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Viết lại câu thứ hai sao cho nghĩa của nó tương đương với câu đã cho ở trên, sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc, chỉ dùng từ BA đến NĂM từ, kể cả từ gợi ý đã cho (1.0 đ).. 1.They began using t[r]



TỔ ANH-NHẠC- MĨ THUẬT REVISION- ENGLISH (Second term 2018-2019) I Adjectives and adverbs ( tính từ trạng từ)

+ Tính từ đứng trước danh từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ ExHe is a good teacher

+ Đứng sau động từ TOBE số động từ nối ( linking verbs): look, seem, feel, appear, smell (có mùi), sound ( có vẻ, dường như) become, get, taste

Ex: He looks intelligent He is tall + Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ từ khác câu Ex: - My teacher teaches well

- I couldn’t come simply because I was ill - It is a very interesting book * Exercise: Tom is (slow) He works

2 Sue is a (careful) girl She climbed up the ladder The dog is (angry) It barks

II Adverbs clauses of reason ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ lí do/nguyên nhân) + Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân bắt đầu as, because since Form: Main clause + As / Because / Since + Adv Clause of reason

Ex: As/ Because /Since he has no money, he can’t buy that house

= He can’t buy that house as/ because / since he has no money *Use the suggested words in brackets to combine the following sentences

1 Nga didn’t go to school She was ill ( because )……… I was careless I broke the cup ( since)……… It was raining heavily outside We postponed the picnic (As) ……… III Adjective + that clause ( Tính từ + mệnh đề That)

+I am afraid that I will not come tomorrow (Tôi e ngày mai không đến được) +We’re pleased that you passed ( Chúng tơi hài lịng bạn thi đậu)

* Write sentences in the correct order:

1 she/ surprised/ am/ hasn’t/ I/ that/ phoned//……… we/ that/ never/ disappointed/ replied/ our letter/ to/are/he//……… we/ would/ the flight/ afraid/ were/ you/ miss/ that ……… IV Conditional sentences: a) Conditional sentences: Type 1

- Điều kiện xảy tương lai với Modal verbs If clause ( Mệnh đề


Main clause ( Mệnh đề chính)

Present simple S+ V/s/es is/ am/ are


Can + Verb - inf May…

Eg: + If you work very hard, you will pass this test ( Nếu cố gắng bạn đậu) + If you don’t hurry, you may miss the train ( Nếu không vội bạn muộn tàu )

b) Conditional sentences: Type2

- Điều kiện khơng có thật /Điều kiện khơng thể xảy If clause ( Mệnh đề If) Main clause ( Mệnh đề

chính) Present past S+ Ved/V2

(Be  WERE) cho chủ từ


Could + Verb - inf Might…

Eg: +If you worked very hard, you would pass this test ( Hiện bạn không đậu kì thi) +If you didn’t hurry, you could miss the train ( Hiện bạn không muộn tàu) +If he were a good student, he could help you ( Hiện anh không giúp bạn được) I Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form


c If he pays me tonight, I (have)………… enough money for the tickets d If you ate less, you (not be)………… …….healthy enough

e.If you (have)………a typewriter, I would type it myself

V Connectives (Liên từ)  Dùng để nối câu/ đoạn văn thành (and, but, because, or, so, therefore, however)


- I am a student and he is a student , too - I am tall, but he isn’t - Would you like tea or coffee? - I passed the test, therefore, my dad took me to the concert * Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: and but or, s o, because, however, therefore.

1 You can take it ……… leave it Jane is intelligent ……….hard-working Would you like tea, ……… coffee? Tea, please She can dance, ……she can’t sing

5 Nam failed in his exam ……… he didn’t study Ba was very tired, ……… he went to early Lan is very tired, …………., she must finish her works

VI Phrasal verbs: (Cụm động từ) sau kèm động từ giới từ mang ý nghĩa khác

turn off (tắt), turn on(mở), look for (tìm kiếm), look after ( chăm sóc), go on (tiếp tục)look up (tra từ điển),give out, give up, wear over, ……

1 He forgot ……… the lights when he went to bed …… the light! It’s very dark here

3 What are you ………… ? The doctor often ……… the patients in the hospital - If you ……… doing that, you’ll be punished

VII Making suggestions: ( Đưa lời đề nghị) SUGGEST + VERB- ING, - I suggest speaking English in class ( Tơi đề nghị nói tiêng Anh lớp)


- I suggest (that) he should go to see the doctor (Tôi đề nghị anh nên khám bác sĩ) Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form:

