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W O R K B O O K S U B J E C T Curriculum Integration Reading Program L1 W O R K B O O K Science Parts of Plants F low e r s Vocabulary Practice A Write the correct words for the definitions flower root stem leaf seed soil Word Definition n a small object that can grow a new plant n a colorful part of a plant n a green part of a plant that grows from a stem n a part of a plant that gets water and food from the soil n dirt that plants grow in n a long plant part that leaves and flowers grow on B Choose the best words to complete the sentences You have to water plants to make them a sleep c carry Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from strong a air b grow b soil Some ants live under the a sky b ground c sunlight c water Lesson • Flowers cial Studies So Sentence Practice National Flowers F low e r s C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (plants in the park / many beautiful / you can see / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (have flowers, roots, / most plants / stems, and leaves / ) (important because / they help / flowers are / make new plants / ) (water and nutrients / roots take in / from the soil / ) (the plants up / the stems also / help hold / ) (for the plants / make food / leaves / ) country proud precious religious muddy float Word Definition adj covered with mud or full of mud adj having to with religion adj feeling good and happy about something you own n a large area of land that has its own government adj very valuable v to not sink in water More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences This allows them to get sunlight a simple Stems grow above the ground (1) They carry water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves (2) The stems also help hold the plants up (3) The flower is very expensive because it is The a national c sick flag of the U.S has 50 stars on it b kind The lyrics from the song a float b rare b grow c smart a lot to me c mean Lesson • Flowers Music Sentence Practice Robert Schumann’s Musical Bouquet F low e r s C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (their national flower / very proud of / people are / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (grows / Austria / the edelweiss / on the high mountains in / ) (means / the word edelweiss / “noble” / ) (the national flower / the pink lotus is / of India / ) (on the water / floats / the flower / ) (a country / the national flower / shows the spirit of / ) composer wedding poem melody bouquet bride Word Definition n a group of flowers that are often tied together n a ceremony to marry two people n a piece of writing with a special form, style, and language n a person who writes music n a woman who is getting married n the main part in a piece of music More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences The word lotus means “pure and clean.” a decided The pink lotus is the national flower of India (1) It can grow very large (2) The flower grows in muddy water The roots are under the water (3) I They a came b floated c met their baby Fred b named This painting is his most a large to go to music school to become a pianist b cold c worked work c famous Lesson • Flowers History Sentence Practice The Crazy Cost of Tulips F low e r s C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (his wife Clara in the / Robert / mid-1800s / met / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (piano with / Clara’s father / Robert was studying / ) (and decided to / they / get married / fell in love / ) (a special wedding gift / to give Clara / Robert wanted / ) (the 26 songs together / like a bouquet / were / ) (Robert’s deep love / it showed / for his new bride / ) introduce Dutch product price income pay Word Definition adj having to with the Netherlands n what something costs to buy v to bring something somewhere for the first time v to give money to someone for something n something that is grown or made to be sold n money earned from work or other things More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences The flower was also a symbol of Robert’s love for Clara a In the future Robert wrote 26 songs for her He named the 26 songs Myrthen (1) He chose this name because the myrthen flower is a symbol of love in Europe (2) The , people used letters to communicate with one another songs came from 26 different famous poems about love The melodies were all b In the past This song is really a popular c After ten years these days I hear it everywhere b poor c expensive romantic (3) The necklace a stops a lot more than I expected b costs c happens Lesson • Flowers cial Studies So Sentence Practice How to Read a Map Maps C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (tulips seem / than other common flowers / no different / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (of them / the unique colors and shape / Dutch people liked / ) (more than / yearly income / one flower could cost / a Dutch worker’s / ) (in 1635, / were more expensive / 40 tulip bulbs / than a house / !) (people stopped / for tulips / paying high prices / by 1637, / ) (now tulips / the Netherlands / common flowers in / are / ) map compass rose direction map key symbol scale Word Definition n an object that represents something n a picture that shows where things are located n the way in which something travels n a list of the symbols on a map and their meanings compass rose n a symbol on a map that shows which way is north, south, etc n the thing that shows the real distances between places on a map More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences In the early 