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Nội dung

Chọn phương án đúng( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau:.. When a tropical storm reaches 120 kph, it is called a ...in North and south America..[r]

Trang 1


Ngày 19/3/2020

INDIRECT SPEECHA Language focus:

* Câu hỏi gián tiếp: ( Indirect questions)

1 Yes - No question: ( câu hỏi trả lời bằng yes/ no ) “yes/ no”) ”) Thơng đợc mở đầu bằng các động từ nh : ask, inquire, wonder, wanted to know, và theo sau các động từ này là “yes/ no”) if hoặc whether”)

Form: S + asked + (O) + IF/ WHETHER + S + V( lùi thì, đảo ngữ) wanted to know


Ex1: She asked me “yes/ no”) Do you like playing soccer?”) She asked if/whether I liked playing soccer.Ex2: “yes/ no”) Will Tom be here tomorrow?”) she asked Ba.

She asked Ba if/whether Tom would be here the day after.Ex3: “yes/ no”) Is the Big Ben in New York city?”) Nam asked Lan.

Nam asked Lan if/whether the Big Ben was in New York city.Ex4: She said, “yes/ no”) Do I look alright?”)

She wondered if / whether she looked alright.

2 WH - questions: ( câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ hỏi WH-)“yes/ no”) Thờng đựoc mở đầu bằng các động từ nh : ask, inquire, wonder, wanted to know, và theo sau các động từ này là các từ hỏi nh: when, where, where, how,

Form: S + asked + (O) + What/ when/ why , + S + V( lùi thì, đảo ngữ) wanted to know


Ex1: My teacher said to us, “yes/ no”) where are you going ?”) My teacher asked us where we were going.Ex2: Nga said, “yes/ no”) What time does the bank close?”)

Nga wanted to know what time the bank closed.Ex3: She said to me, “yes/ no”) what’s your name?”)

She asked me what my name was.

* Chú ý :Trờng hợp câu nguyên văn có cả câu phát biểu và câu hỏi thì khi đổi sang câu

gián tiếp loại câu nào đổi theo loại câu đó.

Ex: “yes/ no”) I have left my watch at home Can you tell me the time?”)

- He said that he had left his watch at home and asked me if I could tell him the time.

3 Câu cảm thán gián tiếp ( Indirect exclaminations) :Thờng đựoc mở đầu bằng các động

từ Exclaim

Ex: - “yes/ no”) What a beautiful girl she is!”)

He exclaimed what a beautiful she was.

B Exercises for practice:

Exercise 1: Report the following questions with "IF/ WHETHER"

1 Are you a student?

2 Can you speak any foreign languages?3 Have you got any certificates?

4 Do you have any plans to study abroad?5 Are you interested in foreign languages?6 Will you be to France in the future?7 Do you want have any France friends?8 Do you like French music?

9 Can you use a computer?

10 Are you going to take the level exam this weekend?

Exercise 2: Turn the following sentences into indirect speech:

1 “ Where can I find the director’s office?” the woman asked me.2 “ How much does it cost?” I asked the shop assitant.

3 The travelers asked, “ How long does it take to get to Ha Long Bay?”4 “ Why does Peter sing a song loudly?” we wondered.

5 “ When does the next bus leave?” she asked me.6 My teacher said to us, “ where are you going ?”

Trang 2

7 Nga said, “ What time does the bank close?”8."Where do bears live?" asked George.

9."Who wants some more yoghurt ice cream?" asked Mum.10."What has Daddy made for dinner?" asked Simon.

Exercise 3: Turn the following sentences into indirect speech:

1- “Do you like classical music ?” He asked me.2- The man asked her, “Where are you from ?”3- He asked them, “Why do you come home late ?”4- She asked me, “Will you go with me ?”

5- Peter asked, “Can I play video games, Daddy ?”6- The teacher asked Long, “How old are you ?”7- “What are you doing now ?” Mary asked Tom.

8- My mother asked me, “Why don’t you clean your room ?”9- I asked him, “Which grade are you in ?”

10-Mrs White asked him, “How do you go to your school ?”


* Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại

1.A hedge B sewage C pesticide D fence 2.A watched B looked C stopped D polluted

* Chọn từ có trọng âm chính được phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại

4 A peaceful B nuclear C humor D parade

* Chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau

5 Peter looks very proud his success at school.

8 It is easier to travel abroad when you can speak language like English.A a foreign B an unknown C a strange D an outside9 Let’s go for a swim as soon as we _ the hotel.

10 Many people go to the countryside to have a _ after a hard working week.

12 What is the going to be like tomorrow? Will it rain?

A condition B weather C climate D temperature 13 My father play soccer when he was young.