1 The doctor suggested that his patient (stop)……….…smoking I suggest that you should (take)………a vacation

3 I suggested (help)……….our mother with the housework

4 Why don’t we (go)…… ….to the library now? Let’s (do)………some reading every day What about (ask)……….our teacher for help

VIII Relative clauses :( Mệnh đề quan hệ) Đại từ quan hệ : WHO, WHICH, THAT

+ Who : thay cho từ người đứng trước nó/ làm chủ từ cho mệnh đề sau

+ Which : thay cho từ vật, vật đứng trước làm chủ từ tân ngữ cho mệnh đề sau + That : thay cho who, which

Ví dụ: 1.The woman who wears a hat is my sister 2.The book which is on the table is hers + That : thay cho who, which câu

* Phải dùng “that” trường hợp sau

a) Cụm danh từ hỗn hợp người vật Eg: The girls and flowers that he painted were vivid They saw the men and women and cattle that went to the field

a Sau tính từ so sánh the first, the last, the only…Eg: She is the ugliest girl that I’ve ever seen b Sau đại từ bất định all, nothing, nobody, anything, much, little…

Eg: + I have never seen anyone that is as lovely as she

Exercise: Put which/ who/ that There may be more than one answer for each sentence:

1 I met a man ………knows you We walked down the steps …….led to the basement

3 Hide and seek is a game … I liked to play as a child The woman …I spoke to is in the next room II Combine the sentences using appropriate relative pronouns:


-Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng bắt đầu though, although, even though Eg: + Although she is very tired, she tries to finish her work

+ He likes her very much though she doesn’t like him Combine the sentences using Although/ even though/ Though:

1 I couldn’t sleep I was tired.……… We enjoyed the holiday It rained a lot……… They have very little money They are happy……… X Modal verbs: may, might ( Động từ khiếm khuyết may, might ) Động từ khiếm khuyết may, might chỉ khả xảy tương lai Tuy nhiên might có khả xảy hơn.

Eg: It may rain (1) (Trời mưa)

It might rain (2)  Khả câu câu



I.Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phá tâm khác với từ lại câu sau(0.5đ) A.Junkyard B.Plumber C.Adult D.Reduce

2 A.Scheme B.Charity C.Chopstick D.Check

II.Chọn từ có phần nhấn trọng âm khác với từ cịn lại câu sau(0.5đ) 1.A Acquaintance B Dynamite C Appliance D Pollution 2.A Compose B.Pollute C.Cover D.Install III Chọn phương án để hoàn thành câu sau đây(2.0đ)

1 I suggest that we should theschool principal

A.met B.tomeet C.meeting D.meet Easter is a joyful festival which in many countries

A.iscelebrated B.celebrates C.celebrated D.celebrating

If we wasting water,there will be a shortage of fresh water in the near future A.turnon B.lookfor C.goon D.turnoff

Lan:What about going foraride? - Daisy:

A.That’s a good idea B.Yes, Ido C.Bybicycle D.Isee.Thankyou IV Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu sau(1.5đ)

1.I was hungry _I bought a sandwich

2 I don’t know the name of the girl _met us at the school gate yesterday 3. _Lan was ill, she went to the English club

4 Nam is a very good student. ,Lan is much better than him 5.We couldn’t go out _itrainedveryhard

Are the photos in colour _blackandwhite? V.Đọc đoạn văn làm tập.(3.0đ)

a Điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn từ thích hợp,dùng từ cho sẵn đây,có từ khơng dùng: day, century, where, popular, year, areas, called


Many Australians celebrate Father’s Day which occurs on the first Sunday of September In Australia, Father’s Day is not a public holiday It falls on a Sunday, which is a day off for many workers so many offices are closed However, some shopping (1) _ and stores, as well as restaurants, cafes and

entertainment centres may be busy on this day, especially in areas (2) _ Sundaytradingisallowed The idea of a special (3) _ to honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood was introduced from the United States A woman (4) _ Sonora Smart Dodd was inspired by the American Mother's Day celebrations and planned a day to honor fathers early in the 20th (5) _ The first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane,

Washington on June 19, 1910 Father’s Day has become increasingly (6) _ throughoutNorthAmericaandotherpartsoftheworldovertheyears

b.Trả lời câu hỏi sau nội dung đoạn văn:


3 Where and when was the Father’s Day first celebrated?

VI Sắp xếp lại từ cho để thành câu có nghĩa hồn chỉnh(1.5đ) 1.The/taxi/me/driver/who/took/to/theairport/ very/ was/ friendly./ 2.The weather/ verybad,/was/ so/we/ stay/ to/had/home/at/last/night./ 3.If/she/money,/to/will/earns/fly/ lot/NewYork/she/a/of/ again./

VII Hoàn thành câu thứ hai cho nghĩa tương đương với câu cho trên(1,0đ) I think we should go for a walk to relax I suggest………

