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Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) REVISION FOR THE 1 ST SEMESTER Grade 9 A: revision tenses Tenses Form Trạng từ thờng gặp Cách dùng và ví dụ 1.The S. present (Hiện tại đơn) S + bare-V/V-s/V-es S+do/does not+ bare-V Do/Does+ S+ bare-V ? - always, ofen, usually,frequentyl y sometimes=occasi onally, rarely=seldom, once or tiwce a week, never * Chỉ 1 thói quen ở hiện tại - ex: He usually (go) goes t o school in the morning * 1 sự thật không thay đổi - ex: The sun (rise) rises in the East. 2. The Present Continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn) S+ am/is/ are+ V- ing S + am/is/are+ not+ V-ing Am/is/are+ S+ V- ing? at the moment, at the time,Verb! (look!, listen!, be quiet) at present = now * Chỉ hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm đang nói - It (rain) is raining now. - Lan (eat) is eating at preent - Listen! She (sing) is singing 3. The Pr. Perfect (HTHT) S + have/has + V3/Ved S + have/has +not+ V3/V-ed Have/Has + S + V3/V-ed? for + khoảng t.gian since + Mốc t.gian never, ever, just = recently = lately, so far = up to now = up to the present= until now,already, yet,this is the first time , several times. * Chỉ 1 hành động xảy ra trong qk t.gian không xác định ex: She (vờsit) has visited Ha Long Bay several times. * Chỉ hành động bắt đầu ở QK mà còn tiếp tục đến hiện tại - We (learn) have learnt English for 7 years. - My mother (be) has been sick sinse yesterday - Lan (just buy) has just bought a new shirt. 4. The P.perfect continuous HTHTTD) S + have/has + been + V-ing S+have/has+not+bee n+V-ing Have/Has + S + been + V-ing? for + khoảng t.gian since + Mốc t.gian so far = up to now = up to the present= until now * Dùng để nhấn mạnh 1 hành động khởi sự trong quá khứ kéo dài đến hiện tại và còn tiếp tục ở tơng lai. - She (wait) has been waiting to see you since 2 o clock - He (work) has been working in this factory for 4 years. 5. The S. Past ( Qk) S + V2/V-ed S + did + NOT + bare-V Did +S + bare- V? - Yessterday, last (last week /month/ year .), ago, in + year(in 2000 .) * 1 số việc xảy ra ở thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ - She (meet) met him yesterday. - Mr Pike (stay) stayed here last nigh 6. The Past Continuous (QKTD) S + was/ were + V- ing S + was/ were + not+ V-ing Was/ were + S + V- ing? At 5 P.m/ at 5 oclock + Thời gian trong QK, all day yesterday * Chỉ 1 hành động xảy ra ở 1 điểm thời gian xác định trong QK - At this time last night, she (study) was studying lessons at home. * Chỉ 2 hành động cùng xảy ra song song ở QK - My mother (cook) was cooking while my father (watch) was watching TV. * Chỉ 1 hành động đang xảy ra ở QK thì 1 hành động khác xen vào -When he ( drive) was driving, he (see) saw a serious accident. 1 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) 7. The Past Perfect : (QKHT) S + had + V3/ V-ed S + had + NOT + V3/ V-ed Had + S + V3/ V- ed? before, after, by, . *Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra ở QK trớc 1 hành động khác hoặc 1 thời điểm trong QK - Before 1975, he (work) had worked in that factory - When I (come) come, he (leave) had left by 7 o clock - After he (graduate) had graduated, he (go) went abroad. 9. The S. future (TL đơn) S + will/ shall + Vinf S + will/shall + not + Vinf Will/Shall + S +Vinf? Tomorrow, next (next week/ month/ year .), someday, . Diễn tả hành động xảy ra ở tơng lai. - Tomorrow he (visit ) will viisit me. - She (stay) will stay at next Monday. I/ Present Simple (Hiện tại đơn) PRONUNCIATION 1 - Các động từ kết thúc là sh, ch, ss, o, x thì sang ngôi he, she , it thêm es Eg : I wash He washes I watch He watches I go He goes I miss He misses - Sau các phụ âm k, p, t s đợc đọc là /s/ - Sau các trờng hợp còn lại s đợc đọc là /z/ - Sau các phụ âm sh, ch, ss, x đuôi es đợc đọc là iz - Những động từ tận cùng là phụ âm + y thì sang ngôi he, she, it y đổi thành i trớc khi thêm es. Eg : I study He studies - Những động từ tận cùng là nguyên âm + y, biến đổi bình thờng khi sang ngôi he, she, it. Eg: I play, he plays Exercise 1: Đọc đoạn văn sau, dùng từ gợi ý đặt câu hỏi và trả lời Hans Huser is a ski-instructor. He is Swiss and he lives in Villars, a village in the mountains. In summer he works in a sports shop and in winter he teaches skiing. He speaks 4 languages: French, German, Italian and English. He is married and has two children. He plays football with them in his free time. He's happy with his family. 