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Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 Practice 1 : Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest in each group 1. a. pressure b. entrance c. result d. subject 2. a. interview b. agency c. addition d. customer 3 a. useful b. difficult c. impressive d. dangerous 4. a. company b. condition c. computer d. arrangement 5 a. finance b. lawyer c. service d. order . 6. a. admit b. offer c. employ d. reduce 7 a. diploma b. ambition c. applicant d. appointment 8 a. interview b. manager c. vacancy d. employer 9 a. adopt b. enjoy c. measure d. expand 10 a. sector b. reform c. country d. province 11 a. illegal b. substantial c. domestic d. positive 12 a. inflation b. handdicraft c. enterprise d. subsidy 13 a. competitive b. economic c. equivalent d. industrial 14 a. incredible b. pessimistic c. unexpected d. optimistic 15. a. terrorist b. computer c. history d. astronaut 16 .a. confident b. eternal c. dangerous d. healthier 17 a. technology b. development c. corporation d. expectancy Practice 2 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the same line . 1. a . fatal b. cancer c. space d. case 2. a. further b. secure c. worse d. burden 3.a. won’t b. hope c. progress d. although 4 a. chores b. thanks c. astronauts d. robots 5.a. eradicated b. provided c. influenced d. expected . 6.a. expands b. dissolves c. exports d. reforms 7.a. formed b. improved c. encouraged d. eliminated 8a. enterprise b. renovation c. industry d. consumer 9.a. achievement b. change c. chemist d. children 10.a. islander b. inflation c. investment d. industry 11.a. disappointed b. challenged c. applied d. managed 12.a. offers b. employs c. hires d. appoints 13.a. promise b. polite c. ambition d. certificate 14.a. applicant b. category c. vacancy d. candidate 15.a. resume b. pressure c. computer d. reduce . Practice 3 : Choose the best answer : 1. Parents often object ……… their children’s palying computer games . a. of b. about c. to d. at 2.We are wondering what life …………… like in the 2050’s . a. is b. will c. will be d. will have been 3. By the end of the 21 st century , Vietnam ……………. surpassed Thailand in many fields . a. has b. had c. will be d. will have 4. We went to ………. movies last night and saw The Rebel starring Ngo Thanh Van . It’s ……… good film indeed . a . the ….the b. the …….a c. x … the d. X … a 5. I’ve got ………… appointment this afternoon . I’ve got to go to ……… dentist . a. an ….the b. X …the c. X … a d. an … X 6. She’s very …………… She always sees things through rose –coloured spectacles . Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 a. pessimist b. pessimistic c. optimist d. optimistic 7. Illiteracy has almost been …………… in many provinces in Vietnam . a. eternal b. eradicated c. destroyed d. disappeared 8. You can take the …………… bus to the airport . a. shuttle b. domestic c. burden d. labour-saving 9.Various animal species are …………. because people have destroyed their habitat . a. concerned b. wiped out c. unexpected d. fatal 10. who is responsible ………… all the tragic events in Iraq ? a. about b. of c. for d. at 11. It is very kind …………. you to help me finish this report . a. about b. of c. to d. for 12. What’s …………. Duong doing these days ? – He’s working as …………salesperson a. X…… X b. X …….the c. X ……a d. the ……X. 13. Yes , my name is ………….Nguyen , but I’m not ……….Nguyen you’re looking for a. X … the b. X …….a c. the … X d. a ….X 14. Since Doi Moi , Vietnam has undergone ……………… changes . a. domestic b. substantial c. minor d. stagnant 15. There has been a price increase in nearly every sector and the government is trying to control ………… a. unemployment b. inflation c. investment d. cooperation . 16. Our Party and Government continues to reaffirm their strong ……… to “ DoiMoi “ policy . a. commitment b. achievementc. introduction d. measure . 