pairs to report their answers T should encourage Ss to explain why they like or dislike a game/ contest T helps Ss to express their ideas when necessary


Task 2

- Introduce the task and calls on one or two pairs of Ss to read aloud the sample dialogue T corrects errors, if any

- Go over the table of useful expressions on page 69 and explains new words to Ss when necessary T might also want to elicit the structures that are used for asking for and giving opinions about contests T might want to write these structures on the board and gets Ss to some practice before putting them in groups and the task E.g

Asking for opinions:

What you think about ? What’s your opinion about ? How you feel about ? Do you like ?

Giving opinions:

I think is/ are good/ fun/ great/ wonderful/ perfect/ extremely interesting/ stimulating/ hilarious/ amusing


I think is/ are boring/ silly/ dull

- Put Ss into pairs and gets them to make similar conversations to the sample dialogue, using the structures and vocabulary they have learned

- Go around to check and offer help

-After checking that Ss have finished the task, T calls on different pairs to perform their conversations

- Elicit comments from the class and provides feedback

4. Post -speaking

Task 3

- Put Ss into groups of 3-4 T tells each group to choose a famous TV game/ talent show or competition/ contest and work out details about it They should not let other groups know what game/ contest it is

- Go around to offer help

-After Ss have finished, T calls on each group to come to the front The whole class will ask questions about the game/ contest and guess what game/ contest it is

Group work & whole class

Wrap-up - Summarise the main point of the lesson

-For homework, Ss write a paragraph about a game show/ contest they like, using Task as guiding questions

Whole class


Period 32nd Unit 6:Competitions

C :Listening

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Develop extensive listening skills

Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

II Materials:

Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interaction

1.Warm-up Jumbled words

(To teach vocabulary and leads Ss to the topic) - Divide the class into groups of or

- Give each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled and asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make good words The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner

Group work


Pre-listening - Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the topic of the lesson E.g T might want to ask Ss questions like “What you see in the picture?”, “What event is it?”, “Where you think the Boston Marathon might take place?”, “Who can participate in it?”


- Listens and help Ss express their ideas T might want to give very brief information about the game, like it is one of the oldest races in the US and held every year in mid April

Listen and repeat

- Help Ss to pronounce the words in their book correctly T may want to play the tape or model first and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape or after him/ her in chorus and individually T corrects errors, if any

- Check that Ss know the meaning of these words

- Ask Ss to make sentences with some important words, e.g race, athletic, association, etc

3.While listening

Task 1

Instruction:You are going to listen about the Boston Marathon Listen and answer True or False questions Put a tick () in the appropriate box.

- Before Ss listen and the task, get them to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words For example, the key words in the first statement are“every year”and “USA”, etc - Play the tape (or reads the tapescript) once for Ss to listen and the task

- Check the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch

Task 2


- Play the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions While Ss are listening, T should encourage them to note down the answers T should remind Ss to write down only the main points in note forms but not full sentences

- Get Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with the whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task


1 New York 2 In 1972 3 8 4 6164

Individual work, pair work & whole class

Post-listening - Introduce the task: Ss talk about a famous Vietnamese runner or sportsman/ sportswoman that they like

- Put Ss in small groups of or Each group will prepare a short biography of a famous Vietnamese runner (or sportsman/ sportswoman) that they like but they should not let other groups know who this person is -After checking that all the groups have finished, T calls on the representative of each group to talk about their favourite sportsman/ sportswoman, without telling the class the name of this person Other groups will try to guess who this person is

- Listen and take note of Ss’ errors T provides corrective feedback after that

Group work


-For homework, Ss learn by heart new words and make sentences with them



Period 33rd Unit 6:Competitions

D: Writing

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Write a letter to reply to the request of information

II Materials:

Textbook, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

Ss may have little experience writing such letter type, so T should be ready to help them

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure


1.Warm up A hang-man game

- Divide the class into big groups and draws each of them a gallows on the board

Team A Team B

- Explain to Ss that they are going to play a “Hangman” game which has to with the names of Vietnam’s popular TV game/ talent shows and contests The rule is each time T gives a secret word and the groups will take turn to guess it by telling what letters they think there are in this word If Ss choose a letter that appears one or more times in the


secret word, the letters and their positions will be revealed and Ss can keep on guessing the next letter On the other hand, if Ss guess a letter that isnotin the secret word, then a piece of the man being hanged will be added to the gallows and they will lose their turn to the other group Ss will get one point for each secret word they can guess correctly and get a minus point for each complete hangman they have got When the game is over, T will count how many points each group has collected and the group with more points will win the game


Preparing Ss to write Task 1

- Ask Ss if they want to participate in a competition/ contest, what information about the competition/ contest they would like to know and would look for T writes the answers on the board

- Then get Ss to read the letter in Task individually T asks Ss to identify who wrote the letter, for what purpose, what information she requested and compare their answers with the ideas on the board

Individual work & whole class


- Get Ss to read the requirements of Task and work out with a peer what they need to include in the reply letter and what kind of language (formal? informal?) they need to use

- Check the answers with the class and gives feedback If necessary, T reminds Ss of the format and language of a formal letter (e.g it normally includes the sender’s address, it begins with “Dear ,”, not


“Hello/ Hi” and is closed with “Yours sincerely/ faithfully/ truly,”, or “Best/ kind/ warm regards”, not “Bye” or “Cheers”

- Now get Ss to write their own letters in 10 minutes

- Then ask Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other

- Go around to offer help


Post- writing

Feedback on Ss’ writing

- Choose one or two letters and reads it/ them to the class

- Then elicit corrective feedback from the class and gives final comments afterwards T should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organisation of ideas and language use

Whole class


Wrap-up -T summarises the main points of the lesson

-For homework, T asks Ss to revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions and submit for marking in the next lesson

Whole class


Period 34th Unit 6:Competitions

E:Language Focus I Objectives:By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:

Distinguish the clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly

Understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative tasks

II Materials:

Textbook, handouts

III Anticipated problem:

Ss might have difficulty with the clusters because they don’t exist in Vietnamese

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure


Pronunciatio n

Distinguishing sounds

- Model the three clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ for a few times and explains how to produce them E.g.: When producing /tr/, Ss should produce /t/ first and then quickly switch to /r/, and so on

- Play the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T)

- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the target words incorrectly If many Ss not pronounce the words correctly, T may want to get



Practising sentences containing the target sounds

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences (p 73, Practise these sentences)

- Go around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback



a Presentation

- If necessary, T reviews reported speech with gerund

+ Form: Verb + (OBJECT) + Preposition + (NOT) V-ing (*)

+ Meaning and use: We usually use a gerund structure to report thanking, apologies, accusations, and so on We don’t use “say” in this structure.

E.g.: I apologised the teacher for submitting my assignment late We thank you for having helped us generously.


-Some verbs not need a preposition, e.g stop, deny, admit, suggest, and so on

-T might want to remind Ss that time and place references often have to change in reported speech

b Practice Exercise 1:

- Get Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check


their answers with

- Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback

Exercise 2:

- Get Ss to Exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with

- Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback

Individual work, pair work & whole class

3.Wrap- up -T summarises the main points of the lesson

-For homework T asks Ss to revise reported speech with infinitives and exercises in the workbook


Period 35TH Test yourself b

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know how to a test II.Mareials: tape,cassette,book

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the exercises,so T should be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

I.Listening:-T play the tape twice

- Let Ss to the exercise in the book - Check their answers

- Feedback and give the correct answer II.Reading:

-T maybe give out some new words of the passage

-Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the questions in the book -Check their answers

-Feedback and give the correct answers III.Pronunciation and grammar:


-play the tape and ask Ss to tick in the right box -check the answers

-Feedback and give the correct answer B.Grammar

-Complete the sentences,using the right form of the infinitive -Let Ss the exercise

-Check their answers

-Feedback and give the correct answer



-whose birthday party was it? -Where and when was it held? -what did you there? -How did you enjoy it?

