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+ Standard knowledge: Read and answer the questions + Advanced knowledge: Talk/ Write about Ss’ family?. Education: Help Ss to have a good habit of speaking English regularly B/ Preparat[r]


Date of planning:21/09/2018


Lesson 4: B 3- 6 A/The objectives :

1-The aims: - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use the question:" How many are there?" and the answer:" There is

one / There are two "

+ Students review rulers change singular nouns into plural nouns

+ Learn how to read singular and plural nouns ( /s/, /z/, /iz/ ) Language focus:

* Vocab : The things in the living room - plural nouns * Grammar: How many are there?

There is one There are two

3 Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading Knowledge

+ Standard knowledge: - Ask for and give numbers

+ Advanced knowledge: Further practice in numbers to talk about things in the Ss’ house

Educate them to be good at English B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, casette, poster 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/Techniques: Chain game D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (4')

T: asks Ss to count numbers ( 20-30; 50-60…) Ss: the task

T: comment and give marks III/ New lesson: (35')

Teacher & Students` activities

T Contents


T: Let ss play :Chain game Ss: Do as teacher asks

T: sets the situation and plays the tape

Ss: listen and repeat Then practice

T: controls and corrects T: gives new structure Ss: listen and take note T: gives models first

Ss: gives examples Then take note


* Count the things in the living room

T: Shows the picture and asks Ss count things in it Ss : task

Ss: comment

T: controls and corrects * Practise asking and answering (B4)

T: Asks Ss to ask and answer the questions about things in living room they have counted

Ss : practice in pairs T: controls and corrects


-T: Make ss read the remember- B6

Ss: Read

- T: Request ss to use the structures above to ask and answer about the things they




S1: There is one door

S2: There is one door and three windows

S3: There is one door………

II- Structure: Hỏi số lượng có bao nhiêu người vật.

Ex : How many teachers are there ? There is one

- How many desks are there? There are ten

- How many students are there? There are thirty- one

III- Practice

1/ Picture drill (B5)

1 couch stereo lamp table telephone chairs armchairs people books stools bookcase television 2/ Practice with a partner (B4) How many couches are there? There is one

How many books are there? There are three

3/ B6- Remember

How many ………are there ?

There is ……… / There are ………… *Survey

Name In your school bag pens books rulers pencils Hoa


Eg: -How many pens are there in your

How many + Ns + are there ? There is one+ N


have by making the survey Ss: groupwork

T: Call some pairs to practice in front of the class Ss: Ask and answer in front of the class

T: Call ss to give the answers

Ss: Give their answers T: Comment if necessary

school bag? There is one

How many books are there in your school bag?

There are five

IV/ Consolidation:(2' )

T: Reminds Ss the question with How many…… Ss: listen and take note

T: asks Ss to close their books and ask some questions using “ How many ”

Ss: answer V/ Homework:(3')

- Learn by heart new structure

- Do exercise 3,4 p22 in the exercise book - Prepare the new lesson : C 1-4



Date of planning:21/09/2018


Lesson 4:C- Families (C 1-2) A/ The objectives :

1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to practice reading a text and understand the details and talk about jobs

+ Ask and answer about a girl in the picture + Talk about Song`s family

+ The fair students may be tell and write about their families Language focus:

* Vocabulary : The members in the family: father, mother, brother We- our

* Grammar: + Review: How many ?- There is/ There are + New structure: What does he/ she

do ?

3 Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading Knowledge

+ Standard knowledge: Read and answer the questions + Advanced knowledge: Talk/ Write about Ss’ family

Education: Help Ss to have a good habit of speaking English regularly B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, radio, projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Techniques: ROR, D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

T: gives the wordcues and asks ss to write the complete sentence many / students / how / there / are ? - are / there / forty-five many / desks / how / are / there ? - eight / there / are

Ss : make sentences

* Answer key: 1- How many students are there? - There are forty-five. 2- How many desks are there ? - There are eight.


Teacher & Students` activities T Contents Pre-Reading

T: Let ss look at some photos on the screen

Ss: Look at

T: Introduces the situation of the text and give guiding questions then let Ss to listen to the tape

Ss : listen

T: gives new words -checking: ROR

Ss: listen and repeat Then practice T: Plays the tape again and gives time to ask Ss reading in silent

Ss : listen and read in silent T: explains new structure Ss: listen and take note

* Open – prediction: Hang the poster on the board Gets Ss’ prediction and writes on the board

Ss: Give their prediction While- Reading

T: guides the way to practice

Ss: read the passage again Then answer the questions

Ss: ask and answer in pairs Ss: writes on the board T: controls and corrects Ss: take note

T: asks Ss to look at the picture of Song’s family and asks Ss to guess their occupation

Ss: guess Then T writes on the board Ss: take note Then listen and repeat T: asks Ss to ask and answer about Song’s family in pairs

Ss : practice ( pair work ) T: controls and corrects

Post- Reading

T: Reminds ss the usage of possessive 10 ' 15 ' 10 '

I- New words: - engineer (n): kỹ sư - me : - doctor (n) : bác sĩ - nurse (n) : y tá

- we- our : chúng tôi- - they- their: họ- họ

II- Reading:

1/ Open prediction

Lan’s family Members Father Mother Brother Lan How old? 40 35 12 job An engineer A teacher A student A student * Structure : Hỏi nghề nghiệp

- What does he/ she ?

