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BAI TAP ON LOP 6 (Toán+Văn+Anh)

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Câu 2: Cảm nhận của em sau khi học văn bản Sông nước Cà Mau của Đoàn Giỏi.. BÀI ÔN TẬP ANH VĂN 6.[r]



Câu Sắp xếp số nguyên sau theo thứ tự tăng dần:

-100; 28; 0; -150; 3; -2019; 2020


Thực phép tính hợp lí ( )

a) (-23) + 25 + 23 + (-15)

b) (16 + 39 ) + (158 – 16 – 39)

c) ( - ) – (5 - 8)

d) 18.(-27) + 3.6.17


Tính tổng tất số nguyên x, thỏa mãn:

a) -5< x < b) -6<x<10


Tìm số nguyên x, biết:

a) + x = -10

b) x + |-5| = 14




x y Z


biết (x +3).(2y-1) = 5


Câu 1: Em viết đoạn văn (khoảng từ 3-5 câu) miêu tả khu vườn nhà em vào buổi sáng đẹp trời,

đoạn văn có sử dụng phép tu từ so sánh nhân hóa (Hãy rõ phép tu từ sau viết đoạn văn).

Câu 2: Cảm nhận em sau học văn Sông nước Cà Mau Đồn Giỏi.


1.Choose the best item among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

1 is the most expensive city in the world? - I think it’s Tokyo

A What B Where C When D How

2 is your favorite tennis player? – I don’t like tennis

A Where B Who C How often D How long

3 My brother can’t swim he’s afraid (sợ) of water

A because B and C but D so

4 My sister likes going to the cinema I like watching TV at home

A and B but C because D or

5 pen is this? Can I borrow it?

A Whose B Whom C Who D Which

6 are you going to invite to your party next week?

A What B Who C Whose D Where

7 did you spend in Hanoi? – One week

A How many B How much C How long D How often

8 is a person who reads a report in the program

A A weatherman B A comedian C A newsreader D A guest We use a to change the channels from a distance

A remote control B TV schedule

C newspaper D volume button

10 I want to watch the cartoon I turn on the TV

A but B so C although D because

11 Jerry is a(n) clever little mouse

A small B special C intelligent D special

12 ‘Let’s learn’ teaches children to study Maths It’s an program


13 Mai and Lan are interested in listening to music

A Because B Both C Neither D So

14 The book is the adventure of three close friends

A on B from C at D about

15 They invite special to appear in the show

A character B guests C foxes D audiences

16 Millions of children the world enjoy the show

A all B in C around C over

17 The game show this week will test you general about Amazon jungle

A schedule B knowledge C fact D adventure

18 The program can both and entertain young audiences

A educated B education C educational D educate

19 The I like best is Xuan Bac

A comedy B comedian C fun D funny

20 Where are the children? They in the yard

A play B are playing C is playing D plays

2 Fill in the blank with What, Where, When, Why, Who, How, How far.

Ex: What is your name? - My name’s Trung.

1 _ is your family name? - It’s Nguyen _ old are you? - I’m thirteen

3 _ you live? - On Nguyen Trai Street _ you live with? - My parents

5 _ is it from your house to school? - About three kilometers

3 Fill in the blank with although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when.

1 Things were different I was young I it I like it

3 Let us wait here the rain stops

4 You cannot be a lawyer you have a law degree She has not called she left last week

Phụ huynh lưu ý:


Phụ huynh nộp

nhận vào lúc 14-16 ngày 26 tháng năm 2020 khu

phố(hoặc thôn) nơi học sinh ở.

-Phụ huynh vào trang web trường THCS TT Gio Linh để tải , sau nộp qua gmail sau:


-Ở làm HS ghi rõ họ tên,lớp, môn học, khu phố thôn

-Phiếu làm để đánh giá việc học tập nhà học sinh đợt nghỉ phòng dịch.

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 22:14