A uses to B used to C used D was used to 14 I wish I better at Math and English

15 She asked me how use English in the future

16 Look! It very heavily.

A rains B is raining C has rained D rained 17 If I on the moon now, I would feel free and enjoy wonderful feeling.

18 They are playing sport now, ?

A do they B are they C aren’t they D don’t they 19 The man your mother is talking to is my English teacher.

20 The language in Vietnam is Vietnamese.

Trang 3

A nation B national C nationally D nationality 21 They went on walking it started to rain.

22 Have a good trip and yourself, dear.

A look up B look at C look for D look after

* Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi chỗ trống bên dưới

VTV1 is a (1)……… television channel in Viet Nam It attracts millions of (2)………… because it offers many different interesting programmes The (3)………… tells people what is happening in Viet Nam and the rest of the world.(4)……… bring a lot of laughter and help people (5)………… after a hard working day.

23 A local B national C international D world24 A people B workers C teachers D viewers25 A 7 o'clock news B music C tragedy D film26 A News B Weather forecast C Comedies D Contests27 A learn B work C talk D relax

* Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng cho mỗi câu bên dưới

Nowadays people are more aware that wild life all over the world is in danger Many species of

animals are threatened, and could easily become extinct if we do not make an effort to protectthem There are many reasons for this In some cases animals are hunted for fur or for other

valuable parts of their bodies Some birds, such as parrots, are caught alive , and sold as pets Formany animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat-the place where they live is disappearing.More land is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open places than thereonce were Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicalspollute the environment and harm the wildlife The most successful animals on the earth – humanbeings will soon be the only ones left, unless we can solve this problem.

28 What does the word “extinct” in line two means?

A no longer in existence B not in a place because of illness.

C dead D suffering from a mental or physical handicap.

29.The word “this” in line three refers to………

A wildlifeB danger

C the fact that people are more aware that wildlife is in danger.D the fact that many species of animals could easily become extinct.

30.According to the passage, one of the reasons that people hunt animals is…………A They want their fur and other valuable parts of their bodies.

B They want to kill themC They consider this a sportD They want to sell them as pets.31.Which of the following is not true?

A Human beings are the most successful animals on earth.

B If we can solve the problem , we will soon be the only ones left.C Farmers use chemicals in order to grow better crops.

D Chemicals pollute the environment.32.What can be the best title of the passage?

A Birds are in Danger B The Threat to the EnvironmentB The Most Successful Animals D Protect Our Earth.

* Chọn phương án có từ/ cụm từ có phần gạch chân cần được sửa

33 Are you interested about learning English? A B C D

34 They are looking forward to see her again A B C D

35 I suggest to go to the cinema after class A B C D

36.We spent a week to preparing for our concert A B C D

*Chọn phương án ( ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành các câu sau

37.He can’t understand what you mean

A if you speak slowly B if you don’t speak fast

Trang 4

C if you don’t speak slowly D unless you speak fast 38 Nam broke the glass _

A because he was careful B because he was carelessC because of his careless D because his carelessness

*Chọn phương ỏn ( A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với cõu cú nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi cõu cho sẵn sau đõy

39.It’s a pity I don’t know the way to the station.

A I wish I know the way to the station B I wish I knew how getting to the station.C I wish I knew the way to the station D I wish I didn’t know the way to the station 40 They are going to build a bridge across the river.

A A bridge is going to be built across the river B A bridge is going to be build across the river

C A bridge is being gone to build across the river.D They are going to be built a bridge across the river.

Ngày 22/3/2020


A Language focus:

Một số trờng hợp đổi đặc biệt

1 Câu có 2 tân ngữ: give, teach, send(to),buy(for)…

- My father gave an English book to me = I was given an English book by my father.= An English book was given to me by my father.

2 Câu có 2 cách đổi

Các động từ sau đợc sử dụng trong loại câu này nh : say, think, know, believe, report ( thôngbáo, báo cáo), consider ( cho rằng ), acknowledge ( thừa nhận)

Eg1 : - They say that Mr Pike works in a big company.

Cách 1 : - It is said that Mr Pike works in a big company.

Cách 2 : - Mr Pike is said to work in a big company ( Ngời ta nói Ông Pike làm việc cho

một công ty lớn)

Eg2 : - They say that Mr Ron is living abroad now.

Cách 1 : - It is said that Mr Ron is living abroad.

