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2 tests for the first exam

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REVÍSION 1 – Class 10 – Teacher : Kim Ai : 1 Here is the address to _____ you should write. A. which B. whose C. whom D. who 2. If it _____ fine tomorrow, we'll go shopping. A. was B. were C. will be D. is 3. The visitors found the story very _____. A. amuse B. amused C. amuses D. amusing 4. The little village is very quiet and _____ A. peace B. peacefully C. peaceful D. peaceless 5. Julia sings _____ than Susan does. A. more beautiful B. beautifullier C. more beautiful D. more beautifully 6. Paster, whose _____ of a cure for a rabies made him _____ was a French scientist. A. discover/ famous B. discovery/ fame C. discovery/famous D. discovered/ famous 7. I can't reach the phone because I _____ a bath. A. am having B. have C. was having D. be having 8. He'd rather _____ books _____ watch TV. A. read/ than B. read/ to C. reading/ to D. reading/ than 9. Would you mind _____ me to take these chairs away. A. help B. to help C. helped D. helping 10 I am sorry I can't help you now. I'm busy _____ my lesson. A. to B. X C. with D. for 11. She is very _____ up with doing the same thing everyday. A. bored B. tied C. hate D. fed 12. she doesn't enjoy looking _____ the children. (A. for B. in C. after D. at) 13. My father has been working in a bank _____ we moved here. A. for B. during C. since D. in 14. He finally _____ in finding a new job. A. success B. succeeded C. successful D. successive 15. There is a _____ between the North and the South. A. different B. differ C. differently D. difference 16. Every year thousands of people _____ in their homes. A. kill B. is killed C. will be killed D. are killed 17. I want you _____ me alone. A. leave B. leaving C. left D. to leave 18. I'm so _____, mum! Can I have something to drink? A. thirty B. hungry C. thirsty D. angry 19. I have never had any liking for cake, _____? A. have I B. haven't I C. did I D. didn't I 20. David's house is _____ to the river. A. near B. next C. between D. in front 21. I'm worried _____ taking my oral exam. A. about B. that C. of D. to 22. The English language _____ in all over the world. A. speaks B. was spoken C. is spoken D. has been spoken 23. Why don't you _____ extra lessons in the evening? A. take B. takes C. to take D. take to 24. Do you like pop music? _____. A. I would B. Yes, a lot C. No, I like it D. Yes, we are 25. The Harrisons are travelling to Paris _____plane. A. by B. on C. through D. in 26. Nam feels _____ because he did very badly on his last test. A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unhappily 27. You can use my telephone _____ you pay for the calls you make. A. as long as B. although C. however D. whereas 28. Have you got a _____ carpet than this? A. cheaper B. cheap C. cheapest D. the cheapest 29.The book was so good that he couldn’t put it down. a. It was such a book so good that he couldn’t put it down. b. It was so a good book that he couldn’t put it down. c. It was such a good book that he couldn’t put it down. d. It was such good book that he couldn’t put it down. 30. I won’t eat any more cakes because I’m full. a. If I were hungry, I would eat any more cakes. b. If I am full, I will eat some more cakes. c. If I was full, I would eat some more cakes. d. If I was hungry I would eat some more cakes. 31. They don’t allow smoking in the auditorium; they don’t want to risk setting it with fire. a b c d 32. Would you mind me to turn down the radio a bit ? a b c d 33.Despite having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. a. Even though a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. b. Even though having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. c. Even though he was having a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. d. Even though he had a lot of money, he wasn’t happy. 34. When my friend Tom will grow a beard, even his closest friends won’t recognize him. a b c d Many people have recognized television a type of (35) _____ that exists in many countries. Nowadays, people usually (36) _____ most of their spare time (37) _____ T.V. Films of all kinds are the favourite programs of many viewers, young and old alike. However, television (38) _____ us on the native way, too. We have seen a lot of movies about (39) _____ on T.V every day. 35.a. basement b. accomplishment c. achievement d. entertainment 36.a. take b. spend c. pay d. use 37. a. to watch b. watch c. watching d. watched 38.a. affects b. efforts c. makes d. brings about 39.a. violence b. violent c. violently d. violate 40. This is the second time you broke a cup and you broke one yesterday. a b c d 41. I always tell you to comb your hair, but you never do what I said 42. She worked hard. She wanted to become a good teacher of English. a. She worked so hard that she could become a good teacher of English. b. She worked hard so that she could become a good teacher of English. c. She worked hard so as become a good teacher of English. d. She worked so hard as to become a good teacher of English. 43. Your house is bigger than mine. a. My house isn’t as big as yours house. b. My house isn’t as big as your. c. My house isn’t so big as you. d. My house isn’t so big as yours. 44. They asked him about the countries. He visited them last month. a. They asked him about the countries which he visited last month. b. They asked him about the countries which he visited them last month. c. They asked him about the countries where he visited last month. d. They asked him about the countries where he visited them last month. 45 a. ache b. chemist c. cheerful d. scholarship REVISION 2 – Class 10 – Teacher : Kim Ai C. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: Louis Braille was born in France in1809. His father had a small business. He made shoes and other things from leather. Louis liked to help his father in the store even when he was very small. One day when Louis was 3 years old, he was cutting some leather. Suddenly the knife slipped and hit him in the eye. He soon became completely blind. When he was 10 years old, he entered the National Institute for the blind in Paris. One day his class went to visit a special exhibit by a captain in the army. One thing in the exhibit was very interesting for Louis. It showed message in code. Armies send messages in secret codes so no one else can read them. The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper. Louis thought a lot about this code. Then he decided to write in the same way so the blind could “read” with their fingers. It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters. Instead of letters, Louis used a “cell” of six dots. He arranged the dots with two dots across and three down. So blind people can read and write even write music by Braille. 58. Louis Braille’s father made things from _____ A. leather B. wool C. exhibit D. codes 59. When Louis was ten years old, he began to study _____ A. at a local school B. at a university C. at a special school for the blind D. in the army 60. He saw a special exhibit. It showed ______ in code A. messages B. systems C. arrangements D. computers 61. It is difficult to feel the differences between ______ A. coded messages B. arrangements of dots C. a system of raised dots D. raised letters 62. Which of these sentences is probably not true? A. Braille invented a system of reading for blind people C. Braille visited an exhibit of codes Braille system is used for everyone D. . Louis Braille was an intelligent boy A. Read the text and answer the questions below: Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the people of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. It was impossible to use fire fighting equipment because most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety per cent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings. If the earthquake had occurred at night while people were sleeping, fewer people would have died. 1. Where and when did the earthquake happen? _………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. How many people were killed? _………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What were people doing when the earthquake happened? _………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Why was it impossible to use fire fighting equipment? _………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What caused most of the damage, the fire or the collapse of buildings? _………………………………………………………………………………………………… II> Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence 1). Phil can't go to the movies because he has to write_____ essay. (A). a B). ø C). the D). an ) 2). John and Marcy went to ________ school yesterday. (A). a B). ø C). the D). an ) 3). Neil Armstrong,________ was the first man walking on the moon, is an American. A). whom B). who C). which D). that 4). On our trip to Spain, we crossed_______ Atlantic Ocean. (A). a B). ø C). the D). an ) 5). If he______________ early, he could have left on the afternoon flight. A). decided B). decides C). had decided D). would decide 6). If I finish the dress before Sunday, I_______________ it to my sister. A). had given B). would give C). give D). will give 7). If I had seen the movie, I_____________ you about it last night. A). had told B). could have told C). could tell D). will tell 8). He would give you the money if he_____________ it. A). has B). would have C). had D). have .A. Because B. Although C. Because of D. In spite of 7. A teacher is a person ……… gives lessons to the students. A. whom B. who C. that .D. Both A and C 8. Mary is interested in ………… Vietnamese. A. to learn B. learn .C. learning D. leant 9. He’s always late for class, ………… annoys the teacher. .A. which B. that C. what D. who 10. We haven’t seen each other ……… we left school. A. for B. before C. after .D. since 11. A new school ____ in our town recently. A. has been built B. was built C. were built D. is built 12. If you study hard, you _______ exams. A. pass B. would pass C. passed D. will pass 13. People who are deaf, dumb, blind or mentally retarded are called . A. disabling B. disable C. the able D. the disabled 14. He stopped ______ some coffee because he felt sleepy A. have B. had C. having D. to have 57. They _____ English for 10 years, so they speak it fluently. A. has studied B. studied C. study D. have studied 63. During his break, Mr. Brown is used to drink coffee with his fellow peasants. A. farmers B. mechanics C. workers D. associates 64. “ do you go to work?” – “ By bus” 1. A fridge is . keeping fruit fresh. a. used to b. used c. used for d. use 2. These bricks ………………… building a new school. a. use b. used to c. are used to d. are used for 3. Internet is used ………… collecting and exchanging information. a. to b. at c. with d. for 18. - How . to the post office? - Twice a month. A. often does John go B. far does John go C. fast does John go D. long does John go 19. " . does Mary have to stay at home?" "Because she is having flu." A. What B. Where C. When D. Why 20. How . is Mary? She is 5 feet 4 inches . A. long / long B. high / high C. wide / wide D. tall / tall 21. were you doing at this time yesterday? A. What B. Where C. When D. How 22. " did they arrive?" - "Ten minutes ago." A. How long B. How much time C. How many minutes D. When 23. have you been learning English? - For two years. A. How much B. How C. How often D. How long 65. The girl whom you met last night was used to be a singer. A B C D 66. Because of applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. A B C D 67. His family is used to spend most of the time in the open air. A B C D 68. How much students are there in your class ? A B C D 69. Ha Noi , that is the capital of our country, is a city of peace A B C D 70. The class was cancelled because of there weren’t enough students A B C D . between D. in front 21 . I'm worried _____ taking my oral exam. A. about B. that C. of D. to 22 . The English language _____ in all over the world. A. speaks. yours. 44. They asked him about the countries. He visited them last month. a. They asked him about the countries which he visited last month. b. They asked

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2013, 16:11

