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He is going to play table tennis D.. My sister doesn’t like fish..[r]


TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH LỚP 6 They are _tennis

A play B Plays C Playing D to playing What you _your free time?

A in B at C to D on How _does she read ?

A many B often C long D far We go to the zoo _ a month

A one B one time C once D once time My mother _jogging every morning

A does B is C goes D plays _he like sports ?

A does B C is D why What about _by bike

A go B to go C To going D going _are you going to tonight ?

A what B who C which D when Mai _cool weather

A like B likes C liking D to like 10 Which sports does he play ?

A He plays table tennis B he is playing table tennis C He is going to play table tennis D yes , he does

11 I am going to _the Citadel

A come B stay C look D visit 12 How many _are there in a week ?

A hours B weeks C days D years 13 What _ she like? She’d like a glass of milk

A is B would C D does 14 My sister doesn’t like fish She _ fruit, chocolate and vegetables

A like B is like C likes D would 15 Is there anything to drink? I’m _

A hungry B tired C thirsty D cold 16 What you _ in your free time? I play soccer

A B go C like D are 17 How _ you brush your teeth? Twice a day

A many B much C often D old 18 They are _ football, now

A play B playing C watch D watches 19 _ sports does your brother play? Badminton and swimming

A Who B What C How D Which 20 What’s the weather like in the _? It’s hot

A spring B winter C summer D Fall 21 _ sports you play?

A What’s B Which C How D Where 22 We need a tent to go _


23 _ weather you like?

A What B What’s C When D What time 24 I’m going to _ my friends on Sundays

A visits B visit C visiting D to visit 25 Nam does home word in the evening

A her b his c my d your 26 Mr Ba travels to work motorbike

A at b for c in d by 27 Lan has beautiful teeth Her teeth are

A not white b brown c white d black 28 His father is not but he is

A tall, tall b fat, fat c short, tall D short, short 29 is the weather like?

A how b what c who d how much 30 Lan is in grade and she at Hung Vuong school now

A learns B to learn C learning D is learning 31 Mr Phong his truck to our farm everyday

A drive B driving C drives D to drive 32 You can here

A parking B to park C parks D are parking 33 Mary (not work) today because it’s Sunday

A isn’t work B don’t work C doesn’t work D don’t working 34 How she to school every day?

A she go B is she go C does she goes D does she go 35 There are four in a year in our country

A season B seasons C reason D reasons 36 There _ many flowers in this summer

A is B are C am D be

37 Hoa goes to school _ bike

A by B on C at D with

38 I lives Le Loi street

A on B in C at D around

39 How often she go to the library?

A is B does C D are

40 It’s cool in the _

A spring B summer C fall D winter 41 What you want? – Green

A size B shirt C kind D color 42 How long are they going to stay there? _ a week

A for B at C in D on

43 I sometimes fly _ kites in the summer

A he B his C their D my 44 He usually goes in the winter

A to jog B jogging C jogging D jogs 45 What’s the _ like in the fall?


46 It’s usually _ in the summer

A cold B cool C hot D warm 47 Which sports you _ ?

A play B have C D read 48 What about by bike?

A go B goes C to go D going 49 Hoa and Lan their grandfather and grandmother tomorrow?

A sees B is going to see C see D are going to see 50 Ho Chi Minh City is _ than the capital

A big B small C bigger D the biggest 51. _ you watch TV? Twice a day

A How long B How often C How D How many 52 there any newspapers on the desk ?

A Is B Do C Are D Have 53 He brown eyes

A is B has C have D don’t have 54 Peter would some fish

A like B to like C likes D liked 55 Would you like chicken ?

A any B some C an D to 56 He wants _ big apple

A a B an C any D some 57 There _ two glasses of milk on the table

A are B is C have D some 58 They can _ English songs

A to sing B singing C sing D sings 59 _ your brother like ice – cream ? - Yes , he does

A Do B does C would D Is 60 is that desk ? _ Brown

A What B How much C How D What colour 61 Can I you ? – Yes , please ! I’d like some oranges

A have B help C play D 62 How milk you want ?

A many B old C much D any 63 there any tea ?