Cách2 : - Mr Ron is said to be living abroad now ( Ông Ron đợc ngời ta nói là đang sống ở

nớc ngoài)

Eg3 : - People believe that Mrs Ha has left her job ( Mọi ngời nghĩ rằng Bà Hà đã bỏ việc)

Cách 1 : - It is thought that Mrs Ha has left her job.Cách 2 : - Mrs Ha is thought to have left her job.

3 They didn't mention any names.( Họ không nhắc tới cái tên nào cả)

= No names were mentioned.( Không có cái tên nào đợc nhắc tới)

4 Who wrote this book ?

= By whom was this book written ? = Whom was this book written by ?

5 Our father made us work hard.( Bố chúng tôi bắt chúng tôi phải làm việc tích cực)

= We were made to work hard by our father.

6 Need + Ving = Need to be + P.P (Cần đợc làm gì)The grass needs cutting

The grass needs to be cut.

7 They saw him come in ( Họ đã nhìn thấy anh ta đi vào ) = He was seen to come in.8 They saw him coming in ( Họ nhìn thấy anh ta đang đi vào)

= He was seen coming in.

9 I remember that my father took me to the zoo last month

= I remember my father taking me to the zoo last month

( Tôi nhớ là bố tôi đã đa tôi tới vờn thú vào tháng trớc)

= I remember being taken to the zoo last month by my father.( Tôi nhớ đã đợc bố đa tới vờnthú tháng trớc )

B Exercises for practice:

I Change the following sentences into passive form.

1/ The teacher gave each of us two exercise books  Each 2/ People believe that number 13 is unlucky number  Number 13 3/ People know that English is an international language  English

Trang 5

4/ People think that Jack London's life and writings represent the American love of adventures.

 Jack London's life and writings

5/ They say that John is the brightest student in the class  John

6/ People think that he has died a natural death  He

7/ They reported that the troops were coming  The troops

8/ People say that he left the town some hours ago  He

9/ People saw Mr Lake steal your car  Mr Lake

10/ We won't let you do that silly thing again  You

11/ People here don't make their children work hard  Their children

12/ You need to have your hair cut  Your hair

13/ It's your duty to do this work  You

14/ I remember my brother taking me to the park  I remember

15/ They didn't pay me for the work ; they expected me to do it for nothing  I

16/ You should have taken these books back to the library  These books

17/ People consider that she is the best singer that Australia has ever produced  She

18/ They will continue to use it  It

19/ Peter objects to people laughing at him  Peter

20/ Who wrote this book ?  By

21/ There is a rumour that the criminal is living in town  The criminal

22/ People saw him climbing over the wall  He

23/ They offered me a job yesterday  I

 A job

24/ Why did no one inform me of the change of the plan ?  Why wasn't ?

25/ Did the idea interest you ?  Were ?

26/ They say that her smile hides a secret  It

27/ They said that the company was losing a lot of money  The company

28/ People think that an apple a day is good for you  An apple

29/ Someone saw them dumping rubbish  They

II Use the verbs in the brackets in the right form of passive voice.1 The building……….(pull) down next week.2 We ……….(make) to work very hard yesterday.3 The actor ……… (admire) by Tom a lot.4 The problem ………(discuss) by the student at present 5 ……… … the children………(attract) by the cartoon “Tom and Jenny” lastSunday?6 Tickets ………(sell) when the soccer match started.7 This room ……….(not use) very often May be it ………(not clean) for ages.8 The flowers in the garden ……….(water) right now.9 Noise shouldn’t ……….(make) while the children are studying.10 The homework must ……… (do) carefully.11 We ………(teach) English by Mr Pike for 2 years.12 The bridge ………(build) next year.III Change the following sentences into passive form.1 Our father often takes us to the zoo at weekends.> We ………

2 How can you do that exercise?> How can………

3 The students greeted the old teacher.> The teacher ……….

4 We have seen the new teacher in the school yard.> The new teacher ……….

Trang 6

5 Will you finish the homework tomorrow?

> Will……….6 When the teacher came in, we were discussing the topic.> The topic ………7 The boy is painting a picture at the moment.

> A picture ……….8 We often water the trees in the morning.

> The trees ………


* Chọn từ (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại:

* Chọn từ (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D)ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại:

*Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau:

5 Buddhism is the official of Thailand.

A region B religion C language D capital6 What’s the _going to be like tomorrow? Will it rain?

7 I got to school late this morning ……… I missed the early bus.

8 We enjoyed the peaceful of the mosques and churches

9 Now fashion _ want to change the traditional Ao dai.

A makers B workers C designersD dressers

10 If we recycle bottles and cans, we will……… a lot of natural resources A spend B waste C save D throw

11 If it , we will go to the movies.

A doesn’t rainB didn’t rain C hadn’t rained D won’t rain

12 I wish they …………here next time.

A are B were C will be D would be 13 Who looks………your daughters when you are away from home?

