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1600 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM ÔN THI HSG 8 PART 15 1. She arrived early ___________ order to get a good seat. A. on B. in C.ont D. at 2. I am __________ that you broke the record. A. delighting B. delight C. delightful D. delighted 3. The radio was ___________ by Tim yesterday. A. repaired B. repairing C.repair D. repairs 4. Would you __________ cleaning the floor for me? A. like B. please C. mind D. rather 5. It is difficult __________ all these things. A. remembered B. remembering C. to remember D. remember 6. Bullions of cans are thrown _________ every year all over the world. A. up B. away C. in D. on 7. Don ’ t let children __________ near the lake. A. plays B. playing C. played D. play 8. The question sounds very ____________. A. easy B. easily C. ease D. at ease 9.Their parents are happy _________ good news from their teacher. a.hear b. to hear c.hearing d. heard 10.She is looking forward to________a good job a.get b.getting c.gets d. to get 11She hasn't finished the letter aalready bjust cyet dnever 12 Lan is studying hard .pass the final exam. afor bin order to cso to das to 13It's too cold outside. Would you mind .the window? ato close bclose cclosed dclosing 14Would you like to the movies tonight? Sorry, I can't . I .my homework this evening. aam doing bdo cwill do ddoing 15 The teacher .to the principal is in charge of my class. a talks b is talking c talking d to talking 16 The bike .in Japan is $ 100.(making, made,is making, to make amaking bmade cis making dto make 17We . dinner when the phone rang. aare having bhad chave had dwere having 18 Color television .by John Logie Bard in 1982. ainvented bwas invent cwas invented dhas invented 19 He said that he .for a car company. aworked bworks cis working dhas worked 20 " Do you know where .?" – "No, he didn't say" aTom has gone bhas Tom gone c did Tom go dTom went 21. ……… another cup of tea ,Janet? A. Will you like B. did you like C. would you like D. You would like 22. The woman ……… a new shirt is Mrs Lan. A. made B. making C. to make D to mading 23. I finished housework while my mother ……… dinner. A.cook B. to cook C. was cooking D. is cooking 71 24. The first prize ………. To the Me Kong team just after the final match yesterday. A.award B. was awarded C. awarding D. is awarded 25. I was in such a hurry that I left one of my bags . A.out B. behind C.on D. in 26. I’d love to go to the theatre to night, …… I’m too busy . A.but B.and C.because D. if 27. I’m bored . A.Let’s play a game B. let’s to play a game C. let’s playing a game D.let play a game 28. I don’t know table.tennes.can you show me? A.whatto play B. how to play C. how play D. how to playing 29.Don’t give the victim any food or drink if he or she gets________. a. fainting b.shock c.burn d.cold 30.The boy _______ next to Hoa is a new comer. a.sits b. to sit c. sitting d. sit 31. Shoes and sandals are from recycled old car tires a. make b . made c. maked d. to make 32. It is fun . T.V. a. to watch b. watching c. watched d. watch 33 .My school will be next year . a. building b. to build c. built d. builded 34. Would you mind . the windows ? a .open b.to open c. opening d. opened 35. He .a new computer on his birthday by his mother a. gave b. has given c. given d.was given 36 .Glass should be collected and sent to factories for a.recycling b.reducing c. refilling d. reusing 37. I promise I video games any time . a. will play b. play c. won’t play d. to play 38.They were to repair the table. a. tell b. told c.to tell d. telling 39. We ________ in Le Nin park when it rained. a.walked b.were walking c.have walked d. are walking 40.wouldyou mind if I________ on the television? a.will turn b.was turning c.turned d. turn 41. We should reuse cloth bags of plastic bags . a. instead b. besides c. apart d. without 42. In the world , million of papers away every day . a. thrown b. is throwing c. are thrown d. threw 43. He . many old books for 5 years. a. recycled b. is recycling c. has recycledd. will recycle 44. They mashed into small pieces last week . a. was b.were c. is d. are 45. .means not buying products which are overpackaged . a. Reduce b. Reuse c. Recycle d. Repeat 46. To prepare for the new year , I my house again since last month . a. paint b. painted c. have paintedd.has painted 47. The used plastic bottles . with water several times yesterday. a. washed b. is washed c. are washed d. were washed 48. It is dangerous . quickly in the Tet holiday . a. driving b. drove c. to drive d. driven 49. I am . that you passed your English exam . a. please b. happily c. happy d. friendly 50. I am looking forward to . you on next Sunday . a. meeting b. meet c. met d. will meet 51. The liquid . into new glassware . a. is blown b. blew c. is blowing d. are blown 52. The empty bottles and . the factories for recycling . a. collected –sent b. collected –are sent c. are collected – sent d. collect– send 53. We are ready . the environment . a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning d. to clean 54. Shoes from old tires to safe money . a. is made b. are made c. is making d. will make 