If the time is not enough,let Ss at home


Period 38TH :

Unit 7: world population Lesson : reading

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - gues the meaning of words based on contexts

- scan for specific information II.Materials: Text book ,hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may need to be provided vocabulary related to the topic so that they can complete various learning tasks


Stages Procedures Interaction

Warm - up

7 Game:Hang man:Have ss to guess a word correcponding to 10 adashes Hinds : it is problem that India , China ,Vietnam have to solve

P O P U L A T I O N Divide the class in to teams

- one student from each team suggest a letter in turn - if the letter appears in the word ,the teacher write it in

- if the chosen letter is not in the word , the teacher starts the contruct gallows for that team One line is added for each wrong choice -Each team has its own gallows

-Each team can also make a guess

at the word but only when it is that team’s turn A wrong guess means more line in the gallows A correct

guess finishes the game


pre- reading


- if the team win by completing on

guessing a word correctly member

Of the team takes over as the 10

Hang man

3 Lead - in :

Questions :

1 What does “ population” mean ? What is the population of Viet Nam ? Do you think it is larger or small ? What is the world population nowdays ?

Have ss to look at picture in the text book and descibe them Get ss to answer the questions

Go over the answers with the class

Introduce : today we are going discover the world population through the time

Pre -teaching vocabulary B.C ( before chrismast ) A.D ( Anno domini ) Antonym = opposite Available : (n)

5 Decrease (v) = decline

Checking :Rub out the words and leave the Vietnamese meaning ,synonym or explaination on the board

Point and each explaination or synonym and have ss to speak out the E word Task 1:

Team work

Whole class


while reading


Post reading

Ask ss to refer to the text for difficult words Move around to give help

Go over the answer with the students Expected answer :

1 although method increase

4.resouces figures limit intonational control

Task 2:Questions and answering : ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

Call on some ss to read the answers in front of the class Check with the class

Suggested answer :

1 the population of the world in 10,000B.C was 10 million , in 1750 it was 625 million , in 1850 it was 1300 million , in 1950 it was 2150 million , in 1985 it was 4760 million, in 2000 it was 6,6 billion By the year 2015 , the population of the world is expected to be over

7 billion

3 some scientists says it can , but others say it can not No, they don’t

5 Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children Discussion: ask ss to work in groups of or to discuss the folowing questions : ‘ what are five world largest cuontries in population ? which is the richest ? which is the poorest countries ?”

Give comment

Expected answer : largest countries in population: china ,india, russia ,the usa ,indonesia


Pair work




Ask ss to summerize the text Group work


Period 39th

Unit : world population B : speaking I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

- Talk about the causes of population explosion,problem of population booms and solutions to these problems

II.Materials: text book, cards

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may limited languistic resources for discussion ,so T should be ready to assist them


Stages Procedures Interaction

Warm - up

pre- speaking



1 How many children your parents have ? Do you want to have more or fewer ? why ?

3 Do you know any families that have more than 10 children nowday ?

4 Acccording to you ,what are the causes to population explosion ?

Note ss’ideas in the board

Lead _ in:

Today we are going to talk about the cause to population explosion and try to find out the solutions to this problem

Task 1:


while speaking


-Tell ss to read the causes to population explosion in the text book to see how much of the ideas issimilar to the opinions given

- get ss to put them inorder of important and explain why - Move around to help them

- Call on some pairs to explain their priority

- Give comment and then introduce to ss some ways to give opinion , agreement or dis agreement

Task 2: Listening the problem :

- Ask ss to discuss and list the problemsfacing poor and over populated countries by combining the vocabulary in the useful language

Ex : poor living condition Low living standard Not enoug/ expensive food Lack / shortage of

School / hospital /teacher

Encuorage ss to think of more problems to add to their list

-Within minutes which pair gives the most reasonable ideas will receive good mark

Move around to help them

Ask ss to report their results to the class in front of the class Ask other ss to give comments

Give feed back Declare the best pair

Pair work


Task 3: Ask ss to work in group of to find out the solutions to the problem of overpopulation

Get ss to read useful language

Elicit some words and phrases to teach To exercise :thùc thi / ¸p dơng

To carry out : tiÕn hµnh Teacher go aroud to help ss

Call on some ss to present their group’s ideas

Elicit feed back from the class and give final comments Answer :

- raise an awarnessof the problems of over population - raise the people ‘s living standard

- exrcise / implement reward and punishment policy - carry out population education program /famiy plaining


- use birth control methods

Task 4: ask ss to work in groups to talk about the problems of over population and offer solutions , using result ofs task and

Ask ss to give a short presentation of the problem of population and the solutions to them

Encourage ss to use transition signals to make their presentation coherent

- first / firstly/ second /next

- also /besides / moreover /in addition /further more - on the other hand /one one hand / however / but

Individual work


Post speaking



Call some groups prsent and ask other to comment Feed back

Summarize the content of the lesson

Whole class


Period 40th:

Unit : world population

C : listening

IObjectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - develop such listening skill

- use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks II.Materials: Text book, cassette tape

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may not also be familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stages Procedures Interaction

Warm - up

pre- listening

Game: Bingo :

- Ask ss to list the populous countries population -Note down their names on the board

-Ask ss to take out a piece of paper and coppy down countries from the list on the board

- Choose countries by marking them

- Right after the teacher mark the last country ,any ss to have all the same choices as the T will say “ Bingo”and they win the game - Checking ss understanding of the instructions

- Ask ss to start the game

Lead -In :ask ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions

1 you think that the third world has high population density ? Do you think that our world over population ?



while listening


3 What continent has the largest population ? Ask ss to present their answer

Ask other ss to add more ideas

You are going to listen to Dr Brown talk about the population Pre -teaching vocabulary

Before pre- teaching the new words , T help ss to pronounce the word given in text book Y may read aloud first or play the tape and ask ss to repeat in chorus and individually

1 Latin America : Ch©u mü Latinh

2 Rate of population growth :Tỷ lệ tăng d©n sè

3 To rank :to have A position on a scale according to quality , importance , success xÕp h¹ng

4 Generation : All the people who were born at about the same time

Ask ss to make sentences with words and give corective feed back Task : Multiple choice

- Ask ss to read the statements and the question carefly and work out information they need to conentrate on while listening

- Check with the whole class

- Get ss to read the option in each question carefully and underling the words that make them different

- Get ss to guess the answer to each questions

- Have ss listen to the interviw once for ss to the task

- Get ss to compare their answer with the whole lass If many ss can not answer the questions , play the tape one or more times

Whole class


Post lisening

10 wrapping


and pause at the answer for them to catch

Task 2:Questions and answering : ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

Check if ss can answer the questions in task with listening a gain Have ss read through the questions , underline the keywords Ask ss predict the answer

Let ss listenthe tape again to answer the questions by noting down the answers

Have ss heck their answer with the partner Check with the whole class

Play the tape again and pause at the difficult points if ss can not answer the questions

Ask ss to work in groups of or to summarise the main point of the passage

Assign home work

Pair work

Group work


Period 41st

Unit : world population

D: writing

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : Read and describe the information in a chart II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: Ss have may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the toppic , so teacher should be ready to assist them


Stages Procedures Interaction

Warm - up

Pre- writing


Continent recognition:

- Divide the class in to teams

- Copy, cut up and shuffle the continents and their names Make enough sets for the class working in pairs of groups of or - Give each group a set of cards and tell them they have to match

the continents with their names in minutes

- Ask the representative of each group to go to the board and write down their answers

- The group who write faster nad hqace more correct answers will be the winner

Lead -in:Questions:

-According to you , Which continent has the largest population and which one has the smallest populaion ?

Instuction :In order to know about the distribution of the world

population by region , let’s study the chart on p.86 carefullythen write


a paragraph of 100- 120 words describing the information in the chart Activity :Discovering the distribution:

Get ss to open the books working in pairs ,one asks the information in the chart and the other answers

Sugguested ideas :

1 What is the topic of the chart ? How many regions are there ?

3 Which continent has the largest population ? Which continent has the smallest population?

5 Is the poplation of Europe larger or smaller than Africa ? Activity 2:Make questions about the outline and the useful language of a chart description

1.How many parts are there in a chart description ? What are they ? What should we put in each part?

3.How should we put the figures, in random, or logical order ? What information should we pay attention to a chart ? (Caption words , time reported , general trend ) 5.Should we use personal language or impersonal language ? ( impersonal language )

6.Which of the following statements should we use ? a wecan see that

b.I could realize that

c.As can be seen from the chart d It can be seen from th chart ( Expected answer c , d )

7.What are the expressions that are often used in the chart describing ?