A Are B Is C Do D Does 64 Nam and Minh _ volleyball at the moment

A are playing B is playing C play D plays 65 My father _ in the morning

A isn’t jog B doesn’t jogging C doesn’t jog D not jog 66 _ you like beef ? – No , thank

A Do B How much C Would D Are 67 She _ aerobics at the moment

A doing B is doing C does D 68 I like I have a rope


69 Susan _ to music every night

A listen B listening C listens D is listening 70 How often you go to the zoo ? - a month

A two B one C three D Twice 71 What you _ your free time ?

A in B.at C for D on 72 John fishing on Sundays

A goes B going C is going D go 73 _ does your grandfather go jogging ? - in the afternoon

A When B What time C How often D How 74 _ you go to the movies ?

– I sometimes go to the movies

A How often B When C How D What 75 Thomas walking

A goes B likes C plays D takes 76 Hoa’s family lives a small city

A at B on C in D of 77 Would you like lemonade ?

A some B any C many D a 78 There aren’t eggs in the box

A some B an C any D much 79. is that bar of soap ? – It’s 12,300 dong

A What B Where C How many D How much 80 _ she _ in the garden every afternoon

A Is _ skipping B Is – skips C Does _ skip D Do _ skip 81 does your sister go to school ? _ By her bike

A When B What time C How D Who 82 We are going to visit our grandparents _ one week

A at B on C for D in

83 _ trees

A not damage B don’t damage C not to damage D doesn’t damage 84 We can collect and _ waste paper

A burn B empty C recycle D damage 85 Phanxipang is the _ mountain in Viet Nam

A high B higher C highest D the higher 86 Nam is _ than me

A bigger B big C the biggest D the bigger 87 Which language you _?

A speaks B speak C to speak D speaking 88.What about _ to the movies?

A go B to go C going D we go 89 _ can’t Nga walk to school?

A what B when C how D why 90 What are you doing? We _ our next summer vacation


A foods B fruits C drinks D vegetables 92 A kilo of rice What _ would you like?

A anything B something C else D every thing 93 My sister needs of beef

A a half kilo B half kilos C half a kilo D kilo 94 She likes sports She always aerobics every day

A have B has C D does 95 How often does he go fishing? _

A Not often B sometime C every time D “A” is correct 96 What the Barkers in _ free time?

A your B his C her D their 97 Lan and Hoa are going vacation this summer

A on B to C for D at 98 , they are going to see Cam Ly waterfall

A Finally B Final C After D Next to 99 Why don’t we sailing in Dam Sen park?

A to go B going C for going D go 100 The Browns to Vietnam this summer vacation

A are going to travel B is going to travel C travels D travel

101 you watch TV? Twice a day

A How long B How often C How D How many 102 Why don’t you go fishing? I’m tired

A Too B So C Because D With 103 How long are they going to stay there? a week

A for B at C in D on

104 I sometimes fly kites

A he B his C their D my 105 He usually goes in the summer

A swim B swimming C swims D to swim 106 They dinner now

A are having B has C have D having 107 What’s the like in the fall?

A seasons B weather C sport D free time 108 It’s in the summer

A cold B cool C hot D warm 109 Which sports you

A play B have C D read 110 How about by bike?

A go B goes C to go D going 111 Hoa and Mai their teacher tomorrow

A are going to see B is going to see

C see D sees

112 There are seasons in Viet Nam


A tall b beautiful C big D hungry 114 I’m hungry I’d like some

A noodles B water C orange juice D lemonade 115 There is orange in the table

A some B an C any D a 116 How is the book ? It’s nine thousand dong

A much B many C long D often 117 We usually go swimming when it’s

A hot B cold C cool D warm 118 He often to the park

A going B goes C go D to go 119 he play soccer everyday ?

A Does B What C Do D Is 120 Lan with her friends now

A skips B is skipping C skip D are skipping 121 Are there milk in the bottle ?

A some B a C any D an 122.How bananas you want ?

A much B many C about D often 123 Do you have banana ?

A a B an C some D any 124 There are books on the table

A a B an C some D any 125 There aren’t pens in the schoolbag

A a B an C some D any 126 I would like orange, please

A a B an C some D any 127 I play soccer everyday

A play B plays C playing D played 128 She usually aerobics

A did B doing C D does 129 Lan sports

A like B likes C liking D does 130 - How you listen to music? - Once a week

A far B long C often D times 131 What is the weather like in summer ?

