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unit 10 lop 12

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Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES A/ READING I/ AIMS +By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the passage about endangered species and scan for specific details Skill : Reading for gist and for specific information Teaching methods: integrated and mainly communicative. Teaching aids: pictures, cards, posters. II/ PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP ( 5mins) Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise students' interest. - T hang out some pictures in and asks Ss to answer the questions. 1. what do you see in the pictures? 2. Which of them are in danger of becoming extinct? + Show the answers on the board + The group with the mostcorrect words wins the game • LEAD IN + Which of the following animals and insects are found in VN ? + Which of them do you think are in danger of becoming extinct ? why ? In reading lesson today, we get to know about the reasons why some plant and animalspecies are now in danger of extinction and some of the solutions to the protection of the endangered species PRE-READING ( 9 mins) • Pre-teaching vocabulary Explain new words by using pictures or explanations or synonyms Checking WHILE-READING ( 18 mins) Task 1 : - work in pair to answer the questions 1.tortoise,rhinoceos,monkey, elephant,leopard,,parrot 2.elephant,leopard, rhinoceos are in danger necessary Answer the questions Tortoise and rhinoceros are in danger of becoming extinct because they are hunted for foood and medicine . The hard round shell of the tortoise are used to make handicrafts.(thủ côg) Rhinos’ horns are a kind of precious medicine Great effortsare being made to protect these animals in many parts of the world Take note 1. habitat (n) the natural environment in which an animal or plant normallylives or grows Ex: The panda’s natural habitat is in the bamboo forest 2. deforestation (n) the act of cutting down or burning trees in an area 3. urbanization (n) sự đô thị hóa 4. biodiversity (n) bầu sinh quyển 5. priority (n) sth that you think is more important than the other things and should be deal with fiest + to take priority over sth/sb = to give priority to sth / sb 6. vulnerable (a) weak, easily hurt physically and emotionally 7. enact (v) pass a law 8. Commercial(adj):(thuéc ) 9. Drainage(n): 10. Deforestration,urbanization Activity 1: 1 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . - Ask students to read through the text once to find out some new words, guess the main idea. - Explain new words (give the Vietnamese equivalents),. - Ask students to work individually in 5 minutes to do this task. - Guide students to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the suggested words to do the task effectively. - Give students some more words that may be new/ unfamiliar to them. - Guide the students to read the word in chorus and individually. Activity 2: Multiple choice (task 2) + Break the class into 4 groups + Set the time limit for 7 minutes for Ss to read the passage Give each group three cards A,B, C and D and tell them to close all their book after they’ve finished reading + Reach each sentence and tell Ss to choose the correct answers by holding up the cards A,B , C or D + Keep the total scores for each group on the board + Let Ss open the books to check the answers + Congratulate the group with the most correct answers • Activity 2: Finding information (task 3) + Get Ss to read the passage again in pairs + Ask Ss to find information to support the statements + Invite group’s opinion + Give feedback POST-READING ( 12 mins) Summarizing + Tell Ss to work in groups to sumarize the raeding passage by writing one topic sentence for each paragraph + Call on some groups to read aloud their sentences + Give feedback and comments HOMEWORK ( 1 minute) - Read through the text find the new words, try to guess the meanings of those words in contexts: - Work individually to read the text and do task 1 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B Activity 2: Multiple choice Work in groups Listen and do the same • Expected answers 1. D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D • Activity 2: Finding information (task 3) Work in pairs + Listen and do the same • Expected answers 1 The first sentence of paragraph 2 2. Paragraph 3 3. paragraph 4 Work in groups + Summarize the reading passage + present the ideas front of class Homework Leanr the new words and prepare for the new lesson UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES B/ SPEAKING I/ AIMS 2 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about endangered animals and talk about the information of some endangered species • Teaching methods: integrated and mainly communicative. • Teaching aids: picture II/ PROCEDURES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP ( 5 mins) Hang out the pictures of 4 animals and ask Ss to give the name of them • LEAD IN + Do you know where elaphant live ? + Are they endangered animals ? why ? In today’s speaking lesson, you practice talking about the information of some endangered aniamls such as elephants, rhinos, pandas, tigers… PRE-SPEAKING ( 6 mins) • Pre-teaching vocabulary + Explain the new words WHILE-SPEAKING ( 20 mins) • Activity 1: Complete the table and answer the questions (task 1) + Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the question Which of the following animals would you …….? - eat - keep as pet - use for medicine - use for food - think they are endangered + Ask Ss to fill their answers below Break Ss into groups + Tell Ss that each of ss in the groups has to find out what everyone’s answers are , and add them to the table , the tell the others in the groups about his./her answers - Look at the pictures ang give the name of 4 animals 1.It is a tiger 2.It is a rhino 3.It is a pandal 4.It is an elephant Listen and answer the questions Take note 1. panda (n) 2. life-span (n) the life span of a person, animal or plant is the period of timw for which they live and are normally expected to live Ex: Some insects have a life-span of no more than a few hours. 3. decline (n) sút giảm + on the decline / in decline : trở nên yếu hơn Ex: She is on the decline and may die soon The number of robberies in the area is in decline. • Activity 1: Complete the table (task 1) Work in pairs Answer the questions - Work in pairs to discus the three questions and find the answers. 1.Pandal ,rhino,tiger,elephant. 2.We can find these animals in the forests in Asia,Afica,etc 3.Rhino can be used for medicine 4.All of them are in danger. Complete the table Animals eat Keep as pet Use for food Use for medicine Are endangered Panda Rhino Tiger 3 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . + Ask Ss to give their opinions of which animals they agree about or which ones they disagree over. + Give feedback • Activity 2: Questions and answer drill + Put Ss ito pairs . In pairs, Ss look at the information about the giant panda, rhino, tiger and elephant and practise asking and answering questions about them + Work with a student to give a model Ex: T: Where do giant panda live ? S : In bamboo forest in the mountains in central and western China. T: What is the population of panda in the world ? S: only about 600 T : What do they eat ? S: They eat bamboo T: Do you know the reason why they are in danger of extinction S: Yes, because of habitat destruction and illegal hunting. + Call on some pairs to act out their dialogue + Correct mistakes and make comments. POST-SPEAKING ( 12 mins) + Break the class into groups + Deliver posters to the groups and ask them to write a grief report on the animals on the posters + Set a limit time for about 5 minutes for the group to finish the report and ask them to stick the posters on the board + Invite the group’s representative to give their report to the class. + Make comments HOMEWORK ( 1 minute) - Name some measures we’ve made to protect the endanger animals Elephant Dog Duck Mouse Cat Activity 2: Questions and answer drill Work in pairs Example: T: Where do giant panda live ? S : In bamboo forest in the mountains in central and western China. T: What is the population of panda in the world ? S: only about 600 T : What do they eat ? S: They eat bamboo T: Do you know the reason why they are in danger of extinction S: Yes, because of habitat destruction and illegal hunting. POST-SPEAKING ( 12 mins) - Work in group to give an oral report. Group 1: Giant pandas live in bamboo forests in the moutain in Western China .only about 600 pandas are living there.They attain a height of 1.2m to 1.5m and wigh from 75kg to 160 kg they are in danger because People destroy their habitat and hurt them for trade. Group 2: Rhino Group 3:tiger Group 4 elephant Listen and do the sam Work in groups + Listen and do the same Homework + Prepare the next lesson UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES C/ LISTENING I/ AIMS + By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen for general ideas and listen for specific details • Skill: Listen for gist and for specific information • Teaching methods: integrated and communicative approach • Teaching aids: Pictures, handouts , CD player. 