17. Since Doi Moi , inefficient co-opratives have been …………… . a. dissolved b. dissolving c. encouraged d. encouraging 18. Drug –taking should …… as it kills amny people , especially young ones . a. ban b. banned c. banning d. be banned 19. The Enterprises Law have encouraged …… domestic ……… foreign investment . a. both …and b. such… as c. neither…nord. from…to 20. Doi Moi or Renovation ………………… in Vietnam in 1986 . a. initiated b. was initiated c. had initiated d. would initiate 21. The drug made it difficult for people ………… in a sensible way . a. think b. thinking c. to think d. who think 22. The Government has taken many ………… to stop drug- taking . a. solutions b. ways c. methods d. measures 23. The reform has brought ………. positive effects in many sectors of the economy . a. about b. along c. forward d. round 24. The aim of Doi Moi is ……………. the economy of Vietnam . a. restructure b. to restructure c. restructuringd. restructured 25. The Land Law was …………… in 1993 . a. adapted b. adopted c. affected d. renovated 26. We should be aware ……………… the dangers of drug- taking . a. about b. for c. of d. in 27. ……………. she had a poor memory , Grandma told nice fairy tales to her grandchildren . a. Despite b. In spite c. Although d. Even 28. ………… of the careful planning , the workshop was not a failure . a. Despite b. In spite c. Although d. Even 29. ……………rising fuel prices this month , the level of consumption remains the same a. Despite b. In spite c. Although d. Even though 30. Due to WTO commitments , many economic sectors in Vietnam … strong competition now . a. face b. faced c. had faced d. are facing Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 31. Since Vietnam ………….WTO , many sectors have been opened to foreign investors a. joins b. joined c. has joined d. had joined 32. I am writing to ask if you might have a ………… in your marketing department for a salesperson . a. job b. post c. vacancy d. work 33. Applications for the new post will be ……………until the 15 th of this month . a. affected b. exempted c. accepted d. excepted 34. I hoped my application would have been accepted by now , but ……… has called . a. someboby b. anybody c. someone d. nobody 35. The new employee is a person of high sense of …………… a. enthusiasm b. responsibility c. keenness d. interest 36. Oh no ! I don’t have …………….time to prepare for the job interview . a. some b. much c. little d. many . 37. The number of applicants for the new position ………… ninety . a. reach b. has reached c. have reached d. was reached 38 . When she told me I got the job , I was so excited that I didn’t know what …… a. to tell b. to talk c. to say d. to speak 39. Have you interviewed the applicant ……… resume we discussed yesterday ? a. who b. whom c. whose d. which 40. Mr . Nguyen , with ………… I am working , is an ambitious man . a. who b. whom c. that d. whoever . 41. “ Could you recommend me a shop ………. I can buy a reliable laptop ? “ a. which b. where c. how d. that 42. December is the time of the year …… the weather in Dalat is the coldest . a. which b. where c. when d. whose 43. The guide ……… is going to accompany those tourists can speak three foreign languages fluently . a. who b. whoever c. whose d.X 44. There are a lot of subjects but she has a …………. for maths . a. preference b. favour c. like d. need 45. He got …………… job in …………… best company in town . a. a ….the b. a…… a c. the……a d. the ……X 46. There was ……………… sound in ……………… living room . a. the …… X b. the … the c. X…X d. a … the 47. It was really kind ……… you to help those poor people . a. by b. of c. at d. to 48. He was incapable ……….passing the exam , but don’t feel sorry …….him . He is so lazy a. in ….for b. of ….with c. on ….for d. of … for 49. We are aiming …………. a 50% share of the American market . a. for b. to c. of d. at 50. Domestic chores are no longer a ……. thanks to the invention of electronic applicances. a. weight b. mass c. burden d. load 51. He may be quick ……… understanding , but he is not capable …… remembering anything . a. at…for b. of …for c. at … of d. in…of 52. Using the new software , … parents will be able to monitor their children’s use of …Internet . a. X ….the b. the ……X c. the …the d. X….X 53. I bought ……… umbrella to go out in the rain . a. a b. the c. some d. an 54. Please give me … cake that is on the counter . a. a b. the c. some d. any Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 55. Her dress is very similar ……… mine . Only the belt is different . a. to b. with c. as d. for 56. While studying he was financially dependent ………. his parents . a. to b. of c. on d. at 57. Mary always takes great care …………… her children . a. for b. of c. to d. with 58. Mary doesn’t mind living ……………her own . a. with b. by c. on d. at 59. An economic ……….brings a significant