1/ What / Hans Huser / do? 2/ Where/ he / come / from? 3/ he / live / city? 4/ Where / he / work / summer? 5/ What / do / winter? 6/ How many languages / he / speak? 7/ he / single? 8/ How many children / he / have? 9/ What / he / do / free time? 10/ he / happy / family? Exercise 2: Đọc đoạn văn sau, điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống , sau đó dùng từ gợi ý đặt câu hỏi và trả lời Alan is a lorry -driver. He's 25 years .He works five days . week. Every morning he gets up at 6 o'clock. He eats . enormous breakfast at 6.30. He two cups of tea. Then he kisse .wife. He leaves for work at 7.30. He . lunch in a transport cafe. He home at 5 o'clock. In the evening he goes to the pub. He goes to at 10.30. 1/ What / Alan / do ? 2/ How many days / week / he work? 3/ What time / he get up? 4/ he / drink coffee / morning? 5/ What time he / leave / work? II/ Present Continuous (Hiện tại tiếp diễn) Exercise 1: Đọc đoạn văn sau, dùng từ gợi ý đặt câu hỏi và trả lời 2 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) It's a Sunday morning. The sun is shining. Mary is watching TV in her room. Her father is reading newspapers. Her mother is cooking in the kitchen. Mary has got a dog. It is playing with a cat in the garden. It's a nice dog and Mary loves it very much. 1/ sun / shine ? 2/ What Mary / do / now ? 3/ father / read / newspapers ? 4/ What / mother / do ? 5/ What / dog / do ? Exercise 2: Đọc lá th sau dùng từ gợi ý đặt câu hỏi và trả lời Dear Tom, Now I'm in Rio. I'm staying in a big hotel. It's very beautiful but expensive. In the morning I usually go to the beach. I sometimes go shopping in the afternoon. There are a lot of goods but I don't have much money. In the evening I usually stay in my room and watch TV. At the moment, I'm eating a delicious cake and writing this letter to you. Tomorrow I'm going to the Trade Exhibition in the city centre. Well, let me stop now, Give my love to everyone. Love, Susan 1. Where / Susan / stay ? 2. Where / she / go / morning ? 3. What / she / do / evening ? 4. What / she / do / at the moment ? III.Thời tơng lai đơn (will/ shall) Exercise 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1/ - Hai has just been taken to hospital with a broken leg. - I'm sorry to hear that. I (visit) him. 2/ Look at those clouds. It (rain). 3/ What are you going to do with that dress ? - I (shorten) it. 4/ I've hired a typerwriter and I (learn) to type. 5/ Listen to this ! I think this news (surprise) you. VI. Simple Past (Quá khứ đơn) PRONONCIATION 2 *Cách đọc đuôi ed : - Đuôi ed đợc đọc là /id/ khi đứng sau t và d : Eg : wanted needed - Đuôi ed đợc đọc là / t / khi đứng sau k, p, sh, ch, ss, x Eg : - stopped, washed, watched, missed, fixed, cooked . - Đuôi ed đợc đọc là d sau các trờng hợp còn lại Exercise1 : Chia động từ trong ngoặc 1/ Minh (be) very tired when I (see) him yesterday. 2/ My father usually (work) 8 hours a day, but yesterday he (start) at 9.00 a.m and (finish) at 9.00 p.m. 3/ It usually (rain) a lot in summer but it (rain) a little last summer. 4/ -When John (leave) home? -He (leave) 5 minutes ago. 5/ What you (do) last Sunday? - I (have) a holiday in New York. Exercise2 : Đọc đoạn văn sau, dùng từ gợi ý đặt câu hỏi và trả lời Last year David went to Barcelona for his holiday. He went by air and stayed in a big hotel in the city centre. He stayed there for 5 days. When he was there, he visited many beautiful places in Barcelona. He took many photographs and bought a lot of souvenirs for his friends. He enjoyed the holiday very much. 1/ When / David / go / Barcelona? 2/ How long / stay? 3/ How / he / go / Barcelona? 4/ Where / he / stay 5/ he / take / a lot / photographs 3 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) VII. Past Continuous (Qu¸ khø tiÕp diÔn) Exercise1 : Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc 1/ When I (arrive) at his house, he still (sleep) . 2/ The light (go) out while we (have) dinner. 3/ The last time I (see) him, he (wear) a grey suit. 4/ Just as I (leave) , a student (stop) me in the hall 5/ Nam (play) football when he (break) his leg. 6/ We (drink) a lot of beer at the party the day before yesterday. 