He/ She is a/an + nghề nghiệp Ex : What does he ?

- He is an engineer * Answer

a There are four people b He is forty

c He is an engineer d She is thirty-five e She is a teacher f Her brother is eight g He is a student

h They are in the living-room 2/ Song`s family

S1 : This is his father, Mr Kien

S2 : What does he ?

S1: He is a doctor

S2 : How old is he ?

S1 :He is 42 years old




Ss : listen and copy down

T: asks ss to use the information they have practiced to write a passege about Song`s family

Ss: Write

his family: His father, his mother, his sister and him

IV/ Consolidation:(1' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the structure asking and answering about job Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3') - Learn by heart the new words

- Write a passage about your family - Do exercise1, 2, (P.23-25)

- Prepare : Grammar practice *Evaluation:


Planning date: 21/09/2018


A/ Objectives

1 Aims : Further practice in “Be”, Imperatives, Numbers, Question words, There is /

There are, and furniture Vocabulary 2.Skill:

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill Knowledge

+ Standard knowledge: in “Be”, Imperatives, Numbers, Question words, There is /

There are, and furniture Vocabulary

+ Advanced knowledge: Give Ss’ personal information, discribe Ss’ families Basic language:

*Vocabulary: numbers, Question words, furniture Vocabulary

* Language focus: Imperatives, Numbers, Question words, There is / There are,

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to further practice in “Be”, Imperatives, Numbers, Question words, There is / There are, and furniture Vocabulary

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan , pictures , sub-board 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques:


I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

* Chatting: Ask ss some questions - Ask some questions:

? How are you? -What is your name? -How old are you ? -What you do?

? Where you live? -What does your father / mother do? Ss: Answer


III/ New lesson: (31-36')

Teachers & Students` activities T Contents Presentation and practice

Activity 1: Tobe, imperative, questions words

1 Tobe

T: reminds the simple present tense with

“ tobe ”

Ss: listen and take note

T: asks Ss to complete exercises 1, 2,

Ss: the tasks

T: controls and corrects Ss: take note

2 Imperative

T: Reviews the imperative Ss : listen and complete the


T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to fill in each gaps with a suitable word key- exercise 4/ 40

Ss: Do the exercise 3 Questions words

T: ? How many question words have you learnt?

Ss: Answer and take note T: asks Ss to fill in the blanks with the questions words Ss : fill in the blanks

Activity 2: numbers/ This and that

T: asks Ss to write the words for the numbers and the numbers for the words

Ss: as requested ( review numbers )

T: asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues

Ss: work in pairs

T: controls and corrects mistakes Ss: take note



I- Tobe:

S/ tobe Kh¼ng

định Phủ định Nghi vấn *I  am

*We / you / they/ Lan and Nga  are *She / he / it / Nam  is

S + be

S + be not

Be + S ?

Ex: She is a doctor => She is not a doctor => Is she a teacher ?

Yes, she is / - No, she isn’t * Exercise 1, 2,3/ p40

1- Am / am / are / is / are 2- Am/ is / is / are / are

3-a) are / am b) is / is c) is / isn’t d) are / aren’t II- Imperative:

a in b down c your d your e up

III- Question words:

+ How, How old, How many, What, Where * Exercise 6:

a) What / is b) Where / live c) Who / is d) What / is IV- Numbers: Exe 7/ 42

a five / eight / ten / twenty / thirty b.7 ,9 ,11 , 15

V- This and That : Exe 9/ 42

a Ba: What is that ? Is it a desk ? Thu: Yes, it is

b Ba: What is this? Is it a desk? Thu: No, it isn’t

Free practice:

Exe 1: Supply the correct form of tobe 1 I (be) a teacher -> am

2.We (be) doctors -> are

3.They (be) in the living room? -> Are they 4 She (be) an engineer -> is


T: reminds the way to use “this” and “that”

Ss: complete the dialogue in pairs

T: controls and corrects mistakes Production

T: Ask Sts to some other exercises

Ss: Listen to the T Do the exercises

T: Ask ss to give the answers and check if necessary

Ss: Take note


Exe 2: Arrange the words in order. 1.old/how/you/are ? => How old are you? 2.many/ in / how/your class/ students/ are there?

=> How many students are there in your class?

3.is/my father/a/teacher => My father is a teacher. 4.are/in/we/our/room/living => We are in our living room.

5.live/does/Where/ Hoa ? lives/ She/ Viet Nam/ in

IV/ Consolidation:(1-6' ) -T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

T: Ask ss to the task 3( for fair students) Exe 3: Make questions for the answers: 1.I`m fine , thanks  How are you? 2.He is a student ……… 3.That is a ruler ……… 4.Those are books ……… There are four people in my family 

V/ Homework:(2')

- Ask Ss to the exercises in the book - Prepare for the test number



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:57