Whole class


while writing


Post writing



1 Introduction : Tell the chart is about ( time , loction ,things , decribed in the chart )

2 Body :- Begin with a sentense to sum up the overall trend - Describe the chart in detail ( in a logical order )

- Conclusion :Summarize the main points Describing a chart:

- Ask ss to write a paragraph of 100- 120 words , describing he information in the chart , based on the analysis of the chart above -Remain ss of the organization of a chart description nad useful language give

- Revise the coparative and superlative forms os adjectives and nouns - Get ss to work in pairs and correct each other’s writing

Feed back on ss’writing

- Call on some ss to go and copy their writing on the board - Ask other to give comments

- Give feedback and comments

Get ss to review the outline of a chart description


3 Individual work


Period 42nd

Unit : world population

E: language focus

I Objective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the clusters / kl /,/gl /, /kr/ ,/gr /and pronoun the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Use conditional ( type 1, 2, ) and conditional sentences in repored speech appropriately

II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may find it difficult with the clusters because they don't exist in Vietnamese

IV: Procedures:

Steps/Time Procedures Interaction

Warm up


Game : Find the other halves Divide the class in to teams

- Let ss work in groups of or

- Deliver to each group a set of halves of hearts - Let ss match the halves to make meaningful hearts

- The representative of each group will go to the board and match the halves to make correct sentences

- Which group finishes first an give more correct answer will be the winner

- Check ss’ understanding of the instructions - Give corrections if necessary

- Declare te winner



1 What grammar poits is that? Conditional type

2 Do you remember the structure and he usage of conditional types ? Introduce the lesson :

To day we are going to review the types of conditional sentences Introduce the clusters / kl/ , /gl / , /kr /, /gr /and / kw/

T models the clusters / kl/ , /gl / , /kr /, /gr /and / kw/ for a few times and explains the differences in producing them

T plays the tape once for ss to hear the words containing these two

sounds Then T plays the tape again and this time asks ss to repeat after the tape

Pronouncing the words containing the sounds

T reads the words once again ,each time with a word in each column to help ss distinguish the differences between the sound in the words

T reads the words and asks ss to repeat them Ask ss to read aloud all words

Practice the sentences:

Ask ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentences Call on some ss to read aloud

Whole class


Period 43rd

Unit : world population

E: language focus

I Objective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the clusters / kl /,/gl /, /kr/ ,/gr /and pronoun the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Use conditional ( type 1, 2, ) and conditional sentences in repored speech appropriately

II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may find it difficult with the clusters because they don't exist in Vietnamese

IV: Procedures:

Steps/Time Procedures Interaction


1 Grammar :Revision of conditional types( 1,2,3 ) Consist of clauses : If clause and main clause

Type If clause Main clause

I ( real ) s present Will/can /shall/may + bare - inf


Presentation 2


II ( unreal in

present )

Past subjunctive (s past be -> were )

Would /could /should/ might + bare -inf

III ( unreal in the past )

Past Perfect subjunctive

( had + PII) Would / could / should + Have + PII

Practice : verb tenses : Exercise and 2:

Ask ss to put the verbs in brackets in to the correct form Ask them check with their parner

Go over the answer with the class

Key : exercise : would drive could is will take 5.closed will come

Exercise 2: had been told had realised wouldn’thave been would have bought had studied

Conditional in reported specch Eliciting:

1.“ If I hear any news , I will let you know” she said

-She said that if she heard any news , she would let you know “ If I did not have so much home work , I’ d go out with you yesterday”Lan said to Nam

Whole class


Wrapping 1

Lan told Nam that she did not have so much home work , sh ’ d go out with him yesterday”Lan said to Nam

3.“ If Alice behaved well , she would not have needed to put things right” he said

He said That If Alice behaved well , she would not have needed to put things right

Practice : Get ss to exercise by changing the conditional sentences in to reportd speech

Ask ss to go to board to write their answers Give feed back

Ask ss to summarize the text

Pair work


Period 44th: unit 8: celebrations

A. reading.

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas,skimming for general information,and guessing meaning in context

-use the information they have read to discuss the topic II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the discussion task,so T should be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction





Competition game–network.

T prepare a handout with a network of the word Celebration Divides the class into groups and give each group a handout and ask them to complete

Dicussing Tet holiday

-T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 90 and discuss questions in pairs

-T goes around to offer help

-Call on some Ss to present their answers -Gives feedback if necessary

Pre-teaching Vocabulary

Should only teach the words which not appear in Task -If there is some time left,asks Ss to make sentences with the new words


Pair work







Task 1.

Instruction:Find the meaning of the words.You can also use the dictionary

-T writes these words on the board

-Then T instruct Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings

-Feedback and give the correct answers Task 2.

Instruction:you are to read the passage and decide whether the statements are true or false

-T asks Ss to work individually to the task and discuss their answers with their pairs

-Call some Ss to give their answers and ask them to explain their choices

-Give the correct answers Task 3.

Answer the seven questions in the book -T asks Ss how to this task

-asks Ss to the task individually,then discuss the answer with their friends

-Calls on some Ss to answer -Feedback

T asks Ss to work in groups to tell each other about their last Tet holiday.Asks SS what verb tense(simple past)they should

Whole class

Individual work and pair work

Whole class





T goes around to help Ss when necessary

Calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class Feedback

-Summarise the main points -Assign homework

Group work

Whole class


Period 45th unit 8: celebrations

b speaking

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Talk about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’activities II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic,so T should be ready to provide help IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up




Competition game-Word search

Ask Ss to work in groups to work out all the celebrations in Viet Nam

After minutes,the groups that has the most words will be the winner

Task 1.

Instruction:you are going to practise the dialogue on page 93 -Asks the whole class to read the dialogue silently and asks them what points are mentioned in the dialogue

-Ss then practice the dialogue in pairs.t encourages Ss to remember the dialogue so that they can act out more naturally -Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue and give comments

Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to match the holidays with its

Group work






description and activities

-Before Ss the task,T asks Ss to look at the three pictures on page 93 and work out the name of each holiday.Ss may be asked to give the Vietnamese equivalent to each holiday -T checks with the whole class and gives out the correct answers

-Now turn to the next page and the task in pairs.They match the holiday with its main purpose and activities

-Call on some Ss to give their answers -Feedback and give the correct answers

Task 3.

Instruction:You are going to ask and answer about the holidays in Task 2,using the dialogue in Task as the model

-T gets Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the holidays in Task 2.Ask Ss to add any information about the holiday they know to make the dialogue more interesting

-T goes around to offer help

-Call on some pairs to act out the conversation and ask other Ss to comment


Summarise the main points Assign homework

Whole class

Pair work





Period 46th: unit 8: celebrations

c listening

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

II.Mareials: Textbook,cassette tapes,handouts III.anticipated problems:

Ss may not be familiar with the note-taking task,so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up




Competition game-crossword

-the aim of this activity is to help Ss revise the vocabulary items Ss learnt in the previous lesson

-T divides the class into small groups.Then T distributes the following crossword handout for Ss to in their own groups.Which group finish first and has all the correct answers will be the winner


-T asks Ss to work in pairs to guess which of the activities on page 94 the Japanese often on their New year’s Day

-Calls on some Ss to give their answers and write them on the board.T also asks Ss to add any other activities that they think the Japanese at the New Year

Pre-teaching vocabulary

Before eliciting the new words,T helps Ss to pronounce the words

Group work








given in the book

-T teaches some of these words and some taken from the listening passage

Task 1.

Instruction:you are going to listen to two people talking about how the New year celebrated in Japan.listen and tick the things you hear -T plays the tape once for Ss to the task

-Asks for Ss’answers and writes them on the board

-Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answer -Feedback and give the correct answers

Task 2.

Instruction:you are going to listen to the tape again and answer the questions

-Before Ss listen to the tape again,T may ask them to try to answer the questions with the things they remember from the previous times of listening

-T play the tape again for Ss to the task -Get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers -Call on some Ss to give the answers

-Feedback and give correct answers

-T gets Ss to work in pairs to compare the aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one

-Call on some pairs to present their answers

-Elicit feedback from the class and give final comment



Summarise the main points Assign homework


Period 47th: unit 8: celebrations

d writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Write a description of a popular celebration II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts

III.anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic,so T should be ready to assist them


Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Warm up




Guessing game

-T introduces the game:one student goes to the board and T gives him/her a piece of paper with the name of a celebration/holiday in Viet Nam.Other Ss have to ask Yes/No questions to find out the celebration/holiday The question may relate to the purposes and the activities

T sets the sence:you are going to write a description of one the popular celebrations in Viet Nam.