7/ They (build) a new bridge when I was there 2 months ago. 8/ He (sit) in a cafe when I saw him. 9/ My company (make) a lot of profits 5 years ago. 10/ What you (do) when I phoned you on Monday ? VIII. Present Perfect (HiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh) Exercise1 : Chia ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc 1/ My wife and I (be) there several times in the past. 2/ We (study) almost every lesson in this book so far. 3/ He (visit) his friends recently. 4/ - You (see) her today ? - No, I haven't seen her yet. 5/ She (do) her homework already. 6/ They never (go) to the cinema in their life. 7/ Tom, I (not see) you for ages ! Where have you been ? 8/ He is the most kind-hearted man I ever (meet). 9/ There (be) 3 accidents on this street in the past 3 days. 10/ Is this the first time you (visit) our beautiful country ? B: “ Tenses and “wish”’’ I.EXERCISE 1-Choose the best options to complete the sentences below 1. They are pen pals They (are writing/ write/ has written/ wrote) each other twice a month. 2. I was very (impressed/ corresponded/ comprised/ interested) by the efficiency of the staff. 3. We must learn English at school. It is a/an (primary/ compulsory/ national/ optional) subject. 4. I wish you (were / are / would be/ will be) here with us now. 2-Choose the best word/words in brackets 1. My friend .to the museum last weekend. (goes, went, had gone) 2. My grandfather .many years ago. (dies, died, has died, was dying) 3. I .my son the money for that last week. (gave, given, have given, was given) 4. The earth .around the sun. (go, went, has gone, goes) 5. He .her walk through the park two hours ago. (sees, saw / has seen) 3-Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets 1. She usually dinner for the family. (cook) 2. They their mother with the housework everyday. (help) 3. Mr. Brown .in Birmingham ten years ago. (live) 4. There .a traffic jam in the center of the city almost last year. (be) 5. The students the final test everymonth. (have) 4-Choose the best options to complete the sentences below: 1. Are you (enjoying– waiting– looking– pleasing) your staying in Vietnam? 2. She wishes (can– can’t – could – couldn’t) swim well. 3. Vietnamese people are (friend – friends – friendship – friendly). 4. We’ve (corresponded–separated–impressed–prayed) for ten years, but we have never met him. 5-Choose the best word/words in brackets 1. My friend .to the museum now. (goes, went, is going) 2. My grandfather TV at the moment. (watches/ is watching/ was watching) 3. Tom was taking a photograph of me while I (don’t look/ isn’t looking/ wasn’t looking). 4. I soccer at that time. (am playing/ was playing/play) 4 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) 5. Look! Its . (is snowing/ was snowing / snows). 6-Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 1. He . (paint) the ceiling at the moment. 2. Last night I . read in bed when suddenly I heard a scream. 3. . . (You/watch) television when I phoned you? 4. Ann . (wait) for me when I arrived. 5. I . (not/drive) very fast when the accident happened. 7-Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: 1. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young. 2. Tom (study) chemistry for three years and then he gave it up. 3. Miss Lee often (write) when she was on holiday. 4. He (leave) home two weeks ago. 5. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games. 6. Columbus (discover) America more then 400 years ago. 7. I last (see) him since last Sunday. 8. She (play) the piano when our guest (arrive) last night. 9. The light (go) out when we (have) dinner. 10. What you (do) at 7 PM last night? 8-Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in brackets 1. The children basketball now. (play) 2. She usually dinner for the family. (cook) 3. The boys .a play for their school show on T.V at the moment. (rehearse) 4. They their mother with the housework everyday. (help) 5. There .a traffic jam in the center of the city almost every day since last year. (be) 6. Lan .some flowers for her teacher last Sunday. (buy) 7. The Pikes dinner at 7 oclock last night. (have) 8. She Bangkok two years ago. (visit) ii.Cách dùng của động từ wish Động từ wish (ớc ao, mong ớc) thờng đợc dùng để diễn tả những ớc muốn, những điều không có thật hoặc rất khó thực hiện. 1.Future wish: (ớc muốn ở tơng lai) Cấu trúc: S + wish(es) + S + Would + V Ví dụ: I wish I would go to the moon tomorrow. My mother wishes she would visit London some day. 2.Present wish: (ớc muốn ở hện tại) Cấu trúc: S + wish(es) + S + V (động từ to be chia were/ động từ thờng chia quá khứ) Ví dụ: I wish I were at the seaside now. He wiskes he could speak English fluently. Complete these sentences: 1. I wish I (can) speak English perfectly. I wish . 