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l oxford exam support l i "ot t 'э г-l l :]ý о l l \ I l.x? rl,,i, , ý, ж г] Elementary Workbook oxroRD Kate Haywood ]п jia ] _r10 Р rоg ress сhёik'Р] 1,.] ], ] ]]., , Welcome А Welcome В Не lо Аrе you in Ьа nd? Breakfast in space Briqht апd Сус ing in the desert Healthy House of the Enjoy the WelcomeC families а Нарру early British Schoo Е ]WelcomeD Welcome Friends The wоr d is vi lage Welcome reading а Lanquages ,., : оп the road Journeys to 5сПооl S ]]] ]:] That's life р12 r rr r -.as ts l!ving l\4akinq music Superheroes Frее time Ап lпfоrmа letter 5сrееп time? Time out р20 :: ir ъJ otl future view Underground Агоuпd town Going downl Get activ- Storm chasing А tourist guide City Home and away р28 ltЪ wild1 What аrе you WhаtЪ th." watching? weather ike? School food with а d iflеrепсе Traditlonal Describing photo а The naturalworld рзб Food matters food А description of Delrcious оr i disgusting? festiva а l i i Fооd, glorious food р44 Progress check р51 Nearly пеw Cyber N4onday Black Friday ] can't ive without it The tееп notlnd А review of gadget а Material world р52 7i Different Кеер it сlеапl The fiгst What's wrong? \4edieva] Thanksqiving : А etterofadvice medicine i р60 It's tough shapes й ] а ж ъJ Life's ups and The human downs Story Great writеrs I l The world of Roald Dah \4oments to r.оmеmЬеr А паrrаtivе Life story р68 Pro9 r,еsý,сhёik:]р]7ý]:l]]l1],]]]:]],l]]]::]: а ч А пеw tJ mode уеаr А пеw ife А new Adventure Travel USA l А new business Youth in Actlon Ап informa] emai Changes р76 Tolrists ,, Who wants them? ýý тrапs-siьеrlап l i 1 l Explore р84 ] ] ] Р rog resSl.cheik 9p | 1il ::,',1.1 l'', Gо for it| j А рrоfilе l ; l j I \&ýжýжжmзý !ý@ýýýж" ý *"alphabet :i:],i:]:].]:;.]l]i::':]:i]:]]]l]': ,.t, жtffilw-' ýý - 'ъл, Jl l.'жýýýf Complete the sentences so that they are true for you ý write the numbers ЖýýХ]l:]: Write the letters that you hear What word the letters spell? Put the words in the correct category coUntry Music Sport ýа,разз Ж Countries and nationalities З Complete the table with countries or nationalities Frапсе Spanish з Belgian Ро апd Тurkеу ly tta Са nad Dutch Thalland Egypt l0 lreland 12 14 15 the Czech Republic 14 ,l5 slovakian 16 Argentinian sentences below Age BritiSh з0 Pau о Brazi ian l0 Cheng Chinese lб К]а rа German 14 sa nd ian Кепуа l nterests footbalI mu5lc 19 New zеаlапdеr д,4оrоссо 20 I\,4y Д,,4у i\.ra,: , ',!aa,,, ]']'9) 9_,', lо lо, i ,9, :l a'о у., l::l?\,l., : i,', ' ]Y.,.' о] vr/ , footba]l l like ]'m поt into ,тrr' '].n |'m and like,/'m not into hip hop music {*& l love / don't like computersl l 'm into / don't like baseball ] ,,.l'm ]ove l music words to complete the sentences l footba l footbal 'm into l\ly name's Anup l'm frоm don't like Г бтý6l, _} 'm not into lo,olp, '.-] Welcome complters паmе's Klara, l'm frоm , ffi Talking ý Choose the correct l ',.б, ' name's Cheng |'m frоm d ":,I о: I _ttэ9 lJS l'm lhiуЗý.l like t,ж **! tttt* footbalL |'m i*t* computers, апd 'm frоm., ,, ,,l'm name's Paulo, I\4y \:,a,] пагпе's Lisа.l'гп frоm I\4y i!, ||i: \-Z.], о"о' 27 \:/.] 'о: о ','.ч.) l1^ r like l о] :о.:, l АЗп 'tx | l{fuЪ computerS 9l? ;].1.1]lО).]] iт}1}*э' i l.'.,',щ + 11 Study the information in the table CompIete the Anup Mexico I ]l ,lз Hungary ]б 139 Nationality Li ]5 627 712 ,l0 n [uxemburgish Ь+.^ ,1,1 8з ,l1 'т\ ,l0 12 lв Name ia 9з0 $c_rt,,,, , 421 Nationalities countries 'l l 22 -lз , r""iБ l r r соп,]рUtеrS Cý"ý&LLEýýýý! Complete the sentences so that they are true for you Д,4у 'l1.l name's |'m ,,,, l love ldon't like from l'm into Е.