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Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Ps are going to practise asking and answering.. questions about someone’s daily routine, using What do you do in the morning/afternoon/evenin[r]


Date of preparing:14/9/2018 WEEK Period UNIT 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS?

Lesson 3: P1,2,3 I Aims

- By the end of this lesson, ss can: Pronounce two - syllable words with the stress on the first syllable: ’city, ’village, ’mountains, ’tower

- Develop Ss’ reading and listening skills - Be confident to pronounce well

II Teaching aids

- T: Student’s book ,pictures, recording - Ss : Student’s book

III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A Tue, 18/9/2018

IV Procedures

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

A.Warm up.

- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by inviting a few Ps to read their answers to activity Give feedback and introduce lesson

B New lesson.

1 Listen and repeat

- Ss are going to practise saying two - syllable words with the stress on the first syllable Explain that in a word with more than one syllable, one of the syllable is usualy said with more emphasis than the rest( e.g: ’city, ’village, ’mountains, ’tower).

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their books Play it again for them to repeat all the words and sentences twice

2 Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud:

- Ss are going to listen and circle a or b to complete the sentences

- Give Ss a few seconds to read the sentences in silence before playing the recording for them to the task - Set the time limit for the class to the task Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

1 Listen and repeat ‘city Linda lives in a city ‘village My best friend lives in a village

‘moutains I live in the mountain

‘tower He lives in a tall and quiet tower

2 Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences.


Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content - Get them to compare their answers in pairs before

checking as a class

3 Let’s chant: Where you live?

- Ss are going to say the chant where you live?Have Ps to read the chant and check their comprehension - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their books Then play it again for them to repeat line by line

- Put the class into two groups to practise chanting: one chants the questions and the other chants the answers - Have Ss to practise chanting and doing actions in groups

- Invite two or three groups to say the chant and actions


- Ask Ss repeat the pattern and vocabulary - Consolidate the content of the lesson C Homework:

- Learn and write new words and structures and exercise on page

3 Let’s chant:

Where you live? Where you live? I live in Quang Trung


Where you live? I live in Green Avenue

Where you live? I live in Green Tower What’s Green Tower like?

It’s tall and quiet What’s your flat like?

It’s big and pretty

Evaluation :

Date of preparing: 14/9/2018 WEEK


Lesson 3: P4 - I Aims

By the end of this lesson, ss can:

- Use the words and phrases related to the topic Adresses and Hometown - Develop Ss’ reading and writing skills

- Be interested in learning english II Teaching aids

- T: Student’s book ,pictures, recording - Ss : Student’s book

III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss


IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

A.Warm up.

- Spend a few minutes having the class saying the chant Where you live?

- T corrects B New lesson.

1 Read and tick Yes(Y) or No (N).

- Ss are going to read the text and tick Yes or No - Get them to read the sentences and underline the key words /phrases before reading the passage to find the relevant information Give them an example: in

sentence 1, Trung lives with his parents in HN ( but in the passage , the information is: Trung lives with his grandparents in HN) So Ss should tick the box No. - Set the time limit for the class to the task

independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Give them to compare their answers before checking as a class

2 Write about your friend.

- Ss are going to write about one of their friends - Give them time to read the questions and write the first draft of their answers in their notebooks

- Set the time limit for the class to the task

independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Remind them to write the first letter of each sentence and the name of their friend in capital letters, and put commas and full stops at the appropriate places - Get them to swap and read their writing before inviting two or three Ss to read their answers aloud and give feedback

3 Project:

- Ss are going to a drawing project They should work in groups to discuss the house they are going to draw and its address Then ask them to draw it on a piece of paper

- Set a time limit for Ps to the task Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Invite a few groups to present their drawing to the

1 Read and tick Yes(Y) or No (N).

Answerkey: N

2 Y N Y Y

2 Write about your friend.

1 What’s his/her name? Where is he/she from? What’s his/ her address? Who does he/she live with?

5 What’s his/her home like? Does he/she like his/ her hometown? Why/Why not?


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities class and talk about them

- if there is not enough time , give the activity as homework and talk about drawing in the next lesson as a warm- up activity

- Display their drawing in the classroom if you wish 4 Colour the stars.

- Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension

- Give them time to colour the stars and invete a few Ps to read their statement aloud

- Give further support to Ps who find it difficult to achive certain objectives


- Ask Ss repeat the pattern and vocabulary - Consolidate the content of the lesson C Homework:

Revise: Ask and answer questions about what a village/town/city

What’s the………like? It’s…… - learn by heart the words and structure

4 Colour the stars.

Evaluation :

Date of preparing: 18/9/2018 WEEK

Period 7


I Aims

- By the end of this lesson, ss can: Asking and answering about someone’s dialy routine - Integrate many skills, such as listening and speaking

- Be awared of time and get up early II Language focus

+ New words: brush your teeth, morning exercise, always, usually… + Structures:What you in the afternoon? ? I usually my homework III Teaching aids


III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A Fri, 21/9/2018

V Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

A.Warm up.