-To prepare Ss for the writing task,T uses the passage that prepare at home as a model

-T gets Ss to read the passage again and discuss the main points included in the passage in pairs

-After minutes,T calls on two Ss to go to the board to write their answers


Group work






-T gets Ss to write their friend in 15 minutes -T goes around to observe and offer help feedback on Ss’ writing

-T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction

-Collects some writing for quick feedback

Summarise the main points Assign homework

Individual work

Pair work Whole class

Whole class


Period 48th: unit 8: celebrations

E language focus

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -Distinguish the cluster/ fl/ , /fr / and /r/

-Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly -Useone(s),someone,no one,anyone,and everyoneappropriately -Use vocabulary about holidays and celebrations appropriately II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts,picture

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may find it difficult to pronounce the three clusters,so T should prepare a lot of practice IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction

Presentation 1



Pronouncing the three clusters seperately -T models the three clusters / fl/ , /fr / and /r/

for afew times and explains the differences in producing them -T plays the tape or read once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters.Then T plays the tape or read again and this time asks Ss to repeat

Pronoucing words containing the clusters -T reads the words in each column all at once

-T reads the words once again,each time with a word in each column to help Ss distiguish the differences between the sounds in the words


Presentation 2




Grammar a.presentation

-T writes some sentences on the board and asks Ss to comment on the uses ofone(s),someone,no one,anyone,and everyone. -Ss work in pairs to work out the use of pronoun.

-T checks with the whole class b,practice

Exercise 1.

-T asks Ss to exercise individually and then compare their answers with another student

-T calls on some Ss to read out their answers -Gives correct answers

Exercise 2.

-Asks Ss to the exercise in pairs.Ss have to write the sentences,using the pronounone/ones.

-T asks them to compare answers with another pair.

-T calls on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers -Asks others to feedback and gives correct answers

Production -Role play

-T asks Ss to work in pairs and gives each student a role card -Gets Ss to act the conversation,using as many

one(s),someone,no one,anyone, and everyoneas possible Vocabulary

Instruction:You are going to complete the sentences by filling each blank with one word from the box

Whole class Individual work Pair work

Group work Whole class





-Ss work individually to finish the exercise and then compare their answers with the person sitting next to them

-T calls on some Ss to give the answers and gives feedback

Summarise the main points of the lesson

Assign homework Individual



Period 55:

Unit : the post office Lesson : reading

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - guess the meaning of words based on the contexts

- scan for specific information II.Materials: Text book ,hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may need to be provided vocabulary related to the topic so that they can complete various learning tasks


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up

2 pre- reading

Chatting: ask ss some questions dealing with the post office Show ss a letter and ask them :

What is this ? ( it is a letter )

Where can you post a letter ? ( at the post office )

How far is it from your house to the nearest post office ? ( km) How often you go to the post office ? What for ? ( once / twice e week / to post letter / to make a phone call / to buy phone card ) What services you think the post office offer ? ( mail / phone call ) Lead - in :

Today we are going to read a text a bout postal service of Thanh Ba post office

Pre -teaching vocabulary

1.Equip: supply with what is needed in a company or an office trang bÞ



3 while reading


2.express : = very fast

3.transfer : to hand over from one person or one place to another 4.notify : = announce

5 recipient (n) : My friend sent me a letter She was the sender I received the leteer I was the recipient: Nguoi nhan

6.subcribe to( magazines or newspapers ) : arrange to receive regularly

Checking :Rub out the words and leave the Vietnamese meaning ,synonym or explaination on the board

Point and each explaination or synonym and have ss to speak out the E word

Task 1: guesing the meaning from the context

Ask ss to read he text individually , try to guess the meaning of some words ( spacious / courteous / speedy /and original )

from the context and exercise Get them compare the answers with their friends

1.c b d c

Task 2:Questions and answering :

Ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

Call on some ss to read the answers in front of the class Check with the class

Suggested answer :

1 It is equiped with advanced technology and a spacious and pleasant from office

2 Mail and parcel service , express money transfer , phone call and

Whole class


4 Post reading


faxes ,press distribution are offered at Thanh Ba post office They are sending letters by air ,surface mail or express mail It is used for notifying the recipient of the time and place to

receive the call

5 I will have subcribe to my favourit newspapers or magazines Task 3:Finding envidences in the text to support these satements Ask ss to work in pairs again and find envidence in the text to support these satements

Get ss to report answers chorally Feed back and give correct answes

1 It opens daily from a.m to p.m

2 They offer a very competitive rate for parcels under 15kilos They have express Mail service and your EMS mail will be

delivered in the shortest possible time The money wil send in less than 24 hours

Discussion: Ask ss to work in groups and discuss questions

1 Which service proviced by Thanh Ba post office you think is most important and why ?

2 What service you think Thanh Ba post office should have in future ?

Go around and help them if necessary

Call some ss of each groups to report their opinions Check their mistakes and give them marks

Ask ss to summerize the tex

Pair work




Period 56th

Unit : the post office Lesson : speaking

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - make requests and talk a bout different postal service II.Materials: text book,

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may limited languistic resources for discussion ,so T should be ready to assist them


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up

2 pre-speaking

Jumbled words:

Give ss a list of jumbled words ( prepared before hand on a poster ) Get ss to work individually in minutes to prepare the jumbled words and go to board to write down their answers

1 mali xaf

2 repss deervyli nomey tranfers Give feed back

1 mail money transfer fax press deliver Lead _ in:

Today we are going to talk a bout some postal services Activity : Listening task:

Give instructions :

Aman is at the post office and he is talking a posal services Listen for the first time and answer the following questions

1 What service is the man talking ?( fax transmission)



3 while speaking


Ask ss to listen a gain and answrer more questions What does he want to fax ?( a document ) what is his fax number ?( 047223898 ) How much is this service ? ( 5000dongs )

4 what exactly did the man say to make the request ?

5 ( Could you help me to send this document to my office by fax?) Ask ss to give answer

Give feed back

Ask ss to practice the dialogue a gain betweent the man and the clerk in open pairs , then inclosed pairs

Activity 2 Draw on the board two faces and introduce the scene - This is Mr Minh

- This is the clerk at a post office

- Mr Minh want to Have a telephone line installed at his home - - elicit the dialogue from ss

Good morning good can I ?

I’d telephone line install

address ?

234 Tran Hung Dao strreet When ?

one week

Pair work


4 Post speaking



have telephone ?

How much ?

fill in the form? here you are


Get ss to practice the dialogue in open pairs , then in closed pairs Activity 3:

Ask ss to work in pairs and make a similar dialogue using one of the two situations given in their books

Go around the class and give them help

Call on some pairs qand ask ss yo act out the conversation

Role play:ask ss to think of stuations that they themselves need to go to the post office

Get ss to act out the conversations that may happen there

Call on some pairs to the front of class to act out the conversation Ask ss to find some more expression to make request


Period 57th:

Unit : the post office Lesson : listening

IObjectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

- listen a monologue about the development of Viet nam’s telephone system for details - use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

II.Materials: Text book, cassette tape , small boxes

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may not also be familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up

Guessing game:What is it ?

T gives cues and ss guess what the thing is by raising Yes / No questions Cues : It was invented in 1870

2.It was invented by Alexander Graham

3 It is used to transmit speech in a long distance Example exchange :

Is it invented in 1870 ? Is it the telegraph ? No , it is not Chatting :

1 Is your family on the telephone ?


2 pre- listening


3 while listening


3 When did your family have the telephone line installed ? Did many families have it at that time ?

5 How about now ?

6 Does any member of your family have a cell phone ?

Lead -In :.you can seen the telephone system has developed quikly in the last few years Today we are going to listen to a monologue a bout such a development

Pre -teaching vocabulary

Before pre- teaching the new words , T help ss to pronounce the word given in text book Y may read aloud first or play the tape and ask ss to repeat in chorus and individually

1 commune ( n) x· th«n

country -> province -> village -> ward -> ? communal( a) c«ng céng , chung

2 Rural network ( n) The telephone network in the country side is called ( mạng lưới nơng thơn )

3 capacity (n) c«ng suất , suất subscriber ( n) thuê bao

Ask ss to make sentences with words and give corective feed back Task : Multiple choice

- Ask ss to read the statements and the question carefully and work out information they need to concentrate on while listening and predict the answers

- Check with the whole class

- Get ss to read the option in each question carefully and underling the words that make them different

Whole class


4.Post lisening 10

- Get ss to guess the answer to each questions

- Have ss listen to the interview once for ss to the task

- Get ss to compare their answer with the whole class If many ss can not answer the questions , play the tape one or more times and pause at the answer for them to catch