т Complete the sentences with the affirmative form of Ье 1] We,,, З Holly They You бlt Scott David ý into hip hop music ,,,., trom the UK, , , South African Put the words in order to make questions ,, , Z i,"r'ёL.rg,о* good at sport , ,., mу /? /',, t i,u t t / at the same / we / school а great band аrе / ? goodat/am/music/1/? friend and Liагп уоч / into tennis / аrе чоu ifit* tcnt,:is.j Агr into football :;еуl i.to basebc, t аlQ, ? fiftееп/уоч/аrе/? ;:;,::, idi 1:,,::,.,:;",,,,,:,,:; , :,,: :|,,:::.::|.Й:,'|М| i :,,YмЬ| qood / Гvа / at boo.L В аgrел,t cl,|t Iп t*й рlиtо, 15 о Match questions З а aliй olbiamr еUЬ.l'hа7 a4/f,tиr6 оаdа attl,ш We9 _ _.,_, _,,_ , iп rulф ro*t // 1-6 to short answers a-f Аm l good at tennis? Аrе you into footbal ? ls Jack sixteen? , С rb с,s lrоп^ roldol / Аrе we iп the same class? Are they ДгrеrirагNo, tve аrеп't Yоu'rе Ь No, they aren't d е f Yes, he is 1п 8А апd l'm in ВВ, с@ arodcbM^d,, Wе i,1,lto i( / ? No, |'m not, I don't like it No, she isn't She's frоm Bristo Complete the conversation with the correct form of Ье Emily Hi! l '*l Emily What's your паmе? Yann i\4y паmе 2., , , , , Yапп Nice to meet you Emily З, you frоm the UK? Yann \о, а lloT Frапсе Emily AhlYou б Frепсh| Yапп Yes] And you? 7, you British? Emily No, 18 Brltish, l9 ,,,,, ,Austraiarl Yапп What аrе you into, Emi у? 1l Emily l , into music, l , , ,, , , iп а band with э Choose the correct words to complete the sentences l tisn't/@from Еurоре Caitlin and Jack isn't / aren't at the same school We aren't / not into Sport Tom isn't,/ am not fourteen lt aren't / isn't а 9reat city, You are not / is not iп а band : Аmу Rewrite the sentences using the negative form of Ье Му name is Таrа Yапп l'm Russian home is in Nloscow i\4y friends аrе at а сопсеrt your friend? Emily No,shеlЗ,, ,,Shela mуsister Yапп , you famous in Australia? 17 Emily No, we 16 ! But, we goodI !.*т i]**1t !**'! Y4з"t I\4y , , she х CHAL!-EГ{GE! Complete the profile for you.Then write sentences with the correct form of Ье Name: wе'rе into samba mtlsic, You're in а samba band Nationality: Likes: Dislikes: Welcome 5; ffi Ж Гаmilу Complete the table with family words, Female Male dad {пцý з daughter brother couS] п CoUSl п grапdfаthеr пlесе аUпt grапdsоп 10 Гееliп9s adjectives Look at the picture and choose the correct words, Both Му hоthеr and I in а hockey team Му Ыоthеr is чеrу 'ФБЬ,/ tired because h;Ё, is his Гачоuritе sроrt He's always чеrу аге 2Ьоrеd / excited аЬоut оur mаtсhеs Вut I'm 'h"рру / bored becat_lse I dont like hосkеу People аrе sometimes О".gry / hоt with mе Жý Colours z 5sad good Тhеп I аm Find nine more colours in the wordsearch, т р Е L R в А \4 т U о G Е U S G в R о Nr Y в о с р в к t в L Y Е L L о Ж н А а т Е U с н R с S А г р l N к ,, The G R о J т Y р о R А N G Е S U D N к R Е D н R t Е N S L т t З hip hop N,4y grапdраrепts love footbal] lt's our / their /@favourite my cousin ,, Complete the sentences withthis,that,these and those, ,, iS my mу bookl 'Newport t.С - it's а great team|' This is they're /@computer You're / Your mу friends, They're / Their iп my class ll's /lts паmе is Spot, lts / lt's а great name for а dog! You're / Your books аrе iп my bag, She's their / they're mоthеr, Welcome аrе BeIgium, ,, biscuit аrе your biscuits '|'m iп а fооtlэаll team] 'What's your / its паmе?' choose the correct words to complete the sentences, favourite, , , in my city аrе N,4anchester United and l\4anchester City ]n the band are lйаrс, David The 'ls Daisy your / its fr]епd?' 'Yes, she's mу best friend] ']s this your dog?' 'Yes, it's their / оur dog!' This is my uncle and this is his / her son, Jake, Jake is 'ls this your book?' 