A hot B cold C cool D warm 132 I am from Viet Nam I speak

A Vietnamese B Chinese C English D Japanese 133 He is interested English

A in B at C of D with 134 You are good Math

A in B at C on D with 135 He stays a week


A in B with C for D at 137 There are twenty-five pupils in my class

A on B in C of D at 138 I don’t go to school Sundays

A in B at C on D for

139 How you go to fishing? - Once a week

A usually B sometime C often D never 140 I like some orange juice

A can B could C will D would 141 Ho Chi Minh City is the city in Viet Nam

A larger B large C largest D very large 142 How students are there in your class ? There are 45

A much B many C long D old 143 How kilos of meat does Lan want?

A much B many C long D often 144 We have and beautiful forests

A long B big C tall D short 145 _ going to HaLong Bay ?

A How about B What about C Why don’t we D A and B are right 146 The weather is often in fall

A cold B warm C cool D hot 147 There isn’t milk in the bottle

A some B any C a D an

148 Nam like hot weather ?

A Is B Does C Do D Be

149 eggs you want ?

A How many B How often C How much D How old 150 you go to the movies ? _ Twice a month

A How many B How often C How much D How long 151 The book I s the chair Please put it on the table

A in B at C under D from 152 We are going to _in a hotel

A speak B visit C stay D say 153 Which you speak ?

A nationality B language C country D nation 154 does Peter go jogging?- Everyday

A How often B How C How Long D When 155 Do you go to school bus?

A on B.by C with D at 156 I often to music in my free time

A watch B see C visit D listen 157 What you do?- I’m a student

A does B C are D is 158 They go camping because they don’t have a tent


159 When it’s , Ba goes swimming

A cold B cool C warm D hot 160 Lan is going a picnic this Sunday

A have B having C to have D has 161 What is your sister doing now?- She

A is cooking B are cooking C cook D cooks 162 There is water in the bottle

A any B many C some D a 163 What color is _ hair ? It’s black

A your B you C me D I 164 We go to the movies Sunday evening

A to B at C on D in 165 It's very in the winter

A cold B hot C cool D warm 166 - How is a sandwich? - It's 2,000 dong

A many B much C old D often 167 - How does she go jogging? - Every evening

A many B much C often D old 168 is the weather like in the summer?

A What B Which C How D Where 169 The Nile river is the river in the world

A long B longer C longest D shortest 170 does Mr Hai travel to work ? By car

A How B why C What D Where 171 I'm I'd like some noodles

A thirsty B hungry C empty D cold 172 Mexico City is the city in the world

A bigger B bigger C biggest D biggest 173 Nicole is from Australia She speaks

A Australia B Australian C England D English 174 How is she?

A high B height C tall D length 175 Ha Noi is the of Viet Nam

A capital B city C mountain D forest 176 It is building of the three buildings

A old B older C oldest D the oldest 177 Tokyo has a of 12 million

A population B polluted C popular D postcard 178 What’s his ? ~ He ‘s Japanese

A nation B national C nationally D nationality 179 Tony is from Great Britain He’s

A Britain B British C German D Viet Nam 180 is hot and has very little water and very few plants

A Mountain B Desert C Park D River 181 There are apples in the fridge


182 I help you? Yes I’d like some beef, please

A Do B Am C Would D Can

183 the spring, I always ride my bike

A On B At C In D From

184 What Ba often on Sunday? He plays soccer

A is B does C D would 185 I’m going Ngoc Son temple tomorrow

A see B sees C to see D seeing 186 are you going to stay? In a hotel

A What B Where C When D Which 187 Tokyo is than Mexico city

A small B smaller C smallest D the smallest 188 Ho Chi Minh city is city in Viet Nam

A big B bigger C the biggest D the biggest 189 I usually go to school .the morning

A for B at C in D on

190 We live in Hue but my uncle

A doesn’t B don’t C not D isn’t 191 you speak French? - No, I can’t

A Would B Can C Do D Are 192 you when it’s hot? - I go swimming

A Who B What C When D Where 193 How bananas are there in the fridge?

A many B much C long D often 194 The Red river is the in Viet Nam

A long B longer C longest D shortest 195 He wants an engineer

A be B being C to be D is 196 His children often play chess in free time

A your B her C their D his 197 Lan likes She swims and does aerobics

A sports B music C games D game 198 His father is a He works in a factory

A worker B nurse C teacher D doctor 199 I’d like some rice I’m

A hungry B hot C thirsty D thin 200 What about table tennis?

Ngày đăng: 08/02/2021, 02:35

