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E7 W19 P52-54 B1 B2-3 B4-5

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Nội dung

Listen and Read a dialouge to understand the details and get futher practice in “ need/ would like” and post office vocabulary.. Practice skill:3[r]


Date of preparing: 22/12/2017 Period 52




1 Aims:

Futher practise listening in asking and telling the price. 2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening and speaking skill

-Futher practise listening in asking and telling the price

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read a text for details and answer the qts,the way to ask and

tell the price,listen and write the price

+ Advanced knowledge:Work in pairs the dialogue and write 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: envelope, stamp,send,mail,cost,change -Grammar: I’d like………

I need………

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice listening in asking and telling the price

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks,poster, Cd, computer

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used: Quiz- game, True- False Prediction, Lucky numbers , Transformation Writing

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute)

- Greeting: Good morning!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (4 minutes)

Quiz- game

- How far is it from Hanoi to Vinh ?

- It’s about 319kms

- Divide the class into groups

- Teacher gives question The group answers first get one mark

Hue ? ( 688)

Danang ? ( 791)

HCMC ? ( 1726)



Step : Pre Listening(12minutes):

1 Vocabulary :

( realia) ( realia) ( trans) ( Synonym) ( trans) ( explain)

- envelope (n) : phong

- stamp (n) : tem - send (v) : gửi - mail (v) : gửi - cost (v) : trị giá

- change (n) : tiền thừa, Checking :What and where

2 True- False Prediction

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board - SS run through the statements

- Ss predict which sentence is True and which is False

- Give feedback

Step : While Listening :(17minutes)

1 Checking the prediction - Teacher plays the tape

- Ss listen and check their prediction - T gives feedback and corrects

2 Lucky numbers ( Comprehension Questions) - Divide the class into groups

- Use the comprehension questions ( a-> d ) and add more questions

1 Where is your nearest post office ? 2 Lucky number!

3 Where will Liz mail her letter ? 4 How much is the letter to the USA ? 5 How much are the envelopes Liz need ? 6 Lucky number!

7 How much does Liz pay together ? 8 How much change does Liz receive ?

- Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners

Step : Post Listening (8minutes) :

Transformation Writing:


Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy


predict Poster :

1 Liz’d like to send a letter to Great Britian

2 She needs some envelopes They are 2,500 dong The stamps for her letter cost 9000 dong

5 The envelopes and the stamps are 11,500 dong - read

Answer key :

1- F; 2- T; 3- F; 4- F; 5- T

answer the questions

Answer key :

3 Liz will mail her letter to USA

4 They are 9,500 dong That is 2.000 dong She pays 11,500dong altogether


- Teacher gives the questions on the board - Ask them to answer the questions

- Ss write the text , using the suggested questions - T goes round and help ss

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Listening in asking and telling the price

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Practice reading and redoB1 - Complete the writing

- Prepare for the next lesson: B2-3

Writing :


1 How far is it from your house to the nearest post office?

2 How can you get there ? What can you buy there ? How much is it to mail a letter in Viet Nam ?

5 What else can you at the post office ?


My nearest post office is about 500 meters from my house I can get there by bike There I can buy envelopes , postcards A letter in Vietnam costs 1200 dong I can make a phone call, too.

Homework :

*Evaluation :


Date of preparing: 22/12/2017 Period 53


LESSON : B - 3

A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

Listen and Read a dialouge to understand the details and get futher practice in “ need/ would like” and post office vocabulary

2 Practice skill:

- Practice the comprehension listening, reading,speaking skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read the dialogue B2,answer the qts a,b,c.

Complete the dialogue B3, play the role Hoa, Nga, and clerk Do the same the dialogue and change the information

+ Advanced knowledge: Find the information and answer B5. 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary:local stamp, writing pad,phone card,overseas mail - Grammar:need/want to sth

How often?why?how much?

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to get futher practice in “ need/ would like” and post office vocabulary

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, poster, CD, compyter

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used: Shark attack, Comprehension questions, Gap –fill, Mapped dialogue

D Contents : D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute)

- Greeting: Good morning!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (4 minutes)

Shark attack:

- Ss guess the letters of these words - Devide the class into two teams

- Ask ss to guess the words through each letter


_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ Post- office

_ _ _ _ _ Stamp



Step : Pre Reading(10ms) :

1 Vocabulary : ( explain) ( realia) ( realia) ( translation)

- local stamp (n) : tem

trong nước

- writing pad (n) : tập

giấy viết thư

- phone card (n) : thẻ

điện thoại

- overseas mail (n): thư

tín quốc tế

Checking : Slap the board

2 Open- prediction

- Set the scence: Nga and Hoa are going to the post

office after school You have to guess things that Hoa wants to buy after school.