increase in layoffs and unemployment . a. developing b. development c. depression d. depressive 60. Beethovan began his musical education …………the age of five . a. in b. on c. at d. for 61. I lived in Hanoi ………….five years , ……………2000……….2005. a. for / in/ in b. for / from/ to c. since/ in / in d. for / in /X 62. I don’t usually go out …….the evening , except …… Monday evening , when I play snooker . a. in/ in b. on / in c. in /on d. on / on 63. My homework was full ………… mistakes . a. in b. on c. at d. of 64. We keep a light on at night because I’m afraid …… the dark . a. in b. on c. at d. of 65. My sister ‘s very different …….me . I’m blond but she’s brunette . a. from b. to c. with d. of 66. There are a lot of spelling mistakes ; ……………, it is quite a good essay . a. even so b. although c. however d. a and c are correct 67. …………….you have told her the answer , she cannot understand the question . a.Though b. Because c. When d. As 68.Over the past two years , the ………… of living has risen considerably . a. rate b. standards c. cost d. price 69. He refused to give up work ………….he has won a million pounds . a. despite b. however c. even though d. as though 70. I just had to take the dog out ………… of the awful weather . a. although b. in spite c. despite d. even though 71. The government introduced some renovation measures to ………….Doi Moi . a. implement b. carry out c. bring d. a and b are correct 72. ………. working very hard , he didn’t pass the exam . a. Despite b. In spite c. Athough d. Since 73. He managed to win the race ………….hurting his foot before the race . a. in spite of b. despite of c. although d. because of 74. He can’t speak German well ………. he has a university degree in German . a. despite b. because c. in spite of d. even though 75. The police have to try to catch the men ……… drive dangerously . a. who b. whom c. they d. which 76. Some of the guests ………… I invited didn’t come . a. whose b. whom c. them d. which 77. My computer , …………….mouse doesn’t work , cannot be used now . a. whose b. which c. while d. because 78. They are the people ………. houses were destroyed by the flood . a. their b. whose c. what d. which 79. Mexico City , ………….is the capital of Mexico , is a cosmopolitan city . a. which b. that c. where d. what Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 80. I get my unemployment …………. but hey are not much . a. fee b. dues c. benefits d. money . 81. The ………… year in Vietnam runs from September to June and divided into 2 terms . a. academically b. academicals c. academic d. academical 82. A national exam is …………. for all telfth grade students at the beginning of June . a. held b. taken c. made d. done 83. Children at the age if 11 start moving to ……………… a. kindergarten b. primary school c. lower secondary d. upper secondary 84. We don’t accept students who are under 5 …………. a. years ago b. of age c. years d. aged 85. Maths , English and history are his …………… subjects . a. favourite b. interesting c. favour d. popular 86. Schooling is ………… for all English children from the age of 5 to 16 . a. necessary b. compulsory c. essential d. voluntary 87. Children start …………… 1 when they are 6 years old . a. grade b. level c. step d. stage 88. “ ……………. do you participate in extracurricular activities ?” –“Never.” a. What b. How long c. How much d. How often 89. Schools in which all students can attend without paying tuition …… are public schools a. fees b. charge c. payment d. bill 90.Do students in Vietnam have to follow a local or ……………. curriculum ? a. regional b. national c. provincial d. general 91. Each society has its own beliefs , attitudes , customs , behaviours and …… habits . a. social b. private c. public d. popular 92. Some people are often ……… at the differences that exist between their own culture and the culture in the other country . a. happy b. surprised c. good d. strange 93. Understanding and appreciating cultural differences can help people avoid ……… a. accidents b. faults c. errors d. misunderstanding 94. Cultural differences can make people feel …………., frightened or even insecure . a. uncomfortable b. terrified c. inconvenientd. unreasonable 95. “ I have never seen such a perfect thing on you .” “ ……………………… ” a. Haven’t you ? b. I am so happy c. Really ? d. Thank you . That’s a nice compliment . 