1600s, the prices of the flowers grew and grew a use Many Dutch people wanted tulips (1) However, there were not enough tulips for them to buy (2) Usually when there are not enough products, prices go up This Could you happened with tulips too (3) One flower could cost more than a Dutch worker’s it again? I couldn’t understand it b travel Sarah visited many a direction c explain when she traveled in Europe b places c maps yearly income The bookstore is located a in 10 b out the post office and the school c between Lesson • Maps 11 Math Sentence Practice Descartes and the Fly Maps C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (to find / you can / your way around / use a map / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (direction / shows / the compass rose / ) (the map / the meaning of / the map key explains / each symbol on / ) (smaller than / everything on a map / it really is / is drawn / ) (a map / how to read / now you know / ) (grab a map/ finding / your way there / and start / !) fly ceiling bottom describe location graph Word Definition n the surface at the top of a room n a small flying insect that has two wings n a drawing that uses lines or bars to show information n the lowest part of something n the place where something is v to give details about something More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences For example, you see the airplane symbol on the map? a healthy Maps also have a map key (1) The map key explains the meaning of each symbol on the map (2) Using the symbols, you can find different places on the map (3) I was very That tells you where the airport is! The artist a ate The boy was a smart 12 , so I took medicine b hungry c sick a picture of the city on the paper b drew c told enough to solve the math problem b cold c tall Lesson • Maps 13 Science Sentence Practice Using Nature’s Compass Maps C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (in bed / often stayed /sick, so he / he was very / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (Descartes saw / a fly / one day, / on his ceiling / ) (where he saw / tell his parents / the fly / Descartes wanted to / ) (in its place / when the fly moved, / a star / he drew / ) (on a map / a new way to describe / Descartes came up with / a location / ) (reading maps / the same / without Descartes, / would not be / !) forest worry branch moss shadowy nature Word Definition adj covered by shade or shadows n a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk n a large group of trees n everything in the world not made by people v to think a lot about problems or other bad things n a small green plant that grows on rocks, trees, and wet ground More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences He called them Line 1, Line 2, and Line a nature Suddenly, he had an idea (1) He drew blue lines from left to right on the ceiling (2) He drew red lines from top to bottom They became Line A, Line B, and Line C Here are some useful (3) When the fly moved, he drew a star in its place Mom, I can’t a find b tips c side my socks Where are they? b walk The teacher put us into different study a stars 14 for cooking pasta b groups c know c points Lesson • Maps 15 History Sentence Practice Following Quilts to Freedom Maps C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (your compass, / in your bag / you look for / but it’s not / !) A Write the correct words for the definitions (show you / which direction / trees can / you are walking in / ) (in shadowy, dark places / moss / grows well / ) (the North Star / find your way, / try looking for / if you still can’t / ) (the Big Dipper points / the star at the end of / to the North Star / ) (as your compass / nature / use / ) slave hang pack information escape cabin Word Definition v to place something so that it is held up only from the top n a small, simple house v to get away from a place n a person who is owned by someone else and has no freedom n facts or details about something v to put things in a bag or suitcase to take with you More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences First, find the Big Dipper a lived If you still can’t find your way, try looking for the North Star (1) It is a group of stars shaped like a spoon (2) The star at the end of the Big Dipper points to the The teacher North Star (3) I got a lost b gathered c stayed in the forest b looked Mr Williams looks very a shadowy 16 the students to go back to the school b safe c tried after the big party c tired Lesson • Maps 17 Science & Health Sentence Practice A Balanced Diet for a Healthy Body F oo d C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (and pointed to / on the fence / John stopped / a quilt hanging / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (that it wasn’t / her father explained / an ordinary quilt / ) (on it / this freedom quilt had / important information / ) (with bear paws on it near / a stream / saw a quilt / they / ) (we can sleep / safe places where / those are / ) (them / the freedom quilts guided / along their journey / ) grain oatmeal bean dairy balanced diet Word Definition adj having the right amounts of things adj made from milk n the food that you usually eat n a plant seed or pod that is eaten n a food made from crushed oats n small hard seeds of certain plants, like rice, wheat, etc More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences “Do you see the boxes on the quilt?” John said a place “We need to pack our things and leave tonight,” John said (1) “How you know, Dad?” asked Margaret (2) “They mean it’s time to go.” (3) Margaret was Everyone had a different confused Her father explained