2.Lan broke the vase because of her carelessness Since Lan……… SAMPLE TEST 2


I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại câu sau (0.5 đ). A scheme B mechanic C machine D chemistry

2 A thunderstorm B gather C although D grandmother II Chọn từ có phần nhấn trọng âm khác với từ lại câu sau (0.5 đ). A pollute B prevent C provide D cover

2 A appliance B dynamite C energy D minimize III Chọn phương án để hoàn thành câu sau (2.0 đ). I suggest work harder on your pronunciation

A should B you should C that should D you that If we go on throwing rubbish, our environment will become seriously A pollute B pollution C polluted D polluting

3 Lan: How about going to the cinema tonight?

Daisy: A Yes, I am B Thank you C Are you free? D That’s a good idea. She was late for school she got up late A although B since C so D but IV Nối nửa cột A với nửa cột B để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh (1.5 đ).


1 He wanted to borrow the book

2 We will have more shade and fresh air 3 He loved to go on a picnic

4 We arrived late,

5 You have to speak louder 6 He came with a friend

a because he can’t hear well.

b but he had to finish his history essay. c which I bought in a shop last week. d who waited outside in the car.

e if we plant more trees along the streets. f so we missed the beginning of the film. V Đọc đoạn văn làm tập (3.0 đ).

a Điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn từ thích hợp, dùng từ cho sẵn đây. injured, happened, saved, pulled, damaged, scared


At 5.46 a.m on January 17th 1995, a huge earthquake hit the city of Kobe in Japan It was Japan’s biggest earthquake for many years Mizuki tells us what (1)

“I was a young child at the time I woke up, and my room was shaking I was really (2) _ I called for my mom Mom rushed into the room and (3) me out of bed We ran downstairs quickly Now the whole house was shaking, and the ceiling was starting to fall We ran into a park Mom told me to lie down on the ground, and wait for the earthquake to finish She (4) my life

“But the nightmare wasn’t over for everyone Many of the roads into Kobe were ruined, and it was hard to get medical supplies to the (5) people After the earthquake, there were fires across the city, because the earthquake (6) the pipes that carried the gas

“Later, we heard that thousands of people died in the earthquake We were very lucky!” b Trả lời câu hỏi sau:


3 How you think Mizuki feels when she tells us about the earthquake? VI Viết thành câu có nghĩa hồn chỉnh từ gợi ý sau (1.5 đ). Daisy / suggested / going / the cinema/

2 If / we / go on / waste/ water, / there / be / a great shortage / of fresh water / the near future/ Save / energy / conserve / Earth / natural resources / and / help / protect / environment/

VII Viết lại câu thứ hai cho nghĩa tương đương với câu cho trên, sử dụng từ gợi ý trong ngoặc, dùng từ BA đến NĂM từ, kể từ gợi ý cho (1.0 đ).

1.They began using this computer three months ago (USED) This three months I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning (USED)

I _ early in the morning SAMPLE TEST 3


I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại câu sau (0.5đ) A locate B celebrate C considerate D decorate

2 A hobby B honest C humor D hug

II Chọn từ có phần nhấn trọng âm khác với từ lại câu sau (0.5 đ) A dynamite B pollution C pesticide D damage

4 A compose B suggest C persuade D nominate

III Chọn phương án để hoàn thành câu sau (2.5đ)

If it is raining this evening, I go out A didn’t B don’t C won’t D wouldn’t

6 These innovations will save money as as conserve the Earth’s resources A good B well C the best D better

7 If we littering, the environment will become seriously polluted A go on B turn on C look for D take off

8 _ take the train instead of the bus? It’s faster A Why not B Why don’t C How about D How we Nam: Good job on your report! I think the teacher will like it David:

A I think, she doesn’t B It’s very nice of you to say so C Let me congratulate you D Well done IV Điền MỘT từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hồn thành câu sau (1.0đ.)

10 I suggest a shower instead of bath to save water

11 Na is very tired , she has to finish her homework before she goes to bed 12 Tet is a festival occurs in late January or early February

13.Quang Nam has seen many natural in recent years, including earthquakes, floods and storms V Đọc đoạn văn thực yêu cầu đề (3.0 đ)

a Dùng từ có sẵn khung điền vào chỗ trống đánh số từ 14 đến 19:

which better keeping changes role nothing Our environment is in trouble, which is caused by modern ways of living and today’s industries Most people think there is (14) _ they can This is not true Everyone can something to help save the environment Firstly, we can make simple (15) _, like shopping with reusable bags and (16) _ food and other items in reusable containers Recycle all your cans, bottles and paper There should be a recycling centre somewhere near your home, so take them there Next, we can also save the environment by planting trees, (17) _ is a favourite Earth Day activity Trees play an important (18) _ in keeping our air clean by releasing oxygen into the air and trapping carbon The more trees we have, the (19) _ our air quality is, and that's why planting trees is an excellent step to take toward saving the environment

b Các câu sau (Đ) hay sai (S) so với nội dung đoạn văn?