4 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . II/ PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP ( 5 mins) Game: Animal Quiz + Divede the class itno two groups + Ask Ss to look at the picture of the animals ans answer the questions 1. What is the largest animal in the world ? 2. What is the fastet animal in the world ? 3. What is the friendly sea mammal in the world ? 4. What is the most poisonous snake in the world ? 5. What is the largest bird in the world ? 6. What is the raest large mammal in the world ? 7. Which creature is the most dangerous to man ? 8. Which is the animal that looks like a large monkey without tail? • LEAD IN + What do you know about gorilla ? + Where can you find them ? Today, you will listen to the passage about gorilla . PRE-LISTENING (handout) • Pre-teaching vocabulary + Hang on a chart and ask Ss to match the words with their synonyms or definitions Words Their definitions 1. bared teeth a. a war in which is fought between different groups of people who live in the same country 2. sociable b. make and use a nest 3. sub-adult c. teeth which are show in an aggressive and threatening way 4. silverback d. a male adult gorilla with white or silver hair across its back 5. nest e. not fully grown or developed 6.ranger f. a person whose job is to look after the forest or a large park 7. civil war g. out-going + Ask Ss to give the vietnamese equivalents of the words WHILE-LISTENING (20 mins) • Activity 1: Multiple choice questions (task 1) Work in groups Answer the questions Expected answers 1. whale 2. cheetah 3. dolphin 4. black mamba ( a black and green poisonous frican snake) 5. ostrich 6. javanese rhinoceros 7. mosquito 8. gorilla + Answer the questions Take note the words and their definitions Words Their definitions 1. bared teeth a. a war in which is fought between different groups of people who live in the same country 2. sociable b. make and use a nest 3. sub-adult c. teeth which are show in an aggressive and threatening way 4. silverback d. a male adult gorilla with white or silver hair across its back 5. nest e. not fully grown or developed 6.ranger f. a person whose job is to look after the forest or a large park 7. civil war g. out-going 1. bared teeth (n) - c 2. sociable (a) - g 3. sub-adult (a) -e 4. silverback(a) - d 5. nest(n) - b 6. ranger (n) - f 7. civil war (n) - a + Give their Vietnamese equivalents of the words Practice the tasks Activity 1: Multiple choice questions 5 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . + Ask Ss to read through the questions to know what they look for , + Play the tape twice and let Ss listen to the recoding + Have Ss listen one more time to check the answers • Activity 2 : Listen and complete the chart ( task 2) + Ask Ss to listen to the passsage again + Ask them to read through the chart before listening + Call on some Ss to give the answers + Invite class opinions + Let Ss lsiten again and go over the answers with the whole class. POST-LISTENING ( 12 mins) + Speaking: Summarizing + Ask Ss to work in groups to summarize the ideas of the passage , using the information in task 1 and task 2. + call on some groups’ representatives to report their ideas + Make comments HOMEWORK ( 1 minute) + Read through the questions + Listen to the recording and answer the questions Expected answers 1. a 2.b 3. d 4. b 5.c • Activity 2 : Listen and complete the chart + Reda through the chart to know what information they need to fill in each numbered blank Expected answers 1 peaceful 2. plant-eating 3. a few males and their young 4. plants and a few insects 5. in trees 6. in grasses 7. civil war 8. forests being cut down POST-LISTENING ( 12 mins) Work in groups + Summarze the ideas of the passage Report t group’s ideas Homework + Search for more information about gorillas + Prepare the next lesson UNIT TEN For a long time the image most people had of a gorilla was a dangerous-looking animal with big, bared teeth. But researchers studying gorillas show a very different picture of mountian gorillas. The animals are peaceful, gentle, sociable, and mainly plant-eating creatures. Gorillas live in family groups. A typical group is led by the biggest and strongest grown-up male gorilla. He is called a silverback because the hair on a male's back turns from black to silvery grey as he grows up. A silverback's group usually includes one or two sub-adult males and a few