96. “………………………” – “ Thank you . I’m glad you like it .” a. Congratulation ! You have a beautiful motorbike . b. The motorbike is beautiful. c. Where did you buy this motorbike ? d. I didn’t know you bought a motorbike . 97. We shouldn’t ………… or clap our hands to get the person’s attention in restaurant . a. whistle b. glance c. say d. look 98. Body language is known as non-verbal ……… a. exchange b. communication c. expression d. mention 99.Speaking is not a …………… of non-verbal communication . a. cue b. signal c. glue d. notice 100. “ You shouldn’t shout in restaurants .” – He ……….me not to shout in restaurant . a. suggested b. advised c. offered d. said 101. “ I am sorry for being late .” - “ She …………… for being late .” a. apologized b. regretted c. admitted d. denied 102. The ………… of the moon to the earth causes tide . a. influence b. effect c. attraction d. pull Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 103. After ten years of ……………… they got divorced . a. marriage b. friendship c. work d. love 104. It’s …………. in Vietnam to eat “ banh chung “ on Tet holidays . a. customary b. usual c. traditional d. familiar 105. It’s a ………………to start the wedding ceremony in front of the altar . a. routine b. habit c. tradition d. practice 106. The ………… leaf hat is very popular in the middle of Vietnam . a. cone b. conics c. concial d. conically 107. People of the same ……… easily live and work with one another . a. size b. sex c. generation d. organization 108. Physical ……………sometimes blinds us . a. attractiveness b. attract c. attractive d. attractively 109 . Is that a good mother who only cares about her …………. ? a. beautiful b. beautify c. beauty d. beautification 110. Since I came here , I …………… a lot of acquaintances . a. have had b. had c. have d. am having 111. My mother works …………. a secretary for a big company . a. like b. as c. work d. study . 112.My mother is very busy at work and she usually doesn’t come home ………very late at night . a. after b. before c. at d. until 113. We are a very ……… family . All of us have very close relationship with one another . a. close-knit b. strange c. friendly d. typical 114. My Dad is always willing to give a hand ………… cleaning the house . a. of b. with c. about d. in 115. Our grandparents and parents often give us good ……………… on important matters . a. ideas b. advice c. examples d. thoughts 116. They allow us to ……… on our choice of the elective subjects in school and our hobbies. a. decide b. depend c. take d. put 117. I get my unemployment …………. but they are not much . a. fee b. dues c. benefits d. money 118. Some of the boys ……………… didn’t come . a. whom I invited them b. I invited them c. I invited d. when I invited 119. Louis Pasteur , ………… discovered a cure for rabies , was a French scientist . a. he b. that c. who d. whom 120. I have two sisters , ……………. are very good at computer science . a. who b. whom c. both of themd. both of them 121.If only he ………us the truth in the first place , things wouldn’t have gone wrong . a. told b. have told c. had told d. would have told 122. I would have saved myself a lot of time …………… then what I know today . a. if I knew b. only had I known c. I had told d.had I know 123. John would have studied medicine if he …………… to a medical school . a. had admitted b. had been admitted c. would have admitted d. would admit 124. ……… been for your support , I couldn’t have done it . a. Had it not b. Had I not c. It had not d. I hadn’t 125. If she ………… rich , she would travel around the world . a. is b.has been c. were d. would be 126. If students go to private universities , they have to pay the ……………… a. cash b. fare c. tuition d. bill 127. If I ………… my coat , I wouldn’t have been so cold . a. bring b. brought c. have brought d. had brought Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 128. If the strom gets worse , we ……………… back . a. come b. will come c. would come d. would have come 129. If there’s not much wine , I ………………. go to buy some . a. will b. would c. won’t d. wouldn’t 130. If Peter …………… , tell him I will phone him back . a. rings b. rang c. rung d. has rung 131. You won’t be allowed to teach here ………… you show your qualification . a. since b. unless c. for d. if 132. Neither the students nor their lecturer……………English in the classroom . a. uses b. use c. are using d. have used 133. Many children below the age of five go to …………… school . a. nursery b. nursing c. baby d. primary 134. Students in England usually ………… their GCSE at the age if sixteen . a. pass b. make c. take d. follow 135. Children are required to be in full-time education ……… the ages of 5 and 16. a. at b. from c. between d. by 136. Police ……… illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the star’s home . a. reported to have found b. are reported to have found c. are reported having found d. are reported to be found . 