'No, it isn't his / \\ro]ffiFt and mу dadl musrc is favourite sport team !,lsýý!,pý Frапсе апd Gеrmапу The two football iп my family аrе my mum, my grandmother and mу aunt frоrт the uk аrе British апd Тоm аrе rпу \Лаtt and my sister, is tucy i\4y l ] Ьrоthеr , coUntry':l ПЭП :, реrSоп R N/y sistel' is into music, Му Rluratnouns р L бhоt / cold, Complete the sentences with the plural form of the words below Choose the correct possessive adjectives, u Е i а match, mу Ыоthеr is 7cold / tired and'*gry / thirsty, Ьut I'm 9cold / exited and lothirsty / huпgry, L З tcited After А т П because I'rn not чеrу а,,, tL biscuits ,:] ls ý х ,.,,., а, , , аrе my ,,, your biscuit CHALLENGE! Find а photo of уочr family, Write sentences about the photo use your answers to the questions to help you *g Who is iп the photo? хх Are your family bored, happy, cold, tired, etc,? д Wеlсоmе t D Frýеmds Complete the sentences with the affirmative (У) or negative (Х) form of have got We 2| Непrу , ,у* *,зl а new teaСher а dog Vou , ,а t ^ У Х , ,, , а sister Х mobile рhопе У а big house У put the words in the correct order to make questions Then complete the short answers 'l L /got/ adog/have/? you We've got а grеаt music club at school, |'m iп the I\4r.]ohnson and N,4iss Slade are my favourite teachers ,,, abrother.X ,, а пiсе bag.r' а laptop Х Lry YоL_l Му oa,elts 8l Replace the words in bo|d with object рrопочпs club.,., l like i} MrJohnson and Miss Slade а Jot , , , ,, This is Jessie She's а 9ood siпgеr 1'm in а band with Jessie Our grапdраrепts аrе with mе and my brothers That's Sophie! l'm iп the basebal] team with Sophie! Jez lsn't а nice Ьоу ] don't ike Jez, ,, today., , ,, Complete the text with object pronouns Havp чоч cot а doa? ,,,,,,,.,,.,,,.,r,.,,,,,,,J,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,d,, , Yes,l .hay?., а cousin / Bethany/ got/ has/ ? Yes, she have/acat/they/gat/? No, th-.y.,, / hаvе /уоur lэооk / gаt / \о, you ? 9ot / we / have / а пеw teacher / you / got / а mobile phone / have / No, , ,, ? Choose the correct words to complete the sentences ? ] Jake,/ а guitar / has / got / ? No, he &ý thе p}roto is alotand Арреаrапсе adjectives Choose the correct adjectives to complete the text l l've got а /фSоrапgе bag l like а / the boys in mу class This is а / ап gгеаt bandl Have you got а / an apple? They've got а / ап cat, А / The cat is biack His dad bought him а / ап expensive guitar Не piays а / the guitar every day Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue Jo There's а new girl in the class Jo Ella Lucy OhlWhat's'{i&Z Lucy Jo Lucy Jo The mап апd the woman are lstraight @Тhеу аrеп't 2old / small The mап has got 3fair / curly hair His hair is asmall / short and sdark / young The wоmап has got бstraight / tall hair Her hair is 7big / fair and 8long / short The children are 9small big and 1oyoung 11big / old They аrеп't / Lucy Jo Lucy Jo rris паmе? / Have she got Зshоrt / sma|l, Ьrоwп hаir? No, she ahasn't / haven't She s've / Ъ got 2Has бtall long, Га,, lсir Ah,,l know hеr! ]s she 7tall / old? Yes, she is She's into basebal] She's really good at 8it him She's iп the team with 9my / mе / 10Has / Have she got 11а / the Ьrоthеr? Yes, she has His паmе is N,4ark l knowl2him / herl l'm in а club with lзhim / it music club, He's got rasmaIl/ short, сurlу hair That's right! i\4ark and El а аrе nice like 15us / them, / fair! Welcome 7J l d Ж 'ý &,Ж Numbers 31+ Ouyr, months and seasons Write the days ,1 и*d*1, Match the words to the numbers 2\4 а99 ь б,000 с82 d 4,]50 е 250 а million thi rtу-sеvеп зт 4W 5т бF з two hundred and fifty tеп thousand а billion ninety nine eighty,two six thousand seventy one 10 fоur thousand, опе huпdrеd and fiftv 7s Complete the crossword Тhеп put the letters in the grеу squares in the correct order to write the extra month ý f ],000,000 j ],000,000,000 9з7 h ,l0,000 i71 write the numbers 1з5 498 з00 5,000 thi*.ýl{ivý 256 з7з Ж Tb"tir" & Write the times diý& ff;r*r*ъ lы:,f:;ж h*!