2. I wish I (can) do this exercise. I wish 3. I wish I (know) how to swim. I wish . 4. I wish the weather (be) better today. I wish . 5. I wish I (not have to) work on Saturday. I wish . 6. I wish you (not come) here late. I wish . 7. I wish I (will be) there soon. I wish . 8. I dont know anyone in this class. I wish . 9. The dictionary is very expensive. I wish . 10. Its a pity that my room is too small! I wish . C: câu bị động Các b ớc chuyển một câu chủ động sang một câu bị động: - Xác định chủ ngữ, động từ , tân ngữ và thì của câu chủ động - Chuyển tân ngữ của câu chủ động sang làm chủ ngữ của câu bị động 5 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) chủ ngữ tân ngữ I me you you he him she he it it we us they them -Viết động từ "to be" ở thì câu chủ động - Chuyển động từ ở câu chủ động sang dạng P2 ở câu bị động -Viết tiếp các thành phần khác nếu có -Viết "by" rồi chuyển chủ ngữ của câu chủ động sang làm tân ngữ cho câu bị động ex: Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story many years ago S V O - Kieu story was written by Nguyen Du 1. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động 1. Mary does some exercises everyday. 2. My aunt makes a good cake. 3. Workers repair the roof of my school. 4. The new teacher teaches English. 5. Sleepy drivers often cause accidents. 6. English people like football. 7. Alice visits her grandparents every week. 8. My grandfather keeps old photographs in these boxes. 2-Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc đơn chú ý thì và thể chủ động hay bị động của động từ: 1.Yesterday our teacher (arrive) 5 minutes late. 2.Newspapers(read) by over 200.000 people everyday. 3.When I (arrive) at the airport yesterday, I (meet) by my family. 4.A new school (build) in our village last month. 5.Peter (do) this work last week. 6.That homework (do) by Tom. 7.The Eiffel Tower (visit) by millions of people every year. 8.They (write) this essay yesterday. 9.This computer (buy) yesterday by my father. 10.I (clean) my house everyday. D: Câu trực tiếp Gián tiếp *Những thay đổi khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp : -Đổi ngôi, đổi thì, từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn theo quy tắc. -Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp ta phải lùi 1 thì .Đổi từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn. *Các dạng câu trực tiếp chuyển sang câu gián tiếp: 1-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu phát biểu: *Công thức: Trực tiếp: S + said, S +V -->Gián tiếp: S + said + (that) S + V(lùi thì) VD: Lan said: I am a student. -->Lan said (that) she was a student. 6 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) 2-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu cầu khiến, câu mệnh lệnh: *Công thức: +Khẳng định: Trực tiếp: S + say/ said, V -->Gián tiếp: S + tell/ told + O + to + V . VD: She said, Close the books, please! -->She told the students to close the books. +Phủ định: Trực tiếp: S + say/ said, Don t + V -->Gián tiếp: S + tell/ told + O + not + to + V . VD: She said, Dont sit down! -->She told me not to sit down 3.Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu hỏi đảo (Yes/ No- questions) *Công thức: Trực tiếp: Do/ Does/ Did + S + V-nd .? -->Gián tiếp: S + asked + O + if/ whether + S + V-lùi thì VD: Do you go to school? he said. -->He asked me whether/ if I went to school. 4-Dạng câu trực tiếp là câu hỏi có từ để hỏi: (Wh-questions) *Công thức: Trực tiếp: Từ hỏi + do/ does/ did + S + V-nd .? -->Gián tiếp: S + asked + O + từ hỏi + S + V-lùi thì VD: Where do you live? he said. -->He asked me where I lived. 5.Dạng động từ khuyết thiếu: Trực tiếp: Từ hỏi + can/ shall/ will+ S + V-nd .? -->Gián tiếp: S + asked + O + Từ hỏi + S + could/ should/ would + V-nd VD: Mary said to Nam, How can you speak English? -->Mary asked Nam how he could speak English. Note:Nếu câu hỏi với will/ shall diễn tả yêu cầu, lời mời, đề nghị có thể chuyển sang câu gián tiếp dạng câu hỏi hoặc câu cầu khiến. VD: He said, Will you open the door? -->He asked me to open the door. (He asked me If I would open the door) i- reported statements: 1. Ill see you tomorrow She said 2. I saw her today She said 3. I dont like this film She said 4. We went swimming today She said 5. Ill meet Mary on Sunday She said . 