Summary(2’): further practice in present simple, adverbs of frequencey, present progressive, “going to” future, the weather.B. Unit 15: Countries I.Objectives:.[r]
(1)Date of preparing:22/05/2020 Period 77 GRAMMAR PRACTICE
A Objectives:
* Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to further practice in present simple, adverbs of frequencey, present progressive, “going to” future, the weather
* Skill:
- Practice listening skill, writing skill, speaking skill, reading skill
* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a dialogue to recognise polite offers and requests with “ What would you like?” and “ I’d like some / a / an to Vinf”
B Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, flash card.
C Methods: pair work, chatting, guessing, mapped dialogue. D Contents
I Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A
II Warm up and Revision ( 5’ ) - What time is it ?
- What's today, class ? III New lesson ( 34’ )
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents
Activity 1: Future: “ going to” ( 15’ )
-Ss: recall the structure by answering the question S + Be + going to + V
- Let Ss look at the pictures and practice asking and answering in pairs
- Ak Ss to complete the dialogue on page 150 in pairs
I Future: “ going to”
S1: What are you going to ? S2 :I am going to play volleyball 1 Picture drill (drammar prcatice 4) S1: What are they going to do?
S2: They are going to play soccer 2 Gap fill
(2)- Give answer key
-Then Ss answer the questions on page 152
- Call some pairs to talk in front of the class
Activity 2: Future plans – The weather
( 19’ )
- Have SS write a short paragraph to make plan for a holiday by answering the questions
-T can use transformation writing for weaker Ss
-SS can change underline words
Vui: I am going to stay for a week. 3 Asking and Aanswering
a.She is going to visit Noi b.She is going to stay in a hotel c.She is going to stay for a week II Future plans – The weather 1 Questions
1.Where are you going to stay? 2.Who are you going to with?
3.Which season are you going to go in? 4.What’s the weather like then?
5.What are you going to bring with you? How are you going to travel?
7.Where are you going to stay?
8.How long are you going to stay for? 9.What are you going to there? 2 Transformation writing
I am going to Vung tau with my family We are going to go in the summer.It’s hot but we like hot weather.We’re going to bring cool clothes with us and I am going to bring a camera to take some photos We’re going to travel by coach.In Vung tau, we’re going to stay in a hotel for a week We’re going to see a beach and go swimming and buy some seafood
IV Summary(2’): further practice in present simple, adverbs of frequencey, present progressive, “going to” future, the weather
V Homework(3’): - Review all the structures - Have a written test next period E Evaluation
(3)Unit 15: Countries I.Objectives:
1 (Theme) 6: People and places - Countries
2 Competences: By the end of the unit ss can talk about countries,nationalities and languages, describe places, state dimensions, make comparisions, describe natural features
3 Skills: Speaking
- Talk about countries, nationalities, languages - State dimensions
- Identify quantities - Talk about occupations
- Make comparisons / suggestions
Listening-Listen to dialogues / monologues within 50 words for general information
Read dialogues and passages within 80 words for general information Writing
Write sentences or a paragraph within 50 words with idea / word or picture cues 4.Grammar:
- Tenses: Simple present
- Modal verbs: should / should not
- Wh-questions: How long …?How high ?M- Adjectives: comparatives / superlatives
- Prepositions: from, to
- Indefinite quantifiers: a lot of, a few, a little, some, … 5.Vocabulary:
- Names of countries: the USA, Great Britain, …
(4)Date of preparing: 22/05/2020 Period 79 Unit 15: Countries
Lesson 1: A1-3
A Objectives
* Knowledge: Coutries, Nationalities, languages vocabulary to talk about where people are from
* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill, reading skill
* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use Coutries, Nationalities, languages vocabulary to talk about where people are from
B Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster. C Methods
- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used: STB, gap fill, picture drill: D Procedure:
I Organization: (1') - Greeting
- Checking attendance
Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents II Warm up ( 5’)
- Have Ss play game “ noughts and crosses”
Ss: as directed III New lesson( 35’)
Activity 1: Presentation ( 10’) T: set the situation Then play the tape one time
Ss: listen and find out new words T: give new words
Ss: guess the meaning and take note Then listen and repeat - practice T: control and correct their mistakes T: play the tape
Ss: listen and read in silent Then
* Noughts and crosses
Play Want Cook
Visit Watch See
Stay Go Walk
1.New words: - world(n): giới - country(n): đất nước - nationality: quốc tịch - language(n): ngôn ngữ - Japan- Japanese: Nhật
T: control and correct their mistakes Activity 2: Practice ( 15’)
T: guide the way to introduce oneself and others, using the following structures
Ss: Try to take part in practicing how to introduce oneself, using the cues given
T: control and correct their mistakes Then introduce the Wh-question and the way to answer
Ss: Notice the new structures given by the teacher
Ss: practice in pairs asking and answering about the places they come from
Ss: read Minh’s introduction
T: Introduce new structure and ask some more questions about Susan, Yoko ,
Ss: build up new sentences
T: control and correct their mistakes T: Introduce the way to ask and answer about nationality
Ss: take note & practice in pairs T: control and correct their mistakes Activity 3: Production( 10’)
T: ask Ss to make dialogues Ss: base on table in A3 to make similar dialogues Then practice in pairs
Ss: comment
T: control and correct their mistakes
- Vietnam- Vietnamese: Việt nam 2 Grammar:
Ex1: Where are you from? I’m from Viet Nam Ex2: Where is he from? He’s from Japan
2 Listen and read
Ex: - My name is Minh I am from
Viet Nam I speak Vietnamese.
- Minh is from Viet Nam He speaks Vietnamese
Which language you speak? does he
I speak Vietnamese
He speaks
3 Listen and repeat - What’s your nationality? I’m Vietnamese
4 Make dialogues Practice with a partner.
Thu: Who’s that?
Chi: That’s …Susan……… Thu: Where is he/she from? Chi: He’s / She’s from…Great
Thu: What’s his/her nationality? Chi: He’s / She’s …British………… Thu: Which language does he/she speak?
Chi: He/She speaks English IV Summary(2’): to talk about where people are from
Where+ tobe + S+ from?
S + tobe+ from+name of the country
Which language / does + S + speak ? S + speak(s) + (language )
(6)V Homework(2’): - Do exercises on page 124,125,126 in the workbook. - Prepare for the next period
E Evaluation