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- Use qts to elicit vocab about the pictures + Does the boy in C have a round face and short hair.. + Is he tall or short.[r]


Date of preparing:11/10/2020

Period: 16 UNIT 3: MY FRIENDS

LESSON 2: A CLOSED LOOK 1. I Objectives:

- Knowledge:By the end of this lesson, students can:

- guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words

- Use vocab and structures about body parts , appearance - pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/

- use "have" for description * Language content:

- Vocabulary: appearance vocabularies - Grammar: - Pronunciaion /p/, /b/

- Skill: Practice doing exercises

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. II Teaching aids: English book, pictures

III Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual IV Contents.

1 : Organization.(1m )

Class 6A3 Date of teaching Absent ss - Greeting

- Number students

Teacher's activities Ss' activities

2 Warm up(5ms).

T shows ss a photo and ask ss to describe

3 New lesson

* Presentation(12ms) Vocab

Ask Ss to match the words they know in the box with the pic on the cover page of teen magazine

T correct and give them some vocab - elbow(n) : khuỷu tay

- knee(n): đầu gối

ss work in groups

round face , big eyes, big nose, thin lips, long black hair


- tooth -teeth(n) : - foot - feet(n): chân - tail (n): đuôi

- fur(n): lơng thú

- ponytail (n): kiểu tóc gà * check: matching

2 Set the sence

Use this pix to give model sentences Model sentences

She has a big nose I have

She has long black hair I have

Check : meaning, form, use, intonation ( Ss learn at grammar page 28)

* Practice(17ms) 1.part page 28

Have ss create word webs and make sentences

2 part

- Ask Ss to look at the cover page of Teen magazine and make the sentences

individual repetition copy down

Ss listen and copy down

long / short: legs, tail, hair big/ small: head, hands, ears, feet,eyes,nose

black/ blonde/ curly/straight: hair, fur

chubby: face, cheeks round/ long: face

2 teams go to the board ( one by one)

1.Does the girl have short hair? - No, She doesn't

2 Does Harry Potter have big eyes?


3 Part (p29)

- T shows pictures on the board

- Use qts to elicit vocab about the pictures + Does the boy in C have a round face and short hair?

+ Is he tall or short?

+Does the dog have a black or brown nose? + Does the woman in C have curly hair? + Does she have long or short hair?

- Tell Ss : they are listen to the recording about Phuc, Duong , Mai They guess the pictures with Phuc, Duong ,Mai

- Ss listen to the tape twice and correct their ideas

- T correct with WC 3 Further practice(7ms) Part 3: Pronunciation:

- Have Ss practise the /p/ and /b/ sounds togother

- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat

2 Part 4:

- Have Ss practise reading the word pairs - Play the recording twice

3 part

- Ask Ss to listen while T plays the recording Clap to help ss understandthe rhythm

- Divide the class in to groups And have groups sing alternate lines

4 Summary(1m): Retell the aim 5: Home work

- Part (p29) and Ex

- Do Ex A1,2( p16) + B4( p 17) in work book

4 And you, you have a round face?

Yes, Ido / No, I don't

- Ss look at the pix and answer the qts

Ss guess

Phuc: C / Duong : A / Mai : B

- Pair work

- Listen to the recording and repeat

- Individual

- Listen and circle the word they hear


* Evaluation:


Date of preparing: 11/10/2020

Period: 17 UNIT 3: MY FRIENDS

LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2. I Objectives:

- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can use the present continuous to talk about the future plans

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: Rooms and things in the house

- Grammar: I’m not coming tonight I’m busy This evening, they are watching a film

- Skill: Practice doing exercise

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson. II Teaching aids: English book, pictures

II Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual IV Contents.