that it wasn’t an ordinary quilt: This freedom b role People like to use organic a energy b bones on the soccer team c day because they are healthier than normal ones c products quilt had important information on it Low - fat milk has less a diet 18 than whole milk b calories c growth Lesson • Food 19 cial Studies So Sentence Practice 10 Jamie Oliver ’s School Food Revolution F oo d C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (throughout the day / energy / oatmeal and brown rice / can give you / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (your muscles, skin, hair, and nails / protein makes / healthy / ) (in them / have calcium / milk, cheese, and other dairy products / ) (strong / calcium keeps / your bones / ) (for your body / you need / to work well / fruit and vegetables / ) (an important purpose / each food has / in your body / ) junk food meal nugget throw away disgusted grilled Word Definition adj cooked over fire n a small, round piece of food adj feeling sick because of something unpleasant n unhealthy food v to put something in a garbage can n food; dish More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences They contain many vitamins and minerals a worked Don’t forget your fruit and vegetables (1) You need these for your body to work well (2) Most of them are also low in calories and fat (3) Rena was a Cut off b Sell off A strange rumor is spreading a above 20 b shocked c forgot the price tag before you wear your new shirt when she read about the war b below c Get out our village c around Lesson 10 • Food 21 Art Sentence Practice 11 Painting Faces Made of Food F oo d C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (mostly junk food / were / the lunches / !) A Write the correct words for the definitions (and made healthy meals / I visited a school / for them / ) (for them / to make / I decided / a special cooking class / ) (what chicken nuggets were / I showed them / really made of / ) (around the world / is spreading / Now, my food revolution / ) (you always make / you can / I hope / the healthiest food choices / !) painter portrait gardener object create imagination Word Definition n a painting or drawing of someone n a person who takes care of a garden v to make something new n a person whose job is to paint things n the ability to form ideas or pictures in your head n a thing that you can see or touch More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences They all looked disgusted a paintings I showed them what chicken nuggets were really made of (1) I cut off and threw away the good chicken parts, like the breast, wings, and legs (2) After that, I In this museum, there are many showed them the rest of the parts, including the bones, skin, and blood! (3) b gardens My teacher has a a closer that I have never seen before c schools talent for making things easy to understand b special c small With those parts, I made chicken nuggets! I couldn’t complete this a twist 22 b vegetable because I lost one piece of it c puzzle Lesson 11 • Food 23 History Sentence Practice 12 The Origins of Fruit Names F oo d C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (a picture of / have you ever painted / someone / ?) A Write the correct words for the definitions (he painted / with a special twist / many portraits / !) (many vegetables / once you are closer, / you can see / ) (a larger picture / they create / of his face / !) (like puzzles of / fruit and vegetables / his paintings are / ) (one of the most famous painters / this helped him / of his time / to become / ) discover kiwifruit fuzzy explorer shell grocery store Word Definition n a place where food is sold adj covered with short hair or fur n a small fruit that has brown skin and is green inside n a person who travels around a place to learn more about it v to find something for the first time n the hard covering of a fruit, nut, or seed More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences They create a larger picture of his face! a tell From far away, it looks like a normal man (1) But if you look closely, what you see? (2) His head is made of grapes, melons, tomatoes, pineapples, and Strawberries more! The small objects in this painting all work together (3) Dad a means b come c taste his tie to match his shirt b changes c looks what I have in my hands a Guess 24 sweet b Like c Worry Lesson 12 • Food 25 Science Sentence Practice 13 Why Do We Have Summer? Summer C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (each one / easily name / you can also / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (interesting stories / did you know that / about their names / some fruits have / ?) (it looked like / they thought / a yellow finger / ) (New Zealanders changed / to kiwifruit / the name / ) (a Portuguese explorer discovered / in the 16th century, / the coconut / ) (how they got / their names / try to guess / !) season orbit tilt straight sunlight northern Word Definition n light from the sun n spring, summer, fall, or winter v to lean to one side adj related to the north adj not having any bends or curves n the curved path that an object in space travels around a star, planet, etc More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences Kiwifruits really come from China a fantastic Many people think kiwifruits are from New Zealand (1) But this is not true (2) They were called Chinese gooseberries (3) New Zealanders changed the name The food in the restaurant was to kiwifruit because their brown, fuzzy skin looks like a kiwi bird Please a love I was a wondering 26 b sunny c lazy three steps to the right b move c make whether I had to bring my books or not b