Michael Faraday (1791-1867): Discovered that a time changing magnetic field.. produced an electric field, thus demonstrating that the fields were not independent.[r]
(1)Luong Vinh Quoc Danh 1
Bài giảng: TRƯỜNG ĐIỆN TỪ (CT361)
Chapter 4: Electrostatics
(Tĩnh điện học)
Giảng viên: GVC.TS Lương Vinh Quốc Danh Bộ môn Điện tử Viễn thơng, Khoa Cơng Nghệ
(2)• Maxwell’s Equations
• Charge and Current Distributions • Coulomb’s Law
• Gauss’s Law
• Electric Scalar Potential
• Electrical Properties of Materials • Electric Boundary Conditions
(3)Maxwell’s Equations
Modern Electromagnetism is based on a set of FOUR fundamental relations known as Maxwell’s Equations:
Where D = E ; B = H ; J = E
(4)Historical Notes
Charles A de Coulomb (1736-1806): Measured electric and magnetic forces
André M Ampere (1775-1836): Produced a magnetic field using current – solenoid Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855): Discovered the Divergence theorem – Gauss’ theorem – and the basic laws of electrostatics
Alessandro Volta (1745-1827): Invented the Voltaic cell
Hans C Oersted (1777-1851): Discovered that electricity could produce magnetism Michael Faraday (1791-1867): Discovered that a time changing magnetic field
produced an electric field, thus demonstrating that the fields were not independent James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879): Founded modern electromagnetic theory and predicted electromagnetic wave propagation
Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-1894): Confirmed Maxwell’s postulate of
(5)Static Fields
Static fields: This happens when all charges are permanently fixed in space, or
move at a steady rate so that v and J are constant in time
Maxwell’s Equations reduce to: ( )
(6)Charge and Current Distributions
Charge Densities:
Volume charge density v:
Surface charge density s:
Where q is the charge contained in v
Where q is the charge present across an elemental surface area s
(7)Example 4-2: Surface charge distribution
Surface charge density s increases linearly with r
from zero at the center to C/m2 at r = cm Find
the total charge present on the disk surface
Since s is symmetrical with respect to the angle ,
(8)Current Density:
The amount of charge q flowing through s is:
The corresponding current is:
• Convection current: current is generated by the actual
movement of electrically charged matter Convection current
occurs in dielectrics such as liquid, vacuum Convection current does not satisfy Ohm’s law.
Example: Wind-driven charge cloud, electron beams in a CRT.
In a perfect dielectric, = J = E = 0
• Conduction current: Conduction current occurs in
conductors Conduction current occurs due to the drift motion
of electrons Conduction current obeys Ohm’s law.
Current density:
(4.67) (4.66)
(10)Source: http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/power/2-whats-electron-flow.html
How fast electrons move in wires?
Faraday Cage
Cell phone and AM/FM radio in the open cage
and in the closed cage
Experiment: A Faraday cage blocks long wavelength EM waves but does not block
short wavelength EM waves.
Principle: Shielding of electromagnetic waves by a screen enclosure depends on the
wavelength of the EM waves and the size of the holes
(12)Coulomb’s Law
Electric field intensity E:
Electric force acting on a test charge q’ is given by:
Electric flux intensity D:
(13)Electric Field due to Multiple Point Charges
(14)Example 4-3
(15)Four point charges on the corners of a square, with Q1 = Q3 = 1C, and Q2 = Q4 = -1C
(16)Electric field due to charge distributions
(17)Example 4-4: Electric field of a ring of charge
Gauss’s Law (cont.)
(20)(21)Electric Scalar Potential
Work (công) needed to move a charge q:
l E d
Differential electric potential (or differential voltage):
l E d
q dW
Fext: external force needed to
move the charge along the positive y-direction.
Fext = - Fe = - qE
(22)(23)Relating E to V
Flow inward The origin is a sink
(24)Electric Potential Due to Charges
In electric circuits, we usually select a convenient node that we call ground and assign it zero reference voltage In free space and material media, we choose infinity as reference with V = Hence, at a point P
(25)25 N i i i q V 4 1 R R Multiple Charges: Charges distributions:
Electric Potential Due to Charges (cont.)
(26)(27)Example 4-7 (cont.)
(28)Poisson’s Equation v E v
(29)Electrical Properties of Materials
(30) No free electrons
(31)P = electric flux density induced by E
Polarization Field
Độ cảm điện
(32)(33)Boundary Conditions
Tangential Component Normal Component
(34)Summary of Boundary Conditions
When a conducting slab is placed in an external electric field E0, charges that accumulate on the conductor surfaces induce an internal electric field Ei = - E0
The total field inside a conductor is zero.
The electric field lines point directly away from the conductor surface when s is
positive and directly toward the conductor surface when s is negative
Fig 4.21
When a metallic sphere is placed in an electrostatic field, negative charges will accumulate on the lower hemisphere and positive charges will accumulate on the upper hemisphere.