1 : Organization.(1m )

Class 6A3 Date of teaching 17/10 Absent ss Greeting

- Number students

Teacher's activities Ss' activities

2 Warm up(5ms) Play alphabet games

- T calls each letter of the alphabet

- Ask Ss to try to recall a verb beginning with each letter

Eg: A- act, ask B- buy, bring 3 New lesson:

* Presentation(12ms) * Vocab

- (to) have barbecue : ăn thit nướng - (to)visit: thăm

- museum (n): viện bảo tàng - test (n) : kiểm tra , thi - plan (n) : kế hoạch, dự định * Check: what and where

- Set the sence: Ask Ss to recall what happened in the conversation in getting started

- Play the recording

- Elicit Ss to give model sentences:

This evening, we are working on our school

Ss play in teams

Choral repetition individual repetition copy down



Check: meaning, form, use, intonation Form: S+ Be + Ving

Use:We can use present continuous to talk about future plans

* Practice(17ms)


Actions now plans for furure They're

coming over

This evening, we are working on our school project

I'm going to the judo club with my brother

I'm visiting my grandma and grandpa

2 part 3: (p 30)

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the present continuous for fiture

- T remind Ss to pay attention to the " be" werb and to the spelling of the verbs ending in 'e' -T correct with WC

3 Part Ss write N for actions happening now, and F for future plans

( lucky numbers)

* Further practice(7ms)

part 5(p 30)

Ask Ss to prepare for the activity by first writing the days Monday to Sunday, and writing activities next to each - They should add the three activities listed in 5: Organising a party, working on a project, going swimming They should leave some days free to arrange new plans

Ask Ss to go around the class and invite friends to go to their party follow the model conversation p 30

- Ask Ss to tell the class about their plan; E.g: On thursday, I am going swimming with Nguyet, phuong and huong

4 Summary(1m): Retell the aim 5 Homework :

Do ex5, on p 18 in work book

- Ss work individual - pair compare

- give feedback with reasons for their choices

SS work individually pair compare

1 is taking / isn't going / is visiting / ishaving work in teams

1.N; 2.F; N; F ; F; 6.N

Ss follow the instruction


************************************************ Date of preparing: 11/10/2020

Period: 18 UNIT 3: MY FRIENDS


- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can understand the passages about friends who come from different countries in the world What they are doing and what star signs they are

* Language content:

- Vocabulary: Choir, firework competition, greyhound racing, field trip, volunteer, independent, freedom-loving, responsible, reliable, curious… - Grammar: the present continuous to talk about the future plans

- Skill: Practice reading.

- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson II Teaching aids: English book, pictures,projector

III Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual IV Contents.

1 : Organization.(1m )

Class 6A3 Date of teaching 17/10 Absent ss

Teacher's activities Ss'activities

2 warm up(5ms).

- Ask some ss to tell the class about their plans at the weekend

3 New lesson

* Pre- reading(12ms) Vocab

Put on the projector to show pictures for eliciting

- choir (n) : dàn đồng ca

- firework competition:cuộc thi bắn pháo hoa - greyhouse racing: đua chó săn

- field trip:

- curious (a) :tị mị, thích tìm hiểu - responsible : có tinh thần trách nhiệm - reliable (a) : đáng tin cậy

* check: Slap the board * Set the sence:

ss go to the board


- Show the pictures of the five friends in magazine

- Pre- questions:

1 Where are they from? what might their names be? what might they like to do? What are they like?

*/ while- reading(17ms)

R1: Ss read the text and check their ideas R2: Ss compare the adjectives of

personalities in the star sign with what they read about the five friends

* Ask Ss to review the star signs and tick the adjs they agree with , and cross the adjs they disagree with

*/ Post- reading(7ms) play a line -up game

Ask Ss to have to arrange themselves in order of birthdays Support them by reviewing months and dates and giving a question and answer they can use : When's your birthday?- It's on

Pair Ss and ask them to read out their partner's star sign

4 Summary(1m): Retell the aim 5 Home work:

Do Ex D1,2 page 20 in work book

Ss think about the questions

SS follow the instruction and compare their ideas with their partners

E.g:S1: When's your birthday? S2: It's on October 14th

S1: You are Libra

* Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 09:05