females and their young. Mountain gorillas spend much of their time eating. Their food includes a variety of plants, along with a few kinds of insects and worms. At night the animals make a nest to sleep in. Many lightweight gorillas nest in trees. The heavier ones may nest in grasses on the ground. Babies sleep with their mothers at night. Life for mountain gorillas is not always peaceful. They are endangered and threatened by civil wars in the smaller parts of Africa. Hunters kill them for food. Their forests are cut down for farmland, fuel, and housing. But many scientists, forest rangers and other concerned people are working hard to protect mountain gorillas and their habitats. Notes: nest: làm ổ, xây tổ 6 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES D/ WRITING I/AIM - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to write about measures to protect endangered species and possible results • Materials: textbook, whiteboard markers… • Teaching methods: integrated and mainly communicative. III/ PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP ( 5 mins) + Game: Treasure hunt + Arrange Ss to work in groups + Deliver handouts with the following + Tell Ss that they are going to follow the path (way) to the treasure and collect the letters on the way + The letters will form a meaningful word The treasure to find : rhino • LEAD IN You know , rhinos are rare animals because most of them are hunted for foos , medicine and commercial purposes There still some other species that are in danger of extinction like rhonos, for example bue whales, red- headed cranes or eagles PRE-WRITING ( 10 mins) • Pre-teching vocabulary + Discussion: + Ask Ss to work in groups to give the solutions to the problems in task 1 + Invite the groups’ ideas + Give feedback and make comments • WHILE-WRITING ( 16 mins) + Write a pargraph + Ask Ss to work in groups to write a paragraph about measures for protecting endangered animals using the ideas discussed in task 1. Work in groups to play the game + Listen and do the same + The first group to find out the treasure wins the game Listen to the teacher • Take note 1. sufficient (a) = enough for a particular purpose 2. rely on (v) = trust sb / have faith in sb / sth / depend on sb/sth + rely pn sb to do sth 3. livelihood (n) a means of earmning money in oder to live; living Ex; There are fishermem who depend on the seas for their livelihood. + To earn one’s livelihood by doing sth 4. reserve (n) a piece of land that is protected area for animals, plants + a wildlife reserve (n) Work in groups + Find out the solutions to the problems Practise writing • Work in groups Lsiten and do the same Suggested ideas - Stop people from hunting endangered animals for food and for commercial purposes - Arrest those who kill and purchase rare animals - Punish severly those who pach for tehir horns, meat and skin and those who buy and sell wildlife products illegally - Preserve good habitats for endangered species by 7 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . POST-WRITING ( 13 mins) + Call a stident from each group to read their group’s writing and ask Ss to make correction and comments + If time allows, choose one best writing and ask one student to write it on the board + Give feedback and comments HOMEWORK ( 1 minute) banning dumping watses into the sea, making the campires in the forests or destroing the forests + These animals should be kept together in their natural habitat so that they can be poductive and saved from extinction +Organize different activities to raise people’s awareness of the need to protect these animals + Establish more wildlife habitat reserves Correct their writing Homework + Prepare for the next lesson UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES E/ LANGUAGE FOCUS Period: I/ AIMS -By the end of the lesson , Ss will be ble to practice giving the rhytm of English and use modal verbs in sentences • Materials: textbook, whiteboard markers… • Teaching methods: integrated and mainly communicative. II/ PROCEDURE TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES WARM UP ( 14 mins) 1. PRONUNCIATION * RHYTHM + Read the sentences in the textbooks + Tell Ss to listen and make the trees on the stressed syllables in each sentence + Give feedback and introduce some useful language • Introducing some usedul language • Practice Take note + English language has stressed –time rhythm . That is to say the beats or stress pulses in connected speech follow each other at roughly equal intervals of time This means that stressed syllables