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Some imfact of smart schools in the field of education

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The project on smart schools provide learners with a modern and diverse learning environment, provide learning opportunities which is suitable for each individual that promote self-lea[r]



Asso Prof Dr Tran Doan Vinh1 Abstract: A smart school could easily be defined as a school which incorporates the latest technologies to organize, accommodate and optimize the student learning process This could involve using the latest ideas of blended learning, the flipped classroom involve using the latest ideas of blended learning, the flipped classroom, BYODs (Bring Your Own Device) and other such practices

A smart school need not even be physically present to be a school, one could host classrooms online using the help of various Learning management systems and haven’t had the need of owning a classroom at all The smart school also incorporates all the software (management software, learning software, ) which can help in the management and the learning of its students

In this article we will present the concept of smart school and thus give some impact of smart schools in the field of education, which we are very interesting in the current period

Keywords: Smart school, smart classroom, smart education, smart teaching, smart teaching and learning, school


We are living in an age when technology has developed rapidly; Knowledge, skills are enhanced very fast and innovation is strong That requires the school to innovate content, teaching methods, especially teaching aids to foster student autonomy, ability to solve problems, help children can be self-active, active and creative

1 Faculty of Educational Technology,University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi




We know that, the face of education for the past decade has undergone many changes and most of it can be attributed towards the advent of the smart school The jury is still out on whether or not 21st-century illiterates should be learning the modern ways of communication

and expression, but most schools are adapting to hire educators who are well versed with technology and can help students learn technology in the most efficient and beneficial way If you would a google search on “smart school”, you will either find various smart school software or how a school is graded as a smart school based on students’ performances in public examinations

Let’s first define what a smart school is and through that, we can begin to understand its impact on education

II Contents

2.1 What is a smart school? A smart school could easily be defined as a school which incorporates the latest technologies to organize, accommodate and optimize the student learning process This could involve using the latest ideas of blended learning, the flipped classroom involve using the latest ideas of blended learning, the

flipped classroom, BYODs (Bring Your Own Device) and other such practices [1] The 21st century has seen a lot of development in technology at an exponential rate, which has lead to technology being accessible very easily A smart school need not even be physically present to be a school, one could host classrooms


online using the help of various Learning management systems and haven’t had the need of owning a classroom at all The smart school also incorporates all the software it can to help in the management and the learning of its students

The approach to smart school is an inevitable need for schools to adapt to change, and smart school involves a mix of information technology (IT) and curriculum that bring about change in the teaching process

Smart schools here are implementing a comprehensive solution: smart learning program, smart instruction and teaching, smart school management, smart establishment and maintenance of external relations Technology is the connection element, creating the advanced feature of that content

Figure 3: smart classroom

Smart Schools are considered a school providing extended learning opportunities and students are taught at their own speed and pace The smart of school is made up of smart strategies, smart programs, smart leadership, smart teachers, smart learners, and smart infrastructure



Figure 4: Smart classroom 2.2 Smart School and it’s Impacts on Education

We know that, books and pens have been replaced with touch screen in this day age, be it at work or for leisure But with the birth of Occulus Rift, it would seem that Virtual Reality would be the new face of education and learning Virtual reality could be used to teach and provide a great environment for children and students of all ages taking the school from being more than just a smart school

Figure 5: Occulus Rift

Then, what is virtual reality? What are the characteristics of virtual reality? What is the technology of virtual reality? What are virtual reality applications?

Virtual reality, or virtual reality (VR), is a term that describes an environment simulated by humans These emulators are human-driven images designed through specialized software applications, displayed on a computer screen or via virtual glass to provide the most realistic experience possible Viewers like them are in the same space In order to increase the environmental experience, simulators are integrated with other senses such as hearing (sound)


This system simulates real-time things and phenomena and interacts with users through the synthesis of sensory channels [2]

Virtual reality is the image of the real world generated by the computer that responds to human movements Interaction with this simulation environment is via large data suitable for devices such as interactive speakers, glasses or mitten gloves (Greenbaum (1992).[3]

Characteristics of virtual reality are: Virtual reality (VR) must be guaranteed: - The ideal world born of computers - Make sure it looks real

- Interact with users of the same type as the real world • In practice to achieve acceptance:

- Provide a lower standard

- Lay out many aspects of the real world

• Immersion - “immersion” The VR environment is immersive if it gives the user the feeling of being in the environment rather than the feeling they are observing

• A real VR does not exist, making people feel comfortable when there is confusion, must have characteristics:

- Immersion: Generates sensational scenes that belong to the virtual environment of the user

- Allows interaction with objects in the scene as the user does in practice accepts approximation with a reasonable limit

- Make as much sense on the senses as possible:

♦ Sight and sound - Sight and sound are the most basic senses of perception

The virtual environment is like a graphical glass that we are brought in

♦ Haptic interfaces are also included

♦ Taste and smell - In the meantime, we not need to study this issue ♦ Sixth sense: This is a sensation that we often can not handle, except in special


57 Technology of a VR system:


The hardware of a VR consists of:

1 Computer (PC or Workstation with strong graphics configuration)

2. Input devices: Position tracking to determine the position of the observation Navigation interfaces to move user location Gesture interfaces such as data glove so that the user can control the object

3. Output devices: including graphical displays (such as monitors, HDM, etc.) to view 3D objects Sound equipment (speakers) to hear surrounding sound (such as Hi-Fi, Surround,…) Haptic feedback (like gloves, ) to create touch when touch, grasp the object Force feedback to create the impact force as cycling, walking, shock