137. There wasn’t a French class at her school , so she …………… herself to speak it . a. learned b. studied c. taught d. made 138. My sister got a good grade in her English exam , but unfortunately she …… her Maths a. passed b. took c. lost d. failed 139. After she ……… the letter , she put it down and started to cry . a. read b. reads c. has read d. had read 140. The child was …… while he was walking on the zebra crossing . a. hit by a lorry b. by hit a lorry c. a lorry hit by d. by a hit lorry 141. The computer ……………. .It is working now . a. is repaired b. has been repaired c. was repairing d. has repaired 142. Schooling is ……… for all children from the age of 6 to 16 in most countries . a. must b. a duty c. prohibited d. compulsory 143. George is ………… Lisa . a. marry with b. marry to c. married withd. married to 144.About 15,000 years ago , that region …………. under ice a mile deep . a. buried b. was burying c. was buried d. had buried 145. Today many serious childhood diseases …………. by early immunization . a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented 146. The doctor has advised ………….too much coffee . a. me not drinkb. I don’t drinkc. me not drinkd. me not to drink 147.I asked him whose car ……………. the previous day . a. he had borrowed b. had he borrowed c. did he borrow d. he would borrow 148. They ………… us to sepnd our summer vacation in the countryside . a. promised b. denied c. suggested d. advised 149.They said they had come back ……………………. a. the following day b. the next day c. the day after tomorrow d. the previous day 150. They asked me ………. in Los Angles then . a. whether was my father b. if my father was working c. whether my father had beenm working d. was my father working Practice 4 : Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each blank . Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 All the WTO members have joined the organization as a result of negotiation and therefore (1) ……………… means a balance of rights and obligations . The process of becoming a WTO member is unique to teach (2) ……………. country , and the terms of accession are dependent upon the counrty’s stage of economic (3) ……… and current trade regime . The process (4) … about five years , on average , but it can take some countries almost a (n) (5)…………… . The (6) ………. accession negotiation was that of Kyrgyzstan , lasting 2 years and 10 months . The ( 7) …… was that of China , lasting 15 years and 5 months . Russia , having first applied to join GATT in 1993 , is ( 8) …… in negotiations for membership . 1.a. partnership b. membership c. friendship d. relationship 2.a. applicant b. one c. selected d. independent 3.a. reforms b. crisis c. formation d. development 4.a. spends b. occupies c. takes d. uses 5.a. decade b. century c. era d. generation 6.a. earliest b. last c. longest d. shortest 7.a. earliest b. last c. longest d. shortest 8.a. already b. still c. yet d. indeed Before the 1960s , Singapore was essential a trading nation . Since (1)…… , it has developed a more (2)…… economy and has become an important financial , trade and transportation center . Singapore has (3)………… banks , insurance and finance companies , as (4) …. as a stock exchange . Tourism is also important to the (5) …… of Singapore . There is (6)… unemployment in Singapore . The country’s annual income per capita ( per person ) is one of the (7) …… in Asia . The government of Singapore plays a majoy role in the country’s economy . For example , it (8)………… what benefits , such as vacation time and sick leave , must be (9) …… for workers by employers . It also operates an employment agency to help people find jobs , and it provides (10)……. for tired workers . 