14 I suggest our home assignments instead of playing games A finishingB finish C finished D to finish15 In the 18th century jean cloth completely from cotton.

16 The children are playing………… in the school yard.

A happy B happily C happier D happiness17 We usually watch the news on Television because it’s very……… A formal B informal C informative D information18 The natural disasters _ are called “Tidal waves” often occur suddenly.

19 My father teaching in a small village 10 years ago

A startsB started C has started D is starting20 The examiner asked me how _ English in the future.

A I will useB would I useC I usedD I would use 21 Tuan would get better grades if he _harder

22 Lan: “Let me congratulate you on winning the first prize in the English speaking contest “

Hoa:” “

Trang 7

A I’d love toB ThanksC Good idea D All right 23 John: “I’ve passed my final exam.” – Tom: “ _”

A Good luckB Congratulation!C That’s good ideaD It’s nice of you to

say so

24 David: “Happy Christmas!” – Jason: “ _” A You are the same! B Same for you

C The same to you D Happy Christmas with you!

* Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi chỗ trống từ25 đến 28:

Air pollution is caused of ill – health in human beings (25)……….a lot of countries,

there are law limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce although there is not

enough information on the effects of smoke on the atmosphere (26)………have proved thatair pollution causes lung diseases The gases from the exhausts of cars have also (27)

……….air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas, which is often

collected in busy streets circled by high buildings Children who live in areas where there is (28)

………lead in the atmosphere can not think as quickly as other children, and are clumsywhen they use their hands.

25 A On B At C For D In

26 A Singers B Teachers C Doctors D Engineers27 A increased B increasing C to increase D increase 28 A lot of B a lot of C a lots D a lots of

* Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) cho mỗi câu từ 29 đến32:

A tornado is a tube of spinning air that touches the ground Wind inside the tornado,

spinning very fast, makes tornadoes very dangerous Tornadoes mostly happen during very strongthunderstorms They cause a lot of damage to anything they touch People die every year from

tornadoes Tornadoes are ranked on the Fujita scale, from F0 to F5 F0 has the lowest wind speed,

and F5 has the highest wind speed.

The United States of America has the most tornadoes every year, but tornadoes can happenin any country If a tornado is coming, the safest thing to do is go to a basement or a bathroom withno windows People should never be in a car or a mobile home when there is a tornado near.

29 What does the word “spinning” in line 1 mean ?

A moving around B running slowly C speeding up D turning left 30 When do tornadoes mostly happen?

A during weak stormsB after earthquakes C during strong thunderstorms D before thunders31 How are tornadoes ranked ?

A on the Celsius scaleB on the Fahrenheit scaleC on the Richter scale D on the Fujita scale32 Where should we hide if a tornadoes comes ?

A in a car B in a basement C in a bathroom with windows D in a mobile home

* Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A hoặc B, C, D) để hoàn thành các câu sau:

33 He got wet because .

A he forgot his raincoat.B he forgotten his raincoatC he forget his raincoat.D he forgetting his raincoat

34 What about going to the cinema ? -> I suggest that ………A we must go to the cinema B we should go to the cinema

C we will go to the cinema D we shouldn’t do to the cinema.

* Chọn phương án (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây:

35 The teacher can’t come to class today He teaches us English.A The teacher whom teaches us English can’t come to class today.B The teacher can’t come to class today who teaches us English.C The teacher who teaches us English can’t come to class today.

Trang 8

D The teacher which teaches us English can’t come to class today.36 They asked him, “Do you like to play this game ?”

A They asked him whether they liked to play this game.B They asked him whether he liked to play this game.C They asked him whether they liked to play that game.D They asked him whether he liked to play that game.

* Chọn phương ỏn (A hoặc B, C, D) ứng với từ/cụm từ cú gạch chõn cần phải sửa:

37 Why don’t we sharing the cost of accommodation? A BC D

38 I wish I had a bigger apartment and can buy a car A B C D

39 My uncle Tom is the man which is wearing a suit with a red tie A B C D

40 It’s raining, but we can’t go to the beach A B C DNgày 24/3/2020

CẤU TRÚC VỚI “WISH”A Language focus:

1 Dùng could sau wish

để chỉ khả năng không thể thực hiện ở hiện tại.

S + wish +S + could + verb + …

Ex: I wish I could come to the party tonight (Thực tế tôi không thể)

2 Ngoài ra ta có thể dùng would sau wish để mơ ớc một sự việc sẽ xảy ra hoặc chr sự

phàn nàn.