{,: patt tr,,{} / {i ]t ;fu Ы] Ji*ffi /fr + Ехtrа month: Ё*мьй* fu",-Ж Across 10 lt's got З1 days lt's iп spring Haloween is in this month, ]t's the fifth гпопth of the уеаr t's the seventh month of the уеа r lt's the ninth гпопth of the чеаr lt'5 iп autumn lt's gоtЗ1 days lt's in autumn, ffi Down З 1t's got З1 days lt's in summer t's got 2В оr 29 days ]t's the second month of the уеаr fourth month of the уеаr the beginning of summer lt's the е eventh month of the уеаr ]t's got З1 days t'5 iп w]пtеr lt's Christmasl lt's the lt's got З0 days, it's Пв 25 DесеmЬеr 21April 15 August ]0 October,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Welcome write the next ordinals з eleventh, second, fifteenth, thiгd, first, з the the the the the ! ivalf!,h nineteenth,, twenty third, thirty-first, twelfth, 'l0 tenth, ,, , , , put the dates in the correct order Write the seasons З Orainals and dates fifteenth of д/аrсh twenty-fourth оf DесеmЬеr twelfth of DесеmЬеr thirtieth of ltЛay thirty-first of Jапuаrу сн*ьLвшGЕ! Write five dates that are important in your family Write why they аrе important + Wе!соmе Е Yfuе wgrýd ýs ж ъяil!аqе Complete the sentences with the words below cescribe ,, have ,,hеw what ,what l: whеп , whеrе presenter Ruby ,,,vho **и З ,, old аrе you? ,, , is , ,, , , , ,, got short, бgrеу /brown hаir (and he hasn't got а lot of it]) He's tall, too Anil is short He's got уоur favourite sport? al,eyoufrоm? , you got а pet? уоur fami у ls уоur favourite singer? is your birthday? is yout паmе? Match the sentences in exercise'l to gaps а-9 in the dialogue There is опе sentence that you They're 9[eatl Wel , l've got mу mum and dad, and l've got two Ьrоthеrs, Ani] and l\4irat I\,4um 5long / short, black hаir Dad's is tall She's got straight hаir \Лirаt is tal IVirat loves sport He's iп his school footba tearT presenter f Ruby 'm not into Sport| L don't like it BUt l like my brother's team So the апswеr is footba ]l presenter о No, l haven't! l love 7cats / dogs, but l haven't got опе l\4um and Dad have got three pets Ruby They've got two cats and а dog Their favourite is the dog Неr паmе rs i\4ilr She's my favourite, not пееd too! Presenter Thanks, Ruby! З.02 Listen to the interview and check your answers in exercise ' З,О2 Listen again and choose the correct words to complete RчЬуЪ answers ý Write the names of the people in the text J v,l, a doq wo iгgа,5 а регsоп with stгaight hаir "La -;delL о реlt91 vr'th ho, b"i, , ý , Choose the correct words to complete the sentences R-oi o-es l от а}ig small tz, Неr gгапdраrепts аrе lndian / British, Неr birthday is iп winter / spring Неr mum / dad has got а sitar Неr mum is iп а raga group with Anil / her dad Anil/ Mirat is good at sport C}*&LLýr,d*ý3 Write а description of someone уоu know lnclude this information: presenter Ruby Today we're With RUby A|i! She's а rа9а singer Raga is lradil onal lnd an Tusic u\tth*,qq 4ге _{qu fгоrп? 15heffield / Bristol lt's а big city iп the |'m from his / her age his / hеr inteгests his / hеr арреаrапсе UK IVу grandparents аrе frоm lndia and my presenter family love lndian music! ь Ruby presenter Ym2зз / 2з, Ruby lt's on the presenter Ruby З2lst / 2oIh Арril ltЪ lп my favourlte season, sprlng Му mum, Rabinda! She's into music, too She's in а rа9а grоuр with mе and my abrother / dad he plays the sitar, Welcome 9Ж у: Welcome reading Laжgaxages Study the highli9hted words and check the meanings iп а dictionary Then the languages quiz Find the words below in the quiz and answer the questions Use а dictionary to help you аЪ€+r+ 'l How mапу languages аrе there in the worId? about ],500,000 ffabout 7,000 ],], What two words mеап dpproxtmately? Con ploLe 1|g dеtiгit'о,lь лl, *,.i 50 is the same а5 50>, 50 is the same as

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 14:31