55. We should study English better so as a good job . a. get b. will get c. to get d. getting 56. Do you mind if Lan that book away ? a. take b. taked c. takes d. took 57. Would you mind . the door ? a. open b. opening c. opened d. opens 58.It . raining an hour ago . a. start b. started c. has started d. starts 59. I . in Danang several years . a. lives b. lived c. have lived d. has lived 60. We Tom and Mary since last TET holiday . a. don’t see b. didn’t see c. hasn’t d. haven’t seen 61.My family lived ……….a farm not far from London. a.in b.on c.at d.above 62.There is nobody in the dinning.room.The dinning.room is………… a.full b.empty c.clean d.tidy 63.The weather ………… nice yesterday. a.is b.was c.will be d.has been 64. a.Have you wrote a letter to Nancy yet? .Not yet.I have been busy b.Have you written a letter to Nancy yet? c.Have you wrote a letter for Nancy yet? d.Have you written a letter Nancy yet? 65. a.Do you think that the magazine is not as big the newspaper? b.Do you think that the magazine is not so big the newspaper? c.Do you think that the magazine is not big as the newspaper? d.Do you think that the magazine is not so big as the newspaper? 66. a.Whatdoes your house looks alike? b.What does your house looks like? c.What does your house look alike? d.What does your house look like? 67.The Games were…… important that they stopped fighting for a time. a.so b.too c.very d.such 68.………………………………… down the music?It’s too loud in here. a.Would you mind if I turned b.Would you mind if I turn c.Would you mind if I am turning d.Would you mind if I would turn 69. Color television __________ by John Logie Baird in 1928. a. invented b. was invented c. has inventedd. is invented 70. The bike__________ in Japan is USD100. a.making b. made c.to make d. make 71. We have learned English__________ 2000. a.since b.for c.in d. from a. built c were built b. are built d. was built 72. My collegue told me what when I visited China. a. to do c. does b. do d. doing 73. I prefer lemon juice orange juice. a. rather c to b. more d. than 74. Doing exercise is good for our a. healthy c. healthful b. healthily d. health 75. Would you like to watch on film. a. excite c. excited b. exciting d. excites 76. This is the girl Hoa. a. calls c. called b. calling d. call 77. The house last year. a. Built b.builds c.was bui d. building 78. Are you . in sports ? a. interested c. interesting b. interest d. interests 79. You . always talking in class. a. are b. have c.were d. won ’ t 80. My father told me how to the bank. a. to go b. went c.go d. going 81. Did you succeed the problem ? A. to solve B. on solving C. in solving D. solving 82. Let ’ s the couch opposite the armchair in the living room A. to putting B. putting C. to put D. put 83. A. Did they themselves do this job yesterday ? B. Did they themselves this job yesterday ? C. Did they do themselves done this job yesterday ? D. Have they done themselves this job yesterday ? 84. No one helped Lan to draw the picture. He did it . A. by him B. by himself C. lonely D. all lonely 85. She worked hard she could pass the final exams A. so that B. in order to C. as result D. so as to 86. The .can ’ t fix the washing machine until tomorrow A. postman B. walkman C. repairman D. chairman 87. Each year, destroys homes and injures children A. fire B. match C. kitchen D. soft drink 88. The children are old enough to look after A. themselves B. ourselves C. herself D. for themselves 89. What was wrong with you ? Why go to the hospital ? A. had you to B. did you have to C. must you D. did you must 90. Students .their homework after class. A. have to doing B. have do C. have to do D. have to be done 91. David’s school ………… is very bad this term. A. report B. period C. day D. semester 92. Learners don’t only learn the meaning . the spelling and pronunciation of new words. A. too B. as well as C. also D. but also 93. He told us to use our dictionaries to ……every word we didn’t understand. A. look out B. look for C. look at D. look up 94. Hoa is reading short stories …………. Jack London. A. of B. from C. by D. with 95. John ………… Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out. A. insisted B. suggested C. invited D. helped 96. This book is ……………. that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time. A. so interesting B. so interested C. such interesting D.too interesting 97. “Let it be” is a famous song ……………. . It is one of the best works by this band. A. singing by the Beatles B. was sung by the Beatles C. sung by the Beatles D. sang by the Beatles 98. Surely David’s not going to drive, he? A. does B. isn’t C. is D. will 99. She was ………… of watching television. A. interested B. tired C. tiring D. pleased 100. My mother ………… me that I should wake up earlier. A. told to B. said C. was told D. said to . 1600 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM ÔN THI HSG 8 PART 15 1. She arrived early ___________ order to get a good. they themselves this job yesterday ? C. Did they do themselves done this job yesterday ? D. Have they done themselves this job yesterday ? 84 . No one helped

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2013, 23:15