6. Peter and Sue are getting married tomorrow He said . 7. I really like this furniture She said 8. Im meeting them at four oclock today He said 9. I live here with my parents He said . 10. Our new house is beautiful He said II- reported yes no questions. 1. Do you want to buy any second hand books? Bill asked me. 2. Do you play any musical instruments?=> Lan asked me 3. Will you have time to play regularly? => Bill asked me. 4. Do you play for your school team? => Lan asked me 5. Can you speak any other languages? He asked me 6. Are you interested in learning English? => Lan asked me 7 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) 7. “Is there a phone?’’ => Lan asked me………… 8. “Do you have many friends?’’ ⇒ He asked me 9. “Can you speak English?’’ => Lan asked me………… 10. “Are you working as well as studying?’’ ⇒ He asked me 11. “Are you interested in acting?’’ => Lan asked me………… III- Wh-questions: 1. “Why do you have to do this work?’’ ⇒ He asked me 2. “What are you doing?” => He asked Lan…… 3. “What will you do when you leave school?” => Lan asked me………… 4. “How did you know my name?” => He asked Lan……. 5. “Why didn’t you phone me?” => He asked Lan……. 6. “When can I see the doctor?” => Lan asked me………… 7. “Where are you going?” => He asked Lan……. 8. “Where are you going to spend the holiday?” => Lan asked me………… 9. “How big are the classes?” => He asked Lan……. 10. “What sorts of food do they serve?” => Lan asked me………… E: Reported and preposion of time A.Tæng hîp 1. “ Who wrote that book?” He asked Ba. 2. “Did you stay at home last night?”, She asked me. 3. “I’m very tired now” said Hoa. 4. “Where does she go every evening?” Lan asked her brother. 5. “Will you come to my house for dinner?” He asked me 6. “ Why don’t we go jogging?” Ba said to us. 7. “ The test isn’t easy enough for us to do.” We said. 8. “How was you yesterday? He asked her. 9. “I haven’t seen that film for a long time” Nga said to us. 10. “ She wanted to know how to use this computer” Ha said. 11. Nam said: “ Can you help me ?” 12. “Do you play soccer well?”, he asked. 13. The teacher asked “ Where do you go yesterday?” 14. He said to us: “Open your books, please.” 15. “are you student now?” He asked me B. preposion of time I. Choose the suitable prepositions in brackets 1. Ba and Tam usually go fishing the weekends. (on, in, from, at) 2. The students will visit the capital .the summer. (on, in, at, of) 3. They heard a very strange noise midnight. (on, in, at, out) 4. Our little brother took a long nap from 1p.m .4p.m. (till, up, between, at) 5. The competitions will take place 8a.m and 12a.m. (from, between, up to, to) 6. She talked an hour to persuade her parents. (in, for, at, up to) 7. They have learned English many years. (since, for, in, from) 8. The boys often go skiing the winter. (in, at, on, for) 9. I’ve studied French 3 months. (for, since, in) 10. I arrived .the bus stop at 4 in the afternoon. (in, at, on, to) F: TAG QUESTION: CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI Có 2 hình thức S+V (khẳng định), V(phủ định)+S? Ex: You play…, don’t you? He plays…, doesn’t he? She is a…., isn’t she? They will go…., won’t they? 8 Dinh Xuyen Secondary School ==0== English Group(2010*2011) S+V (phủ định), V(khẳng định)+S? Ex: You don’t play…, do you? He doesn’t play…, does he? She isn’t …., is she? They will not go…., will they? 1) Nam did the work well, .? 2) He didn’t have to speak to me, .? 3) He won’t fall down, .? 4) You wouldn’t like the window open, ? 5) He used to beat his wife, ? 6) She came very late, ? 7) Come and see me tomorrow, .? 8) I’d better go, ? 9) There’s an examination tomorrow, .? 10) You can’t play tennis today, .? Good luck to you ! 9 . When / David / go / Barcelona? 2/ How long / stay? 3/ How / he / go / Barcelona? 4/ Where / he / stay 5/ he / take / a lot / photographs 3 Dinh Xuyen Secondary. động xảy ra ở tơng lai. - Tomorrow he (visit ) will viisit me. - She (stay) will stay at next Monday. I/ Present Simple (Hiện tại đơn) PRONUNCIATION 1 -

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2013, 21:11