Software is always the soul of VR as well as for any modern computer system In principle, any programming language or graphics software can be used to model and simulate VR objects OpenGL, C ++, Java3D, VRML, X3D, or other commercial software such as WorldToolKit, PeopleShop, etc Software of any VR must also make two main uses: Create a picture in the Simulation The objects of VR are modeled by this software or transferred from 3D models (designed by other CAD software such as AutoCAD, 3D Studio, 3Ds Max ) VR software must then be able to dynamically simulate, dynamics, and simulate object behavior

Some applications of VR:

In developed countries, we can see that VR is applied in all areas: science, technology, architecture, military, entertainment, tourism, real estate and meet all needs: Research - Education - Commerce - Services

Medicine, tourism is the traditional application area of VR VR is also used in education (Virtual field trips, Language immersion, Skills training, Philosophical theories, Architecture and design, Special education, Distance learning, Improved collaboration, Game-based learning, Virtual campus visits), arts, entertainment, virtual tour, real estate In the field of military, VR is also applied in many developed countries Besides the traditional applications above, there are also some recent applications of VR such as VR in manufacturing, VR applications in robotics, VR applications in information display (petroleum exploration, mass display, tourism application, real estate market, etc.) VR has great application potential One can say in short: Every real “field” in life can apply “virtual reality” to research and development more complete


From the analysis above, we can show some impact of smart schools on education:

Schools no longer need to maintain ledgers and cumbersome paperwork as every smart school software now helps maintain all records for the school in one place

The smart software in the school smart is the software, time management software Timekeeping software instead of using the ledger to record The use of a lot of paper to work is the management software such as student management software, facilities management software and equipment

Schools no longer need to worry about stationary as pens and notebooks are slowly being replaced by tablets and computers

By replacing stationery like pens and laptops with tablet PCs and computers, the classrooms are neat and easy to organize

Being a smart school allows the educators to reach out to students all over the world and develop thriving online learning communities

Educators can then ask their students to study the homework, complete the assignments, and so on through online lectures At the same time, educators have a variety of ways to expand the learning community with a variety of training programs, in a variety of fields, with different regions around the world

Students in a smart school are exposed to students from other parts of the world via online meetings and collaborations

Students in remote places around the world interact with each other through the internet Bandwidth is one of the key factors that determines the quality, success of the meeting or online collaboration It is a high speed fiber optic transmission line, with a minimum bandwidth of 1Mbps

In addition, the devices of information and communication technology such as speakers, microphones, video cameras, etc are also essential to the success of online conferencing

Smart school software includes functionalities of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and LMS (Learning Management System) making it really simple for any school to run and maintain processes



Schools now have the option of storing all their data on the cloud and stop worrying about lost data and the time consumed to retrieve it

When we store data in the cloud, we not have to worry about losing data due to the risk of hardware, USB drives,… and the convenience of retrieving data at any time, with any geographical location

In addition to the impact of smart school on the field of education, it is also effective in the social skills of students Smart schools are effective in [5]:

Being respectful to others

Skill of cooperating with other students Serving your duty

Preserving regulations Working against others Making friends with others Asking questions

Listening to others Being accountable

Saying no to others and accepting no answers from others (appropriate response to group pressure)

Participating in group activities Enhancing social skills

The amount of effectiveness of smart schools is different for different grade levels

These are the impact of smart school on the field of education and its effects on students’ social skills

III Conclusion

Smart school - an ideal school for any country in the world Because, the influence of smart school is very clear and enormous for the development of education It has a great impact on the development of students’ thinking, creativity, and social skills Therefore, we need policies and solutions to build and develop smart schools in a scientific and effective way for education



[1] Fedena.com 6 Impacts of Smart Schools on Education


[2] Wipedia Vietnamese Virtual reality (VR) https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%E1%BB


[3] Greenbaum (1992) Defining Virtual Reality: Dimensions Determining Telepresence.

[4] Marianne Stenger 10 Ways Virtual Reality Is Already Being Used in Education

InfomEDU 27th, October 2017.


[5] Rahim Bahmani, Hamid Keshavarz, Hoseinali Ghajari The effect of smart

schools on the social skills of students. INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research NOVEMBER 2013 VOL 5, No


[6] Vu Thi Thuy Hang, Duong Thi Hoang Yen, Do Thi Thu Hang SMART SCHOOL: A CASE STUDY IN VIETNAM AND SUGGESTION FOR DEVELOPING SMART SCHOOL IN VIETNAM AT PRESENT An international workshop on “new trends in

education”, July 2018, University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi




PGS TS Trần Dỗn Vinh1

Tóm tắt: Trường học thơng minh trường kết hợp công nghệ để tổ chức, điều chỉnh tối ưu hóa q trình học tập học sinh Điều liên quan đến việc sử dụng ý tưởng học tập pha trộn, lớp học lộn xộn, mang thiết bị riêng (Bring Your Own Device - BYOD) kiểu thực hành khác

Một ngơi trường thơng minh khơng cần phải có mặt thể chất để trở thành trường học, người ta tổ chức lớp học trực tuyến cách sử dụng hệ thống quản lý học tập khác khơng có nhu cầu sở hữu lớp học Trường thông minh kết hợp tất phần mềm (phần mềm quản lý, phần mềm học tập,…) giúp đỡ việc quản lý học tập học sinh

Trong viết chúng tơi trình bày khái niệm trường học thơng minh từ đưa số ảnh hưởng trường học thông minh lĩnh vực giáo dục, lĩnh vực mà quan tâm giai đoạn Từ khóa: Trường học thông minh, lớp học thông minh, giáo dục thông minh, dạy học thông minh, dạy học thông minh, trường học

1 Trường Đại học Giáo dục;

Email: vinhtd@vnu.edu.vn;

Ngày đăng: 05/02/2021, 09:03

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