1. a. then b. that c. there d. those 2.a. various b. varied c. differed d. changed 3.a . many b. few c. much d. more 4. a. long b. far c. much d. well 5. a. economic b. economics c. economy d. economical 6. a. few b. little c. a little d. a few 7. a. most b.richest c. greatest d. highest 8. a. says b. tells c. decides d. concludes 9. a. provided b. given c. offered d. handed 10. a. wages b. fees c. earnings d. pensions Practice 5 : Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the sentences . What is life for today’s students ? As the university and college terms began , I talked to a few students about their lives . Sarah james is a second year biology students . “ Money is a bog problem,” said Sarah . “ I can eat quite cheaply at the university , but I spend quite a lot on transport . I also spend quite a lot on clothes , as I like to wear things that are in fashion .” Colin Peters , who is studying engineering , disagree . “ I don’t spend anything on clothes,” he said “ , unless you count climbing boots .I’m very keen on climning , an you do need special equipment , some of which is very expensive . Luckily , my parents gave me money for my birthday in November . Not much of my money goes on transport , because I have a bicycle .” Diana Bell is a first year fashion student . “ I make on my own clothes .This should save me money , but in fact , the materials are very expensive . I don’t know how I would manage if I didn’t Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 sell some of the dresses and hats I make to the other students . Everything is expensive, “ she said . “ That includes the rent , food , transport and heating for the flat in winter .” Jack is a science student in his final year . “ What do I spend my money on ?” Well, not on clothes , and not a lot on going out in the evening . My rent is expensive , and I suppose I spend quite a lot on books . 1. This is from …………………… a. a student’s notebook . b. a letter to a friend . b. a magazine article d. an advertisement . 2. The aim of the writer is to …………………………. a. show how students live b. give advice to students c. explain that students work hard . d. complain about students’ way of life 3. The students’ main problem is …………… a. deciding what to wear b. living on the money they receive . c. finding enough time to study. d. cooking their own food . 4.Colin is different from Sarah because ……………………. a. he has generous parents who help him b. he doesn’t need study very hard . c. he is not a second year student d. his clothes and transport cost less. 5. Which of the following is true for Diana ? a. I haven’t bought any clothes this year but I will have to next year when I start work . b. I’m going to buy a new pair of boots this winter , after my birthday . c. I bought a new jacket and trousers yesterday , so I haven’t any money . d. A friend is going to pay me to make a jacket for her , so I will have enough money after all. For many decades , Vietnam’s economy was plagued with inefficiency and corruption in state programs , poor quality and underproduction and restriction on economic activities and trade . It also suffered from the trade embarge from the US and most of Europe after the Vietnam War .In 1986 , the Sixth Party Congress introduced significant economic reforms with market economy elements as part of a broad economic reform package called Doi Moi . As a result of several land reform measures , Vienam is now the largest producer of cashew nuts with a noe-third global share and second largest rice exporter in the world after Thailand .Vietnam has the hightest percent of land use for permanent crops . Besides rice , key exports are coffee , tea , rubber , and fishery products . However , agriculture’s share of economic output has declined , falling as share of GDP from 42% in 1989 to 20% in 2006 , as production in other sectors of the economy has risen . Vietnam was accepted into the WTO on November 7, 2006 . Vietnam’s chief trading partners include Japan , Australia , ASEAN countries , the US , and Western European countries . 1.The economy of Vietnam ………………………… a . is regarded as a stable one . b. suffered from the trade embargo from the US and most of Europe after the Vietnam War . c. used to be a strong one . d. was ignored for years . 