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PHIẾU ÔN TẬP MÔN TIẾNG ANH K7 ( từ 23.3 đến 30.3.2020)

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He’s been in a lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an excellent performance.. I’m not keen on some of her[r]



Đến 29/3/2020

English test for grade 7

test yourself 8

I Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1 A recommend B seatbelt C vehicle D investigate A performed B approached C advertised D murdered A illegal B sign C critic D direct A terrified B entertained C produced D engaged A talked B needed C cooked D booked

II Find which word does not belong to each group.

1 A terrifying B entertaining C frightening D exciting A because of B although C despite D in spite of A character B audience C actor D actress A horror B thriller C plot D document A feeling B annoy C enjoy D like

III. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.

1 A film in which strange and frightening things happen is called a/an A thriller B comedy C drama D animation

2 Not many people went to see the film; , it received good reviews from critics

A however B despite C but D although he spent much money on the film, it wasn’t a big success

A Even B But C Although D Despite Trung finds horror films really

A disgust B disgusts C disgusting D disgusted they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big success


6 We didn’t find it funny it was a comedy

A in spite of B despite C although D but

7 In Titanic, it Leonardo DiCaprio as Jack Dawson, a poor artist A directs B shows C acts D stars

8 The end of the film was so that many people cried A shocking B moving C exciting D boring

9 I went to the cinema with my friends yesterday feeling very tired A although B in spite of C but D so

10 beginning with a terrible disaster, the film has a happy ending A In spite B Despite C Although D However 11.I found the book so that I couldn’t put it down

A gripping B boring C tiring D shocking

12 careful preparation, we have a lot of difficulties in making a new film A With B However C Such D Despite

13.The film has a silly plot , many people enjoyed it

A Though B Moreover C Because D Nevertheless 14.A is a film that shows real life events or stories

A Action B documentary C thriller D comedy 15.I have never felt as as I did when I watched that horror film

A terrify B terrified C terrifying D terrible

IV. Complete the sentences with “although/in spite of/because/because of”.

1 Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday a all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong

b we’d phoned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong a I went home early I was feeling unwell


b She accepted the job the salary, which was rather low a I managed to get to sleep there was a lot of noise

b I couldn’t get to sleep the noise

V Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentence.

1 Horror films my younger sister TERRIBLE

2 I don’t think it is good for young kids to see on TV VIOLENT

3 We are going to the cinema to see an film AMAZED

4 Although Titanic is a film, it has a sad ending ROMANCE He falls in love with a pretty girl It’s a beautiful ROMANTIC

6 His recent film received a lot of from the public CRITIC

7 My favourite -fiction films have being from Mars SCIENTIST I don’t like horror films because they are too for me FRIGHT

9 Dracula is the best film I’ve ever seen IMPRESS

10 Do you know Daniel Day-Lewis? He has won three Oscars for best ACT

VI. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

I like a lot of different actors, ( l ) my real favourites are Daniel Craig and Halle Berry

Daniel Craig is British and he’s a really talented (2) He’s been in a lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an excellent performance He was brilliant in Tomb Raider as Alex West, but my (3) film is Casino Royale, I think Daniel Craig is a (4) James Bond

Halle Berry is American She was a model, but then decided to (5) an actress, I like her (6) she’s beautiful She’s a good actress and I think she has a great sense of humour I’m not keen on some of her films, (7) as Catwoman, but her other films are excellent My favorite is X-men which is a science fiction film She plays the (8)


Daniel Craig and Halle Berry are both entertaining and talented actors I love (10)

their films

VII Fill in the blank with a suitable word in the box.

Modern cinema audiences expect (1) plenty of thrilling scenes in action films These scenes (2) are known as stunts are usually (3) by stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous things (4) Anyone can crash a car, but if you are (5) in a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes you drive and stop right in front of the camera and film crew At (6) early stage in the (7)

, an expert stuntman is (8) to work out the action scenes and form a team He is the only person who can against the words of the director, (9) he will usually only (10) this in the regards of safe

VIII Complete each sentence using a word from the box:

1 He works very hard It’s not surprising that he’s always tired. I’ve got nothing to I’m

3 The teacher’s explanation was Most of the students didn’t understand it The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages It was really I seldom visit are galleries I’m not particularly in art There’s no need to get just because I’m a few minutes late The lecture was I fell asleep

8 I’ve been working very hard all day and now I’m I’m starting a new job next week I’m very about it

10.Steve is very good at telling funny stories He can be very safely called in acting production which

the to see because performed


IX. Make one sentence from two Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.

1 I couldn’t sleep I was very tired (despite)

2 They have very little money They are happy (in spite of)

3 My foot was injured I managed to walk to the nearest village (although) 4 I enjoyed the film The story was silly (in spite of)

5 We live in the same street We hardly ever see each other (despite)

6 I got very wet in the rain I was only out for five minutes (even though)

X Complete the second sentence in each pair, using the word in brackets The meaning of both sentences should be the same.

1.They found the film exciting (excited)

=>They about the film

2.The film bored them so they left halfway through it (boring)

=>The film so they left halfway through it

3.The ending of the film was quite moving (moved)

=>We at the ending of the film

4.His new film is really surprising (surprised)

=> You’ll at his new film


There are many (1) _of films: romance, comedy, science fiction, documentary, horror, action… My favourite is romantic films, for (2) _, Titanic, The Notebook, Notting Hill… They are meaningful about life and love Sometimes they are (3) and make me cry I am also interested (4) docmentaries They give me interesting knowledge A types B movies C forms D watches

2 A such as B character C example D actor A funny B gripping C strange D moving A on B in C of D With

XII Rewrite sentences:

1 Although I have a lot of money, I am not very satistied DESPITE

2 Although it rained, they still go fishing IN SPITE OF Although she works hard, she doesn’t get good results DESPITE _ Although he is a singer, he sings badly IN SPITE OF

Although the exercise is difficult, she can it easily DESPITE


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 23:41