Key : 1.b 2.d 3.c 4.d c

Task 2::Questions and answering : ask ss to work in pairs to answer the questions

Check if ss can answer the questions in task on page 106 with listening a gain

Have ss read through the questions , underline the keywords Ask ss predict the answer

Let ss listenthe tape again to answer the questions by noting down the answers

Have ss heck their answer with the partner Check with the whole class

Play the tape again and pause at the difficult points if ss can not answer the questions

Expected answer :

1 china has the best growth in telephone mumber s

2 In the early 1990s there was only 140000 telephones in Viet nam In 1996 The fixed telephone numbers were changed from six to

7 digits in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city as well as five to six digits in other provinces

4 in 2001

5 There are 6014 communal post offices in Viet Nam


5.wrapping Game: Lucky boxes :

Prepare small boxes in which there are small pieces of papers with questions on them , questions are about the content if the lisening task above Not all boxes have questions There are some lucky boxes Ask ss to play this game in teams

Let ss to choose a box

Open it and give marks for the correct answers

If ss choose the lucky box , they get 10 marks and have the right to choose another box

The game goes on untill all boxes are opened The team with more marks wins the game Box : lucky box

Box : How many telephones were there in Viet Nam in 1996 ? Box : Which country has the highest growth in telephone numbers ? Box : lucky box

Box : lucky box

Box : how many percent of communes in Viet Nam have telephone services ?

Box :What is the rank of Viet Nam for growth in telephone numbers ? Ask ss to summarise the main point of the passage

Assign home work

Team work


Period 58th:

Unit 9: the post office Lesson : writing

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : Write a letter to express satisfaction or dissastisfaction II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: Ss have may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the toppic , so teacher should be ready to assist them


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up

2 Pre- writing

Game: Shark attack ( the word to find : post office ) Draw 10 dashes on the board

-Give the clue : this is a place

Ask ss to guess each letter of the whole word Give one mark for each correct letter

For each wrong guess , the boy has to move down one step If the boy is at the last step , the shark will attack him

The game goes on till the word uncovered

Ss will lose if the shark reaches the boy before the word is found Lead -in:Questions:

-Do you often go to the post office ? What you go to the post office for ?


12 Set the scene and give out the topic for the discussion : T: tell me some services at Thanh Ba post office ?

Ss : mail and parcel services phone call , press distribution T : now , imagine you have been using some of these services Tell me what you are dissatisfied with

Act as an instructor and write shortly ss’ideas on the board

Satisied Dissatisfied

The opening hours ? V V( close too early )

The security condition ? V ( no one looks after the motorbikes )

The attitude of the staff ? V ( polite ,


The prices ?

The punctuallity of delivery

of letters and newspaper ?

The position of the post office ?

The quality of the

Whole class


3 while writing


4.Post writing

e quipment

Activity : Clarity the writing task:

The director of Thanh Ba post office invited you to write a letter to him describing the quality of the services

Revision of writing a letter showing satisfaction or dissatisfaction Elicit the outline from ss

The letter may have the follwing points - Greet

- State the reason for writing

- Say whether you are satisfied of distisfied with these service or both

- List out some envidences to support your ideas - Your suggestion

- End the letter politely Feed back on ss’writing

- Call on some ss to go and copy their writing on the board - Ask others to give comments

- Give feedback and comments

Get ss to review the outline of a chart description


Period 59th:

Unit : the post office Lesson 5:language focus I Objective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the clusters / sp /,/st /, /kr/ ,/sk / and pronoun the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Use defining and non- defining relative clauses appropriately II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may find it difficult with the clusters because they don't exist in vietnamese IV: Procedures:

Steps/Time Procedures Interaction

1 Warm up




Divide the class in to two teams and ask ss to close their books Ask each team to write on the board :

 words containing the sound / sp / like speak  words containing the sound / st / like street

 words containing the sound / sk / like ask and skim Set the time limited in minutes

The group who first finishes wins

Introduce the clusters / sp/ , /st/ , /sk/

T models the clusters / sp/ , /st / , /sk / for a few times and explains the differences in producing them

T plays the tape once for ss to hear the words containing these two sounds Then T plays the tape again and this time asks ss to repeat after the tape


Presentation 2


T reads the words once again ,each time with a word in each column to help ss distinguish the differences between the sound in the words T reads the words and asks ss to repeat them

Ask ss to read aloud all words Practice the sentences:

Ask ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentences v

Grammar :Revision of defining relative clause and non -defining relative clause

Ask ss some questions dealing with the content of the lesson to help ss to review :

1 what is the positions and functions of Who , Whom ,Which, That and whose ?

2 which relative clause can be omitted without making nonsense of the main information ?( non -defining relative clauses )

3 what is the position of a non -defining pnonoun ? ( after a defining pronoun Ex : Lan , this book , my father and between commas )

4 Can we omit “ whom” or “ which” and “ that” when they function as objects ? ( yes )

Whole class



Relative clause

N/ Pro who

(person) (s)

N/ Pro whom

(object) (o)

N/ Pro which

(object) ( s o)

N/ Pro that

(object) (s o)

N/ whose + N

(object) (o)

(possessive )

Non-defining relative clause Clause :

Definite noun

My father / Lan / this Book

Practice :Exercise 1 :

Pair work



Ask ss to work individually

Read the questions and ask ss to answer

1 what you call a person who designs building?

2 what you call a person who buys things from a shop ? what you call a person who fies a plane ?

4 what you call a person who takes photographs ? what you call a thing which opes a lock?

6 what you call a thing which opens a bottle ? Expected answer :

1 an architect a customer a pilot

4 a photographer a key

6 a bottle-opener

Ask ss to explain the words using the phrases from the box Have ss write the answers on the board

Ask ss the Vietnamese equivalent of the words Check with the class nouns and explainations given

Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions based on the nouns and the explainations given

Example exchange :

A.what you call a person who designs buidings? B.An architect

Feed back and give correct answer Exercise :

Individual work


5 Wrapping 1

Get ss to exercise individually

Ask them to find a partner to check their answers with Go over the answers with the class

Key : who whose whom whose whom

Exercise : Join the sentenses ,using relative pronouns Ask ss to read all the sentences carefully

Underline the word to show the same thing or a person

Remember the uses of who , which , that and join the sentences Call some ss to write their answers on the board

Feed back and give correct answes

Ask ss to summerize the text and ask ss to exercise at home



I Aims:

- to review skills: listening, reading, writing, grammar - to summarize the content they have learnt in units II Teaching aids:

- tape, cassette, work book, guide book…… III Teaching procedures

1 Greeting+ checking attendance check up:

3 New lesson




- asks Ss to listen and choose the correct answers

- asks Ss to read the statements before listening

- explains Ss some new words - reads the passage twice

-asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answers

- asks Ss to give answers - corrects the mistakes


- asks Ss to read the passage and decide T or F

-read the statements -listen

-check the answer

-work in pairs and answer

-give answer



* key words:

- mementoe:(n): vật kỉ niệm - astrays: gạt tàn thuốc - mugs: cốc, ca

- toast racks: giá đựng bánh mì nướng -reads and asks Ss to repeat the words -gives the meanings

-asks Ss to read the words and corrects -asks Ss to read the passage carefully and decide T or F

-asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answer

- asks Ss to give answers and explains - corrects the mistakes


Complete the following sentences with Who or That

- asks Ss to work in pairs and read the sentences

- asks ss to compete by using Who or That - asks Ss to give answers and explain - corrects the mistakes


- asks Ss to write a paraghaph of 120 words about one of your hobbies, following these guidelines from the book

-write some words on the board -give the meaning

- listen - repeat

-read the passage

- read the statements carefully

- decide T or F

- check the answer with a partner - give answers

-listen -take notes

-look at the sentences

- work in pairs and read the sentences carefully - complete to it by using Who or That

- give answers - listen to explain - take notes

- read the sentences and complete it - work in pairs and check the answers - give answer


10’ - asks Ss to work in groups of and write to it

- goes round to help Ss if necessary - asks Ss to write on the board - corrects the mistakes


- Asks Ss to learn the lesson

- Prepare the English test

- take note

- work in groups of and write the letter - exchange the letter

- write on the board -listen

-take notes

- listen - take notes


Period 61st: unit 10: nature in danger

A reading.

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas,skimming for general information,and guessing meaning in context

-use the information they have read to discuss the topic II.Mareials: Textbook,pictures

III.anticipated problems:

Ss may need help with the discussion task,so T sdould be ready to help them IV.Procedure:

Stage/Time Procedure Interaction





Competition game–network.

