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- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice reading a dialogue between Tim and his mother to understand the content and present statements in reported speech and giving ad[r]


UNIT Five: Study habits

I.Objectives: After finishing the unit, Ss will be able to : -give introductions and advices

-express the obligations -write letters to friends *Main grammar points: -Adverbs of manner -Modal:should

-Commands, requests and advices in reported speech

II.Teaching aids: Pictures, word cues, text books, tape recorder, poster. III.Procedures: lessons.

-Lesson 1:Getting started +Listen and Read - Lesson 4:Read

-Lesson 2:Speak - Lesson 5:Read (continue) -Lesson 3:Listen - Lesson 6: Write

- Lesson 7: Language focus Date of preparing : Period 25



A Objectives

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice reading a dialogue between Tim and his mother to understand the content and present statements in reported speech and giving advice

- Vocabulary: improve, promise, a report card, pronunciation, be proud of, try best

* Attitude: Help Ss to be more confident to communicate with others in learning English and enhance the love of learning English

* Skill: Practise reading and listening skill * Capacity Development: how to work in groups B Teaching aids

T's preparation: Lesson plan, text book, tape and cassette , pictures Ss' preparation: Text book, notebook, pen, homework

C Methods

- Net work, matching, T/F prediction, comprehension questions - Pairs, individual and group work

D Contents

I Organization (1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent students 8A


*Networks: * Which subject is it? - Physics - Math - History - English - Music - Geograph * Chatting: How often you have ? -> I have a week

III New lesson

Step - Presentation (15’)

- T introduces the vocab using explaination, translation

- T reads as model

- Sts read in chorus times, then read individually

- Ss copy down the words * Checking technique: - Matching

* Presentation the dialogue: T sets the scence:

? What are they doing in the picture? What are they talking about?

- Before listening, we run through all these sentences and guess T/F

* T/ F statements prediction:

- Sts read the sentences and then predict which are true and which are false

- Sts work individually and then compare with the partners

Step - Practice (15’) Activity 1: Check prediction

Sts listen to the dialogue and work in pairs to check their predictions

- Work in pairs to read the dialogue again

Activity 2: Comprehension questions - Work in individual to find the answer to the questions

- Practice asking and answering the questions in pairs

New words:

improve (v) nâng cao, cải thiện

promise ( v) høa

report card (n) phiếu, bảng điểm

pronunciation ( n) cách phát âm

proud of (adj) tù hµo

try best (v) cè gắng

2 Listen and read: a T / F sentences:

a Tim was out when his mother called him

b Tim’s mother met his teacher at school

c Tim’s report is poor d Tim’s mother wants him to improve one thing

e Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar

f Tim promised to try his best in learing Spanish

* Key:

a - F d - T b - T e - F c - F f - T

b Answer the questions:

a Miss Jackson is Tim’s teacher

b Miss Jackson gave Tim’s mother his report card

c Tim studied very well this semester d Miss Jackson said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation


Activity 3: Model sentences

Focus on the statements in reported speech

- Check: meaning, use, form, and pronunciation

- Sts work in pairs:

( câu nói gián tiếp hay câu tờng thuật lời ngời nói đợc thuật lại cách gián tiếp với ngời khác)

* Chó ý chuyÓn:

- Bá dÊu( , or :) sau ngc kÐp; bá ngc kÐp

- Đổi ngơi đại từ: ( I -> He/ she; you->I )

- §ỉi th×: ( am-> Was )

Step - Production (5’)

* Sts work in group of three to give advice and practice the reported speech

e She gave him a dictionary c Model sentences:

Ex: Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation -> Give advice:

S1 + said + S2 + should + V * Practice:


S1: You should learn new words by heart

S2: S1 said I should learn new words by heart

IV Summary(3’)

T stresses on some main ideas of the lesson - Remember:

- Reported speech V Homework(2’)

- Prepare for the next lesson Do exercise in workbook * Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 04:24