- Spend a few minutes having the class talk about their house, using the drawing from Unit Lesson 3,


- Get them to point at each drawing and say the address and what it is like

-Introduce the new lesson by writing the title on the board and have Ss repeat it one or twice

B New lesson.

1 Look, listen and repeat

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures introduce the story by pointing at each character and elict their answer to the questions:

Who’s this ? What’s he doing ?

Who’s talking with online ? What does he in the morning?

What does he after school/ in the afternoon?

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their books

- Play the recording for students to listen and repeat line by line

- Check their understanding of the story 2 Point and say

* Vocabulary:

-get up early(explanation) -have a big breakfast(translate) -do homework(situation)

-brush my teeth(mime) -do morning exercise(mime) -cook dinner(explanation)

-T gives the new vovab and asks Ss to understand the meaning, stress, pronunciation

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts

1 Look, listen and repeat Hi, Quân You’re get up early

Hi, Tom Yes I always get up early How about you? Me too I get upearly and always a big breakfast before I go to school

Good idea

What you in the afternoon?

I usually my homework So I

2 Point and say. * Vocabulary:

-get up early: dậy sớm

-have a big breakfast:ăn sáng -do homework:làm BTVN -brush my teeth: đánh -do morning exercise:tập thể dục

-cook dinner:nấu bữa tối



Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Ps are going to practise asking and answering

questions about someone’s daily routine, using What do you in the morning/afternoon/evening?

I always/usually/often…

- Have Ss look at the pictures Teach them how to read the words and phrases under each picture

- Ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: ’always, ’usually, ’often, and ’sometimes - Point at each picture and ask the question What you do? for Ss to answer chorally, using the

information under the picture

- Have Ss practise asking and answering in pairs using the prompts in the bubbles Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class and check performance

3 Let’s talk

- Ps are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about someone’s daily routine - Get Ps to work in pairs Remind them to use the questions and answer in their books

- Set the time limit for them to practise Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Invite a few pairs to act out their conversation Give them feetback

C Homework:

-Revise: ask and answer question What you do…? I always/ usually/ often……….

morning/afternoon/evening? I always/usually/often…


a morning/ always brush my teeth

S1: What you in the morning?

S2: I always brush my teeth

3 Let’s talk

S1: What’s you in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? S2: – I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes/ never …

Evaluation :

Date of preparing:18/9/2018 WEEK

Period 8


I Aims

- By the end of this lesson, ss can: Asking and answering about someone’s dialy routine - Integrate many skills, such as listening and speaking


II Language focus

+ New words: brush your teeth, morning exercise, always, usually… + Structures: What you in the afternoon? ? I usually my homework II Teaching aids

- T: Student’s book ,pictures, recording - Ss : Student’s book

III Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A Fri, 21/9/2018

IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

A.Warm up.

- Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by inviting one or two pairs of Ss to ask and answer

questions about their daily routines, using What you in the morning/ afternoon/evening? I always/

usually/ often/ sometimes… B New lesson.

1 Listen and tick.

- Ss are going to listen to the

recording and tick the correct pictures

- Ask them to look at the pictures to identify the characters and their activities

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and tick the pictures Play it again for them to check their answers Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Get Ss to compare their answers before checking as a class Play the rrecording a third time to confirm the answers

2 Read and complete.

- Ss are going to read and fill the gaps with like, do, TV, play, and usually Give them a few seconds to read the text and the words in the box Remind them to focus on the context to select the appropriate words from the box

- Set a time limit for Ss to the task independently Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary - Get them to compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class

3 Let’s sing

1 Listen and tick. Answer key:

1 c b b a

2 Read and complete.

Answerkey usually play TV like


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Ss are going to sing the song This is the way we

things Have them read the lyrics and teach the unfamiliar words Check comprehension

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their books Play it again for them to repeat line by line When the class are familiar with the melody, ask them to sing along with the music before having them practise singing and doing actions in groups

- Invite the group to sing the song and actions in front of the class


- Ask Ss repeat the pattern and vocabulary - Consolidate the content of the lesson C Homework:

- Revise: ask and answer question What you in the morning/…? I always/ usually/.…………

- learn by heart the song

way we things.

This is the way we brush our teeth

Brush our teeth, brush our teeth

This is the way we brush our teeth

So early in the morning This is the way we wash our face

Wash our face, wash our face

This is the way we wash our face

So early in the morning

Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:55

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