T prepare a handout with a network of the word Nature Divides the class into groups and give each group a handout and ask them to complete

Dicussing the questions.

-T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the facts about endangered species and discuss the questions:

+ what you understand from the facts above?

+can you explain why the numbers of these animals have become small?

Pre-teaching vocabulary.

-provide some new words on the board -Explain the meaning

-Guide Ss to read


Pair work





Setting the scene

You are going to read the passage about the nature that is in danger.While you are reading ,do the tasks in the book Task 1.

Fill each blank with one of the words in the box -T writes these words on the board:

-Then T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings

-T asks Ss to work individually to the task -asks Ss to exchange their answers with others -asks Ss for their answers and feed back Task 2.

Decide which of the choices A,B,C or D most adequately sum up the ideas of each passage

-T gets Ss the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer

-T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks other to say whether they agree or disagree

-Feedback and gives correct answer Task 3.

Answer the six questions in the book -T asks Ss how to this task

-asks Ss to the task individually,then discuss the answer with their friends

-Calls on some Ss to answer -Feedback

Whole class

Individual work and pair work







Intruction:you are required to work in groups to find out why some animals have become extinct

-When the time run out,calls some groups to share ideas -Feedback

-Summarise the main points -Assign homework

Pair work Group work

Whole class


Period 62nd

Unit 10 : nature in danger

B : speaking

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

- Talk about the reasons why nature is threatened and gives out some measures to solve these reasons II.Materials: text book, cards

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may limited languistic resources for discussion ,so T should be ready to assist them


Stages Procedures Interaction

Warm - up



while speaking


Asks Ss to work in groups of six to write down the reasons why nature is in danger After five minutes,the groups that have the most and correct reasons will be the winner

Lead _ in:

Today we are going to talk about the reasons why nature is treatened and some measures to solve these reasons

Task 1:

-Tell ss to read the reasons why nature is treatened in the text book to see how much of the ideas is similar to the opinions given

- get Ss to put them inorder of important and explain why - Move around to help them

- Call on some pairs to explain their priority

- Give comment and then introduce to Ss some ways to give opinion , agreement or dis agreement

Task 2: Matching :

Whole class



Post speaking



- Ask ss to work in pairs to match the reasons in Task with possible measures for protecting the environe in the box

Ex : Killing endangered animals for fur,skin and food

Killing endangered animals for fur,skin and food should be banned

Encuorage ss to match quickly and understand the meaning of these measures -The pair that has the most quickly matching will be give good marks

Move around to help them

Ask ss to report their results to the class in front of the class Ask other ss to give comments

Give feed back Declare the best pair

Task 3: Ask ss to work in pairs to state the negative impacts made by people on the environment and suggest measure to protect

Ex:A:People are killing endangered animals for fur,skin and food B:killing animals for fur,skin and food should be banned Call some pairs to present and ask others to comment Feed back

Summarize the content of the lesson

Whole class

Individual work

Group work Whole class


Period 63rd Unit 10: nature in danger

C : Listening

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: Develop extensive listening skills

Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

II Materials:

Textbook, cassette tapes, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them

IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interaction

1.Warm-up Jumbled words

(To teach vocabulary and leads Ss to the topic) - Divide the class into groups of or

- Give each group one card containing 10 words whose letters are jumbled and asks Ss to rearrange the letters to make good words The group which finishes the task first with the most correct words will be the winner

Group work

2.Pre-listening Ask Ss to work in groups of six to name some national parks in Viet Nam

After four minutes the group that has the most words will be the winner

Listen and repeat

- Help Ss to pronounce the words in their book correctly T may want to play the tape or model first and then ask Ss to repeat after the tape or


after him/ her in chorus and individually T corrects errors, if any - Check that Ss know the meaning of these words

- Ask Ss to make sentences with some important words

3.While listening Task 1

Instruction: You are going to listen about the national parks in the United Staten Listen and answer True or False questions Put a tick () in the appropriate box.

- Before Ss listen and the task, get them to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words For example, the key words in the first statement are“protect and preserve”.

- Play the tape (or reads the tapescript) once for Ss to listen and the task

- Check the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch

Task 2

- Play the tape again for Ss to listen and answer the questions While Ss are listening, T should encourage them to note down the answers T should remind Ss to write down only the main points in note forms but not full sentences

- Get Ss to check their answers with a partner Then T checks with the whole class T should play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task

Individual work, pair work & whole class



Post-listening - Introduce the task: Ss summarise the passage ,musing the informations in task and

- Put Ss in small groups of or Each group will summarise on a paper

-After minutes,calls some groups to present

- Listen and take note of Ss’ errors T provides corrective feedback after that

Group work

5.Wrap- up -T summarises the main point of the lesson

-For homework, Ss learn by heart new words and make sentences with them


Period 64th: unit 10: nature in danger

d writing

I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

Write about a description of Cat Ba national park using the given facts and figerues II.Mareials: Textbook,handouts.,

III.anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write about the topic,so T should be ready to assist them


Stage/Time procedure Interaction

Warm up




Ask and answer:

-T ask Ss some questions about Cat Ba national park Such as:-Have you ever been to Cat Ba national park?

-when? -Where is it?

-Can you list something especial in Cat Ba national park? T sets the sence:you are going to write about description of Cat Ba national park,using the facts and figures

T gets Ss to read the facts and figures given in the book The writing must have:-the opening

-the content -the closing

T elicits the verb tenses that may be useful when Ss want to write about

T may also elicit/revise the adjectives and expressions Ss can use

Group work






to describe about Cat Ba nayional park


-T gets Ss to write their friend in 15 minutes -T goes around to observe and offer help feedback on Ss’ writing

-T asks Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer correction

-Collects some writing for quick feedback

Summarise the main points Assign homework

Individual work

Pair work Whole class


Period 65th: Unit 10: nature in danger

E: Language Focus

I Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Distinguish the clusters /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, /sw/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Understand relative pronouns with prepositions and use these structures to communicative tasks

II Materials:

Textbook, handouts

III Anticipated problems:

- Students might have some difficulties in pronouncing the clusters

IV Procedure Stages

Procedure Interaction 1 Warm up

Jumbled words

- Ask Ss to arrange the words into a meaningful sentence Snowy/but/looks/snores/sleeps/small/when/he/he/sweet

Key: when small snowy sleeps,he snores but he looks sweet

- Ask Ss to read aloud the sentence and pay attention to the underlined words to lead into the lesson


1.Pronunciatio n

Distinguishing sounds

- Model the three clusters /sl/, /sm/, /sn/, /sw/ for a few times and explains


how to produce them

- Play the tape (or reads) once for Ss to hear the words containing these clusters Then T plays the tape (or reads) again and this time asks Ss to repeat after the tape (or T)

- Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few more times Then T calls on some Ss to read the words out loud T listens and corrects if Ss pronounce the target words incorrectly If many Ss not pronounce the words correctly, T may want to get them to repeat after the tape (or himself) again in chorus and then individually

Practising sentences containing the target sounds

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences (p 121, Practise these sentences)

- Go around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback


2.Grammar a- Presentation:

T gives some examples to elicite the uses of relative pronouns with prepositions

-The shop is closed for decoration.we usually go to the shop

→the shop to which we usually go is closed for decoration -these are the people.we went on holiday with them last summer

→these are the people with whom we went on holiday -Relative pronoun can be complement of a preposition

T and Ss


-We use prepositions before WHICH and WHOM in some sentences.we don’t use prepositions before other relative pronouns

b Practice: Exercise 1:

- Ask Ss exercise in individually - Provide feedback

-gives the correct answers

Individual work

Exercise 2:

Ask Ss to work in individually to combine the sentences,using


Ask Ss to look at examples and the others

After finishing,asks them to compare with the others, - Feedback

- Gives correct answers

Individual work Pair work

Exercise 3:

Complete the sentences usingwho,whom,which,orthat Ask Ss to the exercise in minutes

Compare the answers with the others

T calls some Ss go to the board to the exercise Feedback and give the correct answers


3.Wrap- up -T summarises the main points of the lesson

-For homework T asks Ss to revise reported speech with infinitives and exercises in the workbook


Period 66:

Unit 11 : sources of energy Lesson : reading

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - understand the passage

- identify the main ideas

- Guess the meaning of the context

- express their own ideas about sources of energy II.Materials: Text book ,hand outs, pictures

III.Anticipated problems: ss may need to be provided vocabulary related to the topic so that they can complete various learning tasks

IV:Procedures: Stages /


Procedures Interaction

I Warm -up


Game : word grid

Prepare a poster of aword grid with rows

Ask ss to work in groups and take turns to choose a number row.Teacher gives the hins

If ss guess the word correctly , they will get one mark If not , another group can give the answer and score the point

The group that has more points will win the game Ss find out the vertical word :energy

Declare the winner CUES :

1 in modern world , this kind of weapon is often used in wars


2 pre-reading



3 something like gas coal , oil It cover two- third of the earth nowadays people like to se it to cook we cannot have light if it goes out

Lead -in : What sources of energy you know ? Coal

oil sources of energy wind

natural nuclear

Look at the pictures of the sources of energy on page 124 and name them Wind turbine -> wind power , solar panel -> solar energy ,

Dam -> water power Pre- question s :

1 what is our major sources of energy ? is this major sources limited ? why ?