- Have Ss predict things Hoa wants from the post office

- Ss write in the notebooks

- Teacher gets some ideas and writes on the board

Step : While Reading(17ms) :

1 Checking the prediction

- Ask Ss to read B4 P84 and check their prediction - Give feedback

2 Comprehension questions ( B2.P84) - Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the questions

Ss work in pairs : one asks/ one answers

3 Gap –fill (B3.P84 )

- Ask ss to read the dialouge B3 on page 84

- Get ss to complete the dialouge beyween Hoa and the clerk at the post office

- Call on some pairs of students to demontrate the dialogue before class

- Give feedback and correct



Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy

Reading :



Answer key :

1 Some local stamps

2 Some stamps for overseas mail

3 A phone card Answer key

a She needs some local stamps, some stamps for overseas mail and a phone card

b Because she has a penpal, Tim, in America

c Because she phones her parents once a week

Answer key like are much


- Ask the whole class to work in pairs

Step : Post Reading(10ms) :

Mapped dialogue

- Use the cues, symbols , visuals to elicit the dialogue from the students

- Get ss to practice sentences by sentences

- Call on some pairs of sudents to demonstrate the dialogue before the class

-Ask the whole class to work in pairs

Example exchange

S1 : I’d like some envelopes and some postcards S2 : Here you are Is that all ?

S1 : I need to send this letter to the USA How much is it ?

S2 : It’s 9,500 dong

S1 : And I need a 30,000 dong phone card How much is that altogether ?

S2 : That’s 45,000 dong S1 : Thank you.

S2 : You’re welcome.

- Teacher- whole class practice

- Ss practice in halves/ open; closed pairs

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Reading a dialouge

- Practice with “ need/ would like"

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Exercises in the workbook -Prepare the next lesson: B4-5

4 is Here change

practice sentences by sentences

You Clerk

some envelopes, post cards

.send…letter USA .How much …? How much… altogether ? Thank you

Here…Is… all?

9,500 dong 45,000 dong … Welcome

Homework :

* Evaluation :


Date of preparing: 22/12/2017 Period 54


LESSON : B - 5

A.Objectives: 1 Aims:

- Get further practice in post office vocabulary and telling the price.

- By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen for details and get further

practice in post office vocabulary and telling the price

2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening, reading and writing skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Listen to answer questions in B4; Ask and answer B5 + Advanced knowledge: Retell B4; find information to answer B5 correctly 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: local stamp, overseas mail, regularly - Grammar: need/ want to smth.

How often? Why? How much?

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to get futher practice in asking and answering about the price

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, poster

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work, CD, computer - Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, Open- prediction, Comprehension questions,

D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute)

- Greeting: Good morning!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students 7

Teacher's activities SS'activities

II WARM UP (5 minutes)

Slap the board

- Circle the words on the board - Divide the class into teams

- Choose students from each team stand in lines - Teacher speaks the Vietnamese words ,

- Ss slap the words in English

postcard Phone

card send Writing



- Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners


Step : Pre Listening (12ms):

Open- prediction

- Set the scence: Mrs Robinson intends to buy some things You have to guess the price of each thing.

* Thing she buys some stamps some envelopes a writing pad a phone card a pen

Step : While Listening(17ms) :

1 Checking the prediction - Teacher plays the computer

- The fist time , Ss listen and check the price of each item

- Give feedback and correct Comprehension questions

- Give ss some questions and ask them to listen to the CD again and answer them

- Get ss to work in pairs - Give feedback

* Question and answer

1.Where does Mrs Robinson buy a pen and a writing pad ?

2.Where does she buy stamps anh the phone cards? 3.What is the total cost ?

4.How much change will Mrs Robinson have from 60,000 dong ?

Step : Post Listening(7ms) :

- Have ss write a paragraph by answering the questions B5 on page 85

a) How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet nam? b) How much is a letter to America?

Listening : Things she buys

Guess Correct

1 some stamps some envelopes a writing pad a phone card a pen

Answer key

envelopes : 2000 dong a pen : 1500 dong a writing pad : 3000 dong stamps : 500 dong/ each

a phone card : 50,000 dong answer the questions

Answer key

1 She buys them at a stationery store

2 She buy them at the post office

3 It is 59,000 dong

4 She’ll have 1,000 dong in change





c) What does the post office sell apart from the stamps?

d) Do you write to anyone overseas? Who?

-IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Listening for detail about the price

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Complete the writing at home - Prepare the examination

Homework :

* Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:53

