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IV.Summary : Repeat the content of the text ( 2’ ) V.Home work : Learn by heart vocabulary ( 1’ ) Write the ways how to save money Prepare : Write. *Evaluation :.[r]


Date of preparing : 24/1/2018 PERIOD 45th UNIT : SAVING ENERGY


1.Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, ss Listen to the information about solar energy and the 15 minute test

Skills :

+ Listening T/F and fill the words

3.Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and things to save energy and protect the environment

4 Competences: ss can listen to the information about solar energy B.TEACHING AIDS : text book, poster, picture

C.METHOD : Information transmitting , Slap the board, Gap - filling D.PROCEDURE :

I.Organization : ( 1’ )

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C

9D 9E

II.Revision : Ask student to give the form of suggetions and responses ( 5’) III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up ( Information transmitting ) ( 3’ )

-Divide class into teams

-Choose six volunteers from each team

-The volunteer stand in two lines The teacher show the first student in each line a sentence

-The first student whispers the whole sentence to the second student in his / her line

-The second student whispers to the third and so on

-The last student shouts out the sentence if it is the same as the sentence teacher shows, that team wins the match

Sentence : I suggest collecting waste paper Sentence : I suggest practicing Enlish everyday Step : Pre - listening ( 7’ )


Pre - teach vocabulary

-nuclear power (n ): lượng hạt nhân ( translation )

-solar panel ( n ) : kim loại để tiếp nhận lượng mặt trời ( picture )

-solar ( adj ) : thuộc mặt trời ( explanation ) -( to ) install : lắp đặt, cài đặt ( translation )

-Teacher reads vocabulary, ask students to listen and repeat

-Call on some students to read vocabulary *Checking vocabulary ( Slap the board ) True / False statements prediction

-Ask students to look at the statements on page 60 -Have they work in pairs and guess which

statements are true and which are false 1)Solar energy can be cheap and clean

2)Most of our electricity now comes from nuclear power

3)The solar energy that gets to the Earth can’t provide

enough power for the world’s population 4)Solar energy can be used on coudy days

5)All building in Sweeden will be heated by solar energy in 2050

Guess Listen

1 F T


Step : While - listening ( 15’ )

students listen and repeat vocabulary

students read vocabulary

students work in pairs to predict true or false



Activity : Listening and checking

-Have students listen to the tap twice and check their prediction

-Get students to correct the false statements

Listen Correct

1 T

2 F Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, oil or nuclear power

3 F 1% of the solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the world’s population

4 T

5 F They will be heated by solar energy in 2015

Activity : Gap - filling

-Have students look at exercise 4b on page 60 and work in pairs to guess the words in the blanks

-Have students listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps

-Call on some students to give their answers Answers :

1)effective 2)pollution 3)countries 4)store 5)roof 6)instead

Step : Write it up ( 9’ )

-Have students write a passage about solar energy, using the information in the two exercises above ( about 100 words )

the tape and chech their prediction

students correct the false statements

students guess the words in the blanks

students give their answers


Eg : Most of our electricity now comes from coal, gas, oil or nuclear power The sun could provide this power so many countries are already using energy Only one percent of the solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the world’s population

Solar energy is a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn’t cause pollution or waste natural resources

There’s an advanced solar energy program in Sweden It is said that by the year of 2015, all

buildings in Sweden will be heated by solar energy and cars will use solar power, too

We hope that there is such a program in Viet Nam We can save natural resources such as coal, oil, gas by using solar energy And every household in Viet Nam has hot water in Winter without paying money

IV.Summary : Repeat the content of the text ( 2’ ) V.Home work : Learn by heard vocabulary ( 1’ )

Write a passage about solar energy in your notebook *Evaluation :


Date of preparing : 25/1/2018 PERIOD 46th UNIT : SAVING ENERGY


1.Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Read and understand the text about electricity saving in Western and North America Skills :Reading comprehension skills about electricity saving in Western and North America, then choose the best summary of the passage and answer the question

3 Attitude: Educate ss to learn hard and things to save energy and protect the environment

4 Competences: ss can Read and understand the text B.TEACHING AIDS : text book, poster, picture

C.METHOD : Chatting , What and Where ,Pre - questions : D.PROCEDURE :

I.Organization : ( 1’ )

Class Date of teaching Absent students 9C

9D 9E

II.Revision : Ask student to go to the board and write new words ( 5’ ) III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up : Chatting ( 5’ )

-Use an electricity bill and a water bill to chat to students

Questions : 1)What is this ?

2)How much is your family’s water bill ? 3)How much is your family’s electricity bill ? 4)Do you think it is enourmous ?

5)How much electricity does your TV use everyday ?

6)How much electricity does your fridge use everydy ?

7)Are your parents worried about that ?


8)Do you want to reduce the amout of electricity and water your family use ?

9)What should you ?

10)Do you want to know how the people in other countries save energy ?

Step : Pre - reading ( 7’ ) Pre - teach vocabulary

-bulb ( n ) : bóng đèn tròn ( realia ) -category ( n ) : loại, hạng ( translation )

-consumer ( n ) : người tiêu dùng ( explanation ) -label ( n ) : nhãn ( realia )

-innovation ( n ) : sáng chế ( translation ) -scheme ( n ) : kế hoạch ( synonym )

-efficient ( adj ) : hiệu ( translation ) -ultimately ( adv ) : xét lâu dài ( synonym ) -( to ) conserve : bảo tồn ( translation )

-Teacher reads vocabulary, ask students to listen and repeat

-Call on some students to read vocabulary *Checking vocabulary ( What and Where ) Pre - questions :

-Give students questions and ask them to discuss with their parners to predict the answers

1)Do people in Western countries think electricity, gas water are luxury ?

2)Do they want to save electricity ? What they to spend less on lighting ?

Step : While - reading ( 17’ ) Activity : Reading and checking

-Have students read the text on page 60 - 61 to check their prediction

students listen and repeat


students work in pairs to predict the


students read the text and check their prediction


-Call on some students to give their answers Answers :

1)No, they don’t They think electricity, gas, water are not luxaries but necessities

2)Yes, they They use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently

Activity : Reading for main ideas

-Have students read the text again and exercise 5a Students have to work in pairs to choose the best summary of the passage

-Call on some students to give their answers Answers :

3)North American and European coutries are interested in saving money and natural resources

Activity : Comprehension questions

-Have students work in pairs to find out the answers of the questions on page 61

-Call on some students to give their answers Answers :

1)Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money

2)We can use energy-saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt-light bulbs to spend less on lighting

3)She will pay US$2 for lighting if she uses saving bulbs instead

4)The purpose of the labeling scheme is to help consumers to know how efficient each model is,

compared with other appiances in the same category so that they can save money and energy

5)We should save energy because by saving energy we can conserve the Earth’s resources

Step : Writting ( 7’ )

-Ask students to work in groups, choosing a

their answers

students choose the best summary of the passage


secretary then discuss the ways to spend less on lighting The secretary from each group has to write the ideas on the poster

-Have students stick their posters on the wall Students go around the class, read other groups’ posters

Possible answers :

Use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt light bulbs.Turn off the light before leaving the rooms Use household appliances properly ( follow the instructions )

Keep refrigerator door closed

students write the ways to spend less on lighting

IV.Summary : Repeat the content of the text ( 2’ ) V.Home work : Learn by heart vocabulary ( 1’ ) Write the ways how to save money Prepare : Write

*Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 12:44



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