2. It is NOT true to say that Vietnam’s economy ………… a. was plagued with inefficiency and corruption in state programs . b. encouraged restrictions on economic activities and trade for many decades . c. suffered from the trade embargo from the US and most of Europe after the Vietnam War . d. wasn’t paid any attention to by government . 3. Nowadays Vietnam is considered ………………………… a. to be a country with a very powerful economy . b. as the second largest rice exporter in the world after Thailand . Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo Son Thanh Secondary School Rewiew the first semester 12 c. now the largest producer of cashew nuts . d. B and C are correct . 4. Which of the sentences is TRUE according to the passage ? a. Agriculture’s share of economic output has rapidly increased during recent years . b. Vietnam exports many various kinds of agricultural products and fishery ones besides rice and cashew nuts . c. The economic reform program was introduced in 1986 to support wars . d. Vietnam was accepted into the WTO on November 7,2006 because of its economic has developed dramatically . 5. The best title for the passage is …………………. a. The Advantages of Vietnam’s Economy . b. Some Influences on Vietnam’s Economy c. The Growth of Vietnam’s Economy d. Vietnam’s Economy and WTO . Practice 6 : Choose the underlined part among A, B , C or D that needs correcting . 1. David’s new computer is similar than mine . A B C D 2. I’m fed up for you telling me what to do . A B C D 3. Children usually get bored of doing the same activity during a lesson . A B C D 4. Are you fond at walking in the rain without wearing a raincoat ? A B C D 5. Athough his bad cough , he kept on smoking . A B C D 6. Production is the process growing or making food , goods , or materials . A B C D 7. Athough being the best qualified candidate , he didn’t get the job . A B C D 8. He is learning English though he can get a better and more interesting job . A B C D 9. I’m going to buy a new motorbike despite I do think it is overpriced . A B C D 10. Athough I try hard to play the guitar , but I don’t seem to improve . A B C D 11. After a week , we finally got to Miami , that my aunt lives . A B C D 12. My closest friend , which lives in Hanoi , arrived last night . A B C D 13. The person from him you got the information is my brother . A B C D 14. What was the name of the person whom bought your old motorcycle ? A B C D 15. The students who they cheated in the examination had to leave the room . A B C D 16. Final –year students who are naturally anxious about getting work after generation . A B C D 15. It was Nam who became the first candidate to employ as an interpreter in that foreign company A B C D 16. Without his friends’ help , he wouldn’t be able to finish the assignment last week . Nguyen Thi Thai Ngo [...]... Rewiew the first semester 12 A B C D 17 If you didn’t stop smoking , your health will become worse and worse A B C D 18 If you’d told me you were coming , I would make something to eat A B C D 19 If we didn’t run out of money , we wouldn’t have come home from our holiday early A B C D 20 You must park the car in the right place unless the police will give you a ticket A B C D 21 If it hadn’t been for... they will have lost the match last night A B C D 22 We would have to borrow some money unless we didn’t get the cheque from my family A B C D 23 In American educated system , children go to school for 12 years A B C D 24 A new bridge is being built across the river and it says that it will be called New Gate A B C D 25 My little sister’s birthday is in September 5th A B C D 26 Advertisements have... ? A B C D 29 Without culture learning , you can learn how to communicate with people from another culture A B C D 30 My whole family decied to come to live in this town for twenty years ago A B C D 31 Athough Kate has been cooking for many years , she hasn’t known how to cook tradition A B C D English foods in the right way 32 Paul decided to join the army after the first year at college and he was . had b. had c. have d. am having 11 1. My mother works …………. a secretary for a big company . a. like b. as c. work d. study . 11 2.My mother is very busy at. c. chemist d. children 10 .a. islander b. inflation c. investment d. industry 11 .a. disappointed b. challenged c. applied d. managed 12 .a. offers b. employs

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2013, 19:11

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