changing c enjoying Lesson 13 • Summer 27 Music Sentence Practice 14 A Midsummer Night ’s Dream Summer C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (hot and sunny / in summer, / it is usually / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (why we have / did you ever wonder / different seasons / ?) (seasons are / travels around the sun / different because the earth / ) (we get / when the earth moves, / different amounts / of sunlight / ) (we get less sunlight / are colder / this means that / and our days / !) (moves throughout the year / our seasons change / because the earth / ) play magical fairy donkey light get married Word Definition adj soft or quiet n an animal that looks like a small horse with long ears v to become someone’s husband or wife adj made by magic or having magic powers n a tiny imaginary person with magic powers n a story that is written for actors to perform on a stage More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences That means that the earth doesn’t stand up straight a magical (1) Seasons are different because the earth travels around the sun (2) This is called the earth’s orbit As the earth orbits, it is also tilted (3) So when the earth Bach is one of the most moves, we get different amounts of sunlight What a happened 28 b quick c famous to you? You look very nervous b talked I breathe the fresh air in the a music musicians in history b forest c composed c comedy Lesson 14 • Summer 29 Science Sentence Practice 15 The Strange Sweat of Hippos Summer C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (he could play / when he was / and write music / only 10 years old, / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (a comedy about love / the story is / on a warm summer night / ) (write music / Mendelssohn wanted to / for the play / ) (the violin to make / Mendelssohn also used / the donkey’s sound / ) (couples in the play / the two young / for example, / get married / ) (the “Wedding March” / for that scene / Mendelssohn composed / ) sweat cool protect skin sunscreen keep away Word Definition v to become less hot n a cream that protects your skin from the sun v to keep safe from harm v to have liquid drip from your skin when you are hot or nervous v to stop from coming near n the outer part of a person or an animal’s body More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences When you hear it, you can imagine fairies flying in the sky a fight When you listen to Mendelssohn’s music, you can imagine a magical forest on a midsummer night (1) The music begins with a light, quick violin (2) What is the Mendelssohn also used the violin to make the donkey ’s sound: “Hee-haw! of your visit? b purpose When you get sick, you should take a blood b sunburn c medicine c medicine Hee-haw!” (3) Tom got a bad a wound 30 on his knee b shape c bottle Lesson 15 • Summer 31 History Sentence Practice 16 The Invention of the Ice Cream Cone Summer C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice (a great way / sweating is / your body / to cool / ) A Write the correct words for the definitions (that hippos were / many people thought / sweating blood / ) (special purpose / another / also has / the sweat of hippos / ) (in it / the sweat has / medicine / an important / ) (one another / hippos / and wound / often fight / ) (the sweat of hippos / stay healthy / helps them / all summer / !) ice cream cone sell waffle roll customer invent Definition n a thin cone-shaped pastry that holds ice cream v to create for the first time v to make something into the shape of a ball or tube n someone who buys something v to give something for money n a flat cake with a pattern of squares on it More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below B Choose the best words to complete the sentences The red liquid is actually just sweat a fair In the past, many people thought that hippos were sweating blood (1) But scientists discovered that it is not blood (2) It protects the hippo’s skin from the Every July, we have cotton candy at the town sun (3) It is like a sunscreen! Please a enjoy We a ran over 32 b wheel c sky the clothes that you don’t wear in the box b get c put money, so we couldn’t buy it b ran out of c ran with Lesson 16 • Summer 33 Sentence Practice C Unscramble the sentences (on hot summer days / to eat ice cream / you like / ?) (how the ice cream cone / you know / was invented / ?) (many people / there were / selling ice cream there / ) (buy his ice cream, / more people wanted to / but he couldn’t sell it / ) (them to Fornachou / his waffles and gave / he rolled up / ) (Fornachou put his ice cream / and sold them / in the waffles / to his customers / ) More Reading Comprehension D Choose the best place for the sentence below The ice cream cone was invented! Luckily, Ernest Hamwi was there! Hamwi was selling waf f les (1) He rolled up his waffles and gave them to Fornachou (2) Fornachou put his ice cream in the waffles and sold them to his customers (3) 34 Memo Memo ... shirt when she read about the war b below c Get out our village c around Lesson 10 • Food 21 Art Sentence Practice 11 Painting Faces Made of Food F oo d C Unscramble the sentences Vocabulary Practice... important information on it Low - fat milk has less a diet 18 than whole milk b calories c growth Lesson • Food 19 cial Studies So Sentence Practice 10 Jamie Oliver ’s School Food Revolution F oo d C... Europe b places c maps yearly income The bookstore is located a in 10 b out the post office and the school c between Lesson • Maps 11 Math Sentence Practice Descartes and the Fly Maps C Unscramble

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2020, 14:44