Ex: Miss Lien wishes the children would stop talking too much.3 Adverb clauses of result:

Ex: Miss Nga forgot her umbrella, so she got wet

Adv clause of result

* Form: [S + V, so + S + V (chỉ kết quả)]* So: vì vậy, do đó.

 Hãy so sánh:

- Miss Nga forgot her umbrella, so she got wet.- Miss Nga got wet because she forgot her umbrella. Because/ Since/ As = Because of / Due to:

he is ill.

because of = due to + Noun/ Noun phrase

+ gerund Because of/ Due to his illness / being ill, he couldn'tcome.

B Exercises for practice:

Exercise 1: Write sentences with “I wish ” :

1- Our classroom doesn’t have any windows.

2- The sun isn’t shining right now.

3- The teacher will give us an exam tomorrow.

4- Lan and Mai don’t know how to make a cake.

5- We live in a small flat in the city.

Trang 9

6- She says goodbye to everyone.

7- I can’t go with you to the countryside.

8- Nam is too young to ride a motorbike.

Exercise 2: Use SO in the following sentences

1 The traffic was heavy It took me one extra hour to get to the office.……….2 We haven’t any food We are going shopping.

……….3 It was very noisy She couldn’t sleep.

……….4 The film was boring We decided to go home.

………5 She’s very hard-working All of us like her.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences (Lớp A)

1 The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing  Because of

2 As they hadn't met our sister before, I introduced her to them  Since

3 Because of the rain, we couldn't go out

 Because 4 Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk  Since

Exercise 3: Use “because of”’ instead of because + clause (Lớp A)

1 They went to the post office because they wanted to send that letter.

………2 I asked Tom for help because I couldn’t do this difficult exercise.

………3 I learn English because I want to study abroad.

………4 We took a taxi home because the rain was very heavy.

……… 5 He didn’t pass the exam because the test of math was very difficult for him


Chọn từ ( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) ứng với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại:

Chọn từ ( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại:

Chọn phương án đúng( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau:

5 When a tropical storm reaches 120 kph, it is called a in North and south America.

A hurricane B.cyclone C typhoon D stunami

6 They a new shop since last week.

A opened B were opened C were opening D have opened

Trang 10

7 We intend to have a picnic October 20th

8 It was cold, she wore a coat.

9 We should fine heavily anyone using to catch fish

10 I've looked my classes everywhere but I can't find them.

11 I suggest sheets with simple printed page for drafting.

12 Modern patterns to the " Ao dai" to make it more fashionable.

A.has been added B have been added C are added D added

13 This New Year card is from a friend used to study with me in primary school.

14 Tet is a time for Vietnamese families to clean and their houses.

15 If I knew her address, I you.

16 I asked Linh she lived there.

17 Almost old people hate to rock music

A listen B listening C to listen D listened

18 Lan sings the songs

A beauty C beautiful C beautifully D beautify

19 Today TV can watch a lot of interesting local and international programs.

20 You bought this pairs of trouser yesterday, ?

21 What a wonderful picture! -

A I'm glad to hear that B.It's nice of you to say so C You don't need to say so D Of course I think so

22 Merry Christmas! -

A You're kind B I'm glad to hear that C You're happy,too D The same to you

Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng ( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D) cho mỗi chỗ trống

Ba's home village lies near the foot of a mountain and by a river Getting to the village is an

(23) journey People have a chance to travel between the green paddy fields, cross a

small bamboo forest before they (24) a big old banyan Walking up the mountain,people can visit the (25) of a young Vietnamese hero and enjoy the fresh air there.Besides, they can also take a boat for (26) in the river or have a picnic on the river bank

It's a wonderful place ( 27 ) resting.

23 A.interest B interested C.interesting D.interests

25.A.entrance B.shrine C.pagoda D.forest26.A.going B.swimming C.sightseeing D.visiting

Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng ( ứng với A hoặc B,C,D ) cho mỗi câu sau

A tornado is a tube of spinning air that touches the ground Wind inside the tornado, spinning

very fast, makes tornadoes very dangerous.

Tornadoes mostly happen during very strong thunderstorms They cause a lot of damage toanything they touch People die every year from tornadoes.

Tornadoes are ranked on the Fujita scale, from F0 to F5 F0 has the lowest wind speed, and F5has the highest wind speed

The United State of America has the most tornadoes every year, but tornadoes can happen inany country If a tornado is coming, the fastest thing to do is to go to a basement or a bathroom withno windows People should never be in a car or mobile home when there is a tornado near.

28 What does the word “spinning” in line one mean?

A moving around B running slowly C speeding up D turning left

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 12:26