3 How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text ? Which one you think is alternative sources of energy ? Pre -teaching vocabulary

1 alternative (adj) That can be used instead of something else

2 resever : ( n ) supply of something that is available to be used in the future or when it is needed: sù dù tr÷

3 to exhaust (v ) to run out of , to weeken To empty :làm cạn kiệt released : be free : phãng thÝch

5 limited: ( adj ) cã h¹n Checking :

Whole class


3 while reading


4 Post reading


Ask ss to work in pairs and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the vocabulary in task

Key:1 released alternative exhausted limited reserve Activity 1:Questions and answering :

Ask ss read the text silently and to work in pairs to answer the pre- questions with a parner

Call on some ss to read the answers in front of the class Check with the class

Suggested answer :

Activity 2 : Table completion

Ask ss to work in groups again and find envidence in the text to complete the table

Ask ss to scan the passage to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative sources Each group choose one source of energy and write down on the paper

Go around and help them if necessary

Call some ss of each groups to report their opinions Check their mistakes and give them marks

Feed back and give correct answes

Ask ss to summerize the text by completing the passage , using the suitable from the box

Go around and help them if necessary Call some ss to report their opinions Check their mistakes and give them marks Feed back and give correct answes

Pair work





Period 67th

Unit 11 : sources of energy Lesson : speaking

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - talk about the advantages and disadvantages of energy sources - express their own ideas about alternative sources of energy II.Materials: text book, pictures

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may limited languistic resources for discussion ,so T should be ready to assist them


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm–up


pre-Jumbled words:

Give ss a list of jumbled words ( prepared before hand on a poster ) Get ss to work individually in minutes to prepare the jumbled words and go to board to write down their answers

1.mitiled -> limited 2.oalc -> coal

3 olars nepal -> solar panel 4.eenwrable -> renewable 5.poerw indw -.> wind power Give feed back

Lead _ in:

Today we are going to talk some more about the advantages and disadvantages of the sources of energy




3 while

Pre- teaching vocabulary:

1 Renewable : that is replaced natrurally > < non renewable reactor (n) lo phan ung

3 rediation(n) : Phong xa

Activity :Ask ss to work in pairs and decide which statement is a bout the advantages ( A ) and which is about the disadvantages (d) of the sources of energy (task1)

Ask ss to give answer Give feed back

Teacher reads a statement randomly a loud ,ss run to the board to slap on the word they choose

1 D D D A 5.D 6.A 7.D Activity introduce the dialongue : Hang a flpchart of an open dialongue on the board

Ask ss to read aloud and fing the missing word to complete it

a I think/ believe that I can be alternative source of energy b Why doyou think so ?

a Because our maJor sources of energy i while the wind is and

b I know it is also to the environment How ever it is not when there is know wind

Activity 3:ask ss to read the dialongue that they have finished Ask ss towork in pairs to substitute the underlined words with suitable words

Pair work




4 Post speaking



Call on some pairs and ask ss to act out the conversation

Role play:ask ss to think of situations that they themselves need to go to the post office

Get ss to act out the conversations that may happen there

Group discussion :

Work a groups of five to make a list of things the family should to save energy

Share ideas with the others by chainging groups Feed back and introduce some ways to ss

Write a composition to talk about the alternative source of energy that you think is the most feasible for our country

Prepare the next part


Period 68th:

Unit 11 : sources of energy Lesson : listening

IObjectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - listen to specific information

- express their own ideas about how to protect the environment II.Materials: Text book, cassette tape , paper, makers

III.Anticipated problems: ss have may not also be familiar with the note taking task so T should provide them some tips to deal with the task


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up


pre-7 Game:pictionary

Ask ss to work in four groups

Prepare some pieces of paper on which there is one word : ocean / sun / land / grass /air /oil /coal

Give a piece of paper to one person in each group This person doesn’t show it to the others in his other group , then explain the word by drawing When the other in his group can recognize what the word is , they will say it aloud

The group that get more right word will win the game Check ss’ understanding of the instruction

Declare the winning group

Lead -In :.have ss show the pictures they have just drawn and ask : what these pictures refer to ?

Answer: they are about natural resources




3 while listening


Ask ss :which of them are renewable and which of them are nonrenewable ? why ?

Have ss to work in pairs ands guess the answers

Natural reources

Re- newable nonrenewable reason

Pre -teaching vocabulary

Before pre- teaching the new words , T help ss to pronounce the word given in text book T may read aloud first or play the tape and ask ss to repeat in chorus and individually

1 ecologist (n) person who studies ecology to conserve (v) to avoid wasting something

Ask ss to make sentences with words and give corrective feed back

Task : Multiple choice

- Ask ss to read the statements and the questions carefully and work out information they need to concentrate on while listening and predicting the answers

- Check with the whole class

- Get ss to read the option in each question carefully and underling the words that make them different

- Get ss to guess the answer to each questions

Whole class


4.Post lisening



- Get ss to compare their answer with the whole class If many ss can not answer the questions , play the tape one or more times and pause at the answer for them to catch

Key : 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.a b

Task 2:Gap- filling

Give ss three minutes to read the paragraph carefully and guess the missing words

Ask ss to listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps with the words they have heard

Let them call out the answer

Key : unlimited atmosphere may gases amount Ask ss to summarise the main point of the passage

Discussion : ask ss to work in groups of to discuss the questions : what can we to keep the resources renewable ?

What should we to protect our environment ?

One student from each group comes to the infront of the class and give the ideas

Others give comment

Assign home work

Pair work


Period 69th:

Date: 23/2/2009

Unit 9: sources of energy Lesson : writing

I :Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : Write a description from a chart

II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: Ss have may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the toppic , so teacher should be ready to assist them


Stages / time Procedures Interaction

I Warm - up

Game:hot seat

Put chairs in front of the class

Ask ss to work in groups One person from each group sits on each chair Write a word on the board The others in their group explain the word without the using the exact word on the board

When the person on the chair can say out the word correctlly their group can get one mark It is time to change another student to continue the game The word chosen for the game :petro, coal , energy , nuuclear ,


The group that scores more points will win the game Declare the winning group

Lead -in:Questions:


2 Pre-writing


3 while writing


your country ?

Do you know how much energy your country consume in a year ?

To know how to read and to write a chart of energy consumption we will study the lesson today

Hang the chart on the board and explain the information in the chart In pairs , ss look at the chart carrefully and read the passage , contrasting the chart with the passage to find out the

missing information

compare the answer with the other pairs call on some ss to read out their answer Outlining:

1.Give out the topic sentence

2 write some detailed sentences / supporting ideas for the topic Sentence

Activity :based on the chart in the text book on page 130 SS write a description of the trends in energy consumption in the year 2005 in Highland

Set the time limited in five minutes Move around to give help

When ss have finished , ask them to exchange their writings , comparing and giving their corrections

Ask ss to write the letter on a sheet of paper go around the class and gives help when needed Activity :divide the class in to groups Deliver a large piece of paper for each group

Whole class


4.Post writing




Ask ss to compare the amount of energy consumption in the years 2000 and 2005

Set the time limited in 10 minutes Move around to give help if nesessary Ask ss to stick their posters on the board

Feed back on ss’writing

- Call on some ss to go and copy their writing on the board - Ask others to give comments

- Give feedback and comments

Get ss to review the outline of a chart description

Rewrite the paragraph base on the T’s and other ss’ suggestion and corrections

Pair work


Period 70th:

Unit 11: sources of energy Lesson 5:language focus I Objective: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to :

- Distinguish the consonant clusters / sr /,/spl /, /spr/ , and pronoun the words and sentences containing them correctly

- Use the use relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives and apply to some exercise II.Materials: Text book , hand outs

III.Anticipated problems: ss may find it difficult with the clusters because they don't exist in Vietnamese

IV: Procedures:

Steps/Time Procedures Interaction



Hang on the chart with the sounds: / sr/ , /spl/ , /spr/

T models the clusters / sp/ , /st / , /sk / for a few times and explains the differences in producing them

Point to each sound and read each aloud times

T plays the tape once for ss to hear the words containing these two

sounds Then T plays the tape again and this time asks ss to repeat after the tape

Pronouncing the words containing the sounds

T reads the words once again ,each time with a word in each column to help ss distinguish the differences between the sound in the words T reads the words and asks ss to repeat them

Ask ss to read aloud all words Practice the sentelative cences:

Ask ss to work in pairs to practice reading the sentences


Presentation 2


Call on some ss to read aloud

Grammar :Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitive :1. active participles

Show a picture of a girl playing with a dog and tell ss : She is Lan’s sister What is she doing?