20 Modern ways of living and today’s industries is polluting our environment 21 We can nothing to save the environment

22 Trees can keep our air clean by releasing oxygen into the air and trapping carbon VI Hoàn thành câu bên cho nghĩa khơng thay đổi với câu cho (1.0đ) 23 She was tired, but she stayed up late to watch the late film on TV


24 Practice your English regularly or your English does not improve If ………

VII Viết thành câu có nghĩa hồn chỉnh từ từ gợi ý (1.5đ) 25 She / going / to be / late / work / since / the traffic / busy

26 I’d love / play / volleyball / but / I / have / complete / homework 27 Have / police / find / man / steal / car / yet?



I Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại câu sau:(1.0đ) A volume B thunder C erupt D hug

2 A celebrate B decorate C predict D separate A solar B Passover C volcano D resource A garbage B category C damage D standard II Chọn phương án để hoàn thành câu sau đây: (3.0đ)

1 Lan: What are you doing now? Hoa: I’m my key I haven’t seen it A looking for B turning off C turning on D looking after I’d love to play volleyball I have to complete my assignment

A or B but C and D because If we pollute the water, we no fresh water to use

A have B will have C had D are having I’m disappointed people have spoiled this area

A that B if C why D when

5 Earthquakes, typhoons and are some examples of natural disasters A wind B solar energy C sun D tornadoes

Your sister has just won the first prize in the music contest What will you say to her? A Thanks B Well done C It’s my pleasure D Good luck

III Đọc đoạn văn thực yêu cầu đề: (3.0 đ) Dùng từ có sẵn khung điền vào chỗ trống: (1.5 đ)

make – holiday – succeeded – became – started – flowers

The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day It is a public (1) _ in both Britain and The USA On this day, children send Mother’s Day cards to their mothers They give their mothers (2) _ or sweets as presents Fathers and children usually the cooking so that mothers can have a rest The idea of the Mother’s Day (3) _ in 1860s in America There was a small town called Prunty where people fought against each other during the war After the war, they hated each other Anna Jarvis wanted the people to (4) _ friends with each other again So she started “Mother’s Friendship Day” On that day, she visited all the mothers in the town and said, “Let us be friends with each other again” Her idea (5) _ The same thing happened in other parts of the country After she died, her daughter carried on her idea In 1908, “Mother’s friendship Day” (6) _ “Mother’s Day”

2 Trả lời câu hỏi: (1.5 đ)

a Who usually the cooking on the Mother’s Day? b In which town was the idea of the Mother’s Day born? c Did Anna Jarvis’s idea stop after her death?

IV Điền MỘT từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống câu sau: (1.0đ) The sense of humors distinguishes my father _others

2 On Easter Day, young children receive chocolate or sugar eggs as _as they are good If we go _ littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

4 Nam was _ pleased that he got an A for his assignment V Viết thành câu có nghĩa hồn chỉnh từ từ gợi ý: (1.0đ) Although/ I /tired, /I /help/ mother /the /housework

How about/ make/ posters / on energy saving/ and/ hang/them/ around /our /school?


2 He gave me a new dictionary Thank him very much for it (which) → Thank _

(1.0 điểm) Mỗi câu làm đạt 0,25 điểm: D A

II (1.0 điểm) Mỗi câu làm đạt 0,25 điểm: B C

III (2.0 điểm) Mỗi câu làm đạt 0,5 điểm: D A C A

IV (1.5 điểm) Mỗi câu làm hoàn toàn đạt 0,25 điểm; so who Although/ Though/ Even though

4 However since/ as/ because or V (3.0 điểm).

a (1.5 điểm) Mỗi từ điền đạt 0,25 điểm; areas where day

called century popular

b (1.5 điểm) Mỗi câu trả lời hoàn toàn đạt 0,5 điểm; Câu trả lời đề nghị:

1 (Father’s Day/ It is celebrated in Australia) on the first Sunday of September

2 (Many offices are closed) because Father’s Day/ it is/ falls on Sunday (, which is a day off for

many workers.)

3 (The Father’s Day/ It was first celebrated / The first Father’s Day was celebrated) in Spokane,

Washington on June 19, 1910

VI (1.5 điểm) Mỗi câu viết hoàn toàn đạt 0.5 điểm: Câu đề nghị:

1 The taxi driver who took me to the airport was very friendly The weather was very bad, so we had to stay at home last night If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York again

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 08:18