will tend to occur at relatively regualr intervals whether they are separated by unstressed syllables or not. Ex: Walk down the path to the end of the canal 1 2 3 4 5 Practice raeding the sentences 1. Tell me the time 2. Show me the way 3. He bought some carrots and cabbages 4. Come for a swim 5. Look at the clock on the mantelpiece 6. I think he wants to go tomorrow 7. It’s not the one I want 8. Most of them have arrived on the bus 8 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . + Read the following sentences and tell Ss to repeat + Ask Ss to practised reading the sentences , paying attention to the stressed syllable . + Call on some Ss to read aloud the sentences 2. GRAMMAR ( 30 mins) * Presentation + Elicit and introducing useful language + Make questions to elicit and then introduce the language used to express possibility through different degrees of certainty 9. Walk down the path to the end of the canal 10. I’m going home today for Christmas 11. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 12. If you don’t have the best . make the best of what you have. Take note REVISION OF MODALS 1. MAY + Gernerally , may (not) expresses possibility in two different ways a/ Present / future probability Ex; He may not be at home now. b/ Permission . This is not mostly in the first person and is formal Ex; May I come in ? 2. MIGHT + MIGHT (not) also expresses possibility . It is used : a/ to express probability Ex: We might not come to the party tonight . We’ll see how we feel. + Many peopel belive that MIGHT sounds mpre probable than MAY , but the intonation you see with modal verbs is more important in showing how probable you think the action is . b/ to express permission : it is old-fashioned ans rarely used Ex; Might I ask you a favor ? c/ In reported speech . Might is the past of May Ex: It may rain -> The weather forcast said it might rain. 3. MUST / MUSTN’T + MUST expresses necessity. There are two types of necessity . a/ Obligation Ex: I must go home now. I’ve got to be at work early tomorrow + When you must expresses obligation, the past form is had to and the negative didn’t have to + Have to and have got to also express obligation. Must often expresses an obligation that comes from the speaker while have to / have got to express axternal obligation Ex: Men in this country have to do military service ( the government says ) b/ logical necessity +Here MUST means “ from the evidance . I’m sure this is true. Ex: this bill must be wrong. We haven’t spent that much! +MUSTN’T is used for obligation and it means “ obliged not to or not allowed “ Ex; You mustn’t smoke here, or we’ll be sent out. +If you want to say that logically you think something 9 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . • Practice Exercise 1: - Guide the students how to do the exercises. - Divide the class into groups, ask them to do the exercises. - Walk round to give help if necessary. - Correct the students’ work if necessary. Exercise 2: - Guide the students how to do the exercises. - Divide the class into groups, ask them to do the exercises. Exercise 3: - Guide sts to do exercise. - Call sts to complete the sentences - Correct the students’ work if necessary. HOMEWORK ( 1 minute) is impossible , you can use CAN’T Ex: This bill can’t be right. We haven’t spent that much ! 4. NEEDN’T + We use needn’t , don’t need to or haven’t got to to say that it is not necessary to do something. Ex: I needn’t / don’t need to / haven’t got to get up early + Note that we often use needn’t when the speaker give someone permission not to do something. Ex; You needn’t pay me back the money you owe me until next week. ( I give you permission not to pay me back the money until then) • Practice Work in pairs to do the exercise 1.2.3 in the textbooks Expected answers 1. Exercise 1. 2. may/ might wake 3. may/ might bite 4. may/ might need 5. may/ might slip 6. may/ might break 2. Exercise 2: 2. needn’t come 3 needn’t walk 4. needn’t ask 5. needn’t tell 6. needn’t explain 3. Exercise 3. 3. needn’t 4. must 5. mustn’t 6. needn’t 7. needn’t 8. must , mustn’t Homework + Review the lesson unit 10 + Prepare the next lesson 10 . Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES A/ READING I/ AIMS +By the end of the lesson. prepare for the new lesson UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIES B/ SPEAKING I/ AIMS 2 Tanh Linh High School T: Vo Thi Xuan Lesson plan English 12 Period: . - By

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2013, 12:11

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