She is playing with the dog

Question : who can combine these sentences into one ? Write on the board :

The girl who is playing with the dog is Lan’s sister

 the girl playing with the dog is Lan’s sister The man who spoke to John is my brother

 theman speaking to John is my brother

ask ss to look at examples carrefully and elicit the rules : we can use the present participle to replace a relative clause which has an active meaning 2.passive pariciples:

Ask ss to combine sentences :

The picture has won the first prize It was drawn by a blind

 The picture which was drawnby a blind has won a first prize  the picture drawn by a blind has won the first prize elicit the rules from ss :

we can use the past participle to replace a relative clause which has passive meaning

3 Infinitive relative clause:

Ask ss : which was the first country which won the world cup ?

A nother way to ask :which wasthefirst cuontry to win the world cup ?

Whole class



We often use a to infinitive after an ordinal number ( first , second ) after next and last , after only And after superlative adjective

Practice:Exercise :

Ask ss to work individually to write the sentences , using present participle phrase

Move a round to give help

Have them exchange their exercise to check Feed back and give correct answer

1 The boy playing the piano is Bend

2 Do you know the woman coming to ward us

3 the people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet

4 the scientist searching the causes of cancer are making progress The fence surrounding house is made of wood

6 we have an a partment over looking the park

Exercise 2:ask ss to rewrite the sentences using the past paticiple phrase Move a round to give help

Have them exchange their exercise to check Feed back and give correct answer

Exercise : ask ss to rewrite the sentences in exercise using infinite phrase

Ask ss to come to the board and write them down Check’ss task ang give corrections

Ask ss to summerize the text

Pair work



8 Wrapping



Period 71 TEST YOURSELF D I Aims:

- to review skills: listening, reading, writing, grammar - to summarize the content they have learnt in units II Teaching aids:

- tape, cassette, work book, guide book…… III Teaching procedures

4 Greeting+ checking attendance check up:

6 New lesson




- asks Ss to listen and choose the correct answers

- asks Ss to read the statements before listening

- explains Ss some new words - reads the passage twice

-asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answers

- asks Ss to give answers - corrects the mistakes


- asks Ss to read the passage and decide T or F

-read the statements -listen

-check the answer

-work in pairs and answer

-give answer




* key words:

- mementoe:(n): vật kỉ niệm - astrays: gạt tàn thuốc - mugs: cốc, ca

- toast racks: giá đựng bánh mì nướng -reads and asks Ss to repeat the words -gives the meanings

-asks Ss to read the words and corrects -asks Ss to read the passage carefully and decide T or F

-asks Ss to work in pairs and check the answer

- asks Ss to give answers and explains - corrects the mistakes


Complete the following sentences with Who or That

- asks Ss to work in pairs and read the sentences

- asks ss to compete by using Who or That - asks Ss to give answers and explain - corrects the mistakes

-write some words on the board -give the meaning

- listen - repeat

-read the passage

- read the statements carefully

- decide T or F

- check the answer with a partner - give answers

-listen -take notes

-look at the sentences

- work in pairs and read the sentences carefully - complete to it by using Who or That

- give answers - listen to explain - take notes

- read the sentences and complete it - work in pairs and check the answers - give answer



- asks Ss to write a paraghaph of 120 words about one of your hobbies, following these guidelines from the book

- asks Ss to work in groups of and write to it

- goes round to help Ss if necessary - asks Ss to write on the board - corrects the mistakes


- Asks Ss to learn the lesson

- Prepare the English test

- work in groups of and write the letter - exchange the letter

- write on the board -listen

-take notes




_ To practice students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills

_ To help students to guess the meaning of some words and the task given in order to understand the reading


_ Textbooks, pictures, color chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player III TEACHING STAGES:

1 GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent 2 PREVIOUS LESSON:

_ The suggested answers for the 45-minute test 3 NEW LESSON:


_ asks students to look at the pictures then answer the questions provided

_ asks students some guiding questions _ asks students to answer the questions orally _ asks students to give comments if possible

A Before you read

_ Read the questions in the textbooks carefully the choose the best answers

Guiding questions:

1 How often are the Asian Games held? When did the 1stAsian Games take place? Where were the 1stAsian Games held?


_ explain the pictures and give the suggested answers

_ presents some new words

_ gives the brief meaning of the words using various techniques

_ helps students pronounce the words correctly

_ asks students to take notes of the words and the example if possible

_ plays the tape then ask students to task _ asks some students to give the answers then correct their answers if necessary

_ asks students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers to make sure that they understand the reading

_ asks students to copy the right answers

_ asks students to read the reading again then task in pairs orally

_ asks some students to give the answers _ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers

5 How many gold medals did the Vietnamese athletes win at the 14thAsian Games?

_ students answer the questions orally _ students give comments if possible New words

1 intercultural knowledge solidarity

3 aspect official facilities aquatic sports wrestling appreciate B While you read


_ listen to the tape then read the reading again and task individually

_ compare their results with those of their friends _ some of them give the answers, others give comments

_ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary


_ work in pairs and task


_ corrects the students’ answers and give suggested answers

_ asks students to read the reading again then task in pairs orally

_ asks some students to give the answers _ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers

_ corrects the students’ answers and give suggested answers

_ asks students to rewrite the sentences basing on the information given


_ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary


_ work in pairs and ask and answer the questions given

_ compare their results with those of their friends _ Some of them give the answers, others give comments

_ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary


_ Students summarise the reading passage 5 HOMEWORK:

_ Read the reading carefully and translate it into Vietnamese _ Learn the vocabulary listed by heart





_ To practise students’ speaking and listening skills

_ To help students to be able to talk about the Asian Games, basing on the information suggested II TEACHING AIDS:

_ Textbooks, pictures, colour chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player III TEACHING STAGES:

1 GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent 2 PREVIOUS LESSON:

_ Questions and answers about the reading 3 NEW LESSON:


_ asks students to observe the useful language carefully then use the words or phrases suggested to make sentences of their own

Task 1: Example:

A: When and where were the 1st Asian Games held?

B: (They were held) in 1951 in India

A: How many countries took part in the Games? B: 11


_ asks some students to give their answers _ asks some to give comments

_ asks some of them give the answers to the questions, others give comments on the answers and give supported ideas if possible

_ asks some of them to give the answers, others give comments

_ asks students if they need more information which can help them to organize their ideas

_ asks students to write the draft of the writing first

_ asks students to exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves

_ walks around to help students if possible

_ asks students to take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks _ explains or correct some common mistakes if necessary

_ asks students to copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary

_ students to work in pairs to make new conversation

Task 2

_ read the requirement of the task carefully

_ listen to the explanation of the requirement of the task

_ can copy the suggested talk presented by their teacher

_ the exercise orally

_ ask their teacher if having any difficulties

_ give comments on their friends’ talks

Useful language: build upgrade widen equip propagate advertise recruite hold


_ can give the sample writing if having enough time

_ asks students to copy the sample writing then compare with their own writing if necessary

_ some others give comments

_ then collect the ideas and organize them and start to write complete paragraph

_ can ask their friends or their teacher to supply some ideas they not know if necessary

_ start to write the draft of the writing first _ exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves

_ ask the teacher for help if having any difficulty in correcting the mistake themselves _ take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks

_ listen to the teacher’s explanation or his correction on the blackboard

_ copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary

Ngày đăng: 12/02/2021, 17:28

